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洩漏检测解决方案:全球市场占有率分析、产业趋势/统计、成长预测(2025-2030)Global Leak Detection Solutions - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts (2025 - 2030) |
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全球洩漏检测解决方案市场预计在预测期内复合年增长率为 4.4%。
例如,2022 年 3 月,South West Water 与基于卫星的洩漏侦测公司 ASTERRA 合作,提供卫星资料分析,以找出地下水洩漏并降低整个网路的洩漏程度。此方法类似于在火星等其他行星上寻找水的方法,其工作原理是用太空卫星上的微波感测器拍摄地球。这些资料揭示了地面上看不见的潜在漏水。
近年来,石油和天然气行业对洩漏检测系统的需求不断增长,但一些洩漏检测系统存在改造问题,例如基于光纤的分散式温度感测 (DTS) 和分散式声学感测 (DAS) 系统。市场的成长。将光纤洩漏检测设备安装到现有管道中既困难又昂贵。长管道(超过 50 公里)需要许多询问器单元,增加了感测器和询问器系统的安装成本。
COVID-19 大流行凸显了加速向自动化和远端测试流程转变的必要性。价格波动对全球石油和天然气产业产生了重大影响。它影响了主要石油和燃气公司的财务状况,并抑制了未来的计划。例如,2020年4月,由于疫情导致阿根廷经济状况恶化,阿根廷能源部暂停了瓦卡穆尔塔-布宜诺斯艾利斯天然气管道开发竞标计划。
许多气体排放监测公司正在利用机器学习和人工智慧 (AI) 来更有效地识别其基础设施中的洩漏。机器学习演算法透过卫星影像检测地面的气体洩漏和排放风险。机器学习资料使操作员能够随着时间的推移识别趋势和模式,从而实现资料主导的选择。因此,许多石油和天然气公司正在寻求以技术先进的替代方案来取代传统的洩漏检测解决方案。各种创业投资公司正在投资提供基于人工智慧的漏水检测和监控系统的新兴企业,开闢了新的市场前景。
例如,2021年11月,专注于投资能源服务公司的创业投资公司SCF Ventures宣布投资Cube Technologies。石油和天然气业者可以依靠 Qube Technologies 提供连续排放和洩漏监测设备,以便更好地识别、减少和量化甲烷排放。这笔资金将支持 Qube Technologies 实施连续监测系统,帮助石油和天然气产业进一步减少排放。
国际能源总署 (IEA) 表示,减少碳氢化合物作业中的甲烷等气体排放是帮助实现世界气候和环境目标的最具成本效益和影响力的方法之一。洩漏检测解决方案采用多种技术,包括超音波、压力分析、热成像、光纤、雷射吸收、LiDAR、蒸气检测和 E-RTTM。
2021 年 11 月,Teledyne FLIR 推出了 Si124超音波洩漏侦测相机。检测空气洩漏和识别高压系统的局部放电是声学成像的两个最常见的应用。 Si124-LD 专门用于压缩空气洩漏检测。 FLIR Systems 的 Si124-LD 透过 124 个内建麦克风进行声学成像,检测洩漏和局部放电的速度比标准方法快 10 倍。
据国际能源总署(IEA)称,2020与前一年同期比较液化天然气合约活动年减近30%,但活动可能在2021年反弹。最终投资决策 (FID) 也较 2019 年的历史高点有所下降,其中一个北美计划于 2020 年获得批准,卡达的一项重大扩张计划于 2021 年初敲定。除了 2020 年实施的 FID 浪潮之外,这些新投资应该足以满足未来几年额外的液化天然气需求。
近年来,世界各地不断发现油气蕴藏量,并启动了多个油气探勘计划,以满足世界油气需求。因此,监测石油和天然气设施的需求增加,从而导致对洩漏检测系统的需求。例如,2022年2月,BPPlc宣布启动墨西哥湾赫歇尔扩建计划。 Herschel 是 2022 年在全球实施的四个重大计划中的第一个。计划的第一阶段是开发新的海底生产系统。第一口井预计在高峰时将使该平台的年总产量增加10,600桶油当量/日。
2021 年 11 月 -Schneider Electric和 Prisma Photonics 宣布建立伙伴关係,透过提供石油和天然气基础设施的即时情报和准确监控来防止事故和恶意活动,从而为石油和天然气管道所有者和营运商提供服务。因此,客户可以透过避免能源和资源损失来提高效率和永续性。
The Global Leak Detection Solutions Market is expected to register a CAGR of 4.4% during the forecast period.
The market's growth can be attributable to an increase in demand for leak detection solutions among utility companies worldwide, owing to its advantages, including increased safety, cost savings, and environmental protection. Leak detection solutions also assist oil and gas industries make the workplaces safer by reducing the hazards of explosions and fire breakouts. Market growth is also predicted to be fueled by increased advances in natural gas and oil infrastructure worldwide.
For Instance, In March 2022, South West Water partnered with ASTERRA Satellite-based leak detection company to provide satellite data analysis to locate subterranean water breaches and cut leakage levels across its network. The method is similar to that used to search for water on other planets, such as Mars, and works by taking images of the globe with microwave sensors onboard a satellite in space, and microwaves can penetrate up to 2 meters deep. The data will reveal possible leaks that are not visible above ground.
For early leak detection, the technology has increased by using artificial intelligence, and proprietary hyperspectral gas analytics provide facility operators with an easy-to-understand, color depiction of the gas plume type, position, direction, size, and concentration of oil or gas. It enables a quicker and more effective reaction before leaks become more serious emissions or safety concerns.
Though the demand for leak detection systems in the oil and gas sector has grown in recent years, retrofitting issues in some leak detection systems, such as distributed temperature sensing (DTS) and distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) systems based on fiber optic, are limiting the market's growth. Fiber-optic leak detection devices are difficult and expensive to adapt to existing pipelines. Longer pipelines (more than 50km) need many interrogator units, which raises sensor and interrogator system installation costs.
COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the need for accelerating the shift towards automation and remote inspection processes. A changing price dynamics have affected the global oil and gas industry significantly. It has affected key oil & gas players' financial positions and obstructed upcoming projects. For example, in April 2020, the Energy Ministry of Argentina suspended auctioning projects to develop the Vaca Muerta-Buenos Aires natural gas pipeline due to the country's aggrevating economic scenario resulting from the pandemic.
Many gas emission monitoring firms utilize machine learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to identify leaks in infrastructure more efficiently. A machine learning algorithm detects leaks and emission risks on the ground through satellite pictures. Machine learning data enables operators to recognize trends and patterns across time, allowing them to make data-driven choices. As a result, many oil and gas firms are attempting to replace the old leak detection solutions with technologically advanced ones. Various venture capital firms are investing in startups that provide AI-based leak detection and monitoring systems, opening new market prospects.
For Instance, In November 2021, SCF Ventures, a venture capital firm focusing on investing in energy services firms, announced its investment in Qube Technologies provides customers with internet-of-things ("IoT") devices to continuously monitor a host of gases, including methane, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen sulfide. Oil and gas operators can use Qube Technologies to provide continuous emission and leak monitoring equipment to better identify, decrease, and quantify methane emissions. The funding will aid Qube Technologies implementation of continuous monitoring systems, allowing the industry to reduce emissions even further.
According to the International Energy Agency, reducing gas emissions such as methane from hydrocarbon operations is one of the most cost-effective and impactful methods to help reach global climate and environmental goals. Various technologies are used for leak detection solutions, such as ultrasonic, pressure analysis, thermal Imaging, fiber optic, Laser absorption, LiDAR, vapor sensing, E- RTTM, etc.
Energy companies are establishing goals to manage methane emissions effectively to help address global climate change. For instance, in April 2021, Honeywell launched its gas cloud imaging (GCI) system in Europe to provide automated and continuous monitoring for leaks of hazardous and polluting gases such as methane at oil and gas, chemical industries, and power generation facilities across the continent.
In November 2021, Teledyne FLIR launched Si124, an ultrasonic leak detection camera. Air leak detection and identifying partial discharge from high-voltage systems are two of the most common applications for acoustic imaging. The Si124-LD is specific for compressed air leak detection. The FLIR Si124 can detect leaks and partial discharge up to 10 times quicker than standard methods using sound imaging from 124 built-in microphones.
North America is the fastest-growing leak detection solutions market. Due to rapid industrialization growth in the oil and gas industries, the use of leak detection solutions market has a high demand, and key players in North America, such as Honeywell International Inc, and Schneider Electric S.E., are also launching new products in Leak detection solution.
The key players in the North American region are launching different products to detect oil, gas, and chemical leaks. For instance, In October 2021, Honeywell announced the release of two Bluetooth-connected gas detectors that can continuously monitor dangerous gases even in fog, rain, snow, and other inclement weather and provide facilities to keep the oil and gas petrochemicals, chemicals, and other workers and industrial sites safe.
Strict government laws and norms can be credited to the region's progress. On hazardous liquid pipelines, the U.S. Department of Transportation's Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration mandates the installation of a leak detection system. The United States government's backing for the oil and gas industry also propels the country's industrial development. As the oil and gas sector expands in the United States, the demand for leak detection solution increases. Furthermore, government subsidies to the oil and gas fuel regional market expansion.
According to International Energy Agency(IEA), LNG contracting activity shrank by almost 30% year-on-year (y-o-y) in 2020, while activity during 2021 has potential for recovery. Final investment decisions (FIDs) were also down from 2019 record high, with one North American project sanctioned in 2020, plus Qatar's major expansion plan confirmed in early 2021. These new investments, added to the wave of FIDs taken before 2020, should therefore prove sufficient to satisfy additional LNG demand in the coming years. which is a driving factor for the market players in North America.
With the discovery of several oil and gas reserves worldwide in recent years, several oil and gas exploration projects were initiated to fulfill the global demand for oil and gas. It has led to the increased requirement for monitoring oil and gas facilities, leading to the demand for leak detection systems. For Instance, In February 2022, B.P. Plc announced the startup of the Herschel Expansion project in the Gulf of Mexico. Herschel is the first of four major projects to be delivered globally in 2022. Phase 1 of the project comprises developing a new subsea production system. The first well is expected to increase platform annual gross production by an estimated 10,600 barrels of oil equivalent daily at its peak.
The leak detection solutions market is highly fragmented. The rapid growth of industrialization increased the number of oil, gas, and chemical industries. Due to this, the demand for leak detection solutions market increased, With several companies operating in the segment. Leading players are currently focusing on Partnerships to provide efficient and sustainable services.
November 2021 - Schneider Electric and Prisma Photonics announced a partnership to provide services to oil and gas pipeline owners and operators to prevent accidental and malicious activity by providing real-time intelligence and precise monitoring of oil and gas infrastructure. As a result, customers can drive efficiency and sustainability through energy and resource loss avoidance.