

EV Charging at Home: User Demand and Preferences

出版日期: | 出版商: Parks Associates | 英文 | 商品交期: 最快1-2个工作天内


本报告使用Parks Associates 对8,000 个在家中连接到互联网的美国家庭进行的调查结果来研究电动汽车普及率的趋势、电动汽车所有者和购买者的概况、充电模式、家庭。了能源消耗、能源管理理念、能源管理产品使用现况等



  • 对电动车的认知度较高
  • 电动车的拥有量
  • 阻碍电动车购买的因素
  • 电动车车主体验:净推荐值趋势
  • 电动车充电频率:依地点
  • 公寓大楼内的电动车充电问题
  • 智慧家庭设备拥有率:以电动车拥有量类别划分
  • 电动车充电的价值:与其他主要家电的比较
  • 太阳能发电拥有量趋势与购买意向
  • 蓄电池简介
  • 使用家用蓄电池作为家庭电源的频率
  • 有价值的电动车功能:电动车车主与潜在买家


  • 插电式电动车保有量趋势
  • 拥有的车辆类型
  • 非电动车车主对电动车的态度
  • 电动车车主对电动车的看法
  • 购买车辆的意向
  • 电动车购买意愿:依拥有的车辆类型划分
  • 电动车认知度:电动车拥有趋势与购买意向
  • 阻碍电动车购买的因素
  • 针对非电动车车主/非购买者的电动车购买奖励措施


  • Parks Associates Theory of Relevancy
  • 对电动车的认知度较高
  • 对电动车的认知度较高:依人口因素划分
  • EV:熟悉度、价格、价值
  • 智慧型装置:熟悉度与价值与价格
  • 电动车的高价值:依人口因素划分
  • 电动车价格:以汽车拥有量/购买意愿类别划分
  • 电动车价格:依人口因素划分

电动车 NPS 与充电体验

  • 电动车车主体验:NPS(净建议值)趋势
  • 电动车车主:依房屋类型划分的 NPS
  • 电动车充电频率(YoY )
  • 电动车充电地点
  • 电动车充电频率(依地区)
  • 电动车车主和潜在买家首选的电动车充电地点
  • 优先电动车充电地点:电动车车主或潜在买家
  • 家用电动车充电设备
  • 如何取得家用充电器
  • 用于电动车家庭充电的应用
  • 电动车充电问题:依住房类型划分


  • 有关能源计划的知识:电动车车主/潜在买家
  • 取得纯电动车计画资讯的管道
  • 电动车车主和购买者采用能源计划
  • 消费者在尖峰时段自行调整的产品
  • 消费者允许製造商和电力公司在高峰时段进行调整的产品
  • 了解电动车的优势
  • 对电动车好处的认知:车主与非车主
  • 有价值的电动车功能
  • 有价值的电动车功能:电动车车主与潜在买家


  • 智慧家庭设备的拥有量:以电动车拥有量类别划分
  • 拥有智慧型设备
  • 安全系统所有权:以电动车所有权类别划分
  • 电动车和智慧恆温器拥有者的太阳能拥有率
  • 电动汽车和智慧恆温器车主的太阳能购买意图
  • 太阳能光电业主采用电池存储
  • 使用家用蓄电池作为家庭电源的频率
  • 购买家用蓄电池的时机


  • 人口统计:细分
  • 住房因素:细分
  • 技术亲和力:细分


As the adoption of electric vehicles continues to grow, understanding consumer needs and priorities for home-based charging solutions is crucial for shaping future developments in the EV industry and utilities plans to support a massive shift in home energy consumption. This study investigates consumers' charging location and equipment preferences, charging behavior and frequency, user experience, affordability, and space and future expansion considerations. It also investigates opportunities to coordinate the EV charging load with a smarter whole-home energy management approach.


This study pulls from Parks Associates survey 8,000 US households with internet access at home. The sample is representative of all US internet households, with quotas set for age, gender, household income, and education. Some questions related to electric vehicles will be shown to a 4,000 respondent sub-group that is also balanced demographically to be representative of all US internet households.

Key Questions Addressed:

  • What are EV adoption trends and who are EV owners and intenders?
  • What EV equipment are owners using at home and how did they acquire the equipment?
  • What are their home charging patterns and preferences?
  • How do EV owners think about their home energy consumption and home energy management?
  • What other energy management products do EV owner use, and what is the demand for coordinating energy loads (thermostats, solar, battery storage, smart electric panels, HVAC, hot water heaters, appliances, etc.)
  • Do EV owners participate in special utility rate plans and demand response programs?
  • What is the demand for bi-directional charging and using an EV battery as a home energy source?


"The evolution of EVs from standalone vehicles to integral components of home energy systems exemplifies the convergence of mobility and residential energy management. As the technology progresses, it paves the way for smarter, more resilient homes capable of balancing energy demands with supply, turning the car and the home into an energy resource." - Jennifer Kent, VP, Research, Parks Associates.

Table of Contents

Executive Summary

  • High Familiarity with Electric Vehicles
  • Ownership of Electric Vehicles
  • EV Purchase Inhibitors
  • EV Owner Experience: Net Promoter Score Trending
  • Electric Vehicles Charging Frequency by Locations
  • EV Charging Pain Points In Multifamily
  • Smart Home Device Ownership by EV Ownership
  • Value of EV Charging Coordinated with Other Major Appliances
  • Solar Ownership and Purchase Intent
  • Adoption of Battery Storage
  • Frequency of Using Home Battery to Power Home
  • Valuable EV Capabilities: EV Owners vs Intenders

EV Market Growth: Adoption, Intentions, and Attitudes

  • Ownership of Plug-in Electric Vehicle
  • Type of Vehicle Owned
  • Attitudes Toward Electric Vehicles Among Non-EV Owners
  • Attitudes Toward Electric Vehicles by EV Ownership
  • Vehicle Purchase Intention
  • Intention of Purchasing an EV by Type of Vehicle Owned
  • Familiarity with EVs by EV Ownership & Purchase Intention
  • EV Purchase Inhibitors
  • EV Purchase Incentives for EV Non-Owners / Non-Intenders

EV Perceptions: Familiarity, Affordability, Value

  • Parks Associates Theory of Relevancy
  • High Familiarity with Electric Vehicles
  • High Familiarity of EV by Demographic Factors
  • EVs: Familiarity, Value, Affordability
  • Smart Devices: Familiarity vs. Value vs. Affordability
  • High Value of EV by Demographic Factors
  • Affordability with EVs by Car Ownership & Purchase Intention
  • High Affordability of EV by Demographic Factors

EV NPS and the Charging Experience

  • EV Owner Experience: Net Promoter Score Trending
  • EV Owner: Net Promoter Score By Housing Type
  • Frequency of Charging Electric Vehicles, YoY
  • Electric Vehicles Charging Locations
  • Electric Vehicles Charging Frequency by Locations
  • Preferred Charging Location of Electric Vehicles among EV Owners & Intenders
  • Preferred Charging Location of Electric Vehicles by EV Owners or Intenders in Q4 2023
  • EV Charging Equipment At Home
  • Acquisition Channel of Home Chargers
  • Application Used for EV Home Charging
  • EV Charing Pain Point by Type of Home

EVs & Energy Benefits

  • Familiarity with Energy Programs Offered by EV Owners & Intenders
  • Information Source Channel of EV Special Plan
  • Adoption of Energy Programs by EV Owners & Intenders
  • Products Consumers are Willing to Adjust Themselves During Peaks
  • Products Consumers Will Allow Manufacturer or Utility to Adjust During Peaks
  • Familiarity with Electric Vehicles Benefits
  • Familiarity with Electric Vehicles Benefits: Owners vs Non-Owners
  • Valuable EV Capabilities
  • Valuable EV Capabilities: EV Owners vs Intenders

Energy Solutions: EV, Solar, and Smart Home

  • Smart Home Device Ownership by EV Ownership
  • Smart Appliance Ownership
  • Security System Ownership by EV Ownership
  • Solar Ownership among EV and Smart Thermostat Owners
  • Solar Purchase Intentions among EV and Smart Thermostat Owners
  • Adoption of Battery Storage among Solar PV Owners
  • Frequency of Using Home Battery to Power Home
  • Home Battery Purchase Timing

EV Owner and Intender Profile

  • Demographic Breakdown of EV Owners and Intenders
  • Housing Factors Breakdown of EV Owners and Intenders
  • Affinity for Technology Breakdown of EV Owners and Intenders