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非寿险核心平台:全球市占率(2022年)Market Share: P&C Core Insurance Platform, 2022, Worldwide |
到 2027 年,全球非寿险平台市场预计将以 10.6% 的复合年增长率成长。
过去十年,科技进步为非寿险产业带来了各种功能变化,进一步强化了保险生态系统。 财产与意外伤害保险供应商正在采用数位优先的方法,并转向提供开放的 API 生态系统和开箱即用的 API。 许多大型财产险供应商都提供客户门户,各种保险科技解决方案提供商正在构建自己的与财产险平台的集成,以实现快速增值生态系统集成。Masu。 这些技术与人工智慧 (AI)、机器学习 (ML)、高级分析和基于人工智慧的决策等新技术一起,使保险公司能够跨多个管道(包括网站和行动装置)存取大量客户资料。我们现在能够根据订户的需求提供透明和个人化的服务。 财产和意外保险供应商还专注于提供有关其客户和营运的详细信息,以帮助提高生产力和客户体验。 与此同时,财产和伤亡保险供应商正在转向提供云端部署选项。 客户正在寻求易于部署和最少的员工干扰。 这些投资主要旨在改善核保、识别诈欺性索赔、自动化核心处理任务以及帮助保险公司获得即时见解和建议的预测分析。
本报告对非寿险核心平台(PAS-P&C)的定义如下。 "财产和意外保险平台使财产和意外伤害保险公司能够管理个人和商业财产和意外伤害保险的核心业务,例如保险合约、保费计费和索赔处理。我们提供的解决方案包括:全面管理保单管理生命週期的保单管理系统;管理整个保险理赔和催收生命週期;这包括为客户全面处理保险费理赔的保险理赔业务。
随着保险科技生态系统的发展,保险公司正在采用具有全面整合功能的开放式架构解决方案,以改善营运、使用者体验、风险评估、索赔处理和支付处理。越来越多地将保险科技合作伙伴纳入其工作流程、评级和决策中流程。 保险公司对物联网 (IoT) 和远端资讯处理的需求不断增长,因为这对于提供有助于他们改善承保的数据非常重要。 物联网设备使保险公司能够了解客户的购买习惯和旅程,帮助他们与客户建立更好的关係并提供更丰富的客户体验。 此外,随着监管机构加强对资料隐私和透明度的监管,全球法规和合规要求变得越来越严格。 由于需要遵守国际和当地法规,财产和意外保险供应商正在努力提高合规性并增强其报告能力。
Quadrant Knowledge Solutions Reveals that P&C Core Insurance Platform Market is Projected to Register a CAGR of 10.6 % by 2027.
Since the past decade, technological advances have caused the property & casualty (P&C) industry to undergo various functional changes that have further enhanced the insurance ecosystem. Property and Casualty (P&C) vendors are adopting a digital-first approach and are progressing towards offering an open API ecosystem and out of the box APIs. Many leading Property and Casualty (P&C) vendors are offering customer portals, which allow various insurtech solution providers to build their own integrations with the Property and Casualty (P&C) platforms to facilitate faster value-added ecosystem integrations. In addition to these technologies, the adoption of emerging technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), advanced analytics, and AI-based decision-making is helping insurers gain access to a large amount of customer data through multiple channels such as website and mobile platforms that allows them to provide transparent and personalized service based on the needs of the policyholders. Property and Casualty (P&C) vendors are also focusing on offering in-depth information pertaining to customer and operational insights that helps in improving productivity and customer experience. Property and Casualty (P&C) vendors are also moving towards offering cloud deployment options, as the customers are looking for ease of deployment and minimal staff interference. These investments are mainly made to improve underwriting, claims fraud identification, automating core processing tasks, and predictive analytics, which help insurers gain insights and recommendations in real-time.
Quadrant Knowledge Solutions defines P&C Core Insurance Platform (PAS-P&C) as "A Property & Casualty Insurance (P&C) platform enables property and casualty insurers to manage core operational functions, including policy, billing, and claims, for both personal and commercial property as well as liability coverage. An integrated P&C core suite offers solutions, including a policy management system for managing end to end policy administration lifecycle, billing for managing the full billing and collection lifecycle and claims for end-to-end processing and handling of claims for all personal and commercial lines of business".
As the Insurtech ecosystem is growing, insurance companies are incorporating an open-architecture solution with comprehensive integration capabilities and incorporating more and more Insurtech partners into their workflows, rating, and decision processes to improve their operations, user experiences, risk evaluation, claims processing, and payment processing. The demand for the internet of things (IoT) and telematics is increasing among the insurers because of their importance in obtaining data that helps insurers improve the underwriting. Utilization of IoT devices will make insurers aware about the customer's buying habits and experience journey that will allow insurers to build good relationship with the customers and offer them an enhanced customer experience. Furthermore, global regulations and compliance requirements are increasingly becoming stringent, and regulators are employing increased scrutiny on data privacy and transparency. With the need to comply with the global and local regulations, Property and Casualty (P&C) vendors are ensuring that they offer improved compliance and enhanced reporting capabilities.