
业务物联网 -市场占有率分析、产业趋势/统计、成长预测(2025-2030)

Internet of Things in Banking - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts (2025 - 2030)

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 120 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3个工作天内







  • 物联网在银行业的基本优势之一是为信用卡和签帐金融卡客户提供更方便的服务。银行可以分析特定区域 ATM 终端的使用率,并根据使用情况变更 ATM 安装。除了 ATM 之外,银行还可以利用物联网资料,透过提供自助服务终端并提高客户服务的可近性,使按需服务更贴近客户。透过物联网获得的客户资料可以帮助银行识别客户业务需求和价值链,并获得客户洞察。客户资讯帮助银行提供附加价值服务、财务援助和客製化产品,确保双赢。
  • 零售业务业务市场潜力大。透过智慧扬声器进行业务为客户提供了发出语音指令的便利,而无需实际查看行动装置。
  • 物联网为 BFSI 行业提供了多种数位化优势,包括 360 度客户观点、改进的财务安全、诈骗侦测和尖端的保险策略。物联网带来的创新帮助银行和金融机构超越客户期望并提供卓越的客户服务。
  • 一些银行已经开始使用信标,在客户进入分店后立即向其智慧型手机发送客製化优惠讯息。一些 ATM 机现在正在实施即时串流视讯支持,允许客户在需要额外帮助时与柜员交谈。银行正在使用物联网和其他业务和应用程式来解决传统分店业务与行动业务的衝突。例如,生物识别感测器可用于在客户进入银行时收集资料并将其转发到关键系统。
  • 为了阻止 COVID-19 的传播,世界各地的大多数银行员工都被要求在家工作。 COVID-19 也挑战客户的传统银行业务习惯。世界卫生组织(WHO)建议人们使用非接触式付款,并尽可能避免处理纸币。因为 COVID-19 可以在纸币上存活数天,加速疾病的传播。透过实施数位化和远端客户交易,银行可以确保常规和特殊流程的执行不受干扰。这表明物联网在银行业务中的引入将持续推进。



  • 如今,客户期望、技术力、监管要求、人口趋势和经济正在推动决定性的变化。这要求银行机构克服这些挑战,采取积极主动的网路安全方法。金融业面临的网路攻击大约是其他产业的三倍。资料外洩(由于诈骗造成的内部洩露,由于网路犯罪分子造成的外部洩露)导致成本急剧增加。通常,实体存取控制、虚拟专用网路以及晶片组装整合商实施用于防伪的多重身份验证(MFA)是网路安全应用市场的主要趋势,预计市场将会扩大。
  • 个人财务管理(PFM)是 21 世纪的创新。 PFM 的指南想法很简单:让消费者清楚了解他们的帐户、收入和支出。 PFM 系统允许客户查看其帐户中的交易。透过利用物联网产生的资料,银行将能够为客户提供更好的服务。为了追踪客户的使用情况,物联网必须提供警报和讯号来启用/停用银行控制的某些项目。
  • 与物联网设备相关的持续威胁将迫使银行增加额外的安全层,包括可修补的韧体/软体和受控的权限存取。如果使用物联网的大规模攻击开始,可能会推出新的法规。这样做是为了借助穿戴式装置放大攻击。据 Samsung Insights 称,智慧型手錶等穿戴式装置是零售业务体验的未来。例如,当客户进入银行商店时,银行可以使用蓝牙信标将个人问候语推送到客户的智慧型手錶。
  • 金融服务业对网路犯罪分子具有吸引力,原因显而易见:取得资金和相关资料,以及不太明显的原因:与物联网相关的安全漏洞。物联网越来越多地被企业使用,从帮助确定保险费率的联网汽车。金融专业人士必须采取多项重要行动来保护连网平台上的客户资料。
  • 例如,去年7月至9月,俄罗斯网路犯罪分子利用社会工程对金融客户发动了超过134,000次攻击。网路钓鱼也被用于约 3,000 起针对客户的攻击。


  • 北美是许多主要银行的所在地,也是业务物联网市场的主要驱动力。操作技术和资讯科技的整合、互联业务产品、应用程式以及在场所监控中越来越多地使用物联网设备是推动北美业务物联网发展的因素。美国是业务联网安全解决方案的最大市场,因为许多银行都出现了资料外洩的新闻。
  • 许多银行现在都为 Apple Watch 和 FitPay 等流行的可穿戴设备提供应用程序,美国银行已经与它们合作。亚马逊还计划允许客户透过 Alexa 相互转账,并将其存入亚马逊品牌的支票帐户。美国金融保全服务公司迪堡更进一步,设计了智慧ATM机。想要提取现金的人可以在行动应用程式上预订会话,前往最近的 ATM 并选择可用的身份验证选项之一。
  • 在美国,资料外洩事件每年都在增加。受影响的主要领域是银行业,其中特权滥用和网路攻击是主要原因。最近有消息称,汇丰银行客户在美国遭受诈欺用户的资料洩露,导致个人资讯洩露。 Attila 的 GoSilent 等安全解决方案旨在侦测和防止来自各种来源的网路攻击。 Silent 透过保护所有端点(包括伺服器、行动装置、印表机/扫描器、笔记型电脑和桌上型电脑)来锁定对银行机构网路的存取。
  • 借助支援物联网的 ATM,银行可以执行更广泛的交易,并为客户提供更个人化的体验。这些 ATM 机还可用于侦测和防止诈欺。例如,去年10月,晓星美国宣布推出三款业务解决方案,包括Series 5 ATM、Series 7 ATM和MS500EL Teller Cash Recycler。


银行市场物联网正走向细分市场。这是因为公司和解决方案正在进入市场,在物联网生态系统中形成碎片化的模式。主要参与企业包括IBM公司、微软公司、思科系统公司和印孚瑟斯有限公司。近期市场发展趋势包括:2022年2月,印度星展银行宣布与知名酪农科技公司Stellapps建立银行业务,以促进印度小规模乳品加工业的数位化。 Stellapps 提供云端基础的原乳分级,使乳品加工业能够更透明地了解所运输的牛奶的数量和品质以及他们从中获得的收入。这是透过基于物联网的解决方案和数数位资料来完成的。在280万乳品加工业和250家乳製品加工商的帮助下,Stellapps的数位原乳采购系统目前每天支援1,300万公升原奶。由于需要投资,许多乳品加工业不愿意实施数位系统。因此,我们租赁 Stellapps 线上网路。


  • Excel 格式的市场预测 (ME) 表
  • 3 个月分析师支持



  • 研究假设和市场定义
  • 调查范围




  • 市场概况
  • 工业吸引力-波特五力
    • 供应商的议价能力
    • 买方议价能力
    • 新进入者的威胁
    • 替代品的威胁
    • 竞争公司之间敌对关係的强度
  • COVID-19 市场影响评估


  • 市场驱动因素
    • 透过自助服务终端提供按需服务,提高客户的服务可近性
    • 扩大物联网在签帐金融卡/信用卡交易诈欺预测的应用
  • 市场问题
    • 对隐私侵犯和资料安全风险的担忧
  • 关键使用案例和案例研究
    • 追踪原材料和库存以进行融资
    • 透过分析作物产量来确定财务条款的灵活性
    • 提高保护系统抵御可能攻击的有效性
  • 零售业务现状
    • 使用 Chase Beacons 在接近 ATM 之前提前通知选择使用该服务的客户
    • 巴克莱银行使用 Beacon 技术帮助残疾乘客导航分店
    • 美国银行和花旗银行正在使用 Beacon 来恢復废弃的商业街分店。

第六章 市场细分

  • 按类型
    • 解决方案
    • 服务
  • 按用途
    • 安全
    • 监控
    • 资料管理
    • 客户体验管理
    • 其他的
  • 地区
    • 北美洲
    • 欧洲
    • 亚太地区
    • 其他的

第七章 竞争格局

  • 公司简介
    • IBM Corporation
    • Infosys Limited
    • Software AG
    • Temenos AG
    • Cisco Systems, Inc.
    • Microsoft Corporation
    • Oracle Corporation
    • Accenture PLC
    • Tibbo Systems
    • Vodafone Group PLC

第八章 银行业物联网市场投资分析及未来展望

Product Code: 60371

The Internet of Things in Banking Market is expected to register a CAGR of 18.58% during the forecast period.

Internet of Things in Banking - Market - IMG1

Key Highlights

  • One of the essential benefits of IoT in the banking industry is providing easy-to-access services to credit card and debit card customers. Banks can analyze the usage rate of ATM kiosks in specific areas and alter the installation of ATMs depending on usage volumes. Along with ATMs, banks can use IoT data to bring on-demand services closer to customers by providing kiosks and increasing the accessibility of service to customers. The customer data available through IoT can help banks identify their customers' business needs and value chains and gain customer insights. Customer information can help banks contribute to providing value-added services, financial assistance, and customized products to ensure a favorable situation for both parties.
  • The market has a huge potential when it comes to retail banking. Banking via smart speakers provides customers with the convenience of issuing voice instructions rather than physically looking at a mobile device.
  • IoT provides the BFSI industry with a variety of digitalization advantages, including a 360-degree client perspective, improved financial security, fraud detection, cutting-edge insurance tactics, and more. Innovations made possible by the Internet of Things assist banking and financial organizations in exceeding client expectations and providing superior customer service.
  • Some banks have started using beacons to send customized offers to customers' smartphones as soon as they enter the branch. Some ATMs now have live-stream video support that allows customers to speak to tellers if they require additional assistance. Banks use IoT and other banking applications to resolve the conflict seen in traditional branch banking due to mobile banking. For instance, biometric sensors can be utilized to garner user data when they enter the bank and relay it to the primary system.
  • To contain the spread of COVID-19, the majority of bank employees across the world are being asked to work from home. COVID-19 is also challenging the traditional banking habits of customers. The World Health Organization (WHO) has advised people to use contactless payment and avoid handling banknotes as much as possible. This is because COVID-19 may continue to live on a note for days, accelerating the spread of this disease. By implementing digitized and remote customer transactions, banks can ensure that everyday and exceptional processes are likely to be carried out with limited disruption. This represents an increasing adoption of IoT in banking in the future.

Internet of Things in Banking Market Trends

Security Application is Expected to Hold Significant Share

  • Nowadays, customer expectations, technological capabilities, regulatory requirements, demographics, and economics create a crucial change. This demands that banking institutions move past these challenges and adopt a proactive approach to cybersecurity. The financial sector faced almost three times the cyber attacks compared to the other industries. Data breaches (internal through fraud and external through cybercriminals) lead to an exponential cost rise. Enforcing Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), usually for physical access control, virtual private networks, and prevention of counterfeit by chip assembly integrators, are the critical trends in the cybersecurity applications market, which are expected to enhance the market.
  • Personal Financial Management (PFM) is a 21st-century innovation. The PFM's guiding idea is simple: give consumers a clear image of their accounts, revenues, and expenses. Using a PFM system, the customer can see his accounts' transactions. Banks will be able to better serve their clients by using the data generated by IoT. To track the customer's usage, an IoT must provide alerts or signals to activate/deactivate particular items maintained by the bank.
  • Ongoing threats related to IoT devices will force banks to tighten security layers, including patchable firmware/software and controlled privilege access. New regulations will follow once massive-scale attacks are initiated using IoT. This will be done to amplify the attack using the help of wearable devices. According to Samsung Insights, wearables, such as smartwatches, are poised to become the future of the retail banking experience. For example, banks could use Bluetooth beacons to push personal greetings to customers' smartwatches when entering a banking location.
  • The financial services industry appeals to cybercriminals for one apparent reason-access to money and related data and one less evident security hole related to the Internet of Things. IoT is being used by businesses more and more, with connected automobiles helping to determine insurance rates and smartphones taking the place of bank tellers. Finance professionals need to take several crucial actions to protect their client's data on interconnected platforms.
  • For instance, between July and September last year, cybercriminals in Russia used social engineering to launch over 13,4000 assaults against customers of financial institutions. Additionally, phishing was used in approximately 3,000 client-targeting events.

North America to Account for a Significant Share

  • North America has many of the largest banks, which significantly drives the market for IoT in banking. The convergence of operational and information technology and the increasing use of IoT devices in product, application, and premises monitoring for connected banking are factors driving the IoT in Banking in North America. The U.S. is the largest market for IoT security solutions in banking because of having a large number of banks with a large number of data breaches news.
  • Many banks now provide applications for popular wearables like Apple Watch and FitPay, which is already working with Bank of America. Amazon is too planning to let customers zap each other cash with Alexa and then deposit it in an Amazon-branded checking account. Diebold, a U.S. financial and security services corporation, went even further and designed a smart ATM. If anyone wants to withdraw some cash, a person should schedule a session via a mobile app, walk up to the nearest ATM and choose one of the available verification options.
  • There is an increased rate of data breaches in the United States annually. The main segment affected is the banking sector, and the privileged misuse and web attack is the main reason for it, where the hackers use malicious code and software to alter computer code. Recent news quotes that HSBC Bank customers had personal information exposed to a data breach by unauthorized users in the United States. Like Attila's GoSilent, security solutions are designed to detect and prevent cyber-attacks from a broad spectrum of sources. Silent locks down access to banking institutions' networks by securing all the endpoints, such as servers, mobile devices, printers/scanners, laptops, and desktops.
  • Banks are using IoT-enabled ATMs that can perform a wider range of transactions and provide customers with a more personalized experience. These ATMs can also be used to detect and prevent fraud. For instance, in October last year - three banking solutions from Hyosung America were introduced, including its Series 5 ATMs, Series 7 ATMs, and MS500EL Teller Cash Recycler.

Internet of Things in Banking Industry Overview

The Internet of things in the banking market is moving toward a fragmented market. This is because of the entry of companies and solutions into the market, creating a fragmented landscape within the IoT ecosystem. The key players are IBM Corporation, Microsoft Corporation, Cisco Systems, Inc., Infosys Limited, etc. Recent developments in the market are that, in February 2022, to encourage digitization among small dairies across India, DBS Bank India announced that it has teamed with Stellapps, a prominent dairy-tech business, as its banking partner. Stellapps provides cloud-based milk grading, which increases transparency for farmers regarding the amount and quality of milk delivered and the income gained from it. This is done through IoT-based solutions and digital data. With the help of 2.8 million dairy producers and 250 dairy processors, Stellapps' digital milk procurement system presently helps 13 million liters of milk per day. Due to the investments required, many dairies are reluctant to install a digital structure. As a result, they decide to lease Stellapps' online network.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Assumptions and Market Definition
  • 1.2 Scope of the Study




  • 4.1 Market Overview
  • 4.2 Industry Attractiveness - Porter Five Forces
    • 4.2.1 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 4.2.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers
    • 4.2.3 Threat of New Entrants
    • 4.2.4 Threat of Substitute Products
    • 4.2.5 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry
  • 4.3 Assessment of Impact of COVID-19 on the Market


  • 5.1 Market Drivers
    • 5.1.1 Increasing Accessibility of Services to Customers by Providing On-demand services via Kiosk
    • 5.1.2 Growing Adoption of IoT for Predicting Fraud in Debit/Credit Card Transactions
  • 5.2 Market Challenges
    • 5.2.1 Concerns Regarding Breach of Privacy and Data Security Risks
  • 5.3 Key Use-cases and Case Studies
    • 5.3.1 Tracking Raw Materials and Inventory Stock for Loan
    • 5.3.2 Deciding Flexibility in Financial Terms by Analyzing Farm Crop Output
    • 5.3.3 Improving Effectiveness of Protection System Against Possible Attacks
  • 5.4 Retail Banking Landscape
    • 5.4.1 The utilization of Beacon by Chase to pre-announce customers, opting into the service before approaching ATM
    • 5.4.2 Barclay's Initiative to help disabled passengers navigate branches using Beacon technology
    • 5.4.3 US Bank and Citi using Beacons to revive underused high-street branches


  • 6.1 By Type
    • 6.1.1 Solution
    • 6.1.2 Services
  • 6.2 By Application
    • 6.2.1 Security
    • 6.2.2 Monitoring
    • 6.2.3 Data Management
    • 6.2.4 Customer Experience Management
    • 6.2.5 Other Applications
  • 6.3 Geography
    • 6.3.1 North America
    • 6.3.2 Europe
    • 6.3.3 Asia-Pacific
    • 6.3.4 Rest of the World


  • 7.1 Company Profiles
    • 7.1.1 IBM Corporation
    • 7.1.2 Infosys Limited
    • 7.1.3 Software AG
    • 7.1.4 Temenos AG
    • 7.1.5 Cisco Systems, Inc.
    • 7.1.6 Microsoft Corporation
    • 7.1.7 Oracle Corporation
    • 7.1.8 Accenture PLC
    • 7.1.9 Tibbo Systems
    • 7.1.10 Vodafone Group PLC