
资料中心液体冷却市场:依地区(北美、欧洲、亚太地区、拉丁美洲、中东非洲):2024-2031 年全球产业分析、规模、占有率、成长、趋势、预测

Data Center Liquid Cooling Market by Geography (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East and Africa): Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast, 2024-2031

出版日期: | 出版商: Persistence Market Research | 英文 718 Pages | 商品交期: 2-5个工作天内


这份研究报告对全球资料中心液体冷却市场进行了深入分析。 这份综合报告提供了关键市场动态、成长动力、课题和新兴趋势的宝贵见解。 它详细概述了资讯技术 (IT) 行业的资料中心冷却领域,并提供了独家数据和统计数据来预测 2024 年至 2031 年的市场成长轨迹。


  • 资料中心液冷市场规模(2024 年):49.6 亿美元
  • 预计市值(2031 年):247.3 亿美元
  • 全球市场成长率(2024-2031 年复合年增长率):25.8%

资料中心液体冷却市场 - 报告范围:

资料中心液体冷却市场包括各种旨在管理和优化资料中心基础设施热性能的解决方案、技术和服务,包括伺服器、网路设备和储存系统。 该市场为资料中心营运商、云端服务供应商、託管设施和企业 IT 部门提供服务,为高密度运算环境、超大规模资料中心和边缘运算部署提供液体冷却解决方案。 片下浸没式冷却、冷板冷却、液冷机架等液冷技术可实现高效散热和节能,提高伺服器可靠性、效能和能源效率。 对计算密集型应用的需求不断增长、功率密度不断提高以及对可持续且经济高效的资料中心冷却解决方案的需求推动了市场成长。


全球资料中心液体冷却市场受益于几个关键的成长动力。 人工智慧 (AI)、机器学习 (ML) 和大数据分析等资料密集型技术的激增将推动对高效能运算 (HPC) 基础设施的需求,并加速液体冷却解决方案的采用。 此外,5G网路、物联网(IoT)设备和边缘运算应用的出现将增加网路边缘的运算工作量和功率密度,从而难以保持热稳定性和可靠性,因此需要高效的冷却解决方案。 此外,对能源消耗、碳排放和环境永续性的担忧正在推动液体冷却技术的采用,与传统空气冷却系统相比,该技术更节能且碳足迹更低。 此外,促进节能资料中心设计和绿色运算实践的监管激励措施和行业标准正在刺激液体冷却解决方案的市场成长和创新。


儘管成长迅速,资料中心液冷市场仍面临技术实施、成本考量和市场分散化等课题。 与液体冷却系统相关的初始投资和安装复杂性可能会阻碍资料中心营运商采用这些解决方案,特别是在改造或遗留设施中。 此外,对可靠性、维护以及与现有 IT 基础设施的兼容性的担忧也会延迟从空气冷却到液体冷却技术的过渡。 此外,市场分散化以及不同供应商的液体冷却解决方案之间缺乏互通性标准可能会给资料中心营运商带来整合课题和供应商锁定。 为了解决这些障碍,技术提供者、资料中心营运商和行业组织必须共同努力,开发标准化介面、效能指标以及液体冷却实施和部署的最佳实践。


由于技术创新、市场整合和产业联盟,资料中心液体冷却市场呈现巨大的成长机会。 模组化资料中心设计、边缘运算部署和混合云架构等新兴趋势正在为针对各种部署场景和用例量身定制的液体冷却解决方案提出新的需求。 两相浸没式冷却、微通道冷板和液冷柜等先进冷却技术的发展正在为解决方案提供者提供差异化和增值服务的机会。 此外,资料中心营运商、硬体製造商和冷却技术供应商之间的策略合作可实现整合解决方案、最佳化的系统设计和简化的部署流程。 此外,促进节能资料中心冷却解决方案的监管激励措施、税收激励措施和碳定价机制正在推动液体冷却技术的市场采用和投资。


  • 资料中心液体冷却市场的全球成长因素有哪些?
  • 冷却技术和资料中心架构的进步如何改变液体冷却解决方案的竞争格局?
  • 资料中心营运商和解决方案供应商在液体冷却领域面临的主要课题和机会是什么?
  • 哪些产业和地区的液体冷却部署成长潜力最大?
  • 领先公司采取哪些策略来维持市场竞争力并推动创新?


第 1 章执行摘要


  • 市场范围/分类
  • 市场定义/范围/限制


  • 影响市场的主要趋势
    • 随着机架密度增加,资料中心的整体趋势
    • 增加 AI 训练中的 GPU 使用率
    • 5G 促使热负荷增加
    • 电信业高密度机架的液体冷却


  • 依公司层级进行市场分析
  • 领先资料中心液冷供应商的市占率分析
  • 依地区和供应商基础进行的市占率分析

第五章 COVID-19 大流行危机的影响分析

  • 新冠肺炎 (COVID-19) 对资料中心市场成长的影响
  • COVID-19 之前的分析
  • 新冠肺炎 (COVID-19) 疫情后分析
  • 恢復与成长策略


  • 过去的市场分析,2019-2023 年
  • 当前和未来市场预测(金额),2024-2031 年
    • 年成长趋势分析
    • 绝对报酬机会分析


  • 宏观经济因素
  • 预测因子 - 相关性和影响
  • 价值链分析
  • 市场动态

第 8 章依冷却类型划分的全球资料中心液体冷却市场分析

  • 简介/主要发现
  • 过去的市场规模(金额)分析,2019-2023 年
  • 2024-2031 年当前与未来市场规模(金额)分析与预测
    • 冷板
    • 直接液体冷却 (DLC)
      • 身临其境的感觉
        • 单相浸没式冷却
        • 两相浸没式冷却
      • 冷水冷却
    • 间接液体冷却
      • 顶部冷却
      • 先导冷却
    • 机架液冷(后门冷却)
  • 依冷却类型划分的市场吸引力分析

第 9 章全球资料中心液冷市场产业分析

  • 简介/主要发现
  • 过去的市场规模(金额)分析,2019-2023 年
  • 2024-2031 年当前与未来市场规模(金额)分析与预测
    • 通讯/IT
    • 英国
    • 政府与国防
    • 研究和学术
    • 能源
    • 医疗保健
    • 其他
  • 依行业划分的市场吸引力分析

第 10 章以资料中心规模划分的全球资料中心液冷市场分析

  • 简介/主要发现
  • 过去的市场规模(金额)分析,2019-2023 年
  • 2024-2031 年当前与未来市场规模(金额)分析与预测
    • 中小型资料中心
    • 大型资料中心
  • 以资料中心规模划分的市场吸引力分析

第 11 章最终使用者的全球资料中心液体冷却市场分析

  • 简介/主要发现
  • 过去的市场规模(金额)分析,2019-2023 年
  • 2024-2031 年当前与未来市场规模(金额)分析与预测
    • 云端提供者
    • 主机代管供应商
    • 企业资料中心
    • 超大规模资料中心
  • 最终用户的市场吸引力分析

第 12 章以资料中心规模划分的全球资料中心液冷市场分析

  • 简介/主要发现
  • 过去的市场规模(金额)分析,2019-2023 年
  • 2024-2031 年当前与未来市场规模(金额)分析与预测
    • 咨询服务
    • 安装和部署服务
    • 维护与支援服务
  • 依服务划分的市场吸引力分析


  • 简介/主要发现
  • 过去的市场规模(金额)分析,2019-2023 年
  • 2024-2031 年当前与未来市场规模(金额)分析与预测
    • 北美
    • 拉丁美洲
    • 欧洲
    • 东亚
    • 南亚/太平洋地区
    • 中东/非洲
  • 依地区划分的市场吸引力分析







第 20 章各国资料中心液冷市场分析与预测

  • 美国
  • 加拿大
  • 墨西哥
  • 巴西
  • 德国
  • 义大利
  • 法国
  • 英国
  • 西班牙
  • 比荷卢经济联盟
  • 俄罗斯
  • 欧洲其他地区
  • 中国
  • 日本
  • 韩国
  • 印度
  • 马来西亚
  • 印尼
  • 新加坡
  • 澳洲和纽西兰
  • 南亚和太平洋地区
  • 海湾合作委员会国家
  • 土耳其
  • 南非
  • 其他中东和非洲地区


  • 竞争对手仪表板
  • 衝突详情
    • Rittal GmbH &Co. Kg
    • Schneider Electric SE
    • Green Revolution Cooling
    • Allied Control Ltd
    • Horizon Computing Solutions
    • Asetek
    • Emerson Electric Co.
    • IBM
    • Midas Green Technologies, LLC
    • Alfa Laval
    • DCX
    • Iceotope
    • Chilldyne, Inc.
    • CoolIT Systems
    • STULZ GmBH

第 22 章先决条件与使用的缩写


Product Code: PMRREP13330

Persistence Market Research, a prominent market research firm, has conducted an in-depth analysis of the global Data Center Liquid Cooling Market. This comprehensive report provides valuable insights into key market dynamics, growth drivers, challenges, and emerging trends. It offers a detailed overview of the data center cooling segment within the information technology (IT) industry, presenting exclusive data and statistics projecting the market's growth trajectory from 2024 to 2031.

Key Insights:

  • Data Center Liquid Cooling Market Size (2024): USD4.96 Bn
  • Projected Market Value (2031): USD24.73 Bn
  • Global Market Growth Rate (CAGR 2024 to 2031): 25.8%

Data Center Liquid Cooling Market - Report Scope:

The Data Center Liquid Cooling Market encompasses a wide range of solutions, technologies, and services designed to manage and optimize the thermal performance of data center infrastructure, including servers, networking equipment, and storage systems. This market serves data center operators, cloud service providers, colocation facilities, and enterprise IT departments, offering liquid cooling solutions for high-density computing environments, hyperscale data centers, and edge computing deployments. Liquid cooling technologies, such as direct-to-chip immersion cooling, cold plate cooling, and liquid-cooled racks, enable efficient heat dissipation and energy savings, improving server reliability, performance, and energy efficiency. Market growth is driven by increasing demand for compute-intensive applications, rising power densities, and the need for sustainable and cost-effective data center cooling solutions.

Market Growth Drivers:

The global Data Center Liquid Cooling Market benefits from several key growth drivers. The proliferation of data-intensive technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and big data analytics, drives demand for high-performance computing (HPC) infrastructure and accelerates the adoption of liquid cooling solutions. Moreover, the emergence of 5G networks, Internet of Things (IoT) devices, and edge computing applications increases compute workloads and power densities at the network edge, necessitating efficient cooling solutions to maintain thermal stability and reliability. Additionally, concerns about energy consumption, carbon emissions, and environmental sustainability propel the adoption of liquid cooling technologies, which offer higher energy efficiency and lower carbon footprint compared to traditional air-based cooling systems. Furthermore, regulatory incentives and industry standards promoting energy-efficient data center designs and green computing practices stimulate market growth and innovation in liquid cooling solutions.

Market Restraints:

Despite its rapid growth, the Data Center Liquid Cooling Market faces challenges related to technology adoption, cost considerations, and market fragmentation. The upfront capital expenditure and installation complexity associated with liquid cooling systems may deter data center operators from adopting these solutions, especially in retrofit and legacy facilities. Moreover, concerns about reliability, maintenance, and compatibility with existing IT infrastructure may slow down the transition from air cooling to liquid cooling technologies. Additionally, market fragmentation and lack of interoperability standards across liquid cooling solutions from different vendors may create integration challenges and vendor lock-in for data center operators. Addressing these barriers requires collaboration between technology providers, data center operators, and industry associations to develop standardized interfaces, performance metrics, and best practices for liquid cooling implementation and deployment.

Market Opportunities:

The Data Center Liquid Cooling Market presents significant growth opportunities driven by technological innovations, market consolidation, and industry partnerships. Emerging trends such as modular data center designs, edge computing deployments, and hybrid cloud architectures create new demand for liquid cooling solutions tailored to diverse deployment scenarios and use cases. The development of advanced cooling technologies, such as two-phase immersion cooling, microchannel cold plates, and liquid-cooled cabinets, offers opportunities for differentiation and value-added services for solution providers. Furthermore, strategic collaborations between data center operators, hardware manufacturers, and cooling technology vendors enable integrated solutions, optimized system designs, and streamlined deployment processes. Moreover, regulatory incentives, tax benefits, and carbon pricing mechanisms promoting energy-efficient data center cooling solutions drive market adoption and investment in liquid cooling technologies.

Key Questions Answered in the Report:

  • What factors are driving the growth of the Data Center Liquid Cooling Market globally?
  • How are advancements in cooling technology and data center architecture reshaping the competitive landscape of liquid cooling solutions?
  • What are the key challenges and opportunities facing data center operators and solution providers in the liquid cooling segment?
  • Which industry sectors and geographic regions offer the highest growth potential for liquid cooling deployments?
  • What strategies are leading companies employing to maintain their competitive edge and drive innovation in the market?

Competitive Intelligence and Business Strategy:

Leading players in the global Data Center Liquid Cooling Market, including cooling technology providers, data center equipment manufacturers, and service integrators, focus on innovation, product differentiation, and market expansion to gain a competitive edge. These companies invest in research and development to develop next-generation liquid cooling solutions, optimize thermal performance, and reduce total cost of ownership (TCO) for data center operators. Moreover, strategic partnerships with cloud service providers, colocation facilities, and hyperscale data center operators enable companies to validate product performance, demonstrate scalability, and accelerate market adoption. Furthermore, emphasis on energy efficiency, sustainability, and environmental stewardship enhances brand reputation and customer trust in the competitive landscape of data center cooling solutions.

Key Companies Profiled:

  • Rittal GmbH & Co. Kg
  • Schneider Electric SE
  • Green Revolution Cooling
  • Allied Control Ltd
  • Horizon Computing Solutions
  • Asetek
  • Emerson Electric Co.
  • IBM
  • Midas Green Technologies, LLC
  • Alfa Laval
  • DCX
  • Iceotope
  • Chilldyne, Inc.
  • CoolIT Systems

Data Center Liquid Cooling Market Research Segmentation:

Data Center Liquid Cooling Market by Cooling Type:

  • Cold Plates
  • Direct Liquid Cooling (DLC)
  • Immersion
  • Single-phase Immersion Cooling
  • Two-phase Immersion Cooling
  • Chilled Water Cooling
  • Indirect Liquid Cooling
  • Top-of-Row Cooling
  • In-row Cooling
  • Rack Liquid Cooling

Data Center Liquid Cooling Market by Industry:

  • Telecom and IT
  • BFSI
  • Government and Defense
  • Research and Academia
  • Energy
  • Healthcare
  • Others

Data Center Liquid Cooling Market by Data Center Size:

  • Small and Medium-sized Data Centers (500 sq. feet to 5,000 sq. feet)
  • Large Data Centers (More than 5,000 sq. feet)

Data Center Liquid Cooling Market by End User:

  • Cloud Providers
  • Colocation Providers
  • Enterprise Data Centers
  • Hyperscale Data Centers
  • Data Center Liquid Cooling Market by Service:

Consultation Services

  • Installation and Deployment Services
  • Maintenance and Support Services

Data Center Liquid Cooling Market by Region:

  • North America
  • Latin America
  • Europe
  • East Asia
  • South Asia & Pacific
  • Middle East & Africa

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

  • 1.1. Global Market Outlook
  • 1.2. Demand Side Trends
  • 1.3. Supply Side Trends
  • 1.4. Analysis and Recommendations

2. Market Overview

  • 2.1. Market Coverage / Taxonomy
  • 2.2. Market Definition / Scope / Limitations

3. Key Market Trends

  • 3.1. Key Trends Impacting the Market
    • 3.1.1. Overall Data Center Trends with Increasing Rack Densities
    • 3.1.2. Upcoming Increase in GPU Usage for AI Training
    • 3.1.3. 5G Increasing Heat Load
    • 3.1.4. Liquid Cooling in the Telecommunication Industry for High Density Racks

4. Market Structure Analysis

  • 4.1. Market Analysis by Tier of Companies
  • 4.2. Market Share Analysis of Top Data Center Liquid Cooling Vendors
  • 4.3. Market Presence Analysis, By Regional Vendor Footprint

5. COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis Impact Analysis

  • 5.1. Impact of COVID-19 on Data Center Market Growth
  • 5.2. Pre-COVID-19 Analysis
  • 5.3. Post COVID-19 Analysis
  • 5.4. Recovery & Growth Strategies

6. Global Data Center Liquid Cooling Market Demand (in Value in US$ Mn) Analysis 2019-2023 and Forecast, 2024-2031

  • 6.1. Historical Market Value (US$ Mn) Analysis, 2019-2023
  • 6.2. Current and Future Market Value (US$ Mn) Projections, 2024-2031
    • 6.2.1. Y-o-Y Growth Trend Analysis
    • 6.2.2. Absolute $ Opportunity Analysis

7. Market Background

  • 7.1. Macro-Economic Factors
    • 7.1.1. Global ICT Spending Outlook
    • 7.1.2. COVID-19 Impact Analysis
    • 7.1.3. Other Factors
  • 7.2. Forecast Factors - Relevance & Impact
    • 7.2.1. Impact of COVID-19 Outbreak on Global Economy
    • 7.2.2. Top Companies Growth Analysis
    • 7.2.3. 5G Deployment Rates
    • 7.2.4. High Volume Critical Data Generation
    • 7.2.5. Digitalization among Enterprise
  • 7.3. Value Chain Analysis
  • 7.4. Market Dynamics
    • 7.4.1. Drivers
    • 7.4.2. Restraints
    • 7.4.3. Opportunities

8. Global Data Center Liquid Cooling Market Analysis 2019-2023 and Forecast 2024-2031, by Cooling Type

  • 8.1. Introduction / Key Findings
  • 8.2. Historical Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis By Cooling Type, 2019-2023
  • 8.3. Current and Future Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis and Forecast By Cooling Type, 2024-2031
    • 8.3.1. Cold Plates
    • 8.3.2. Direct Liquid Cooling (DLC)
      • Immersion
        • Single Phase Immersion Cooling
        • Two Phase Immersion Cooling
      • Chilled Water Cooling
    • 8.3.3. Indirect Liquid Cooling
      • Top-of-Row Cooling
      • In-row Cooling
    • 8.3.4. Rack Liquid Cooling (Rear Door Cooling)
  • 8.4. Market Attractiveness Analysis By Cooling Type

9. Global Data Center Liquid Cooling Market Analysis 2019-2023 and Forecast 2024-2031, by Industry

  • 9.1. Introduction / Key Findings
  • 9.2. Historical Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis By Industry, 2019-2023
  • 9.3. Current and Future Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis and Forecast By Industry, 2024-2031
    • 9.3.1. Telecom and IT
    • 9.3.2. BFSI
    • 9.3.3. Government and Defence
    • 9.3.4. Research and Academia
    • 9.3.5. Energy
    • 9.3.6. Healthcare
    • 9.3.7. Others
  • 9.4. Market Attractiveness Analysis By Industry

10. Global Data Center Liquid Cooling Market Analysis 2019-2023 and Forecast 2024-2031, by Data Center Size

  • 10.1. Introduction / Key Findings
  • 10.2. Historical Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis By Data Center Size, 2019-2023
  • 10.3. Current and Future Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis and Forecast By Data Center Size, 2024-2031
    • 10.3.1. Small and Medium-sized Data Centers
    • 10.3.2. Large Data Centers
  • 10.4. Market Attractiveness Analysis By Data Center Size

11. Global Data Center Liquid Cooling Market Analysis 2019-2023 and Forecast 2024-2031, by End User

  • 11.1. Introduction / Key Findings
  • 11.2. Historical Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis By End User, 2019-2023
  • 11.3. Current and Future Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis and Forecast By End User, 2024-2031
    • 11.3.1. Cloud Providers
    • 11.3.2. Colocation Providers
    • 11.3.3. Enterprises Data Centers
    • 11.3.4. Hyperscale Data Centers
  • 11.4. Market Attractiveness Analysis By End User

12. Global Data Center Liquid Cooling Market Analysis 2019-2023 and Forecast 2024-2031, by Data Center Size

  • 12.1. Introduction / Key Findings
  • 12.2. Historical Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis By Services, 2019-2023
  • 12.3. Current and Future Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis and Forecast By Services, 2024-2031
    • 12.3.1. Consultation Services
    • 12.3.2. Installation and Deployment Services
    • 12.3.3. Maintenance and Support Services
  • 12.4. Market Attractiveness Analysis By Services

13. Global Data Center Liquid Cooling Market Analysis 2019-2023 and Forecast 2024-2031, by Region

  • 13.1. Introduction / Key Findings
  • 13.2. Historical Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis By Region, 2019-2023
  • 13.3. Current and Future Market Size (US$ Mn) Analysis and Forecast By Region, 2024-2031
    • 13.3.1. North America
    • 13.3.2. Latin America
    • 13.3.3. Europe
    • 13.3.4. East Asia
    • 13.3.5. South Asia & Pacific
    • 13.3.6. Middle East & Africa
  • 13.4. Market Attractiveness Analysis By Region

14. North America Data Center Liquid Cooling Market Analysis 2019-2023 and Forecast 2024-2031

  • 14.1. Introduction
  • 14.2. Historical Market Size (US$ Mn) Trend Analysis By Market Taxonomy, 2019-2023
  • 14.3. Current and Future Market Size (US$ Mn) Forecast By Market Taxonomy, 2023-2032
    • 14.3.1. By Cooling Type
    • 14.3.2. By Industry
    • 14.3.3. By Data Center Size
    • 14.3.4. By End-User
    • 14.3.5. Service
    • 14.3.6. By Country
      • U.S.
      • Canada
  • 14.4. Market Attractiveness Analysis
    • 14.4.1. By Cooling Type
    • 14.4.2. By Industry
    • 14.4.3. By Data Center Size
    • 14.4.4. By End-User
    • 14.4.5. Service
    • 14.4.6. By Country

15. Latin America Data Center Liquid Cooling Market Analysis 2019-2023 and Forecast 2024-2031

  • 15.1. Introduction
  • 15.2. Historical Market Size (US$ Mn) Trend Analysis By Market Taxonomy, 2019-2023
  • 15.3. Current and Future Market Size (US$ Mn) Forecast By Market Taxonomy, 2024-2031
    • 15.3.1. By Cooling Type
    • 15.3.2. By Industry
    • 15.3.3. By Data Center Size
    • 15.3.4. By End-User
    • 15.3.5. Service
    • 15.3.6. By Country
      • Brazil
      • Mexico
      • Rest of Latin America
  • 15.4. Market Attractiveness Analysis
    • 15.4.1. By Cooling Type
    • 15.4.2. By Industry
    • 15.4.3. By Data Center Size
    • 15.4.4. By End-User
    • 15.4.5. Service
    • 15.4.6. By Country

16. Europe Data Center Liquid Cooling Market Analysis 2019-2023 and Forecast 2024-2031

  • 16.1. Introduction
  • 16.2. Historical Market Size (US$ Mn) Trend Analysis By Market Taxonomy, 2019-2023
  • 16.3. Current and Future Market Size (US$ Mn) Forecast By Market Taxonomy, 2024-2031
    • 16.3.1. By Cooling Type
    • 16.3.2. By Industry
    • 16.3.3. By Data Center Size
    • 16.3.4. By End-User
    • 16.3.5. Service
    • 16.3.6. By Country
      • Germany
      • Italy
      • France
      • U.K.
      • Spain
      • BENELUX
      • Russia
      • Rest of Europe
  • 16.4. Market Attractiveness Analysis
    • 16.4.1. By Cooling Type
    • 16.4.2. By Industry
    • 16.4.3. By Data Center Size
    • 16.4.4. By End-User
    • 16.4.5. Service
    • 16.4.6. By Country

17. South Asia & Pacific Data Center Liquid Cooling Market Analysis 2019-2023 and Forecast 2024-2031

  • 17.1. Introduction
  • 17.2. Historical Market Size (US$ Mn) Trend Analysis By Market Taxonomy, 2019-2023
  • 17.3. Current and Future Market Size (US$ Mn) Forecast By Market Taxonomy, 2024-2031
    • 17.3.1. By Cooling Type
    • 17.3.2. By Industry
    • 17.3.3. By Data Center Size
    • 17.3.4. By End-User
    • 17.3.5. Service
    • 17.3.6. By Country
      • India
      • Thailand
      • Indonesia
      • Malaysia
      • Australia & New Zealand
      • Rest of South Asia & Pacific
  • 17.4. Market Attractiveness Analysis
    • 17.4.1. By Cooling Type
    • 17.4.2. By Industry
    • 17.4.3. By Data Center Size
    • 17.4.4. By End-User
    • 17.4.5. Service
    • 17.4.6. By Country

18. East Asia Data Center Liquid Cooling Market Analysis 2019-2023 and Forecast 2024-2031

  • 18.1. Introduction
  • 18.2. Historical Market Size (US$ Mn) Trend Analysis By Market Taxonomy, 2019-2023
  • 18.3. Current and Future Market Size (US$ Mn) Forecast By Market Taxonomy, 2024-2031
    • 18.3.1. By Cooling Type
    • 18.3.2. By Industry
    • 18.3.3. By Data Center Size
    • 18.3.4. By End-User
    • 18.3.5. Service
    • 18.3.6. By Country
      • China
      • Japan
      • South Korea
  • 18.4. Market Attractiveness Analysis
    • 18.4.1. By Cooling Type
    • 18.4.2. By Industry
    • 18.4.3. By Data Center Size
    • 18.4.4. By End-User
    • 18.4.5. Service
    • 18.4.6. By Country

19. Middle East and Africa Data Center Liquid Cooling Market Analysis 2019-2023 and Forecast 2024-2031

  • 19.1. Introduction
  • 19.2. Historical Market Size (US$ Mn) Trend Analysis By Market Taxonomy, 2019-2023
  • 19.3. Current and Future Market Size (US$ Mn) Forecast By Market Taxonomy, 2024-2031
    • 19.3.1. By Cooling Type
    • 19.3.2. By Industry
    • 19.3.3. By Data Center Size
    • 19.3.4. By End-User
    • 19.3.5. Service
    • 19.3.6. By Country
      • GCC Countries
      • Turkey
      • Northern Africa
      • South Africa
      • Rest of Middle East and Africa
  • 19.4. Market Attractiveness Analysis
    • 19.4.1. By Cooling Type
    • 19.4.2. By Industry
    • 19.4.3. By Data Center Size
    • 19.4.4. By End-User
    • 19.4.5. Service
    • 19.4.6. By Country

20. Countries-wise Data Center Liquid Cooling Market Analysis

  • 20.1. U.S. Data Center Liquid Cooling Market Analysis
    • 20.1.1. By Cooling Type
    • 20.1.2. By Industry
    • 20.1.3. By Data Center Size
    • 20.1.4. By End-User
    • 20.1.5. Service
  • 20.2. Canada Data Center Liquid Cooling Market Analysis
    • 20.2.1. By Cooling Type
    • 20.2.2. By Industry
    • 20.2.3. By Data Center Size
    • 20.2.4. By End-User
    • 20.2.5. Service
  • 20.3. Mexico Data Center Liquid Cooling Market Analysis
    • 20.3.1. By Cooling Type
    • 20.3.2. By Industry
    • 20.3.3. By Data Center Size
    • 20.3.4. By End-User
    • 20.3.5. Service
  • 20.4. Brazil Data Center Liquid Cooling Market Analysis
    • 20.4.1. By Cooling Type
    • 20.4.2. By Industry
    • 20.4.3. By Data Center Size
    • 20.4.4. By End-User
    • 20.4.5. Service
  • 20.5. Germany Data Center Liquid Cooling Market Analysis
    • 20.5.1. By Cooling Type
    • 20.5.2. By Industry
    • 20.5.3. By Data Center Size
    • 20.5.4. By End-User
    • 20.5.5. Service
  • 20.6. Italy Data Center Liquid Cooling Market Analysis
    • 20.6.1. By Cooling Type
    • 20.6.2. By Industry
    • 20.6.3. By Data Center Size
    • 20.6.4. By End-User
    • 20.6.5. Service
  • 20.7. France Data Center Liquid Cooling Market Analysis
    • 20.7.1. By Cooling Type
    • 20.7.2. By Industry
    • 20.7.3. By Data Center Size
    • 20.7.4. By End-User
    • 20.7.5. Service
  • 20.8. U.K. Data Center Liquid Cooling Market Analysis
    • 20.8.1. By Cooling Type
    • 20.8.2. By Industry
    • 20.8.3. By Data Center Size
    • 20.8.4. By End-User
    • 20.8.5. Service
  • 20.9. Spain Data Center Liquid Cooling Market Analysis
    • 20.9.1. By Cooling Type
    • 20.9.2. By Industry
    • 20.9.3. By Data Center Size
    • 20.9.4. By End-User
    • 20.9.5. Service
  • 20.10. BENELUX Data Center Liquid Cooling Market Analysis
    • 20.10.1. By Cooling Type;
    • 20.10.2. By Industry
    • 20.10.3. By Data Center Size
    • 20.10.4. By End-User
    • 20.10.5. Service
  • 20.11. Russia Data Center Liquid Cooling Market Analysis
    • 20.11.1. By Cooling Type
    • 20.11.2. By Industry
    • 20.11.3. By Data Center Size
    • 20.11.4. By End-User
    • 20.11.5. Service
  • 20.12. Rest of Europe Data Center Liquid Cooling Market Analysis
    • 20.12.1. By Cooling Type
    • 20.12.2. By Industry
    • 20.12.3. By Data Center Size
    • 20.12.4. By End-User
    • 20.12.5. Service
  • 20.13. China Data Center Liquid Cooling Market Analysis
    • 20.13.1. By Cooling Type
    • 20.13.2. By Industry
    • 20.13.3. By Data Center Size
    • 20.13.4. By End-User
    • 20.13.5. Service
  • 20.14. Japan Data Center Liquid Cooling Market Analysis
    • 20.14.1. By Cooling Type
    • 20.14.2. By Industry
    • 20.14.3. By Data Center Size
    • 20.14.4. By End-User
    • 20.14.5. Service
  • 20.15. South Korea Data Center Liquid Cooling Market Analysis
    • 20.15.1. By Cooling Type
    • 20.15.2. By Industry
    • 20.15.3. By Data Center Size
    • 20.15.4. By End-User
    • 20.15.5. Service
  • 20.16. India Data Center Liquid Cooling Market Analysis
    • 20.16.1. By Cooling Type
    • 20.16.2. By Industry
    • 20.16.3. By Data Center Size
    • 20.16.4. By End-User
    • 20.16.5. Service
  • 20.17. Malaysia Data Center Liquid Cooling Market Analysis
    • 20.17.1. By Cooling Type
    • 20.17.2. By Industry
    • 20.17.3. By Data Center Size
    • 20.17.4. By End-User
    • 20.17.5. Service
  • 20.18. Indonesia Data Center Liquid Cooling Market Analysis
    • 20.18.1. By Cooling Type
    • 20.18.2. By Industry
    • 20.18.3. By Data Center Size
    • 20.18.4. By End-User
    • 20.18.5. Service
  • 20.19. Singapore Data Center Liquid Cooling Market Analysis
    • 20.19.1. By Cooling Type
    • 20.19.2. By Industry
    • 20.19.3. By Data Center Size
    • 20.19.4. By End-User
    • 20.19.5. Service
  • 20.20. Australia and New Zealand Data Center Liquid Cooling Market Analysis
    • 20.20.1. By Cooling Type
    • 20.20.2. By Industry
    • 20.20.3. By Data Center Size
    • 20.20.4. By End-User
    • 20.20.5. Service
  • 20.21. Rest of South Asia & Pacific Data Center Liquid Cooling Market Analysis
    • 20.21.1. By Cooling Type
    • 20.21.2. By Industry
    • 20.21.3. By Data Center Size
    • 20.21.4. By End-User
    • 20.21.5. Service
  • 20.22. GCC Countries Data Center Liquid Cooling Market Analysis
    • 20.22.1. By Cooling Type
    • 20.22.2. By Industry
    • 20.22.3. By Data Center Size
    • 20.22.4. By End-User
    • 20.22.5. Service
  • 20.23. Turkey Data Center Liquid Cooling Market Analysis
    • 20.23.1. By Cooling Type
    • 20.23.2. By Industry
    • 20.23.3. By Data Center Size
    • 20.23.4. By End-User
    • 20.23.5. Service
  • 20.24. South Africa Data Center Liquid Cooling Market Analysis
    • 20.24.1. By Cooling Type
    • 20.24.2. By Industry
    • 20.24.3. By Data Center Size
    • 20.24.4. By End-User
    • 20.24.5. Service
  • 20.25. Rest of Middle East and Africa Data Center Liquid Cooling Market Analysis
    • 20.25.1. By Cooling Type
    • 20.25.2. By Industry
    • 20.25.3. By Data Center Size
    • 20.25.4. By End-User
    • 20.25.5. Service

21. Competition Analysis

  • 21.1. Competition Dashboard
  • 21.2. Competition Deep Dive
    • 21.2.1. Rittal GmbH & Co. Kg
      • Business Overview
      • Product Portfolio
      • Profitability by Market Segments (Business Segment/Region)
      • Market Developments
      • Strategy Overview
    • 21.2.2. Schneider Electric SE
      • Business Overview
      • Product Portfolio
      • Profitability by Market Segments (Business Segment/Region)
      • Market Developments
      • Strategy Overview
    • 21.2.3. Green Revolution Cooling
      • Business Overview
      • Product Portfolio
      • Profitability by Market Segments (Business Segment/Region)
      • Market Developments
      • Strategy Overview
    • 21.2.4. Allied Control Ltd
      • Business Overview
      • Product Portfolio
      • Profitability by Market Segments (Business Segment/Region)
      • Market Developments
      • Strategy Overview
    • 21.2.5. Horizon Computing Solutions
      • Business Overview
      • Product Portfolio
      • Profitability by Market Segments (Business Segment/Region)
      • Market Developments
      • Strategy Overview
    • 21.2.6. Asetek
      • Business Overview
      • Product Portfolio
      • Profitability by Market Segments (Business Segment/Region)
      • Market Developments
      • Strategy Overview
    • 21.2.7. Emerson Electric Co.
      • Business Overview
      • Product Portfolio
      • Profitability by Market Segments (Business Segment/Region)
      • Market Developments
      • Strategy Overview
    • 21.2.8. IBM
      • Business Overview
      • Product Portfolio
      • Profitability by Market Segments (Business Segment/Region)
      • Market Developments
      • Strategy Overview
    • 21.2.9. Midas Green Technologies, LLC
      • Business Overview
      • Product Portfolio
      • Profitability by Market Segments (Business Segment/Region)
      • Market Developments
      • Strategy Overview
    • 21.2.10. Alfa Laval
      • Business Overview
      • Product Portfolio
      • Profitability by Market Segments (Business Segment/Region)
      • Market Developments
      • Strategy Overview
    • 21.2.11. DCX
      • Business Overview
      • Product Portfolio
      • Profitability by Market Segments (Business Segment/Region)
      • Market Developments
      • Strategy Overview
    • 21.2.12. Iceotope
      • Business Overview
      • Product Portfolio
      • Profitability by Market Segments (Business Segment/Region)
      • Market Developments
      • Strategy Overview
    • 21.2.13. Chilldyne, Inc.
      • Business Overview
      • Product Portfolio
      • Profitability by Market Segments (Business Segment/Region)
      • Market Developments
      • Strategy Overview
    • 21.2.14. CoolIT Systems
      • Business Overview
      • Product Portfolio
      • Profitability by Market Segments (Business Segment/Region)
      • Market Developments
      • Strategy Overview
    • 21.2.15. STULZ GmBH
      • Business Overview
      • Product Portfolio
      • Profitability by Market Segments (Business Segment/Region)
      • Market Developments
      • Strategy Overview

22. Assumptions and Acronyms Used

23. Research Methodology