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实验室过滤 - 市场占有率分析、产业趋势与统计、成长预测(2024 - 2029)Laboratory Filtration - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts (2024 - 2029) |
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实验室过滤市场规模预计到 2024 年为 37.7 亿美元,预计到 2029 年将达到 53.1 亿美元,在预测期内(2024-2029 年)CAGR为 7.12%。
COVID-19 的爆发影响了实验室过滤市场。大流行期间对疫苗开发和製造的需求不断增加,增加了实验室过滤的采用。疫苗的生产采用各种过滤技术。例如,根据 NCBI 2021 年 4 月发布的研究报告,在 COVID-19 大流行期间,疫苗生产简化了新的纯化和过滤方法,以扩大生产规模。同一消息人士还表示,密西根理工大学的研究人员创建了新流程来改进纯化和过滤步骤,占疫苗製造成本的 50.0% 至 70.0%。实验室过滤设备是进行疫苗过滤程序的基本要求。因此,这种有利于疫苗接种的措施的增加可能会增加疫苗产量,进而可能推动对实验室过滤的需求。因此,疫情对市场产生了积极影响,预计在预测期内将继续呈上升趋势。
实验室过滤领域新的变革性创新技术的推出、有利于疫苗接种的倡议的增加、有利的患者人口统计以及新生儿和儿童疫苗接种的增加是市场的主要驱动力。例如,2021年10月,VisakhaAgency启动了「Tika Express」计划,以加快疫苗接种速度。流动货车将医务人员运送到偏远地区,透过组织营地为现场人员注射疫苗。此外,2022 年 8 月举办了全国免疫宣传月,以提高人们对疫苗接种对于预防慢性和致命疾病的重要性的认识。此外,2022 年 11 月,Touchligh 正在进一步推进其专有的狗骨 DNA 疫苗平台的临床前开发。其最新研究由比尔及梅琳达盖兹基金会的一项新拨款资助。比尔及梅琳达盖兹基金会向 Touchlight 授予 240 万美元资金,以进一步推进其狗骨 DNA 疫苗平台的临床前开发。这种有利于疫苗接种的措施的增加可能会增加疫苗产量,从而推动对实验室过滤的需求。因此,预计在预测期内市场将出现相当大的成长。
有利的患者人口统计数据以及新生儿和儿童疫苗接种的增加也推动了市场的成长。例如,根据美国儿科学会发表的资料,2022年3月,美国有超过100万人长期感染B型肝炎,婴儿时期感染B型肝炎的人中有90%患有B型肝炎。一生中患有肝癌等严重慢性疾病的机会。据同一来源称,美国每年有 400 万人感染水痘。超过1万人住院,100多人死亡。轻微的病例可能会导致孩子缺课一周或更长时间。此外,小儿麻痹病毒仍在美国境外传播,未接种疫苗的儿童也面临风险。为了克服和降低发病率、死亡率和经济损失,越来越多的新生儿和儿童接种疫苗,预计将加快疫苗的生产速度。由于实验室过滤是疫苗生产的重要步骤,因此疫苗生产速度的提高预计将推动实验室过滤的需求,从而推动市场成长。
超滤是从液体中分离极小颗粒和溶解分子的过程。分离的主要依据是分子的大小,儘管过滤器的渗透性可能受到样品的化学、分子或静电特性的影响。要用超滤分离,分子的大小必须相差至少一个数量级,且分子量必须在 1 kDa 到 1000 kDa 之间。超滤膜可用于清洁滤液或收集滞留物。它通常用于从缓衝液成分中分离蛋白质,以进行缓衝液交换、浓缩或脱盐。
超滤的优势和广泛适用性,例如蛋白质纯化和分离、疫苗製造以及研发投资的增加,是该细分市场成长的主要驱动力。例如,根据 NCBI 于 2021 年 1 月发表的研究报告,蛋白质的浓缩产品或分离物可能是有益的,其中超滤等膜过滤方法包括在多种蛋白质来源中的应用。此外,超滤技术的优势,例如高产品通量和快速产生结果的能力,也促进了超滤的使用。此外,色谱等传统技术需要复杂的仪器支援才能有效运行,并且以极高的成本产生低通量的产品,由于超滤技术克服了这些缺点,因此变得越来越流行。
预计疫苗需求的增加也将推动该领域的成长。例如,2022 年2 月,印度联邦卫生和家庭福利部部长曼苏赫·曼达维亚(Mansukh Mandavia) 博士在印度启动了2022 年国家脊髓灰质炎免疫运动,向卫生和家庭福利部的五岁以下儿童注射小儿麻痹疫苗。因此,疫苗需求的增加预计将激增疫苗产量,推动细分市场的成长,因为疫苗超滤是疫苗生产和製造的重要步骤之一。因此,超滤、广泛适用性和疫苗产量增加的优势预计将推动该领域在预测期内的成长。
预计北美在预测期内将大幅成长。这一增长归因于公共和私营部门研究工作的增加以及研发投资的增加。例如,根据美国研究中心2022年1月发布的报告,预计2021年美国医疗健康研发投资超过2,451.27亿美元,而2020年约为2,214.38亿美元。报道也称,产业企业的研发投入也较前几年增加。 2021年,分产业投资超过1,617.66亿美元,而2020年则为1,482.05亿美元左右。因此,投资的增加表明公共和私营部门都在专注于开发新的和先进的产品,这可能为实验室过滤市场创造新的机会。因此,预计这些因素将促进北美市场的成长。
关键产品的发布、市场参与者或製造商在该地区的高度集中以及主要参与者之间的收购和合作伙伴关係是市场的主要驱动力。此外,美国生物製药公司加大研发投入也推动了该国实验室过滤市场的成长。例如,2021 年 10 月,美国国家生物製药创新研究所 (NIIMBL) 批准拨款 300 万美元,用于六种新的生物製药製造设备。北卡罗来纳州立大学、麻萨诸塞大学、乔治亚大学、密西根大学、德拉瓦大学和卡内基美隆大学等机构将获得资助。区域研发投资的增加预计将推动市场成长。此外,薄膜过滤器和相关过滤系统新产品的推出可能会推动该地区预测期内的市场成长。例如,2021 年 11 月,杜邦水解决方案 (DWS) 推出了 TapTec LC HF-4040 逆渗透膜过滤器,该过滤器兼具高流量和可靠性。因此,由于该国在研发和产品推出方面的投资增加,预计在预测期内美国市场将出现可观的成长。
实验室过滤市场的竞争必将加剧,因为一些主要参与者正致力于透过收购和与公司合作来扩大其实验室过滤产品组合。研究的市场预计将为新参与者以及目前已建立的市场领导者提供一些机会。竞争格局包括对一些拥有市场份额且知名的国际和本地公司的分析,包括 3M 公司、默克公司、丹纳赫公司(颇尔公司)、赛多利斯集团和 GVS SpA 等。
The Laboratory Filtration Market size is estimated at USD 3.77 billion in 2024, and is expected to reach USD 5.31 billion by 2029, growing at a CAGR of 7.12% during the forecast period (2024-2029).
The outbreak of COVID-19 has impacted the laboratory filtration market. The increasing demand for vaccine development and manufacturing during the pandemic has increased the adoption of laboratory filtration. Various filtration techniques are used for the manufacturing of vaccines. For instance, according to the NCBI research study published in April 2021, new purification and filtration methods were streamlined for vaccine manufacturing to scale up production during the COVID-19 pandemic. The same source also stated that researchers at Michigan Technological University created new processes to improve the purification and filtration step, which accounts for 50.0% to 70.0% of a vaccine's manufacturing costs. Laboratory filtration equipment is an essential requirement for carrying out vaccine filtration procedures. Thus, such an increase in initiatives favoring vaccinations may increase vaccine production, which in turn may propel the demand for laboratory filtration. Therefore, the pandemic positively impacted the market and is expected to continue the upward trend over the forecast period.
The launch of new, transforming, and innovative technology in lab filtration, an increase in initiatives favoring vaccinations, favorable patient demographics, and growing vaccinations of newborns and children are the major drivers for the market. For instance, in October 2021, the 'Tika Express program was launched to speed up vaccination in VisakhaAgency. The mobile vans carried the health staff to far-flung areas, where vaccines are administered to people on the spot by organizing camps. Additionally, in August 2022, National Immunization Awareness Month was conducted to raise awareness about how important vaccination is to prevent chronic and fatal diseases. Furthermore, in November 2022, Touchligh is furthering the pre-clinical development of its proprietary doggybone DNA vaccine platform. Its latest research is financed by a new grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation awarded Touchlight USD 2.4 million in funding to further the preclinical development of its doggybone DNA vaccine platform. Such an increase in initiatives favoring vaccinations may increase vaccine production, propelling the demand for laboratory filtration. Thus, considerable market growth is expected over the forecast period.
The favorable patient demographics and growing vaccinations of newborns and children are also driving the market growth. For instance, according to data published by the American Academy of Pediatrics, in March 2022, more than 1 million people in the United States have long-term hepatitis B infections, and people who are infected with hepatitis B as a baby have a 90% chance of developing serious, chronic conditions like liver cancer in their lifetime. As per the same source, chickenpox infects 4 million people in the United States every year. More than 10,000 were hospitalized, and more than 100 died. A mild case can cause a child to miss school for a week or more. Additionally, the polio virus is still circulating outside the United States, and unvaccinated children are at risk. To overcome and reduce morbidity, mortality, and economic toll, there is a growing vaccination for newborns and children, which is expected to accelerate the manufacturing rate of vaccines. Since laboratory filtration is an essential step for vaccine manufacturing, thus increasing rate of vaccine manufacturing is expected to propel the demand for laboratory filtration, thereby surging the market growth.
However, the reuse of sterilizing-grade filters and the high cost of specialized filters is likely to impede the market growth over the forecast period.
Ultrafiltration is the process of separating extremely small particles and dissolved molecules from liquids. The primary basis for separation is the size of the molecules, although the permeability of the filter can be affected by the sample's chemical, molecular or electrostatic properties. To be separated by ultrafiltration, molecules must differ in size by at least an order of magnitude and have a molecular weight between 1 kDa and 1000 kDa. Ultrafiltration membranes can be used to clean the filtrate or collect the retentate. It is typically used to separate proteins from buffer components for buffer exchange, concentration, or desalting.
The advantages and wide applicability of ultrafiltration, such as protein purification and isolation, vaccine manufacturing, and increased investments in research and development, are the major drivers for segment growth. For instance, according to the NCBI research study published in January 2021, proteins could be beneficial in their concentrated products or isolates, of which membrane filtration methods such as ultrafiltration include application in a wide range of protein sources. Furthermore, the advantages of ultrafiltration technology, such as the high product throughput and ability to generate rapid results, also boost the use of ultrafiltration. Moreover, traditional techniques such as chromatography require complex instrumentation support to run efficiently and yield low throughput of product at an extremely high cost owing to which ultrafiltration technique is becoming more popular as it overcomes such disadvantages.
The increased demand for vaccines is also anticipated to propel the segment's growth. For instance, in February 2022, Union Minister for Health and Family Welfare Dr. Mansukh Mandavia launched the National Polio Immunization Drive for 2022 in India by administering polio drops to children below five years of age in the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. Thus, increased demand for vaccines is expected to surge vaccine production, propelling segment growth as vaccine ultrafiltration is one of the essential steps in the production and manufacture of vaccines. Therefore, the advantages of ultrafiltration, wide applicability, and increased vaccine production are anticipated to propel the segment growth over the forecast period.
North America is expected to witness considerable growth over the forecast period. The growth is due to increasing research work and rising investments in research and development by the public and private sectors. For instance, as per the report published by Research America in January 2022, the estimated Medical and Health R&D Investment in the United States was more than USD 245,127 million in 2021, whereas in 2020, it was around USD 221,438 million. It also reported that the investment in R&D by industrial players has also increased from the previous years. In 2021, the investment by industry was more than USD 161,766 million, whereas, in 2020, it was around USD 148,205 million. Therefore, increased investment indicates that both public and private sectors are focusing on developing new and advanced products, which may create new opportunities for the laboratory filtration market. Therefore, these factors are anticipated to promote market growth in North America.
The key product launches, high concentration of market players or manufacturer's presence in the region, and acquisition & partnerships among major players are the major drivers for the market. In addition, increased investments by biopharmaceutical companies in R&D in the United States are also driving the growth of the laboratory filtration market in the country. For instance, in October 2021, the United States National Institute for Innovation in Manufacturing Biopharmaceuticals (NIIMBL) approved a USD 3.0 million grant for six new biopharmaceutical manufacturing devices. North Carolina State University, the University of Massachusetts, the University of Georgia, the University of Michigan, the University of Delaware, and Carnegie Mellon University are among the institutions that will receive funding. The increase in regional R&D investments is expected to boost market growth. Further, new product launches of membrane filters and related filtering systems are likely to fuel market growth over the forecast period in the region. For instance, in November 2021, DuPont Water Solutions (DWS) introduced the TapTec LC HF-4040 reverse osmosis membrane filter, which combines high flow rates with reliability. Therefore, owing to increased investments in research and development and product launches in the country, considerable market growth is expected in the United States over the forecast period.
The Laboratory Filtration Market competition is set to intensify, as several key players are focusing on the expansion of their laboratory filtration portfolio through acquisition and collaboration with companies. The market studied is expected to open up several opportunities for new players, as well as currently established market leaders. The competitive landscape includes an analysis of a few international and local companies that hold market shares and are well known, including 3M Company, Merck KGaA, Danaher Corporation (Pall Corporation), Sartorius Group, and GVS S.p.A among others.