

Smart Label - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts (2024 - 2029)

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 137 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3个工作天内








  • 消费者行为和生活方式的改变导致人们对电商平台上安全、可追溯的食品越来越感兴趣,消费者的健康和安全意识也随之增强。 IBM 研究表明,71% 的消费者愿意为提供完全透明度和可追溯性的公司支付平均 37% 的溢价。食品供应链是最复杂、最分散的供应链之一,但70%的企业在其原始供应商和内部客户系统之间存在「可见性差距」。
  • 2023年4月,CCL Industries宣布收购E-Agile,专注于医疗保健领域的硬体和软体解决方案提供商。此次收购还包括 eAgile 的标籤 RFID嵌体专业知识和 Alert Systems ApS 的智慧财产权。 eAgile 的整合将加强 CCL Label 的医疗保健和专业部门,并增强整个组织的 RFID 能力。此外,Alert Systems ApS 是私人公司,专门为欧洲零售商提供防盗解决方案,并将补充查核点的商品可用性解决方案 (MAS) 产品线。
  • 这些标籤被用作实现智慧供应链的工具。标籤在消费品的行销和广告中发挥着重要作用。这可以透过提供产品资讯和分析消费者购买模式来实现,这些资讯可以从这些标籤收集的资料中存取。製造商供应链成本的降低将推动这些解决方案的积极采用,使效率接近最接近的水平,增加需求,并在各个最终用户行业中获得先发优势,这是鼓励这一点的重要因素。
  • 此外,客户消费模式的不断增长和互联网的快速普及也直接影响电子商务的扩张。因此,电子商务可能会产生对智慧标籤的持续需求,用于产品追踪和追溯。为了从这种情况中获得最大利益,智慧标籤製造商正在推出先进的标籤解决方案,特别是针对电子商务领域。
  • 由于列印过程中使用的溶剂的溶解度,智慧标籤在运输过程中承受恶劣气候条件和阳光照射的能力起着重要作用。许多标籤会因暴露在阳光、化学物质以及骯脏或潮湿的环境中而损坏,因此标籤必须能够承受运输、储存或使用过程中的恶劣条件。



  • 用于追踪和识别产品的智慧标籤在零售业中越来越受欢迎。这些标籤使用 RFID(无线射频识别)或其他技术来追踪整个供应链和商店内的产品。智慧标籤有潜力透过提供有关存量基准和位置的即时资讯来帮助商家更有效地管理库存。商家可以轻鬆更新标籤上的产品讯息,从而实现更准确的定价和行销。
  • 据国际贸易部称,2023年至2027年,印度零售电子商务产业预计将以14.1%的复合年复合成长率(CAGR)成长。阿根廷和巴西在零售电子商务产业也取得了长足进步。
  • 透过将RFID技术融入电子商务,企业可以避免可用库存与实际库存之间存在差异等问题,从而导致销售和客户信任的损失、客户发货出现问题、网路购物和实体店或仓库避免库存等错误。问题不统一,管理更复杂。
  • NFC(近距离场通讯)标籤可以在零售业中以多种方式使用,以改善客户的购物体验并提高效率。 NFC 标籤的应用之一是电子货架标籤系统 (ESL)。零售商可以使用嵌入这些数位价格标籤的配备有 NFC 技术的行动装置或 PC 即时更改产品价格和资讯。这节省了时间和资源,同时减少了价格错误的可能性。
  • 市场上的公司正在开发新的解决方案来满足其客户的需求。例如,2023 年 2 月,北美小型电子纸显示器技术提供商 Danavation Technologies Corp. 宣布,该公司赢得了四份额外安装新型数位智慧标籤的新契约。该公司表示,将从 2023 年开始在加拿大和美国最近的 10 个零售点安装数位智慧标籤。
  • 总体而言,智慧标籤市场的未来充满希望,并有潜力透过即时库存追踪、提高客户参与和促进永续性来彻底改变零售业。随着零售商继续采用先进技术并寻求创新解决方案以提高业务效率,未来几年对智慧标籤产品的需求预计将成长。


  • 北美是全球最大的智慧标籤市场之一,其中美国占最大份额。该国的巨大需求是由于大大小小的零售店的存在。在美国,沃尔玛等零售巨头和其他公司处于主导,推动了活动的增加,并显着促进了该国智慧标籤市场的成长。沃尔玛正在为牛仔裤等男士服装添加电子识别标籤,因为该零售商希望更好地管理其库存。
  • 2023 年 1 月,艾利丹尼森达成协议,收购 Thermopatch,这是针对运动、工作服和酒店业的标籤、装饰和转录专家。收购完成后,Thermopatch 将併入艾利丹尼森的 RBIS(零售品牌和资讯解决方案)服装解决方案部门。这项策略性倡议将使艾利丹尼森能够​​透过调动产业专业知识和提供优质服务来加速外部装饰领域的成长。
  • 食品公司正在使用智慧标籤,透过提供额外的营养和成分资讯并帮助减少家庭食品废弃物来更好地与消费者建立联繫。美国农业部 (USDA) 和 FDA(食品药物管理局)宣布了一项框架协议,对细胞肉类和其他潜在食品进行标籤。新兴国家的这些发展预计将扩大该国调查市场的规模。此外,该国的供应商正在投资技术,以增加整个供应链的可追溯性,并增加区块链和智慧标籤的使用。
  • 美国的员工窃盗和入店行窃事件也有所增加,其中包括有组织的零售犯罪。为了打击零售犯罪的惊人成长,相关人员正在开发基于 RFID 的智慧标籤来追踪纺织品和服饰。
  • 数位技术的新进步正在影响加拿大印刷业,提高其竞争力并鼓励对该行业的投资。数位印刷、整合系统、客户介面软体和后端自动化等新技术的采用提高了业务效率,并显着提高了交付给最终用户的产品品质。
  • 加拿大食品和消费品部 (FCPC) 推出了一款创新的智慧标籤,让消费者能够即时、轻鬆地获取无法列印在产品标籤上的资讯。这是 FCPC 成员公司策略的一部分,旨在透过提高向消费者提供的产品的透明度来培养更健康的饮食习惯。许多领先的加拿大公司也利用智慧标籤来培育透明文化。



  • 2024年5月,Roambee推出了物流业首创的「即剥即运」智慧标籤,采用真正的5G GPS技术。这款 4" x 6" 标籤利用 NIST 校准的 5G、GPS、温度、湿度、衝击和光线感测器来重新定义使用者与「类似条码」介面的互动。其一次性设计专为一次性使用而设计,可为企业提供无与伦比的对二级分销渠道、直接面向消费者的产品以及传统可重复使用跟踪器往往无法提供的全面产品流资料的即时监控。
  • 2024 年 6 月,印刷低功耗电子纸显示器产品供应商 Ynvisible Interactive Inc. 宣布与专门从事供应链视觉性数位解决方案的瑞士公司 Hive-Zox 建立策略合作伙伴关係。此次合作旨在将 Ynvisible 的电子纸显示器整合到紧凑的智慧标籤中,用于监控药品和医疗保健运输。 Hive-Zox 正准备增加产量,目标是每年超过 100 万台。同时,Hive-Zox 推出了连网型 Label,这是一种针对製药和医疗保健产业的经济高效的自动化监控解决方案。


  • Excel 格式的市场预测 (ME) 表
  • 3 个月分析师支持



  • 研究假设和市场定义
  • 调查范围




  • 市场概况
  • 产业吸引力-波特五力分析
    • 供应商的议价能力
    • 买家/消费者的议价能力
    • 新进入者的威胁
    • 竞争公司之间的敌对关係
    • 替代品的威胁
  • 产业价值链分析
  • COVID-19 对市场的影响


  • 市场驱动因素
    • 对安全性和追踪解决方案的需求增加
  • 市场限制因素
    • 缺乏普遍的标准、安全问题以及无法承受恶劣的气候条件

第六章 市场细分

  • 依技术
    • 电子商品防盗系统 (EAS)
    • RFID
    • 感测标籤
    • NFC
    • 电子货架标籤(ESL)
  • 按最终用户产业
    • 零售
    • 医疗保健和製药
    • 后勤
    • 製造业
    • 其他最终用户产业
  • 按地区
    • 北美洲
      • 美国
      • 加拿大
    • 欧洲
      • 英国
      • 德国
      • 法国
      • 其他欧洲国家
    • 亚太地区
      • 中国
      • 印度
      • 日本
      • 韩国
      • 其他亚太地区
    • 拉丁美洲
    • 中东/非洲

第七章 竞争格局

  • 公司简介
    • Avery Dennison Corporation
    • CCL Industries Inc.
    • William Frick & Company
    • Honeywell International Inc.
    • Invengo Information Technology Co. Ltd
    • Scanbuy Inc.
    • Sato Holdings Corp.
    • Alien Technology
    • Zebra Technologies Corp.
    • Roambee Corporation



Product Code: 49954

The Smart Label Market size is estimated at USD 15.67 billion in 2024, and is expected to reach USD 33.40 billion by 2029, growing at a CAGR of 16.34% during the forecast period (2024-2029).

Smart Label - Market

Smart labels are becoming one of the most popular technologies across the retail, healthcare, and logistics sectors and are viewed as an ideal means to achieve greater efficiencies and profitability while providing the authenticity of an item and its traceability from the warehouse to the distribution center throughout the supply chain.

Key Highlights

  • The changing consumer behavior and lifestyle have brought a higher interest in safe and traceable food on e-commerce platforms and raised public consciousness of health and safety in general. According to an IBM study, 71% of consumers are ready to pay an additional average premium of 37% for companies providing full transparency and traceability. While the food supply chain is one of the most complex and fragmented supply chains, 70% of firms have "visibility gaps" between the initial supplier and internal clients' systems.
  • In April 2023, CCL Industries Inc. announced its acquisition of eAgile Inc., a provider of hardware and software solutions tailored for the healthcare sector. This acquisition also includes eAgile's expertise in RFID inlays integrated into labels and the intellectual property of Alert Systems ApS. The integration of eAgile is expected to bolster CCL Label's Healthcare & Specialty division, enhancing its RFID capabilities across the organization. In addition, Alert Systems ApS, a privately held company based in Denmark, specializes in anti-theft solutions for European retailers, complementing Checkpoint's merchandise availability solutions (MAS) product lines.
  • These labels are used as a tool to enable smart supply chains. They play a vital role in the marketing and advertising of consumer products. This can be achieved through the provision of product information, as well as the analysis of consumer buying patterns that can be accessed from the data collected by these labels. Cost-cutting over the supply chain by manufacturers to be closer to the nearest level of efficiency has been a critical factor that has augmented the demand and prompted the proactive adoption of these solutions to gain the first-mover advantage in the individual end-user industry.
  • Moreover, increasing customer spending patterns and rapid internet penetration are directly influencing the expansion of e-commerce. Thus, consistent demand for smart labels is likely to be generated by e-commerce for product tracking and tracing. To benefit the most from this scenario, smart label manufacturers are launching advanced label solutions, particularly for the e-commerce sector.
  • The ability of a smart label to withstand harsh climatic conditions during shipping and exposure to sunlight plays an important role due to the dissolving nature of solvents used during printing. The labels should have the ability to face tough conditions during shipping, storage, or point-of-use, as many labels are subject to damage when exposed to sunlight, chemicals, and dirty or wet environments.

Smart Label Market Trends

Retail End User Industry to Hold Significant Market Share

  • In the retail industry, smart labels are becoming increasingly popular for tracking and identifying merchandise. RFID (radio-frequency identification) or other technologies are used in these labels to track products throughout the supply chain and in-store. Smart labels have the potential to assist merchants in managing inventories more efficiently by delivering real-time information on stock levels and locations. Merchants can easily update product information on labels, which also enables more accurate pricing and marketing.
  • According to the International Trade Administration, between 2023 and 2027, India is poised to boast a projected compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 14.1% in its retail e-commerce sector. Not far behind, Argentina and Brazil are also making significant strides in the retail e-commerce industry.
  • By incorporating RFID technology into e-commerce, firms can avoid mistakes like the available stock not matching the actual one, which results in a loss of sales and customer confidence, problems with customer shipments, and issues with a stock that does not integrate online shopping with the actual store or warehouse, which results in more complex management.
  • NFC (near field communication) labels can be utilized in a variety of ways in the retail business to improve the customer shopping experience and increase efficiency. One application for NFC labels is electronic shelf labeling systems (ESL). Retailers can change product pricing and information in real time using a mobile device or PC with NFC technology embedded into these digital price tags. This saves time and resources while also lowering the chance of price errors.
  • The players in the market are developing new solutions to cater to customers. For instance, in February 2023, Danavation Technologies Corp., a North American-founded and based technology provider of tiny e-paper displays, announced that the company received new contracts for four further installations of new digital smart labels. The firm mentioned installing digital smart labels in ten recent retail locations in Canada and the United States since the start of 2023.
  • Overall, the future of the smart label market looks promising, with the potential to revolutionize the retail sector by offering real-time inventory tracking, improving customer engagement, and promoting sustainability. As retailers continue to adopt advanced technologies and seek innovative solutions to improve operational efficiency, the demand for smart label products is projected to grow in the coming years.

North America to Hold Major Share in the Market

  • North America is one of the largest markets for smart labels across the world, with the United States accounting for a significant share of the region. The country's huge demand can be attributed to the vast presence of retail stores, both small and large. Retail goliaths like Walmart and other businesses are in charge in the United States, driving the uptick in activity and significantly boosting the country's growth in the smart label market. Walmart has been putting electronic identification tags on men's clothing, like jeans, as the retailer tries to gain more control over its inventory.
  • In January 2023, Avery Dennison inked a deal to acquire Thermopatch, a specialist in labeling, embellishments, and transfers for the sports, workwear, and hospitality sectors. Following the acquisition, Thermopatch was set to integrate into Avery Dennison's Retail Branding and Information Solutions (RBIS) Apparel Solutions division. This strategic move positions Avery Dennison to leverage its collective industry expertise, emphasizing its quality service to propel growth in external embellishments.
  • Food companies are using smart labels to connect with consumers by offering additional nutritional and ingredient information and helping to reduce food waste in the country. The USDA and FDA (Food and Drug Administration) announced a framework agreement to label cell-based meats and potentially other food products. These developments are expected to augment the size of the market studied in the country. Moreover, vendors in the country invest in technologies that drive greater traceability throughout their supply chains, with blockchain being increasingly used along with smart labels.
  • The United States is also witnessing increasing employee theft and shoplifting, including organized retail crime. To address the alarming rise in retail crimes, stakeholders are developing smart labels based on RFID to track textiles and garments.
  • The effects of new advancements in digital technologies have influenced the Canadian printing industry, making it more competitive and encouraging firms to invest in this domain. The adoption of new technologies, such as digital printing, integrated systems, customer interface software, and post-process automation, has enhanced operating efficiency and significantly improved the quality of products delivered to end users.
  • Food and Consumer Products of Canada (FCPC) launched an innovative smart label that gives consumers instant and easy access to information that cannot be printed on product labels. This is a part of the Healthy Eating Strategy that the members of FCPC have undertaken by ushering in higher levels of transparency in the products that they offer to consumers. Many major companies in Canada have also committed to using smart labels to enhance the culture of transparency.

Smart Label Industry Overview

The global smart label market is fragmented, with the presence of major players like Avery Dennison Corporation, CCL Industries Inc., William Frick & Company, Honeywell International Inc., and Invengo Information Technology Co. Ltd. Players in the market are adopting strategies such as partnerships, agreements, and acquisitions to enhance their product offerings and gain a sustainable competitive advantage. For instance,

  • In May 2024, Roambee debuted the logistics industry's pioneering 'peel-and-ship' smart label, powered by true 5G GPS technology. This 4-inch x 6-inch label redefines user interaction with its 'barcode-like' interface, harnessing 5G, GPS, and NIST-calibrated sensors for temperature, humidity, shock, and light. Tailored for one-time use, its disposable design grants enterprises unparalleled real-time oversight of secondary distribution channels, customer-direct shipments, and comprehensive product flow data, areas where conventional reusable trackers often lag.
  • In June 2024, Ynvisible Interactive Inc., a provider of printed low-power e-paper display products, unveiled a strategic partnership with Hive-Zox, a Switzerland-based firm specializing in digital solutions for supply chain visibility. The collaboration aims to embed Ynvisible's e-paper displays into a compact, intelligent label tailored for monitoring pharmaceutical and healthcare shipments. Hive-Zox is poised to ramp up production, targeting an annual output exceeding 1 million units. Concurrently, Hive-Zox introduced its latest offering, the ConnectedLabel, a cost-effective, automated monitoring solution tailored for the pharmaceutical and healthcare sectors.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Assumptions and Market Definition
  • 1.2 Scope of the Study




  • 4.1 Market Overview
  • 4.2 Industry Attractiveness - Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 4.2.1 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 4.2.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers/Consumers
    • 4.2.3 Threat of New Entrants
    • 4.2.4 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry
    • 4.2.5 Threat of Substitutes
  • 4.3 Industry Value Chain Analysis
  • 4.4 Impact of COVID-19 on the Market


  • 5.1 Market Drivers
    • 5.1.1 Increased Demand for Security and Tracking Solutions
  • 5.2 Market Restraints
    • 5.2.1 Lack of Ubiquitous Standards, Safety Concerns, and Inability to withstand Harsh Climatic Conditions


  • 6.1 By Technology
    • 6.1.1 Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS)
    • 6.1.2 RFID
    • 6.1.3 Sensing Label
    • 6.1.4 NFC
    • 6.1.5 Electronic Shelf Label (ESL)
  • 6.2 By End-user Industry
    • 6.2.1 Retail
    • 6.2.2 Healthcare and Pharmaceutical
    • 6.2.3 Logistics
    • 6.2.4 Manufacturing
    • 6.2.5 Other End-user Industries
  • 6.3 By Geography
    • 6.3.1 North America
      • United States
      • Canada
    • 6.3.2 Europe
      • United Kingdom
      • Germany
      • France
      • Rest of Europe
    • 6.3.3 Asia-Pacific
      • China
      • India
      • Japan
      • South Korea
      • Rest of Asia-Pacific
    • 6.3.4 Latin America
    • 6.3.5 Middle East and Africa


  • 7.1 Company Profiles
    • 7.1.1 Avery Dennison Corporation
    • 7.1.2 CCL Industries Inc.
    • 7.1.3 William Frick & Company
    • 7.1.4 Honeywell International Inc.
    • 7.1.5 Invengo Information Technology Co. Ltd
    • 7.1.6 Scanbuy Inc.
    • 7.1.7 Sato Holdings Corp.
    • 7.1.8 Alien Technology
    • 7.1.9 Zebra Technologies Corp.
    • 7.1.10 Roambee Corporation