卡片管理系统 (CMS):全球市场占有率 (2022)Global Market Share: Card Management Systems (CMS), 2022 |
预计到 2027 年,全球卡片管理系统 (CMS) 市场的复合年增长率将达到 24.70%。
卡片管理系统(CMS)已经从签章到磁条再到晶片发生了显着的发展。 该平台也不断发展以适应更广泛的支付卡和新的支付类型,并且仍然是支付基础设施的重要组成部分。 然而,儘管它很重要,但它并没有像行动支付和行动商务等其他支付管道那样受到关注。 儘管有这些缺点,CMS 仍然是银行业务的重要组成部分,也是推动 CMS 市场成长的关键因素。 在领先供应商持续创新和投资的推动下,现代CMS 平台具有多产品、多语言、多货币和多方案,支援所有类型的支付(非接触式、二维码、应用程式内支付、代币化) ,并提供广泛的高级功能来解决多种用例。
在这份报告中,CMS被定义为 "提供全面支援金融卡、信用卡、预付卡、智慧晶片和多用途智慧卡生命週期管理功能的软体系统" 。 CMS平台使企业能够管理卡片管理的各个方面——计费、支援多种支付类型(包括行动和非接触式)、帐户管理、清算、支付、信用评分、争议管理、小额信贷以及为商家提供的服务等。 它还提供一个统一的平台,支援各种与卡片相关的活动和服务,例如设计卡产品以获取新客户以及促进现有客户的卡片使用。
在本报告中,我们分析了全球卡片管理系统 (CMS) 市场的份额结构,提供了解决方案概述、市场基本结构、按实施方法、地区、行业和公司类型划分的份额结构我们将为行业利益相关者彙编并提供建议等资讯。
Quadrant Knowledge Solutions Reveals that Card Management Systems (CMS) Market is Projected to Register a CAGR of 24.70% by 2027.
Card Management Systems (CMSs) have significantly advanced from signature to magnetic strips to chips. The platforms have also evolved to accommodate a variety of payment card types and emerging payment types and remain a critical component of payment infrastructure. However, despite its importance, it has not managed to grab the spotlight like other payment channels, such as mobile payments, m-commerce, and similar others, owing to various friction points such as the process of blocking a lost or misused card. The process is anything but seamless despite such drawbacks, a CMS remains a key element of the banking processes, which is a significant factor aiding the CMS market's growth. Driven by the continued innovation and investments by leading vendors, modern CMS platforms provide a wide range of advanced functionalities for multiple use cases supporting multi-product, multi-language, multi-currency, multi-scheme, and all payment types, including contactless, QR code, in-app payments, tokenization, and such others.
Quadrant Knowledge Solutions defines "A software system that provides functionalities to support the comprehensive lifecycle management for debit, credit, prepaid, smart chip, and all multi-application smart cards. The CMS platform enables organizations to handle all aspects of card management, including billing, supporting multiple payment types, including mobile and contactless, account management, clearing, settlement, credit scoring, dispute management, microfinance, and merchant servicing. It offers a centralized platform that supports a wide range of card-associated activities and services, including designing card products to attracts new customers and increasing card usage for existing ones."