

Electronic Nose (E-Nose) - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts 2024 - 2029

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 113 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3个工作天内







  • 人工智慧 (AI)、云端和物联网 (IoT) 等技术进步正在对电子鼻 (E-Nose) 技术的需求产生积极影响。这些进步为计算系统提供动力,而计算系统是电子鼻 (E-Nose) 行业产品的关键组件之一。
  • 电子鼻(E-Nose)在辨识酒、蔬菜、烟草等物品的气味方面具有重要的应用价值。广泛应用于气味检测、原料检验、品质显示、浇水过程控制等。它也是品质保证和品管的重要工具之一。在水果和蔬菜测试中,它主要用于检测成熟度和识别种子。
  • 肺癌、结核病和糖尿病等疾病的盛行率不断上升,以及对这些疾病早期检测的需求不断增加,在所研究市场的成长中发挥重要作用。根据美国癌症协会估计,2023年美国将有约59,910名女性死于肺癌和支气管癌。据估计,2023 年美国将有 88,900 名男性死于肺癌和支气管癌。
  • 电子鼻(E-Nose)市场也见证了犯罪和安全领域的需求。随着国际恐怖主义的扩散和恐怖攻击中爆炸物使用的增加,世界各地的执法机构面临着检测隐藏在行李、邮件、车辆和飞机中的炸弹的挑战。在军事和国防部门,电子鼻用于检测爆炸物、化学製剂和其他危险材料。它也用于军事设施和训练场的监视、侦察和环境监测。
  • 由于电子鼻(E-Nose)中整合的感测器成本较高,因此电子鼻(E-Nose)的成本明显较高。这是阻碍市场成长的主要因素,因为电子鼻(E-Nose)的初始成本较高,中小企业无法负担。使用者缺乏意识和技术专业知识,加上不同地区不同的监管要求,是阻碍所研究市场成长的另一个因素。
  • 随着 COVID-19 大流行,各种宏观经济趋势正在影响国防部门,包括全球经济状况、政府国防支出、地缘政治紧张局势和技术进步。目前影响国防部门的全球宏观经济趋势包括脱碳、高强度战争 (HIW)、环境、社会和管治(ESG) 考虑以及全球对国防部门投资的增加。根据SIPRI的数据,2022年军费开支为8,770亿美元,美国位居军事开支最高国家之首。这约占同年世界军费总额(总计2.2兆美元)的40%。中国以估计 2,920 亿美元的军事开支位居第二,俄罗斯紧随其后,位居第三。
  • 据美国预算办公室称,美国国防支出预计每年都会增加,直到 2033 年。 2023年美国国防支出将达7,460亿美元。该预测也预测,到 2033 年,国防支出将增加至 1.1 兆美元。这些倡议可能会支持军事和国防部门采用电子鼻(E-Nose)等先进技术。



  • 垃圾掩埋垃圾掩埋场散发的甲烷气体和其他异味不仅导致全球暖化,也因异味造成滋扰,成为各地最大的滋扰源之一。因此,废弃物管理和环境影响监测应用为电子鼻 (E-Nose) 技术提供了巨大的潜力。
  • 电子鼻用于气味暴露评估的机会极为重要,特别是在扩散模型不适用的情况下。使用受体的电子鼻技术在垃圾掩埋场中具有巨大的潜力,例如,由于来源的性质和其他原因,每个模拟时域中气味排放的详细表征和量化是困难的。随着该地区各国政府考虑透过循环经济(回收和再利用)来更好地管理垃圾掩埋场,对实现此类即时监控的技术的需求正在增加。
  • 污水处理厂(WWTP)工业气体排放造成的气味滋扰是一个反覆出现的问题,难以妥善管理,部分原因是缺乏适当的测量仪器来即时准确量化现场气味浓度。此类测量对于定期检验气味缓解系统的效率、识别工厂内的主要气味源以及根据大气扩散模型预测场外影响至关重要。
  • 当仅透过检测法(人体面板)测量气味时,该技术的高成本和不连续性不可避免地导致测量数量不足,无法提供气味排放的代表性特征。电子鼻(E-Nose)目前被认为是最有前景的环境气味监测工具之一。
  • 世界各地的废弃物产生率正在增加。根据世界银行的数据,2020年全球产生了22.4亿吨固态废弃物,相当于每人每天0.79公斤的足迹。由于都市化带来的人口快速成长,预计每年产生的废弃物量将比2020年增加73%,到2050年将达到38.8亿吨。随着废弃物量的增加,废弃物管理新技术的投资和采用预计将在预测期内积极推动和影响电子鼻的采用。


  • 北美地区由于基础设施发达、资源容易取得等因素占据了很大的市场份额,导致电子鼻技术在国防、医药、食品和饮料等领域的采用正在取得进展。
  • 该地区也是受严格监管的大型食品和饮料行业的所在地。因此,电子鼻技术看到了巨大的发展机会。例如,根据美国人口普查局的数据,2022 年 12 月美国食品和饮料店月度零售额为 884.3 亿美元,而 2022 年 11 月为 821.4 亿美元。
  • 根据 StatCan 的数据,2022 年 6 月加拿大食品和饮料零售总额为 120.6 亿加元(89 亿美元),而 2021 年 6 月为 118.1 亿加元(87.3 亿美元)。食品和饮料销售的这种增长可能会在预测期内推动电子鼻(E-Nose)设备的需求。
  • 电子鼻(E-Nose)技术在食品和饮料行业的需求量很大,因为它可以比人的鼻子更有效地检测肉类和家禽产品等食品的新鲜度。这有助于准确确定食品的保质期并减少食品浪费。
  • 同样,美国的医疗机构正在使用电子鼻技术来诊断儿童气喘。光是在美国,就有约 620 万名儿童被诊断出患有气喘,占 18 岁以下人口的 8.4%。根据小儿肺科杂誌发表的报告显示,国内使用电子鼻技术诊断气喘的成功率为80-100%。该研究指出,该技术几乎没有什么缺点,预计在未来几年内可以克服,为该技术的普及铺平了道路。
  • 该地区的城市和州也对其公民和企业的气味污染进行监管,这可能会促进电子鼻解决方案的发展。例如,德克萨斯州布达市就因恶臭而对居民处以罚款。这包括宣布烟雾、化学物质和动物尸体等气味的法令。各个最终用户产业正在进行的类似技术创新和研究预计将成为该地区市场成长的催化剂。


电子鼻 (E-Nose) 市场正在变得半固体,多家公司包括 Alpha MOS、Plasmion GmbH、The eNose Company、Airsense Analytics GmbH 和 Envirosuite。市场上的公司致力于开发先进的产品和工艺,并加强供应链,以满足消费者复杂且不断变化的需求。

  • 2023年5月,Alpha MOS宣布其牛奶品质管理解决方案获得全球第七大乳製品集团、中国第一大酪农集团中国蒙牛集团的正式检验。该认证是在与分销公司 Lan Chou Instruments 签署为期两年的框架协议,为蒙牛配备 Heracles NEO 电子鼻(E-Nose)后六个月获得的。我们是第一家安装三个 Heracles NEO 装置的製造商,使我们能够监测产品气味在操作条件下随时间的变化。
  • 2023年4月,eNose公司在芝加哥举行的HIMSS全球健康会议暨展览会上展示了aeoNose用于肺癌治疗的用途。 aeoNose 使用该公司的平台 IRIS4health Intersystems 与您的 EHR 进行通讯。


  • Excel 格式的市场预测 (ME) 表
  • 3 个月分析师支持



  • 研究假设和市场定义
  • 调查范围




  • 市场概况
  • 产业吸引力-波特五力分析
    • 供应商的议价能力
    • 买家/消费者的议价能力
    • 新进入者的威胁
    • 替代品的威胁
    • 竞争公司之间的敌对关係
  • COVID-19对电子鼻(E-Nose)市场的影响


  • 市场驱动因素
    • 在电子鼻(E-Nose)技术中引入人工智慧和神经形态计算
  • 市场挑战
    • 电子鼻(E-Nose)初始成本较高


  • 按最终用户产业
    • 军事/国防
    • 医疗保健
    • 食品和饮料
    • 废弃物管理(环境监测)
    • 按行业分類的其他最终用户
  • 按地区
    • 北美洲
    • 欧洲
    • 亚太地区
    • 其他的


  • 公司简介
    • Alpha MOS
    • Electronic Sensor Technology
    • Plasmion GmbH
    • Envirosuite
    • The eNose Company
    • Airsense Analytics GmbH
    • Sensigent LLC
    • Aryballe Technologies SAS
    • Stratuscent Inc.
    • Common Invent BV
    • E-Nose Pty Ltd



Product Code: 66361
Electronic Nose (E-Nose) - Market - IMG1

The Electronic Nose Market size is estimated at USD 27.38 million in 2024, and is expected to reach USD 53.10 million by 2029, growing at a CAGR of 14.17% during the forecast period (2024-2029).

Key Highlights

  • Technological advances, such as artificial intelligence (AI), the cloud, and the Internet of Things (IoT), have positively impacted the demand for electronic nose technology. These advancements have enhanced computing systems, which are one of the key components of products in the electronic nose industry.
  • The electronic nose has significant application value in identifying odors of items like wine, vegetables, or cigarettes. It is widely employed in odor detection, raw material inspection, quality signing, and sprinkling process management. It is also one of the indispensable tools for quality assurance and quality control. It is primarily used for maturity detection and species identification in fruit and vegetable testing.
  • The increasing prevalence of diseases like lung cancer, tuberculosis, and diabetes and the increasing necessity for early detection of these diseases play a significant role in the growth of the market studied. According to the American Cancer Society, in 2023, it was estimated that around 59,910 women in the United States would die of lung and bronchial cancer. 88,900 men are estimated to die of lung and bronchial cancer in the United States in 2023.
  • The e-nose market is also witnessing demand from the crime and security sector. With the surge of international terrorism and the increased use of explosives in terrorist attacks, law enforcement agencies globally face the problem of detecting hidden bombs in luggage, mail, vehicles, and aircraft. In the military and defense sector, e-nose devices can be used to detect explosives, chemical agents, and other hazardous materials. They are also employed for surveillance, reconnaissance purposes, and environmental monitoring at military installations and training areas.
  • The cost of an electronic nose is significantly high due to the high costs of sensors that are incorporated into it. This is a major factor hampering the market's growth as the initial cost of the electronic nose is high, making it unaffordable for small- and medium-sized enterprises. Lack of awareness and technical expertise among users, coupled with varying regulatory requirements across various regions, is another factor that is likely to hinder the growth of the market studied.
  • Along with the COVID-19 pandemic, various macroeconomic trends, such as global economic conditions, government spending on defense, geopolitical tensions, and technological advancements, influence the defense sector. Critical macroeconomic trends currently shaping the defense sector include decarbonization, high-intensity warfare (HIW), environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations, and increasing investments in the defense sector globally. According to SIPRI, with USD 877 billion allocated to the military in 2022, the United States leads the ranking of countries with the largest military spending. That equated to approximately 40% of overall global military spending that year, which totaled USD 2.2 trillion. With an estimated USD 292 billion spent, China was the second-highest military spender, with Russia coming in third.
  • According to the US Congressional Budget Office, defense spending in the United States is predicted to increase every year until 2033. Defense outlays in the United States amount to USD 746 billion in 2023. The forecast predicts an increase in defense outlays up to USD 1.1 trillion in 2033. Such developments are likely to boost the adoption of advanced technologies like electronic nose in the military and defense sector.

Electronic Nose Market Trends

Waste Management (Environmental Monitoring) to be the Largest End-user Vertical

  • Methane gas and other odors produced at landfills not only contribute to global warming but also create an odor nuisance, which is considered one of the largest sources of nuisance in various regions. As a result, waste management or environmental impact monitoring applications provide significant scope for electronic nose technology.
  • The opportunities for e-nose for odor exposure assessment purposes are critical, especially in cases where dispersion modeling is not applicable. For instance, in landfills, where a detailed characterization and quantification of odor emissions for every hour of the simulation time domain is difficult due to the nature of the source, among other reasons, e-nose technology that uses receptors can be of strong potential. As governments across regions are considering a circular economy (reuse by recycling) to manage their landfills better, the need for such technology that enables real-time monitoring is increasing.
  • Odor annoyance due to industrial gas emissions from wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) is a recurring problem that is difficult to manage properly, partly due to the lack of appropriate instrumentation to accurately quantify odor concentrations in situ and in real-time. Such measurements are key to regularly verifying the efficiency of odor abatement systems, identifying the main odor sources within the plant, and predicting off-site impacts based on atmospheric dispersion models.
  • When odors are exclusively measured by olfactometry (human panels), the high cost and discontinuous nature of this technique inevitably lead to an insufficient number of measurements to provide a representative characterization of the odor emissions. Electronic noses are currently considered one of the most promising tools for environmental odor monitoring.
  • Waste generation rates are rising around the world. As per the World Bank, in 2020, the world generated 2.24 billion tons of solid waste, which amounted to a footprint of 0.79 kg per person per day. With rapid population growth along with urbanization, annual waste generation is estimated to increase by 73% from 2020 levels to reach 3.88 billion tons in 2050. With the growing amount of waste, the investment and adoption of new technologies in managing waste are expected to positively boost and influence e-nose's adoption during the forecast period.
Electronic Nose (E-Nose) - Market - IMG2

North America to Dominate the E-Nose Market

  • North America holds a significant share of the market studied due to factors such as developed infrastructure and the availability of resources, which have enabled the adoption of e-nose technology in sectors such as defense, healthcare, and food and beverages, among others.
  • The region is also home to a major food and beverage industry, which is highly regulated. This is where e-nose technology finds a prime opportunity for growth. For instance, according to the US Census Bureau, in December 2022, the monthly retail sales of food and beverage stores in the United States were USD 88.43 billion, compared to USD 82.14 billion in November 2022.
  • According to StatCan, retail sales of food and beverage stores in Canada amounted to CAD 12.06 billion (USD 8.91 billion) in June 2022, compared to CAD 11.81 billion (USD 8.73 billion) in June 2021. Such an increase in food and beverage sales may facilitate the demand for electronic nose devices during the forecast period.
  • The demand for e-nose technology is high in the food and beverage industry, as it can detect the freshness of food items, such as meat and poultry products, more effectively than a human nose. This helps in accurately determining the longevity of food items and reducing the amount of food waste.
  • Similarly, healthcare agencies in the United States are trying to diagnose asthma in children using e-nose technology. In the United States alone, about 6.2 million children are diagnosed with asthma, comprising 8.4% of the population younger than 18 years. According to the report published by Pediatric Pulmonology, the country achieved an 80-100% success rate in asthma diagnosis using the e-nose technology. The study stated that this technology has fewer drawbacks, which are expected to be combated in the coming years, paving the way for the widespread adoption of this technology.
  • Also, cities and states in the region regulate citizens and enterprises for odor pollution, which allows e-nose solutions to grow. For example, Buda, Texas, is fining residents for offensive odors. This includes an ordinance declaring offensive odors, including smoke, chemicals, and dead animals. Similar ongoing innovations and research across various end-user industries are expected to act as a catalyst for the market's growth in the region.

Electronic Nose Industry Overview

The Electronic Nose Market is semi-consolidated with the presence of several players like Alpha MOS, Plasmion GmbH, The eNose Company, Airsense Analytics GmbH, Envirosuite, etc. The companies in the market aim to develop advanced products and processes and strengthen their supply chains to cater to consumers' complex and evolving needs.

  • In May 2023, Alpha MOS declared the formal validation of its milk quality control solution by the Chinese conglomerate Mengniu, which is the seventh-largest dairy group globally and the foremost in China. This validation was granted six months after the execution of a two-year framework agreement with the distribution enterprise Lan Chou Instruments, which aimed at equipping Mengniu with Heracles NEO electronic noses. The manufacturer has become the first to be equipped with three Heracles NEO instruments to monitor, under operational conditions, the alterations in the aroma of its products over time.
  • In April 2023, The eNose Company demonstrated the use of the aeoNose to treat lung cancer at the HIMSS Global Health Conference and Exhibition in Chicago. The aeoNose communicates with the EHR using the company's platform, IRIS4health Intersystems.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Assumptions and Market Definition
  • 1.2 Scope of the Study




  • 4.1 Market Overview
  • 4.2 Industry Attractiveness - Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 4.2.1 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 4.2.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers/Consumers
    • 4.2.3 Threat of New Entrants
    • 4.2.4 Threat of Substitutes
    • 4.2.5 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry
  • 4.3 Impact of COVID-19 on the Electronic Nose Market


  • 5.1 Market Drivers
    • 5.1.1 Introduction of AI and Neuromorphic Computing in E-Noses Technology
  • 5.2 Market Challenges
    • 5.2.1 High Initial Cost of E-Noses


  • 6.1 By End-user Vertical
    • 6.1.1 Military and Defense
    • 6.1.2 Healthcare
    • 6.1.3 Food and Beverage
    • 6.1.4 Waste Management (Environmental Monitoring)
    • 6.1.5 Other End-user Verticals
  • 6.2 By Geography
    • 6.2.1 North America
    • 6.2.2 Europe
    • 6.2.3 Asia Pacific
    • 6.2.4 Rest of the World


  • 7.1 Company Profiles*
    • 7.1.1 Alpha MOS
    • 7.1.2 Electronic Sensor Technology
    • 7.1.3 Plasmion GmbH
    • 7.1.4 Envirosuite
    • 7.1.5 The eNose Company
    • 7.1.6 Airsense Analytics GmbH
    • 7.1.7 Sensigent LLC
    • 7.1.8 Aryballe Technologies SAS
    • 7.1.9 Stratuscent Inc.
    • 7.1.10 Common Invent B.V.
    • 7.1.11 E-Nose Pty Ltd