2028 年实验室冷冻机市场预测——按产品类型、最终用户和地区分列的全球分析Laboratory Freezers Market Forecasts to 2028 - Global Analysis By Product Type, End Users and By Geography |
根据 Stratistics MRC 的数据,2022 年全球实验冷冻机市场规模将达到 48.3 亿美元,预计到 2028 年将达到 74.6 亿美元。预计将以 7.5% 的复合年增长率增长。
实验室冷冻机是一种精心构造的实验设备,具有隔热隔间和热泵,可将热量从设备内部传递到周围环境。 根据被冷冻的材料,冷冻室的内部被冷却到低于水的冰点的温度。 实验室冷冻机是血库、学术机构、製药公司和生物技术公司的常用设备,用于储存血液、组织、血清和疫苗样本等各种生物製品。 用于测试和实验的生物样本可以储存在这个冰箱里。
根据美国能源部 (DOE) 的数据,美国实验室冷冻机每年消耗约 30 亿千瓦时的电力,约占美国所有电力消耗的 2%。
全球对血液和血液成分的需求正在增长。 据美国红十字会称,仅在美国每年就有大约 2100 万份血液成分被输注。 美国癌症协会估计,2020 年美国将有 180 万例癌症新病例。 据说接受癌症手术的患者和患有白血病和淋巴瘤等血癌的患者对血液和血液成分的需求很高。 此外,世卫组织报告称,从 2013 年到 2018 年,全球自愿和无偿献血增加了 780 万次。 由于全球献血量增加以及对血液和血液製品的需求增加,预计对血库实验室冷冻机和冰箱的需求将增加。
医院、实验室和血库对生物医学样本的低温保存投入了大量资金。 超低温冰箱的平均成本在 10,000 美元到 25,000 美元之间,这让小型血库、医院和实验室望尘莫及。 再生医疗设备的价格通常保持在新设备价格的50%至60%左右。 许多新兴和欠发达国家的基础设施公共卫生资金不足,限制了在其医疗保健系统中采用技术先进的医疗设备。。 在预测期内,对翻新实验室冷冻机和冰箱的高需求将在一定程度上抑制全球实验室冷冻机市场的增长。
COVID-19 大流行已将注意力集中在针对新发传染病的疫苗开发上。 由于对疫苗开发的关注和投资增加,未来几年疫苗的临床研究试验将会增加。 大多数疫苗在研发和分销过程中需要低温储存,这将推动实验室冷冻机和冰箱的市场增长。 因此,增加投资并专注于针对新发传染病的疫苗开发,将为未来几年实验冷冻市场的参与者提供机会。
一些诊所、实验室、血库和药房缺乏正确使用医疗和实验室冰箱的知识。 小型药店和血库可能看不到使用某些冰箱储存某些标本的好处。 家用冰箱不能为储存 DNA 测试样本、血液、血液成分等提供最佳温度条件。 家用冰箱是为了提高效率和妥协温度精度而设计的,以允许一些温度波动。 这最大限度地减少了冷却储藏室所需的压缩机运行时间和频率。 然而,精确的温度控制、可靠性和存储容量是实验室冷冻机设计的关键因素。 次优存储会导致样品污染和失真的结果。 因此,缺乏对医学标本的正确储存方法以及实验室冰箱和冰柜的维护和管理的知识可能会阻碍该市场的发展。
COVID-19 疫情对实验室冰箱市场产生了非常积极的长期影响。 由于封锁和检疫措施,实验室冷冻机市场最初在 2020 年初出现下滑。 但随着疾病在世界范围内蔓延,负责处理 SARS-CoV-2 样本、试剂和疫苗的实验室以及 COVID-19 检测点和处理设施的数量猛增。 因此,越来越需要实验室冰箱、冰柜和超低温冰柜来支持样品处理、测试和疫苗开发实验室。
在预测期内,製冷机部分预计将占最大的收入份额。 Ultra Freezers 是血库、输血设施、医院、工业实验室、医学研究机构等的理想选择,是工业和科学研究的完美选择。 能够在低温下长时间储存样品是超速冰箱的一个基本优势,因此参考应用通常涉及非常脆弱的样品。 这些因素正在推动这一领域的收入增长。
预计在预测期内,血库部门的收入复合年增长率将显着提高。 这是由于镰状细胞性贫血、血友病和血癌的流行导致对全血和血液成分的需求增加,以及生物製药製造商需要血浆用于血浆分离技术。据认为, 血库将收到的样本分成不同的部分,以便最有效地使用它来满足患者的需求。 血库聘请合格的实验室专家团队快速准确地处理样本。 与忙碌的医院同事形成鲜明对比的是,他们通常在平静的环境中匿名工作。 这些因素增加了该细分市场的销售额。
北美拥有最大的实验室冷冻机市场份额。 美国和加拿大的高医疗保健成本,以及製药和生物技术研发支出的增加,是该地区市场份额很大的原因。 此外,该地区实验室冷冻机和冰箱製造商的激增也为市场增长做出了重大贡献。
预计亚太市场在预测期内的收入复合年增长率最高。 这种增长是由政府举措的增加、许多本地企业销售品牌产品的存在、干细胞库的细胞采集和冷冻保存频率增加以及资金状况良好等推动的。 例如,2022 年 2 月,公司宣布在公司位于印度浦那的第一个工业园区开设海尔新的深冷柜生产设施。 海尔是全球家电和消费电子产品的市场领导者。 通过此举,海尔加大了对印度中央政府“印度製造”计划的支持力度,该计划旨在生产满足印度消费者需求的高端产品,促进国内製造业的增长。 该投资还将加强海尔在印度的地位,并提高其优质深冷设备的年生产能力。
2022 年 1 月,生命科学行业温控供应链解决方案的全球领导者 Cryoport, Inc. 与 Cell Matters, S.A 达成战略合作,以支持自体和同种异体细胞疗法,宣布它将提供持续使用的白细胞衍生疗法的端到端冷冻保存服务。 两家公司将共同製定一项商业战略,以推广这些服务。
2021 年 3 月,超低温 (ULT) 冰箱的先驱开发商 Sterling UltraCold, Inc. 将结合其专业知识,为生物製药研究和生命科学客户开发个性化产品。宣布已达成协议与 BioLife Solutions 合併以扩大规模的最终协议。 交易于 2021 年第二季度初完成后,BioLife 希望在俄亥俄州雅典保留 Stirling Ultracold 品牌和现有团队,同时照常为现有客户和合作伙伴提供业务。
2021 年 10 月,EIN 发表了一篇关于实验室冷冻机市场的文章,该文章摘自 TBRC 的全球实验室冷冻机市场报告。 TBRC 的全球实验室冷冻机市场报告包括 -20°C 至 -40°C、-40°C 至 -80°C、-80°C 以下、生物银行和血库以及药品。
According to Stratistics MRC, the Global Laboratory Freezers Market is accounted for $4.83 billion in 2022 and is expected to reach $7.46 billion by 2028 growing at a CAGR of 7.5% during the forecast period. A laboratory freezer is a carefully constructed piece of lab equipment with a thermally insulated compartment and a heat pump that transfers heat from the interior of the device to its surroundings. Depending on the substance being frozen, the interior of the freezer is cooled to a temperature that is at or much below the freezing point of water. For the preservation of various biological products like blood, tissues, serum, vaccine samples, and so forth, laboratory freezers are a common piece of equipment in blood banks, academic institutions, pharmaceutical companies, and biotechnology businesses. The biological samples that are being examined and used in experiments can be kept in the freezers.
According to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), laboratory freezers use approximately 3 billion kWh of electricity annually in the U.S., which is equivalent to approximately 2% of all electricity consumed in the country.
Blood and blood components are in greater demand for transfusions and to support cancer treatment.
The demand for blood and blood components is growing on a global scale. Approximately 21 million blood components are transfused annually in the US alone, according to the American National Red Cross. The American Cancer Society estimates that there will be 1.8 million new cancer cases in the US in 2020. Patients undergoing cancer surgery and those with blood cancers like leukemia and lymphoma have a high need for blood and blood components. Additionally, the WHO reported that from 2013 to 2018, there was an increase of 7.8 million voluntary unpaid blood donations worldwide. The demand for lab freezers and refrigerators in blood banks will rise as a result of the rise in global blood donation and the demand for blood and blood products.
Hospitals, laboratories, and blood banks all make significant capital expenditures for the cold storage of biomedical samples. Since the average cost of an ultra-low-temperature freezer is between $10,000 and $25,000, smaller blood banks, hospitals, and laboratories cannot afford them. Refurbished medical equipment typically costs between 50% and 60% less than brand-new equipment. The adoption of technologically advanced medical devices in healthcare systems throughout these countries is constrained by the inadequate public healthcare expenditure for infrastructure improvement in many emerging and underdeveloped countries. During the forecast period, the high demand for refurbished lab freezers and refrigerators will restrain the growth of the global laboratory freezer market to some extent.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a greater focus on developing vaccines for infectious diseases that are just starting to emerge. The growth of clinical research trials for vaccines in the upcoming years will be aided by the increased focus on and investments in vaccine development. As most vaccines must be stored at low temperatures during the development and distribution processes, this would in turn spur market growth for lab freezers and refrigerators. Therefore, players in the laboratory freezer market will have an opportunity in the years to come as a result of the growing investments in and attention to vaccine development for emerging infectious diseases.
There are some clinics, laboratories, blood banks, and pharmacies where there is a lack of knowledge regarding how to use medical and lab refrigerators properly. Small chemist shops or blood bank providers might not be aware of the advantages of using particular refrigerators to store particular specimens. Domestic refrigerators don't offer the best temperature conditions for preserving things like DNA test samples, blood, and blood components. Domestic refrigerators are made with efficiency in mind, making some compromises in terms of temperature accuracy to allow for some temperature variability. This minimizes the amount of time and frequency the compressor needs to run to cool the storage chamber. However, precise temperature control, dependability, and storage capacity are major factors in the design of lab freezers. The samples could become contaminated, and the results could be skewed if they are not stored in the best possible conditions. As a result, the development of this market may be hindered by a lack of knowledge regarding the proper storage of medical specimens and the upkeep of laboratory refrigerators and freezers.
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a very positive long-term effect on the market for laboratory freezers. The market for lab freezers and refrigerators initially experienced a decline in early 2020 as a result of lockdowns and quarantine measures. However, as the illness spread around the globe, there was a sharp increase in the number of labs, COVID-19 testing locations, and processing facilities in charge of handling SARS-CoV-2 samples, reagents, and vaccines. The need for laboratory refrigerators, freezers, and ultra-low-temperature freezers to support sample processing, testing, and vaccine development labs consequently increased.
During the forecast period, the freezer segment is anticipated to contribute the largest revenue share. The best option for both industry and scientific research is an ultra-freezer, which is ideal for blood banks, transfusion facilities, hospitals, industrial research labs, and medical research institutions. The ability to store samples at low temperatures for extended periods of time is the fundamental benefit of an ultra-freezer; as a result, reference applications often involve very sensitive samples. The segment's revenue growth is being driven by these elements.
The segment of blood banks is anticipated to experience a significantly rapid revenue CAGR during the forecast period, which can be attributed to the increasing demand for whole blood and blood components as a result of the prevalence of sickle cell anemia, hemophilia, and blood cancer, as well as the need for plasma from biopharmaceutical producers for use in plasma fractionation techniques. So that they can be used most effectively based on the needs of the patient, blood banks divide the samples they receive into a variety of parts. To process samples quickly and precisely, blood banks employ teams of qualified laboratory experts. They work in anonymity and under generally calm circumstances, in stark contrast to their colleagues in busy hospitals. The segment's revenue is increasing due to these factors.
North America held the largest market share for laboratory freezers. The high healthcare costs in the US and Canada, as well as the rising R&D expenditure on pharmaceuticals and biotechnology in this region, are to blame for the large share of this regional segment. The proliferation of laboratory freezer and refrigerator producers in the area also significantly contributes to the market's expansion.
The market in Asia Pacific is anticipated to experience the highest revenue CAGR over the course of the forecast period. This growth is attributed to increased government initiatives, the presence of numerous local businesses that sell branded goods, the increasing frequency of cell collection and cryopreservation for stem cell banks, and favorable funding conditions. For instance, the opening of Haier's new deep freezer production facility at its first industrial park in Pune, India, was announced in February 2022. Haier is the market leader in consumer electronics and home appliances worldwide. With this action, Haier has strengthened its support for the 'Make in India' program of the Indian Central Government, which seeks to promote domestic manufacturing by producing high-end goods to satisfy Indian consumers' needs. The investment would also strengthen Haier's position in India and increase its capacity to produce high-quality deep freezer equipment annually.
Some of the key players in Laboratory Freezers market include Agilent Technologies, Inc , Antylia Scientific, ARCTIKO A/S, Arxspan a Bruker Company, Autoscribe Informatics., B Medical Systems, BioLife Solutions, Inc, Cerner Corporation, Changhong Meiling Co. Ltd., Dassault Systemes, Glen Dimplex Medical Appliances, KW Apparecchi Scientifici SRL, LabVantage Solutions Inc., McKesson Corporation, PHC Holdings Corporation, Philipp Kirsch GmbH, Refrigerated Solutions Group, Scientific Equipment Repair, So-Low Environmental Equipment Co. Ltd., Standex International Corporation, Stericox India Private Limited, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc and Vestfrost Solutions A/S.
In January 2022, Cryoport, Inc., which is a worldwide leader in temperature-controlled supply chain solutions for the life sciences industry, announced a strategic collaboration with Cell Matters, S.A. to provide end-to-end cryopreservation services for leukapheresis-derived therapies continuing to support both autologous and allogeneic cell therapies. The businesses will work together to devise a commercial strategy for promoting these services.
In March 2021, Stirling Ultracold, which is a privately owned ingenious development company of Ultra-low Temperature (ULT) freezers, announced a definitive agreement to merge with BioLife Solutions in order to combine expert knowledge and widen individual product offerings for biopharma research as well as life science clients. Following the closure of this deal in the early second quarter of 2021, BioLife wants to preserve the Stirling Ultracold brand and current team in Athens, Ohio - indicating business-as-usual for existing customers and partners.
In October 2021, EIN released an article on the laboratory freezer market, sourced from TBRC's Global Laboratory Freezers Market report. TBRC global laboratory freezers market report includes -20°C to -40°C, -40°C to -80°C, less than -80°C, bio-banks and blood banks, pharmaceutical.
Note: Tables for North America, Europe, APAC, South America, and Middle East & Africa Regions are also represented in the same manner as above.