

Enterprise Network Equipment - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts (2024 - 2029)

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 120 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3个工作天内








  • 在企业网路中,所有系统都必须能够通讯、提供和检索资讯。因此,实体系统和设备必须能够维持并提供令人满意的性能、可靠性和安全性。因此,交换器、路由器、无线网路、网路基地台、网路安全和管理以及广域网路最佳化等元件和技术有助于以低成本建立安全、可靠和可扩展的网路。
  • 随着数位化,网路基础设施的重要性日益增加。因此,网路基础设施的需求不断增加。此外,企业正在扩展其网络,以满足不断增长的无线网路频宽需求。企业网路基础设施市场是由行动装置使用不断增长、频宽需求不断增加以及向无线技术迁移等因素所推动的。此外,企业正在增加网路升级投资以提高速度,提供可靠、节能且经济高效的解决方案。
  • 此外,企业越来越青睐先进的技术和功能,例如 100G乙太网路切换器和 802.11 ac 标准的采用。例如,802.11ac 标准提供了透过无线网路提供高效能和终端设备容量的机会。这使得企业网路能够支援日益多样化的无线终端设备,包括智慧型手机、平板电脑、新一代机器对机器 (M2M) 设备和物联网 (IoT)。
  • 企业网路设备市场预计将随着「自带设备」(BYOD) 的趋势而成长。 BYOD 代表了任何装置、任何地点的概念,推动了对侵入式无线网路和关键任务行动应用的需求。
  • 根据消费者技术协会预测,2020年,全球智慧城市发展支出预计将达到343.5亿美元,这是市场的主要动力。此外,中国中产阶级的崛起是明显的城市现象,在30年内使约5亿人摆脱了贫穷。这证明了城市改善生活水准的力量。中国约有500个智慧城市先导计画,数量全球最多,覆盖大大小小的城市。这可能需要未来增加网路设备。
  • 网路基础设施市场将受到COVID-19影响造成的经济破坏的影响。随着疫情的影响持续下去,其对整个市场不同部门、地区和垂直产业的影响可能会不平衡。
  • 华为、三星、爱立信、诺基亚和中兴通讯等通讯网路供应商在 COVID-19感染疾病后面临供应链问题。然而,儘管面临与 COVID-19 相关的挑战,例如在感染疾病期间安排人员在现场安装新设备,但对设备安装服务的需求仍将持续。通讯业者仍需要主要在城市市场和公共设施中部署小型基地台,并且需要在现场(主要是现有站点)利用高频段频谱和其他宏。



  • 市场的成长归因于银行和国防机构网路窃盗的增加。网路攻击的复杂性和多样性日益增加,组织越来越需要部署网路安全设备,以减少大规模资料被盗的可能性。
  • 除了实施传统防火墙和控制使用者存取之外,许多组织正在寻求更强大的网路安全策略。这为开发人员引入新的防御方法提供了绝佳的机会。结合人工智慧来开发直觉、高效的系统,使企业能够利用智慧机器的力量及早侦测威胁,并在保护资讯时使用主动策略。
  • 随着数位化组织的快速发展,IT 专业人员认为,缺乏可见性是他们在处理网路威胁时面临的最大挑战之一。大多数组织都认识到持续监控所有使用者、应用程式和装置的网路的重要性。组织正在部署网路和安全团队,以便更紧密地合作,利用网路基础设施来扩展各处的可见性,并避免资料外洩和网路安全威胁。
  • 此外,由于物联网和 BYOD 趋势的兴起,网路犯罪也在增加,迫使组织使用网路安全解决方案。该地区连网设备数量的不断增加使得企业网路变得更加复杂。不断发展的网路形势要求企业重新评估其网路安全基础设施并采用强大的网路解决方案。
  • 此外,据思科称,未来几年 46% 的网路设备将是 M2M 或物联网,这使得它们容易受到攻击。为了充分利用这些连接设备的潜力,业界必须配备能够灵活回应预期的未来网路需求的广域网路。


  • 预计北美将在企业网路设备市场中占据显着份额。此外,该地区拥有强大的网路设备供应商。其中包括思科系统公司、戴尔易安信、瞻博网路公司、Extreme Networks公司、Arista网路公司等,为市场成长做出了贡献。
  • 在该地区营运的供应商正在致力于企业网路设备技术以增强产品功能。有效的长期在家工作解决方案应该提供安全、企业级的体验,从而提高效率、创造力和生产力。与使用重新调整用途的消费者网路设备的解决方案不同,Aruba 提供企业级远程办公硬件,结合了即插即用安装、基于身份的安全性和云端原生管理,使其快速、简单,从而实现可扩充的部署。
  • 云端网路、基于 SaaS 的应用程式、网路分析、DevOps 和虚拟趋势技术的出现正在鼓励北美用户和企业采用企业网路设备产品。此外,对云端采用、数位内容和新资料主权法的需求不断增长,将在不久的将来进一步推动北美地区的网路设备市场。
  • 自动化技术的进步也透过智慧网路和快速修復来满足IT部门当前的业务需求,持续检查网路并提供解决方案,而无需第三方应用程式。
  • 美国国防部在基础设施现代化方面进行了大量投资。美国国防系统和情报局宣布计划将传输速率为每秒 10Gigabit(Gbps) 的国防资讯系统网路 (DISN) 升级为 100 Gbps分组光纤传输系统。此类投资预计将提振市场。


企业网路设备市场竞争适中,少数市场参与者占较大市场占有率。目前,就市场占有率而言,少数大公司占据市场主导地位。这些拥有大量市场占有率的市场领导正致力于扩大其海外消费群。网路设备也必须符合欧盟 (EU) 有害物质限制 (RoHS) 指令。该指令限制了公司使用符合此类标准的供应商数量。这些公司正在利用策略合作倡议来提高市场占有率和盈利。进入市场的公司也正在收购致力于企业网路设备技术的新兴企业,以增强其产品能力。

2022 年 3 月,改善和简化通信与协作的解决方案提供商 Avaya 的 OneCloud CCaaS 可组合解决方案与全球通讯、网络和云解决方案提供商阿尔卡特朗讯企业 (ALE) 达成战略合作伙伴关係。 。 ALE 的数位网路解决方案将提供给全球 Avaya 客户。


  • Excel 格式的市场预测 (ME) 表
  • 3 个月分析师支持



  • 研究假设和市场定义
  • 调查范围




  • 市场概览(包括 COVID-19 影响评估)
  • 市场驱动因素
    • 随着物联网普及更加广泛,频宽需求激增
    • 新兴国家政府发展智慧城市的努力
  • 市场限制因素
    • 出于安全考虑,维护成本高昂
  • 产业吸引力-波特五力分析
    • 供应商的议价能力
    • 消费者议价能力
    • 新进入者的威胁
    • 替代品的威胁
    • 竞争公司之间的敌意强度
  • 产业价值链分析


  • 类型
    • 转变
    • 路由器
    • 无线网路
    • 网路安全
    • 其他类型
  • 地区
    • 北美洲
      • 美国
      • 加拿大
    • 欧洲
      • 英国
      • 德国
      • 法国
      • 其他欧洲国家
    • 亚太地区
      • 中国
      • 印度
      • 日本
      • 其他亚太地区
    • 世界其他地区

第六章 竞争形势

  • 公司简介
    • Cisco Systems Inc.
    • Aruba(Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP)
    • Juniper Networks, Inc.
    • Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd
    • Dell EMC
    • Extreme Networks, Inc.
    • Arista Networks, Inc.
    • Fortinet, Inc.
    • Vmware, Inc.
    • NetScout Systems, Inc.
    • Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
    • Check Point Software Technologies Ltd
    • F5 Networks, Inc.
    • New H3C Technologies Co. Ltd

第七章 投资分析


Product Code: 65990

The Enterprise Network Equipment Market size is estimated at USD 72.44 billion in 2024, and is expected to reach USD 124 billion by 2029, growing at a CAGR of 11.35% during the forecast period (2024-2029).

Enterprise Network Equipment - Market

An enterprise network is an enterprise's communication backbone that helps connect computers and related devices across departments and workgroup networks, facilitating insight and data accessibility. It reduces communication protocols, promotes system and device interoperability, and improves internal and external enterprise data management.

Key Highlights

  • In an enterprise network, all systems should be able to communicate and provide and retrieve information. Therefore, physical systems and devices should be able to maintain and provide satisfactory performance, reliability, and security. Thus, components and technologies such as switches, routers, wireless networks, access points, network security and management, and WAN optimization assist in creating a secure, reliable, and scalable network at a lower cost.
  • The significance of network infrastructure is rising along with digitalization. Consequently, there is a rising need for network infrastructure. Additionally, businesses are expanding their networks to accommodate the expanding bandwidth requirements of wireless networks. The market for enterprise network infrastructure is being driven by factors such as the expanding use of mobile devices, the rising need for bandwidth, and the transition to wireless technologies. Additionally, businesses are increasing their investments in network upgrades to increase speed, which would offer a reliable, energy-saving, and cost-effective solution.
  • Moreover, enterprises are increasingly favoring advanced technologies and features such as 100G Ethernet switches and the adoption of 802.11 ac standards. For instance, the 802.11ac standard brings opportunities to deliver high-performance and end-device capacity over wireless networks. This enables the enterprise network to support the increasing range of wireless end devices such as smartphones, tablets, new generations of machine-to-machine (M2M) devices, and the Internet of Things (IoT).
  • The market for corporate network devices is anticipated to grow in line with the trend of "bring your own device" (BYOD), which epitomizes the idea of any device used anywhere and is driving the demand for invasive wireless networks and mission-critical mobility applications.
  • According to the Consumer Technology Association, worldwide spending on smart city developments is anticipated to reach USD 34.35 billion by 2020. This significantly drives the market. Further, the rise of China's middle class, a distinctly urban phenomenon, lifted around 500 million people out of poverty in less than 30 years. It is a testament to cities' power to elevate living standards. China has approximately 500 smart city pilot projects, the highest in the world, covering big and small cities. This potentially demands the rise of network equipment in the coming period.
  • The network infrastructure market will be affected by the economic turbulence that has followed in the wake of Covid-19. The impact may be uneven across various sectors, geographies, and vertical industries across the market as the effects of the pandemic continues to play out.
  • Telecom network vendors such as Huawei, Samsung, Ericsson, Nokia, and ZTE are facing supply chain issues in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, equipment installation services will remain in demand despite COVID-19-related challenges, such as rolling out personnel to sites to install new equipment amid the pandemic. Telecom operators still need to deploy small cells, predominantly in urban markets and public venues, that leverage high-band spectrum and additional macros in the field, primarily on existing sites.

Enterprise Network Equipment Market Trends

Network Security is Growing Due to Data Security Concerns

  • The market's growth is attributed to the increasing cases of cyber thefts in banking and defense institutions. The growing complexity and diversity of cyber-attacks have driven the need among organizations to implement network security equipment to reduce the likelihood of large-scale data thefts.
  • Many organizations are reaching for more robust cybersecurity strategies apart from implementing traditional firewalls and controlling user access. This creates an excellent opportunity for developers to bring new defense approaches to the table. Incorporating AI to develop intuitive, efficient systems will allow businesses to use smart machine capabilities to detect threats early and use proactive strategies in defending their information.
  • Due to the rapidly increasing growth of digital organizations, IT professionals consider the lack of visibility as one of the biggest challenges being faced in addressing network threats. Most organizations recognize how critical it is to constantly monitor their network across all users, applications, and devices. Organizations are implementing networking and security teams to work more closely and leverage network infrastructure to extend visibility everywhere and avoid data breaches or cybersecurity threats.
  • Additionally, the growing popularity of IoT and BYOD trends has also resulted in the growth of cyber-crimes, forcing organizations to use network security solutions. The rise in connected devices in the region has made enterprise networks more complex. The evolving network landscape has generated the need among enterprises to reassess their network security infrastructure and adopt robust network solutions.
  • Moreover, according to Cisco, 46% of network devices will be M2M or IoT in the upcoming years, which are vulnerable to attacks. To fully realize the potential of these connected devices, industries need to be equipped with WANs that are flexible to meet the network demands anticipated over the future.

North America is Expected to Have Significant Market Share

  • North America is expected to hold a prominent share of the enterprise network equipment market. Moreover, the region has a strong foothold of network equipment vendors. Some of them include Cisco Systems, Inc., Dell EMC, Juniper Networks, Inc., Extreme Networks, Inc., and Arista Networks, Inc., among others, which contribute to the growth of the market.
  • The vendors operating in the region are working on enterprise network equipment technologies to strengthen their product capabilities. An effective long-term work-from-home solution has to deliver a secure, enterprise-like experience that enhances efficiency, creativity, and productivity. Unlike solutions that use repurposed consumer network equipment, Aruba provides enterprise-class telework hardware coupled with plug-and-play installation, identity-based security, and cloud-native management for rapid, simple, and scalable deployment.
  • The emergence of trending technologies, such as cloud networking, SaaS-based application, network analytics, DevOps, and virtualization, has encouraged users and businesses in North America to undertake enterprise network equipment products. Also, the rising demand for cloud adoption, digital content, and new data sovereignty laws will further drive the North American region's network equipment market in the near future.
  • Also, the advances in automation technology cater to the IT sector's current business needs through smart networks and quick remediation, which continuously check the network and offer a resolution without involving any third-party application.
  • United States Department of Defense has invested a massive amount in modernizing its infrastructure in the past. Defense Systems Information Agency announced its plan to upgrade the Defense Information Systems Network (DISN) with 10 gigabits per second (Gbps) transport speeds to a 100 Gbps packet-optical transport system. Such investments are expected to boost the market.

Enterprise Network Equipment Industry Overview

The enterprise network equipment market is moderately competitive and consists of a few market players enjoying a significant market share. A few major players currently dominate the market in terms of market share. These market leaders with significant market shares are focusing on expanding their consumer base overseas. Network equipment should also meet the Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) directive from the European Union (EU), which makes limited numbers of suppliers meet such standards for enterprise use. These companies leverage strategic collaborative initiatives to increase their market share and profitability. The companies operating in the market are also acquiring start-ups working on enterprise network equipment technologies to strengthen their product capabilities

In March 2022, OneCloud CCaaS composable solutions from Avaya, a provider of solutions to improve and streamline communications and collaboration, and Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise (ALE), a global provider of communications, networking, and cloud solutions, announced a strategic partnership that expands the availability of ALE's digital networking solutions to Avaya customers globally.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Assumptions and Market Definition
  • 1.2 Scope of the Study




  • 4.1 Market Overview (Includes Assessment of Impact of COVID-19)
  • 4.2 Market Drivers
    • 4.2.1 Surging Bandwidth Requirements with IoT Prevalance
    • 4.2.2 Government Initiations in Emerging Economies to Develop Smart Cities
  • 4.3 Market Restraints
    • 4.3.1 High Maintenance Cost Due to Security Concerns
  • 4.4 Industry Attractiveness - Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 4.4.1 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 4.4.2 Bargaining Power of Consumers
    • 4.4.3 Threat of New Entrants
    • 4.4.4 Threat of Substitutes
    • 4.4.5 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry
  • 4.5 Industry Value Chain Analysis


  • 5.1 Type
    • 5.1.1 Switches
    • 5.1.2 Routers
    • 5.1.3 WLAN
    • 5.1.4 Network Security
    • 5.1.5 Other Types
  • 5.2 Geography
    • 5.2.1 North America
      • United States
      • Canada
    • 5.2.2 Europe
      • United Kingdom
      • Germany
      • France
      • Rest of Europe
    • 5.2.3 Asia Pacific
      • China
      • India
      • Japan
      • Rest of Asia Pacific
    • 5.2.4 Rest of the World


  • 6.1 Company Profiles
    • 6.1.1 Cisco Systems Inc.
    • 6.1.2 Aruba (Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP)
    • 6.1.3 Juniper Networks, Inc.
    • 6.1.4 Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd
    • 6.1.5 Dell EMC
    • 6.1.6 Extreme Networks, Inc.
    • 6.1.7 Arista Networks, Inc.
    • 6.1.8 Fortinet, Inc.
    • 6.1.9 Vmware, Inc.
    • 6.1.10 NetScout Systems, Inc.
    • 6.1.11 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
    • 6.1.12 Check Point Software Technologies Ltd
    • 6.1.13 F5 Networks, Inc.
    • 6.1.14 New H3C Technologies Co. Ltd