Product Code: 47042143
Growth in the Asia Pacific trauma device market will be supported by favorable demographics and rising adoption of innovative devices. However, several factors will dampen growth, such as the Chinese government's volume-based procurement policy, which is placing downward pressure on ASPs in the country. In general, downward pricing pressures in various trauma device segments will partially offset the positive impact of procedure expansion and unit sales on revenues.
This Medtech 360 Report provides comprehensive data and analysis on the current state of the market for trauma devices in the Asia Pacific region from 2019 to 2033.
The implementation of volume-based procurement in China has impacted the overall trauma device market.
- How has this government initiative affected the trauma device market in China?
- What aspects of the initiative have helped drive growth potential in the trauma device space?
- How has volume-based procurement affected MNCs versus local competitors?
MNCs remain the leading competitors in the market, but domestic competitors continue to capture share.
- What strategies have MNCs leveraged to maintain their shares and remain competitive?
- Which local competitors have been able to capture notable shares within the Asia Pacific trauma device space, and what strategies have they used to successfully generate sales?
China and India will see faster trauma device procedure growth compared to Australia and South Korea.
- What factors have supported procedure volumes in the Chinese and Indian trauma device market?
- What trends are being seen in the more mature Australian and South Korean markets for trauma devices?
- How has reimbursement affected purchasing preferences in the region, and how will that evolve over the forecast period?
Table of Contents
Asia Pacific
Executive Summary
- COVID-19 Updates
- Market Highlights
- Competitive Highlights
- Market Developments
- Geographies Covered
- Procedures Covered
- Products Covered
Key Report Updates
Trauma Device Market
- Market Highlights
- Market Definitions
- Market Forecast Data
- Market Shares
- Competitive Insights
- DePuy Synthes
- Stryker
- Double Medical Technology
- Zimmer Biomet
- Smith & Nephew
- Other Key Competitors
- Factors Affecting All Competitors
- Market Developments
Plate and Screw Market
- Market Highlights
- Market Definitions
- Market Forecast Data
- By Product Type
- By Anatomy
- By Size (Standard Plates Only)
- By Product Feature
- By Material (Units Only)
- Market Share Rankings
- Competitive Insights
- Asia Pacific Plate and Screw Market Competitive Insights
- Factors Affecting All Competitors
Intramedullary Nail Market
- Market Highlights
- Market Definitions
- Market Forecast Data
- By Product Type
- By Material (Units Only)
- Market Share Rankings
- Competitive Insights
- Asia Pacific Intramedullary Nail Market Competitive Insights
- Factors Affecting All Competitors
Cannulated Screw Market
- Market Highlights
- Market Definitions
- Market Forecast Data
- Major Competitors
- Competitive Insights
- Asia Pacific Cannulated Screw Market Competitive Insights
- Factors Affecting All Competitors
Dynamic Hip Screw Market
- Market Highlights
- Market Definitions
- Market Forecast Data
- Major Competitors
- Competitive Insights
- Asia Pacific Dynamic Hip Screw Market Competitive Insights
Ancillary Trauma Device Market
- Market Highlights
- Market Definitions
- Market Forecast Data
- Major Competitors
- Competitive Insights
- Asia Pacific Ancillary Trauma Device Market Competitive Insights
External Fixation Device Market
- Market Highlights
- Market Definitions
- Market Forecast Data
- Major Competitors
- Competitive Insights
- Asia Pacific External Fixation Device Market Competitive Insights
- Abbreviations
- Bibliography
Tables and Figures
- Trauma Device Market, by Country, Asia Pacific (USD), 2019-2033
- Trauma Device Market Landscape, Asia Pacific (USD), 2023 and 2033
- Trauma Device Revenue Market Share Rankings, by Country, Asia Pacific, 2023
- Competitive Insights
- Companies Mentioned
- Recent Events in the Trauma Device Market, Asia Pacific
- Emerging Products for the Trauma Device Market, Asia Pacific
- Geographies Covered, Asia Pacific
- Average Currency Exchange Rates
- Trauma Device Procedures Covered, Asia Pacific
- Trauma Devices Covered, Asia Pacific
- Asia Pacific Trauma Device Market Drivers
- Asia Pacific Trauma Device Market Limiters
- Trauma Device Market, by Product Type, Asia Pacific (USD), 2019-2033
- Trauma Device Market, by Country, Asia Pacific (USD), 2019-2033
- Trauma Device Procedures, by Technique, Asia Pacific, 2019-2033
- Trauma Device Procedures, by Country, Asia Pacific, 2019-2033
- Internal Fixation Device Procedures, by Product Type, Asia Pacific, 2019-2033
- Internal Fixation Device Procedures, by Country, Asia Pacific, 2019-2033
- Trauma Device Market, by Product Type, Asia Pacific (USD), 2019-2033
- Trauma Device Market, by Country, Asia Pacific (USD), 2019-2033
- Trauma Device Revenue Market Shares, Asia Pacific, 2023
- Trauma Device Revenue Market Shares, by Country, Asia Pacific, 2023
- DePuy Synthes Competitive Insights
- Stryker Competitive Insights
- Double Medical Technology Competitive Insights
- Zimmer Biomet Competitive Insights
- Smith & Nephew Competitive Insights
- Competitive Insights for Other Key Competitors
- Recent Events in the Trauma Device Market, Asia Pacific
- Emerging Products for the Trauma Device Market, Asia Pacific
- Asia Pacific Plate and Screw Market Drivers
- Asia Pacific Plate and Screw Market Limiters
- Plate and Screw Market, by Product Type, Asia Pacific (USD), 2019-2033
- Plate and Screw Market, by Country, Asia Pacific (USD), 2019-2033
- Plate and Screw Procedures, by Country, Asia Pacific, 2019-2033
- Plate and Screw Market, by Country, Asia Pacific (USD), 2019-2033
- Plate and Screw Market Growth, by Country, Asia Pacific, 2020-2033
- Plate and Screw Procedures, by Product Type, Asia Pacific, 2019-2033
- Plate and Screw Market, by Product Type, Asia Pacific (USD), 2019-2033
- Plate and Screw Market Growth, by Product Type, Asia Pacific, 2020-2033
- Plate and Screw Market, by Product Feature, Asia Pacific (USD), 2019-2033
- Plate and Screw Market Growth, by Product Feature, Asia Pacific, 2020-2033
- Plate and Screw Units, by Material, Asia Pacific, 2019-2033
- Plate and Screw Revenue Market Share Rankings, Asia Pacific, 2023
- Asia Pacific Intramedullary Nail Market Drivers
- Asia Pacific Intramedullary Nail Market Limiters
- IM Nail Market, by Product Type, Asia Pacific (USD), 2019-2033
- IM Nail Market, by Country, Asia Pacific (USD), 2019-2033
- IM Nail Procedures, by Anatomy, Asia Pacific, 2019-2033
- IM Nail Procedures, by Country, Asia Pacific, 2019-2033
- IM Nail Market, by Country, Asia Pacific (USD), 2019-2033
- IM Nail Market Growth, by Country, Asia Pacific, 2020-2033
- IM Nail Market, by Product Type, Asia Pacific (USD), 2019-2033
- IM Nail Market Growth, by Product Type, Asia Pacific, 2020-2033
- IM Nail Units, by Material, Asia Pacific, 2019-2033
- IM Nail Revenue Market Share Rankings, Asia Pacific, 2023
- Asia Pacific Cannulated Screw Market Drivers
- Asia Pacific Cannulated Screw Market Limiters
- Cannulated Screw Market, by Size, Asia Pacific (USD), 2019-2033
- Cannulated Screw Market, by Country, Asia Pacific (USD), 2019-2033
- Cannulated Screw Procedures, by Size, Asia Pacific, 2019-2033
- Cannulated Screw Procedures, by Country, Asia Pacific, 2019-2033
- Cannulated Screw Market, by Size, Asia Pacific (USD), 2019-2033
- Cannulated Screw Market Growth, by Size, Asia Pacific, 2020-2033
- Cannulated Screw Market, by Country, Asia Pacific (USD), 2019-2033
- Cannulated Screw Market Growth, by Country, Asia Pacific, 2020-2033
- Cannulated Screw Units, by Material, Asia Pacific, 2019-2033
- Major Competitors in the Cannulated Screw Market, Asia Pacific, 2023
- Asia Pacific Dynamic Hip Screw Market Drivers
- Asia Pacific Dynamic Hip Screw Market Limiters
- Dynamic Hip Screw Market, by Country, Asia Pacific (USD), 2019-2033
- Dynamic Hip Screw Procedures, by Country, Asia Pacific, 2019-2033
- Dynamic Hip Screw Market, by Country, Asia Pacific (USD), 2019-2033
- Dynamic Hip Screw Market Growth, by Country, Asia Pacific, 2020-2033
- Dynamic Hip Screw Units, by Material, Asia Pacific, 2019-2033
- Major Competitors in the Dynamic Hip Screw Market, Asia Pacific, 2023
- Asia Pacific Ancillary Trauma Device Market Drivers
- Asia Pacific Ancillary Trauma Device Market Limiters
- Ancillary Trauma Device Market, by Country, Asia Pacific (USD), 2019-2033
- Ancillary Trauma Device Market, by Country, Asia Pacific (USD), 2019-2033
- Major Competitors in the Ancillary Trauma Device Market, Asia Pacific, 2023
- Asia Pacific External Fixation Device Market Drivers
- Asia Pacific External Fixation Device Market Limiters
- External Fixation Device Market, by Country, Asia Pacific (USD), 2019-2033
- External Fixation Device Procedures, by Country, Asia Pacific (USD), 2019-2033
- External Fixation Device Market, by Country, Asia Pacific (USD), 2019-2033
- External Fixation Device Market Growth, by Country, Asia Pacific, 2020-2033
- Major Competitors in the External Fixation Device Market, Asia Pacific, 2023