

Global Substrate - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts (2025 - 2030)

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 120 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3个工作天内






COVID-19 疫情扰乱了电子产业的供应链,阻碍了市场成长。由于可支配收入减少和消费者信心低迷,消费者选择购买食品和清洁产品等必需品,避免购买穿戴式装置等非必需品。


  • 新冠疫情及其引发的半导体元件短缺给全球经济和半导体产业带来了衝击。这是首次整个世界和几乎所有经济部门都受到影响,供应链中断可能会在今年及以后继续对生产能力产生负面影响。此外,COVID-19 导致对医疗监测设备的需求大幅增加,各种合作也推动了市场的成长。
  • 柔性混合电子(FHE)是一种新的电子电路製造方法,结合了印刷电子和传统电子的优点。这种灵活性和处理能力的结合是非常理想的,因为它可以减轻重量、实现新外形规格,并保留资料登录和蓝牙连接等理想功能。
  • 印刷电路基板(PCB)产业在过去几年中取得了显着成长,这主要归因于家用电子电器的不断发展以及所有电子电气设备对 PCB 的需求不断增加。
  • 消费性电子产品需要新的和不同的 PCB 功能。这一发展与PCB的形状以及附着在PCB上的附件有关。 PCB 板相机已经取得了长足的进步,其中照片和视讯影像处理以及耐用性是主要的改进。这些微型相机现在可以轻鬆捕捉高解析度的影像和影片。预计未来几年板载相机将进一步发展,从而创造出强大的工业和消费性电子解决方案。
  • 从区域来看,台湾、日本、中国等亚太国家占全球PCB市场的较大比例。然而,近年来台湾的PCB产量呈现下滑趋势。根据台北市印刷电路板协会(TPCA)统计,台湾印刷基板市场曾一度占据全球主导地位,拥有较大的边际市场占有率。假设政府想要创建一个先进印刷基板製造的全球中心,并寻求印刷基板材料供应的自主权。这样,台湾就能在未来3至5年维持科技优势。



  • 此外,支援FHE的软性机器人正在工业4.0时代应用。机器人外骨骼旨在帮助移动和举起物体(例如,板条箱、纸板箱、盒子),以恢復运动丧失的个人的活动能力并减少职场的伤害,这是早期的软性机器人应用。
  • FHE 最重要的应用之一是通讯,其中无线技术对于资料传输和系统控制(物联网)至关重要。物联网 (IoT) 一词指的是为日常生活带来未来观点的新概念。物联网连接大量智慧设备(内嵌感测器和资讯发送器),实现机器对机器的通讯,并且需要在无需人工干预的情况下与云端进行频繁的资料交换和更新,从而实现智慧家庭、智慧医疗、智慧城市、工业和交通系统等领域的成功创新。
  • FHE的另一个应用领域是环境景观中的精密农业。调查团队使用基于几丁聚醣的墨水将柔性应变感测器直接列印到水果上。感测器能够很好地黏附在水果上并识别出机械损坏。可调节的胶带石墨烯感测器可以测量流经植物的水流量。此感测器的开发方法是将石墨烯薄膜滴到预先图案化的聚二甲基硅氧烷 (PDMS) 表面上,然后将图案化的石墨烯表面转移到目标胶带上。
  • 另一个研究领域是开发具有多种感测能力的柔性和可拉伸设备,用于植物健康监测。此外,报告中的植物穿戴式装置设计有整合的温度、湿度和应变感测器。应变感测器是透过在 PDMS基板上沉淀一层薄薄的金金属薄膜而开发出来的。温度和湿度感测器是在同一个柔性PI/PDMS平台上製造的。
  • 我们正在开发一种多功能农业监测感测器,可以测量应变、电阻、温度和光强度。该感测器采用CMOS、可印刷电子和转印技术相结合的方式製造,具有叶片湿度、温度、应变和照度感应功能。与其他已报告的感测器不同,这种可拉伸感测器可以随着叶子生长,适合长期监测。

智慧家电和穿戴式装置需求激增可望推动 SLP 市场发展

  • 家用电子电器主要包括智慧型手机、智慧手环、健身设备和穿戴式装置。家用电子电器需求的不断增长预计将为 SLP 市场参与者带来前景。随着家用电子电器的功耗增加,电池需要变得更大,基板需要变得更小。
  • 如果没有小而薄的IC构装基板,就不会有智慧型手机。小而薄的 IC构装基板可实现多种电子设备的功能,连接所有设备的多层薄 PCB 也是如此。随着智慧型手机功能越来越强大,电池越来越大,对主机板的要求也越来越高,密度越来越高,体积越来越小,重量也越来越轻。根据IBIDEN介绍,该公司开发了一种使用精细布线技术的技术,该技术采用了改进的半自适应製程 (MSAP) 和先前透过全通孔堆迭结构 (FVSS) 提供的填充通孔堆迭结构。
  • Yoon 表示,扇出型晶圆级封装主要针对高级产品,也就是行动电话供应商旗舰智慧型手机型号中的高阶应用处理器。 SLP 针对的是行动电话主机板,可以减少此类组装所需的空间。球栅阵列和覆晶封装通常用于行动电话中的细间距槽。
  • 软性电子产品通常由安装在柔性塑胶基板(例如聚酯或聚醚醚酮(PEEK))上的电路组成。为了承受反覆弯曲而不失去电气接触,导电迹线必须由具有高疲劳强度的柔性金属或导电聚酯製成。此项工作的理想材料通常是聚合物。
  • 软性电子产品将成为这个不断扩张的行业的积极参与者,其应用包括健身追踪器、智慧型手錶和微型即时医疗监测设备。软性电子产品特别适合这种环境,因为每个人的身体都略有不同。无需紧紧佩戴设备以确保接触,软性电子产品可使感测器贴合皮肤的自然曲线。软性电子产品的最新研究集中在医疗应用方面。除了计步器和卡路里计数器,他们还生产血压计、氧气监测仪、血糖仪,甚至血液酒精含量计。
  • 随着重大技术的突破,高效且灵活的太阳能板可能会成为现实。除了屋顶支架外,柔性太阳能板还可安装在电线杆、井筒、栅栏柱和其他类似结构上。
  • 此外,苹果供应商之一真鼎科技预计,智慧型手机、穿戴式装置和其他需要超薄和轻巧的行动装置对 SLP 的需求将会增加。 SLP 可实现紧凑设计,且不会牺牲运算效能。 Zendine 计划在其中国工厂增加一条 SLP 生产线。


全球基板市场高度分散。全球製造商已转向高密度互连 (HDI) PCB 等设计,以便在有限的空间内装入更多硬体。 HDI PCB 性能优异,采用无芯结构。与传统 PCB 相比,它具有更高密度的布线、更小的雷射过孔、捕获垫片等特性。行业现有参与者正在利用其製造和研发能力来推动技术创新并保持市场竞争力。

  • 2022 年 10 月,PCB 接点功率元件製造商 Wurth Elektronik ICS 推出了经过试验的新一代无铅大电流接点。第二代 PowerPlus,LF PowerPlus 2.0,具有与第一代相同的扭力和载流能力,但更容易加工且组装效率更高。凭藉其 LF PowerPlus 产品系列,Wurth Elektronik ICS 为压接技术应用中的 PCB 接点提供可靠、有效的大电流接点。它们是夹紧元件和将电缆和组件连接至 PCB 的理想选择,特别是在需要高扭力或安装空间有限时。
  • 2022 年 9 月,TTM Technologies Inc. 的高频和特殊组件业务部门(一家微波和射频技术专家)与 RFMW 签署了分销协议,RFMW 是一家纯粹的射频(“RF”)和微波组件和半导体的顶级分销商。透过 RFMW,TTM 提供全系列的 RF&S 产品,包括着名的 Xinger 品牌产品线。这也包括识别和开发销售机会、提供技术销售支援和分销服务。 RFMW 的网路商店也提供 TTM 组件。


  • Excel 格式的市场预测 (ME) 表
  • 3 个月的分析师支持


第 1 章 简介

  • 研究假设和市场定义
  • 研究范围



第四章 全球印刷电路基板(PCB) 市场

  • 当前市场概况 - 趋势/趋势/市场估计和预测
  • 推动市场成长的因素
  • PCB製造流程及技术需求
  • PCB 的技术进步(製造流程和材料的进步)
  • PCB 所用材料及其规格和应用

第五章 市场区隔

  • 按应用
    • 计算
    • 消费者
    • 工业/医疗
    • 通讯
    • 军事/航太
  • 十大 PCB 供应商分析
  • 市场展望

第六章 柔性混合电子(FHE)的全球市场

  • 当前市场概况 - 趋势/动态/市场估计和预测
  • 市场成长动力
  • FHE製造流程及技术要求
  • FHE 的技术进步(製造流程和材料的进步)
  • FHE 所用材料及其规格
  • FHE 技术蓝图
  • 用途和使用案例
    • 汽车和航空
    • 穿戴式装置和医疗监测
    • 消费品
    • 工业/环境
    • 智慧包装和 RFID
  • FHE 供应商分析
  • 市场展望

第七章 全球 SLP (类基板 PCB) 市场

  • 当前市场概况 - 趋势/动态/市场估计和预测
  • 市场成长动力
  • SLP的製造流程及技术要求
  • SLP 的技术进步(製造流程和材料的进步)
  • SLP所用材料及其规格
  • SLP 技术蓝图
  • 市场区隔
    • 按应用
      • 消费性电子产品
      • 通讯
      • 其他用途
  • SLP 供应商分析
  • 市场展望

第八章 全球系统级封装(SIP)市场

  • 当前市场概况 - 趋势/动态/市场估计和预测
  • 市场成长动力
  • SIP製造流程及技术要求
  • SIP 的技术进步(製造流程和材料的进步)
  • SIP所用材料及其规格
  • SIP 技术蓝图
  • 市场区隔
    • 按应用
      • 电信和基础设施(伺服器和基地台)
      • 汽车和运输
      • 行动和消费电子
      • 医疗和工业
      • 航太和国防
    • SIP 供应商分析
    • 市场展望
Product Code: 72251

The Global Substrate Market size is estimated at USD 4.33 billion in 2025, and is expected to reach USD 5.50 billion by 2030, at a CAGR of 4.88% during the forecast period (2025-2030).

Global Substrate - Market - IMG1

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, there was a disruption in the electronics industry's supply chain, which challenged market growth. With reduced disposable incomes and depressed consumer sentiment, consumers chose to buy necessities, like food and cleaning products, and avoid non-essential, big-ticket purchases, like wearable devices.

Key Highlights

  • The COVID-19 pandemic and the ensuing shortage of semiconductor components proved to be a shock to the global economy and the semiconductor industry; for the first time, the entire world and nearly all economic sectors were affected, and supply chain disruptions will continue to impact production capacities negatively even in and beyond the current year. Furthermore, due to COVID-19, the demand for healthcare monitoring devices increased significantly, and various partnerships have led to market growth.
  • Flexible hybrid electronics (FHE) is a novel electronic circuit manufacturing approach that combines the best of printed and conventional electronics. This combination of flexibility and processing capability is much desired since it reduces weight, enables new form factors, and maintains desirable functionality, such as data logging and Bluetooth connectivity.
  • The printed circuit board (PCB) industry has experienced significant growth in the last few years, primarily owing to the continuous development of consumer electronics devices and the increasing demand for PCBs in all electronics and electrical equipment.
  • Consumer electronics have been demanding new and different PCB functions. The development is related to the shape of the PCB or the accessory attached to it. PCB board cameras have developed significantly, with photo and video imaging and durability being the primary areas of improvement. These small cameras could take high-resolution images and videos with ease. Board cameras are poised to develop even further in the next few years, creating robust industry and consumer electronics solutions.
  • Geographically, Asia-Pacific countries, such as Taiwan, Japan, and China, occupy a significant share of the global PCB landscape. However, PCB production in Taiwan has been on a declining trend for a few years. According to the Taipei Printed Circuit Association (TPCA), Taiwan's printed circuit board market briefly dominated the world with a large marginal market share. Suppose the government creates a hub for sophisticated PCB manufacture on a global scale and pursues autonomy in the supply of PCB materials. In that case, Taiwan can preserve its technological edge for the coming three to five years.

Substrate Market Trends

In FHR Market, Industrial to Account for a Significant Share in the Market

  • Also, FHE-enabled soft robots have found applications in the Industry 4.0 era. Robotic exoskeletons designed to give mobility back to those who have lost it and assist with moving and lifting objects (e.g., crates, cartons, and boxes) to reduce workplace injury are early soft robotic applications.
  • One of the most critical uses for FHE is in communication, as wireless technology is essential for data transmission and system control (IoT). The term "Internet of Things" (IoT) refers to an emerging idea that encompasses a futuristic perspective on everyday life. It connects a vast array of intelligent devices (embedded with sensors and information transmitters) to enable machine-to-machine communication, which necessitates frequent data exchange and updates to the cloud without human intervention, allowing successful innovation in areas like smart homes, smart healthcare, smart cities, industry, and transportation systems.
  • Another application area for FHE is precision agriculture in the environmental landscape. Researchers printed a flexible strain sensor directly on the fruits using chitosan-based ink. These sensors provided good adhesion to the fruit and identified mechanical injuries. A graphene-on-tape adjustable sensor can measure water flow through plants. The sensor is developed by dropping a graphene film on a pre-patterned polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) surface and then transferring the patterned graphene surface onto a target tape.
  • Another research area is developing a flexible and stretchable device with multiple sensing capabilities for plant health monitoring. Further, the reported plant wearable is designed by integrating temperature, humidity, and strain sensors. The strain sensors were developed by depositing a thin gold metal film on the PDMS substrate. The temperature and humidity sensors were fabricated on the same flexible PI/PDMS platform.
  • A multifunctional agricultural monitoring sensor is being developed to measure strain, impedance, temperature, and light intensity. The sensor is fabricated by combining CMOS, printable electronics, and transfer printing techniques, leading to hydration, temperature, strain, and light illuminance sensing capabilities on leaves. Unlike other reported sensors, these stretchable sensors can grow with the leaves, making them compatible with long-term monitoring.

Surge in Demand for Smart Consumer Electronics and Wearable Devices is Expected to Drive the SLP Market

  • Consumer electronics mostly include smartphones, smart bands, fitness devices, and wearables. Increasing demand for consumer electronics is expected to provide prospects for players in the SLP market. Due to the increasing power consumption in consumer electronics applications, batteries need to get bigger, while boards need to get smaller.
  • Smartphones would not exist without the compact, thin IC packaging substrates Compact, thin IC packaging substrates enable multiple electronic devices to function, as does the multilayer, thin PCB that connects all the devices. The advancement of smartphone functions and battery capacity requires higher densities and smaller, lighter motherboards. According to IBIDEN, it has achieved a micro-wiring technology employing the Modified Semi-Adaptive Process (MSAP) and a technique using the filled-via stack-up structure they have been offering in conventional full-via stacked structures (FVSS).
  • According to Yoon, fan-out wafer-level packaging is for high-end application processors going into premium products, the flagship smartphone models for handset vendors. SLP is meant for the motherboard of phones, reducing the space needed for such assemblies. Ball grid arrays or flip-chip packages are typically used for fine-pitch slots in a phone.
  • Flexible electronics typically consist of electrical circuits installed on a flexible plastic substrate, such as polyester or polyether ether ketone (PEEK). For the electrical contact to remain intact even after numerous flexing cycles, the conductive traces must either be made of a flexible metal with high fatigue strength or conductive polyester. The ideal material for the job is often a polymer.
  • Flexible electronics will actively participate in this expanding industry with fitness trackers, smartwatches, and tiny, real-time medical monitoring devices. Since every human body is slightly distinct in shape, flexible electronics are especially well adapted to this environment. Instead of being compelled to wear equipment too tightly to ensure contact, sensors may now conform to the skin's natural curves thanks to flexible electronics. Medical applications have been the focus of recent research in flexible electronics. Blood pressure monitors, oxygen monitors, glucose meters, and even blood-alcohol meters are being created in addition to step counters and calorie counters.
  • Efficient, flexible solar panels might become a reality as technology progresses exponentially. Flexible solar panels can be installed on surfaces other than roof-mounted racks, such as telephone poles, well casings, fence posts, and other similar structures.
  • Furthermore, Zhen Ding Technology, reportedly among the suppliers of Apple, has discussed its vision of SLP demand for smartphones, wearables, and other mobile devices requiring an ultra-thin and lightweight profile. The use of SLP enables compact design without sacrificing computing performance. Zhen Ding plans to build additional SLP production lines at its factory site in China.

Substrate Industry Overview

The global substrate market is highly fragmented. Manufacturers globally have depended on designs, such as high-density interconnect (HDI) PCBs, to place more hardware in limited space. HDI PCBs use high-performance and coreless construction. Compared to traditional PCBs, they sport more densely packed wiring, miniaturized laser vias, capture pads, and other features. The industry's established players are leveraging their manufacturing capabilities and research and development capabilities to drive innovation and sustain their competitive position in the market.

  • In October 2022, the manufacturer of Powerelements for PCB contacting, Wurth Elektronik ICS, launched a new generation of its tried-and-true lead-free high-current contacts: the second PowerPlus generation, LF PowerPlus 2.0, has the same torque and current-carrying capacity as the first generation but is now even easier to process and more effective to assemble. Wurth Elektronik ICS provides reliable and effective high-current contacts for PCB contact in press-fit technology applications with the LF PowerPlus product family. They are perfect for fastening elements or attaching cables and components to the PCB, especially when high torques are needed or there is limited installation space.
  • In September 2022, TTM Technologies Inc.'s Radio Frequency & Specialty Components Business Unit, a microwave and RF-based technology specialist, signed a distribution agreement with RFMW, a pure play premier distributor for radio frequency ("RF") and microwave components and semiconductors. TTM will make available through RFMW the entirety of its line of RF&S goods, including its well-known Xinger brand product lineup. Opportunities will be identified and developed, technical sales support will be provided, and distribution will be included in the distribution services. The RFMW online store will also provide the TTM components.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Assumptions and Market Definition
  • 1.2 Scope of the Study




  • 4.1 Current Market Overview - Trends/Dynamics/Market Demand Estimates and Projections
  • 4.2 Factors Driving Market Growth
  • 4.3 PCB Manufacturing Process and Technical Requirements
  • 4.4 Technological Advancements in PCBs (Manufacturing Process and Materials Advancements)
  • 4.5 Materials Used for PCBs along with their Specifications and Applications


  • 5.1 By Application
    • 5.1.1 Computing
    • 5.1.2 Consumer
    • 5.1.3 Industrial/Medical
    • 5.1.4 Communication
    • 5.1.5 Automotive
    • 5.1.6 Military/Aerospace
  • 5.2 Analysis of Top 10 PCB Vendors
  • 5.3 Market Outlook


  • 6.1 Current Market Overview - Trends/Dynamics/Market Demand Estimates & Projections
  • 6.2 Factors Driving the Market Growth
  • 6.3 FHE Manufacturing Process and Technical Requirements
  • 6.4 Technological Advancement in FHE (Manufacturing Process and Materials Advancements)
  • 6.5 Materials Used for FHEs along with their Specifications
  • 6.6 Technological Roadmap of FHE
  • 6.7 Applications and Use Cases
    • 6.7.1 Automotive and Aeronautical
    • 6.7.2 Wearable and Healthcare Monitoring
    • 6.7.3 Consumer Goods
    • 6.7.4 Industrial/Environmental
    • 6.7.5 Smart Packaging and RFID
  • 6.8 Analysis of FHE Vendors
  • 6.9 Market Outlook


  • 7.1 Current Market Overview - Trends/Dynamics/Market Demand Estimates and Projections
  • 7.2 Factors Driving the Market Growth
  • 7.3 SLP Manufacturing Process and Technical Requirements
  • 7.4 Technological Advancement in SLP (Manufacturing Process and Materials Advancements)
  • 7.5 Materials Used for SLP with their Specifications
  • 7.6 Technological Roadmap of SLP
    • 7.7.1 By Application
      • Consumer Electronics
      • Automotive
      • Communication
      • Other Applications
  • 7.8 Analysis of SLP Vendors
  • 7.9 Market Outlook


  • 8.1 Current Market Overview - Trends/Dynamics/Market Demand Estimates and Projections
  • 8.2 Factors Driving the Market Growth
  • 8.3 SIP Manufacturing Process and Technical Requirements
  • 8.4 Technological Advancement in SIP (Manufacturing Process and Materials Advancements)
  • 8.5 Materials Used for SIP along with their Specifications
  • 8.6 Technological Roadmap of SIP
    • 8.7.1 By Application
      • Telecom and Infrastructure (Servers and Base Stations)
      • Automotive and Transportation
      • Mobile and Consumer
      • Medical and Industrial
      • Aerospace and Defense
    • 8.7.2 Analysis of SIP Vendors
    • 8.7.3 Market Outlook