

Non-Geo Constellations Analysis Toolkit 4.0

出版日期: | 出版商: Northern Sky Research, LLC | 英文 | 商品交期: 最快1-2个工作天内


该工具包是一个线上 Web 应用程序,比以前的电子表格版本具有更多功能和功能。 NCAT4 平台提供多种精确计算工具,具有独特的变数和筛选器,使用者可以使用地图、图表、资讯图表、可汇出资料集等进行视觉化。Masu。


  • 每季更新 3 次NCAT 应用程式
  • 每日更新:资料来源


  • 1 年多用户存取权限:所有工具包功能、软体升级和资料库更新
  • 12个组合工具:(有些工具整合到动态工具中)
  • 每日更新:运行卫星和航空公司航线的轨道观测
  • 季度更新:NCAT 软体更新与资料库更新
  • 按国家放大分析:超过 200 个国家和地区
  • 与商业航班资料整合:模拟飞行中转的供需动态(数千家航空公司和机场可供选择)


工具包使用者指南 (PDF)


从 NCAT4 资料库下载最新资料并将其显示在表格中的网页(可在私人 NCAT 选单中按一下)。 使用者可以选择(查看)和编辑特定的子星座和关口站进行个人化分析。

  • 包含可以选择和编辑的星座外壳的资料库表
    • 表格列:外壳 ID、系统名称、高度、轨道倾角、轨道平面、每个平面的卫星数量、最小仰角 - 使用者终端、最小仰角 - 闸道天线、ISL
  • 包含可以选择和编辑的网关站清单的资料库表:
    • 网关 ID、营运商、系统、GW 名称、纬度、经度、天线、天线尺寸、来源
  • 基准图表


包含满足各种需求的计算器和视觉化工具的页面。 使用者只需对输入进行少量编辑即可快速驱动通用指标。

  • 星座特征
    • 输入:星座名称、轨道倾角、最小仰角 - 使用者天线/终端、最小仰角 - 关卡站天线、卫星高度
    • 输出:轨道半径、飞行速度、角速度、轨道週期、切换之间的最大速度时间(路径时间)、最小卫星切换率
    • 星座覆盖的地球部分
    • 卫星足迹可到达的最大纬度(南/北)
  • 星座覆盖的地球表面部分
    • 所覆盖的表面积:(最大纬度的南北纬度之间)
    • 未覆盖的表面积:达到的最大纬度(南/北)
  • 卫星足迹
    • 每颗卫星覆盖的最小表面积(足迹)
    • 星座中的卫星数量
    • 卫星最小覆盖角(距地球中心)
    • 卫星覆盖半径
  • 距离与延迟:从地球到卫星
    • 卫星与地面站之间的最小距离
    • 最小往返延迟
    • 最大卫星/地面站距离 - 使用者终端
    • 最大卫星/地面站距离 - GW 站
    • GW 与 UT 之间的最大往返延迟(皆以最小角度)
    • 资讯图表产生器
    • 从设定选单中选取的计算器或 shell 清单中输入数据
    • 可选择的资讯图表背景图片
  • 地图检视器
    • 点、线、多边形的geoJSON资料集合
    • 基于单元格索引和解析度输入的六边形网格检视器


一种旨在动态计算和显示轨道卫星和多壳星座可见性指标的工具。 即时显示卫星,支援多轨道、多人分析。 在设定选单中选择的每个子星座(外壳)均以单独的颜色显示。 此工具的输出包括根据地图缩放等级计算站点线上的卫星、使用者定义的终端位置可见卫星的时间轴(可点击)以及计算终端的 "视角" (UT)。(方位角/仰角)的 "卫星追踪器”

  • 类比速度控制:时间控制(快退、后退、播放/暂停、快转、快转、重设时间按钮)、类比速度加速器(即时、60X、300X、自订速度) )
  • 显示控制:卫星、卫星 FoV、GW 和可见光卫星、UT 和可见卫星、海底光缆(停用/功能)、覆盖区域(色彩强度)、覆盖轮廓(即时、最大到达范围、连续到达范围)
  • UT 卫星选择:最佳视角、最小延迟、最小切换率
    • 选项:包含/忽略卫星 GW 可见性
  • 输出:星座图动画(单壳与多壳)
  • 从用户端可见的卫星时间轴图(2)
  • "卫星追踪器" 图表 (2) 显示已设定使用者终端的天线视角(方位角和仰角)
  • 可下载的 CSV 檔案和资料列
    • 星座资料:时间戳(UTC)、卫星名称、卫星纬度、卫星经度、高度[km]、倾角[度]、ECI 位置:X、ECI 位置:Y、ECI 位置:Z、轨道週期[ 分钟] 、平均运动 [度/分钟]、每天转数、偏心率、GeoJson 格式的视场 (FoV) 环
    • 视距 (LoS) 卫星:纬度、最大损失卫星、平均损失卫星、最小损失卫星
    • 卫星追踪器:时间戳 (UTC)、可见卫星、卫星方位角、卫星高度、选择用于连结的卫星
    • 可见的卫星时间线


即时基准卫星和地面端对端链路延迟的工具。 该工具旨在使用星间链路(ISL/OISL)评估星座或子星座。 此工具指定两个可选(可点击)端点来对卫星星座和地面场景的端到端往返延迟进行基准测试。 考虑玻璃光纤的折射率,计算具有星间链路 (ISL) 和地球大圆(地面最佳情况)的星座的链路延迟。 该工具是光纤与卫星延迟指标工具的补充(也可从选单存取)。

  • ISL 操作控制:
  • 输出:在地图上动态显示的最短路径ISL 连结选择、卫星(延迟、卫星和ISL 跳数)和光纤(大圆)的端对端延迟计算以及范例时间线图表
  • 资料:可以 CSV 格式下载

IP 吞吐量工具

可设定的连结预算 (LB) 工具,可对每个系统、每个卫星类型/代以及每个有效载荷波束执行细粒度的容量和链路效率计算。 支援抛物面和平板天线。 NCAT 伺服器根据 NCAT 资料库中储存的波束技术资料计算所有有效载荷波束的按需晴空链路预算分析。 卫星资料基于卫星生成,NCAT 用户可以选择特定的网关和用户波束(上行链路和下行链路)以在详细表格中查看 LB 结果。


  • LB分析输出表:
    • 上行链路ClearSky 链路预算(LB) 分析输出(前向和返回链路、多个视角):通道频宽[MHz]、中心频率[GHz]、天线仰角[度]]、最小BUC/TWTA 功率(饱和全波束)[W]、天线直径[m]、天线增益[dBi]、天线馈电法兰功率[dBW]、EIRP [dBWi]、倾斜距离(站-卫星)[km]、自由空间路径损耗(FSPL) [dB]、大气损耗[dB]、卫星功率通量密度(PFD) [dBW/m2]、卫星RX 天线对站峰值增益[dBi]、天线指向误差/G/T缺点 [dB],其他损耗(用于自订调整))[dB],G/T 最大。 增益点 [dB/K]、地面天线方向的 G/T [dB/K]、热 C/N0 [dB]、C/I(来自 GSO 网路的 ASI)[dB]、C/I (Xpol) [ dB]、C/I (IM) [dB]、C/(N+I) [dB]、Eb/No[dB]、Es/No(必要)[dB]、Es/No(数据机)[dB]、Es/无余量 [dB]、优先调製类型 (ModCod) 调变 (Xry) 、FEC 速率、ModCod 频谱效率(忽略滚降)[bits/Hz]、滚降(1.x) Nw 管理开销(%)、资讯位元率[Mbps]
    • 下行ClearSky 连结预算(LB) 分析输出(前向与返回连结、多重观点):频道频宽[MHz]、中心频率[GHz]、天线仰角[度] ]、最大限度。 传输 EIRP 密度 [dBW/Hz]、最大传输 EIRP (-BO) [dBWi]、EIRP/指向劣势 [dB]、EIRP(使用者方向)[dBWi]、斜距(站-卫星)[km]、FSPL [ dB]、大气损耗[dB]、用户天线直径[m]、面向卫星的RX 天线增益[dBi]、RX 系统噪音温度[K]、其他损耗(用于自订调谐)[dB]、面向卫星的大气损耗卫星[dBi] G/T[dB/K]、热C/N0[dB]、C/I(来自GSO 网路的ASI)[dB]、C/I (Xpol) [dB]、C/I (IM) [dB]、C/(N+I) [dB]、组合C/(N+I) 上下(仅通风管)[dB]、RX Eb/No [dB]、Es/No(必要) [ dB]、Es/No(数据机)[dB]、Es/无余裕 [dB]、首选调变类型 (ModCod)
    • 调变 (Xry)、FEC 速率、ModCod 频谱效率(忽略滚降)[位元/Hz]、滚降 (1+x)、Nw 管理开销 (%)
    • 连结预算摘要(使用者选择的波束):闸道天线尺寸[m]、使用者天线尺寸[m]、闸道波束ID、闸道波束类型、闸道中心频率[GHz]、网关波束频宽[MHz]、网关平均波束IP 吞吐量[Mbps]、网关平均频谱效率[位元/赫兹]、用户波束ID、用户波束类型、用户中心频率[GHz]、用户波束频宽[MHz]、用户平均波束IP吞吐量 [Mbps]、用户平均频谱效率 [位元/赫兹]
    • 可实现的站点 IP 吞吐量:转送与返回站点容量、(卫星可见)站点最大使用者容量 [Mbps]
    • 卫星IP 容量: - 闸道波束:波束数量、总频谱[MHz](包括极化和空间频率復用)、每个波束平均频宽 [MHz]、卫星IP容量[Gbps] - 最大(最佳/高品质外观角度)、卫星 IP 容量[Gbps]- 平均(平均视角)、卫星 IP 容量[Gbps]- 最小(最差/低视角)
    • 卫星IP 容量: - 用户波束:波束数量、总频谱[MHz](包括极化和空间频率復用)、每个波束平均频宽 [MHz]、卫星IP容量[Gbps] - 最大(最佳/高品质外观角度)、卫星 IP 容量[Gbps]- 平均(平均视角)、卫星 IP 容量[Gbps]- 最小(最差/低视角)
    • 前向与返回连结容量:卫星容量[Gbps]- 最大(最佳/高视角)、卫星容量[Gbps]- 平均值(平均视角)、卫星容量[Gbps ]-最小值(最差/低视角)


该工具对单或多轨道/多人星座的 IP 宽频供应和需求的频宽动态进行详细的动态分析。

作为吞吐量工具(储存在记忆体中),热图工具即时处理讯息,并根据需求条件和选定的频宽供应公平标准将波束容量分配给定义的小区。动态分配。 NCAT 用户可以比以前的静态 NCAT 版本执行更好的估计,后者根据卫星可见度计算每平方公里的比例开销容量。

  • 模拟速度控制
  • 显示控制项
  • UT 卫星选择
  • 目标市场:基于细胞密度的使用者定义参数
  • 定义固定宽频服务计画
  • 用于显示的热图指标选择器:人口、可见卫星、容量需求、供应和需求
  • 频宽供应/分配公平性选择器:优先考虑低需求小区、优先考虑高需求小区、优先考虑可见卫星较少的小区、优先考虑随机小区
  • 输出:星座图动画(单壳与多壳)
  • 六边形网格:摘要
  • 摘要横幅
  • 可下载的 CSV 檔案和资料列:
    • 摘要
    • 单元格网格
    • 卫星星座


  • 模拟速度控制
  • 显示控制项
  • UT 卫星选择
  • 航空公司和机场选择器
  • 选择区域网格
  • 固定宽频服务计画定义与目标市场
  • 用于显示的热图指标选择器:人口、可见卫星、容量需求、供应和需求
  • 频宽供应/分配公平选择器
  • 输出:星座图动画
  • 六边形网格概述:
  • 可下载的 CSV 檔案和资料列:
    • 飞行路径资料
    • 摘要
    • 单元格网格
    • 卫星星座


  • 输入:星座中的卫星数量、卫星的预期寿命(年)、每颗卫星的预期用户波束吞吐量(Gbps,下行+上行)、每颗卫星的製造成本、卫星质量(公斤)、每公斤发射成本、目标寻址能力和捕获
  • 输出:每可用 Mbps 资本成本的商业案例敏感度分析
    • 机率图
    • 图表显示模型输入和 BC 输出之间的相关性
    • 资讯图表汇总工具分析


  • 输入:预计频宽使用量- 新网路中的Mbps、每个连接用户的平均最后一哩资本支出、非GEO HTS 频宽使用量和成本、GW 託管收入、终端成本、服务收入和支出、资本支出-核心光纤和最后一英里、NPV分析输入值(公司税率、借款利率、折现率、折旧)
  • 产出:图表和数据,包括获利能力(包括 EBITDA、FCF、NPV 和直方图分布)
    • 显示模型输入与 BC 输出之间相关性的散布图
    • 蒙特卡罗模拟样本(1,000 个样本)


  • 输入:两点连结位置(纬度/经度)、每个卫星跳的路由/可设定处理延迟、光纤折射率、星座轨道特性(高度、最小天线仰角)
  • 输出:对四个可能的 SAT 场景进行基准测试,考虑使用卫星间连结(光纤 ISL)、地面互连和闸道中继站。 SAT 与 FO 场景的
  • 资讯图输出


  • 输入
    • 下行链路
    • 上行链路
  • 输出:计算要满足的最小上行链路和下行链路鑑别角(φ)、根据ITU 建议计算的表格、天线辐射方向图、用户天线可见锥体和卫星可能的热图 (允许和禁止)现场的上行视角 基于纬度的站点视图
Product Code: NCAT4


  • +3 Quarterly Updates: NCAT app
  • Daily Updates: Data sources

“Non-Geo Constellations Analysis Toolkit 4.0” is now an online web application with more capabilities and power than previous spreadsheet versions.

This product's deliverables include:

  • One-year multi-user access to all toolkit features, software upgrades, and database updates.
  • 12 combo tools (some tools combined into fewer, dynamic tools).
  • Daily updates: Orbital observations for operating satellites and airline flight routes.
  • Quarterly Updates: NCAT software updates and database updates.
  • Country zoom-in analysis - for over 200 countries and territories.
  • Integrated with sources of commercial flight data to simulate in-flight connectivity supply-demand dynamics (thousands of selectable airlines and airports)

Report Summary:

NSR's “Non-GEO Constellations Analysis Toolkit 4.0 (NCAT4) ” is an assembly of quantitative models that x-ray and benchmark LEO and MEO satellite constellations.

The latest edition of NSR's industry-leading benchmarking toolset has moved online bringing expanded capabilities and processing power. With NCAT4, users can assess the impact of constellations dynamically, across both space and time domains, and with finer resolution and speed than previous Excel versions.

Changes and New Additions in this Edition:

Version 4 of NSR's industry-leading benchmarking toolset is a web application running millions of calculations on datasets compiled for planned and operational NGSO systems. Each tool is configurable via filters, controls and user-defined inputs. New capabilities include:

  • Point-and-click interactivity: Through interactive maps and controls (layers, filters, buttons and settings) NCAT users can zoom in/out, click to set user-terminal locations and control dynamic calculations and visualizations.
  • Multi-orbit analysis: Simulations are configurable for a combination of sub-constellations, from one or multiple satellite operators. In NCAT4 the number of shells and satellites combinable is limitless.
  • Enhanced database and application update cycle:
    • Quarterly: Enhancements to the software and database are deployed quarterly.
    • Daily: The number of operating satellites and orbital observations are updated daily and automatically for fully or partially deployed operating NGSO shells (Starlink, OneWeb, etc.)
  • Dynamic, animated visualizations: Users can visualize propagating conditions in real time such as satellites position, footprint, visible satellites, antenna look angles, link latency variations, supply and demand heatmaps, etc.
  • Space-time simulation controls: NCAT users can choose to run real-time or accelerated time-lapse analysis globally, regionally (user-defined area) or locally for over 200 countries and territories.
  • Simulations can be accelerated up to 300 times, allowing toolkit users to run an entire day of constellation performance inless than 5 minutes.
  • Hexagonal Ground Grid: NCAT4 introduces a dynamic hex-grid. Country ground grid precision is configurable down to city-size resolution (~9 km cell radius, a 100X improvement over previous NCAT versions).
  • Boosted IP throughput computations: In previous Excel NCAT versions, the IP throughput analysis for Non-GEO satellites was extrapolated from the result of executing link-budget (LB) calculations on specific, user-selectable beams. NCAT4 pushes this approach further by proactively computing LBs on all user and gateway beams. Additionally, the number of IP throughput link budget instances for combinations of gateway and user-terminal look angles is three times larger (finer) than in previous NCAT versions.
  • Demand-driven supply: Via selectable supply fairness criteria, NCAT4 simulates reconfigurations of steerable beam capacity to best meet changing demand conditions.
  • Upgraded Mobility Tool: NCAT4 is now linked to daily information sources* of commercial flights for the assessment of in-flight connectivity (IFC) supply/demand dynamics (tens of thousands of flight routes, airlines and airports).
  • Downloadable datasets: NCAT4 simulations produce vast amounts of output datasets that are downloadable in CSV format for further processing outside the NCAT platform: Timestamped constellation shells data, terrestrial grids, capacity supply & demand calculations, assessment summaries, flight routes, charts data, look angles, beam utilization, etc. (details in Table of Contents)

“NCAT4 ” is a standalone NSR product that may also be leveraged in combination with market metrics and insights from relevant NSR and Analysys Mason research studies. The toolset is meant for both business and technical professionals alike seeking in-depth understanding of NGSO SATCOM.

*Daily flight information is currently supported through NCAT's server API key. In future updates NCAT users may need to use their own keys to access daily flights information.

Key Questions Addressed:

  • How do NGSO architectures differ at multiple levels: Coverage, capacity, beams and satellites?
  • What is the service impact of constellations' orbital mechanics (coverage, portion of the Earth covered, maximum latitude reach, distance and delay, orbital period, satellite pass time, etc.)?
  • What is the maximum, average and minimum number of satellites in line of sight (LoS) across all latitudes, per shell or selectable combination of shells?
  • What is the timestamped number of visible satellites and look angles at user-defined terminal locations?
  • How does fiber latency benchmark against LEO topologies, depending on POPs, use of optical inter-satellite links (OISL) and link relays?
  • What is the forward and return link capacity (spectrum, bandwidth and IP throughput) per selectable gateway/user beam, satellite and sub-constellation?
  • How do uplink and downlink beam performance (efficiency, ModCods) and IP capacity vary based on user-terminal and gateway elevation angles?
  • What is the maximum, minimum and average IP throughput capacity per beam, satellite generation and sub-constellation?
  • How much capacity can be steered towards specific (definable) territories or countries at aggregate and cell area levels?
  • How to assess supply and demand dynamics factually, based on user-configurable mobility and fixed broadband service plans? Where are the congestion areas and how they shift over time?
  • How can the capital cost per usable Mbps/month be inferred? What is the sensitivity to cost and performance elements?
  • Under what conditions can SATCOM constellations become competitive vs. fiber optics to service distant underserved communities? How sensitive is the backhaul business case to CAPEX and OPEX elements?
  • What are the regulatory exclusion angles for NGSO systems to avoid interfering with GEO (GSO) systems?

“NCAT4 ” processes millions of data points dynamically to drive unbiased, rigorous assessments of constellations' capabilities and their competitive standing versus terrestrial networks.

Bottom Line: Clients rely on a feature-rich toolbox to drive analysis of LEO and MEO satellite constellations.

Key Features:

LEO and MEO satellite constellations beaming tens of Terabits per second have disrupted the space sector, affecting the wider telecommunications industry. It has become vital for strategists, planners and business/technical decision makers across fixed, wireless and satellite value chains to measure and visualize the impact at granularly defined levels. The NCAT4 platform provides a multiplicity of tools, each with its own variables and filters driving accurate calculations that users can visualize on maps, charts, infographics and exportable datasets.

Toolkit Elements Include:

  • Sophisticated but easy-to-use analytics models driven by auto-populated or manually set inputs and filters
  • Output-rich set of technical and business metrics benchmarking constellations performance at multiple layers
  • Useful visualizations including comparison charts, dynamic heatmaps, satellites, footprints per constellation and infographics.
  • Detailed input and output data tables with information per system and sub-constellation
  • Bandwidth supply and addressability assessments for geographic-based SWOT and TAM analysis
  • Examination of line-of-sight satellites and gateway/terminal beam IP throughput
  • Estimator of breakeven capital costs per deployed and usable Mbps
  • Terrestrial versus satellite backhaul business-case sensitivity analysis via configurable Monte Carlo simulation.
  • Uplink and downlink discrimination angle calculations for NGSO-GSO interference avoidance
  • Granular heatmaps of satellite bandwidth supply/demand dynamics via a configurable grid system
  • Other models and calculators included: User and gateway antenna visibility cones, satellites beam-covered areas, shells' latitude reach, portion of Earth surface and population addressed, orbital period, satellite handoff time, slant range, satellite vs. terrestrial latency, upstream and downstream spectrum and throughput, spectral efficiency, fiber vs satellite NPV (Net Present Value) sensitivity analysis, profitability, etc.
  • Datasets are downloadable in CSV format. Visualizations (maps, charts, infographics) are downloadable in PDF /PNG formats

Who Should Purchase NCAT:

  • Established and emerging satellite operators (GSO & NGSO, FSS & MSS)
  • Teleport operators, satellite service providers and Integrators
  • Distributors and resellers of managed satellite services
  • Terrestrial and wireless network operators including telcos, MNOs, towercos, cable, IP Transit, WLL and cloud service providers.
  • Equipment manufacturers of solutions for NGSO SATCOM, including terminals, antennae (MSA & ESA), hub/modems, RF and ground-network virtualization sub-systems
  • Spacecraft manufacturers and component vendors
  • Airlines, cruise lines and energy communication stakeholders
  • Other major end users of NGSO services including commercial, government, defense and first responders.
  • Industry Associations and research labs /institutions
  • IT Companies developing virtualized cloud software solutions for constellations.
  • Regulators and spectrum utilization agencies
  • Financial institutions, investment management and insurance.

Systems Analyzed in this Product:

As an online configurable toolset NCAT4 has unlimited expandability and is delivered pre-populated with key data inputs for leading NGSO systems. Datasets include granted, operating and proposed systems. Partial list: Amazon Project Kuiper, AST SpaceMobile, Astra Space, Hughes HVNET, Intelsat MEO, Kepler Communications, LYNK Global, Mangata Networks, OneWeb, Rivada Space Networks, SES O3B, SpaceX Starlink, Telesat Lightspeed and Viasat/Inmarsat.

Market commentary:

"The go-to compendium and toolkit for NGSO constellations." - Konrad Nieradka, System and Service Architect, Rivada Space Network.

"Very impressive piece of work, and incredibly useful." - Nihar Shah, Vice President, Strategy and Market Intelligence, SES.

"Excellent toolset ! Flexible, visual, easy-to-use and with in-depth analysis." - Pablo Rasore, CEO, Grupo Andesat.

Table of Contents

Toolkit User Guide (PDF)

Online Toolkit Tools (brief description, inputs and output below)

Configuration /Settings Menu

Web page (clickable in the private NCAT menu) that downloads the latest data from the NCAT4 database and displays it in tables. Users can select (check) and edit the specific sub-constellations and gateway stations for personalized analysis.

  • Database table with selectable and editable constellation shells. Table columns:
    • Shell ID, System Name, Altitude, Orbital Inclination, Orbital Planes, Sats per Plane, Min Elevation Angle - User Terminals, Min Elevation Angle - Gateway Antennas, ISL.
  • Database table with a selectable and editable list of gateway stations:
    • Gateway ID, Operator , System, GW Name, Latitude, Longitude, Antennas, Antenna Size [m], Source
  • Benchmark charts
  • Note: User edits are stored only in the local machine browser memory (NCAT4 users' personalized analysis is not sent to the server)

Calculators Tool

Page populated with calculators and visualization tools for various needs, meant for users to quickly drive general metrics by editing only a small set of inputs

  • Constellation Characteristics
    • Inputs: Constellation Name, Orbital Inclination, Minimum Elevation Angle - User antenna/terminal, Minimum Elevation Angle - Gateway Station antenna, Satellite Altitude.
    • Output: Orbital Radius, Flight Velocity, Angular Speed, Orbital Period, Max. time between handoffs (Pass Time), Min. Satellite Handoff Rate.
    • Portion of Earth Covered (blanketed) by Constellation
    • Max Latitude Reached by Sat's Footprint (N & S)
  • Portion of Earth Surface Covered by Constellation
    • Surface Area Covered (between N and S Max Latitudes)
    • Surface Area Not Covered: North and South of Max Lat Reach.
  • Satellites Footprint
    • Min Surface Area covered by each Satellite (footprint)
    • number of sats in constellation
    • Minimum satellite coverage angle (from Earth center)
    • Sats Coverage Radius
  • Distance and Delay: Earth to Satellite
    • Min Distance between sats and ground stations (GS)
    • Min Round-Trip Delay (@ 90 deg elevation)
    • Max Sat-GS Distance -User terminal (@ min UT el angle)
    • Max Sat-GS Distance -GW Station (@ min GW el angle)
    • Max Round-Trip Delay between GW and UT (both @ min el angle)
    • Infographics generator
    • Inputs data from calculator or from the shell list checked in the config menu
    • Selectable infographics background image
  • Map viewer
    • For geoJSON data collections of points, lines and polygons
    • Hexagonal grid viewer based on cell index and resolution inputs
  • Note: User inputs and simulation results are stored only in the local machine browser memory (NCAT4 users' personalized analysis is not sent to the server).

Visibility Tool

Tool designed to dynamically calculate and display orbiting satellites and visibility metrics for multi-shell constellations. Displays satellites in real time and supports multi-orbit, multi-player analysis. Each sub-constellation (shell) selected in the settings menu is displayed with a distinct color. Tool output includes calculations for satellites in line of site based on the map zoom level, a timeline of visible satellites for user-defined terminal locations (clickable) and a "sat tracker" for the calculation of terminal's (UT) "look angles" (azimuth/elevation)

  • Simulation speed controls: Time Controls (fast-backward, backward, play/pause, forward, fast-forward, reset time buttons), simulation peed accelerator (real time, 60X, 300X and custom speed).
  • Display Controls: Satellites, Sat Field of View (FoV), GWs & visible sats, UT & visible sats, Undersea Fiber Cables (disabled /feature use), Serviceable Area (color Intensity), reach contour (Real Time, Maximum Reach, Continuous Reach)
  • UT Sat Selection: Best look angle, Lowest latency, Min handoff rate
    • Option: Include /Ignore satellite GW visibility
  • Output: Map animation of constellation (single and multi-shell)
    • Clickable for user terminal location
    • Satellites in Line of Sight (LoS) Chart: Minimum, average, maximum and real-time number of satellites in LoS across -90 to 90 degrees latitude
    • Download buttons for chart (PDF) and data (csv)
  • Timeline chart of visible satellites for the user terminals (2)
    • Download buttons for chart (PDF) and data (csv)
  • "Sat Tracker" chart showing antenna look angles (azimuth & elevation) for set user terminals (2)
    • Real-time calculation of satellites in Line of Sight (LOS) for the defined site locations
    • Antenna azimuth and elevation for all satellites visible by the terminals
    • Selected satellite for connection based on defined criterion (lowest delay, etc.).
    • Download buttons for chart (PDF) and data (csv)
  • Downloadable CSV files and data columns:
    • Constellations data: Timestamp (UTC), Sat Name, Sat Latitude, Sat Longitude, Altitude [km], Inclination [deg], ECI position: X, ECI position: Y, ECI position: Z, Orbital Period [min], Mean Motion [deg/min], Revs per Day, Eccentricity, Field of View (FoV) Rings in GeoJson format.
    • Satellites in Line of Sight (LoS): Latitude (-90 to 90 degrees in 5 deg. increments), Sats In Los Max, Sats In Los Avg, Sats In Los Min.
    • Sat Tracker: Timestamp (UTC), Visible Sats, Sat Azimuth, Sat Elevation, Selected Sat for Link
    • Visible Sats Timeline: Timestamp (UTC), Number of Visible Satellites Terminal 1, Number of Visible Satellites Terminal 2.
  • Note: User settings and simulation results are stored only in the local machine browser memory (NCAT4 users' personalized analysis is not sent to the server)

Latency Tool

Tool that benchmarks satellite and terrestrial end-to-end link latency in real time. This tool is designed for the assessment of constellations or sub-constellations with Inter-Satellite Links (ISL /OISL). Given two selectable (clickable) end points the tool benchmarks the end-to-end round trip latency of satellite constellations versus terrestrial scenarios. It calculates the link delay for constellations with Inter-Satellite Links (ISLs) and great-circle terrestrial (best-case terrestrial scenario) considering glass-fiber's refraction index. This tool complements the Fiber-vs-Sat Delay Metrics tool (also accessible in the menu).

  • ISL Behavior Controls:
    • Intra-plane: Sat search Sensitivity (as multiplier of default search area)
    • Inter-plane: ISL FoV Angle [deg]
    • ISL Reach (as multiplier of max inter-plane distance)
    • ISL Sat Selection: Nearest sat (within ISL FoV and reach), Sat with lowest relative speed (within ISL FoV and reach)
  • Output: Shortest-path ISL link selection displayed dynamically on the map, timeline chart with end-to-end latency calculation samples for satellite (latency, satellite and ISL hops) and fiber (great circle)
  • Data downloadable in CSV format.

IP Throughput Tool

Configurable Link Budgeting (LB) tool that performs granular capacity and link efficiency calculations per system, per satellite type/generation, and for each payload beam. It has support for -both- parabolic and flat-panel antennas. The NCAT server computes on-demand clear-sky link budget analysis for all payload beams based on beams technical data stored in the NCAT database. Satellite data is based on the satellite generation and NCAT users can select specific gateway and user beams (both uplink and downlink) to display the LB results in detailed tables.

Tool output (all beams) is displayed in tables and stored in local memory for use in the heatmap and mobility analysis tools, as well as in dashboard-tool summaries.

  • LB analysis Output tables:
    • Uplink ClearSky Link Budget (LB) Analysis Output (forward and return links, multiple look angles): Channel Bandwidth [MHz], Central Frequency [GHz], Antenna Elevation Angle [deg], Min BUC/TWTA Power (saturated full beam)[W], Antenna Diameter [m], Antenna Gain [dBi], Antenna Feed Flange Power [dBW], EIRP [dBWi], Slant Range (Station-Satellite) [km], Free Space Path Loss (FSPL) [dB], Atmospheric Loss [dB], Power Flux Density (PFD) at Satellite [dBW/m2], Satellite RX Antenna Peak Gain towards Station [dBi], Antenna Pointing Error / G/T disadvantage [dB], Other Losses (use for custom adjustment) [dB], G/T at Max. Gain Point [dB/K], G/T towards Ground Antenna [dB/K], Thermal C/N0 [dB], C/I (ASI from GSO networks)[dB], C/I (Xpol)[dB], C/I (IM)[dB], C/(N+I)[dB], Eb/No[dB], Es/No (Required)[dB], Es/No (Modem)[dB], Es/No Margin [dB], Preferred Modulation Type (ModCod) Modulation (Xry), FEC Rate, ModCod Spectral Efficiency (ignoring roll-off) [bits/Hz], Roll-Off (1.x) Nw Mgmt Overhead (%), Information Bit Rate [Mbps].
    • Downlink ClearSky Link Budget (LB) Analysis Output (forward and return links, multiple look angles): Channel Bandwidth [MHz], Central Frequency [GHz], Antenna Elevation Angle [deg], Max. Transmit EIRP Density [dBW/Hz], Max. Transmit EIRP (-BO) [dBWi], EIRP /Pointing disadvantage [dB], EIRP (towards user) [dBWi], Slant Range (Station-Satellite) [km], FSPL [dB], Atmospheric Loss [dB], User Antenna Diameter [m], RX Antenna Gain towards Satellite [dBi], RX System Noise temperature [K], Other Losses (use for custom adjustment) [dB], G/T towards the Satellite [dB/K], Thermal C/N0 [dB], C/I (ASI from GSO networks) [dB], C/I (Xpol) [dB], C/I (IM) [dB], C/(N+I) [dB], Combined C/(N+I) up & down (bent-pipe only) [dB], RX Eb/No [dB], Es/No (Required) [dB], Es/No (Modem) [dB], Es/No Margin [dB], Preferred Modulation Type (ModCod)
    • Modulation (Xry), FEC Rate, ModCod Spectral Efficiency (ignoring roll-off) [bits/Hz], Roll-Off (1+x), Nw Mgmt Overhead (%).
    • Link Budget Summary (user selected beams): Gateway Antenna Size [m], User Antenna Size [m], Gateway Beam ID, Gateway Beam Type, Gateway Center Frequency [GHz], Gateway Beam Bandwidth [MHz], Gateway Average Beam IP Throughput [Mbps], Gateway Avg. Spectral Efficiency [bits/hertz], User Beam ID, User Beam Type, User Center Frequency [GHz], User Beam Bandwidth [MHz], User Average Beam IP Throughput [Mbps], User Avg. Spectral Efficiency [bits/hertz]
    • Achievable Site IP Throughput: Forward & Return Site Capacity, Max. User capacity at (sat-visible) site [Mbps]
    • Satellite IP Capacity: - Gateway Beams: Number of Beams, Total Spectrum [MHz] (incl. pol. & spatial freq. reuse), Average Bandwidth per Beam [MHz], Sat IP Capacity [Gbps] - Max (best/high look angles), Sat IP Capacity [Gbps] - Avg (average look angles), Sat IP Capacity [Gbps] - Min (worst/low look angles)
    • Satellite IP Capacity: - User Beams: Number of Beams, Total Spectrum [MHz] (incl. pol. & spatial freq. reuse), Average Bandwidth per Beam [MHz], Sat IP Capacity [Gbps] - Max (best/high look angles), Sat IP Capacity [Gbps] - Avg (average look angles), Sat IP Capacity [Gbps] - Min (worst/low look angles)
    • Forward & return Link Capacity: Satellite Capacity [Gbps] - Max (best/high look angles), Satellite Capacity [Gbps] - Avg (average look angles), Satellite Capacity [Gbps] - Min (worst/low look angles)
  • Notes:
    • This tool leverages an NCAT4 server-side API to run all possible LB combinations, based on user inputs. The API is currently accessible only via the NCAT4 frontend application.
    • IP throughput and satellite capacity calculations follow standard satellite link budgeting logic, where data inputs drive output. The information and default calculations in this tool are based on publicly available data from FCC and ITU filings and -while rigorous- represent an estimation of capabilities of NGSO satellite networks. Satellite operators may state their own system capabilities using proprietary data. Thus, results from NCAT may differ from satellite operators' own numbers if the NCAT database is unable to replicate their numbers using information and assumptions from public filings. Contact the satellite operators individually for a more detailed analysis of their system and satellite capabilities.
    • As of the NCAT4 release date, the server counts with technical satellite data to perform link budget, IP bandwidth calculations for the following systems (based on satellite generation, applies to all shells using same satellite architecture). Users can edit the NCAT inputs to run LB analysis for any other system not surveyed/cataloged in the NCAT server:
    • Amazon Project Kuiper (Ka and V systems), Astra Space, Boeing, Hughes HVNET, Intelsat MEO, OneWeb (phases 1 & 2), SES O3B (current and next generation MEO-HTS), Starlink (Gen1 and Gen2), SpaceX VLEO, Telesat Lightspeed (granted and modified), Telesat VLEO and Viasat MEO & LEO.
    • AST Space Mobile, China GW-2 & GW-A59, E-Space, Kepler Communications, LYNK Global, Mangata Networks and Rivada Space Networks are not fully digitized. Data and calculations for such systems are provided for orbital mechanics but not for IP throughput analysis. Toolkit users can refer to the relevant ITU/FCC filings to extract technical data and leverage the generic Link Budgeting tool (included with the toolkit) to run performance calculations on such systems and/or any other.

Heatmap Tool

This tool executes a granular and dynamic analysis of IP broadband supply & demand bandwidth dynamics for single or multi-orbit/multi-player constellations. Based on factual IP throughput results previously conducted using the IP

Throughput tool (stored in memory), the heatmap tool processes the information in real-time and, based on demand conditions, assigns beam capacity dynamically to the ground the cells defined based on the bandwidth supply fairness criterion selected. NCAT users can run better estimations than those calculated in previous static NCAT versions that calculated proportional overhead capacity per square kilometer based on satellite visibility.

  • Simulation speed controls: Time Controls (fast-backward, backward, play/pause, forward, fast-forward, reset time buttons), simulation peed accelerator (real time, 60X, 300X and custom speed).
  • Display Controls: Satellites, Sat Field of View (FoV), GWs & visible sats, UT & visible sats, Hexagonal cells, Serviceable Area (color Intensity), reach contour (Real Time, Maximum Reach, Continuous Reach)
  • UT Sat Selection: Best look angle, Lowest latency, Min handoff rate
    • Option: Include /Ignore satellite GW visibility
  • Territory Selection: User-defined (dynamic resolution grid), or country zoom-in (over 200 countries and territories selectable)
    • Coarse/Fine Option: Modify country cell resolution, down to city-size precision (~9 km cell radius).
  • Target Market: User-defined parameters based on cell population density:
    • Minimum density (0.1 to 100 inhabitants/sq.km)
    • Maximum density (100 to 1000 inhabitants/sq.km)
    • Target market capture (%)
  • Fixed Broadband Service Plan Definition:
    • Target forward and return data rates [Mbps]
    • Overbooking rate.
  • Heatmap Metric Selector for Display: Population, visible satellites, capacity demand, supply & demand (combined)
  • Bandwidth Supply Distribution Fairness Selector: Prioritize low demand cells, Prioritize high demand cells, Prioritize cells with fewer visible sats, Random cell priority.
  • Output: Map animation of constellation (single and multi-shell)
    • Color-coded hexagonal cells based on defined resolution/territory, supply/demand and metric selector.
    • Download buttons for chart (PDF) and data (csv)
  • Hexagonal grid summary: Resolution, Number of Cells, Avg Hexagon Edge Length (km), Avg Hexagon Area (sq.km), Diameter of equal-area circle (km), Total Grid Area (sq.km), Population (people)
  • Summary Banners: Satellites, Global constellation capacity [Gbps], Satellites over selected territory (grid), Capacity over selected territory [Gbps], Average capacity per territory cell [Gbps], Territory area [sq.km], Territory population [inhabitants], Target area population (addressable), Target area bandwidth [Gbps], Feasible target area bandwidth supply [Gbps]
  • Downloadable CSV files and data columns:
    • Summary: Timestamp (UTC), Grid: Resolution (h3), Grid: Number of Cells, Grid: Avg Hexagon Edge Length (km), Grid: Avg Hexagon Area (sq.km), Grid: Diameter of equal-area circle (km), Grid: Total Grid Area (sq.km), Grid: Population (people), Target: Min people/sq.km, Target: Max people/sq.km, Target: Capture %, Svc Plan: Datarate Fwd [Mbps], Svc Plan: Datarate Rtn [Mbps], Svc Plan: Overbooking Ratio (to 1), Conditions: Bw Supply Fairness, Conditions: Beam Hopping, Sat-GW Visibility (1=ignore), Territory Satellites, Global Constellation Capacity [Gbps], Satellites over Selected Territory (grid), Capacity over Selected Territory [Gbps], Average Capacity per Territory Cell [Gbps], Territory Area [sq.km], Territory Population [inhabitants], Target Area Population (addressable), Target Area Bandwidth Demand [Gbps], Feasible target area bw supply [Gbps].
    • Cell Grid: Timestamp (UTC), H3 Cell Index, Cell Center Lat [deg], Cell Center Lon [deg], Cell Area [sq.km], Cell Population, Cell Population Density [people/sq.km], Cell DL Capacity Demand [Mbps] , Cell UL Capacity Demand [Mbps], Cell DL Capacity Supply [Mbps], Cell DL Capacity Supply - Demand [Mbps], Visible Sats (count), Svc Quality (sample) , Sample Timelapse [msec], GB Demanded (sample), GB Carried (sample), GB Lost (sample), GB carried / GB Demanded (sample), Simul Start Date-Time (UTC), Simul End Date-Time (UTC), Simul Elapsed Time [sec], GB Demanded (elapsed time), GB Carried (elapsed time), Cell BW Demand Fulfillment Rate [%], Cell Svc Availability [%].
    • Satellite Constellation: Timestamp (UTC), Subs-Constellation, Sat Name, Sat Latitude, Sat Longitude, DL User Beams Used (Count), DL User Beams Free (Count), DL User Beam Utilization, DL User Beams Used (List), DL User Beams Free (List), DL User Beams Partially Used - List, Field of View (FoV) Rings in GeoJSON format.
  • Note: User settings and simulation results are stored only in the local machine browser memory (NCAT4 users' personalized analysis is not sent to the server)

Mobility Heatmap Tool

This tool executes a granular and dynamic analysis of constellations' supply & demand bandwidth dynamics for mobility (currently only In-Flight Connectivity -IFC). Users can optionally configure settings for fixed broadband (same as in the heatmap broadband tool) if the scenario requires mixing of the two applications. Based on factual IP throughput results previously conducted using the IP Throughput tool (stored in memory), the heatmap tool processes the information in real-time and, based on demand conditions, assigns beam capacity dynamically to the aircraft and associated ground cells defined based on the bandwidth supply fairness criterion selected.

  • Simulation speed controls: Time Controls (fast-backward, backward, play/pause, forward, fast-forward, reset time buttons), simulation peed accelerator (real time, 60X, 300X and custom speed).
  • Display Controls: Satellites, Sat Field of View (FoV), GWs & visible sats, UT & visible sats, Airports & flight routes, Aircraft & travelled routes, Hex cells, Serviceable Area (color Intensity), reach contour (Real Time, Maximum Reach, Continuous Reach)
  • UT Sat Selection: Best look angle, Lowest latency, Min handoff rate
    • Option: Include /Ignore satellite GW visibility.
  • Airline and Airports selector: Selectable by IATA codes from a list of over 12 thousand airlines and ~10 thousand airports.
    • Outbound and inbound flights selectors.
  • Territory Grid Selection: User-defined (dynamic resolution grid), or country zoom-in (over 200 countries and territories selectable)
    • Coarse/Fine Option: Modify country cell resolution, down to city-size precision (~9 km cell radius).
  • Fixed Broadband Service Plan Definition and Target Market: User-defined parameters based on cell population density.
  • Heatmap Metric Selector for Display: Population, visible satellites, capacity demand, supply & demand (combined)
  • Bandwidth Supply Distribution Fairness Selector: Prioritize low demand cells, Prioritize high demand cells, Prioritize cells with fewer visible sats, Random cell priority.
  • Output: Map animation of constellation (single and multi-shell)
    • Color-coded hexagonal cells based on defined resolution/territory, supply/demand and metric selector.
    • Download buttons for chart (PDF) and data (csv)
  • Hexagonal grid summary: Resolution, Number of Cells, Avg Hexagon Edge Length (km), Avg Hexagon Area (sq.km), Diameter of equal-area circle (km), Total Grid Area (sq.km), Population (people)
  • Summary Banners: Satellites, Global constellation capacity [Gbps], Satellites over selected territory (grid), Capacity over selected territory [Gbps], Average capacity per territory cell [Gbps], Aircraft Count (all flying), Number of A/C over selected territory (grid), Number of grid cells used by flying A/C, Average IFC bandwidth demand per cell [Mbps], Average A/C flying speed [km/h], Territory area [sq.km], Territory population [inhabitants], Target area population (addressable), Total target area bandwidth [Gbps], Feasible target area bandwidth supply [Gbps].
  • Downloadable CSV files and data columns:
    • Flight Routes Data: Departure: Airport, Departure: Timezone, Departure: IATA, Departure: ICAO, Departure: Time (local), Arrival: Airport, Arrival: Timezone, Arrival: IATA, Arrival: ICAO, Arrival: Time (local), Airline: Name, Airline: callsign, Airline: IATA, Airline: ICAO, Flight: Number.
    • Summary: Timestamp (UTC), Grid: Resolution (h3), Grid: Number of Cells, Grid: Avg Hexagon Edge Length (km), Grid: Avg Hexagon Area (sq.km), Grid: Diameter of equal-area circle (km), Grid: Total Grid Area (sq.km), Grid: Population (people), Target: Min people/sq.km, Target: Max people/sq.km, Target: Capture %, Svc Plan: Datarate Fwd [Mbps], Svc Plan: Datarate Rtn [Mbps], Svc Plan: Overbooking Ratio (to 1), Conditions: Bw Supply Fairness, Conditions: Beam Hopping, Sat-GW Visibility (1=ignore), Territory Satellites, Global Constellation Capacity [Gbps], Satellites over Selected Territory (grid), Capacity over Selected Territory [Gbps], Average Capacity per Territory Cell [Gbps], Territory Area [sq.km], Territory Population [inhabitants], Target Area Population (addressable), Target Area Bandwidth Demand [Gbps], Feasible target area bw supply [Gbps].
    • Cell Grid: Timestamp (UTC), H3 Cell Index, Cell Center Lat [deg], Cell Center Lon [deg], Cell Area [sq.km], Cell Population, Cell Population Density [people/sq.km], Aircraft within cell boundaries (count), Cell DL Capacity Demand [Mbps], Cell UL Capacity Demand [Mbps], Cell DL Capacity Supply [Mbps], Cell DL Capacity Supply - Demand [Mbps], Visible Sats (count), Svc Quality (sample), Sample Timelapse [msec], GB Demanded (sample), GB Carried (sample), GB Lost (sample), GB carried / GB Demanded (sample), Simul Start Date-Time (UTC), Simul End Date-Time (UTC), Simul Elapsed Time [sec], GB Demanded (elapsed time), GB Carried (elapsed time), Cell BW Demand Fulfillment Rate [%], Cell Svc Availability [%].
    • Satellite Constellation: Timestamp (UTC), Subs-Constellation, Sat Name, Sat Latitude, Sat Longitude, DL User Beams Used (Count), DL User Beams Free (Count), DL User Beam Utilization, DL User Beams Used (List), DL User Beams Free (List), DL User Beams Partially Used - List, Field of View (FoV) Rings in GeoJSON format.
  • Notes:
    • User settings and simulation results are stored only in the local machine browser memory (NCAT4 users' personalized analysis is not sent to the server)
    • Daily flight information is currently supported through NCAT's server API key. In future updates NCAT users may need to use their own keys to access daily flights information.

Dashboard Tool

Displays a summary and visual representations of the NCAT user analysis and simulation results for all above-listed tools.

Non-GEO Business Case Tool

Tool that runs a sensitivity analysis for the capital cost of deployed and usable Mbps/Month and bandwidth breakeven price. This tool currently operates as an Excel file embedded into the NCAT site. Users can interact with the tool online or download the Excel file for local processing.

  • Inputs: Number of satellites in constellation, Estimated Lifetime of Satellites (Years), Estimated User Beam Throughput per Satellite (Gbps; down + up), Manufacturing Cost per Satellite, Satellite Mass (Kg), Launch Costs per Kg, target addressability and capture.
  • Output: Business-case sensitivity analysis of the capital cost per usable Mbps.
    • Probability charts
    • Scatter plots illustrating correlations between model inputs and BC output...
    • Infographic summarizing tool's analysis

Fiber Optic vs. Satellite Backhaul Business Case Analysis Tool

This tool runs a business-Case sensitivity analysis as a Fiber Optics (FO) versus Satellite (SAT) investment project evaluation. This tool currently operates as an Excel file embedded into the NCAT site. Users can interact with the tool online or download the Excel file for local processing.

  • Inputs: Projected BW Use - Mbps New-Network Wide, Average Last-mile CAPEX per connected user, Non-GEO HTS Bandwidth Usage & Cost, GW Hosting Revenues, Terminal cost, Service Revenue and Expenses, Captal Expenditures - Core Fiber & last-mile, NPV analysis inputs (corp. tax rate, debt financing interest rate, discount rate, depreciation)
  • Output: Charts and data with resulting EBITDA, FCF, NPV and Profitability including histogram distribution of possible outcomes
    • Scatter plots illustrating correlations between model inputs and BC output.
    • Monte Carlo simulation samples (1 thousand samples)

Fiber Optic vs. Satellite Delay Metrics Tool

This tool complements the dynamic latency tool by providing a quick analysis of best-case propagation latency for end-to-end link using Fiber Optics (FO) and LEO Satellite (SAT). This tool currently operates as an Excel file embedded into the NCAT site. Users can interact with the tool online or download the Excel file for local processing.

  • Inputs: Location (lat/long) of a two-point link, configurable processing delay per routing/satellite hop, fiber refraction index, constellations orbital characteristics (altitude, min antenna elevation angles)
  • Output: Benchmark of four possible SAT scenarios considering use of Inter-satellite links (optical ISLs), terrestrial interconnections and gateway relay stations
  • Infographics output for SAT vs. FO scenarios

Exclusion Angles, EPFD Analysis Tool

Calculation of downlink and uplink discrimination angles based on the Equivalent Power Flux Density (EFFD) limits of Article 22 of the ITU Radio Regulations; applicable to FSS (Ku & Ka) frequency bands. This tool currently operates as an Excel file embedded into the NCAT site. Users can interact with the tool online or download the Excel file for local processing.

  • Inputs:
    • Downlink: Beam Frequency band (GHz), Satellite Peak EIRP density [dB(W/Hz)], Altitude (km), Minimum Antenna Elevation, Co-freq Satellites.
    • Uplink: Beam Frequency band (GHz), Maximum number of co-frequency operating NGSO earth stations visible by a GSO satellite, Peak uplink power spectral density fed into the NGSO transmitting earth station [dB(W/Hz)], Antenna Diameter (m), Min. Saturation Flux Density (dBW/m2 ) , E.S. uplink eirp (dBw/Hz), Channel Bandwidth (Hz)
  • Output: Calculated minimum uplink and downlink discrimination angles (φ) that should be met, tables calculated following ITU recommendations, antenna radiation pattern charts, Heatmaps of possible (allowed & disallowed) uplink look angles for the user-antenna visibility cone and satellites' field of view, based on site latitude.