
半导体键合设备 - 市场占有率分析、产业趋势与统计、成长预测(2024 - 2029)

Semiconductor Bonding Equipment - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts (2024 - 2029)

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 143 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3个工作天内





半导体键合设备 - 市场



  • 数位化对生活和商业的影响带动了半导体市场的繁荣。这导致政府制定了支援 5G 部署的计划。例如,欧盟委员会建立了公私合作伙伴关係来开发和研究 5G 技术。
  • 随着未来十年晶片需求的激增,预计到2030 年,全球半导体产业将成为兆美元的产业。这种成长很大程度上得益于在半导体製造、材料和研究方面大力投资的公司和国家,以确保稳定的发展。供应晶片和专业知识,以支持以数据为中心的行业的成长。
  • 儘管全球疫情大流行并导致经济低迷,但在各类晶片(尤其是成熟节点开发的晶片)需求激增的推动下,半导体产业仍保持韧性,2020年营收成长6.5%,达到4,400亿美元大关。
  • 半导体元件广泛应用于大多数消费性电子产品。中国不仅是各种消费性电子产品的最大消费国和生产国之一,而且还透过出口多种主要用于生产製成品的投入品来满足广泛的国家需求。
  • COVID-19引发的封锁的开始产生了对工作和教育连续性的基本需求,导致对笔记型电脑和个人电脑等计算设备的需求增加,因此,半导体键合设备市场的需求激增。
  • 当产品需要键合两个晶片或晶圆时,可以使用多种方法,其中选择的键合製程是键合拥有成本的主要驱动因素。与某些黏合製程相关的高拥有成本可能会限制市场成长。



  • 对高能源和高能源效率设备的需求不断增长,加上无线和便携式电子产品的日益普及,以及由于向电气化的转变而在汽车行业中使用这些设备的增加,是推动汽车行业增长的一些关键因素。该段。
  • 电源 IC 和分立元件的一项重要趋势是高效率电源管理。新的系统架构提高了交流-直流电源适配器的效率,同时减少了其尺寸和组件数量。新的乙太网路供电 (PoE) 标准允许更高的电力传输,从而支援新设备类别的开发,例如连网照明。
  • 穿戴式装置的几个方面,从基础实体到最终用户体验,在推动消费者采用和接受方面发挥着至关重要的作用。分立半导体公司预计在产品设计阶段了解挑战和市场趋势,从而保持竞争力。
  • 使用具有更大迁移率和更高临界击穿电场的半导体(例如SiC)来降低功率损耗正在获得越来越多的关注,特别是在晶体管系列以及肖特基势垒二极体(SBD)、结型场效电晶体等电力电子元件中(JFET)和 MOSFET 电晶体。
  • 此外,智慧型手机的传输速度正在急剧提高,需要电池模组来支援处理。分离式半导体正在寻找进入电源转接器的途径,由于电池供电设备的销售,预计需求将会增加。
  • 物联网(IoT)应用的成长预计将推动分立半导体的销售。例如,根据爱立信的数据,2022 年全球蜂窝物联网连接数为 19 亿,预计到 2027 年将成长到 55 亿,期间CAGR为 19%。此外,无线通讯产业预计将随着 5G 网路的扩展而成长。消费者升级手机/设备以进一步推动全球离散采用的可能性也显示了第五代网路的发展。


  • 亚太地区是市场的重要参与者,得益于国内主要供应商的策略投资和成熟的半导体产业,预计在预测期内将出现可观的成长。 SIA表示,随着晶片消费持续成长,未来四年亚太半导体市场规模将是美洲市场的三倍以上。
  • 这一成长预计将受到该地区一些最大的半导体公司的推动,以及支持中国、印度和越南等国家半导体产业基础设施的投资不断增加。此外,国内知名供应商和政府机构正在大力投资提供下一代半导体键合解决方案,例如混合键合,预计将增加市场需求。
  • 例如,Xperi Holding Corporation 最近推出的智慧财产权 (IP) 授权业务品牌 Adeia 与 ROHM 集团子公司 LAPIS Technology 于 2022 年 5 月宣布达成协议,其中包括 Adeia 的 DBI Ultra 晶片的技术转移- 晶圆混合键合技术支援该技术的开发和部署到LAPIS 的产品线。该协议还包括 Adeia 基础混合键结专利组合的许可。
  • 随着国内晶片需求的不断扩大,预计中国将取代美国成为全球半导体产业第一强国。根据半导体产业协会预测,到2030年,半导体市场规模将翻倍,达到1兆美元以上,其中中国贡献了60%以上。这种指数级增长预计将增加对半导体键合设备的需求。
  • 此外,2022年12月,中国宣布了一项价值超过1兆元人民币(1,430亿美元)的半导体产业支援计划,显着提高了晶片自给自足率,并对美国阻碍其技术发展的行为进行报復。大部分财政援助将用于资助中国企业购买本地半导体设备,预计将支持区域市场需求。


半导体键合设备市场高度分散,主要参与者包括 EV Group、ASMPT Semiconductor Solutions 和 MRSI Systems (Myronic AB),以及 WestBond Inc. 和 Panasonic Industry。这些市场参与者正在实施各种策略,例如合作伙伴关係、创新、投资和收购,以增强其产品供应并获得可持续的竞争优势。

2022 年 11 月,SUSS MicroTec SE 为一种称为脉衝电流键合的新型低温场辅助键合技术铺平了道路。这家瑞士大学的衍生公司基于一项重大科学发现开发了 Sy&Se 技术,并将适用于手动和自动晶圆键合机系统。电流脉衝键合结合了阳极键合的坚固性和其他更复杂的键结方法的材料多功能性。

2022 年 8 月,EV Group 扩大了与工业技术研究院(位于台湾新竹的重要应用技术研究机构)的合作,开发先进的异质整合製程。作为Hi-CHIP联盟的成员,EVG集团提供了多种晶圆键合和光刻系统,包括GEMINI FB混合键合系统和EVG 850 DB自动解键系统。


  • Excel 格式的市场估算 (ME) 表
  • 3 个月的分析师支持


第 1 章:简介

  • 研究假设和市场定义
  • 研究范围

第 2 章:研究方法

第 3 章:执行摘要

第 4 章:市场洞察

  • 市场概况
  • 市场吸引力 - 波特五力分析
    • 供应商的议价能力
    • 买家的议价能力
    • 新进入者的威胁
    • 替代品的威胁
    • 竞争激烈程度
  • 产业价值链分析
  • COVID-19 对市场的影响

第 5 章:市场动态

  • 市场驱动力
    • 半导体製造商增加投资以扩大製造能力
    • 各种应用对半导体晶片的需求不断增长
  • 市场限制
    • 拥有成本高
    • 电路小型化导致复杂度增加

第 6 章:市场细分

  • 按类型
    • 永久黏合设备
    • 临时黏接设备
    • 混合键合设备
  • 按应用
    • 先进封装
    • 电源IC和功率分立元件
    • 光子装置
    • MEMS 感测器和执行器
    • 工程基材
    • CMOS 影像感测器 (CIS)
  • 按地理
    • 北美洲
    • 亚太地区
    • 欧洲
    • 世界其他地区

第 7 章:竞争格局

  • 公司简介
    • EV Group
    • ASMPT Semiconductor Solutions
    • MRSI Systems. (Myronic AB)
    • WestBond Inc.
    • Panasonic Industry Co. Ltd.
    • Palomar Technologies
    • Dr. Tresky AG
    • BE Semiconductor Industries NV
    • Fasford Technology Co.Ltd (Fuji Group)
    • Kulicke and Soffa Industries Inc.
    • DIAS Automation (HK) Ltd
    • Shibaura Mechatronics Corporation
    • SUSS MicroTec SE
    • Tokyo Electron Limited

第 8 章:投资分析

第 9 章:市场的未来

Product Code: 93348

The Semiconductor Bonding Equipment Market size is estimated at USD 0.59 billion in 2024, and is expected to reach USD 1.03 billion by 2029, growing at a CAGR of 11.76% during the forecast period (2024-2029).

Semiconductor Bonding Equipment - Market

Semiconductor bonding equipment is finding applications due to the rising demand for semiconductor chips with higher efficiency, processing power, and smaller footprints, driving the demand for the market during the forecast period.

Key Highlights

  • The impact of digitalization on lives and businesses has led to a boom in the semiconductor markets. This has resulted in government programs supporting the deployment of 5G. For instance, the European Commission established a public-private partnership to develop and research 5G technology.
  • With chip demand set to surge over the coming decade, the global semiconductor industry is expected to become a trillion-dollar industry by 2030. This growth is largely favored by companies and countries investing heavily in semiconductor manufacturing, materials, and research to guarantee a steady supply of chips and know-how to support growth across data-centric industries.
  • Despite the global pandemic and resulting economic downturn, the semiconductor industry remained resilient, with revenue growth of 6.5% to reach the USD 440 billion mark in 2020, driven by a spike in demand for all types of chips, especially those developed at mature nodes.
  • Semiconductor components are widely deployed in most consumer electronics products. China is not only one of the largest consumers and producers of various consumer electronics products but also caters to a broad range of countries by exporting several input supplies that are essentially used to produce finished goods.
  • The onset of the COVID-19-induced lockdown created a basic need for continuity of work and education, resulting in an increase in demand for computing devices such as laptops and PCs, and consequently, the semiconductor bonding equipment market experienced a surge in demand.
  • When a product requires the bonding of two dies or wafers, several methods might be used, with the bonding process selected being the primary driver for the cost of ownership of bonding. The high cost of ownership associated with some bonding processes might restrict market growth.

Semiconductor Bonding Equipment Market Trends

Power IC and Power Discrete Application Segment Holds Significant Market Share

  • The rising demand for high-energy and power-efficient devices, coupled with the increasing prevalence of wireless and portable electronic products and the increased use of these devices in the automotive industry due to the shift towards electrification, are some key factors driving the growth of the segment.
  • One significant trend in power IC and discrete is efficient power management. New system architectures improve the efficiency of AC-DC power adapters while reducing their size and component count. New Power-over-Ethernet (PoE) standards allow higher power transfer, enabling the development of new device classes, such as connected lighting.
  • Several aspects of wearable devices, from the underlying physics to the end-user experience, play crucial roles in driving consumer adoption and acceptance. Discrete semiconductor companies poised to benefit from being aware of the challenges and market trends during the design phase of products to stay competitive.
  • The use of semiconductors with larger mobility and higher critical breakdown fields, such as SiC, to reduce power losses is gaining traction, particularly among the transistor range, as well as power electronics devices like Schottky barrier diodes (SBDs), junction field-effect transistors (JFETs), and MOSFET transistors.
  • Additionally, smartphone transmission speeds are dramatically increasing, requiring battery modules to support processing. Discrete semiconductors are finding their way into power adapters, with an expected increase in demand due to the sale of battery-powered devices.
  • The growth of Internet of Things (IoT) applications is expected to boost the sales of discrete semiconductors. For instance, as per Ericsson, there were 1.9 billion cellular IoT connections worldwide in 2022, which is expected to grow to 5.5 billion in 2027, registering a CAGR of 19% over the period. Moreover, the wireless communications sector is expected to grow with the expansion of 5G networks. The likelihood of consumers upgrading their handsets/devices to drive discrete adoption further globally is also indicative of fifth-generation networks.

Asia Pacific is Expected to be the Fastest Growing Market

  • The Asia Pacific region is a significant player in the market and is expected to experience considerable growth over the forecast period, thanks to strategic investments by key domestic suppliers and the well-established semiconductor sector. According to SIA, the Asia-Pacific semiconductor market is set to be more than three times the size of the Americas market over the next four years as chip consumption continues to rise.
  • This growth is expected to be fueled by some of the largest semiconductor companies located in the region, as well as growing investments to support the semiconductor industry infrastructure across nations like China, India, and Vietnam. In addition, well-known domestic vendors and government agencies are making significant technological investments in offering next-generation semiconductor bonding solutions, such as hybrid bonding, which is expected to increase market demand.
  • For example, Adeia, the recently launched brand for the intellectual property (IP) licensing business of Xperi Holding Corporation, and LAPIS Technology Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the ROHM Group, announced an agreement in May 2022 that includes a technology transfer of Adeia's DBI Ultra die-to-wafer hybrid bonding know-how to support the development and deployment of the technology into LAPIS's product line. The agreement also includes a license to Adeia's underlying hybrid bonding patent portfolio.
  • China is predicted to overtake the United States as the world's top powerhouse in the semiconductor industry based on its expanding domestic chip demand. According to the Semiconductor Industry Association, the semiconductor market will double in size to reach more than USD 1 trillion by 2030, with China contributing over 60% of that increase. This exponential growth is expected to increase demand for semiconductor bonding equipment.
  • Furthermore, in December 2022, China announced a support program worth more than CNY 1 trillion (USD 143 billion) for its semiconductor industry, significantly advancing chip self-sufficiency and retaliating against American efforts to obstruct its technological development. Most of the financial assistance would be used to finance the purchases of local semiconductor equipment by Chinese enterprises, which is expected to support regional market demand.

Semiconductor Bonding Equipment Industry Overview

The Semiconductor Bonding Equipment Market is highly fragmented, with major players such as EV Group, ASMPT Semiconductor Solutions, and MRSI Systems (Myronic AB), as well as WestBond Inc. and Panasonic Industry Co. Ltd. These market players are implementing various strategies, such as partnerships, innovations, investments, and acquisitions, to enhance their product offerings and gain a sustainable competitive advantage.

In November 2022, SUSS MicroTec SE paved the way for a novel low-temperature field-assisted bonding technology called Impulse Current Bonding. The Swiss university spin-off has developed Sy&Se technology based on a significant scientific discovery and will be available on both manual and automatic wafer bonder systems. The current impulse bonding combines the robustness of anodic bonding with the material versatility of other, more complex bonding methods.

In August 2022, EV Group expanded its collaboration with the Industrial Technology Research Institute, a significant applied technology research institute based in Hsinchu, Taiwan, to develop advanced heterogeneous integration processes. As a member of the Hi-CHIP Alliance, EVG Group provided several wafer bonding and lithography systems, including the GEMINI FB hybrid bonding system and the EVG 850 DB automated debonding system.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Assumptions and Market Definition
  • 1.2 Scope of the Study




  • 4.1 Market Overview
  • 4.2 Market Attractiveness - Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 4.2.1 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 4.2.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers
    • 4.2.3 Threat of New Entrants
    • 4.2.4 Threat of Substitutes
    • 4.2.5 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry
  • 4.3 Industry Value Chain Analysis
  • 4.4 Impact of COVID-19 on the Market

5 Market Dynamics

  • 5.1 Market Driver
    • 5.1.1 Increasing Investment by Semiconductor Manufacturers to Expand their Manufacturing Capacity
    • 5.1.2 Rising Demand for Semiconductor Chips across Various Application
  • 5.2 Market Restraints
    • 5.2.1 High Cost of Ownership
    • 5.2.2 Increased Complexity Owing to Miniaturization of Circuits


  • 6.1 By Type
    • 6.1.1 Permanent Bonding Equipment
    • 6.1.2 Temporary Bonding Equipment
    • 6.1.3 Hybrid Bonding Equipment
  • 6.2 By Application
    • 6.2.1 Advanced Packaging
    • 6.2.2 Power IC and Power Discrete
    • 6.2.3 Photonic Devices
    • 6.2.4 MEMS Sensors and Actuators
    • 6.2.5 Engineered Substrates
    • 6.2.6 CMOS Image Sensors (CIS)
  • 6.3 By Geography
    • 6.3.1 North America
    • 6.3.2 Asia Pacific
    • 6.3.3 Europe
    • 6.3.4 Rest of the World


  • 7.1 Company Profiles
    • 7.1.1 EV Group
    • 7.1.2 ASMPT Semiconductor Solutions
    • 7.1.3 MRSI Systems. (Myronic AB)
    • 7.1.4 WestBond Inc.
    • 7.1.5 Panasonic Industry Co. Ltd.
    • 7.1.6 Palomar Technologies
    • 7.1.7 Dr. Tresky AG
    • 7.1.8 BE Semiconductor Industries NV
    • 7.1.9 Fasford Technology Co.Ltd (Fuji Group)
    • 7.1.10 Kulicke and Soffa Industries Inc.
    • 7.1.11 DIAS Automation (HK) Ltd
    • 7.1.12 Shibaura Mechatronics Corporation
    • 7.1.13 SUSS MicroTec SE
    • 7.1.14 Tokyo Electron Limited