
VR 内容创作服务:市场占有率分析、产业趋势与统计、成长预测(2025-2030 年)

VR Content Creation Services - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts (2025 - 2030)

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 120 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3个工作天内




预计 2025 年 VR 内容创作服务市场规模为 45.3 亿美元,到 2030 年将达到 300.4 亿美元,预测期内(2025-2030 年)的复合年增长率为 46.01%。

VR 内容创作服务-市场-IMG1



  • 企业越来越多地采用 VR 技术进行培训、教育等,包括在职培训、远距团队的虚拟办公室和虚拟会议,正在推动虚拟实境内容创作市场的成长。
  • 虚拟实境 (VR) 技术的引入是一项突破,使个人能够比以往更有效地传达他们的 3D 想法和设计。创造更具吸引力和互动性的内容的目的是利用VR内容製作技术让目标消费者沉浸在虚拟娱乐中。这将导致虚拟实境内容开发的使用不断增长,预计将在整个预测期内推动市场发展。
  • 随着创新和尖端技术越来越受到认可,加速虚拟实境内容创作市场的扩张,预计市场将受益匪浅,尤其是来自新兴经济体。 VR 内容製作的一个主要终端用户是媒体和娱乐产业。这是因为 VR 技术能够提供使用者逼真、身临其境的体验。
  • 供应商正在伙伴关係开发尖端的 VR 内容创作平台和服务。例如,2022年5月,大朋VR与FXG视讯科技达成合作,结合两家公司的技术与资源,打造更便利的VR内容系统。电视、电脑等系统不断升级,这是市场扩大的驱动力。 VR内容因其强大的访问周围环境显示系统和支援改进的虚拟模拟的能力而变得越来越受欢迎。此类活动和透过各种伙伴关係的策略性投资预计将在各个领域创造机会并推动市场成长。
  • 在政府资金的推动下,亚洲的VR市场正快速扩张。日本的gumi等亚洲创业投资在支持亚洲市场成长的同时,也对全球VR人才感兴趣,尤其是欧洲的人才。由于文化和语言原因,我们主要关注亚洲市场,但亚洲在内容创作方面也很活跃。
  • 虚拟实境依赖运算技术、云端处理和互联网服务来运行,因此容易受到网路攻击,损害资料完整性并增加资料外洩的风险。适当的安全和隐私被低估,并对虚拟实境市场构成了重大挑战。
  • 虚拟实境(VR)技术因其能够缓解疫情带来的许多挑战而得到越来越广泛的应用。然而,整体采用率相对较低且软体有限仍限制了 VR 有效应对 COVID-19 挑战的能力。


VR 在游戏领域的应用日益广泛

  • 虚拟实境正变得越来越受欢迎,游戏产业也受益于这种身临其境型技术。许多大型游戏开发商都已加入虚拟实境 (VR)机芯,认为该运动将彻底改变使用者体验。随着时间的推移,越来越多的开发者对 VR 游戏表现出兴趣。随着现有VR内容的添加和修改,游戏的图像近年来发生了显着的变化。
  • 由于虚拟实境游戏采用了令人兴奋的概念和内容,VR 游戏产业的市场规模正在快速扩大。这样,虚拟实境就有可能为游戏产业带来新事物。
  • 游戏是虚拟实境最受欢迎的应用程式之一。它能为各个年龄层的人们提供身临其境、引人入胜的体验,因此深受人们的喜爱。游戏是一种数位媒体,参与者透过社交互动和虚拟环境来完成任务。此外,该行业采用 VR 内容创作与消费者对逼真体验日益增长的需求有关。预测期内,VR 技术在游戏产业的应用预计将大幅成长。
  • 2022 年 1 月,微软宣布有意收购游戏开发先驱和互动娱乐内容发行商动视暴雪。此次收购预计将加速微软游戏公司在行动、PC、主机和云端平台的扩张,并作为元宇宙的基础。透过此次收购,微软预计在收入方面超越腾讯和SONY,成为全球第三大游戏营运商。
  • 此外,Virtex 还宣布计划推出“Virtex Stadium”,这是一个虚拟实境体育场,球迷可以和朋友们一起在球场中心观看比赛。此次发布正值电子竞技日益增长的普及以及 VR 消费设备价格和性能的提升。游戏产业主要供应商利用虚拟实境的技术创新和发展正刺激对游戏和相关服务的新内容创作的需求,预计将推动市场成长。
  • 此外,游戏产业正在快速发展,根据游戏开发者大会的报导,虚拟和替代现实游戏已不再是遥远的未来。根据 2023 年的一项调查,全球 36% 的参与游戏开发商表示他们当时正在为 Meta Quest虚拟境头戴装置开发游戏。因此,随着消费者对身临其境型媒体体验的需求不断增长以及游戏产业公司越来越多地采用 VR 技术,市场预计将会成长。


  • 美国在虚拟实境市场占有主导地位。硬体和软体研发中心位于硅谷,这里是Google、苹果、Facebook 等主要 IT 公司的所在地。内容製作主要集中在洛杉矶,主要有游戏和製作工作室。
  • 美国为虚拟实境新兴企业提供了有利的条件,其中以 VR 和 AR 创投(VC)基金最为活跃,愿意投资早期科技新兴企业。预计此类投资将在未来持续下去,并有望成为市场成长的驱动力。
  • 游戏和娱乐产业对 HMD 的需求不断增加,预计将推动该地区市场的发展。此外,虚拟实境 (VR) 技术在航太和国防、建筑和规划领域的日益普及也可以成为推动市场成长的重要机会。
  • 技术进步和众多软体工具及硬体套件的开发可望为该地区创造商机,使其相对于其他地区获得竞争优势。因此,北美虚拟实境内容创作产业预计在未来几年将会成长。
  • 据 PlayStation 称,2022 年玩得最多的 PlayStation VR 游戏是虚拟实境节奏游戏《Beat Saber》。与美国、加拿大和其他地区一样,欧盟下载次数最多的 PS VR 游戏都是评价很高的 VR 电玩游戏。 《Job Simulator》仅次于《Beat Saber》排名第二,《SUPERHOT VR》仅次于《SUPERHOT VR》排名第三。


由于许多参与者透过合作、併购和产品创新扩大在该地区的影响力,VR 内容创作服务市场变得越来越具有竞争力和分散化。参与者包括 Visualise Creative Limited、Panedia Pty Ltd、Fiebak Medien、Facebook 等。

  • 2023 年 4 月-虚拟实境 (VR) 游戏开发公司 Vinci Games 在由 Makers Fund主导的种子轮资金筹措中筹集了 510 万美元,Y Combinator、Soma Capital、Pioneer Fund、Anorak Ventures、BonAngels 和 Twitch 联合创始人 Kevin Lin 也参与其中。这笔资金将用于支持该工作室的首款游戏《Blacktop Hoops》的开发,这是一款具有竞争性和社交主导的虚拟实境篮球体验。游戏将投篮、扣篮和运球等篮球技巧带入虚拟现实,让使用者沉浸在街球的动作中。
  • 2023 年 6 月-BinaryX 透露其进军虚拟实境 (VR) 和人工智慧游戏内容 (AIGC) 市场的意图。 BinaryX 已与 VR 和 AIGC 合作伙伴 AiGC Labs 签署协议,打造 GameFi,这是一种具有突破性的基于 AI 的全新 VR 游戏类型。该团队声称,BinaryX 已与 AiGC Labs 合作,并准备发布其首款专注于 VR 和 AIGC 的 VR 游戏。


  • Excel 格式的市场预测 (ME) 表
  • 3 个月的分析师支持


第 1 章 简介

  • 研究假设和市场定义
  • 研究范围



第四章 市场洞察

  • 市场概况
  • 产业价值链分析
  • 产业吸引力-波特五力分析
    • 供应商的议价能力
    • 买家的议价能力
    • 新进入者的威胁
    • 替代品的威胁
    • 竞争对手之间的竞争强度
  • COVID-19 产业影响评估

第五章 市场动态

  • 市场驱动因素
    • 基于 VR 的内容在客户中越来越受欢迎,这主要得益于基于位置的 VR 体验。
    • 受需要内容创建和渲染的企业用例推动,VR 解决方案的市场活动显着增加
  • 市场挑战
    • 基础设施挑战和相对较长的开发週期导致预算超支
  • 市场机会
  • 生态系分析
  • 目前 VR 电影製作的进入门槛
  • VR 电影製作领域的当前活动和发展
  • 目前 VR 格局概述,包括硬体、软体和内容/服务

第六章 市场细分

  • 按最终用户
    • 媒体与娱乐
    • 商业/工业
    • 其他最终用户
  • 按地区
    • 北美洲
    • 欧洲
    • 亚太地区
    • 拉丁美洲
    • 中东和非洲

第七章 竞争格局

  • 公司简介
    • Visualise Creative Limited
    • VREI
    • Panedia Pty Ltd.
    • Within
    • Fieback Medien
    • Evolve Studio
    • FirebirdVR
    • FXGear Inc.

第 8 章 主要相关人员


Product Code: 90963

The VR Content Creation Services Market size is estimated at USD 4.53 billion in 2025, and is expected to reach USD 30.04 billion by 2030, at a CAGR of 46.01% during the forecast period (2025-2030).

VR Content Creation Services - Market - IMG1

The market is growing due to the increasing usage of virtual reality technology by the media and entertainment, industrial, healthcare, and education sectors.

Key Highlights

  • The increased use of VR technology by enterprises for applications such as on-the-job training, virtual offices for remote teams, training such as virtual meetings, and education fuels the growth of the virtual reality content creation market.
  • Introducing virtual reality (VR) technologies is a breakthrough, allowing individuals to communicate 3D ideas and designs more effectively than ever before. The goal of creating more intriguing and interactive content is to leverage VR content production technologies to immerse target consumers in virtual entertainment. As a result, the growing use of virtual reality content development is expected to boost the market throughout the forecast period.
  • The marketplace is expected to benefit greatly from the increasing acceptance of innovative and cutting-edge technologies, particularly in developing economies, which will accelerate the expansion of the virtual reality content creation market. A significant end-user of VR content generation is the media and entertainment industry. This is due to VR technology's capacity to give users a realistic and immersive experience.
  • The vendors are developing advanced VR content creation platforms and services by forming partnerships. For instance, in May 2022, DPVR and FXG Video Science and Technology partnered to create more convenient VR content systems by combining their technology and resources. systems like televisions, PCs, and others continue to be upgraded, which drives the market expansion, demand for VR content is rising due to its strong ability to access surrounding environment displaying systems and support improved virtual simulations. Such activities and strategic investments through various partnerships are expected to drive the market's growth creating possible opportunities across various sectors.
  • Due to government funding support, the Asian VR market has rapidly expanded. Asian venture capital firms, such as the Japanese business Gumi, support Asian growth while also being interested in global VR talent, especially in Europe. Asia is also active in content creation, although it mainly focuses on the Asian market for cultural and linguistic reasons.
  • Virtual reality relies on computing technologies, cloud computing, and internet services to function, making it vulnerable to cyberattacks, jeopardizing data integrity, and raising the risk of data leakage. Proper security and privacy are undervalued, presenting a significant challenge to the virtual reality market.
  • Virtual reality (VR) technology had the potential to mitigate many of the challenges brought about by the pandemic, which spurred increased adoption. However, relatively low adoption overall and limited software still restricted the power of VR to address COVID-19 difficulties effectively.

VR Content Creation Market Trends

Growing Adoption of VR in Gaming

  • Virtual reality is becoming popular in gaming, which has benefited from this immersive technology. Many large-scale game development companies have jumped on the VR movement to transform the user experience. As time passed, many developers showed interest in VR games. The addition and modification of existing VR content have changed the image of the games in recent years.
  • The VR gaming industry's market size is expanding at a rapid pace as the concepts and contents used in virtual reality games are exciting. Thus, virtual reality has the potential to introduce new things to the gaming industry.
  • Games are one of the most popular applications of virtual reality. People of all ages can appreciate the immersive, engaging experience that they offer. Games are characterised as digital medium in which participants engage in social interaction and/or virtual environment to accomplish a task. Additionally, the utilisation of VR content creation in this industry can be linked to consumers' rising demand for experiences that are realistic and lifelike. During the projected period, there is expected to be significant growth in the application of VR technology in the gaming industry.
  • Microsoft Corp. announced in January 2022 that it intended to acquire Activision Blizzard Inc., a pioneer in game development and a publisher of interactive entertainment content. This purchase is expected to speed up the expansion of Microsoft's gaming company across mobile, PC, console, and cloud platforms and will serve as a foundation for the metaverse. By revenue, Microsoft is anticipated to overtake Tencent and Sony to become the third-largest gaming business in the world after this transaction.
  • Further, Virtex announced that it was planning to launch a virtual reality stadium, "Virtex Stadium," that lets fans watch the game with their friends from the center of the field. The launch is in line with the growing popularity of e-sports and the growing affordability and performance of VR consumer devices. Such innovations and developments by key vendors in the gaming industry using virtual reality are adding to the demand for new content creation in games and related services, which is expected to propel market growth.
  • Additionally, the gaming industry is fast evolving, and virtual reality and alternate reality games are no longer in the distant future, according to Game Developers Conference. According to a 2023 study, 36% of participating game developers worldwide said they were working on titles for the Meta Quest virtual reality headset at the time. As a result, the market is anticipated to increase as a result of rising consumer demand for immersive media experiences and expanding VR technology adoption by companies in the gaming sector.

North America is Expected to Hold Major Share

  • The United States has a leading position in the virtual reality market. R&D for hardware and software is centered around Silicon Valley, home to IT giants such as Google, Apple, and Facebook. The content production is concentrated around big gaming studios and production studios in Los Angeles.
  • The United States offers favorable conditions for virtual reality start-ups, has the most active VR and AR venture capital (VC) funds, and is willing to invest in early technology start-ups; hence, commercial VR and AR companies started in the US earlier than elsewhere. Such investments are expected to continue and are estimated to drive market growth.
  • The increased demand for HMDs in the gaming and entertainment industries is expected to push the regional market. Also, the increased deployment of VR technology in aerospace and defense and the architecture and planning sectors may act as a major opportunity that helps in the growth of the market.
  • Technological advancements and the development of numerous software tools and hardware suits are expected to create tremendous opportunities for businesses to gain a competitive advantage over other regions. As a result, the North American virtual reality content creation industry is expected to grow in the coming years.
  • The most played PlayStation VR game in 2022, according to Playstation, was the virtual reality rhythm game Beat Sabre. The most downloaded PS VR game in the EU, as well as in the US, Canada, and other regions, was the critically acclaimed VR videogame. Job Simulator and SUPERHOT VR came in second and third, respectively, in both stores, after Beat Sabre.

VR Content Creation Industry Overview

VR content creation services market is moving toward a fragmented market as the competition in the market is intensifying owing to a large number of players increasing their presence in the region through collaboration, merger & acquisition, and product innovation. Players include Visualise Creative Limited, Panedia Pty Ltd, Fiebak Medien,Facebook and others.

  • April 2023 - Virtual reality (VR) game developer Vinci Games has secured USD 5.1 million in a seed fundraising round, which was headed by Makers Fund and included participation from Y Combinator, Soma Capital, Pioneer Fund, Anorak Ventures, BonAngels, and Kevin Lin, the co-founder of Twitch. The funds raised will go towards the production of the studio's debut game, Blacktop Hoops, a competitive, socially driven VR basketball experience. It has the most simple-to-use shooting, dunking, and dribbling basketball mechanics created particularly for virtual reality, letting users immerse themselves in the action of streetball.
  • June 2023 - BinaryX revealed their intentions to enter the Virtual Reality (VR) and Artificial Intelligence Game Content (AIGC) markets. In order to create a ground-breaking new GameFi genre of AI-based VR games, BinaryX has apparently signed into agreements with their VR and AIGC partners, AiGC Labs. The team claims that BinaryX, in partnership with AiGC Labs, is getting ready to release the first VR game with a focus on both VR and AIGC.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Assumptions and Market Definition
  • 1.2 Scope of the study




  • 4.1 Market Overview
  • 4.2 Industry Value Chain Analysis
  • 4.3 Industry Attractiveness - Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 4.3.1 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 4.3.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers
    • 4.3.3 Threat of New Entrants
    • 4.3.4 Threat of Substitutes
    • 4.3.5 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry
  • 4.4 Assesment of Impact of COVID -19 on the Industry


  • 5.1 Market Drivers
    • 5.1.1 VR-Based Content is BeningIncreasingly Received by Customers, Mostly Driven by Location-Based VR Experiences
    • 5.1.2 Marked Increase in the Market Activity for VR Solutions Driven by Enterprise Use-CasesWhich Require Content Creation & Rendering
  • 5.2 Market Challenges
    • 5.2.1 Infrastructural Challenges Remain a Concern. Moreover, the Relatively Long Development Cycles Require Considerable Budget Overlay
  • 5.3 Market Opportunities
  • 5.4 Industry Ecosystem Analysis
  • 5.5 Current Entry Barriers to VR Film Production
  • 5.6 Current Activities and Developments in the VR Filmmaking Sector
  • 5.7 Overview of Current VR Landscape - Hardware, Software and Content Services


  • 6.1 By End-user
    • 6.1.1 Media & Entertainment
    • 6.1.2 Enterprise & Industrial
    • 6.1.3 Other End-Users
  • 6.2 By Geography
    • 6.2.1 North America
    • 6.2.2 Europe
    • 6.2.3 Asia-Pacific
    • 6.2.4 Latin America
    • 6.2.5 Middle East and Africa


  • 7.1 Company Profiles
    • 7.1.1 Visualise Creative Limited
    • 7.1.2 VREI
    • 7.1.3 Panedia Pty Ltd.
    • 7.1.4 Within
    • 7.1.5 Fieback Medien
    • 7.1.6 Evolve Studio
    • 7.1.7 FirebirdVR
    • 7.1.8 FXGear Inc.