
虚拟手机基础设施 - 市场占有率分析、产业趋势与统计、成长预测(2024 - 2029 年)

Virtual Mobile Infrastructure - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts (2024 - 2029)

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 140 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3个工作天内




虚拟行动基础设施市场规模预计到 2024 年为 1,654.9 亿美元,预计到 2029 年将达到 2,484.2 亿美元,在预测期内(2024-2029 年)CAGR为 8.46%。

亚信虚拟手机基础设施 - 市场



  • 智慧型手机普及率的上升正在推动虚拟行动基础设施市场。企业可以使用虚拟行动基础设施在伺服器上託管其行动应用程序,并提供从任何设备的可自订远端存取。部署高密度虚拟行动基础设施,虚拟行动基础设施有助于降低硬体和营运成本。此外,许多企业专注于开发支援所有类型行动装置的单一应用程式。虚拟行动基础设施为公司提供了优势,预计将推动市场发展。
  • 电子用户识别模组(e-SIM)将提供开箱即用的连接,使所有区域客户无需特殊安装即可使用,从而使使用更加简单。 NFV 和 SDN 将为新服务提供新水准的快速上市时间 (TTM) 和额外优势,例如透过虚拟化封包闸道器 (PGW) 上的流量整形来降低主机网路上的视讯流量,从而更好地管理批发资料成本。
  • 在欧盟漫游法规审查将延长至 2032 年的背景下,代表活跃在欧盟的行动虚拟网路营运商的组织 MVNO Europe 争取降低最高批发费率和物联网漫游接取。儘管 MVNO Europe 欢迎将「在家漫游」制度延长至 2032 年,但该协会认为,透过进一步降低上限并将「在家漫游」制度在物联网应用中的应用范围扩大,可以展现更大的雄心。
  • 为了确保业务连续性,由于 COVID-19 的爆发,商业组织,特别是在受影响严重的国家/地区,允许其员工在家工作 (WFH)。在家工作的人数增加导致下载、线上视讯观看和透过视讯会议进行通讯的需求增加,所有这些都导致​​网路流量和资料使用量的增加。此外,英国沃达丰的网路流量成长了 50%。 Orange Espana 为客户提供免费资料包。预付费客户现在可以存取额外的 15 GB,而后付费方案的客户可以存取额外的 30 GB。
  • 此外,安全风险也可能涉及组织。第三方公司可以管理其工作。迄今为止,第三方管理人员一直非常谨慎地处理服务。然而,资料外洩的威胁始终存在,这也对市场成长构成挑战。网路犯罪分子在安全范围内成功渗透和横向移动的活动日益增多,预计将增加隐私问题。仅依赖本地防火墙和 VPN 的组织缺乏可视性解决方案整合和敏捷性,无法提供及时的端到端安全覆盖。有证据表明,大规模、多媒介的特大攻击正在不断增长,对全世界的组织和个人造成严重破坏。



  • 当企业尝试更有效地运行其 IT 基础架构时,他们发现了操作和管理网路的新方法。企业正在对基于商用硬体(例如运算、储存和网路)的传统 IT 方法进行现代化改造,以采用能够快速开发和部署新网路服务的云端技术。随着组织中基于云端的应用程式数量的增长,基于云端的服务变得越来越受欢迎。由于中小型企业 (SME) 投资的增加,云端运算的使用正在增加。可扩展性、更高的效率、更快的部署、行动性和灾难復原是切换到云端的主要原因。
  • 云端运算的不断发展,加上使用量的增加,增加了行动云。行动云端提供透过便携式设备存取基于云端的应用程式和服务。由于网路速度的提高和基于云端的技术,行动云端产业正在不断扩张。该技术使应用程式的生成更加快速、灵活、一致和即时。它为用户提供了储存和备份问题的解决方案。它可以保护行动装置免受危险的病毒攻击,并赋予它们安全感和隐私感。智慧型设备受益于这项技术的进步。
  • 智慧型手机和网路使用的快速成长几乎肯定会为云端服务供应商和应用程式开发商进入市场开闢新的管道和机会。 5G、HTML5、CSS3、Hypervisor、Cloudlets 和 Web 5.0 等许多支援技术预计将推动行动云端业务向前发展。这些进步将为离线支援规范铺平道路,使 Web 应用程式能够在任何智慧型手机上运行,而无需了解底层架构,并透过更快的回应来减少延迟。企业正在使用行动云端解决方案来满足即时和高阶智慧型手机应用程式的繁重处理和储存要求。
  • 据 Turbonomic 称,到 2022 年,56% 的受访者表示他们使用 Microsoft Azure 进行云端服务。此外,不使用任何类型云端的受访者比例从 2021 年的 4% 增加到 2022 年的 8%。企业可以透过行动云端更好地利用网路资源。行动云市场将使各行业受益,使他们能够利用云端运算来优化资讯技术。行动网路硬体製造商,例如5G设备製造商和行动电话软体供应商,可以将其产品与行动云端资料中心编排功能打包,并将其作为完整解决方案出售给区域市场的CSP。
  • 2022 年 7 月,沃达丰西班牙公司与 Kyndryl 建立了策略合作伙伴关係,以支持企业客户(私人和公共实体)采用混合多云策略来加速其数位化。该协议基于支援物联网或 5G 等技术开发的云端基础设施,加强了 Kyndryland Vodafone Business 之间的长期合作关係。它将允许两家企业提供最佳的服务和技术生态系统,帮助组织加速数位化。


  • 由于该地区技术发展和企业移动性的增强,预计北美将占据虚拟行动基础设施市场的很大一部分。企业对云端技术和服务的使用是推动该地区市场的另一个因素。雇主现在寻求为员工提供自由和灵活的工作空间,工作文化也不断发展,促进了该地区的市场成长。
  • 市场参与者正在开发新的解决方案以占领市场份额。例如,2022 年 11 月,为了庆祝退伍军人节,Healthy Together 宣布推出一款与美国退伍军人事务部 (VA) 合作的新行动应用程序,为全国退伍军人提供易于访问的健康记录。 Healthy Together 与 VA 之间的合作是 VA Lighthouse 当前承诺的一部分,该承诺旨在为退伍军人提供更多选择,以安全地存取和使用他们的健康记录和资料。退伍军人事务部 API 平台是其数位现代化议程的一部分。它用于安全地存取 VA资料,为退伍军人建立创新工具。
  • 此外,2022 年 3 月,T-Mobile、Applied Information 和 Temple, Inc. 正在向 Peachtree Corners 推出 5G 连接车辆技术,该技术允许交通信号通过革命性的移动应用程序与道路上的任何车辆进行通信。第一个由现实世界互联基础设施和5G 提供支援的智慧城市环境。该技术可实现交通号誌与在 T 最大的移动和最快的全国 5G 网路上配备车载单元的智慧型手机、平板电脑和汽车等设备之间的双向通讯。 TravelSafely 智慧型手机软体会发出可能闯红灯的声音警告,并提醒您为绿灯行驶做好准备。
  • 此外,行动银行应用程式的发展使管理资金变得更加容易。例如,Ally Bank 应用程式为支票帐户客户提供了一项功能,允许他们以数位方式安排资金并最大限度地节省资金。当美国银行应用程式侦测到省钱机会或帐户即将透支的情况时,它会通知消费者。 Varo 是一家拥有联邦银行执照的挑战者银行,也提供自动储蓄工具和 ApexEdge(一种帮助消费者协商减少帐单付款的第三方服务)。
  • 智慧型手机应用程式的开发人员正在尝试让员工更方便地使用相同装置来实现个人和工作目的。例如,微软与黑莓合作,在黑莓智慧型装置上提供微软行动应用程序,允许员工随时随地存取檔案。互联网服务和速度的改进提高了文件的可访问性,预计这将促进行业增长。



2023 年 6 月,诺基亚和红帽宣布建立基于红帽基础设施平台和诺基亚核心网路应用的电信解决方案合作伙伴关係。服务供应商将受益于诺基亚开发面向未来的核心网路软体并保持领先地位的目标,以及红帽针对裸机、虚拟化和公有云的部署选项。

2022 年 11 月,Crunchfish 加入了一个新的关键联盟,透过「一切即服务」方法提供融资、电信网路基础设施和颠覆性技术,从而在非洲实现行动营运和服务。 Crunchfish AB 今天与推动合作的丹麦管理和投资公司 Socio ApS 签署了一份协议备忘录,以进行未来的 Crunchfish 融资。此次合作旨在透过使行动服务能够利用电信基础设施和颠覆性技术来提供更好的成本结构、用例和质量,从而克服非洲数位基础设施的关键差距。

2022 年 3 月,诺基亚宣布扩大与 T-Mobile Polska 的合作关係,涵盖该营运商现有无线网路基础设施的现代化和 5G 服务的部署。此举将支持 T-Mobile 波兰公司保持在该国技术领先地位并为其客户提供一流服务的目标。根据这项为期十年的协议,诺基亚将把其在 T-Mobile 的网路份额增加到 50%,并已开始实施。


  • Excel 格式的市场估算 (ME) 表
  • 3 个月的分析师支持


第 1 章:简介

  • 研究假设和市场定义
  • 研究范围

第 2 章:研究方法

第 3 章:执行摘要

第 4 章:市场洞察

  • 市场概况
  • 产业价值链分析
  • 产业吸引力-波特五力分析
    • 新进入者的威胁
    • 买家/消费者的议价能力
    • 供应商的议价能力
    • 替代产品的威胁
    • 竞争激烈程度
  • COVID-19 对市场的影响评估

第 5 章:标记动态

  • 市场驱动因素
    • 智慧型手机普及率提高
    • 需要提高员工的生产力
    • 使用 VMI 降低硬体和营运成本
  • 市场限制
    • Android 应用程式相容性与技术问题

第 6 章:新兴科技趋势

第 7 章:市场细分

  • 按部署模式
    • 本地部署
  • 按最终用户垂直领域
    • 硅硼化物
    • 卫生保健
    • 政府和国防
    • 电信和资讯技术
    • 製造业
    • 其他最终用户垂直领域
  • 地理
    • 北美洲
    • 欧洲
    • 亚太
    • 拉丁美洲
    • 中东和非洲

第 8 章:竞争格局

  • 公司简介
    • Trend Micro Inc.
    • Avast Software Inc.
    • Sierraware LLC
    • Nubo Software Limited
    • Intelligent Waves LLC
    • Pulse Secure LLC
    • Raytheon Corporation
    • Prescient Solutions Group Inc.
    • Fortinet Inc,
    • Genymobile SAS

第 9 章:投资分析

第 10 章:市场机会与未来趋势

Product Code: 70389

The Virtual Mobile Infrastructure Market size is estimated at USD 165.49 billion in 2024, and is expected to reach USD 248.42 billion by 2029, growing at a CAGR of 8.46% during the forecast period (2024-2029).

Virtual Mobile Infrastructure - Market

The market for virtual mobile infrastructure is expected to expand in popularity due to the rapid rise of mobile phones around the world and the expansion of associated and smart frameworks. Furthermore, the virtual mobile infrastructure provides capabilities such as app network consumption, app blocking, and compliance reporting tools, all contributing to the market's growth.

Key Highlights

  • The rise in smartphone penetration is driving the virtual mobile infrastructure market. Enterprises can use virtual mobile infrastructure to host their mobile applications on servers and provide customizable remote access from any device. Deploying high-density virtual mobile infrastructure, the virtual mobile infrastructure helps to cut hardware and operating costs. Furthermore, many businesses focus on developing a single app that supports all types of mobile devices. Virtual mobile infrastructure provides advantages to companies, which is expected to drive the market.
  • Electronic subscriber identification modules (e-SIMs) will provide out-of-the-box connection, making it available to all regional customers without needing particular installation, resulting in greater simplicity of use. NFV and SDN will offer new levels of rapid time-to-market (TTM) for new services and additional benefits, such as better managing wholesale data costs by lowering video traffic on the host network via traffic shaping on a virtualized packet gateway (PGW).
  • In the context of the EU Roaming Regulation review, which would be extended until 2032, MVNO Europe, the group representing Mobile Virtual Network Operators active in the European Union, fought for reduced maximum wholesale rates and roaming access for IoT purposes. Although MVNO Europe welcomes the extension of the Roam-Like-At-Home regime until 2032, the association believes that more ambition could have been demonstrated by further lowering caps and expanding the Roam-Like-At-Home regime's application to IoT applications.
  • To ensure business continuity, owing to the COVID-19 outbreak, business organizations, especially in highly affected countries, are allowing their employees to work from home (WFH). The increase in people working from home has led to increased demand for downloading, online video viewing, and communication through video conferencing, all leading to increased network traffic and data usage. Moreover, Vodafone UK has witnessed a 50% increase in internet traffic. Orange Espana is offering customers access to the free data bundles. Pre-paid customers can now access an additional 15 GB, while customers on postpaid plans can access an additional 30 GB.
  • Moreover, security risks are also likely to concern the organizations. A third-party company may govern its work. To date, the third-party managers have handled services with utmost care. However, the threat of data breaches is always on, which also challenges market growth.The increasing activities of cyber criminals becoming successful at penetrating and moving laterally within the security perimeter are expected to increase privacy concerns. Organizations relying solely on on-premises firewalls and VPNs lack the visibility solution integration and agility to deliver timely end-to-end security coverage. As evidence, large-scale, multi-vector mega attacks are growing, wreaking havoc on organizations and individuals worldwide.

Virtual Mobile Infrastructure Market Trends

Cloud Segment is Expected to Grow Significantly

  • As businesses attempt to run their IT infrastructure more efficiently, they discover new ways to operate and manage their networks. Traditional IT approaches based on commodity hardware, such as computing, storage, and networking, are being modernized by enterprises in order to embrace cloud technologies that enable the quick development and deployment of new network services. Cloud-based services are getting increasingly popular as the number of cloud-based apps in organizations grows. Cloud computing use is increasing as a result of increased investment from small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs). Scalability, increased effectiveness, faster deployment, mobility, and disaster recovery are the primary reasons for switching to the cloud.
  • The continuous evolution of cloud computing, combined with increased use, increases the mobile cloud. The mobile cloud provides access to cloud-based apps and services via portable devices. The mobile cloud industry is expanding due to increased internet speed and cloud-based technology. This technology enables applications to be produced more quickly, flexibly, consistently, and instantly. It provides users with a solution to their storage and backup issues. It protects mobile devices from dangerous viral attacks and gives them a sense of security and privacy. Smart gadgets benefit from the progress of this technology.
  • The rapid rise of smartphones and internet usage will almost certainly open up new channels and opportunities for cloud service providers and application developers to enter the market. Many enabling technologies, such as 5G, HTML5, CSS3, Hypervisor, Cloudlets, and Web 5.0, are expected to propel the mobile cloud business forward. These advancements will pave the way for offline support specifications, enable web applications to run on any smartphone without being aware of the underlying architecture, and reduce latency with faster response. Businesses are using mobile cloud solutions to meet real-time and high-end smartphone applications' heavy processing and storage requirements.
  • According to Turbonomic, in 2022, 56 % of respondents said they use Microsoft Azure for cloud services. Furthermore, the percentage of respondents who do not use any type of cloud increased from 4% in 2021 to 8% in 2022. Companies can better utilize networking resources with the mobile cloud. The mobile cloud market will benefit industries by enabling them to employ cloud computing to optimize information technology. Mobile networking hardware manufacturers, such as 5G equipment manufacturers and mobile telephony software providers, can package their products with mobile cloud data center orchestration capabilities and sell them as full solutions to CSPs in regional markets.
  • In July 2022, a strategic partnership between Vodafone Spain and Kyndrylwas established to support corporate customers (private and public entities) adopting hybrid multi-cloud strategies to accelerate their digitization. Based on a cloud infrastructure supporting the development of technologies like the Internet of Things or 5G, the agreement strengthens the long-standing relationship between Kyndryland Vodafone Business. It will allow both businesses to provide the best ecosystem of services and technologies to help organizations accelerate their digitization.

North America is Expected to be the Largest Market

  • North America is anticipated to hold a significant proportion of the virtual mobile infrastructure market due to the region's increased technological developments and enterprise mobility. The use of cloud technology and services by businesses is another factor boosting the market in the area. Employers now seek to give their employees a free and flexible workspace, and work cultures have evolved, enabling market growth in the region.
  • The players in the market are developing new solutions to capture the market share in the market. For instance, in November 2022, in celebration of Veterans Day, Healthy Together is announcing the debut of a new mobile application connected with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to offer veterans nationwide with easily accessible health records. The partnership between Healthy Together and the VA is part of the VA's Lighthouse's current commitment to enable more options for veterans to securely access and use their health records and data. The Department of Veterans Affairs API platform is part of their Digital Modernization agenda. It is used to securely access VA data to build innovative tools for Veterans.
  • Further, in March 2022, T-Mobile, Applied Information, and Temple, Inc. are introducing 5G-connected vehicle technology that allows traffic signals to communicate with any vehicle on the road via a revolutionary mobile app to Peachtree Corners, one of the nation's first smart city environments powered by real-world connected infrastructure and 5G. This technology enables two-way communication between traffic signals and devices such as smartphones, tablets, and automobiles equipped with onboard units on T-largest Mobile and the fastest nationwide 5G network. The TravelSafely smartphone software delivers audible warnings about potential red light running and reminders to prepare for green light running.
  • Moreover, mobile banking apps have evolved to make it easier to manage money. For example, the Ally Bank app provides checking account customers with a function that allows them to digitally arrange their money and maximize how much money they can save. The US Bank app notifies consumers when its algorithms detect money-saving opportunities or circumstances in which an account is about to be overdrawn. Varo, a challenger bank with a federal bank charter, also provides automatic savings tools and ApexEdge, a third-party service that assists consumers in negotiating reduced bill payments.
  • Developers of smartphone applications are attempting to make it more convenient for employees to use the same device for personal and work purposes. For example, Microsoft has partnered with BlackBerry to make Microsoft mobile apps available on BlackBerry smart devices, allowing employees to access files at any time and from any location. Improved internet services and speeds have resulted in increased file accessibility, which is expected to boost industry growth.

Virtual Mobile Infrastructure Industry Overview

The virtual mobile infrastructure is semi-consolidated as the players in the market are adopting strategies like product innovation, mergers, and acquisitions in order to expand their product portfolio and expand their geographic reach and primarily to stay competitive in the market.

In June 2023, Nokia and Red Hat Announce Partnership for Telecommunications Solutions Based on Red Hat Infrastructure Platforms and Nokia's Core Network Applications. Service providers would benefit from Nokia's aim to develop and leadership in future-ready core network software together with Red Hat's deployment options for bare-metal, virtualized and public cloud.

In November 2022, Crunchfish joined a new critical alliance to enable mobile operations and services in Africa by providing financing, telecom network infrastructure, and disruptive technologies through an Anything-as-a-service approach. Crunchfish AB signed a Memorandum of Agreement today with Socio ApS, the Danish management and investment firm driving the cooperation, for prospective Crunchfish financing. This collaboration aims to overcome crucial gaps in Africa's digital infrastructure by enabling mobile services to employ telecom infrastructure and disruptive technologies to provide much better cost structures, use cases, and quality.

In March 2022, Nokia announced that it had expanded its relationship with T-Mobile Polska to encompass the modernization of the operator's existing radio network infrastructure and the deployment of 5G services. T-Mobile Poland's aim of maintaining technological leadership in the country and providing best-in-class services to their clients will be supported by this move. Under the ten-year agreement, Nokia will grow its network share in T-Mobile to 50%, with implementation already beginning.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Assumptions and Market Definition
  • 1.2 Scope of the Study




  • 4.1 Market Overview
  • 4.2 Industry Value Chain Analysis
  • 4.3 Industry Attractiveness - Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 4.3.1 Threat of New Entrants
    • 4.3.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers/Consumers
    • 4.3.3 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 4.3.4 Threat of Substitute Products
    • 4.3.5 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry
  • 4.4 Assessment on the Impact of COVID-19 on the market


  • 5.1 Market Drivers
    • 5.1.1 Increase in Smartphone Penetration
    • 5.1.2 Need to Increase the Productivity of Employees
    • 5.1.3 Reduced Hardware and Operating Cost Using VMI
  • 5.2 Market Restraints
    • 5.2.1 Android Application Compatibility and Technical Issues



  • 7.1 By Deployment Mode
    • 7.1.1 On-Premise
    • 7.1.2 Cloud
  • 7.2 By End-user Vertical
    • 7.2.1 BFSi
    • 7.2.2 Healthcare
    • 7.2.3 Government and Defense
    • 7.2.4 Telecommunications and IT
    • 7.2.5 Manufacturing
    • 7.2.6 Other End-User Verticals
  • 7.3 Geography
    • 7.3.1 North America
    • 7.3.2 Europe
    • 7.3.3 Asia-Pacific
    • 7.3.4 Latin America
    • 7.3.5 Middle East & Africa


  • 8.1 Company Profiles
    • 8.1.1 Trend Micro Inc.
    • 8.1.2 Avast Software Inc.
    • 8.1.3 Sierraware LLC
    • 8.1.4 Nubo Software Limited
    • 8.1.5 Intelligent Waves LLC
    • 8.1.6 Pulse Secure LLC
    • 8.1.7 Raytheon Corporation
    • 8.1.8 Prescient Solutions Group Inc.
    • 8.1.9 Fortinet Inc,
    • 8.1.10 Genymobile SAS