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到 2028 年的绿色建材市场预测 - 按产品(外部产品、内部产品、其他产品)、应用、最终用户、地区分列的全球分析Green Building Materials Market Forecasts to 2028 - Global Analysis By Product (Exterior Products, Interior Products and Other Products), By Application, By End User and By Geography |
根据Stratistics MRC,预计2022年全球绿色建材市场规模将达到3041亿美元,2028年将达到6398亿美元,预测期内增长13.2%。预计以復合年增长率增长。
绿色建筑材料是指在设计、施工、维护和翻新方面提高建筑结构的耐久性和有效性的材料。 这些材料由可再生废物来源生产,具有能源效率。
根据 USGBC 的数据,截至 2022 年 10 月,美国大约有 20,125 个 LEED 认证项目、21,068 个银项目、21,206 个金项目和 7,027 个白金项目。
木材、草麻混凝土、再生塑料、铁皮、草捆、竹土、木混凝土、玻璃混凝土都是绿色建筑材料的例子。 使用这些材料的目的是建造节能和支持环境生态平衡的结构。 通过使用环保建筑材料,我们可以解决各种环境问题,例如空气污染、自然资源退化、物种灭绝和全球气候变化。 这些优点使环保建筑材料成为传统建筑材料最重要的替代品。
预计材料可用性和最终用途行业需求的增加将推动价格波动并阻碍市场扩张。 这些材料比标准建筑材料更昂贵。 它的价格可能会因许多变量而异,例如饰面、装修和设计。 由于绿色建筑的长期效益,使用这些材料会产生巨大的初始投资成本。 此外,在一些国家,人均收入预计会下降,阻碍住房开发活动。 预计在预测期内,建筑业对新产品的采用将受到阻碍。
寻找建造这些结构所需的材料可能很困难,尤其是在不重视环境保护的城市地区。 绿色建筑材料的另一个缺点是选择合适的位置。 气候变化是主要原因。 绿色建筑最大限度地利用了太阳能,因此在晴天很少的地区使用太阳能建筑是不利的,因为能源最终可能会耗尽。
COVID-19 疫情正在迅速席捲各个国家和地区,对各级供应链产生巨大影响。 自 2020 年 3 月以来,世界各地都实施了封锁措施,限制了人员和产品的流动,对建筑公司的供应链产生了不利影响。 COVID-19 对建筑业产生了重大的负面影响,影响了市场。 疫情让建筑业经历了几十年来最糟糕的时期。 其结果是建筑材料短缺、后勤困难、劳动力短缺和不确定性,世界各地的施工尝试被推迟或取消。
由于绿色屋顶越来越受欢迎,预计在预测期内,外部产品部分将占据最大的市场份额。 随着基于自然的解决方案 (NBS) 寻求应对气候变化带来的许多环境和社会经济挑战,绿色屋顶变得越来越重要。 郊区、城市和城镇都被视为城市住区。 城市增长是城市聚落有效发展的必要条件。 此外,2030 年可持续发展目标和新城市议程都支持城市促进可持续发展的努力。
由于节能建筑的提案和建筑规范不断增加,预计住宅建筑行业在预测期内的复合年增长率最高。 在住宅领域,绿色建筑越来越受欢迎。 需要环保和节能的建筑材料。 推动此类市场增长的主要因素是人们越来越意识到可持续建筑材料所带来的环境效益,以及在住房领域越来越多地使用可持续建筑方法。
由于所有建筑活动中绿色建筑材料的大量消耗,预计在预测期内北美将主导市场。 美国使用最广泛的绿色建筑评级系统是LEED系统。 LEED 为绿色、具有成本效益、高效和健康的建筑奠定了基础。 获得 LEED 认证的建筑可提高效率、节省资金并减少碳足迹。 此外,为保护环境并儘量减少气候变化的影响,加拿大政府承诺到 2030 年将全国温室气体排放总量比 2005 年减少 40-45%,到 2050 年我们致力于实现净零排放。 然而,加拿大政府已投资 1.5 亿加元製定加拿大绿色建筑战略以实现这一目标。 为了实现这一目标,这种方法协调了国家行动以转变市场和降低成本。
由于住宅建筑行业不断扩大,预计亚太地区在预测期内将迅速扩张。 该地区的产品需求预计将受到中国和印度签署的巴黎协定的推动,以应对气候变化和两国基础设施发展的进步。 市场上正在采用各种绿色材料,例如纤维水泥复合材料、油毡和镀锌板。
2022 年 10 月,Holcim 收购了 Wiltshire Heavy Building Materials,后者是英国领先的建筑解决方案和材料流通供应商之一。 此次收购加强了 Holcim 在英国绿色建材市场的市场地位。
2022 年 8 月,圣戈班收购了加拿大和美国的外部建筑材料製造商和分销商 Keikan。 此次收购加强了圣戈班在轻型和可持续建筑领域的全球领导地位,使其成为加拿大壁板领域的领先企业,并通过铝和工程木材的互补解决方案扩大其在美国的乙烯基产品供应。
2022 年 1 月,Binderholz GmbH 收购了奥地利 Binderholz 集团的子公司英国锯木厂集团 BSW Timber Ltd。 BSW Timber Ltd 每年生产超过 120 万立方米的锯材。 此次收购使 Binderholz GmbH 成为欧洲最大的锯木厂和实木加工公司。
According to Stratistics MRC, the Global Green Building Materials Market is accounted for $304.1 billion in 2022 and is expected to reach $639.8 billion by 2028 growing at a CAGR of 13.2% during the forecast period. A green building material is one that increases the durability and effectiveness of a building structure in terms of design, construction, maintenance, and renovation. These materials are generated from renewable waste sources and are very energy-efficient.
According to the USGBC, as of October 2022, the United States had around 20,125 Certified LEED projects, 21,068 Silver projects, 21,206 Gold projects, and 7,027 Platinum projects.
Wood, straw hemp concrete, recycled plastic, ferrock, straw bales, bamboo rammed earth, wood concrete, and grass concrete are instances of green building materials. The purpose of using these materials is to build structures that are energy-efficient and support the ecological balance of the environment. The use of environmentally friendly building materials may combat a number of environmental issues, including air pollution, the degradation of natural resources, the extinction of species, and global climate change. Due to these benefits, green building materials are the most significant replacement for conventionally used building materials.
The availability of materials and increased demand from end-use industries are expected to cause price fluctuations that will impede market expansion. These materials cost more than standard building supplies. Their prices may change depending on a number of variables, including finishes, fixtures, and designs. Due to the long-term benefits of green buildings, using these materials results in significant initial investment expenditures. Additionally, it is anticipated that some countries' diminishing per capita incomes may impede residential development activity. The construction industry's adoption of new products is anticipated to be hampered over the forecast period.
It can be challenging to find the materials needed to construct these structures, particularly in urban regions where protecting the environment is not the norm. Another drawback of green building materials is choosing the proper location. Climate change is mostly attributable. Green buildings make the most of the sun's energy; therefore, using solar energy to build in an area with few sunny days would be detrimental because it might eventually run out of energy.
The COVID-19 epidemic is rapidly overtaking nations and regions, having a profound effect on the supply chain at all levels. Lockdowns have been issued around the globe since March 2020, restricting the movement of individuals and products and adversely disrupting the supply chains of building firms. COVID-19 had a significant negative effect on the construction sector, which affected the market. The epidemic caused the construction industry to endure its worst period in several decades. Consequences include a lack of building supplies, logistical difficulties, a labor shortage, and uncertainty, which have caused construction attempts to be postponed or canceled around the world.
Due to the growing popularity of green roofing materials, the exterior products category is anticipated to hold the largest market share over the projected period. As Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) strives to tackle many environmental and socioeconomic issues brought on by climate change, green roofs are becoming more and more essential. Suburbs, cities, and towns are all considered urban settlements. Urban growth is necessary for urban settlements to develop effectively. Moreover, the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals and the New Urban Agenda both support cities' efforts to promote sustainability.
Owing to the increasing number of proposals and building standards for energy-efficient construction, the residential building category is anticipated to have the highest CAGR over the course of the projection period. In the residential sector, green buildings are becoming more popular. Building materials that are both eco-friendly and energy-efficient are in demand. The main factors driving the market expansion of this category are the growing awareness of the environmental benefits of sustainable building materials and the expanding use of sustainable building methods in the residential sector.
Due to the high consumption of green building materials across all sorts of construction activities, North America is anticipated to dominate the market throughout the forecast period. The most extensively utilized green building rating system in the US is the LEED system. It offers a foundation for environmentally friendly, cost-effective, productive, and healthy buildings. Buildings with LEED certification increase efficiency, lower expenses, and reduce carbon emissions. Additionally, to safeguard the environment and minimize the effects of climate change, the Government of Canada has committed to decreasing the nation's total GHG emissions to 40-45% below 2005 levels by 2030 and to attain net zero by 2050. However, the Canadian government invested CAD 150 million in the development of the Canada Green Buildings Strategy in order to meet these objectives. For the purpose of achieving this goal, this approach will organize national action to transform markets and reduce expenses.
Because of the region's expanding residential building sector, Asia-Pacific will experience rapid expansion during the projection period. The region's product demand is anticipated to be driven by the Paris Climate Agreement, which China and India approved in an attempt to combat climate change, as well as growing infrastructure development in both countries. On the market, a variety of green materials are employed, such as fiber cement composites, linoleum, and galvalume panels.
Some of the key players in Green Building Materials market include Alumasc Group plc. , Amvic Inc., BASF SE, Bauder Ltd, Binderholz GmbH, E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company, Forbo International SA, Interface Inc., Kingspan Group, Owens Corning, PPG Industries, Inc., REDBUILT, Saint- Gobain, Sika AG, Soben International (Asia-Pacific) Ltd and National Fiber.
In October 2022, Holcim acquired Wiltshire Heavy Building Materials, one of the leading companies providing building solutions and material circularity in the United Kingdom. This acquisition will strengthen Holcim's market presence in the United Kingdom's green building materials market.
In August 2022, Saint-Gobain acquired Kaycan, a manufacturer and distributor of exterior building materials in Canada and the United States. Saint-Gobain strengthened its global leadership in light and sustainable construction with this acquisition, becoming the leading player for sidings in Canada and expanding its vinyl offering across the United States with complementary solutions in aluminum and engineered wood.
In January 2022, Binderholz GmbH acquired the UK-based sawmill group, BSW Timber Ltd, which is a subsidiary of the Austrian Binderholz Group. BSW Timber Ltd produces more than 1.2 million cu. m of sawn timber per annum. This acquisition made Binderholz GmbH the largest sawmill and solid wood processing company in Europe.
Note: Tables for North America, Europe, APAC, South America, and Middle East & Africa Regions are also represented in the same manner as above.