

Webcams - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts (2024 - 2029)

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 124 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3个工作天内





网路摄影机 - 市场



  • 在商业领域,网路摄影机是最有价值的商业通讯工具。由于专业人员之间虚拟办公室沟通的趋势不断增加,预计在预测期内对网路摄影机的需求将会增加。医疗产业越来越多地使用网路摄影机进行视讯会议和远端患者监护,这可能会推动全球市场的扩张。
  • 由于 COVID-19,世界各地的大多数公司已转向混合工作和在家工作模式。大流行后,这种在家工作工作已被融入混合工作文化中,在这种文化中,日常会议和活动必须使用网路摄影机。此外,自从冠状病毒感染疾病以来,远距工作和混合工作模式变得更加重要,企业环境中对网路摄影机的需求激增。视讯会议已成为举行业务和客户会议的新标准。网路摄影机製造商正在开发具有尖端技术和功能的摄像头,以应对不断变化的客户期望和增加的网路存取。
  • 此外,全球工业和私营部门对安全监控系统的需求不断增长,以及对自动导引运输车(AGV) 和无人机 (UAV) 的需求不断增长,正在推动全球网路摄影机市场的发展。预期推动成长的因素。在预测期内。此外,由于网路摄影机提供的多种特性(例如视觉控制、命令方向处理和减少的开销),网路摄影机市场预计将成长。
  • 根据Guru99统计,全球70%的数位学习服务使用者来自美国和欧洲市场。 63% 的美国学生每天使用线上学习资源。 21%的大学实施了混合式学习模式。 50% 的 K-12 教师使用线上培训。一段时间后,网路摄影机的使用率会显着增加。
  • 一些知名製造商正在为其 DSLR 和无反光镜相机添加 USB 串流媒体支援,这给网路摄影机公司带来了激烈的竞争。例如,2022年5月,i-PRO宣布将与其中东和非洲区域经销商Panasonic合作,将全球最智能、内置AI功能的360°鱼眼相机添加到其S系列产品组合中。做过。这些新的S系列摄影机首次支援多达三种深度学习应用,为传统保全摄影机系列树立了新的里程碑。
  • Cannon 和 Fujifilm 还包含允许用户透过 USB 将相机用作网路摄影机的应用程式。佳能的应用程式可在 Mac 和 Windows 上运行,而富士胶片的应用程式仅适用于 Windows。Canon开发了一款新软体 EOS Webcam Utility,可将CanonEOS SLR、无反光镜相机和 PowerShot Compact 转变为 USB 网路摄影机。
  • 网路速度直接影响录製和串流影像和影片的品质。需要最低的网路速度以避免视讯失真。由于网路速度的波动将限制市场成长,因此在偏远地区和网路连线较弱的地区,网路摄影机的采用预计将放缓。



  • 外部相机通常具有更高的分辨率,并提供更清晰的影像、视讯和音讯,因为它们有更多的空间容纳镜头和其他组件。如果音讯和影像品质对您来说很重要,那么高阶外部网路摄影机将比基本的内部网路摄影机更好地满足客户的需求。用户可以期望找到更昂贵的外部镜头,并具有额外的功能,例如大量麦克风、广角镜头和整合设备中通常不具备的高级自动对焦功能。
  • 外部网路摄影机产业在视讯会议、数位学习、安全、流量管理和医疗保健系统等商业应用领域取得了显着成长。
  • 家庭、办公室和物流安全环境中对即时监控设备的需求不断增长,加上视讯会议,是推动网路摄影机市场的关键因素之一。这些外部网路摄影机也被用作即时监控工具,用于记录故意破坏、反社会行为和非法倾倒垃圾的行为。
  • 该市场也受到政府机构越来越多地使用监控技术的影响。我们使用这些设备作为我们数位化工作的一部分。许多政府已实施监控系统来保护关键基础设施和公共区域。网路摄影机市场也受到都市化的加速、生活方式的改变、投资的增加和消费者支出的增加的支持。
  • 例如,罗技于 2022 年 9 月推出了两条新产品线,以满足混合劳动力不断变化的需求:Brio 500 摄影机和 Zone Vibe 耳机。 Brio 500 系列(Brio 500 和 Brio 505)是一种新型网路摄影机,可解决视讯会议中最常见的问题。专为需要企业级音讯和视觉品质、个人化和引人入胜的视讯对话体验的客户而设计。
  • 此外,外部网路摄影机的显着进步增加了线上串流媒体供应商和视讯部落客 (vlogger) 等新型消费者的需求。在当前的市场场景中,一些外部网路摄影机是专门专用视讯部落格和串流媒体活动而构建的,在低光源下的可视性、解析度和自动对焦特性方面进行了多项优化。
  • 市场上的一些主要企业正在透过新功能更新其现有产品,以增强其在市场上的持久力。例如,2022 年 9 月,戴尔在其产品阵容中添加了新的网路摄影机和混合工作周边设备。新款戴尔Pro网路摄影机(型号WB5023)沿袭了去年戴尔UltraSharp 4K网路摄影机的脚步,采用小筒设计和智慧裁剪演算法,让客户端保持在画面中央。 Pro 网路摄影机以高达 QHD 2560 x 1440(而非 4K 解析度)进行录製和广播。


  • 由于线上学习和远端教育活动的增长,北美是最收益的地区之一。远距教育在美国研究发现,对技术和学习管理系统线上介面感到满意的学生更有动力,对课程更满意,也更有可能参考这些课程。
  • 根据 We Are Social 的数据,2023 年 1 月,美国约有 3.11 亿人上网,使其成为全球最大的线上市场之一。近年来,美国的数位人口稳定成长。最常见的解释之一是宽频网路的可用性不断增加。因此,预计未来对网路摄影机的需求将会增加。
  • 美国企业每天召开超过1,100万场视讯会议,54%的美国员工经常参加视讯会议。此外,美国企业每週举行约 5,500 万次视讯会议。由于日常虚拟会议的使用率极高,对网路摄影机的需求大幅增加,玩家专注于更舒适、便利的解决方案和协作创新。网路摄影机的需求预计将继续增加。
  • 此外,微软于 2022 年 3 月发布的 Surface Hub 2 智慧摄影机 1 预计将让更多的远端参与者参加会议。客户可以流畅地同时看到他们的同事以及房间里的其他人与萤幕内容进行交互,无论他们身在何处。
  • 此外,2022 年 1 月,领先的数位影像解决方案供应商美国Canon发布了正在开发的优秀协作工具 AMLOS(启动我的视线)。它是一款混合会议软体解决方案,利用Canon影像处理技术的强大功能,旨在帮助创建身临其境型的混合工作体验。
  • 随着越来越容易选择新技术来改善安全和监控活动、职场的视讯会议、K-12 教育和视觉行销,该地区对网路摄影机的需求持续增长。随着该产品在多个行业的部署,网路摄影机市场预计将成长。
  • 美国发生 9/11 袭击后,对即时运动追踪和监视的需求增加并成为强制性的。考虑到北美的银行和金融部门,出于安全目的在场所引入网路摄影机来管理记录和文件已成为监控的重要组成部分。



  • 2023 年 6 月:Sky 推出新镜头,以增强智慧电视上的社交、健康和游戏功能。 Sky Live 相机透过磁性连接到 Sky Glass 智慧电视的顶部,并透过 USB-C 和 HDMI 连接。您可以与其他家庭成员同时观看电视、使用 Zoom 进行视讯聊天、记录您的家庭锻炼情况以及 Kinect 风格的动作控制游戏。
  • 2022 年 9 月:Insta360 发布 Insta360 Link,一款由人工智慧驱动的 4K 网路摄影机。 Insta360 Link 为企业主、教育工作者和直播主提供卓越影像品质和无缝使用者体验的强大组合。 Link 的 4K 解析度和业界领先的 1/2 吋感应器可在任何照明场景下提供逼真的影像清晰度、细节和宽动态范围。网路摄影机让您保持在画面中,并且可以回应手势指令。三轴云台,内建AI演算法。


  • Excel 格式的市场预测 (ME) 表
  • 3 个月分析师支持



  • 研究假设和市场定义
  • 调查范围




  • 市场概况
  • 市场驱动因素
    • 更多普及音讯会议和虚拟会议
    • 网路摄影机的平均售价直线下降
  • 市场限制因素
    • 新兴国家网路普及低
    • 网路摄影机骇客案例增加(隐私问题)
  • 产业吸引力-波特五力分析
    • 供应商的议价能力
    • 买家/消费者的议价能力
    • 新进入者的威胁
    • 替代品的威胁
    • 竞争公司之间的敌对关係
  • 产业价值链分析
  • COVID-19 市场影响评估


  • 按下网路摄影机类型
    • 外部网路摄影机
    • 嵌入式网路摄影机
  • 按地区
    • 北美洲
      • 美国
      • 加拿大
    • 欧洲
      • 英国
      • 德国
      • 法国
      • 其他欧洲国家
    • 亚太地区
      • 中国
      • 日本
      • 印度
      • 其他亚太地区
    • 拉丁美洲
    • 中东/非洲

第六章 竞争形势

  • 公司简介
    • Logitech International SA
    • Microsoft Corporation
    • Lenovo Group Limited
    • Razer Inc.
    • Creative Technology Ltd.
    • Ausdom Global
    • Vivitar Corporation
    • Shenzhen Teng Wei Video Technology Co. Ltd.
    • A4Tech Co. Ltd.
    • KYE Systems Corp.(Genius)

第七章 投资分析

第八章 市场机会及未来趋势

Product Code: 67503

The Webcams Market size is estimated at USD 9.17 billion in 2024, and is expected to reach USD 13.32 billion by 2029, growing at a CAGR of 7.75% during the forecast period (2024-2029).

Webcams - Market

The webcam industry is gaining prominence owing to the growing adoption of web cameras in security and surveillance, entertainment, video conferences, visual marketing, and live events.

Key Highlights

  • In the business sector, webcams are the most valuable business communication tools. Demand for webcams will rise during the projected period due to increased tendencies toward virtual office communication among professionals. The increasing use of webcams in the health industry for video conferencing and remote patient monitoring will likely drive global market expansion.
  • COVID-19 pushed most companies across the globe towards the hybrid work and work-from-home models. This WFH is now leveraged into a hybrid work culture after the pandemic, mandating the use of a webcam for daily meetings and activities. Furthermore, with the increased emphasis on remote working and hybrid work models post-COVID, the corporate environment is seeing a surge in demand for webcams. Video conferencing became the new norm for conducting business and client meetings. Webcam manufacturers are developing cameras with cutting-edge technology and features in response to changing client expectations and enhanced internet access.
  • Additionally, the growing demand for surveillance systems for security and safety purposes and rising demand for automated guided vehicles (AGVs) and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) across industrial and private sectors globally are the principal factors expected to drive the growth of the global webcams market over the forecast period. Also, owing to several characteristics offered by webcams, such as vision control, command direction process, and decreased overheads, the webcam market is anticipated to grow.
  • According to Guru99, the US and European markets account for 70% of the world's e-learning services users. 63% of students in the United States use online learning resources daily. A blended learning model was implemented by 21% of colleges. Online training is used by 50% of K-12 instructors. The usage of webcams might observe significant growth over some time.
  • Some known manufacturers are adding USB streaming support to their DSLR and mirrorless cameras, giving tough competition to the webcam companies. For instance, in May 2022, i-PRO, in collaboration with its regional distributor Panasonic in the Middle East and Africa, announced the addition of the world's most intelligent 360° fisheye cameras with inbuilt AI capabilities to its S-Series portfolio. These new S-Series cameras are the first to support up to three deep-learning applications, setting a new milestone in the conventional security camera range.
  • Cannon and Fujifilm also include apps that let users use their cameras as webcams over USB. Canon's app works for Mac and Windows, while Fujifilm's is Windows-only. Canon developed new software, the EOS Webcam Utility, which turns Canon EOS SLR, mirrorless camera, or PowerShot compact into a USB webcam.
  • Internet speed directly affects the quality of images and videos recorded and streamed. Minimum internet speed is needed to avoid video distortion. Deployment of webcams is expected to witness slow growth in remote or distant locations and regions with weak internet connectivity, as fluctuations in internet speed act as restraints to market growth.

Webcams Market Trends

External Webcams Expected to Gain Considerable Significance

  • External cameras usually offer higher resolutions and sharper images, videos, and audio because they include more room for lenses and other components. A high-end external webcam will better meet customers' needs than a basic inside webcam if sound and image quality are important. The user can anticipate finding more expensive external cameras with extras like numerous microphones, wide-angle lenses, and sophisticated auto-focus features that aren't normally seen in integrated devices.
  • The external webcams segment witnessed considerable growth in commercial applications for video-conferencing, e-learning, security, traffic management, and healthcare systems.
  • The rise in demand for real-time monitoring devices in home, office, and logistical security settings, combined with video conferencing, is one of the major factors driving the webcams market. These external webcam cameras are additionally employed as momentary surveillance tools to record vandalism, antisocial conduct, and fly-tipping.
  • The market is also impacted by government agencies' growing usage of surveillance technology. As part of their efforts to go digital, they use these devices. Many governments are implementing surveillance systems to safeguard important infrastructure and public areas. The webcam market is also aided by growing urbanization, changing lifestyles, increased investments, and rising consumer spending.
  • For instance, in September 2022, Logitech introduced two new product lines, Brio 500 cameras, and Zone Vibe headphones, to satisfy the changing needs of hybrid employees. The Brio 500 series (Brio 500 and Brio 505) is a new webcam class that solves the most frequent video conferencing difficulties. It was designed for customers wanting enterprise-grade audio and visual quality, personalization, and engaging video conversation experiences.
  • Further, considerable advances in external webcams are finding increasing demand from a new class of consumers, such as online streaming vendors and video bloggers (vloggers). In the current market scenario, several external webcams are purpose-built for vlogging and streaming activities, with several optimizations regarding low light visibility, resolution, and autofocus characteristics.
  • Some of the key players in the market are updating their existing products with new features, which increases their capability to sustain in the market. For instance, in September 2022, Dell added a new webcam and hybrid work peripherals to its lineup. The new Dell Pro Webcam (model WB5023) follows in the footsteps of the Dell UltraSharp 4K Webcam from last year, with a small, barrel-shaped design and intelligent cropping algorithms to keep the client-centered in the frame. Instead of 4K resolution, the Pro Webcam records and broadcasts up to QHD 2560 x 1440.

North America Holds a Substantial Market Share

  • North America stands to be one of the highest revenue-generating regions due to the growing online learning and distance education activities. A US study by Distance for Education found that students who are more comfortable with technology and the online interface of the learning management system are more likely to be motivated, satisfied with the course, and learn more.
  • According to We Are Social, around 311 million people in the United States accessed the Internet in January 2023, making it one of the largest online markets in the world. In recent years, the digital population in the United States steadily expanded. One of the most common explanations is the increasing availability of broadband internet. Therefore, in the coming future, the demand for webcams is expected to grow.
  • The US businesses host more than 11 million video conferencing meetings daily, while 54% of the workforce in the United States take part in video conferences frequently. Furthermore, businesses in the United States hold approximately 55 million video conferences weekly. With such high usage of virtual meetings daily, the demand for webcams rises significantly, and the players are focused on innovating solutions and collaborations for more comfort and convenience. The demand for webcams is expected to rise.
  • Moreover, in March 2022, the Surface Hub 2 Smart Camera1, unveiled by Microsoft, promises to bring remote participants into the meeting like never before. Clients can view their colleagues interacting with content on the screen with everyone else in the room - fluidly and simultaneously - regardless of location.
  • Also, in January 2022, Canon Inc., US, a significant provider of digital imaging solutions, released its outstanding collaborative work tool in development, AMLOS (Activate My Line of Sight). It is a hybrid meeting software solution that can harness the power of Canon's image processing technology and is being built to assist in creating an immersive hybrid work experience.
  • The demand for web cameras is continuously building in the region owing to an ease in selecting new technology that improves security and surveillance events, video conferencing at work, K-12 education, and visual marketing. Deployment of the product in multiple industries is supposed to witness the growth of the webcam market.
  • After the 9/11 attack in the US, the demand for tracking real-time movements and surveillance grew and became compulsory. Considering North America's banking and finance sector, the induction of webcams on the premises for security objectives to control the records and documents became an essential part of surveillance.

Webcams Industry Overview

The Webcam market is highly competitive and consists of several major players. In terms of market share, few of the major players currently dominate the market. These major players with a prominent market share are focusing on expanding their customer base across foreign countries. These companies are leveraging strategic collaborative initiatives to increase their market share and profitability.

  • June 2023: Sky introduced a new camera to enhance its smart TVs' social, health, and gaming capabilities. Sky Live camera magnetically attaches to the top of Sky Glass smart TVs and connects through USB-C and HDMI. It allows you to watch TV with other families simultaneously, makes video chats using Zoom, tracks home exercises, and includes Kinect-style motion-controlled games.
  • September 2022: Insta360 released the Insta360 Link, an AI-powered 4K webcam. Insta360 Link provides a potent combination of superior image quality and a seamless user experience for business executives, educators, and live streamers. Link's 4K resolution and an industry-leading 1/2" sensor give life-like image clarity, detail, and a wide dynamic range in every lighting scenario. The webcam can always keep the user in the frame and respond to gesture commands thanks to a 3-axis gimbal and built-in AI algorithms.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Assumptions & Market Definition
  • 1.2 Scope of the Study




  • 4.1 Market Overview
  • 4.2 Market Drivers
    • 4.2.1 Growing Penetration of Teleconferencing and Virtual Meetings
    • 4.2.2 Steep Decline in Average Selling Price of Webcams
  • 4.3 Market Restraints
    • 4.3.1 Poor Internet Penetration in Developing Countries
    • 4.3.2 Increasing Cases of Webcam Hacking (Privacy Concerns)
  • 4.4 Industry Attractiveness - Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 4.4.1 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 4.4.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers/Consumers
    • 4.4.3 Threat of New Entrants
    • 4.4.4 Threat of Substitute Products
    • 4.4.5 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry
  • 4.5 Industry Value Chain Analysis
  • 4.6 Assessment of Impact of Covid-19 on the Market


  • 5.1 By Webcam Type
    • 5.1.1 External Webcam
    • 5.1.2 Embedded Webcam
  • 5.2 Geography
    • 5.2.1 North America
      • United States
      • Canada
    • 5.2.2 Europe
      • United Kingdom
      • Germany
      • France
      • Rest of Europe
    • 5.2.3 Asia Pacific
      • China
      • Japan
      • India
      • Rest of Asia Pacific
    • 5.2.4 Latin America
    • 5.2.5 Middle East and Africa


  • 6.1 Company Profiles
    • 6.1.1 Logitech International S.A.
    • 6.1.2 Microsoft Corporation
    • 6.1.3 Lenovo Group Limited
    • 6.1.4 Razer Inc.
    • 6.1.5 Creative Technology Ltd.
    • 6.1.6 Ausdom Global
    • 6.1.7 Vivitar Corporation
    • 6.1.8 Shenzhen Teng Wei Video Technology Co. Ltd.
    • 6.1.9 A4Tech Co. Ltd.
    • 6.1.10 KYE Systems Corp. (Genius)