

Geostationary Satellites Market Size and Forecast, Global and Regional Share, Trend, and Growth Opportunity Analysis Report Coverage: By Component, Application, and Geography

出版日期: | 出版商: The Insight Partners | 英文 150 Pages | 订单完成后即时交付


地球静止卫星市场预计将从 2023 年的 61.9 亿美元增至 2031 年的 82.8 亿美元;预计 2023 年至 2031 年市场复合年增长率为 3.7%。

2023年,美国政府的太空预算达到约1,170亿美元,较2022年增加15%。由于多家对地静止卫星系统製造商的显着存在以及政府在航太领域的投资,美国在对地静止卫星市场上处于领先地位。 Moog Inc.、Northrop Grumman Corporation、Lockheed Martin 和 AQST Canada Inc. 是北美地球静止卫星解决方案的主要製造商。加拿大政府在航太领域投入了大量资源。 2023年,政府宣布了一项多年计划,以支持该国私人建造的火箭发射计划。因此,政府对航太工业的投资激增以及航太领域的新产品创新预计将推动北美对地静止卫星市场的成长。

美国航太部门在卫星发射方面投入了大量资金。例如,2024年1月,美国政府在美国五角大厦启动了价值100亿美元的卫星星座奖励。该奖项的范围包括在太空发射 400 多颗卫星,包括地球静止轨道 (GEO) 和低地球轨道 (LEO)。该合约授予了一些主要製造商,包括诺斯罗普·格鲁曼 (Northrop Grumman)、洛克希德·马丁 (Lockheed Martin) 和 L3Harris。美国在2023年卫星发射方面领先市场。卫星发射数量的不断增加以及卫星产业产品开发的增加正在推动美国对地静止卫星市场的进步。 2024年1月,地球静止运行环境卫星U(GOES-U)准备在美国佛罗里达州发射。该卫星由 NASA 和美国国家海洋暨大气总署 (NOAA) 开发,是 GOES-R 系列天气观测和环境监测卫星的延续。着陆的 GOES-R 系列卫星使预报员能够观察、预测和追踪雷暴、野火、飓风和太阳风暴等当地天气事件,以保障公共安全。因此,对卫星发射的重视和政府对航太部门预算拨款的激增推动了对地静止卫星市场的成长。

2024年5月,欧洲防务组织宣布拨款700万美元,在地球同步轨道发射一颗自主保镳卫星。由于高度重视用于地球观测和其他研究活动的卫星发射,欧洲国家已成为推进地球静止卫星技术的关键参与者。空中巴士公司和泰雷兹阿莱尼亚航太公司等领先的航空航太公司以其在开发尖端地球静止卫星系统方面的专业知识而闻名,是欧洲航太领域的主要贡献者。欧洲正在推出一些太空研究和地球观测计画来发射新卫星。 2022年,欧洲太空计画启动,旨在支援欧洲太空部门,预算约140亿美元,特别关注卫星导航、互联、地球观测和太空研究等领域。欧洲太空计画预计将促进新卫星的发射,从而为该地区的地球静止卫星市场创造重大机会。

COPERNICUS 是欧洲地球观测系统,旨在为环境管理、减轻气候变迁影响和确保整个欧洲的公民安全提供支援。此外,GALILEO 是在欧洲推出的全球卫星导航和定位系统 (GNSS),旨在支援欧盟经济的各个部门,包括运输、农业、边境管理以及搜救。 2022 年 2 月,欧盟委员会启动了两项新的旗舰倡议,以促进卫星连接和管理太空交通。这些倡议和太空领域投资的激增是推动欧洲地球静止卫星市场的主要因素。


根据组件类型,随着主要参与者和政府组织对系统的不断进步,推进系统领域正在快速成长。例如,2024 年 3 月,印度太空研究组织 (ISRO) 计画在其卫星上展示电力推进系统的使用。该系统由一个 300 毫牛顿 (mN) 的推进器组成。先进推进系统的日益采用推动了对地静止卫星市场的成长。对地静止卫星配备了转发器,可放大、接收和转发来自地球的无线电讯号。这些讯号具有广泛的应用,包括广播、电信、遥感和导航。

从应用来看,到2023年,通讯领域将占据最大份额。对地静止卫星配备有转发器,用于接收、放大和转发来自地球的无线电讯号。这些讯号具有广泛的应用,包括广播、电信、遥感和导航目的。由于一些国家的政府组织加大了向太空发射通讯卫星的投资,通讯领域在 2023 年占据最大份额。


第 1 章:简介

第 2 章:执行摘要

  • 主要见解
  • 市场吸引力

第 3 章:研究方法

  • 二次研究
  • 初步研究
    • 假设表述:
    • 宏观经济因素分析:
    • 显影基数:
    • 数据三角测量:
    • 国家级资料:

第 4 章:对地静止卫星市场格局

  • 概述
  • 波特五力分析
  • 生态系分析
    • 卫星组件製造商:
    • 对地静止卫星製造商:
    • 最终用户:
    • 对地静止卫星系统供应商名单

第 5 章:对地静止卫星市场 - 主要市场动态

  • 对地静止卫星市场 - 主要市场动态
  • 市场驱动因素
    • 透过卫星网路实现远端通讯覆盖的需求不断增长
    • 卫星军事通讯的需求不断增长
  • 市场限制
    • 静止卫星故障事件及静止卫星订单下降
  • 市场机会
    • 地球静止轨道小型卫星的研发
  • 未来趋势
    • 软体定义电力系统的部署
  • 驱动因素和限制的影响:

第 6 章:对地静止卫星市场 - 全球市场分析

  • 地理概况
  • 2021-2031 年地球静止卫星市场收入
  • 对地静止卫星市场预测分析

第 7 章:对地静止卫星市场分析 - 按组成部分

  • 通讯系统
  • 电源系统
  • 推进系统
  • 其他的

第 8 章:对地静止卫星市场分析 - 按应用

  • 通讯
  • 太空探索
  • 导航
  • 地球观测
  • 其他的

第 9 章:对地静止卫星市场 - 地理分析

  • 北美洲
    • 美国
    • 加拿大
    • 墨西哥
  • 欧洲
    • 德国
    • 法国
    • 义大利
    • 英国
    • 俄罗斯
    • 欧洲其他地区
  • 亚太地区
    • 中国
    • 印度
    • 日本
    • 韩国
    • 亚太地区其他地区
  • 世界其他地区
    • 中东和非洲
    • 南美洲

第 10 章:竞争格局

  • 公司定位与专注

第 11 章:产业格局

  • 概述
  • 市场主动性
  • 产品开发

第 12 章:公司简介

  • Airbus SE
  • The Boeing Co
  • Ball Corp
  • Korea Aerospace Industries Ltd.
  • Lockheed Martin Corp
  • Maxar Technologies Inc
  • Northrop Grumman Corp
  • Thales SA
  • Israel Aerospace Industries Ltd
  • OHB SE

第 13 章:附录

Product Code: TIPRE00025490

The geostationary satellites market is projected to reach US$ 8.28 billion by 2031 from US$ 6.19 billion in 2023; the market is expected to register a CAGR of 3.7% during 2023-2031.

In 2023, the US government's space budget reached ~US$ 117 billion, recording an upsurge of 15% compared to 2022. Nearly US$ 59 billion of this investment was made in defense expenditures, including satellite launches. The US leads the geostationary satellite market owing to the prominent presence of several geostationary satellite system manufacturers and government investments in the space sector. Moog Inc., Northrop Grumman Corporation, Lockheed Martin, and AQST Canada Inc. are among the major manufacturers of geostationary satellite solutions in North America. The Government of Canada invests significant resources in the space sector. In 2023, the government announced a multi-year plan to support the privately built rocket launching initiatives in the country. Thus, a surge in investments by governments in the space industry and new product innovations in the space sector are the factors anticipated to propel the geostationary satellite market growth in North America.

The space sector in the US has witnessed significant investments in satellite launches. For instance, in January 2024, the US government launched a satellite constellation award worth US$ 10 billion in the Pentagon, US. The scope of this award includes the launch of more than 400 satellites in space, including the geostationary orbit (GEO) as well as lower earth orbit (LEO). This contract was awarded to some of the major manufacturers, including Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin, and L3Harris. The US led the market in terms of satellite launches in 2023. SpaceX independently launched 98 of the 109 satellite launch attempts made by the US in 2023, and 1,937 of the 2,234 US-built satellites were successfully orbited. The growing number of satellite launches, along with a rise in product development in the satellite industry, is fueling the geostationary satellite market progress in the US. In January 2024, the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite U (GOES-U) was ready to launch in Florida, US. The satellite was developed by NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in continuation of the GOES-R Series for weather observation and environmental monitoring. The GOES-R Series satellite landed enables forecasters to observe, predict, and track local weather events such as thunderstorms, wildfires, hurricanes, and solar storms for public safety. Thus, the emphasis on satellite launches and an upsurge in government budget allocations for the space sector drive the geostationary satellite market growth.

In May 2024, the European Defense Organization announced the funds of US$ 7 million to launch an autonomous Bodyguard satellite in the geosynchronous earth orbit. With a strong emphasis on satellite launches for earth observation and other research activities, European countries have emerged as key players in advancing geostationary satellite technologies. Leading aerospace and space companies such as Airbus and Thales Alenia Space, which are renowned for their expertise in developing cutting-edge geostationary satellite systems, are the prime contributors to the space sector in Europe. Several space research and earth observation programs are being introduced to launch new satellites in Europe. In 2022, the European Space Programme was launched to bolster the European space sector with a budget of ~US$ 14 billion, with a particular focus on fields such as satellite navigation, connectivity, earth observation, and space research. The European Space Programme is expected to promote the launch of new satellites, thereby creating significant opportunities for the geostationary satellite market in the region.

COPERNICUS is the European Earth observation system aimed to provide support in the management of the environment, mitigation of climate change impact, and ensuring civil security across Europe. Further, GALILEO is a global satellite navigation and positioning system (GNSS) launched in Europe to support various sectors of the European Union's economy, including transport, agriculture, border management, and search and rescue. In February 2022, the European Commission launched two new flagship initiatives to boost satellite-based connectivity and manage space traffic. Such initiatives and a surge in investments in the space sector are the major factors propelling the geostationary satellite market in Europe.

The global geostationary satellites market is segmented into component, application, and region. On the basis of component, the geostationary satellites market is segmented into communication system, power system, propulsion system, and others. Based on application, the geostationary satellites market is categorized into communications, space exploration, navigation, earth observation, and others. On the basis of region, the geostationary satellites market is categorized into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Rest of the World.

Based on component type, the propulsion system segment is growing at a rapid pace with the increasing advancement in the system by key players and government organizations. For instance, in March 2024, the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) planned to demonstrate the use of electric propulsion systems on its satellites. The system consists of a thruster of 300 millinewtons (mN). Growing adoption of advanced propulsion systems drives the geostationary satellite market growth. Geostationary satellites are equipped with transponders that amplify, receive, and retransmit radio signals to and from Earth. These signals are used for a wide range of applications, including broadcasting, telecommunications, remote sensing, and navigation.

Based on application, communication segment has a largest share in 2023.The most common application of geostationary satellites is to provide effective telecommunication services. Geostationary satellites are equipped with transponders that receive, amplify, and retransmit radio signals to and from Earth. These signals are used for a wide range of applications, including broadcasting, telecommunications, remote sensing, and navigation purposes. The communications segment held the largest share in 2023, owing to the increasing investment by several countries' government organizations to launch communication satellites into space.

Table Of Contents

1. Introduction

  • 1.1 The Insight Partners Research Report Guidance
  • 1.2 Market Segmentation

2. Executive Summary

  • 2.1 Key Insights
  • 2.2 Market Attractiveness

3. Research Methodology

  • 3.1 Secondary Research
  • 3.2 Primary Research
    • 3.2.1 Hypothesis formulation:
    • 3.2.2 Macro-economic factor analysis:
    • 3.2.3 Developing base number:
    • 3.2.4 Data Triangulation:
    • 3.2.5 Country level data:

4. Geostationary Satellites Market Landscape

  • 4.1 Overview
  • 4.2 Porter's Five Forces Analysis
  • 4.3 Ecosystem Analysis
    • 4.3.1 Satellite Component Manufacturers:
    • 4.3.2 Geostationary Satellite Manufacturers:
    • 4.3.3 End Users:
    • 4.3.4 List of Geostationary Satellite System Providers

5. Geostationary Satellites Market - Key Market Dynamics

  • 5.1 Geostationary Satellites Market - Key Market Dynamics
  • 5.2 Market Drivers
    • 5.2.1 Increasing Demand for Long-Range Communication Coverage Through Satellite Network
    • 5.2.2 Growing Need for Satellite-Based Military Communications
  • 5.3 Market Restraints
    • 5.3.1 Incidents of Geostationary Satellite Failures and Decline in Orders of Geostationary Satellites
  • 5.4 Market Opportunities
    • 5.4.1 Development of Small Satellites for Geostationary Orbit
  • 5.5 Future Trends
    • 5.5.1 Deployment of Software-Defined Electric Systems
  • 5.6 Impact of Drivers and Restraints:

6. Geostationary Satellites Market - Global Market Analysis

  • 6.1 Geographic Overview
  • 6.2 Geostationary Satellites Market Revenue (US$ Million), 2021-2031
  • 6.3 Geostationary Satellites Market Forecast Analysis

7. Geostationary Satellites Market Analysis - by Component

  • 7.1 Communication System
    • 7.1.1 Overview
    • 7.1.2 Communication System: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
  • 7.2 Power System
    • 7.2.1 Overview
    • 7.2.2 Power System: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
  • 7.3 Propulsion System
    • 7.3.1 Overview
    • 7.3.2 Propulsion System: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
  • 7.4 Others
    • 7.4.1 Overview
    • 7.4.2 Others: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

8. Geostationary Satellites Market Analysis - by Application

  • 8.1 Communications
    • 8.1.1 Overview
    • 8.1.2 Communications: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
  • 8.2 Space Exploration
    • 8.2.1 Overview
    • 8.2.2 Space Exploration: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
  • 8.3 Navigation
    • 8.3.1 Overview
    • 8.3.2 Navigation: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
  • 8.4 Earth Observation
    • 8.4.1 Overview
    • 8.4.2 Earth Observation: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
  • 8.5 Others
    • 8.5.1 Overview
    • 8.5.2 Others: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

9. Geostationary Satellites Market - Geographical Analysis

  • 9.1 Overview
  • 9.2 North America
    • 9.2.1 North America Geostationary Satellites Market Overview
    • 9.2.2 North America: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
    • 9.2.3 North America: Geostationary Satellites Market Breakdown, by Component
      • North America: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast Analysis - by Component
    • 9.2.4 North America: Geostationary Satellites Market Breakdown, by Application
      • North America: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast Analysis - by Application
    • 9.2.5 North America: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast Analysis - by Country
      • North America: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast Analysis - by Country
      • United States: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
        • United States: Geostationary Satellites Market Breakdown, by Component
        • United States: Geostationary Satellites Market Breakdown, by Application
      • Canada: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
        • Canada: Geostationary Satellites Market Breakdown, by Component
        • Canada: Geostationary Satellites Market Breakdown, by Application
      • Mexico: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
        • Mexico: Geostationary Satellites Market Breakdown, by Component
        • Mexico: Geostationary Satellites Market Breakdown, by Application
  • 9.3 Europe
    • 9.3.1 Europe Geostationary Satellites Market Overview
    • 9.3.2 Europe: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
    • 9.3.3 Europe: Geostationary Satellites Market Breakdown, by Component
      • Europe: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast Analysis - by Component
    • 9.3.4 Europe: Geostationary Satellites Market Breakdown, by Application
      • Europe: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast Analysis - by Application
    • 9.3.5 Europe: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast Analysis - by Country
      • Europe: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast Analysis - by Country
      • Germany: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
        • Germany: Geostationary Satellites Market Breakdown, by Component
        • Germany: Geostationary Satellites Market Breakdown, by Application
      • France: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
        • France: Geostationary Satellites Market Breakdown, by Component
        • France: Geostationary Satellites Market Breakdown, by Application
      • Italy: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
        • Italy: Geostationary Satellites Market Breakdown, by Component
        • Italy: Geostationary Satellites Market Breakdown, by Application
      • United Kingdom: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
        • United Kingdom: Geostationary Satellites Market Breakdown, by Component
        • United Kingdom: Geostationary Satellites Market Breakdown, by Application
      • Russia: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
        • Russia: Geostationary Satellites Market Breakdown, by Component
        • Russia: Geostationary Satellites Market Breakdown, by Application
      • Rest of Europe: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
        • Rest of Europe: Geostationary Satellites Market Breakdown, by Component
        • Rest of Europe: Geostationary Satellites Market Breakdown, by Application
  • 9.4 Asia Pacific
    • 9.4.1 Asia Pacific Geostationary Satellites Market Overview
    • 9.4.2 Asia Pacific: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
    • 9.4.3 Asia Pacific: Geostationary Satellites Market Breakdown, by Component
      • Asia Pacific: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast Analysis - by Component
    • 9.4.4 Asia Pacific: Geostationary Satellites Market Breakdown, by Application
      • Asia Pacific: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast Analysis - by Application
    • 9.4.5 Asia Pacific: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast Analysis - by Country
      • Asia Pacific: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast Analysis - by Country
      • China: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
        • China: Geostationary Satellites Market Breakdown, by Component
        • China: Geostationary Satellites Market Breakdown, by Application
      • India: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
        • India: Geostationary Satellites Market Breakdown, by Component
        • India: Geostationary Satellites Market Breakdown, by Application
      • Japan: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
        • Japan: Geostationary Satellites Market Breakdown, by Component
        • Japan: Geostationary Satellites Market Breakdown, by Application
      • South Korea: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
        • South Korea: Geostationary Satellites Market Breakdown, by Component
        • South Korea: Geostationary Satellites Market Breakdown, by Application
      • Rest of APAC: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
        • Rest of APAC: Geostationary Satellites Market Breakdown, by Component
        • Rest of APAC: Geostationary Satellites Market Breakdown, by Application
  • 9.5 Rest of the World
    • 9.5.1 Rest of the World Geostationary Satellites Market Overview
    • 9.5.2 Rest of the World: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
    • 9.5.3 Rest of the World: Geostationary Satellites Market Breakdown, by Component
      • Rest of the World: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast Analysis - by Component
    • 9.5.4 Rest of the World: Geostationary Satellites Market Breakdown, by Application
      • Rest of the World: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast Analysis - by Application
    • 9.5.5 Rest of the World: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast Analysis - by Country
      • Rest of the World: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast Analysis - by Country
      • Middle East and Africa: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
        • Middle East and Africa: Geostationary Satellites Market Breakdown, by Component
        • Middle East and Africa: Geostationary Satellites Market Breakdown, by Application
      • South America: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
        • South America: Geostationary Satellites Market Breakdown, by Component
        • South America: Geostationary Satellites Market Breakdown, by Application

10. Competitive Landscape

  • 10.1 Company Positioning & Concentration

11. Industry Landscape

  • 11.1 Overview
  • 11.2 Market Initiative
  • 11.3 Product Development

12. Company Profiles

  • 12.1 Airbus SE
    • 12.1.1 Key Facts
    • 12.1.2 Business Description
    • 12.1.3 Products and Services
    • 12.1.4 Financial Overview
    • 12.1.5 SWOT Analysis
    • 12.1.6 Key Developments
  • 12.2 The Boeing Co
    • 12.2.1 Key Facts
    • 12.2.2 Business Description
    • 12.2.3 Products and Services
    • 12.2.4 Financial Overview
    • 12.2.5 SWOT Analysis
    • 12.2.6 Key Developments
  • 12.3 Ball Corp
    • 12.3.1 Key Facts
    • 12.3.2 Business Description
    • 12.3.3 Products and Services
    • 12.3.4 Financial Overview
    • 12.3.5 SWOT Analysis
    • 12.3.6 Key Developments
  • 12.4 Korea Aerospace Industries Ltd.
    • 12.4.1 Key Facts
    • 12.4.2 Business Description
    • 12.4.3 Products and Services
    • 12.4.4 Financial Overview
    • 12.4.5 SWOT Analysis
    • 12.4.6 Key Developments
  • 12.5 Lockheed Martin Corp
    • 12.5.1 Key Facts
    • 12.5.2 Business Description
    • 12.5.3 Products and Services
    • 12.5.4 Financial Overview
    • 12.5.5 SWOT Analysis
    • 12.5.6 Key Developments
  • 12.6 Maxar Technologies Inc
    • 12.6.1 Key Facts
    • 12.6.2 Business Description
    • 12.6.3 Products and Services
    • 12.6.4 Financial Overview
    • 12.6.5 SWOT Analysis
    • 12.6.6 Key Developments
  • 12.7 Northrop Grumman Corp
    • 12.7.1 Key Facts
    • 12.7.2 Business Description
    • 12.7.3 Products and Services
    • 12.7.4 Financial Overview
    • 12.7.5 SWOT Analysis
    • 12.7.6 Key Developments
  • 12.8 Thales SA
    • 12.8.1 Key Facts
    • 12.8.2 Business Description
    • 12.8.3 Products and Services
    • 12.8.4 Financial Overview
    • 12.8.5 SWOT Analysis
    • 12.8.6 Key Developments
  • 12.9 Israel Aerospace Industries Ltd
    • 12.9.1 Key Facts
    • 12.9.2 Business Description
    • 12.9.3 Products and Services
    • 12.9.4 Financial Overview
    • 12.9.5 SWOT Analysis
    • 12.9.6 Key Developments
  • 12.10 OHB SE
    • 12.10.1 Key Facts
    • 12.10.2 Business Description
    • 12.10.3 Products and Services
    • 12.10.4 Financial Overview
    • 12.10.5 SWOT Analysis
    • 12.10.6 Key Developments

13. Appendix

  • 13.1 About The Insight Partners

List Of Tables

  • Table 1. Geostationary Satellites Market Segmentation
  • Table 2. List of Vendors in Value Chain
  • Table 3. Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
  • Table 4. Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) - by Component
  • Table 5. Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) - by Application
  • Table 6. North America: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Component
  • Table 7. North America: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Application
  • Table 8. North America: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Country
  • Table 9. United States: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Component
  • Table 10. United States: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Application
  • Table 11. Canada: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Component
  • Table 12. Canada: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Application
  • Table 13. Mexico: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Component
  • Table 14. Mexico: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Application
  • Table 15. Europe: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Component
  • Table 16. Europe: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Application
  • Table 17. Europe: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Country
  • Table 18. Germany: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Component
  • Table 19. Germany: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Application
  • Table 20. France: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Component
  • Table 21. France: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Application
  • Table 22. Italy: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Component
  • Table 23. Italy: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Application
  • Table 24. United Kingdom: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Component
  • Table 25. United Kingdom: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Application
  • Table 26. Russia: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Component
  • Table 27. Russia: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Application
  • Table 28. Rest of Europe: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Component
  • Table 29. Rest of Europe: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Application
  • Table 30. Asia Pacific: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Component
  • Table 31. Asia Pacific: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Application
  • Table 32. Asia Pacific: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Country
  • Table 33. China: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Component
  • Table 34. China: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Application
  • Table 35. India: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Component
  • Table 36. India: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Application
  • Table 37. Japan: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Component
  • Table 38. Japan: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Application
  • Table 39. South Korea: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Component
  • Table 40. South Korea: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Application
  • Table 41. Rest of APAC: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Component
  • Table 42. Rest of APAC: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Application
  • Table 43. Rest of the World: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Component
  • Table 44. Rest of the World: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Application
  • Table 45. Rest of the World: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Country
  • Table 46. Middle East and Africa: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Component
  • Table 47. Middle East and Africa: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Application
  • Table 48. South America: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Component
  • Table 49. South America: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Application

List Of Figures

  • Figure 1. Geostationary Satellites Market Segmentation, by Geography
  • Figure 2. Porter's Five Forces Analysis
  • Figure 3. Impact Analysis of Drivers and Restraints
  • Figure 4. Geographic Overview
  • Figure 5. Geostationary Satellites Market Revenue (US$ Million), 2021-2031
  • Figure 6. Geostationary Satellites Market Share (%) - by Component (2023 and 2031)
  • Figure 7. Communication System: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
  • Figure 8. Power System: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
  • Figure 9. Propulsion System: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
  • Figure 10. Others: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
  • Figure 11. Geostationary Satellites Market Share (%) - by Application (2023 and 2031)
  • Figure 12. Communications: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
  • Figure 13. Space Exploration: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
  • Figure 14. Navigation: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
  • Figure 15. Earth Observation: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
  • Figure 16. Others: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
  • Figure 17. Geostationary Satellites Market Breakdown by Region, 2023 and 2031 (%)
  • Figure 18. North America: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million)
  • Figure 19. North America: Geostationary Satellites Market Breakdown, by Component (2023 and 2031)
  • Figure 20. North America: Geostationary Satellites Market Breakdown, by Application (2023 and 2031)
  • Figure 21. North America: Geostationary Satellites Market Breakdown, by Key Countries, 2023 and 2031 (%)
  • Figure 22. United States: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million)
  • Figure 23. Canada: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million)
  • Figure 24. Mexico: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million)
  • Figure 25. Europe: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million)
  • Figure 26. Europe: Geostationary Satellites Market Breakdown, by Component (2023 and 2031)
  • Figure 27. Europe: Geostationary Satellites Market Breakdown, by Application (2023 and 2031)
  • Figure 28. Europe: Geostationary Satellites Market Breakdown, by Key Countries, 2023 and 2031 (%)
  • Figure 29. Germany: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million)
  • Figure 30. France: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million)
  • Figure 31. Italy: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million)
  • Figure 32. United Kingdom: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million)
  • Figure 33. Russia: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million)
  • Figure 34. Rest of Europe: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million)
  • Figure 35. Asia Pacific: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million)
  • Figure 36. Asia Pacific: Geostationary Satellites Market Breakdown, by Component (2023 and 2031)
  • Figure 37. Asia Pacific: Geostationary Satellites Market Breakdown, by Application (2023 and 2031)
  • Figure 38. Asia Pacific: Geostationary Satellites Market Breakdown, by Key Countries, 2023 and 2031 (%)
  • Figure 39. China: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million)
  • Figure 40. India: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million)
  • Figure 41. Japan: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million)
  • Figure 42. South Korea: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million)
  • Figure 43. Rest of APAC: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million)
  • Figure 44. Rest of the World: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million)
  • Figure 45. Rest of the World: Geostationary Satellites Market Breakdown, by Component (2023 and 2031)
  • Figure 46. Rest of the World: Geostationary Satellites Market Breakdown, by Application (2023 and 2031)
  • Figure 47. Rest of the World: Geostationary Satellites Market Breakdown, by Key Countries, 2023 and 2031 (%)
  • Figure 48. Middle East and Africa: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million)
  • Figure 49. South America: Geostationary Satellites Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million)
  • Figure 50. Company Positioning & Concentration