

Advancements and Supplier Trends in the Communication Sphere of Smart Cockpits

出版日期: | 出版商: TrendForce | 英文 15 Pages | 商品交期: 最快1-2个工作天内


全球智慧汽车的兴起,伴随着ADAS(高级驾驶辅助系统)和智慧道路的发展,正在推动汽车产业智慧座舱的发展。 这项策略性举措旨在加快智慧汽车的商业化进程。





  • (1) 智慧座舱应用:从通讯角度
  • (2) 智慧座舱开发所面临的挑战


  • (1) 汽车製造商最新消息:欧美汽车製造商正处于开发基于通讯的智慧座舱应用的早期阶段,而中国汽车製造商已经实现了这些应用。我们正在推动
  • (2) 供应商动态:欧美供应商提供国际汽车製造商OTA技术和网路安全软体,进军全球智慧座舱市场。继续进入
  • (三)台厂趋势与成长前景:聚焦车载娱乐系统及AR HUD硬件,进军全球智慧座舱市场

第 4 章 TRI 的观点

  • (1) 虽然欧美汽车製造商仍处于开发智慧座舱车载娱乐和 HUD 系统的早期阶段,但中国汽车製造商已经开始实施这些应用。
  • (2) 美国供应商进军全球智慧座舱市场,聚焦 OTA 更新与网路安全
  • (3)台厂专注IVI系统及AR HUD硬体研发,准备大规模进军全球智慧座舱市场
Product Code: 35

The global rise of smart cars has pushed the automotive industry toward developing smart cockpits-in addition to advancements in Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems (ADAS) and the deployment of smart roads. This strategic move aims to accelerate the commercialization timeline of smart vehicles. This report will delve into smart cockpit development trends from a communication perspective, while also exploring the current status of international automakers and suppliers in the realm of communication-related smart cockpits.

Table of Contents

1. Communication Technology in Smart Vehicle-Related Trends

2. Observing the Development of Smart Cockpits from a Communication Perspective

  • (1) Smart Cockpit Applications: A Communication Perspective
  • (2) Challenges in Smart Cockpit Development

3. Industry Developments

  • (1) Automaker Updates: While European and US automakers are in the nascent stages of developing communication-based smart cockpit applications, their Chinese counterparts are already advancing in practical implementation
  • (2) Supplier Updates: European and US suppliers are penetrating the global smart cockpit market by providing international automakers with OTA technology and cybersecurity software
  • (3) Trends and Growth Prospects for Taiwanese Manufacturers: Focusing on In-Car Entertainment Systems and AR HUD Hardware to Enter the Global Smart Cockpit Market

4. TRI's View

  • (1) While European and US automakers are in the early stages of developing in-car entertainment and HUD systems for intelligent cockpits, Chinese automakers have already successfully implemented these applications
  • (2) European and US Suppliers are entering the global smart cockpit market by focusing on OTA updates and cybersecurity
  • (3) Taiwanese manufacturers, focusing on the development of IVI systems and AR HUD hardware, are poised to make a significant entry into the global smart cockpit market