

Resistor - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts (2024 - 2029)

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 120 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3个工作天内







  • 汽车製造商不断努力提高性能,同时降低成本和重量,从而导致汽车中使用的电气和电子元件取得重大进展。儘管数位技术已经出现,许多电路仍然依赖类比元件来确保可靠性和准确性。
  • 在汽车领域,虽然马达和ECU的数量由于更高的功能而不断增加,但应用的安装面积却受到限制。因此,高密度封装不断进步,刺激了对小功率分路电阻器等元件的需求。此外,高性能汇流排分路电阻器在电动车中的应用正在帮助设计人员以新的创新方式应对市场挑战。电动车需求的不断增长补充了市场对电阻器的需求。
  • 功率电阻器设计用于在紧凑的设备封装中承受大量功率并耗散不需要的电能。这对于空间和重量能力是关键因素的飞机来说至关重要。功率电阻器有望成为下一代电传线传(FBW)飞行控制系统开发的一个组成部分,该系统旨在用全电子等效物取代手动控制。对线传技术的进一步探索还包括使用功率电阻器,以数位飞行控制电脑驱动的电动致动器取代重型液压机械飞行控制系统。
  • 电阻器几乎用于所有国防平台,国防工业更喜欢使用薄膜、电线和箔形式的镍铬合金,因为它具有防潮性和运行可靠性。
  • 此外,近年来,由于厚膜片式晶片电阻器的短缺,钌的价格大幅上涨,从每金衡盎司 40 美元升至 850 美元。价格上涨导致客户寻求替代设计,包括薄膜镍基电阻。然而,与厚膜晶片相比,製造薄膜电阻的规模经济可以忽略不计。厚膜晶片是全球生产量最大的产品之一,数量达数兆。
  • 此外,COVID-19 大流行影响了半导体材料的销售。然而,在后疫情时代,消费性电子产品的需求不断成长,支撑着半导体产业的扩张。因此,汽车和电子行业对产品的需求预计将增加,从而促进电阻器市场的成长和整体效率的提高。



  • 电阻器是电子电路中最常用的被动元件之一,因为它们可以抵抗几乎可以立即损坏电子设备的突然电压尖峰。各种类型的电阻器广泛应用于电脑、个人电脑、笔记型电脑等家用电子电器。
  • 表面黏着技术晶片电阻器体积较小,通常用于智慧型手机和笔记型电脑内建的印刷电路基板(PCB)中,并且用于大多数硅印刷电路中,以确保讯号始终正确。我是。压敏电阻通常也称为动阻器(金属氧化物压敏电阻的缩写),是一种有多种形式的电阻器。它们大量用于突波或瞬态保护的主电源扩展,透过根据施加的电压改变电阻来保护电脑。
  • 智慧型手机中常见的电阻器类型包括表面黏着技术晶片电阻器和网路电阻器。晶片电阻器是行动电话PCB 上最小的电子元件之一。减小电流并让它向前流动。网路电阻器由两个或更多晶片电阻器製成。例如,华新科技公司的片式电阻器阵列用于行动电话、数位摄影机和其他消费性电子产品。
  • 随着家用电子电器的进步,功率和脉衝需求也在改变。开发更有效率的电子产品需要更低的功率、电压和电流需求。因此,以前依赖昂贵的碳成分或线绕电阻的设计现在可以选择更实惠的金属氧化物电阻。儘管氧化金属电阻器可能无法像碳成分或绕线电阻器那样承受脉衝能量,但与标准金属膜电阻器相比,它们仍然提供改进的脉衝处理能力。


  • 不断发展的电子工业吸引了多家跨国公司在亚洲国家设立製造工厂。其中包括 Tyco Electronics、FCI OEN、Molex、Vishay 和 EPCOS 等全球领导公司。预计这将进一步活性化亚太地区电阻器的本地生产。
  • 在中国,对电阻器等被动电子元件的需求主要由家用电子电器的成长所推动。此外,中国工业和资讯化部公布了2021年至2023年中国电子元件产业发展行动计画。该行动计画旨在实现电路、连接器、感测器、光纤通讯等领域的技术突破,提升中国企业在产业供应链中的地位,并缓解对国外高阶产品的供应依赖。该计划预计将为该地区的行业相关人员创造新的机会。
  • 支持蛰居族经济的笔记型电脑和游戏机的强劲需求,以及行动电话和汽车应用需求的逐步復苏,正在对多家公司的生产力提高产生影响。
  • 特别是,对电流检测电阻器的需求正在迅速增加。然而,薄膜电阻器和晶片电阻器目前在印度市场的需求量相对较低。这一趋势表明,印度没有专门的电子製造商使用此类电阻器。然而,大多数製造商仍然认识到电阻器製造的未来在于厚膜和晶片电阻器。
  • 台湾国巨等亚洲公司从事多种产品创新活动。 YAGEO集团开发出PA0100(01005尺寸,0.4mm x 0.2mm),是最小的金属电流感测电阻器之一。 PA0100金属电流检测电阻主要应用于轻量化、薄型化、多功能、短时间、高密度的行动设备,如智慧型手机、电池模组、穿戴式装置、高频收发模组等。


电阻器市场是一个半固定市场。市场竞争非常激烈,各个厂商都在积极尝试扩大市场占有率。该供应商还致力于产品开发、合作伙伴关係和地理扩张等各种成长策略,以发展基本客群并满足全球范围内的广泛客户需求。市场上的知名供应商包括 TE Con​​nectivity Ltd.、Murata Manufacturing、Vishay Intertechnology Inc.、KOA Speer Electronics, Inc. 和 ROHM。

  • 2023 年 4 月 ROHM 宣布开发出业界最薄(0.03 吋高)12W额定功率金属板分路电阻器(PSR350)。 PSR350 是一款针对汽车和工业设备市场的高功率应用而最佳化的产品。 ROHM计划透过推出0.2mΩ(PSR100)和业界最小的15W类型(PSR330)来扩大其PSR产品阵容。分路电阻器在工业电源模组中的使用有着悠久的历史。同样,在汽车领域,采用薄型双面冷却功率模组作为xEV的主逆变器的趋势日益明显。
  • 2023 年 3 月 Vishay Intertechnology, Inc. 宣布将 Draloric RCS0805 e3 防突波厚膜电阻的额定功率提高至 0.5 瓦。额定功率的额定功率使得此电阻器能够取代 1210 外壳尺寸中的一个电阻器、较大 1206 外壳尺寸中的两个并联装置或 0805 外壳尺寸中的四个标准并联电阻器。这使得设计人员能够节省基板空间,同时减少工业、通讯、汽车和医疗应用中的元件数量和布局成本。


  • Excel 格式的市场预测 (ME) 表
  • 3 个月的分析师支持



  • 研究假设和市场定义
  • 调查范围




  • 市场概况
  • 市场驱动因素
    • 汽车产业需求增加
    • 对高性能电子产品的需求不断增长
  • 市场限制因素
    • 金属价格上涨影响生产成本
  • 价值链分析
  • 产业吸引力-波特五力分析
    • 买方议价能力
    • 供应商的议价能力
    • 新进入者的威胁
    • 替代品的威胁
    • 竞争公司之间的敌对关係
  • 宏观经济分析


  • 类型
    • 表面黏着技术晶片
    • 网路
    • 绕线
    • 薄膜/氧化膜/箔
  • 最终用户产业
    • 航太/国防
    • 通讯
    • 消费性电子与计算
    • 其他最终用户产业(医疗、工业、能源、电力)
  • 地区
    • 北美洲
    • 欧洲
    • 亚太地区
    • 其他地区(拉丁美洲、中东和非洲)

第六章 竞争形势

  • 公司简介
    • Panasonic Corporation
    • Vishay Intertechnology Inc
    • Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd.
    • Yageo Corporation
    • Bourns, Inc.
    • TT Electronics
    • KOA Speer Electronics, Inc.
    • TE Connectivity Ltd.
    • Ohmite Manufacturing Company
    • Susumu International USA
    • Honeywell International Inc.
    • ROHM Co., Ltd.
    • Viking Tech Corporation
    • Walsin Technology Corporation

第七章 市场机会及未来趋势

Product Code: 5000024

The Resistor Market size is estimated at USD 10.49 billion in 2024, and is expected to reach USD 12.28 billion by 2029, growing at a CAGR of 3.20% during the forecast period (2024-2029).

Resistor - Market

Key Highlights

  • Automotive manufacturers are consistently working towards enhancing performance while reducing cost and mass, leading to significant advancements in electrical and electronic components used in automobiles. Despite the emergence of digital technology, the reliability and accuracy of many circuits still rely on their analog components.
  • In the automotive sector, rising functionality is resulting in a greater number of motors and ECUs, and at the same time, the mounting area for applications is limited. As a result, high-density mounting increases, spurring the demand for components, including compact power shunt resistors. Further, the applications of high-performance bus bar shunt resistors in electric vehicles are helping designers meet the challenges of the market in new and innovative ways. The increase in demand for EVs has been complementing the demand for resistors in the market.
  • Power resistors are designed to withstand large amounts of power and dissipate unwanted electrical energy with a compact device footprint. This is essential in aircraft, where space and weight capacity are crucial factors. They are poised to be essential in developing next-generation fly-by-wire (FBW) flight control systems that seek to replace manual flight controls with fully electronic equivalents. Further research into power-by-wire technology also uses power resistors to replace heavyweight hydro-mechanical flight control systems with electric actuators driven by digital flight control computers.
  • Resistors are being used in almost all defense platforms, and the defense industry prefers the use of nickel-chromium in film, wire, and foil formats due to its resistance to moisture and operational reliability.
  • Furthermore, ruthenium has experienced a significant price increase in the last few years, from USD 40 per troy ounce to as high as USD 850 per troy ounce, corresponding with shortages of thick film chip resistors. This price increase has resulted in customers seeking alternative resistor designs, including those based on thin-film nickel. However, the economies of scale in manufacturing thin-film resistors are a small fraction compared to thick-film chips. Thick film chips are one of the largest volume products produced globally, measured in trillions of pieces.
  • Moreover, The COVID-19 pandemic had an impact on the sales of semiconductor materials. However, in Post-pandemic scenario, there has been a growing demand for consumer electronics products, which has helped the semiconductor industry to expand. As a result, there is projected to be an increase in product demand in the automotive and electronics sectors, which will contribute to the growth of the resistor market and enhance overall efficiency.

Resistor Market Trends

Consumer Electronics Segment to Dominate the Market

  • Resistors are one of the most commonly used passive components in electronic circuits because they resist the flow of sudden voltage spikes, which are enough to cause damage to electronic equipment almost instantly. Multiple resistor types find widespread application in consumer electronics such as computers, PCs, and notebooks.
  • Surface-mount chip resistors are tiny and used significantly for printed circuit boards (PCBs) incorporated in smartphones and laptops, and most silicon-printed circuits use them for operations that ensure signals are always right. Also, varistors, often described as movistors (a contraction of the words metal oxide varistor), are among the types of resistors available in various forms. They are significantly utilized in the surge or transient-protected mains extension to protect computers by varying the resistance with the applied voltage.
  • Common types of resistors found in smartphones include surface-mount chips and network resistors. Chip resistors are one of the smallest electronic components on the PCB of a mobile phone. They decrease the current and pass it forward. Network resistors are made from two or more chip resistors. For instance, Chip Resistors Array's offering from Walsin Technology Corporation is applied to mobile phones, digital camcorders, and other consumers' electrical equipment.
  • As consumer electronics continue to advance, there have been changes in the power and pulse requirements. The development of more efficient electronics means that lower power, voltage, and current conditions are now necessary. Consequently, designs that previously relied on costly carbon composition or wire-wound resistors can now opt for the more affordable metal oxide option. Although metal oxide resistors may not be able to withstand as much pulse energy as carbon comps or wire wounds, they still offer improved pulse handling compared to standard metal film resistors.

Asia-Pacific to Hold Significant Market Share

  • The growing electronics industry is attracting several MNCs to establish manufacturing plants in Asian countries, either independently or through a joint venture with different regional companies. This includes large global organizations such as Tyco Electronics, FCI OEN, Molex, Vishay, and EPCOS. This is further anticipated to boost the local manufacturing activity of resistors in the Asia-Pacific region.
  • In China, the demand for passive electronic components like resistors is primarily driven by the growth of consumer electronics. Moreover, China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology released an action plan to develop the country's electronic components industry from 2021 to 2023. The action plan aims to achieve technological breakthroughs in areas including circuits, connectors, sensors, and optical communication components to enhance the position of Chinese companies in the industrial supply chain and ease supply reliance on high-end foreign products. This plan will unlock new opportunities for industry players in the region.
  • The strong demand for notebooks and gaming machines supporting the stay-at-home economy and the gradual pickup in demand for handsets and automotive applications have influenced several companies to increase their productivity.
  • The trading of resistors in countries like India is witnessing an upsurge, especially with surging demand for current sense resistors. However, thin film and chip resistors currently have relatively lower demand in the Indian market. This trend indicates the lack of specialized electronic product manufacturing in the country that uses such resistors. However, most manufacturers still perceive that the future of resistor manufacturing lies in thick film and chip resistors.
  • Asian companies, such as Taiwan-based Yageo, are engaging in multiple product innovation activities. YAGEO Group has developed one of the smallest metal current sensing resistors, PA0100 (01005 sizes, 0.4mm x 0.2mm). PA0100 metal current sensing resistors are mainly adopted in light, thin, multi-functional, short, and high-density mobile devices such as smartphones, battery modules, wearable devices, and radiofrequency transceiver modules.

Resistor Industry Overview

The Resistor Market is a Semi-consolidated market. The market is significantly competitive, and the players are actively trying to increase their market share. Besides, the vendors are also engaging in various growth strategies such as product development, partnerships, and geographical expansions, among others, to develop their customer base and cater to a broader range of customers across the globe. Some of the prominent vendors in the market include TE Connectivity Ltd., Murata Manufacturing Co. Ltd., Vishay Intertechnology Inc., KOA Speer Electronics, Inc., and ROHM Co., Ltd., among others.

  • April 2023: ROHM Co., Ltd. announced the development of the industry's thinnest (H: 0.03 inch) 12W-rated metal plate shunt resistor (PSR350). It is optimized for high-power applications in the automotive and industrial equipment markets. ROHM plans to enhance the PSR lineup by introducing a 0.2mΩ (PSR100) model and a 15W type in the industry's smallest size (PSR330). Shunt resistors have a long history of being utilized in power modules for industrial equipment. Likewise, in the automotive sector, there is a growing trend of employing thin double-sided cooled power modules in the main inverters of xEVs.
  • March 2023: Vishay Intertechnology, Inc. announced the enhancement of the Draloric RCS0805 e3 anti-surge thick film resistor with a higher power rating of 0.5 watts. Therefore, with its increased power rating, the resistor can now be utilized in place of one resistor in the 1210 case size, two parallel devices in the larger 1206 case size, or four standard parallel resistors in the 0805 case size. This allows designers to save board space in industrial, telecommunications, automotive, and medical applications while lowering component counts and placement costs.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Assumptions and Market Definition
  • 1.2 Scope of the Study




  • 4.1 Market Overview
  • 4.2 Market Drivers
    • 4.2.1 Increasing Demand from the Automotive Industry
    • 4.2.2 Growing Demand for High-performance Electronics
  • 4.3 Market Restraints
    • 4.3.1 Growth in the Metal Prices to Impact Production Cost
  • 4.4 Value Chain Analysis
  • 4.5 Industry Attractiveness - Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 4.5.1 Bargaining Power of Buyers
    • 4.5.2 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 4.5.3 Threat of New Entrants
    • 4.5.4 Threat of Substitute Products
    • 4.5.5 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry
  • 4.6 Macro-economic Analysis


  • 5.1 Type
    • 5.1.1 Surface-mounted Chips
    • 5.1.2 Network
    • 5.1.3 Wirewound
    • 5.1.4 Film/Oxide/Foil
    • 5.1.5 Carbon
  • 5.2 End-User Industry
    • 5.2.1 Automotive
    • 5.2.2 Aerospace and Defense
    • 5.2.3 Communications
    • 5.2.4 Consumer Electronics and Computing
    • 5.2.5 Other End-user Industries (Medical, Industrial, Energy and Power)
  • 5.3 Geography
    • 5.3.1 North America
    • 5.3.2 Europe
    • 5.3.3 Asia-Pacific
    • 5.3.4 Rest of the World (Latin America, Middle East & Africa)


  • 6.1 Company Profiles
    • 6.1.1 Panasonic Corporation
    • 6.1.2 Vishay Intertechnology Inc
    • 6.1.3 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd.
    • 6.1.4 Yageo Corporation
    • 6.1.5 Bourns, Inc.
    • 6.1.6 TT Electronics
    • 6.1.7 KOA Speer Electronics, Inc.
    • 6.1.8 TE Connectivity Ltd.
    • 6.1.9 Ohmite Manufacturing Company
    • 6.1.10 Susumu International U.S.A
    • 6.1.11 Honeywell International Inc.
    • 6.1.12 ROHM Co., Ltd.
    • 6.1.13 Viking Tech Corporation
    • 6.1.14 Walsin Technology Corporation