Product Code: 47042106
The European laparoscopic device market is projected to experience modest expansion through 2033. Growth over the forecast period will be driven mainly by the continued uptake of innovative premium-priced products and rising laparoscopic procedure volumes.
This Medtech 360 Report provides comprehensive data and analysis on the state of the market for laparoscopic devices in Europe from 2019 through 2033.
The number of laparoscopic procedures performed will only grow modestly through 2033.
- Which procedure types are seeing a decline, and which ones are growing?
- What are the forces driving or hampering growth of the various laparoscopic procedure types in Europe?
Robotic-assisted procedures will account for an increasing proportion of MIS, limiting demand for traditional laparoscopy.
- Which procedure types have the highest and lowest laparoscopic technique penetration amid the growing influence of robotic surgery?
- Given the rise of robotic surgery, which laparoscopic procedures are still growing, and which ones are nearing saturation?
- Which technique-open or laparoscopic-is more affected by the rise of robotic surgery?
Adoption of premium-priced technologies is driving growth in the laparoscopic device market.
- Which device segments will show the strongest growth in Europe?
- Which technologies will see increasing physician adoption during the forecast period?
Table of Contents
Executive Summary
- COVID-19 Updates
- Market Highlights
- Competitive Highlights
- Market Developments
- Geographies Covered
- Procedures Covered
- Products Covered
Key Report Updates
Procedure Analysis
- Procedure Highlights
- Procedure Definitions
- Procedure Forecast Data
- General Surgical Procedures
- Cholecystectomies
- Hernia Repairs
- Appendectomies
- Antireflux Surgeries
- Hepatectomies
- Gastrectomies
- Pancreatectomies
- Bariatric Procedures
- Gastric Banding
- Sleeve Gastrectomies
- Gastric Bypass
- Colorectal Procedures
- Rectal Resections
- Bowel Resections
- Urological Procedures
- Prostatectomies
- Nephrectomies
- Gynecological Procedures
- Female Sterilizations
- Hysterectomies
- Myomectomies
- Thoracic Procedures
- Lung Resections
- Pneumonectomies/Lobectomies
Laparoscopic Device Market
- Market Highlights
- Market Definitions
- Market Forecast Data
- Market Shares
- Competitive Insights
- Medtronic
- Johnson & Johnson MedTech
- Applied Medical
- Olympus
- Other Key Competitors
- Factors Affecting All Competitors
- Market Developments
Access Device Market
- Market Highlights
- Market Definitions
- Market Forecast Data
- Trocars
- Disposable Trocars
- Reusable Trocars
- Veress Needles
- Hand-Assist Devices
- Market Shares
- Competitive Insights
- European Access Device Market Competitive Insights
Direct Energy Device Market
- Market Highlights
- Market Definitions
- Market Forecast Data
- Advanced Bipolar Devices
- Advanced Ultrasonic Devices
- Market Shares
- Competitive Insights
- European Direct Energy Device Market Competitive Insights
Internal Closure Device Market
- Market Highlights
- Market Definitions
- Market Forecast Data
- Market Shares
- Competitive Insights
- European Internal Closure Device Market Competitive Insights
- Factors Affecting All Competitors
Hand Instrument Market
- Market Highlights
- Market Definitions
- Market Forecast Data
- Market Shares
- Competitive Insights
- European Hand Instrument Market Competitive Insights
Suction/Irrigation Device Market
- Market Highlights
- Market Definitions
- Market Forecast Data
- Market Shares
- Competitive Insights
- Suction/Irrigation Device Market Competitive Insights
Insufflation Device Market
- Market Highlights
- Market Definitions
- Market Forecast Data
- Market Shares
- Competitive Insights
- European Insufflation Device Market Competitive Insights
- Factors Affecting All Competitors
Laparoscope Market
- Market Highlights
- Market Definitions
- Market Forecast Data
- Market Shares
- Competitive Insights
- European Laparoscope Market Competitive Insights
- Abbreviations
- Bibliography
- Core Country Coverage Methodology
- Research Methodology
- Marketrack Methodology
- PriceTrack Methodology
- Forecast Methodology
- Supplemental Country Coverage Methodology
- Base-Year Ratio Analysis
- Market Forecasting
Tables and figures
- Laparoscopic Device Market, by Product Type, Europe (USD), 2019-2033
- Laparoscopic Device Market Landscape, Europe (USD), 2023 and 2033
- Laparoscopic Device Revenue Market Share Rankings, by Product Type, Europe, 2023
- Competitive Insights
- Companies Mentioned
- Recent Events in the Laparoscopic Device Market, Europe
- Geographies Covered, Europe
- Average Currency Exchange Rates
- Procedures Covered, Europe
- Laparoscopic Devices Covered, Europe
- European Laparoscopic Procedure Drivers
- European Laparoscopic Procedure Limiters
- Total Procedures, by Technique, as a % of Total, Europe, 2023
- Laparoscopic Procedures, by Procedure Type, as a % of Total, Europe, 2023
- Total Procedures, by Technique, Europe, 2019-2033
- Total Procedures, by Technique, Europe, 2019-2033
- Total Procedures, by Procedure Type, Europe, 2019-2033
- Total Procedure Growth, by Procedure Type, Europe, 2020-2033
- Total Procedures, by Country, Europe, 2019-2033
- Laparoscopic Procedures, by Procedure Type, Europe, 2019-2033
- Laparoscopic Procedure Growth, by Procedure Type, Europe, 2020-2033
- Laparoscopic Procedures, by Country, Europe, 2019-2033
- Laparoscopic Procedure Penetration, by Procedure Type, Europe, 2019-2033
- General Surgical Procedures, by Technique, Europe, 2019-2033
- General Surgical Procedures, by Procedure Type, Europe, 2019-2033
- Laparoscopic General Surgical Procedures, by Procedure Type, Europe, 2019-2033
- Bariatric Procedures, by Technique, Europe, 2019-2033
- Bariatric Procedures, by Procedure Type, Europe, 2019-2033
- Laparoscopic Bariatric Procedures, by Procedure Type, Europe, 2019-2033
- Colorectal Procedures, by Technique, Europe, 2019-2033
- Colorectal Procedures, by Procedure Type, Europe, 2019-2033
- Laparoscopic Colorectal Procedures, by Procedure Type, Europe, 2019-2033
- Urological Procedures, by Technique, Europe, 2019-2033
- Urological Procedures, by Procedure Type, Europe, 2019-2033
- Laparoscopic Urological Procedures, by Procedure Type, Europe, 2019-2033
- Gynecological Procedures, by Technique, Europe, 2019-2033
- Gynecological Procedures, by Procedure Type, Europe, 2019-2033
- Laparoscopic Gynecological Procedures, by Procedure Type, Europe, 2019-2033
- Thoracic Procedures, by Technique, Europe, 2019-2033
- Thoracic Procedures, by Procedure Type, Europe, 2019-2033
- Laparoscopic Thoracic Procedures, by Procedure Type, Europe, 2019-2033
- European Laparoscopic Device Market Drivers
- European Laparoscopic Device Market Limiters
- Laparoscopic Device Market, by Product Type, Europe (USD), 2019-2033
- Laparoscopic Device Market, by Country, Europe (USD), 2019-2033
- Laparoscopic Device Market, by Product Type, Europe (USD and EUR), 2019-2033
- Laparoscopic Device Market, by Country, Europe (USD, EUR, and GBP), 2019-2033
- Laparoscopic Device Market, by Product Type, France (USD and EUR), 2019-2033
- Laparoscopic Device Market, by Product Type, Germany (USD and EUR), 2019-2033 6
- Laparoscopic Device Market, by Product Type, Italy (USD and EUR), 2019-2033
- Laparoscopic Device Market, by Product Type, Spain (USD and EUR), 2019-2033
- Laparoscopic Device Market, by Product Type, UK (USD, EUR and GBP), 2019-2033
- Laparoscopic Device Revenue Market Shares, Europe, 2023
- Laparoscopic Device Revenue Market Shares, by Product Type, Europe, 2023
- Medtronic Competitive Insights
- Johnson & Johnson MedTech Competitive Insights
- Applied Medical Competitive Insights
- Olympus Competitive Insights
- Competitive Insights for Other Key Competitors
- Recent Events in the Laparoscopic Device Market, Europe
- European Access Device Market Drivers
- European Access Device Market Limiters
- Access Device Market, by Product Type, Europe (USD), 2019-2033
- Access Device Market, by Country, Europe (USD), 2019-2033
- Access Device Market, by Country, Europe (USD, EUR, and GBP), 2019-2033
- Access Device Market, by Product Type, Europe (USD and EUR), 2019-2033
- Trocar Market, by Durability, Europe (USD), 2019-2033
- Trocar Market, by Durability, Europe (EUR), 2019-2033
- Trocar Market Growth, by Durability, Europe, 2020-2033
- Trocar Market, by Country, Europe (USD), 2019-2033
- Trocar Market, by Country, Europe (EUR and GBP), 2019-2033
- Trocar Market Growth, by Country, Europe, 2020-2033
- Veress Needle Market, by Country, Europe (USD), 2019-2033
- Veress Needle Market, by Country, Europe (EUR and GBP), 2019-2033
- Veress Needle Market Growth, by Country, Europe, 2020-2033
- Hand-Assist Device Market, by Country, Europe (USD), 2019-2033
- Hand-Assist Device Market, by Country, Europe (EUR and GBP), 2019-2033
- Hand-Assist Device Market Growth, by Country, Europe, 2020-2033
- Access Device Revenue Market Shares, Europe, 2023
- Access Device Revenue Market Shares, by Product Type, Europe, 2023
- Trocar Device Revenue Market Shares, by Product Type, Europe, 2023
- European Direct Energy Device Market Drivers
- European Direct Energy Device Market Limiters
- Direct Energy Device Market, by Country, Europe (USD), 2019-2033
- Advanced Direct Energy Device Market, by Country, Europe (USD), 2019-2033
- Advanced Direct Energy Device Market, by Country, Europe (EUR and GBP), 2019-2033
- Advanced Direct Energy Device Market Growth, by Country, Europe, 2020-2033
- Advanced Direct Energy Device Market, by Product Type, Europe (USD), 2019-2033
- Advanced Direct Energy Device Market, by Product Type, Europe (EUR), 2019-2033
- Advanced Direct Energy Device Market Growth, by Product Type, Europe, 2020-2033
- Advanced Bipolar Direct Energy Device Market, by Country, Europe (USD), 2019-2033
- Advanced Bipolar Direct Energy Device Market, by Country, Europe (EUR and GBP), 2019-2033
- Advanced Bipolar Direct Energy Device Market Growth, by Country, Europe, 2020-2033
- Advanced Ultrasonic Direct Energy Device Market, by Country, Europe (USD), 2019-2033
- Advanced Ultrasonic Direct Energy Device Market, by Country, Europe (EUR and GBP), 2019-2033
- Advanced Ultrasonic Direct Energy Device Growth, by Country, Europe, 2020-2033
- Direct Energy Device Revenue Market Shares, Europe, 2023
- Advanced Energy Device Revenue Market Shares, by Product Type, Europe, 2023
- European Internal Closure Device Market Limiters
- Internal Closure Device Market, by Product Type, Europe (USD), 2019-2033
- Internal Closure Device Market, by Country, Europe (USD), 2019-2033 7
- Internal Closure Device Market, by Country, Europe (USD, EUR, and GBP), 2019-2033
- Internal Closure Device Market, by Product Type, Europe (USD), 2019-2033
- Internal Closure Device Market, by Product Type, Europe (EUR), 2019-2033
- Internal Closure Device Market Growth, by Product Type, Europe, 2020-2033
- Endolinear Stapler and Cutter Market, by Country, Europe (USD), 2019-2033
- Endolinear Stapler and Cutter Market, by Country, Europe (EUR and GBP), 2019-2033
- Endolinear Stapler and Cutter Market Growth, by Country, Europe, 2020-2033
- Clip Applier Market, by Country, Europe (USD), 2019-2033
- Clip Applier Market, by Country, Europe (EUR and GBP), 2019-2033
- Clip Applier Market Growth, by Country, Europe, 2020-2033
- Internal Closure Device Revenue Market Shares, Europe, 2023
- Internal Closure Device Revenue Market Shares, by Product Type, Europe, 2023
- European Hand Instrument Market Drivers
- European Hand Instrument Market Limiters
- Hand Instrument Market, by Durability, Europe (USD), 2019-2033
- Hand Instrument Market, by Country, Europe (USD), 2019-2033
- Hand Instrument Market, by Country, Europe (USD, EUR, and GBP), 2019-2033
- Hand Instrument Market, by Durability, Europe (USD), 2019-2033
- Hand Instrument Market, by Durability, Europe (EUR), 2019-2033
- Hand Instrument Market Growth, by Durability, Europe, 2020-2033
- Disposable Hand Instrument Market, by Country, Europe (USD), 2019-2033
- Disposable Hand Instrument Market, by Country, Europe (EUR and GBP), 2019-2033
- Disposable Hand Instrument Market Growth, by Country, Europe, 2020-2033
- Reusable Hand Instrument Market, by Country, Europe (USD), 2019-2033
- Reusable Hand Instrument Market, by Country, Europe (EUR and GBP), 2019-2033
- Reusable Hand Instrument Market Growth, by Country, Europe, 2020-2033
- Hand Instrument Revenue Market Shares, Europe, 2023
- Hand Instrument Revenue Market Shares, by Durability, Europe, 2023
- European Suction/Irrigation Device Market Drivers
- European Suction/Irrigation Device Market Limiters
- Suction/Irrigation Device Market, by Country, Europe (USD), 2019-2033
- Suction/Irrigation Device Market, by Country, Europe (USD), 2019-2033
- Suction/Irrigation Device Market, by Country, Europe (EUR and GBP), 2019-2033
- Suction/Irrigation Device Market Growth, by Country, Europe, 2020-2033
- Suction/Irrigation Device Revenue Market Shares, Europe, 2023
- Suction/Irrigation Device Revenue Market Shares, Europe, 2023
- European Insufflation Device Market Limiters
- Insufflation Device Market, by Country, Europe (USD), 2019-2033
- Insufflator Market, by Country, Europe (USD), 2019-2033
- Insufflator Market, by Country, Europe (EUR and GBP), 2019-2033
- Insufflator Market Growth, by Country, Europe, 2020-2033
- Insufflation Device Revenue Market Shares, Europe, 2023
- Insufflation Device Revenue Market Shares, Europe, 2023
- European Laparoscope Market Drivers
- European Laparoscope Market Limiters
- Laparoscope Market, by Product Type, Europe (USD), 2019-2033
- Laparoscope Market, by Country, Europe (USD), 2019-2033
- Laparoscope Market, by Country, Europe (USD, EUR, and GBP), 2019-2033
- Laparoscope Market, by Product Type, Europe (USD), 2019-2033
- Laparoscope Market, by Product Type, Europe (EUR), 2019-2033
- Laparoscope Market Growth, by Product Type, Europe, 2020-2033
- Rod Lens Laparoscope Market, by Country, Europe (USD), 2019-2033 8
- Rod Lens Laparoscope Market, by Country, Europe (EUR and GBP), 2019-2033
- Rod Lens Laparoscope Market Growth, by Country, Europe, 2020-2033
- Video Laparoscope Market, by Country, Europe (USD), 2019-2033
- Video Laparoscope Market, by Country, Europe (EUR and GBP), 2019-2033
- Video Laparoscope Market Growth, by Country, Europe, 2020-2033
- Laparoscope Revenue Market Shares, Europe, 2023
- Laparoscope Revenue Market Shares, by Product Type, Europe, 2023