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2030年智能厨房电器市场预测-按产品、价格、分销渠道、技术、应用和地区进行的全球分析Smart Kitchen Appliances Market Forecasts to 2030 - Global Analysis By Product, Price, Distribution Channel, Technology, Application and By Geography |
根据 Stratistics MRC 的数据,预计 2023 年全球智能厨房电器市场规模将达到 45.6 亿美元,2030 年将达到 115.6 亿美元,复合年增长率预计为 14.2%。
智能厨房电器是物联网集成设备,主要用于住宅和医院厨房。 蓝牙和 Wi-Fi 集成使客户能够使用智能手机和平板电脑远程控制和管理智能设备和家用电器。 除了充当个人营养师之外,智能厨房小工具还可以帮助用户有效实现复杂的健康目标。 这些技术可以识别食物、扫描食物的营养资讯、浏览餐厅菜单,甚至分析全天的宏量和微量营养素消耗量,让智能冰箱能够保证每日的营养摄入量。
Alarm.org 报告称,57% 的美国人承认使用智能产品可以节省大约 30 分钟的时间。 47% 的千禧一代使用智能家居产品。
家庭自动化是指将数字工具和技术融入家庭功能、活动和电器中。 这可以实现安全系统、家用电器和其他元件的自动化和电子控制。 在厨房设备中,新的运动敏感技术减少了与表面的直接接触。 这样做可以减少交叉污染的机会并提供清洁的氛围。 一些自动化厨房设备相当复杂。 当工作完成后,这些设备同样会自动停止。 这些功能增强了消费者对家庭自动化的偏好,推动了智能厨房电器市场的发展。
使用互联网和智能手机的个人担心信用卡号、家庭住址、出生日期以及姓名和出生日期等个人资讯被滥用。 此外,大多数智能家电都是由现成的智能手机应用程序控制的,这些应用程序会收集用户数据,从而产生了客户隐私问题。 因此,隐私问题可能会阻碍智能家电市场的增长。
人工智能在现代社会中相当普遍。 它可用于工业、银行、医疗保健和汽车行业等许多业务。 智能家电製造商正致力于通过将人工智能融入到产品中,为客户提供更加定制化、更加便捷的产品。 人工智能的使用有助于识别用户偏好、使用趋势和新技术的适用性。 它有助于识别智能家电功能和使用方面的差距。 因此,製造智能家电的公司将能够增强其产品以满足消费者的需求。 这些技术的易用性和便利性正在进一步推动市场扩张。
如果製造商未能及时提供固件更新,家用电器可能无法与智能家居集线器和声控控件等其他设备连接。 此外,过时且不安全的技术使骇客更容易访问系统。 这些产品的购买成本比同一台机器上的机械产品更高,并且需要经常维修。 维护和维修成本可能超过能源节省,这一事实阻碍了市场扩张。
COVID-19 疫情显着改变了智能厨房设备市场的客户行为和购买模式。 全球封锁迫使数百万人呆在家里,改变了人们在家中互动和生活的方式,需要重新组织物理空间以满足新的功能要求。 随着人们宅在家里的时间越来越多,家电产品也越来越多地出现在网购平台的结账流程中。 儘管关闭造成了一些经济动盪,但消费者信心强劲,情况正在改善。 改善网路特性正在推动市场增长。
由于精通技术的消费者不断增长的需求,智能冰箱领域预计将经历利润丰厚的增长。 智能冰箱可延长食品的保质期并减少浪费。 减少功耗并在智能冰箱出现问题时提醒客户。 对于客户来说,与智能助手的连接非常简单。 应用通知、应用控制、远程诊断等。 该领域的需求是由适应性强的触摸显示屏和卓越的能源效率推动的。
由于其重大技术突破,Z-wave 领域预计在预测期内将以最快的复合年增长率增长。 Z 波需要更少的功率。 Z-Wave 具有广泛的无线应用。 烟雾探测器、报警系统、锁和其他智能产品都有可以连接的传感器。 据信 Z-Wave 的引入使国内能源消耗减少了 55%。 Z-Wave 与各种商品的合作伙伴关係使事情变得更加简单,因为有如此多的可互操作、经济可行且节能的商品。 这些因素加速了该细分市场的增长。
由于餐厅、酒吧和酒店数量不断增加,预计北美在预测期内将占据最大的市场份额。 北美是智能厨房电器前景广阔的市场。 北美是智能厨房设备行业的关键地区,许多豪华酒店提供一流的服务和令人印象深刻的厨房设施。 北美另一个值得注意的发展是住宅建设项目投资的增加。
预计中东和非洲在预测期内的复合年增长率最高。 中东和非洲是高度发达的地区,为高端厨房设备製造商提供了大量商机。 高家庭支出和强劲的商业活动对该地区有利。 埃及、迪拜、多哈、特拉维夫、卡塔尔、伊斯坦布尔、肯尼亚和阿布扎比的游客流入量特别高。 众多酒店、公共娱乐场所和餐馆的建设是旅游业持续扩张的结果。 因此,厨房的数量不断增加,对厨房设备的需求也不断增加。
2023 年 1 月,三星电子在美国举办的 2023 年厨房与卫浴工业展上强调了可持续、智能和个性化生活的创新。 通过扩大智能家电产品组合,该公司正在使节能成为日常生活的自然组成部分,以新的方式改进智能事物的互联服务,并开发可实现更个性化体验的技术。我们希望不断取得进步。
2022 年 11 月,惠而浦公司宣布支持由连接标准联盟领导的新智能家居语言“Matter”。 基于该系统构建的产品可实现无缝连接以及强大的安全功能、控制和便利性。
2022 年 7 月,夏普将推出 Wi-Fi 连接、Alexa 远程助手、重型炊具电动清洗喷雾以及任一机架选项上的清洗区域等功能,以实现有针对性的清洁。推出了配备
2019 年 11 月,伊莱克斯扩大了与 Google 的合作伙伴关係,将其在欧洲的联网厨房产品与 Google Assistant 集成,让消费者能够通过语音命令操作产品。
2019 年 9 月,罗伯特·博世有限公司宣布推出采用人工智能技术的照片成品冰箱和烤箱。 博世宣布推出一款新冰箱型号,扩大了与摄像头连接的食物储存范围。 KAD92HBFP 和 KGN39HIEP 具有内置摄像头。 博世 8 系列烤箱 HRG6769S6B 是一款带有 AI 的智能烤箱。
According to Stratistics MRC, the Global Smart Kitchen Appliances Market is accounted for $4.56 billion in 2023 and is expected to reach $11.56 billion by 2030 growing at a CAGR of 14.2% during the forecast period. Smart kitchen appliances are devices integrated with IoT that are primarily used in kitchens in residential and hospitality sectors. Bluetooth and Wi-Fi integration have made it possible for customers to operate and manage smart devices and appliances remotely using smart phones and tablets. In addition to serving as personal nutritionists, smart kitchen gadgets may aid users in effectively accomplishing their complicated health objectives. These technologies can even identify foods, scan food items for nutritional information, browse restaurant menus, and analyze macronutrient and micronutrient consumption throughout the day, making it possible for a smart refrigerator to assure daily nutrient intake.
According to Alarm.org reports, 57% of Americans admitted that by using smart products, they could save ~30 minutes of their time. ~47% of millennials are using smart home products.
Home automation refers to the incorporation of digital tools and technology into the functions, activities, and appliances of the home. It enables automated and electronic control of security systems, household appliances, and other elements. The use of direct contact on surfaces is being reduced due to new motion-sensitive technology in kitchen equipment. By doing so, the possibility of cross-contamination is reduced and a clean atmosphere is provided. Some automated kitchen equipment is quite sophisticated. Once the job is done, these appliances likewise shut off automatically. These characteristics are increasing consumer inclination for home automation, which is propelling the market for smart kitchen equipment.
Individuals who use the internet and smart phones are concerned about their credit card numbers, home addresses, birth dates, and personal information like names and birth dates being misused. Additionally, the majority of smart appliances are controlled by commercially produced smartphone applications that gather user data, creating concerns about customer privacy. Therefore, privacy concerns can prevent the market for smart appliances from growing.
AI is quite popular in the contemporary world. It may be used in a number of businesses, including those in the industrial, banking, healthcare, and automotive sectors. Businesses that produce smart appliances are working to incorporate AI into their products to make them more customized and useful for customers. The use of AI will help in identifying user preferences, use trends, and possible applications for new technologies. It helps identify gaps in the functioning and use of smart appliances. As a consequence, companies that produce smart appliances will have the ability to enhance their products to meet consumer requests. The ease of use and convenience of these technologies are further fostering the market expansion.
An appliance may no longer be able to connect with other devices, such as a smart home hub and voice-activated controls, if manufacturers fail to offer timely firmware updates. Additionally, outdated and insecure technology makes it simpler for hackers to get access to the system. They cost more to buy and frequently need more repairs than mechanical equivalents of the identical machinery. The market's expansion is being hampered by the fact that maintenance and repair expenses might exceed energy savings.
The COVID-19 epidemic significantly altered customer behavior and buying patterns in the market for smart kitchen equipment. Millions of people were forced to stay at home due to a global lockdown, which altered how people interact and live in their homes and required them to reorganize their physical spaces to meet the new functional requirements. Household appliances are increasingly showing up in the checkout process of online shopping platforms as more individuals in contemporary times spend more time at home. Although there was some economic turbulence as a result of the lockdowns, consumer confidence has been high, and things are getting better. The improved networking characteristics have caused the market to grow.
The smart refrigerators segment is estimated to have a lucrative growth, due to the expanding demands of tech-savvy consumers. Smart refrigerators improve food preservation and cut down on wastage. They assist in lowering power use and alert customers when a problem arises with their smart refrigerator. Connecting them to the smart assistant is simple for customers. They include app notifications, app control, and remote diagnostics. The demand for the sector is being fuelled by its adaptable touch displays and excellent energy efficiency.
The Z-wave segment is anticipated to witness the fastest CAGR growth during the forecast period, due to its significant technical breakthroughs. Z-wave has a lower power need. Z-Wave has a wide range of wireless applications. Smoke detectors, alarm systems, locks, and other intelligent items all have sensors that may be connected. Energy usage in the nation is thought to have decreased by 55 percent as a result of the deployment of Z-wave. The Z-Wave partnership with various goods has made things simpler because there are so many interoperable, economically viable, and energy-efficient items available. These elements accelerated the segment's growth.
North America is projected to hold the largest market share during the forecast period owing to the growing number of restaurants, bars, and hotels. North America is a prospective market for smart kitchen equipment. North America is a key location for the smart kitchen appliances sector, with many high-end hotels providing top-notch services and magnificent kitchen fixtures. Another noteworthy development in North America is the rise in investment in residential construction projects.
Middle East & Africa is projected to have the highest CAGR over the forecast period. Middle East & Africa is a highly developed region with numerous opportunities for high-end kitchen appliance manufacturers. The high family expenditure and increasing business activity are favourable for this region. Particularly in Egypt, Dubai, Doha, Tel Aviv, Qatar, Istanbul, Kenya, and Abu Dhabi, the region experiences a considerable influx of tourists. The building of numerous hotels, public entertainment venues, and restaurants is a result of the tourist industry's ongoing expansion. This results in a rise in the number of kitchens and the demand for kitchen appliances.
Some of the key players profiled in the Smart Kitchen Appliances Market include Whirlpool Corporation, LG Electronics, Samsung Electronics, Panasonic Corporation, Haier Group Corporation, General Electric Company, AB Electrolux, Koninklijke Philips N.V., Siemens AG, BSH Hausgerate GmbH, Midea Group Co., Ltd, Robert Bosch GmbH, Toshiba Corporation, Hitachi, Ltd, Arcelik A.S., Sharp Corporation, Vestel Elektronik Sanayi ve Ticaret AS, Smarter Applications Ltd, June Life, Inc and Hestan Commercial Corporation.
In January 2023, Samsung Electronics Co. highlighted its innovations for sustainable, smart, and personalized living at the Kitchen & Bath Industry Show 2023 in the U.S. With its growing portfolio of smart appliances, the company wants to keep advancing technologies that will make energy conservation a natural part of daily life, improve Smart Things' connected services in new ways, and enable more individualized experiences.
In November 2022, Whirlpool Corporation announced its support for Matter, a new smart home language led by Connectivity Standards Alliance. Products built on this system allow seamless connectivity along with robust security features, control, and convenience.
In July 2022, Sharp launched the Sharp Smart Dishwasher with features such as Wi-Fi connectivity, Alexa remote assistant, a power wash sprayer for sturdy cookware, and a wash zone on either rack options for targeted cleaning.
In November 2019, Electrolux expanded its partnership with Google, Inc. to integrate connected kitchen products in Europe with Google Assistant, enabling consumers to control products with voice commands.
In September 2019, Robert Bosch GmbH announced a launch of its photo finish fridges and ovens with built in AI Technology. Bosch unveiled new refrigerator models that expand the company's line of camera-connected food storage. The KAD92HBFP and KGN39HIEP models include a built-in camera. The BOSCH SERIES 8 OVEN HRG6769S6B is a smart oven with AI.
Note: Tables for North America, Europe, APAC, South America, and Middle East & Africa Regions are also represented in the same manner as above.