
互联企业:市场占有率分析、产业趋势与统计、成长预测(2025-2030 年)

Connected Enterprise - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts (2025 - 2030)

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 120 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3个工作天内




预测期内,连网企业市场预计将实现 27.9% 的复合年增长率。



  • 互联企业通常有助于监控机器并与所有业务中心连接,以提供即时功能、实现预测分析并提供更深入的见解。互联企业改善了决策并加快了决策流程。
  • 各行业对自动化和云端运算的需求不断增长,预计将在预测期内影响互联企业市场的成长。此外,海量资料对改善流程和营运的潜力以及智慧互联设备带来的维护成本的降低也有望刺激互联企业市场的扩张。
  • 同样,中小企业对物联网的广泛采用以及对系统整合商的需求不断增加,可能会在整个预测期内为互联企业市场创造各种新的机会。
  • 然而,部署支援互联企业的资料体和软体的高成本、物联网标准和技术技能的不统一预计将在预测期内对互联企业的成长互通性连网型设备限制。
  • 冠状病毒大流行引发了医疗保健领域的一场技术革命。此外,实施的自动化解决方案的积极成果有望促使组织走向完全自动化的环境,从而推动互联企业市场的需求。此外,部署自动化解决方案所带来的有益成果正在鼓励组织朝向完全自动化的环境迈进。因此,这也是疫情期间互联企业产业成长的主要原因之一。自疫情爆发以来,物联网已被企业采用,市场迅速成长。



  • 互联的生态系统有可能改变各产业组织的运作方式。透过在人员、机器和流程之间提供顺畅、安全的连接,互联企业可以提高整个业务的效率,并透过能够利用资料分析功能的智慧流程最大限度地降低业务支出。
  • 各行各业对物联网的采用日益广泛,推动着全球企业市场的发展。物联网在零售领域的出现大大改变了零售市场。随着零售额的成长趋势,物联网感测器在各种家用电器中的整合将使零售商能够了解和监控消费者行为,收集资料并改善消费者体验,这是互联零售市场的关键座右铭。
  • 医疗保健相关企业正在采用物联网,这推动了互联企业市场的发展。健康领域的物联网将用于收集和分析来自员工和患者的健康资料,从而有可能提高安全合规性。他们还可以透过监测空气品质和职场的其他因素来提高职场的安全性。事实上,提高安全性是许多企业转向物联网的主要原因之一。
  • 全球越来越多具有前瞻性的企业意识到互联生态系统的好处,并增加从标准IT基础设施过渡到互联基础设施所需的投资。这一趋势将在未来几年大幅增加对互联企业解决方案和服务的需求,为该行业在广泛的区域市场提供巨大的发展潜力。即使是工业领域中最知名、最成熟的公司也面临激烈的竞争,这种竞争可能会促使企业转向互联的生态系统,以实现最佳的生产力、效力、效率和成本竞争力。
  • 这些物联网连接遍布全球和各个产业,渗透到我们的家庭、办公室和汽车。最突出的物联网应用用于各行各业。物联网连接也存在于传统汽车中,製造商安装连网型设备来监控效能和管理电脑系统。连网型设备也被用于交通管理。连接的传感器可以识别可用的停车位,并将该资讯发送到资讯亭或应用程式以提醒驾驶员。在环境监测方面,连网型设备可以捕获物联网资料,指示空气、水、土壤、渔业、森林和其他自然生态系统的健康和品质。它还可以收集天气和其他环境资讯。
  • 据Erresion称,今年全球近距离物联网(IoT)设备数量将达145亿。预计未来四年这一数字将成长到 224 亿台。预计今年广域物联网设备数量将达到 2,610 亿,未来四年将达到 52 亿。


  • 由于技术进步、主要物联网供应商的存在以及该地区先进的基础设施,北美预计将占据互联企业市场的很大份额,从而大大推动整个全部区域向工业 4.0 迈进。
  • 此外,美国还建立了先进製造业伙伴关係(AMP),该计划旨在汇集工业界、大学和联邦政府共同投资新兴技术。这使得美国在全球经济的竞争力大幅提升。
  • 根据MAPI称,美国製造业产量与前一年同期比较在过去五年中将年增2.8%,这将进一步加强该国对自动化和控制技术的采用,从而扩大互联企业市场。
  • 该地区的组织也正在合作采用互联企业服务、解决方案和平台。例如,全球数位工程领导者 Nagarro 今年 11 月与美国XMReality 建立合作关係。 Nagarro 正积极透过连网员工服务来帮助其客户更聪明地工作,为员工提供新的数位能力。此次合作将把 XMReality 的远端视觉辅助技术整合到 Nagarro 的互联维护平台 (CMP) 中,为公司的维护作业和文件提供支援。


连网企业市场高度分散,主要参与者包括微软公司、IBM 公司、通用电气公司、Cisco公司和罗克韦尔自动化公司。市场参与者正在采取联盟和收购等策略来增强其产品供应并获得永续的竞争优势。

2022 年 10 月,专注于工业自动化和数位转型的公司罗克韦尔自动化有限公司 (Rockwell Automation, Inc.) 与全球工业资料软体领导者之一 Cognite 宣布建立战略伙伴关係,以释放生产资料的价值并推动整个行业的技术进步。罗克韦尔自动化的 FactoryTalk 软体为工厂资产、营运管理应用程式和产业客製化分析提供了下一代边缘连接,并结合 Cognite 领先的工业 DataOps 平台 Cognite Data Fusion,创建了一个可在整个企业范围内扩展的工业资料中心。

2022 年 5 月,思科宣布思科云端控制框架 (CCF) 全面上市。思科 CCF 是一个综合框架,汇集了国际和国家安全合规性和认证标准。这使得团队能够确保云端产品和服务符合安全和隐私标准。


  • Excel 格式的市场预测 (ME) 表
  • 3 个月的分析师支持


第 1 章 简介

  • 研究假设和市场定义
  • 研究范围



第四章 市场洞察

  • 市场概况
  • 波特五力模型
    • 新进入者的威胁
    • 购买者和消费者的议价能力
    • 供应商的议价能力
    • 替代品的威胁
    • 竞争对手之间的竞争强度
  • COVID-19 对市场的影响

第五章 市场动态

  • 市场驱动因素
    • 製程工业对自动化解决方案的需求不断增加
    • 扩大物联网在企业中的应用
  • 市场限制
    • 部署硬体和软体以支援互联企业的成本高昂
    • 对端到端收集资料的安全性担忧日益加剧

第六章 市场细分

  • 透过提供
    • 平台
      • 设备管理
      • 连线管理
      • 其他平台
    • 按解决方案
      • 製造执行系统
      • 企业基础建设管理
      • 客户体验管理
      • 远端监控系统
      • 资产绩效管理
      • 其他解决方案(流分析、行动劳动力管理、安全解决方案)
    • 按服务
      • 託管
      • 专业的
  • 按最终用户产业
    • BFSI
    • 零售与电子商务
    • 能源和公共产业
    • 製造业
    • 石油和天然气
    • 资讯科技/通讯
    • 其他最终用户产业(政府、媒体和娱乐)
  • 按地区
    • 北美洲
    • 欧洲
    • 亚太地区
    • 拉丁美洲
    • 中东和非洲

第七章 竞争格局

  • 公司简介
    • Microsoft Corporation
    • IBM Corporation
    • General Electric Company
    • Cisco Systems, Inc.
    • Rockwell Automation, Inc.
    • Verizon Communications, Inc.
    • HARMAN International Industries Ltd.
    • Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc.
    • PTC Inc.


第九章 市场机会与未来趋势

Product Code: 70507

The Connected Enterprise Market is expected to register a CAGR of 27.9% during the forecast period.

Connected Enterprise - Market - IMG1

Key Highlights

  • The connected enterprise often aids in monitoring machines and connects them with all business centers to provide real-time capabilities, allowing predictive analytics and providing greater insight. The linked enterprise improves decision-making and speeds up the decision-making process.
  • The increased need for automation and cloud computing across sectors is projected to impact the growth of the connected enterprise market during the forecast period. The recognized potential of massive data for better processes and operations and lower maintenance costs due to smart connected devices are also expected to fuel the expansion of the connected enterprise market.
  • Similarly, the wide adoption of IoT in small and medium-sized enterprises and an increase in demand for system integrators would likely create various new opportunities for the connected enterprise market throughout the forecasted period.
  • However, the high cost of deployment of the hardware and software supporting connected enterprises and the lack of uniform IoT standards and technology skills are expected to be major constraints for the growth of connected enterprises in the forecasted period, whereas the lack of data management and interoperability, as well as the rise in security concerns regarding the network of connected devices spread across enterprises, can pose challenges to the connected enterprise market growth.
  • The coronavirus spread has brought in a technological revolution in healthcare. Furthermore, the positive results of installed automation solutions have encouraged organizations to shift to a completely automated environment, which is projected to boost demand for the connected enterprise market. Furthermore, organizations have been encouraged to shift to a completely automated environment due to the beneficial outcomes of automation solutions that have been implemented. As a result, during the Pandemic, this has become one of the primary growth reasons for the connected enterprise industry. After the Pandemic, the market is growing rapidly with the growing adoption of IoT among businesses.

Connected Enterprise Market Trends

Growing Adoption of IoT Among Businesses Drives the Market Growth

  • A connected ecosystem has the potential to alter the way organizations operate across several industries. By providing a smooth and secure connection between people, equipment, and processes, connected enterprises may use smart processes capable of leveraging the power of data analytics to boost the efficacy of overall operations and minimize operational expenditures.
  • The increasing IoT adoption among various businesses drives the global enterprise market. The emergence of IoT in the retail space has drastically changed the retail market. With the growing retail sales, integrating IoT sensors in different consumer electronics would enable retailers to understand and monitor consumer behavior, collect data, and enhance the consumer experience, a significant motto of the connected retail market.
  • Businesses related to health care are adopting IoT, which drives the Connected Enterprise Market. IoT in health is used to collect and analyze health data from employees and patients, which may enhance safety compliance. Monitoring the air quality and other elements in the workplace may also enhance workplace safety. Indeed, one of the major reasons many businesses use IoT is to increase safety.
  • A rising number of forward-thinking organizations around the globe recognize the advantages of a connected ecosystem and are increasing the investment necessary to shift from a standard IT infrastructure to a connected one. This trend would result in a significant increase in demand for connected enterprise solutions and services in the coming years, giving significant development potential for the sector across a wide range of regional markets. The strong competition that even the most reputable and established companies would face throughout the industrial sector would motivate enterprises to move to a connected ecosystem to attain optimal productivity, effectiveness, efficiency, and cost competitiveness.
  • Those IoT connections span the globe and industries, permeating individual homes, offices, and vehicles. The most prominent IoT applications are used in various businesses. IoT connections exist on conventional vehicles, with manufacturers installing connected devices to monitor performance and manage computerized systems. Connected devices are employed in traffic management. Connected sensors can identify open parking spaces and send the information to kiosks or apps to warn drivers. In environmental monitoring, connected devices may capture IoT data showing the health and quality of air, water, soil, fisheries, forests, and other natural ecosystems. They may also gather weather and additional environmental information.
  • According to Erresion, the short-range internet of things (IoT) devices reached 14.5 billion worldwide in the current year. That number is forecast to increase to 22.4 billion by the following four years. The wide-area IoT devices amounted to 261 billion in the current year and are predicted to reach 5.2 billion by the following four years.

North America is Expected to Register the Largest Market

  • Due to the technological advancements, presence of major IoT vendors, and advanced infrastructure in the region, North America is anticipated to dominate a significant portion of the Connected Enterprise market due to the significant drive for industry 4.0 across the region.
  • Moreover, the "Advanced Manufacturing Partnership (AMP)" in the United States was formed, an initiative to make the industry, universities, and the federal government invests in emerging technologies. This has aided the country in gaining a competitive edge in the global economy substantially.
  • According to MAPI, US manufacturing production is predicted to increase by 2.8% from the past five years to the previous year, further enhancing the adoption of automation and control technologies in the country and thereby augmenting the market for connected enterprises.
  • The organizations in this region are also partnering to adopt connected enterprise services, solutions, and platforms. For instance, in November this year, Nagarro, one of the global leaders in digital engineering, joined forces with XMReality in the United States. Nagarro is actively assisting its clients in working smarter with connected worker services that equip employees with new digital capabilities. This collaboration would integrate XMReality's remote visual aid technology with Nagarro's Connected Maintenance Platform (CMP), which assists organizations with maintenance tasks and documentation.

Connected Enterprise Industry Overview

The connected enterprise market is highly fragmented, with major players like Microsoft Corporation, IBM Corporation, General Electric Company, Cisco Systems, Inc., and Rockwell Automation, Inc., among others. Players in the market are adopting strategies such as partnerships and acquisitions to enhance their product offerings and gain sustainable competitive advantage.

In October 2022, Rockwell Automation, Inc., a company focused on industrial automation and digital transformation, and Cognite, one of the global leaders in industrial data software, announced a strategic partnership to unleash the value of production data and drive technological progress in the industry. Rockwell's FactoryTalk software offering of next-generation edge connectivity to plant assets, operations management applications, and industry-tailored analytics is combined with Cognite's leading Industrial DataOps platform, Cognite Data Fusion, to create an industrial data hub ready for enterprise-wide scaling.

In May 2022, Cisco announced the public availability of the Cisco Cloud Controls Framework (CCF). The Cisco CCF is a comprehensive framework aggregating international and national security compliance and certification standards. It enables teams to ensure that cloud goods and services fulfill security and privacy standards.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Assumptions and Market Definition
  • 1.2 Scope of the Study




  • 4.1 Market Overview
  • 4.2 Porter Five Forces
    • 4.2.1 Threat of New Entrants
    • 4.2.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers/Consumers
    • 4.2.3 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 4.2.4 Threat of Substitute Products
    • 4.2.5 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry
  • 4.3 Impact of COVID-19 on the Market


  • 5.1 Market Drivers
    • 5.1.1 Increasing Demand for Automated Solutions in Process Indsutries
    • 5.1.2 Growing Adoption of IoT Among Businesses
  • 5.2 Market Restraints
    • 5.2.1 High Cost of Deployment of the Hardware and Software Supporting Connected Enterprise
    • 5.2.2 Growing Security Concerns Regarding the Collected Data from End to End of the System


  • 6.1 Offering
    • 6.1.1 Platform
      • Device Management
      • Connectivity Management
      • Other Platforms
    • 6.1.2 Solution
      • Manufacturing Execution System
      • Enterprise Infrastructure Management
      • Customer Experience Management
      • Remote Monitoring System
      • Asset Performance Management
      • Other Solutions (Streaming Analytics, Mobile Workforce Management, Security Solutions)
    • 6.1.3 Service
      • Managed
      • Professional
  • 6.2 End-user Vertical
    • 6.2.1 BFSI
    • 6.2.2 Retail and Ecommerce
    • 6.2.3 Energy and Utility
    • 6.2.4 Manufacturing
    • 6.2.5 Oil and Gas
    • 6.2.6 IT and Telecommunication
    • 6.2.7 Other End-user Verticals (Government, Media & Entertainment)
  • 6.3 Geography
    • 6.3.1 North America
    • 6.3.2 Europe
    • 6.3.3 Asia-Pacific
    • 6.3.4 Latin America
    • 6.3.5 Middle-East & Africa


  • 7.1 Company Profiles
    • 7.1.1 Microsoft Corporation
    • 7.1.2 IBM Corporation
    • 7.1.3 General Electric Company
    • 7.1.4 Cisco Systems, Inc.
    • 7.1.5 Rockwell Automation, Inc.
    • 7.1.6 Verizon Communications, Inc.
    • 7.1.7 HARMAN International Industries Ltd.
    • 7.1.8 Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc.
    • 7.1.9 PTC Inc.