智慧属性:MDU (多用户住宅) 的IoT的价值

智慧属性:MDU (多用户住宅) 的IoT的价值

Smart Properties: The Value of IoT for MDUs

出版日期: | 出版商: Parks Associates | 英文 | 商品交期: 最快1-2个工作天内







  • 1.智慧建筑技术的推动因素和障碍发生了怎样的变化?
  • 2.业主/营运商对于投资智慧建筑技术有何计画?
  • 3.MDU 所有者/运营商考虑的时间表是什么?
  • 4.面对法规变化,大宗网路市场如何演变?
  • 5.多户住宅存在哪些新的市场机会?





  • 计划在明年内引进、升级或更换技术
  • 智慧建筑实施对关键营运指标的影响
  • 做出购买决定的预计时间表
  • 实施智慧建筑技术解决方案时的部署规模
  • 为什么要提供大量网路?
  • 阻碍公司实施智慧解决方案的因素
  • 评估技术解决方案供应商的关键因素
  • 如何在最大的场所连接对讲机、蜂鸣器和呼叫亭


  • 将房地产技术引入所有拥有和管理的房产
  • 已安装此解决方案的公寓大楼的百分比
  • 跨饭店的解决方案提供者数量
  • 供应商管理挑战
  • 智慧建筑供应商分散化对 MDU 的影响
  • 智慧建筑与管理科技分散化
  • 智慧建筑平台/聚合器整合系统
  • 使用的智慧建筑平台品牌
  • 所使用的房地产或资产管理系统的品牌


  • 为居民提供的设施类型
  • 智慧型公寓设备包中包含的设备
  • 用于驻地设备解决方案的 NPS
  • 业主/营运商视角:安全与保全解决方案
  • 业主/营运商视角:水和电
  • 设有电动车充电站的房产类型
  • 电动车充电站的位置
  • 提供给居民的数位工具类型


  • 设施内可用的 Wi-Fi 网路类型
  • 采用手机讯号增强器
  • 对网路服务和 Wi-Fi 的满意度
  • 聘请託管 Wi-Fi 服务供应商
  • 託管 Wi-Fi 部署的促进因素
  • 批量互联网介绍
  • 提供批量网际网路服务的设施所占的百分比
  • 与网路服务供应商签订独家行销协议
  • 了解 FCC 允许居民选择退出网路服务批量计费合约的通知
  • “FCC 对批量互联网计费的拟议变更将如何影响您组织的託管 Wi-Fi 和智慧建筑技术部署计划?”
  • 网路线路的所有权
  • 整体网路满意度
  • 为什么要提供大量网路?
  • 不提供大量网路的原因
  • 批量互联网支付方式
  • 批量互联网服务供应商


  • 智慧建筑解决方案对关键指标的影响
  • 为什么要安装电子门禁系统?
  • 如何衡量存取控制的有效性
  • 为什么要安装视讯监控?
  • 如何衡量视讯监控的有效性
  • 为什么要安装智慧恆温器?
  • 如何衡量智慧恆温器的有效性
  • 为什么要安装电动车充电站?
  • 如何衡量电动车充电站的有效性
  • 为什么要安装智慧水錶/检漏仪?
  • 如何测量检漏仪的有效性
  • 为什么要实施智慧灌溉控制?
  • 为什么要实施套件管理解决方案?
  • 引进维护管理解决方案的原因
  • 阻碍公司实施智慧解决方案的因素


  • 未来五年的科技引进计划
  • 做出购买决定的预计时间表
  • 实施智慧建筑技术解决方案时的部署规模
  • 实施智慧建筑解决方案时所采取的策略
  • 解决方案变更的预计时间表
  • 评估技术解决方案供应商的关键因素
  • 新工程与交易:驻地设备解决方案


  • 最大房地产的历年
  • 最大庄园的住房类型
  • 最大房地产的单位数量
  • 最大资产的分类
  • 在最大的房地产中引入技术
  • 最大物业安装的技术:依物业类型
  • 最大的庄园均提供 Wi-Fi 接入
  • 最大房地产中的网路存取点
  • 在最大的房地产中提供批量互联网服务
  • 透过大量网路套餐向居民提供极速套餐
  • 最大房地产的大量网路月费
  • 智慧建筑网路解决方案
  • 最大物业使用的仪表类型
  • 在最大的房地产中使用智慧电錶
  • 最大房地产中的包裹递送流程


  • 目标受访者:房地产、资产管理、COA、HOA 管理公司
  • 公司类型
  • 拥有或管理的房地产类型
  • 所有权期限
  • 公司投资组合中包含的房屋类型
  • 投资组合中拥有或管理的建筑物类型
  • 公司年收入
  • 拥有和管理的公寓大楼物业数量
  • 拥有和管理的住房单元总数
  • 受访者投资组合中包含的房地产规模
  • 公司业务领域


Multifamily housing is in the midst of transformation, as owners and operators turn to technology to increase operational efficiencies, enable new use cases, attract and retain residents, and increase their revenues. This study examines adoption of IoT and smart apartment technology in multifamily properties. It compares top value propositions for smart apartment and IoT platforms and devices and quantifies the return on investment through operational efficiencies, increased rental rates, and decreased resident turnover. It also examines market dynamics, including trends in new builds versus retrofits.


This research provides insight on technology adoption and needs among multifamily property owners and operators, with a specific focus on connectivity, IoT devices, and services. It examines current and upcoming deployments in different contexts, including new builds and retrofits, identifies owners and operators' preferences and priorities, and quantifies market opportunities.

Key questions addressed:

  • 1. How have the drivers and barriers for smart building technologies evolved?
  • 2. What are owners/operators planning for smart building technology investments?
  • 3. What timeline are MDU owners/operators considering?
  • 4. How has the market for bulk internet evolved in the face of changing regulations?
  • 5. What new market opportunities are on the horizon for multifamily?


"After years of high interest rates negatively impacting financing for new multifamily construction and retrofits, pent-up demand has hit a crescendo. With inflation slowing in the US market, the financing picture is set to change. Multifamily properties are poised to capture these emerging opportunities." - Kristen Hanich, Research Director, Parks Associates.

Table of Contents

Survey Methodology and Definitions

Key Terms and Definitions

Executive Summary

  • Plans on Deploying, Upgrading, or Replacing Technology Within the Next Year
  • Average Reported Impact of Smart Building Deployments on Key Operating Metrics
  • Estimated Timeline of Making Purchasing Decisions
  • Scale of Rollout When Deploying Smart Building Technology Solutions
  • Reasons for Offering Bulk Internet
  • Factors Holding Company Back from Deploying Smart Solutions "We're waiting for...."
  • Important Factors Evaluating Technology Solution Vendors
  • Connection Method for Intercoms, Buzzers, or Callboxes on Largest Property

Property Technology Adoption

  • Adoption of Property Technologies at Any Property Owned/Managed
  • Percentage of Multifamily Properties With Installed Solutions
  • Number of Solution Providers Across Properties
  • Challenge Managing Vendors
  • Impact of Smart Building Vendor Fragmentation on MDUs
  • Smart Building and Technology Fragmentation Management
  • Systems Integrated into Smart Building Platform/Aggregator
  • Brand of Smart Building Platform Used
  • Brand of Real Estate or Property Management System Used

Resident Amenities

  • Types of Amenities Offered to Residents
  • Devices Included in Smart Apartment Amenity Packages
  • NPS of Resident Amenities Solutions
  • Owner/Operator Perspectives: Safety and Security Solutions - "Why did you rate your properties' .... that way?"
  • Owner/Operator Perspectives: Water and Electricity - "Why did you rate your properties' .... that way?"
  • Type of Properties Offering EV Charging Stations
  • Location of EV Charging Stations
  • Type of Digital Tools Offered for Residents

Internet and Connectivity

  • Type of Wi-Fi Network Available on Properties
  • Cellular Signal Boosters Adoption
  • Satisfaction with Internet Service and Wi-Fi
  • Managed Wi-Fi Service Provider Adoption
  • Drivers for Managed Wi-Fi Deployments
  • Bulk Internet Adoption
  • Percentage of Properties Offering Bulk Internet
  • Exclusive Marketing Agreement with Internet Service Providers
  • Awareness of FCC Notice of Allowing Residents to Opt-out of Bulk Billing Arrangement for Internet Service
  • "What impact, if any, do the FCC's proposed changes to bulk internet billing have on your company's plans to deploy managed Wi-Fi and/or smart building technologies?"
  • Internet Wire Ownership
  • Satisfaction with Bulk Internet
  • Reasons for Offering Bulk Internet
  • Reasons for Not Offering Bulk Internet
  • Payment Option for Bulk Internet
  • Bulk Internet Service Providers

Drivers and Barriers of Technology Deployment

  • Impact of Smart Building Solutions on Select Metrics
  • Reasons for Deploying Electronic Access Control Systems
  • Method of Measuring Access Control Effectiveness
  • Reasons for Deploying Video Surveillance
  • Method of Measuring Video Surveillance Effectiveness
  • Reasons for Deploying Smart Thermostats
  • Method of Measuring Smart Thermostat Effectiveness
  • Reasons for Deploying EV Charging Stations
  • Method of Measuring EV Charger Effectiveness
  • Reasons for Deploying Smart Water Meters/Water Leak Detectors
  • Method of Measuring Leak Detector Effectiveness
  • Reasons for Deploying Smart Irrigation Controls
  • Reasons for Deploying Package Management Solution
  • Reasons for Deploying Maintenance Management Solution
  • Factors Holding Company Back from Deploying Smart Solutions

Future Roadmap

  • Plans on Deploying Technology in the Next Five Years
  • Estimated Timeline of Making Purchasing Decisions
  • Scale of Rollout When Deploying Smart Building Technology Solutions
  • Strategy Taken When Deploying a Smart Building Solution
  • Expected Timeline of Making Changes to Solutions
  • Important Factors Evaluating Technology Solution Vendors
  • New Construction and Dealmaking: Resident Amenities Solutions

Market Sizing - Largest Property

  • Age of Largest Property
  • Type of Residential Buildings on Largest Property
  • Number of Units in Largest Property
  • Classification of Largest Property
  • Technologies Installed on Largest Property
  • Technologies Installed on Largest Property by Property Type
  • Wi-Fi Access on Largest Property
  • Internet Access Points Installed on Largest Property
  • Bulk Internet Offered on Largest Property
  • Speed Package Offered to Residents via Bulk Internet Plans
  • Monthly Fee Charged for Bulk Internet at Largest Property
  • Smart Building Networking Solutions
  • Type of Meters Used on Largest Property
  • Smart Meters Used on Largest Property
  • Package Delivery Process in Largest Property

Respondent Overview

  • Qualifying respondents were engaged in a real estate, property management, COA, or HOA management company.
  • Company Type
  • Type of Properties Owned or Managed
  • Length of Ownership
  • Type of Housing Included in Company Portfolio
  • Type of Buildings Owned or Managed in Portfolio
  • Company Annual Revenue
  • Number of Multi-Unit, Residential Properties Owned/Managed
  • Total Number of Residential Units Owned/Managed
  • Size of Properties Included in Respondent Portfolio
  • Company Operating Regions