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美国助听器市场规模和预测、国家份额、趋势和成长机会分析报告范围:按类型、产品类型、技术、听力损失类型、患者类型和配销通路US Hearing Aids Market Size and Forecast, Country Share, Trend, and Growth Opportunity Analysis Report Coverage: By Type, Product Type, Technology, Type of Hearing Loss, Patient Type, and Distribution Channel |
2023年助听器市场规模为96.6亿美元,预计2031年将达到146.6亿美元;预计 2022 年至 2030 年复合年增长率为 5.3%。
2023 年 6 月,Sonova Holding AG 在美国推出 Sennheiser All-Day Clear。 Sennheiser All-Day Clear 系列的推出将公司的品牌解决方案扩展到早期听力损失人群,涵盖从预防到情境援助的范围。该国听力保健专业人员的现有和潜在客户都可以获得森海塞尔全日清晰设备和其他解决方案,使他们能够在早期阶段与听力保健专业人员建立联繫。
2023年4月,助听器製造商九悦推出了一款革命性的新型助听器-九悦Real Pro蓝牙智慧助听器,改变听力损失人士的生活方式。最新的助听器展示了先进的功能,例如其先进的技术,使用户能够体验到清晰自然的音质,这使得它有别于传统的助听器;同时,其时尚舒适的设计无缝融入日常生活。
2022 年12 月,Eargo, Inc.(一家旨在改善听力损失者生活品质的医疗器材公司)与NationsBenefits(一家为健康计划提供补充福利、弹性卡和会员参与解决方案的领先提供者)签订了一项合作协议。该合作伙伴关係允许 NationsBenefits 健康计划成员使用该计划福利购买 Eargo 助听器。两家公司计划透过此次合作,重点为听力损失人士开闢一条途径,并提供更多获得高品质、技术先进的助听器的机会。
2022 年 10 月,Lexie Hearing 推出了由 Bose 支援的 Lexie B2 助听器,这是其听力学家品质助听器产品的第三种助听器型号。第二代设备是与 Bose 合作开发的。 Lexie B2助听器是耳道式接收器助听器,可为使用者提供更自然、清晰的声音体验,具有世界上第一个与Lexie应用程式结合的自调谐系统。该设备是首款与 Lexie 应用程式相容的完全可充电助听器。
2022年10月,索尼电子在美国市场推出了首款非处方助听器。该公司正在重新构想听力设备领域,重点是创新、可近性和个人化。这些独特的产品是与 WS Audiology 合作开发的。此次合作推出的首批两款产品包括 CRE-C10 和 CRE-E10 自配式 OTC 助听器。索尼推出这些设备的目标是打破有轻度至中度听力损失迹象的个人所面临的障碍。
2022 年 9 月,西嘉推出了 Styletto AX,这是一款新型助听器,具有两项新的增强 Xperience (AX) 平台功能——My WellBeing 和 CallControl。这些新功能可显着增强听力和整体健康,帮助使用者过着更健康的生活方式。 Styletto 是世界上第一款纤薄耳道式接收器 (SLIM-RIC) 助听器,设计纤薄时尚。
2022 年 9 月,索尼公司与丹麦 WS Audiology 签订合作协议,从美国开始,在非处方 (OTC) 自验式助听器市场开发和提供新产品和服务。透过合作,两家公司计划结合各自的技术和医疗专业知识,创建解决方案来塑造新领域。
2022 年 7 月,Bose Corporation 与美国直接面向消费者的助听器公司 Lexie Hearing 合作,将自配式 Bose 助听器引入 Lexie Hearing 的产品组合。新型 Lexie B1 助听器可让使用者无缝地安装、编程和控制他们的助听器,无需去看医生、进行听力测试或开处方。这些助听器可提供经过临床验证的听力学家级结果。
2022 年 1 月,Soundwave Hearing LLC 推出了新的助听器和行动应用程序,彻底改变了自验配助听器技术。 Sontro 助听器(AI 型)是无线自编程助听器,专为 18 岁或以上患有轻度至中度听力障碍的人士而开发,可放大声音。最先进的 Sontro 助听器使用蓝牙技术连接到 otoTune,这是一款基于临床的应用程序,可进行听力测试以确定用户的听力阈值和听力要求。
2021年8月,史达克推出了Evolv AI-全新助听器平台。 Evolv AI 是在 Starkey Sound 的基础上开发的,这是一项突破性技术,透过完善 Starkey 的研究和基于科学的演算法而创建,为模仿人类听觉系统的高保真音讯提供动力。 Starkey 也推出了业界最小的 2.4 GHz 完全耳道式助听器,作为 Evolv AI 助听器系列的一部分。
2021 年 5 月,全球医疗听力解决方案提供商 Sonova 收购了森海塞尔消费者业务。随着收购森海塞尔消费者业务,该公司在其听力保健产品组合中添加了耳机和条形音箱,其中包括助听器、人工耳蜗和其他听力解决方案。透过收购森海塞尔的消费者业务,索诺瓦利用两家公司互补的专业知识来加强和扩展其未来的业务领域。
助听器市场依产品类型分为助听器设备和听力植入物。助听器设备细分市场在 2023 年将占据更大的助听器市场份额,预计在预测期内将实现更高的复合年增长率。
助听器市场按类型分为处方助听器和非处方助听器。处方助听器细分市场将在 2023 年占据更大的市场份额。
助听器市场依技术分为感音神经性听损和传导性听损。到 2023 年,感音神经性听损细分市场将占据更大的市场份额,预计在预测期内复合年增长率将更高。
助听器市场依听力损失类型分为传统助听器和数位助听器。到 2023 年,传统助听器细分市场将占据更大的市场份额。
助听器市场依患者类型分为成人和儿科。成人细分市场将在 2022 年占据更大的市场份额,预计在预测期内复合年增长率将更高。
助听器市集依配销通路分为药局、零售店及网路。药局细分市场在 2023 年占据最大的市场份额。
在准备助听器市场报告时提到的一些主要一手和二手资料来源包括世界卫生组织 (WHO)、疾病管制与预防中心 (CDC)、国家老龄化委员会、国家耳聋研究所和其他沟通障碍。
The hearing aids market size was valued at US$ 9.66 billion in 2023 and is expected to reach US$ 14.66 billion by 2031; it is estimated to record a CAGR of 5.3% from 2022 to 2030. The hearing aids market growth is primarily driven by the increasing incidence of hearing loss among US population and surge in strategic initiatives by the market players.
Growing Strategic Initiatives by the Companies
Companies operating in the hearing aids market constantly focus on strategic developments such as collaboration, expansion, agreements, partnerships, and product launches. These help them improve their sales, expand their geographic reach, and enhance their capacities to cater to a greater than existing customer base. A few of the noteworthy developments in the hearing aids market by companies are mentioned below:
In June 2023, Sonova Holding AG launched Sennheiser All-Day Clear in the US. The introduction of the Sennheiser All-Day Clear family expands the company's branded solutions to people with early-stage hearing loss, ranging from prevention to situational assistance. Both current and prospective customers of hearing care professionals in the country can gain access to Sennheiser All-Day Clear devices and other solutions, enabling them to establish connections with hearing care professionals at an earlier stage.
In April 2023, JIUYEE, a manufacturer of hearing aids, introduced a revolutionary new hearing aid, JIUYEE Real Pro Bluetooth intelligent hearing aids, to change how people with hearing loss live their lives. The latest hearing aid displays advanced features, such as its cutting-edge technology, owing to which users can experience clear and natural sound quality, that set it apart from traditional hearing aids; at the same time, its sleek and comfortable design provides seamless integration into daily life.
In December 2022, Eargo, Inc., a medical device company aiming to improve the quality of life for people with hearing loss, and NationsBenefits, a foremost provider of supplemental benefits, flex cards, and member engagement solutions for health plans, entered into a strategic partnership. The partnership allows NationsBenefits health plan members to use the plan benefits to purchase Eargo hearing aids. Both companies, via this partnership, plan to focus on forming a pathway for people with hearing loss and offer increased access to high-quality, technology-advanced hearing aids.
In October 2022, Lexie Hearing launched the Lexie B2 hearing aids, powered by Bose, adjoining a third hearing aid model to its audiologist-quality hearing aid products. The second-generation device has been developed in partnership with Bose. Lexie B2 hearing aids are receiver-in-canal hearing aids that provide a more natural and clear sound experience to the user, featuring the world's first self-tuning system that combines with the Lexie app. The device is the first fully rechargeable hearing aid compatible with the Lexie app.
In October 2022, Sony Electronics introduced its first over-the-counter hearing aids in the US market. The company is re-imagining the hearing device space, focusing on innovation, accessibility, and personalization. The unique products were developed in partnership with WS Audiology. The first two products to debut from the partnership included the CRE-C10 and the CRE-E10 self-fitting OTC hearing aids. Sony's goal with these devices is to break down the barriers faced by individuals with signs of mild to moderate hearing loss.
In September 2022, Signia launched Styletto AX, a new hearing aid with two new Augmented Xperience (AX) platform capabilities-My WellBeing and CallControl. These new features help users to live healthier lifestyles through dramatically enhanced hearing and overall wellness. Styletto is the world's first Slim Receiver-in-Canal (SLIM-RIC) hearing aid with a slim and stylish design.
In September 2022, Sony Corporation and WS Audiology Denmark entered into a partnership agreement to develop and supply new products and services in the over-the-counter (OTC) self-fitting hearing aid market, commencing with the US. Through the partnership, both companies plan to combine their technological and medical expertise to create solutions to shape the new field.
In July 2022, Bose Corporation partnered with Lexie Hearing, a direct-to-consumer hearing aid company in the US, to bring self-fitting Bose hearing aids to Lexie Hearing's product portfolio. The new Lexie B1 hearing aids allow users to seamlessly fit, program, and control their hearing devices without needing a doctor's visit, a hearing test, or a prescription. These hearing aids deliver clinically proven audiologist-grade results.
In January 2022, Soundwave Hearing LLC launched a new hearing aid and mobile app, revolutionizing self-fitting hearing aid technology. The Sontro Hearing Aids (Model AI) are wireless, self-programming hearing aids developed to amplify sound for people aged 18 or above with mild to moderate hearing impairment. The state-of-the-art Sontro hearing aids use Bluetooth technology to connect to otoTune, which is a clinically based app that performs a hearing test to determine the user's hearing threshold and listening requirements.
In August 2021, Starkey introduced Evolv AI-a new hearing aid platform. Evolv AI is developed on Starkey Sound, a ground-breaking technology created by refining Starkey's research and science-based algorithms to power high-fidelity audio modeled after the human auditory system. Starkey also launched the industry's smallest 2.4 GHz completely-in-canal hearing aid as part of the Evolv AI line of hearing aids.
In May 2021, Sonova, a global provider of medical hearing solutions, acquired Sennheiser Consumer Business. With the takeover of the Sennheiser Consumer business, the company added headphones and soundbars to its hearing care portfolio, which includes hearing aids, cochlear implants, and other hearing solutions. By acquiring Sennheiser's consumer business, Sonova leverages the complementary expertise of both companies to strengthen and expand its business areas in the future.
Thus, strategic initiatives such as the introduction of innovative products, expansion, and acquisitions by the companies to remain competitive in the market drive the hearing aids market growth.
Product Type-Based Insights
The hearing aids market, by product type, is bifurcated into hearing aid devices and hearing implants. The hearing aid devices segment held a larger hearing aids market share in 2023 and is anticipated to register a higher CAGR during the forecast period.
Type-Based Insights
The hearing aids market, by type, is bifurcated into prescription hearing aids and OTC hearing aids. The prescription hearing aids segment held a larger share of the market in 2023. However, the OTC hearing aids segment is anticipated to register a higher CAGR in the market during the forecast period.
Technology-Based Insights
The hearing aids market, by technology, is segment into sensorineural hearing loss and conductive hearing loss. The sensorineural hearing loss segment held a larger share of the market in 2023 and is anticipated to register a higher CAGR during the forecast period.
Type of Hearing Loss-Based Insights
The hearing aids market, by type of hearing loss, is segment into conventional hearing aids and digital hearing aids. The conventional hearing aids segment held a larger market share in 2023. However, the digital hearing aids segment is anticipated to register a higher CAGR during the forecast period.
Patient Type-Based Insights
The hearing aids market, by patient type, is segment into adults and pediatrics. The adults segment held a larger market share in 2022 and is anticipated to register a higher CAGR during the forecast period.
Distribution Channel-Based Insights
The hearing aids market, by distribution channel, is segment into pharmacies, retail stores, and online. The pharmacies segment held the largest market share in 2023. However, the retail stores segment is projected to register the highest CAGR during the forecast period.
A few of the major primary and secondary sources referred to while preparing the report on the hearing aids market are the World Health Organization (WHO), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), The National Council on Aging, In National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders.