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临床前 CRO 市场 - 2018-2028 年全球产业规模、份额、趋势、机会和预测,按服务、模型类型(患者衍生类器官模型、患者衍生异种移植模型)、最终用途行业、地区、竞争细分Preclinical CRO Market - Global Industry Size, Share, Trends, Opportunity, and Forecast, 2018-2028 Segmented By Service, By Model Type (Patient Derived Organoid Model, Patient derived xenograft model), By End-Use Industry, By Region, Competition |
2022 年,全球临床前 CRO 市场估值达到 58.9 亿美元,预计在预测期内强劲成长,预计复合年增长率 (CAGR) 为 8.53%,到 2028 年预计将达到 96.2 亿美元。
临床前 CRO(合约研究组织)是专门提供用于各种工业应用的水性着色剂的实体,包括食品加工、印刷油墨、木材着色剂、纺织品加工等。这些着色剂对液体和基材具有卓越的选择性吸收性,使其优于颜料等其他赋色材料。临床前 CRO 具有卓越的吸收特性,可在应用于基材时改变其物理和结构特性。然而,值得注意的是,临床前 CRO 的耐光性有限,保存期限也相对较短。因此,它们主要用于在成品製造中需要高透明度的表面涂层、食品和印刷应用。临床前CRO可以根据其在特定介质或底物中的溶解度进行分类,包括碱性临床前CRO、脂溶性临床前CRO和金属络合物临床前CRO。
市场概况 | |
预测期 | 2024-2028 |
2022 年市场规模 | 58.9亿美元 |
2028 年市场规模 | 96.2亿美元 |
2023-2028 年复合年增长率 | 8.53% |
成长最快的细分市场 | 患者衍生类器官 (PDO) 模型 |
最大的市场 | 北美洲 |
外包的成长趋势是全球临床前合约研究组织(CRO)市场扩张的重要动力。製药和生物技术公司越来越多地选择将其临床前研究和开发活动委託给专门的 CRO,而不是在内部进行。这项策略转变使这些公司能够节省与维护内部设施、设备和人员相关的成本。 CRO 通常拥有成熟的基础设施和专业知识,这有助于高效且经济高效地执行临床前研究。外包临床前研究使企业能够将内部资源分配到临床试验、监管事务和商业化等核心活动上,从而提高整体营运效率。临床前 CRO 配备了各个科学学科的专家,提供专业知识和经验。公司可以利用这些专业知识,而无需建立和维护广泛的内部团队。此外,CRO 投资用于临床前研究的最先进技术和设备,为公司提供先进的工具,而无需大量资本投资。外包还为公司提供了根据专案需求扩展临床前活动的灵活性,这对于应对药物开发的动态性质至关重要。临床前 CRO 通常已经建立了流程和工作流程,从而加快了研究执行速度并缩短了开发时间,从而加快了药物开发过程。
处于临床前阶段的药物数量不断增加,大大促进了全球临床前合约研究组织(CRO)市场的成长。随着製药和生物技术公司不断开发更多潜在候选药物,对 CRO 提供的临床前研究和测试服务的需求不断增长。随着越来越多的候选药物进入临床前阶段,更需要进行各种临床前研究,例如安全性评估、功效测试和药物动力学研究。 CRO 有能力同时处理多个项目,并拥有满足不同候选药物(从小分子到生物製剂和新型疗法)多样化需求的专业知识。本公司可能不具备同时进行多项临床前研究所需的内部资源、设备或设施。因此,外包给CRO可以优化资源配置。候选药物数量的不断增加凸显了简化和加速临床前开发流程的重要性。 CRO 凭藉其既定的工作流程和专业知识,有助于加快研究速度,从而更快地进入临床阶段。管理大量临床前专案对公司来说可能具有挑战性。 CRO 提供专门的风险管理策略和工具来应对临床前研究的复杂性,减少代价高昂的失败的可能性。
製药和生物技术产业研发(R&D)成本不断上升是全球临床前合约研究组织(CRO)市场的重要驱动力。随着研发费用持续上升,企业越来越多地转向临床前CRO来优化其药物开发流程、提高成本效益并提高整体效率。内部临床前研究设施,包括基础设施、设备、人员和营运费用,可能会对公司的预算造成压力。外包给临床前 CRO 提供了更具成本效益的替代方案,使公司能够控制和管理其研发支出。透过将临床前研究外包给 CRO,公司可以利用 CRO 现有的基础设施、设备和经验丰富的人员,最大限度地减少对大量资本投资和持续营运成本的需求。将临床前工作外包给 CRO 有助于减轻与失败的候选药物相关的财务风险。 CRO 进行严格的临床前测试,在开发过程的早期发现潜在问题,并减少代价高昂的临床试验失败的可能性。 CRO 通常会聘请各个科学和监管领域的专家,无需庞大的内部团队即可获得广泛的专业知识。这种专业知识可以优化研究设计、执行和资料解释。监管要求和遵守品质标准的需要可能会增加研发成本。临床前 CRO 在应对这些监管环境方面拥有丰富的经验,可确保研究按照指南进行。 CRO 进行的高效临床前研究加速了药物开发过程,使公司能够更快地将有前景的候选药物投入临床试验。这种上市速度可以显着节省成本并增加收入。临床前CRO提供安全性评估、药效测试、药物动力学、毒理学研究等多种服务,企业可依自身需求选择特定服务,优化资源配置。
监管合规性和品质保证给全球合约研究组织 (CRO) 市场带来了重大挑战,特别是在临床前研究方面。製药和生物技术产业受到美国食品药物管理局 (FDA) 和欧洲药品管理局 (EMA) 等卫生当局的严格监管。确保严格按照这些规定进行临床前研究对于获得监管部门批准并进入临床试验至关重要。不同地区和国家的监管要求可能有所不同,因此临床前 CRO 必须与来自不同地理位置的客户合作,引导和协调不同的监管框架,这可能既复杂又耗时。不遵守监管指南可能会导致延误、成本增加,甚至候选药物在后期开发阶段被拒绝。因此,CRO 必须全面了解不断变化的法规,以最大限度地降低不合规风险。
数据解释和报告给全球合约研究组织 (CRO) 市场带来了重大挑战,特别是在临床前研究方面。准确且有意义的资料解释和报告对于药物开发中的明智决策至关重要。临床前研究会产生复杂的多维资料,需要深入了解科学原理、统计分析和生物学背景才能得出准确的结论。生物系统本质上是可变的,CRO 必须考虑资料解释中的这种可变性,以区分真实影响和背景噪音并识别有意义的趋势。现代科技在临床前研究中产生大量资料,管理和分析这些「大资料」可能令人难以承受,需要复杂的生物资讯工具和专业知识。不正确的资料解释可能会
沟通和协作挑战可能会影响全球合约研究组织 (CRO) 市场,特别是在临床前研究背景下。 CRO 与其客户之间的有效沟通与协作对于专案成功至关重要。沟通不良可能会导致 CRO 和客户之间的期望不一致,这可能导致交付成果不符合期望。在日益全球化的行业中,CRO和客户可能来自不同的国家和文化,语言障碍和文化差异会阻碍有效的沟通和协作。临床前研究通常涉及复杂的实验设计和方法,将这些复杂性传达给客户并确保他们对技术方面的理解可能具有挑战性。沟通延迟可能会导致专案中断、错过最后期限并增加成本。清晰、及时的沟通对于保持专案正常进行至关重要,CRO 必须优先考虑清晰、透明和主动的沟通实践。
全球合约研究组织 (CRO) 市场的一个重要趋势是虚拟试验数量的增加,这正在改变临床研究的进行方式。虚拟试验也称为分散临床试验,利用科技远端收集参与者的资料,减少实地考察的需要。这些试验使患者能够在家中参与,从而提高患者招募率和保留率。 CRO 正在调整策略,透过远距医疗、穿戴式装置和行动应用程式虚拟地吸引患者,通常与技术供应商合作,整合用于远端资料收集、患者监测、电子知情同意和远距医疗咨询的数位工具。这种转变需要选择、实施和管理这些技术的专业知识,以及强大的资料管理解决方案来处理大量远端患者产生的资料。虚拟试验减少了对实体试验站点的依赖,简化了操作,提高了效率,并降低了与站点基础设施相关的成本。此外,虚拟试验扩大了对更多样化的患者群体的访问范围,包括以前因地理限製而被排除在外的患者群体,这扩大了潜在的参与者范围并增强了试验结果的普遍性。
2022 年,临床前 CRO 市场以毒理学测试为主,预计未来几年将继续扩大。毒理学测试是全球合约研究组织 (CRO) 市场中至关重要且占主导地位的部分,尤其是在药物开发的临床前阶段。它评估新化合物对生物体的潜在不利影响,有助于在进入临床试验之前确定其安全性。确保潜在候选药物的安全是製药和生物技术公司的首要任务。毒理学研究提供了与新化合物相关的潜在风险和危害的关键资料,预计该细分市场从 2023 年到 2030 年将经历最高的年复合成长率(CAGR)。
2022 年,临床前 CRO 市场由 PDO(患者衍生类器官)领域主导,预计未来几年将继续扩大。 PDO 模型是源自于患者组织的三维细胞培养物,与传统细胞系相比,非常模仿器官的复杂结构和功能。这种高度的患者相关性使得 PDO 成为研究疾病机制、药物反应和个人化治疗的宝贵工具。朝向个人化医疗迈进需要能够复製患者对治疗的特异性反应的模型,而 PDO 模型使研究人员能够研究个别患者的细胞如何对不同的治疗做出反应,从而促进制定量身定制的治疗策略。
2022年,临床前CRO市场由生物製药公司主导,预计这种主导地位在未来几年将继续扩大。生物製药公司通常优先考虑其核心竞争力,例如研究、创新和商业化。将某些职能(包括临床前和临床研究)外包给 CRO 可以使这些公司将内部资源集中在关键领域。 CRO 为生物製药公司提供了一种经济高效的解决方案,消除了对基础设施、设备、人员以及与内部研究活动相关的营运成本的大量投资。 CRO 在进行药物开发的各个方面提供专业知识和经验,包括临床前测试、临床试验、资料分析、监管提交等。生物製药公司可以从获得这些专业技能中受益,而无需维持庞大的内部团队。
亚太地区已成为全球临床前 CRO 市场的领导者。该地区是专注于早期药物发现的成熟 CRO 的所在地,例如 Charles River Laboratories 或 LabCorp。美国在临床前试验外包市场中也发挥着重要作用,因为许多生物製药公司更愿意将临床前试验外包给美国的 CRO,以利用 FDA 批准的研究性新药申请流程。
The Global Preclinical CRO Market reached a valuation of USD 5.89 Billion in 2022 and is poised for robust growth in the forecast period, with a projected Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 8.53% and expected to reach USD 9.62 Billion through 2028.
Preclinical CROs (Contract Research Organizations) are specialized entities that provide aqueous-based colorants used in various industrial applications, including food processing, printing inks, wood stain, textile processing, and more. These colorants offer superior selective absorptivity for liquids and substrates, making them preferable to other color-imparting materials like pigments. Preclinical CROs possess exceptional absorption characteristics that allow for the modification of their physical and structural properties when applied to substrates. However, it's important to note that Preclinical CROs have limited resistance to light and a relatively shorter shelf life. As a result, they are primarily used in surface coating, food, and printing applications that require high levels of transparency in the manufacturing of finished products. Preclinical CROs can be categorized based on their solubility in a specific medium or substrate, including basic Preclinical CROs, fat-soluble Preclinical CROs, and metal complex Preclinical CROs.
Market Overview | |
Forecast Period | 2024-2028 |
Market Size 2022 | USD 5.89 Billion |
Market Size 2028 | USD 9.62 Billion |
CAGR 2023-2028 | 8.53% |
Fastest Growing Segment | Patient Derived Organoid (PDO) Model |
Largest Market | North America |
The growing trend of outsourcing is a significant driver behind the expansion of the Global Preclinical Contract Research Organization (CRO) market. Pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies are increasingly opting to delegate their preclinical research and development activities to specialized CROs rather than conducting them in-house. This strategic shift allows these companies to realize cost savings related to maintaining in-house facilities, equipment, and personnel. CROs often possess established infrastructure and expertise, which leads to the efficient and cost-effective execution of preclinical studies. Outsourcing preclinical research allows companies to allocate their internal resources to core activities such as clinical trials, regulatory affairs, and commercialization, thereby enhancing overall operational efficiency. Preclinical CROs are staffed with experts in various scientific disciplines, providing specialized knowledge and experience. This expertise can be leveraged by companies without the need to build and maintain extensive in-house teams. Moreover, CROs invest in state-of-the-art technologies and equipment for preclinical research, providing companies with access to advanced tools without substantial capital investments. Outsourcing also offers companies the flexibility to scale their preclinical activities based on project needs, which is crucial for navigating the dynamic nature of drug development. Preclinical CROs often have established processes and workflows, resulting in faster study execution and reduced development timelines, accelerating the drug development process.
The increasing number of drugs in preclinical phases contributes significantly to the growth of the Global Preclinical Contract Research Organization (CRO) market. As pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies continue to develop a larger pipeline of potential drug candidates, the demand for preclinical research and testing services provided by CROs grows. With more drug candidates entering preclinical phases, there is a greater need for conducting various preclinical studies, such as safety assessments, efficacy testing, and pharmacokinetics studies. CROs are equipped to handle multiple projects simultaneously and possess expertise in accommodating the diverse needs of different drug candidates, ranging from small molecules to biologics and novel therapies. Companies may not have the internal resources, equipment, or facilities required to conduct multiple preclinical studies concurrently. Therefore, outsourcing to CROs optimizes resource allocation. The increasing number of drug candidates underscores the importance of streamlined and accelerated preclinical development processes. CROs, with their established workflows and expertise, help expedite studies, enabling quicker progression to clinical phases. Managing a large number of preclinical programs can be challenging for companies. CROs provide specialized risk management strategies and tools to navigate the complexities of preclinical research, reducing the potential for costly failures.
The escalating costs of research and development (R&D) in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries are a significant driver of the Global Preclinical Contract Research Organization (CRO) market. As R&D expenses continue to rise, companies increasingly turn to preclinical CROs to optimize their drug development processes, enhance cost-effectiveness, and improve overall efficiency. In-house preclinical research facilities, including infrastructure, equipment, staffing, and operational expenses, can strain a company's budget. Outsourcing to preclinical CROs offers a more cost-effective alternative, enabling companies to contain and manage their R&D expenditures. By outsourcing preclinical studies to CROs, companies can leverage the CROs' established infrastructure, equipment, and experienced personnel, minimizing the need for substantial capital investments and ongoing operational costs. Outsourcing preclinical work to CROs helps mitigate the financial risks associated with failed drug candidates. CROs conduct rigorous preclinical testing, identifying potential issues early in the development process and reducing the likelihood of costly clinical trial failures. CROs often employ specialists in various scientific and regulatory fields, providing access to a broad range of expertise without the need for extensive in-house teams. This expertise optimizes study design, execution, and data interpretation. Regulatory requirements and the need for adherence to quality standards can contribute to R&D costs. Preclinical CROs are experienced in navigating these regulatory landscapes, ensuring studies are conducted in compliance with guidelines. Efficient preclinical research conducted by CROs accelerates the drug development process, enabling companies to move promising candidates into clinical trials more quickly. This speed-to-market can result in significant cost savings and revenue generation. Preclinical CROs offer a variety of services, such as safety assessments, efficacy testing, pharmacokinetics, toxicology studies, and more, allowing companies to choose specific services based on their needs and optimizing resource allocation.
Regulatory compliance and quality assurance present significant challenges to the Global Contract Research Organization (CRO) market, particularly in the context of preclinical research. The pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries are heavily regulated by health authorities such as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA). Ensuring that preclinical studies are conducted in strict accordance with these regulations is essential for obtaining regulatory approvals and advancing to clinical trials. Regulatory requirements can vary between regions and countries, making it necessary for Preclinical CROs working with clients from different geographic locations to navigate and harmonize diverse regulatory frameworks, which can be complex and time-consuming. Failure to comply with regulatory guidelines can lead to delays, increased costs, or even the rejection of drug candidates in later development stages. Therefore, CROs must maintain a thorough understanding of evolving regulations to minimize the risk of non-compliance.
Data interpretation and reporting present significant challenges to the Global Contract Research Organization (CRO) market, particularly in the context of preclinical research. Accurate and meaningful data interpretation and reporting are essential for informed decision-making in drug development. Preclinical studies generate complex and multidimensional data that require a deep understanding of scientific principles, statistical analyses, and biological context to draw accurate conclusions. Biological systems are inherently variable, and CROs must account for this variability in data interpretation to differentiate true effects from background noise and identify meaningful trends. Modern technologies generate vast amounts of data in preclinical studies, and managing and analyzing this "big data" can be overwhelming, requiring sophisticated bioinformatics tools and expertise. Incorrect data interpretation can
lead to false positives (detecting effects that are not real) or false negatives (missing real effects), both of which can have serious consequences for drug development decisions.
Communication and collaboration challenges can impact the Global Contract Research Organization (CRO) market, particularly in the context of preclinical research. Effective communication and collaboration between CROs and their clients are essential for successful project outcomes. Poor communication can lead to misaligned expectations between CROs and clients, potentially resulting in deliverables that do not meet expectations. In an increasingly globalized industry, CROs and clients may come from different countries and cultures, and language barriers and cultural differences can hinder effective communication and collaboration. Preclinical studies often involve complex experimental designs and methodologies, and communicating these intricacies to clients and ensuring their understanding of the technical aspects can be challenging. Delays in communication can lead to project disruptions, missed deadlines, and increased costs. Clear and timely communication is crucial to keep projects on track, and CROs must prioritize clear, transparent, and proactive communication practices.
A significant trend in the Global Contract Research Organization (CRO) market is the increase in the number of virtual trials, which is transforming how clinical research is conducted. Virtual trials, also known as decentralized clinical trials, utilize technology to remotely collect data from participants, reducing the need for physical site visits. These trials enable patients to participate from their homes, resulting in higher patient recruitment and retention rates. CROs are adapting their strategies to engage patients virtually through telehealth, wearables, and mobile apps, often partnering with technology providers to integrate digital tools for remote data collection, patient monitoring, electronic informed consent, and telemedicine consultations. This shift requires expertise in selecting, implementing, and managing these technologies, as well as robust data management solutions to handle large volumes of remote patient-generated data. Virtual trials reduce reliance on physical trial sites, streamlining operations, enhancing efficiency, and reducing costs associated with site infrastructure. Additionally, virtual trials expand access to a more diverse patient population, including those previously excluded due to geographic constraints, which broadens the potential pool of participants and enhances the generalizability of trial results.
In 2022, the Preclinical CRO market was dominated by Toxicology testing and is predicted to continue expanding over the coming years. Toxicology testing is a crucial and dominant segment within the Global Contract Research Organization (CRO) market, especially in the preclinical stage of drug development. It assesses the potential adverse effects of new compounds on living organisms, helping to determine their safety profiles before progressing to clinical trials. Ensuring the safety of potential drug candidates is a top priority for pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies. Toxicology studies provide critical data on the potential risks and hazards associated with new compounds, and this segment is projected to experience the highest compound annual growth rate (CAGR) from 2023 to 2030.
In 2022, the Preclinical CRO market was dominated by the PDO (Patient-Derived Organoid) segment and is predicted to continue expanding over the coming years. PDO models are three-dimensional cell cultures derived from patient tissues, closely mimicking the complex architecture and functionality of organs compared to traditional cell lines. This high level of patient relevance makes PDOs valuable tools for studying disease mechanisms, drug responses, and personalized treatments. The move toward personalized medicine requires models that replicate patient-specific responses to treatments, and PDO models enable researchers to study how individual patients' cells respond to different therapies, facilitating the development of tailored treatment strategies.
In 2022, the Preclinical CRO market was dominated by biopharmaceutical companies, and this dominance is predicted to continue expanding over the coming years. Biopharmaceutical companies often prioritize their core competencies, such as research, innovation, and commercialization. Outsourcing certain functions, including preclinical and clinical research, to CROs allows these companies to concentrate their internal resources on critical areas. CROs offer a cost-effective solution for biopharmaceutical companies, eliminating the need for heavy investments in infrastructure, equipment, personnel, and operational costs associated with in-house research activities. CROs provide specialized expertise and experience in conducting various aspects of drug development, including preclinical testing, clinical trials, data analysis, regulatory submissions, and more. Biopharmaceutical companies benefit from accessing these specialized skills without maintaining an extensive in-house team.
The Asia Pacific region has established itself as the leader in the Global Preclinical CRO Market. The region is home to established CROs focused on early drug discovery, such as Charles River Laboratories or LabCorp. The United States also plays a significant role in the preclinical trial outsourcing market, as many biopharma companies prefer to outsource their preclinical trials to U.S.-based CROs to take advantage of the FDA-approved Investigational New Drug application process.
In this report, the Global Preclinical CRO Market has been segmented into the following categories, in addition to the industry trends which have also been detailed below: