
综合设施管理:市场占有率分析、产业趋势与统计、2024-2029 年成长预测

Integrated Facility Management - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts 2024 - 2029

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 120 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3个工作天内








  • 综合设施管理主要涉及将所有设施管理合约整合到一项服务中。整合设施管理将复杂的设施管理与安全、清洁和废弃物管理等软 FM 结合。将这些不同的服务整合到一起可以提供更好的客户服务、设施管理服务之间更好的协调以及整合成本以在预算内完成这一切。
  • 该国综合设施管理的主要趋势之一是对具有成本效益的解决方案的需求不断增长。当企业寻找降低成本的方法时,整合设施管理提供者提供有助于降低成本的服务。透过将清洁、维护和安全等服务捆绑到一份合约中,整合设施管理提供者可以提供规模经济并降低整体业务成本。对业务效率的需求也是推动综合设施管理需求的因素之一。当公司寻求简化业务和提高效率的方法时,整合设施管理提供者可以透过提供整合解决方案来帮助公司实现其目标。
  • 采矿相关计划预计将支撑义大利综合设施管理服务的兴起,因为采矿需要对采矿作业的实体资源进行规划、组织和管理。例如,2022 年 7 月,Vulcan Energy Resources 宣布与义大利地热能生产商 Enel Green Power (EGP) 合作,勘探和开发义大利罗马附近的 Vulcan Cesano 许可证。透过利用各自的锂提取和地热专业知识,Vulcan 和 EGP 将探索在该地区开发地热锂计划的潜力。
  • 根据世界银行2023年5月发布的资料,波兰城市人口几乎维持在60.0%左右不变。此外,2021年捷克共和国的城市人口几乎维持不变,约75.21%。随着城市人口密度的增加和都市区的扩大,对高效率建筑维护的需求也随之增加。综合设施管理和服务包括维护协助、占用者管理和其他支援服务,以维持建筑物和相关基础设施的顺利运作。如此巨大的都市化很可能成为所研究市场的驱动力。
  • 此外,设施管理人员必须始终了解能源消耗,并寻找优化能源使用和消除浪费的方法。如果没有合适的工具和专业知识,这可能是一项艰鉅的任务,并且可能需要能源管理顾问的帮助。此外,设施管理团队在预测和减轻自然灾害、设备故障和供应链中断等潜在风险和中断方面可能面临挑战。
  • 此外,疫情引发了人们对卫生的新视角,并凸显了对清洁、消毒等设施管理服务的需求。因此,设施管理有望透过差异化服务来适应新的挑战。同样,一些付款人报告说技术支出增加。随着全球范围内限制的放鬆,设施管理行业的参与企业发现,根据各政府部门的指示,对商业组织提供的专业卫生和消毒服务的需求显着增加。我是。



  • 各国对商业建筑业进行了大量投资,推动了设施管理业务的发展。各种投资公司依靠房地产管理公司来处理其房地产投资项目。根据世邦魏理仕义大利公司预计,2022年义大利投资额将达117亿欧元(约138.06亿美元),创历史第二高。
  • 设施管理市场也见证了供应商和商业实体之间的多种合作活动。例如,最近从西门子股份公司分拆出来的西门子能源公司已将与巴黎工业电气公司的合作伙伴关係延长三年,以确保对约 385,000平方公尺的西门子办公和生产空间的技术设施进行管理。此外,透过此次合作,SIPE 还将专注于建筑通风、空调、电气、暖气和卫生系统、仪器和控制技术的检查、维护和修理。这将使该公司能够建立强大的市场地位并扩大基本客群。
  • 由于经济成长、持续多元化和人口成长,特别是高净值人士 (HNI),每个国家的零售额都在成长。例如,透过私人和政府机构的共同努力,阿拉伯联合大公国(United Arab Emirates)的零售业近年来经历了重大转型。杜拜和阿布达比等目的地拥有数千平方英尺的零售空间,正在利用其资源吸引来自世界各地的游客。杜拜被誉为“购物中心女王”,被认为是世界上最重要的市场之一。这些都是可靠的指标,显示杜拜是大多数希望首次进军该地区的品牌的可靠目的地,并有望对该行业的综合设施管理产生积极影响。
  • 在印度,由于 IT 繁荣和智慧城市发展计划,商业领域正在蓬勃发展。该国正在吸引商业投资,这增加了对调频服务的需求。例如,2022 年 4 月,塔塔房地产和基础设施有限公司宣布与加拿大退休金计画投资委员会成立合资企业,在印度各地开发商业办公空间。据两家公司称,该合资企业将由位于新德里的两项资产组成:Intelllion 占地面积 Gurgaon(180 万平方英尺)和 Intellion 占地面积 清奈 (460 万平方英尺)。
  • 根据欧洲公共房地产协会统计,截至2023年3月,全球各上市房地产市场规模有较大差异。北美拥有最大的上市房地产市场,价值 1.3 兆美元。上市房地产是指在证券交易所上市并透过房地产资产获取收益的公司。房地产的成长可能会推动商业部门的发展,并为所研究的市场的成长创造更多机会。


  • 在欧洲,有多种趋势促进综合设施管理。例如,物联网 (IoT) 是指使用互联网连接到整合 FM 团队的实体设备和感测器。这些产生的性能资料可以提醒设施管理者潜在的问题。
  • 整合设施管理可让您从任何位置监控和控制设备。设施管理团队利用物联网 (IoT) 提供营运的即时洞察。物联网可以与电脑维护管理系统 (CMMS) 等设施管理软体结合,以识别问题(例如办公室温度不舒服)并自动建立工作订单,无需人工干预,分配并追踪其执行情况。
  • 例如,中欧和东欧的独立欧洲参与企业是 SPIE ICS 和 SPIE Facilities,它们都是 SPIE 集团的子公司。这个独特的解决方案由 SPIE ICS 开发,作为其物联网产品组合的一部分,基于感染 COVID-19 的风险与空气中二氧化碳浓度之间的相关性。它负责为 SPIE 团队处理从资料收集到管理实体现场操作的所有事务。
  • 此解决方案依赖受保护的 LoRaWAN 远端组织基础设施,直接从结构内部收集的资讯可以透过便携式、独立的多功能感测器传输。 SPIE 设施团队撷取、分析和解释这些感测器收集的资料,帮助我们的职场采取一系列具体步骤来改善工作场所安全。
  • 近年来,随着许多国际组织和政府在建筑生命週期中推广 BIM,对建筑资讯模型 (BIM) 的需求不断增加。 BIM 预计将在设施管理中带来高效的资讯管理 (IM) 优势。透过在 FM 中采用 BIM,可以提高职场生活品质 (QOL),FM 涵盖多个学科,透过整合场所、人员、流程和技术来确保建筑环境的更高功能。
  • 例如,2023 年 2 月,匈牙利 Studio IN-EX 和 Royal HaskoningDHV 将扩大其 BIM(建筑资讯模型)能力中心,这是一种基于资讯丰富的 3D 模型的全球设计和施工技术。我将与您合作。 IN-EX Studio 是基于 BIM 设计的早期采用者,它从根本上彻底改变了建筑物的规划、建造、建造和维护方式。 BIM 使施工和设计团队能够更有效率地业务并收集营运和维护资料。
  • 该市场的参与企业正在收购各种外包设施管理服务供应商,以扩大其在市场上的影响力。例如,2022 年 2 月,B+N Referencia Zrt. 于 2021 年春季收购了 ISS Group 在斯洛伐克、罗马尼亚、捷克共和国和匈牙利的权益。接下来,我们收购了ISS集团的斯洛维尼亚子公司。截至本次收购,B+N持有这些公司 100% 的股份。透过此次收购,B+N Referencia Zrt. 广泛的服务组合现已涵盖中欧地区。该公司花了 20 年时间才在匈牙利这个竞争激烈的市场领域确立了市场领先地位。


全球综合设施管理市场正逐步整合,许多主要企业如Jones Lang LaSalle, IP, Inc.、Sodexo Inc.、ISS Facility Service、CBRE Group Inc.和Compass Group PLC。这些公司不断投资于策略合作伙伴关係和增强服务,以扩大其市场份额。该行业的一些值得注意的最新发展包括:

2023年6月,领先的综合设施管理公司BMF Grup与专注于罗马尼亚及其周边地区的私募股权基金SARMIS Capital建立策略伙伴关係。此次合作旨在加强 BMF Grup 在综合设施管理领域的领先地位。

2022 年 10 月,仲量联行推出创新的绩效最佳化计画 (POP),以增强其综合设施管理医疗保健解决方案。这种资料主导的方法为急性、非急性和门诊设施提供了见解。与设施管理团队密切合作,以显着改善病患、访客和员工的体验。此外,您还可以降低风险并提高财务绩效。


  • Excel 格式的市场预测 (ME) 表
  • 3 个月的分析师支持



  • 研究假设和市场定义
  • 调查范围




  • 市场概况
  • 产业吸引力-波特五力分析
    • 买方议价能力
    • 供应商的议价能力
    • 新进入者的威胁
    • 替代品的威胁
    • 竞争公司之间的敌对关係
  • 产业价值链分析
  • COVID-19 市场影响评估


  • 市场驱动因素
    • 商业活动的復苏预计将推动成长
    • 强调生态永续的建筑实践
  • 市场抑制因素
    • 成本优化问题,缺乏专业人力资源


  • 按类型
    • 难的
    • 柔软的
  • 按最终用户
    • 公共/基础设施
    • 商业的
    • 工业的
    • 对于设施
    • 其他最终用户
  • 按地区
    • 北美洲
    • 欧洲
    • 亚太地区
    • 拉丁美洲
    • 中东/非洲

第七章 竞争环境

  • 公司简介
    • Jones Lang LaSalle, IP, Inc.
    • Sodexo Inc
    • ISS Facility Service
    • CBRE Group Inc
    • Compass Group PLC
    • Cushman & Wakefield
    • AHI Facility Services Inc
    • EMCOR Facility Services
    • Facilicom
    • CBM Qatar LLC.


第九章 市场机会及未来趋势

Product Code: 50001206
Integrated Facility Management - Market - IMG1

The integrated facility management market is valued at USD 110.9 billion in the current year. It is expected to register a CAGR of 6.26% during the forecast period to reach a value of USD 150.23 billion by the next five years.

Key Highlights

  • An integrated facilities management (IFM) primarily brings all the facility management contracts under a single service. IFM combines complex facilities management and soft FM such as security, cleaning, and waste management. Bringing all these different services together under a single umbrella can result in better customer service, better coordination between FM services, and consolidated costs to bring everything in under budget.
  • One of the significant trends driving integrated FM in the country is the increasing demand for cost-effective solutions. With businesses looking for ways to reduce costs, IFM providers offer services that can save money. By combining services such as cleaning, maintenance, security, and other services under one contract, IFM providers can offer economies of scale and reduce overall business costs. The need for operational efficiency is another factor driving integrated FM demand. Firms are looking for ways to streamline operations and improve efficiency, and Integrated FM providers can help by offering integrated solutions that can help companies achieve their goals.
  • The mining-related projects are expected to support the rise of integrated facility management services in Italy, as the mining industry requires planning, organizing, and managing the physical resources of a mining operation. For instance, in July 2022, Vulcan Energy Resources announced its partnership with Italy's geothermal energy producer Enel Green Power (EGP) to explore and develop Vulcan's Cesano license near Rome, Italy. By leveraging their respective lithium extraction and geothermal expertise, Vulcan and EGP will explore the potential development of geothermal lithium projects in the area.
  • According to the World Bank published data in May 2023 2021, Poland's urban population remained nearly unchanged at around 60.0%. Further, In 2021, the Czech Republic's urban population remained roughly unchanged at about 75.21%. As cities become more densely populated and urban areas expand, the need for efficient building maintenance and management increases. Integrated Facility management services include maintenance assistance, user management, and other support services to ensure the smooth operation of buildings and their associated infrastructure. Such a huge rate of urbanization would drive the studied market.
  • Furthermore, facilities managers must constantly be aware of energy consumption and seek ways to optimize energy usage and reduce waste. This can be a difficult task without the right tools and expertise and may require the help of energy management consultants. Additionally, facility management teams may face challenges in predicting and mitigating potential risks and disruptions, such as natural disasters, equipment failures, or supply chain disruptions, which can impact the budget and result in unexpected expenses.
  • Moreover, the pandemic has also called for a renewed view on hygiene and has highlighted the need for FM services, such as cleaning, disinfecting, and sanitization. Hence, FM is expected to adapt to the new challenges through differentiated services. Likewise, multiple payers have reported increasing their spending on tech. As restrictions are being eased globally, FM players witness a significant rise in demand for professional sanitization and disinfection services from commercial entities, as directed by the various government authorities.

Integrated Facility Management Market Trends

Commercial segment is Expected to hold a Significant Share

  • The commercial building industry has seen significant investments in various countries, propelling the facility management business. Various investment firms have hired real estate management businesses to handle their real estate investments. According to CBRE Italy, the volume of investments in Italy in 2022 will be Euro11.7 billion (USD 13.806 billion), the second-best outcome ever, owing to a robust post-COVID rebound powered by exceptional Logistics performance and revived interest in Offices.
  • The facility management market has also witnessed multiple partnership activities between vendors and commercial entities. For instance, Siemens Energy, which recently spun off from Siemens AG to operate as a separate company, extended its partnership with Societe Parisienne pour l 'Industrie Electrique for three years to ensure technical facility management for Siemens office and production space that covers around 385,000 square meters. Moreover, with the partnership, SIPE's are looking into inspecting, maintaining, and repairing ventilation, air conditioning, electrical, heating, sanitary systems, instrumentation, and control technology in buildings. This will enable the company to establish a strong position in the market and expand its customer base in Europe.
  • Economic growth, ongoing diversification, and a growing population, especially among high-worth individuals (HNIs), have increased retail sales in various countries. For instance, with the collective effort of the private and government institutions, UAE's retail has seen a massive transformation in the last few years. With thousands of square feet in retail space, destinations like Dubai and Abu Dhabi have utilized their resources to draw visitors worldwide. Dubai is hailed as the queen of "Shopping Malls" and is considered one of the world's most important markets. All these are reliable indicators that it remains a definite destination for most brands looking to enter the region for the first time, which is expected to impact Integrated facility management in the sector positively.
  • The commercial sector is gaining momentum in India due to the IT boom and smart city development plans. The country is attracting commercial investments that drive the need for FM services. For instance, in April 2022, TATA Realty and Infrastructure Limited announced a joint venture with Canada Pension Plan Investment Board to develop its commercial office space across India. According to the companies, the joint venture will be seeded with two assets the Intellion Edge Gurgaon, National Capital Region of Delhi (Gross Living Area: 1.8 million sq. ft), and Intellion Park Chennai (Gross Living Area: 4.6 million sq. ft).
  • According to the European Public Real Estate Association, as of March 2023, there were significant differences between the size of various listed real estate markets worldwide. North America was home to the largest listed real estate market worth USD 1.3 trillion. Listed real estate refers to companies quoted on stock exchanges and receiving income from real estate assets. Such a rise in real estate would drive the commercial sector, further creating an opportunity for the studied market to grow.
Integrated Facility Management - Market - IMG2

Europe is Expected to Hold Significant Share of the Market

  • There are various trends that may propel integrated facility management in the European region. For example, the Internet of Things (IoT) refers to physical equipment and sensors that use the Internet to connect with integrated FM teams. They generate performance data that alerts facility managers to potential problems.
  • Integrated facilities management (FM) can monitor and control equipment from any location. FM teams use the Internet of Things (IoT) to deliver real-time insights into their operations. IoT paired with FM software, such as a computerized maintenance management system (CMMS), identifies problems (e.g., uncomfortable office temperatures), automatically prepares and assigns work orders without human intervention, and tracks their execution.
  • For instance, the independent European player in various Central and Eastern European regions is SPIE ICS and SPIE Facilities, both subsidiaries of the SPIE group. This unique solution, developed by SPIE ICS as part of their Internet of Things portfolio, is based on the correlation between the risk of contracting COVID-19 and the concentration of CO2 in the air. This will handle everything from data collection to SPIE teams' physical on-site operations management.
  • The solution depends on the protected LoRaWAN remote organization foundation, which permits information gathered straightforwardly from inside the structure to be sent in by portable and independent multifunction sensors. SPIE Facilities teams retrieve, analyze, and interpret the data collected by these sensors as part of a series of concrete steps to increase the client's workplace safety.
  • The demand for building information modeling (BIM) has recently increased as many international organizations and governments promote BIM in the building life cycle. BIM promises the benefits of efficient information management (IM) in FM. There will be improved quality of life (QOL) in the workplace when embracing BIM in FM that encompasses multiple disciplines to ensure higher functionality of the built environment by integrating places, people, processes, and technology.
  • For instance, in February 2023, Studio IN-EX, a Hungary-based firm, and Royal HaskoningDHV will collaborate to expand their building information modeling (BIM) competence center, a global design and construction technique based on information-rich 3D models. IN-EX Studio was an early user of BIM-based design, which has radically revolutionized how buildings are planned, constructed, built, and maintained. BIM enables construction and design teams to operate more effectively and collects data for operations and maintenance.
  • The players in the market are acquiring various outsourcing FM service providers to expand their market presence. For instance, in February 2022, B+N Referencia Zrt. took over the company interests of the ISS Group in Slovakia, Romania, the Czech Republic, and Hungary in the spring of 2021. This was followed by acquiring the Slovenian subsidiary of the ISS Group. B+N has 100% ownership in these companies, just like in the new addition. With this recent acquisition, B+N Referencia Zrt.'s highly extensive service portfolio covers the Central European region. It took the company two decades to establish its market-leading position in this highly competitive segment in Hungary.

Integrated Facility Management Industry Overview

The global integrated facility management market exhibits moderate consolidation, featuring several key players, including Jones Lang LaSalle, IP, Inc., Sodexo Inc., ISS Facility Service, CBRE Group Inc., and Compass Group PLC. These companies consistently invest in strategic partnerships and service enhancements to expand their market presence. Notable recent developments in the industry include:

In June 2023, BMF Grup, a leading integrated facility management company, forged a strategic alliance with SARMIS Capital, a private equity fund specializing in Romania and neighboring regions. This partnership aimed to reinforce BMF Grup's position as a frontrunner in the integrated facility management sector.

In October 2022, JLL introduced an innovative performance optimization program (POP) to enhance its integrated facilities management healthcare solutions. This data-driven approach offers insights into acute care, non-acute care, and ambulatory facilities. It collaborates closely with in-house facilities management teams to measurably enhance the experiences of patients, visitors, and employees. Additionally, it reduces risks and improves financial performance, all achieved without the need for additional outsourcing.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Assumptions and Market Definition
  • 1.2 Scope of the Study




  • 4.1 Market Overview
  • 4.2 Industry Attractiveness - Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 4.2.1 Bargaining Power of Buyers
    • 4.2.2 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 4.2.3 Threat of New Entrants
    • 4.2.4 Threat of Substitutes
    • 4.2.5 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry
  • 4.3 Industry Value Chain Analysis
  • 4.4 Assessment of the Impact of COVID-19 on the Market


  • 5.1 Market Drivers
    • 5.1.1 Rebounding commercial activity expected to drive growth ?
    • 5.1.2 Emphasis on Green and Sustainable Building Practices
  • 5.2 Market Restrains
    • 5.2.1 Cost Optimization Problems, and Lack of Specialized Talents ?


  • 6.1 By Type
    • 6.1.1 Hard FM
    • 6.1.2 Soft FM
  • 6.2 By End -User
    • 6.2.1 Public/Infrastructure
    • 6.2.2 Commercial
    • 6.2.3 Industrial
    • 6.2.4 Institutional
    • 6.2.5 Other End-Users
  • 6.3 By Geography
    • 6.3.1 North America
    • 6.3.2 Europe
    • 6.3.3 Asia Pacific
    • 6.3.4 Latin America
    • 6.3.5 Middle East and Africa


  • 7.1 Company Profiles
    • 7.1.1 Jones Lang LaSalle, IP, Inc.
    • 7.1.2 Sodexo Inc
    • 7.1.3 ISS Facility Service
    • 7.1.4 CBRE Group Inc
    • 7.1.5 Compass Group PLC
    • 7.1.6 Cushman & Wakefield
    • 7.1.7 AHI Facility Services Inc
    • 7.1.8 EMCOR Facility Services
    • 7.1.9 Facilicom
    • 7.1.10 CBM Qatar LLC.