全球医疗调度软件市场:到 2028 年的预测——COVID-19 的影响,按软件(可安装软件、基于 Web 的软件),按最终用户(医院、诊所、最终用户)

全球医疗调度软件市场:到 2028 年的预测——COVID-19 的影响,按软件(可安装软件、基于 Web 的软件),按最终用户(医院、诊所、最终用户)

Medical Scheduling Software Market Forecast to 2028 - COVID-19 Impact and Global Analysis by Software (Installed Software and Web-Based Software), End User (Hospitals, Clinics, and End User)

出版日期: | 出版商: The Insight Partners | 英文 147 Pages | 订单完成后即时交付


医疗调度软件市场预计将从 2022 年的 4.3524 亿美元增长到 2028 年的 9.2709 亿美元,预计 2022 年至 2028 年的复合年增长率为 13.4%。

医疗保健专业人员越来越多地采用以患者为中心的方法、使用智能设备监测健康状况的激增以及护理人员和医生短缺是推动医疗保健调度软件市场发展的一些主要因素。我来了。 然而,安全和隐私问题阻碍了医疗调度软件市场的增长。

医疗排程软件允许患者在离开医院或诊所时在线预约。 该诊所采用综合系统,集成了患者门户和调度软件。 医疗调度软件的常见功能包括患者登记、预约提醒服务、可定制设置和患者跟踪。 该软件因其经济高效的运行而越来越受欢迎。

以患者为中心的方法是医疗保健系统中的一种心态,它在患者、他们的家人和医疗保健专业人员之间建立伙伴关係,以确保决策符合患者的需求、偏好和愿望。 它还包括提供特定的教育和支持患者做出特定决定和参与护理所需的支持。

增加与所有利益相关者(提供者、患者和其他人)的互动,从而降低总成本。 增加对患者健康、福祉和医疗保健的知识和理解可以改善护理并减少疾病。 这种知识的改进也转化为改进的出院后护理、医院就诊、减少再入院和随访。 让患者参与决策和协作有助于医疗保健专业人员就他们的健康做出更好的决策。 随着越来越多的医院在护理质量和成本方面获得患者,竞争优势也会增加。 患者生活质量的提高会提高医生和患者的满意度。

近年来,以患者为中心的方法已成为医疗保健行业的主流。 技术创新和软件开发对于医疗保健行业的转型至关重要。 这些技术发展支持医疗保健和行政服务,极大地增强和简化了医疗保健流程、通信和工作流程。 以病人为中心的医疗保健提高了病人的满意度,并使医疗保健提供者和诊所受益。 因此,越来越多的医疗保健专业人员采用以患者为中心的方法正在推动医疗调度软件市场的增长。


全球医疗调度软件市场按软件细分为基于网络的软件和安装软件。 基于网络的软件部分将在 2022 年占据最大的市场份额,预计在预测期内(2022-2028 年)的复合年增长率最高,为 13.7%。 如今,基于 Web 的调度软件正在医疗机构中广泛使用。 基于网络的应用程序允许个人使用笔记本电脑、计算机、智能手机和平板电脑等网络连接设备方便、安全地在线预订。 预订完成后,系统自动确认预订并记录预订,无需任何工作人员干预。 除了安排约会外,基于网络的软件还提供自动电子邮件和短信提醒、录音功能以及在约会时间过后向患者发送提醒等功能。 其他功能包括患者预约、疫苗和免疫接种预约、研讨会、活动和活动安排,所有这些都非常适合医疗机构。 基于网络的软件可以减少获得预订所需的时间,因为不需要工作人员来确认预订。 由于上述因素以及基于网络的软件提供的好处,预计在预测期内对该细分市场的需求将显着增加。


医疗调度软件的全球市场按最终用户细分为医院、诊所和其他。 到 2022 年,医院部分将占医疗调度软件市场的最大份额,预计在预测期内将以最高复合年增长率增长。 患者主要喜欢来自不同医学专科的医院进行治疗,包括心脏病学、儿科、肺科、精神病学和内科。 医院是患者接受诊断、治疗等医疗服务的主要场所。 许多患者住院接受手术,一些患者在门诊接受诊断。 许多到医院就诊的患者已经患有各种感染和慢性疾病。 医院是人们主要的医疗保健中心,很可能会推动这一领域医疗调度软件市场的增长。

此外,心血管疾病、癌症和慢性病等慢性病的患病率不断上升,这推动了对用于管理医院患者就诊的医疗排程软件的需求。 根据世界卫生组织的数据,心血管疾病 (CVD) 是全球死亡的主要原因,每年导致 1790 万人死亡。 此外,据世界卫生组织称,癌症是全世界最常见的死因之一,预计到 2030 年新发病例数将大幅增加。 每年大约有 400,000 名儿童被诊断出患有癌症。 因此,全球癌症的增加、医院数量的增加以及各种 CVD 手术的增加将增加对有效管理患者流量的技术的需求,在预测期内引领医疗调度软件市场。预计将推动需求医院部门

块调度、修改块调度和个人调度是美国医疗保健系统中最常用的三种住院和门诊医疗保健调度技术。 通过块调度,患者被安排在特定的时间段,例如早上或晚上,并在该时间段内以先到先得的方式就诊。 分块调度将患者分配到一天中较少的时间,例如每小时。 在美国,个性化预约是最常用的医疗预约技术之一,为患者提供特定的健康咨询和检查时间。

许多美国医院和诊所都承受着财务和管理压力。 医疗调度软件主要与医院、诊所和门诊手术中心相关联,尤其是在后备、急诊科过度拥挤和外科调度效率低下方面。 高效的患者调度管理已成为大多数医院和诊所的紧迫问题。 由于医疗安排不当,患者在公共和私人医疗保健系统中无法提供优质护理。 根据 2022 年医生预约等待时间以及 Medicare 和 Medicaid 接受率的研究,与医生的第一次预约平均需要 26 天,比 2017 年平均等待时间约为 24 天增加了 8%。 这导致等待时间长、安排困难以及公共和私人医疗保健部门的供需失衡。 医疗调度软件使医院和诊所能够跟踪患者从到达到离开的过程,并接收有关自付费用和取消的实时更新。 这减少了 30% 的预订提醒电话未出现。 这增强了整个治疗过程,也改善了患者的沟通。 此外,预计美国医疗保健 IT 的快速采用将在未来几年推动医疗调度软件市场的增长。



  • 调查范围
  • Insight Partners 研究报告指南
  • 市场细分
    • 全球医疗调度软件市场 - 按软件分类
    • 全球医疗调度软件市场 - 按最终用户分类
    • 全球医疗预约软件市场 - 按地区

第 2 章全球医疗调度软件市场 - 要点


  • 范围
  • 二次调查
  • 初步调查

第 4 章医疗调度软件市场 - 市场格局

  • 害虫分析
    • 北美 - PEST 分析
    • 欧洲 - PEST 分析
    • 亚太地区 - PEST 分析
    • 中东和非洲 - PEST 分析
    • 拉丁美洲 - PEST 分析
  • 专家意见

第 5 章医疗调度软件市场 - 主要市场动态

  • 市场驱动因素
    • 医疗保健提供者越来越多地采用以患者为中心的方法
    • 使用智能设备进行健康监测的人数激增
    • 缺乏护士和医生
  • 主要市场製约因素
    • 安全和隐私问题
  • 主要市场机会
    • 增加对物联网的了解
  • 未来趋势
    • 移动医疗技术的接受度提高
  • 影响分析

第 6 章医疗调度软件全球市场 - 全球分析

  • 医疗调度软件全球市场收入预测和分析
    • 医疗调度软件的全球市场收入预测和分析
  • 公司分析
    • 医疗调度软件市场主要参与者的市场定位

第 7 章全球医疗调度软件市场 - 收入和到 2028 年的预测 - 按软件

  • 按软件划分的医疗调度软件市场收入份额(2021 年、2028 年)(%)
  • 基于网络的软件
  • 可安装的软件

第 8 章医疗调度软件预测到 2028 年的全球市场分析 - 按最终用户

  • 医疗调度软件的全球市场:2021 年和 2028 年最终用户 (%)
  • 医院
  • 医务室
  • 其他

第 9 章医疗调度软件市场 - 收入和到 2028 年的预测 - 区域分析

  • 北美
    • 美国
    • 加拿大
    • 墨西哥
  • 欧洲
    • 英国
    • 德国
    • 法国
    • 意大利
    • 西班牙
    • 其他欧洲
  • 亚太地区
    • 中国
    • 日本
    • 印度
    • 韩国
    • 澳大利亚
    • 其他亚太地区
  • 中东和非洲
    • 阿联酋
    • 沙特阿拉伯
    • 南非
    • 其他中东地区
  • 拉丁美洲
    • 巴西
    • 阿根廷
    • 其他拉丁美洲

第 10 章 COVID-19 大流行对医疗调度软件市场的影响

  • 北美
  • 欧洲
  • 亚太地区
  • 中东和非洲
  • 拉丁美洲

第 11 章医疗调度软件市场 - 行业格局

  • 市场参与者实施的增长战略 (%)
  • 有机部署
  • 无机开发


  • TimeTrade
  • AdvancedMD, Inc.
  • Yocale Network Corporation
  • Voicent Communications Inc.
  • WellSky
  • Daw Systems, Inc.
  • ByteBloc Software
  • Workpath
  • Delta Health Technologies, Inc.
  • DHS Worldwide

第13章 附录

  • 关于The Insight Partners
  • 用语解说
Product Code: TIPHE100001414

The medical scheduling software market is expected to reach US$ 927.09 million by 2028 from US$ 435.24 million in 2022; it is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 13.4% from 2022 to 2028.

Rising adoption of patient-centric approach by healthcare providers, surge in use of smart devices for monitoring health, and shortage of nursing staff and doctors are among the key forces driving the medical scheduling software market. However, security and privacy issues are hindering the medical scheduling software hinder the market growth.

Medical scheduling software allows patients to schedule their appointments through online when they are away from the hospitals or clinics. The practice employs the comprehensive system with an integrated patient portal and scheduling software. Common features of a medical scheduling software include, patient registration, appointment reminder services, customizable settings, and patient tracking. The economic and efficient handling of the software has led to increased preference of the software.

A patient-centric approach is an idea in healthcare systems that can establish a partnership among patients & their families and healthcare practitioners to align decisions with patients' needs, preferences, and wants. It also includes the delivery of specific education and support patients require to make certain decisions and participate in their care.

Increased engagement with all stakeholders (providers, patients, and others), leading to reduced overall expenses. Improved knowledge and understanding among patients of their health, well-being, and healthcare choices leading to enhanced care and reduced levels of illness. This improved knowledge can also improve care after discharge, hospital visits, reduced readmissions, and secondary consults. By engaging and collaborating with patients in decision-making, health providers can make more suitable decisions regarding a patient's health. Increased competitive advantage as more hospitals compete for patients based on both qualities of care and cost. Better quality of life for patients leads to an increase in the satisfaction of both doctor and patient.

In recent years the patient-centric approach has been predominant in the healthcare industry. Technological innovations and software development are crucial to this healthcare industry revolution. These technological developments support medical and administrative services that dramatically enhance and ease healthcare processes, communications, and workflow. Patient-centric healthcare raises patient satisfaction levels, which creates benefits for healthcare providers and practices. Thus, the rising adoption of a patient-centric approach by healthcare providers driving the growth of the medical scheduling software market.

Software Insights

Based on software, the global medical scheduling software market is segmented into web-based software and installed software. The web-based software segment held the largest market share in 2022 and is anticipated to register the highest CAGR of 13.7% during the forecast period (2022-2028). Web-based scheduling software has recently been utilized on a large scale across healthcare facilities. A Web-based application enables individuals to book their appointments and reservations online conveniently and securely with the help of a web-connected device, such as a laptop, computer, smartphone, or tablet. Once a date has been finalized, the system automatically confirms the booking and records it without any intervention from the staff. Other than scheduling an appointment, web-based software also offers additional features such as automated e-mail and text message reminders, recording and record-keeping capabilities, as well as reminders that are sent to the patient after the time of the scheduled appointment has expired. Other facilities provided by web-based software that make it highly acceptable in healthcare facilities include scheduling patient appointments, booking vaccine and vaccination clinics, and scheduling on-site seminars, events, and activities. Since staff is not needed to confirm an appointment, web-based software reduces the time needed to get an appointment booked. Due to the factors mentioned above and the benefits offered by web-based software, the demand for the segment is expected to increase significantly during the forecast period

End User Insights

Based on end user, the global medical scheduling software market is divided into hospitals, clinics, and others. The hospitals segment held the largest share of the medical scheduling software market in 2022 and is expected to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period. Patients mainly prefer hospitals to seek treatment from various medical specialties such as cardiology, pediatric, pulmonary, psychiatric, and internal medicine. Hospitals are the primary points for patients for diagnostics, treatment, and other health care services. Many patients are admitted for surgical procedures, while several walks in for diagnostics. Most hospital patients are already suffering from various infectious and chronic diseases. Hospitals are primary healthcare centers for the people, which is likely to propel the medical scheduling software market growth for the segment.

Additionally, the increasing prevalence of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancers, and chronic diseases fuels the demand for medical scheduling software to manage hospital patient visits. According to the World Health Organization, cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the leading cause of death globally, responsible for 17.9 million deaths yearly. Further, according to the WHO, cancer is one of the common causes of death globally, and it is predicted that the number of new cases will significantly increase by 2030. Approximately 400,000 children develop cancer annually. Thus, the rise in cancer, increase in the number of hospitals, and rise in surgical procedures for various CVDs across the globe increases the need for technology for efficient management of patient flow, which is anticipated to drive the demand for the hospitals segment in the medical scheduling software market during the forecast period.

In the US healthcare system, the three most used medical scheduling techniques for inpatient and outpatient services are block scheduling, modified block scheduling, and individual scheduling. In block scheduling, patients are scheduled within specific times throughout the day, such as morning or evening, and then seen on a first-come, first-served basis within that time frame. Modified block scheduling assigns fewer patients to smaller segments of time throughout the day, such as hourly. In the US, individual scheduling is one of the most used medical scheduling techniques, where the patient is given a specific time for health consultation or check-up.

Most of the hospitals and clinics in the US are experiencing financial and operational stress. Medical scheduling software is primarily associated with hospitals, clinics, and ambulatory surgical centers, especially with back-ups, overcrowding in emergency departments, and inefficient scheduling in surgical departments. Efficient patient scheduling management remains an urgent issue for most hospitals and clinics. Due to improper medical scheduling, the patient experiences delay in delivering quality care in public and private healthcare systems. According to the 2022 survey of Physician Appointment Wait Times and Medicare and Medicaid Acceptance Rates, it takes an average of 26 days to schedule a first-time appointment with a physician, which is an 8 percent increase since 2017, when the average wait time was ~24 days. This leads to prolonged wait times, scheduling difficulties, and an imbalance of supply and demand in the public and private healthcare sectors. Medical scheduling software enables hospitals and clinics to track patients from arrival to departure and receive real-time updates on co-pays and cancellations. This reduces the no-shows by 30 percent with appointment reminder calls. This enhances the entire treatment procedure and improves communication with the patient. Also, the rapid adoption of healthcare IT in the US is anticipated to drive the growth of the medical scheduling software market in the future years.

Reasons to Buy:

  • Save and reduce time carrying out entry-level research by identifying the growth, size, leading players and segments in the medical scheduling software market.
  • Highlights key business priorities in order to assist companies to realign their business strategies.
  • The key findings and recommendations highlight crucial progressive industry trends in the global medical scheduling software market, thereby allowing players across the value chain to develop effective long-term strategies.
  • Develop/modify business expansion plans by using substantial growth offering developed and emerging markets.
  • Scrutinize in-depth global market trends and outlook coupled with the factors driving the market, as well as those hindering it.
  • Enhance the decision-making process by understanding the strategies that underpin security interest with respect to client products, segmentation, pricing and distribution

Table Of Contents

1. Introduction

  • 1.1 Scope of the Study
  • 1.2 The Insight Partners Research Report Guidance
  • 1.3 Market Segmentation
    • 1.3.1 Global Medical Scheduling Software Market - By Software
    • 1.3.2 Global Medical Scheduling Software Market - By End User
    • 1.3.3 Global Medical Scheduling Software Market - By Geography

2. Medical Scheduling Software Market - Key Takeaways

3. Research Methodology

  • 3.1 Coverage
  • 3.2 Secondary Research
  • 3.3 Primary Research

4. Medical Scheduling Software Market - Market Landscape

  • 4.1 Overview
  • 4.2 PEST Analysis
    • 4.2.1 North America - PEST Analysis
    • 4.2.2 Europe - PEST Analysis
    • 4.2.3 Asia Pacific - PEST Analysis
    • 4.2.4 Middle East and Africa - PEST Analysis
    • 4.2.5 South and Central America - PEST Analysis
  • 4.3 Expert Opinion

5. Medical Scheduling Software Market - Key Market Dynamics

  • 5.1 Market Drivers
    • 5.1.1 Rising Adoption of Patient-Centric Approach by Healthcare Providers
    • 5.1.2 Surge in Use of Smart Devices for Monitoring Health
    • 5.1.3 Shortage of Nursing Staff and Doctors
  • 5.2 Key Market Restraints
    • 5.2.1 Security and Privacy Issues
  • 5.3 Key Market Opportunities
    • 5.3.1 Increasing Knowledge About the Internet of Things
  • 5.4 Future Trend
    • 5.4.1 Increasing Acceptance of Mobile Health Technology
  • 5.5 Impact analysis

6. Global Medical Scheduling Software Market- Global Analysis

  • 6.1 Global Medical Scheduling Software Market Revenue Forecast and Analysis
    • 6.1.1 Global Medical Scheduling Software Market Revenue Forecast & Analysis
  • 6.2 Company Analysis
    • 6.2.1 Market Positioning of Key Players in Medical Scheduling Software Market

7. Global Medical Scheduling Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 - by Software

  • 7.1 Overview
  • 7.2 Medical Scheduling Software Market Revenue Share, by Software 2021 & 2028 (%)
  • 7.3 Web-Based Software
    • 7.3.1 Overview
    • 7.3.2 Web-Based Software: Medical Scheduling Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • 7.4 Installed Software
    • 7.4.1 Overview
    • 7.4.2 Installed Software: Medical Scheduling Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

8. Global Medical Scheduling Software Market Analysis and Forecasts to 2028 - by End User

  • 8.1 Overview
  • 8.2 Global Medical Scheduling Software Market, by End User 2021 & 2028 (%)
  • 8.3 Hospitals
    • 8.3.1 Overview
    • 8.3.2 Hospitals: Medical Scheduling Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • 8.4 Clinics
    • 8.4.1 Overview
    • 8.4.2 Clinics: Medical Scheduling Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • 8.5 Others
    • 8.5.1 Overview
    • 8.5.2 Others: Medical Scheduling Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

9. Medical Scheduling Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 - Geographic Analysis

  • 9.1 North America: Medical Scheduling Software Market
    • 9.1.1 Overview
    • 9.1.2 North America: Medical Scheduling Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
    • 9.1.3 North America: Medical Scheduling Software Market, by Software, 2019-2028 (US$ Million)
    • 9.1.4 North America: Medical Scheduling Software Market, by End User, 2019-2028 (US$ Million)
      • US: Medical Scheduling Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
        • Overview
        • US: Medical Scheduling Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
        • US: Medical Scheduling Software Market, by Software, 2019-2028 (US$ Million)
        • US: Medical Scheduling Software Market, by End User, 2019-2028 (US$ Million)
      • Canada: Medical Scheduling Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
        • Overview
        • Canada: Medical Scheduling Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
        • Canada: Medical Scheduling Software Market, by Software, 2019-2028 (US$ Million)
        • Canada: Medical Scheduling Software Market, by End User, 2019-2028 (US$ Million)
      • Mexico: Medical Scheduling Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
        • Overview
        • Mexico: Medical Scheduling Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
        • Mexico: Medical Scheduling Software Market, by Software, 2019-2028 (US$ Million)
        • Mexico: Medical Scheduling Software Market, by End User, 2019-2028 (US$ Million)
  • 9.2 Europe Medical Scheduling Software Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028
    • 9.2.1 Europe Medical Scheduling Software Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)
    • 9.2.2 Europe Medical Scheduling Software Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028, By Software (US$ Mn)
    • 9.2.3 Europe Medical Scheduling Software Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028, By End User (US$ Mn)
    • 9.2.4 Europe Medical Scheduling Software Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028, By Country (%)
    • 9.2.5 UK Medical Scheduling Software Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)
      • UK Medical Scheduling Software Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)
      • UK Medical Scheduling Software Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028, By Software (US$ Mn)
      • UK Medical Scheduling Software Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028, By End User (US$ Mn)
    • 9.2.6 Germany Medical Scheduling Software Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)
      • Germany Medical Scheduling Software Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)
      • Germany Medical Scheduling Software Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028, By Software (US$ Mn)
      • Germany Medical Scheduling Software Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028, By End User (US$ Mn)
    • 9.2.7 France Medical Scheduling Software Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)
      • France Medical Scheduling Software Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)
      • France Medical Scheduling Software Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028, By Software (US$ Mn)
      • France Medical Scheduling Software Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028, By End User (US$ Mn)
    • 9.2.8 Italy Medical Scheduling Software Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)
      • Italy Medical Scheduling Software Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)
      • Italy Medical Scheduling Software Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028, By Software (US$ Mn)
      • Italy Medical Scheduling Software Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028, By End User (US$ Mn)
    • 9.2.9 Spain Medical Scheduling Software Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)
      • Spain Medical Scheduling Software Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)
      • Spain Medical Scheduling Software Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028, By Software (US$ Mn)
      • Spain Medical Scheduling Software Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028, By End User (US$ Mn)
    • 9.2.10 Rest of Europe Medical Scheduling Software Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)
      • Rest of Europe Medical Scheduling Software Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)
      • Rest of Europe Medical Scheduling Software Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028, By Software (US$ Mn)
      • Rest of Europe Medical Scheduling Software Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028, By End User (US$ Mn)
  • 9.3 Asia Pacific: Medical Scheduling Software Market
    • 9.3.1 Overview
    • 9.3.2 Asia Pacific: Medical Scheduling Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
    • 9.3.3 Asia Pacific: Medical Scheduling Software Market, by Software, 2019-2028 (US$ Million)
    • 9.3.4 Asia Pacific: Medical Scheduling Software Market, by End User, 2019-2028 (US$ Million)
    • 9.3.5 Asia Pacific: Medical Scheduling Software Market, by Country, 2021 & 2028 (%)
      • China: Medical Scheduling Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
        • Overview
        • China: Medical Scheduling Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
        • China: Medical Scheduling Software Market, by Software, 2019-2028 (US$ Million)
        • China Medical Scheduling Software Market, by End User, 2019-2028 (US$ Million)
      • Japan: Medical Scheduling Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
        • Overview
        • Japan: Medical Scheduling Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
        • Japan: Medical Scheduling Software Market, by Software, 2019-2028 (US$ Million)
        • Japan: Medical Scheduling Software Market, by End User, 2019-2028 (US$ Million)
      • India: Medical Scheduling Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
        • Overview
        • India: Medical Scheduling Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
        • India: Medical Scheduling Software Market, by Software, 2019-2028 (US$ Million)
        • India: Medical Scheduling Software Market, by End User, 2019-2028 (US$ Million)
      • South Korea: Medical Scheduling Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
        • Overview
        • South Korea: Medical Scheduling Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
        • South Korea: Medical Scheduling Software Market, by Software, 2019-2028 (US$ Million)
        • South Korea: Medical Scheduling Software Market, by End User, 2019-2028 (US$ Million)
      • Australia: Medical Scheduling Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
        • Overview
        • Australia: Medical Scheduling Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
        • Australia: Medical Scheduling Software Market, by Software, 2019-2028 (US$ Million)
        • Australia: Medical Scheduling Software Market, by End User, 2019-2028 (US$ Million)
      • Rest of Asia Pacific: Medical Scheduling Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
        • Overview
        • Rest of Asia Pacific: Medical Scheduling Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
        • Rest of Asia Pacific: Medical Scheduling Software Market, by Software, 2019-2028 (US$ Million)
        • Rest of Asia Pacific: Medical Scheduling Software Market, by End User, 2019-2028 (US$ Million)
  • 9.4 Middle East & Africa Medical Scheduling Software Market
    • 9.4.1 Overview
    • 9.4.2 Middle East & Africa: Medical Scheduling Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
    • 9.4.3 Middle East & Africa: Medical Scheduling Software Market, by Software, 2019-2028 (US$ Million)
    • 9.4.4 Middle East & Africa Medical Scheduling Software Market, by End User, 2019-2028 (US$ Million)
    • 9.4.5 Middle East & Africa: Medical Scheduling Software Market, by Country, 2021 & 2028 (%)
      • UAE: Medical Scheduling Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
        • Overview
        • UAE: Medical Scheduling Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
        • UAE: Medical Scheduling Software Market, by Software, 2019-2028 (US$ Million)
        • UAE Medical Scheduling Software Market, by End User, 2019-2028 (US$ Million)
      • Saudi Arabia: Medical Scheduling Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
        • Overview
        • Saudi Arabia: Medical Scheduling Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
        • Saudi Arabia: Medical Scheduling Software Market, by Software, 2019-2028 (US$ Million)
        • Saudi Arabia Medical Scheduling Software Market, by End User, 2019-2028 (US$ Million)
      • South Africa: Medical Scheduling Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
        • Overview
        • South Africa: Medical Scheduling Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
        • South Africa: Medical Scheduling Software Market, by Software, 2019-2028 (US$ Million)
        • South Africa Medical Scheduling Software Market, by End User, 2019-2028 (US$ Million)
      • Rest of Middle East & Africa: Medical Scheduling Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
        • Overview
        • Rest of Middle East & Africa: Medical Scheduling Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
        • Rest of Middle East & Africa: Medical Scheduling Software Market, by Software, 2019-2028 (US$ Million)
        • Rest of Middle East & Africa Medical Scheduling Software Market, by End User, 2019-2028 (US$ Million)
  • 9.5 South & Central America Medical Scheduling Software Market
    • 9.5.1 Overview
    • 9.5.2 South & Central America: Medical Scheduling Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
    • 9.5.3 South & Central America: Medical Scheduling Software Market, by Software, 2019-2028 (US$ Million)
    • 9.5.4 South & Central America: Medical Scheduling Software Market, by End User, 2019-2028 (US$ Million)
    • 9.5.5 South & Central America: Medical Scheduling Software Market, by Country, 2021 & 2028 (%)
      • Brazil: Medical Scheduling Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
        • Overview
        • Brazil: Medical Scheduling Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
        • Brazil: Medical Scheduling Software Market, by Software, 2019-2028 (US$ Million)
        • Brazil: Medical Scheduling Software Market, by End User, 2019-2028 (US$ Million)
      • Argentina: Medical Scheduling Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
        • Overview
        • Argentina: Medical Scheduling Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
        • Argentina: Medical Scheduling Software Market, by Software, 2019-2028 (US$ Million)
        • Argentina: Medical Scheduling Software Market, by End User, 2019-2028 (US$ Million)
      • Rest of South & Central America: Medical Scheduling Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
        • Overview
        • Rest of South & Central America: Medical Scheduling Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
        • Rest of South & Central America: Medical Scheduling Software Market, by Software, 2019-2028 (US$ Million)
        • Rest of South & Central America: Medical Scheduling Software Market, by End User, 2019-2028 (US$ Million)

10. Impact Of COVID-19 Pandemic on Medical Scheduling Software Market

  • 10.1 North America: Impact Assessment of COVID-19 Pandemic
  • 10.2 Europe: Impact Assessment of COVID-19 Pandemic
  • 10.3 Asia Pacific: Impact Assessment of COVID-19 Pandemic
  • 10.4 Middle East & Africa: Impact Assessment of COVID-19 Pandemic
  • 10.5 South and Central America: Impact Assessment of COVID-19 Pandemic

11. Medical Scheduling Software Market - Industry Landscape

  • 11.1 Overview
  • 11.2 Growth Strategies Done by the Companies in the Market, (%)
  • 11.3 Organic Developments
    • 11.3.1 Overview
  • 11.4 Inorganic Developments
    • 11.4.1 Overview

12. Company Profiles

  • 12.1 TimeTrade
    • 12.1.1 Key Facts
    • 12.1.2 Business Description
    • 12.1.3 Products and Services
    • 12.1.4 Financial Overview
    • 12.1.5 SWOT Analysis
    • 12.1.6 Key Developments
  • 12.2 AdvancedMD, Inc.
    • 12.2.1 Key Facts
    • 12.2.2 Business Description
    • 12.2.3 Products and Services
    • 12.2.4 Financial Overview
    • 12.2.5 SWOT Analysis
    • 12.2.6 Key Developments
  • 12.3 Yocale Network Corporation
    • 12.3.1 Key Facts
    • 12.3.2 Business Description
    • 12.3.3 Products and Services
    • 12.3.4 Financial Overview
    • 12.3.5 SWOT Analysis
    • 12.3.6 Key Developments
  • 12.4 Voicent Communications Inc.
    • 12.4.1 Key Facts
    • 12.4.2 Business Description
    • 12.4.3 Products and Services
    • 12.4.4 Financial Overview
    • 12.4.5 SWOT Analysis
    • 12.4.6 Key Developments
  • 12.5 WellSky
    • 12.5.1 Key Facts
    • 12.5.2 Business Description
    • 12.5.3 Products and Services
    • 12.5.4 Financial Overview
    • 12.5.5 SWOT Analysis
    • 12.5.6 Key Developments
  • 12.6 Daw Systems, Inc.
    • 12.6.1 Key Facts
    • 12.6.2 Business Description
    • 12.6.3 Products and Services
    • 12.6.4 Financial Overview
    • 12.6.5 SWOT Analysis
    • 12.6.6 Key Developments
  • 12.7 ByteBloc Software
    • 12.7.1 Key Facts
    • 12.7.2 Business Description
    • 12.7.3 Products and Services
    • 12.7.4 Financial Overview
    • 12.7.5 SWOT Analysis
    • 12.7.6 Key Developments
  • 12.8 Workpath
    • 12.8.1 Key Facts
    • 12.8.2 Business Description
    • 12.8.3 Products and Services
    • 12.8.4 Financial Overview
    • 12.8.5 SWOT Analysis
    • 12.8.6 Key Developments
  • 12.9 Delta Health Technologies, Inc.
    • 12.9.1 Key Facts
    • 12.9.2 Business Description
    • 12.9.3 Products and Services
    • 12.9.4 Financial Overview
    • 12.9.5 SWOT Analysis
    • 12.9.6 Key Developments
  • 12.10 DHS Worldwide
    • 12.10.1 Key Facts
    • 12.10.2 Business Description
    • 12.10.3 Products and Services
    • 12.10.4 Financial Overview
    • 12.10.5 SWOT Analysis
    • 12.10.6 Key Developments

13. Appendix

  • 13.1 About The Insight Partners
  • 13.2 Glossary of Terms

List Of Tables

  • Table 1. North America Medical Scheduling Software Market, by Software - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Table 2. North America Medical Scheduling Software Market, by End User - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Table 3. US Medical Scheduling Software Market, by Software - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Table 4. US Medical Scheduling Software Market, by End User - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Table 5. Canada Medical Scheduling Software Market, by Software - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Table 6. Canada Medical Scheduling Software Market, by End User - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Table 7. Mexico Medical Scheduling Software Market, by Software - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Table 8. Mexico Medical Scheduling Software Market, by End User - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Table 9. Europe Medical Scheduling Software Market, by Software - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Table 10. Europe Medical Scheduling Software Market, by End User - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Table 11. UK Medical Scheduling Software Market, by Software - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Table 12. UK Medical Scheduling Software Market, by End User - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Table 13. Germany Medical Scheduling Software Market, by Software - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Table 14. Germany Medical Scheduling Software Market, by End User - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Table 15. France Medical Scheduling Software Market, by Software - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Table 16. France Medical Scheduling Software Market, by End User - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Table 17. Italy Medical Scheduling Software Market, by Software - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Table 18. Italy Medical Scheduling Software Market, by End User - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Table 19. Spain Medical Scheduling Software Market, by Software - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Table 20. Spain Medical Scheduling Software Market, by End User - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Table 21. Rest of Europe Medical Scheduling Software Market, by Software - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Table 22. Rest of Europe Medical Scheduling Software Market, by End User - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Table 23. Asia Pacific Medical Scheduling Software Market, by Software - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Table 24. Asia Pacific Medical Scheduling Software Market, by End User - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Table 25. China Medical Scheduling Software Market, by Software - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Table 26. China Medical Scheduling Software Market, by End User - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Table 27. Japan Medical Scheduling Software Market, by Software - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Table 28. Japan Medical Scheduling Software Market, by End User - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Table 29. India Medical Scheduling Software Market, by Software - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Table 30. India Medical Scheduling Software Market, by End User - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Table 31. South Korea Medical Scheduling Software Market, by Software - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Table 32. South Korea Medical Scheduling Software Market, by End User - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Table 33. Australia Medical Scheduling Software Market, by Software - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Table 34. Australia Medical Scheduling Software Market, by End User - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Table 35. Rest of Asia Pacific Medical Scheduling Software Market, by Software - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Table 36. Rest of Asia Pacific Medical Scheduling Software Market, by End User - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Table 37. Middle East & Africa Medical Scheduling Software Market, by Software - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Table 38. Middle East & Africa Medical Scheduling Software Market, by End User - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Table 39. UAE Medical Scheduling Software Market, by Software - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Table 40. UAE Medical Scheduling Software Market, by End User - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Table 41. Saudi Arabia Medical Scheduling Software Market, by Software - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Table 42. Saudi Arabia Medical Scheduling Software Market, by End User - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Table 43. South Africa Medical Scheduling Software Market, by Software - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Table 44. South Africa Medical Scheduling Software Market, by End User - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Table 45. Rest of Middle East & Africa Medical Scheduling Software Market, by Software - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Table 46. Rest of Middle East & Africa Medical Scheduling Software Market, by End User - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Table 47. South & Central America Medical Scheduling Software Market, by Software - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Table 48. South & Central America Medical Scheduling Software Market, by End User - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Table 49. Brazil Medical Scheduling Software Market, by Software - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Table 50. Brazil Medical Scheduling Software Market, by End User - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Table 51. Argentina Medical Scheduling Software Market, by Software - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Table 52. Argentina Medical Scheduling Software Market, by End User - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Table 53. Rest of South & Central America Medical Scheduling Software Market, by Software - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Table 54. Rest of South & Central America Medical Scheduling Software Market, by End User - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Table 55. Organic Developments Done by Companies
  • Table 56. Inorganic Developments Done by Companies
  • Table 57. Glossary of Terms

List Of Figures

  • Figure 1. Medical Scheduling Software Market Segmentation
  • Figure 2. Medical Scheduling Software Market Segmentation, By Region
  • Figure 3. Global Medical Scheduling Software Market Overview
  • Figure 4. Web-Based Software Held Largest Share of Software Segment in Medical Scheduling Software Market
  • Figure 5. Asia Pacific Region Is Expected to Show Remarkable Growth During the Forecast Period
  • Figure 6. Global Medical Scheduling Software Market, By Geography (US$ Mn)
  • Figure 7. Global Medical Scheduling Software Market- Leading Country Markets (US$ Mn)
  • Figure 8. Global Medical Scheduling Software Market, Industry Landscape
  • Figure 9. North America: PEST Analysis
  • Figure 10. Europe: PEST Analysis
  • Figure 11. Asia Pacific: PEST Analysis
  • Figure 12. Middle East and Africa: PEST Analysis
  • Figure 13. South And Central America: PEST Analysis
  • Figure 14. Experts' Opinion
  • Figure 15. Medical Scheduling Software Market Impact Analysis of Driver and Restraints
  • Figure 16. Global Medical Scheduling Software Market - Revenue Forecast and Analysis - 2020- 2028
  • Figure 17. Global Medical Scheduling Software Market - Revenue Forecast & Analysis - 2021 - 2028
  • Figure 18. Market Positioning of Key Players in Medical Scheduling Software Market
  • Figure 19. Medical Scheduling Software Market Revenue Share, by Software 2021 & 2028 (%)
  • Figure 20. Web-Based Software: Medical Scheduling Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Figure 21. Installed Software: Medical Scheduling Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Figure 22. Global Medical Scheduling Software Market, by End User 2021 & 2028 (%)
  • Figure 23. Hospitals: Medical Scheduling Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Figure 24. Clinics: Medical Scheduling Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Figure 25. Others: Medical Scheduling Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Figure 26. North America: Medical Scheduling Software Market, by Key Country - Revenue (2021) (US$ Million)
  • Figure 27. North America Medical Scheduling Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Figure 28. North America: Medical Scheduling Software Market, by Country, 2021 & 2028 (%)
  • Figure 29. US: Medical Scheduling Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Figure 30. Canada: Medical Scheduling Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Figure 31. Mexico: Medical Scheduling Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Figure 32. Europe Medical Scheduling Software Market Revenue overview, by Country, 2021 (US$ MN)
  • Figure 33. Europe Medical Scheduling Software Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)
  • Figure 34. Europe Medical Scheduling Software Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028, By Country (%)
  • Figure 35. UK Medical Scheduling Software Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)
  • Figure 36. Germany Medical Scheduling Software Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)
  • Figure 37. France Medical Scheduling Software Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)
  • Figure 38. Italy Medical Scheduling Software Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)
  • Figure 39. Spain Medical Scheduling Software Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)
  • Figure 40. Rest of Europe Medical Scheduling Software Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)
  • Figure 41. Asia Pacific: Medical Scheduling Software Market, by Key Country - Revenue (2021) (US$ Million)
  • Figure 42. Asia Pacific Medical Scheduling Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Figure 43. China: Medical Scheduling Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Figure 44. Japan: Medical Scheduling Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Figure 45. India: Medical Scheduling Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Figure 46. South Korea: Medical Scheduling Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Figure 47. Australia: Medical Scheduling Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Figure 48. Rest of Asia Pacific: Medical Scheduling Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Figure 49. Middle East & Africa: Medical Scheduling Software Market, by Key Country - Revenue (2021) (US$ Million)
  • Figure 50. Middle East & Africa Medical Scheduling Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Figure 51. UAE: Medical Scheduling Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Figure 52. Saudi Arabia: Medical Scheduling Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Figure 53. South Africa: Medical Scheduling Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Figure 54. Rest of Middle East & Africa: Medical Scheduling Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Figure 55. South & Central America: Medical Scheduling Software Market, by Key Country - Revenue (2021) (US$ Million)
  • Figure 56. South & Central America Medical Scheduling Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Figure 57. South & Central America: Medical Scheduling Software Market, by Country, 2021 & 2028 (%)
  • Figure 58. Brazil: Medical Scheduling Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Figure 59. Argentina: Medical Scheduling Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Figure 60. Rest of South & Central America: Medical Scheduling Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)
  • Figure 61. Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on North America Country Markets
  • Figure 62. Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Medical Scheduling Software Market in European Countries
  • Figure 63. Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Asia Pacific Country Markets
  • Figure 64. Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic in Middle East & Africa Country Markets
  • Figure 65. Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on South and Central America Country Markets
  • Figure 66. Growth Strategies Done by the Companies in the Market, (%)