
消毒机器人:市场占有率分析、行业趋势和统计、成长预测(2025-2030 年)

Disinfectant Robot - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts (2025 - 2030)

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 100 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3个工作天内




消毒机器人市场规模预计在 2025 年为 14 亿美元,预计到 2030 年将达到 41.9 亿美元,预测期内(2025-2030 年)的复合年增长率为 24.6%。


由于 COVID-19 疫情导致的医疗保健和卫生支出激增以及对消毒机器人领域的大量投资,推动了市场成长的需求。


  • 近年来,对消毒机器人的需求日益增加,以在不增加人事费用的情况下减少医院感染。过氧化氢和紫外线消毒等过程都是手动完成的。这是因为消毒机器人在许多国家的医疗市场上仍然是一个相对较新的发明。製药业已在无尘室中使用 UV-C 超过 10 年。
  • 该行业的主要趋势是能够进行紫外线消毒的移动机器人。由于对服务机器人的需求不断增加,市场预计将会扩大,特别是在医疗领域。
  • 在医院、餐厅、饭店、机场和学校等人口密集的地区,卫生和消毒尤其令人担忧。这就是为什么越来越多的公司和机构转向自动化消毒应用并投资机器人技术的原因。
  • 消毒机器人的高成本与有效且强大的硬体和高效的软体有关。自动化设备涉及投资自动化技术所需的更高资本支出(自动化系统的设计、製造和安装成本可能高达数百万美元)。随着技术的进步和功能的增加,成本也随之增加。
  • COVID-19 疫情增强并凸显了机器人和自动化技术的价值。这些技术除了帮助克服人类劳动力在疫情期间面临的挑战之外,还将大大减少病毒的影响。



  • 大多数第一代自动消毒系统都是复杂的机器,灵活性差,范围有限。因此,其大多数客户都是希望提高绩效的高端医院。然而,随着第二代机器人的引入,机器人技术的进步为消毒过程增加了新的价值。
  • 此外,大多数机器人都是协作机器人,具有许多安全和卫生功能。例如,必须避免暴露在 UV-C 光线下,因此许多机器人都内建了多种安全功能。例如,许多机器人配备一台平板电脑,可作为病房门上的运动感应器,如果有人试图进入房间,就会自动关闭 UV-C 灯。
  • 例如,2021 年 4 月,总部位于上海的 TMI Robotics 製造了一款可预先可程式设计的自主消毒机器人。这些机器人使用紫外线、超干汽化过氧化氢和空气过滤方法对錶面进行消毒。透过结合紫外线消毒和空气过滤,这些机器人能够对錶面和周围的空气进行消毒。
  • 现在,一些机器人配备了各种安全功能,例如,如果有人在机器人开启时进入房间,机器人就会自动关闭,或者门和运动感测器可以侦测到何时有人试图进入。自动驾驶是另一个功能和软体集成,为整个消毒过程增加了更多价值。
  • 第三代消毒机器人主要利用机器学习和物联网支援的智慧无线连接和安全功能。标准功能包括触控萤幕、整合感测器、监控、自动报告和物联网。近日,UVD机器人展示了其第三代自主移动UV-C消毒机器人。该机器人配备了最先进的安全系统,该系统采用四层安全层,使其能够在各种环境中导航。该机器人具有清晰的功能,可以检测、记录并向用户显示某个区域的消毒效果,从而使用户可以根据需要轻鬆快速地调整流程以优化品质。


  • 亚太地区正迅速成为推动消毒机器人生产和使用的关键地区之一。随着该地区在全球机器人行业的市场占有率不断增长,利用所调查的市场也将成为可能。
  • 澳洲、韩国、日本、印度、中国和新加坡等国家正在对整个价值链中所研究的市场进行投资。韩国、日本、印度和中国是全球机器人製造地。香港、印度和新加坡也正在成为全球机器人Start-Ups中心。东南亚凭藉升级的医疗设施和经济支持已成为重要的投资目的地。
  • 例如,2021 年 2 月,信实工业的子公司 Reliance Strategic Business Ventures Limited (RSBVL) 以 2,676 万美元收购了投资组合公司 skyTran Inc. 的额外股份,以全面摊薄计算,其持股比例增至 54.46%。 skyTran Inc.是一家美国科技公司。我们开发了用于个人交通的突破性被动磁浮和推进技术,以缓解全球交通拥堵。
  • 例如,中国农业技术公司Xenex Disinfectant Systems最近投入500万元人民币(约70万美元),在疫情期间进行无人机消毒行动。该公司已使用农业无人机对全国各地的公共场所进行消毒。无人机是一种有效的机器人消毒解决方案,因为它们可以非接触式操作并在更短的时间内覆盖更大的区域。



  • 2022 年 1 月 - Blue Ocean Robotics 宣布投资 3.35 亿丹麦克朗(4355 万美元),扩大其在全球范围内的移动机器人解决方案推广,以满足对支援企业和机构的服务机器人日益增长的需求。


  • Excel 格式的市场预测 (ME) 表
  • 3 个月的分析师支持


第 1 章 简介

  • 研究假设和市场定义
  • 研究范围



第四章 市场洞察

  • 市场概况
  • 产业吸引力-波特五力分析
    • 供应商的议价能力
    • 消费者议价能力
    • 新进入者的威胁
    • 替代品的威胁
    • 竞争对手之间的竞争
  • 相关人员分析
  • 市场机会
  • 重要伙伴关係和联盟
  • 消毒机器人部署的关键技术和社会考虑
  • COVID-19 对市场的影响

第五章 市场动态

  • 市场驱动因素
    • 全球主要市场医院内感染发生率高
    • 技术进步将使机器人在消毒过程中实现增值(协作)操作
    • 新冠肺炎疫情导致医疗卫生支出激增
    • 消毒机器人领域投入庞大
  • 市场限制

第六章 市场细分

  • 产品类型
    • UV-C
    • HPV 和其他
  • 地区
    • 北美洲
    • 欧洲
    • 亚太地区
    • 其他的

第七章 竞争格局

  • 公司简介
    • Blue Ocean Robotics
    • Xenex Disinfectant Systems
    • Finsen Technologies(Thor UV-C)
    • Skytron(Infection Prevention Technologies)
    • Tru-d Smartuvc
    • Akara Robotics Ltd
    • Mediland Enterprise Corporation
    • Tmirob Technology
    • OTSAW Digital Pte Ltd
    • Bioquell PLC(Ecolab Inc.)
    • Bridgeport Magnetics
    • Decon-X International
    • MTR Corporation(Joint venture)
    • Fetch Robotics Inc.
    • Solustar
    • Ateago Technology
    • Time Medical Holding Robotics
    • AUDITE Robotics

第八章 投资分析及市场展望

Product Code: 70087

The Disinfectant Robot Market size is estimated at USD 1.40 billion in 2025, and is expected to reach USD 4.19 billion by 2030, at a CAGR of 24.6% during the forecast period (2025-2030).

Disinfectant Robot - Market - IMG1

The rapid rise in healthcare and sanitation spending due to the COVID-19 Outbreak and high investments in the field of disinfectant robots has increased the demand for growth in the market.

Key Highlights

  • Recently, the need for disinfection robots increased in order to decrease HAIs without adding to personnel expenditures. Processes like hydrogen peroxide and ultraviolet disinfection are carried out by manual labor because disinfection robots are still relatively recent inventions in the healthcare market in many nations. The pharmaceutical sector has been utilizing UV-C in cleanroom settings for more than ten years.
  • The industry is primarily observing a trend of mobile robots that can UV-sanitize spaces. The market under study will advance due to the rising need for service robots, particularly in the healthcare sector.
  • Sanitizing and disinfectant have become an area of concern, especially in highly populated areas, including hospitals, restaurants, hotels, airports, and schools. Due to this, the market is witnessing more companies and institutions that shifted to automation for disinfecting applications, hence, investing in robots.
  • The higher costs of disinfectant robots are associated with effective and robust hardware and efficient software. Automation equipment includes higher capital expenditure required to invest in automation technologies (an automated system can cost millions of dollars to design, fabricate, and install). And with increasing advancement and functionality, the cost also increases.
  • The COVID -19 pandemic increased and highlighted the value of robotic and automated technology. In addition to assisting in overcoming the difficulties faced by the human workforce during the pandemic, these technologies substantially reduce the virus's impact.

Disinfectant Robot Market Trends

Technological Advancements to Enable Robots to Operate as a Value-added Entity (Collaborative) in the Disinfection Process

  • Most of the first generation of automated disinfectant systems were complex machines that were neither too flexible nor limited in scope. Therefore, most of its customers were high-end hospitals that wanted performance enhancement. However, the robots' advancement with the advent of second-generation robots has added extra value to the disinfectant process.
  • Furthermore, most of these robots work as collaborative robots with many safety features and disinfectant features. For instance, as UV-C light exposure should be avoided, many robots contain several safety features. For example, many robots come with a tablet on the patient room door that acts as a motion sensor, which automatically disengages the UV-C light if someone wants to enter the room.
  • For instance, in April 2021, TMI Robotics, a Shanghai-based company, produced autonomous disinfection robots that can be pre-programmed. These robots use ultraviolet, ultra-dry vaporized hydrogen peroxide, and air filtration methods to disinfect surfaces. UV disinfection combined with air filtration will enable these robots to disinfect the surfaces and the air around them.
  • Several robots now also come with various safety features, including an auto-shutdown function if a person goes in the room while it is on and door motion sensors to detect people trying to enter. Autonomous is another feature and software integration that further adds value to the overall disinfectant process.
  • The third-generation disinfectant robots mainly leverage machine learning and IoT-enabled smart wireless connectivity and safety features. Standard features include touch screens, Integrated sensors, surveillance, automated reports, and IoT. Recently, UVD robots showcased their 3rd generation of autonomous mobile UV-C disinfection robot. The robot has the latest safety system that utilizes four safety layers, enabling the robot to move around in different environments. It has a distinct capability to sense, document, and show the users how well-disinfected an area is, enabling the user to easily and quickly adjust the process and optimize the quality if needed.

Asia-Pacific is Expected to Hold the Largest Market Share

  • The Asia Pacific is quickly becoming one of the significant regions driving disinfectant robot production and use. Leveraging the market under study is also made possible by the region's expanding market share in the global robot industry.
  • Countries like Australia, South Korea, Japan, India, China, and Singapore are investing in the market studied across the value chain. South Korea, Japan, India, and China are global robot manufacturing hubs. Hong Kong, India, and Singapore are also emerging as robotic start-up hubs globally. Southeast Asia is emerging as a significant investment due to the upgrade of its healthcare facility and support of its economy.
  • For instance, in February 2021, Reliance Industries' subsidiary Reliance Strategic Business Ventures Limited (RSBVL) purchased a further equity position in its investee firm skyTran Inc. for USD 26.76 million, bringing its shareholding to 54.46% on a fully diluted basis. SkyTran is a technological business based in the United States. It has created ground-breaking passive magnetic levitation and propulsion technology for personal transportation to alleviate traffic congestion globally.
  • The china region is witnessing many local vendors and start-ups participating and investing in the global disinfectant robot market, helping the area create dominance in the market studied; for instance, Xenex Disinfectant Systems, a Chinese agritech company, recently released a fund of CNY 5 million (~USD 0.7 million) to initiate drone disinfection operations amidst the pandemic. The company leveraged its agricultural drones to disinfect the public spaces in the nation. Drones are an impactful robotic disinfectant solution since they can be operated in a contactless manner and can cover a broader area in less time.

Disinfectant Robot Industry Overview

The competitive rivalry among major players is high in the disinfectant robot market. By introducing new products, providing items with proprietary technology, and reaching agreements with end-users, the industry's vendors are increasing their overall market share.

  • January 2022 - Blue Ocean Robotics announced the roll expansion of mobile robot solutions globally with an investment of DKK 335 million (USD 43.55 million) to meet the growing demand for service robots that can assist companies and institutions.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Assumptions and Market Definition
  • 1.2 Scope of the Study




  • 4.1 Market Overview
  • 4.2 Industry Attractiveness - Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 4.2.1 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 4.2.2 Bargaining Power of Consumers
    • 4.2.3 Threat of New Entrants
    • 4.2.4 Threat of Substitutes
    • 4.2.5 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry
  • 4.3 Industry Stakeholder Analysis
  • 4.4 Market Opportunities
  • 4.5 Major Partnerships and Collaborations
  • 4.6 Key Technical and Social Considerations in the Deployment of Disinfectant Robots
  • 4.7 Impact of COVID-19 on the Market


  • 5.1 Market Drivers
    • 5.1.1 High Incidence of Hospital-acquired Infections in Major Markets Worldwide
    • 5.1.2 Technological Advancements Enable Robots to Operate as a Value-added Entity (Collaborative) in the Disinfection Process
    • 5.1.3 Rapid Rise in Healthcare and Sanitation Spending due to the COVID-19 Outbreak
    • 5.1.4 High Investments in the Field of Disinfectant Robots
  • 5.2 Market Restraints


  • 6.1 Product Type
    • 6.1.1 UV-C
    • 6.1.2 HPV and Others
  • 6.2 Geography
    • 6.2.1 North America
    • 6.2.2 Europe
    • 6.2.3 Asia Pacific
    • 6.2.4 Rest of the World


  • 7.1 Company Profiles
    • 7.1.1 Blue Ocean Robotics
    • 7.1.2 Xenex Disinfectant Systems
    • 7.1.3 Finsen Technologies (Thor UV-C)
    • 7.1.4 Skytron (Infection Prevention Technologies)
    • 7.1.5 Tru-d Smartuvc
    • 7.1.6 Akara Robotics Ltd
    • 7.1.7 Mediland Enterprise Corporation
    • 7.1.8 Tmirob Technology
    • 7.1.9 OTSAW Digital Pte Ltd
    • 7.1.10 Bioquell PLC (Ecolab Inc.)
    • 7.1.11 Bridgeport Magnetics
    • 7.1.12 Decon-X International
    • 7.1.13 MTR Corporation (Joint venture)
    • 7.1.14 Fetch Robotics Inc.
    • 7.1.15 Solustar
    • 7.1.16 Ateago Technology
    • 7.1.17 Time Medical Holding Robotics
    • 7.1.18 AUDITE Robotics