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5G 系统整合市场 - 2018-2028 年全球产业规模、份额、趋势、机会与预测(按服务、垂直产业、按应用、地区、竞争细分)5G System Integration Market - Global Industry Size, Share, Trends, Opportunity, and Forecast Segmented By Services, By Vertical, By Application, By Region, Competition 2018-2028 |
2022 年全球 5G 系统整合市场估值为 85 亿美元,预计在预测期内将显着成长,预计到 2028 年将保持 24.71% 的强劲复合年增长率 (CAGR)。该市场涵盖了整个行业该部门专门从事跨各种企业、行业和组织的5G 技术解决方案的整合和部署。
市场概况 | |
预测期 | 2024-2028 |
2022 年市场规模 | 85亿美元 |
2028 年市场规模 | 335.7亿美元 |
2023-2028 年复合年增长率 | 24.71% |
成长最快的细分市场 | 基础设施 |
最大的市场 | 北美洲 |
总而言之,全球 5G 系统整合市场的特点是跨不同行业的 5G 技术解决方案的整合和部署,促进蓬勃发展的 5G 领域的无缝连接、高级应用、物联网管理、安全和客製化服务。
在重塑电信和技术格局的多种因素的推动下,全球 5G 系统整合市场正在经历显着成长。在这篇全面的分析中,我们将深入探讨 5G 系统整合市场扩张背后的关键驱动因素,并对每个驱动因素进行深入解释。
对行动资料和高频宽应用的需求不断增长是 5G 系统整合的重要驱动力。在本节中,我们将探讨行动资料使用量激增背后的原因,包括视讯串流、游戏和物联网,以及 5G 如何满足这些需求。物联网 (IoT) 是 5G 最有前途的领域之一。本节将解释物联网革命如何推动 5G 系统整合的需求,重点关注连接设备的数量、低延迟要求以及 5G 在实现物联网应用中的作用。
第四次工业革命通常称为工业 4.0,在很大程度上依赖先进的连接和自动化。我们将探讨 5G 系统整合如何成为智慧製造的催化剂,解释网路切片和边缘运算等概念及其在这项转型中的作用。远距医疗和医疗保健转型。远距医疗和远距医疗保健服务势头强劲,尤其是在全球健康危机之后。本节将详细介绍 5G 系统整合如何支援远距医疗、远距手术和其他医疗保健创新,从而增强全球患者护理。随着自动驾驶汽车的出现,汽车产业正处于变革的风口浪尖。我们将解释 5G 的低延迟和高可靠性对于连网和自动驾驶车辆的重要性,以及系统整合商在该生态系统中的作用。
随着城市人口的增加和互联程度的提高,对智慧城市解决方案的需求变得至关重要。本节将讨论5G系统整合如何促进智慧城市发展,包括在交通、公共安全和环境监测方面的应用。 5G 提供更快的下载和上传速度,改善消费者的使用者体验。本节将深入探讨 5G 系统整合如何增强行动宽频服务,实现扩增实境 (AR)、虚拟实境 (VR) 和其他沉浸式体验。 5G支援的边缘运算使运算资源更接近资料来源,减少延迟并提高处理能力。我们将解释这如何推动 5G 系统整合的需求及其对各行业的影响。随着 5G 网路的复杂性日益增加以及连接设备的激增,安全和隐私问题变得至关重要。在本节中,我们将探讨系统整合商在应对这些挑战和确保 5G 网路安全方面的作用。政府政策和法规在塑造 5G 格局方面发挥着重要作用。我们将讨论政府措施和监管支援如何影响 5G 网路的部署以及系统整合商在合规方面的作用。在结论部分,我们将总结全球 5G 系统整合市场的主要驱动因素及其影响。我们还将深入了解市场前景以及系统整合商在不断发展的 5G 生态系统中可能面临的挑战。
5G 系统整合面临的最重要挑战之一是所需的大规模基础设施部署。在本节中,我们将解释建造 5G 基础设施的复杂性,包括对新蜂窝塔、小型蜂窝和光纤的需求,以及所涉及的大量成本。频谱分配和监管障碍 频谱分配和监管批准对于 5G 部署至关重要。我们将探讨与频谱可用性、拍卖和监管合规性相关的挑战及其对系统整合市场的影响。随着 5G 网路变得更加复杂和互联,安全和隐私问题也日益加剧。在本节中,我们将深入研究不断演变的威胁、漏洞以及对强大安全措施的需求,包括加密、身份验证和威胁侦测。确保来自不同製造商的各种组件和设备能够无缝地协同工作是一项重大挑战。我们将解释互通性的重要性以及国际标准机构在解决此问题中的作用。
5G网路的部署和维护需要高技能的劳动力。我们将讨论 5G 系统整合市场的人才短缺和技能差距,并探索潜在的解决方案和培训计划。 5G 基础设施的能源消耗令人担忧,特别是在环境永续发展的背景下。本节将深入探讨 5G 对环境的影响,并讨论减轻其碳足迹的策略。确保 5G 网路覆盖农村和偏远地区是一项挑战。我们将探讨数位落差、在人口稀少地区部署 5G 的经济挑战以及政府措施等潜在解决方案。随着越来越多的设备连接到 5G 网络,网路拥塞和服务品质成为关键问题。我们将解释这些挑战如何影响使用者体验以及系统整合商在优化网路效能方面的作用。 5G 网路中海量资料的收集和处理引发了人们对资料隐私和道德的担忧。包括资料所有权、同意和负责任地使用资料。 5G技术的全球性导致了国际竞争和地缘政治紧张局势。我们将探讨不同国家和公司在 5G 竞赛中的作用以及对系统整合商的影响。在结论部分,我们将总结全球 5G 系统整合市场面临的主要挑战及其对市场成长和发展的潜在影响。我们还将提供有助于应对这些挑战的策略和解决方案的见解。
5G系统整合市场最突出的趋势之一是5G网路覆盖范围的不断扩大。电信公司和服务供应商正在积极部署 5G 基础设施,以涵盖更多地理区域。此次扩展旨在为城市、郊区和农村带来高速连接,为系统整合商支援网路部署提供新的机会。随着 5G 覆盖范围的扩大,系统整合商的任务是将基地台和小型基地台等 5G 基础设施组件无缝整合到现有网路中。这一趋势有助于市场成长,因为系统整合商在确保高效网路扩展方面发挥着至关重要的作用。对客製化5G网路解决方案的需求不断增长。从製造业到医疗保健,不同的行业都有独特的连接要求。系统整合商正在透过客製化 5G 网路来满足特定需求。
例如,在製造业中,正在部署专用 5G 网路来支援工业自动化和物联网应用。
5G系统整合市场最重要的趋势之一是5G基础设施的广泛扩展。电信公司正在城乡地区部署5G网络,为系统整合商创造了新的机会。 5G基础设施的部署涉及整合各种元素,包括硬体、软体和网路组件,以确保无缝网路运作。边缘运算越来越受到重视,因为它可以实现更快的资料处理并减少延迟。在5G背景下,边缘运算融合正成为关键趋势。系统整合商正在努力将边缘运算解决方案无缝整合到 5G 网路中,以支援自动驾驶汽车、物联网设备和扩增实境/虚拟实境 (AR/VR) 体验等即时应用。网路切片是重塑 5G 格局的另一个趋势。它涉及在单一实体网路基础架构中建立多个虚拟网络,每个虚拟网路都针对特定用例进行客製化。系统整合商在开发和管理这些网路切片、满足医疗保健、製造和娱乐等行业的多样化需求方面发挥着至关重要的作用。
随着透过 5G 网路传输的敏感资料激增,安全和隐私已成为首要问题。系统整合商致力于实施强大的安全措施,包括加密、身份验证和入侵侦测系统,以保护资料并确保隐私合规性。安全 5G 系统的整合对于企业和消费者都至关重要。人工智慧 (AI) 和自动化正在改变 5G 系统整合格局。人工智慧驱动的工具用于优化网路效能、预测和预防网路故障以及提高服务品质。系统整合商正在整合人工智慧驱动的解决方案,以简化整合流程并提供主动维护。物联网 (IoT) 正在推动资料流量激增,而 5G 网路是物联网连接的支柱。系统整合商正在致力于将物联网设备无缝整合到 5G 网路中,为智慧城市、工业自动化和互联医疗解决方案创造机会。随着物联网采用的不断增长,这一趋势有望加速。
2022年,基础设施整合领域的收入份额将超过39.0%,引领5G系统整合市场。 2023年至2030年,预计复合年增长率最快可达30%。造成这种情况的原因是人们日益渴望将当前网路基础设施与下一代网路基础设施整合。因此,整合遗留基础设施使用户能够存取具有改进功能的相同设备,从而降低硬体成本。此外,网路整合、楼宇管理和资料中心基础设施管理(DCIM)都包含在基础设施系统整合服务中。在预测期内,咨询业务预计将以相当大的复合年增长率扩张。由于对网路设备等5G技术的需求迅速成长,商业企业首先求助于系统整合商为其组织设计升级的网路架构。透过使用这种设计,企业可以更快地提高整体营运产出。此外,预计在整个预测期内,由于各公司对多供应商基于云端的应用程式的需求不断增加,对应用程式整合服务的需求将会增加。
到 2022 年,IT 和电信行业的市场份额将超过 29%,预计在 2023 年至 2030 年间将快速增长。这可能是由于不同 IT 和电信公司对 5G 集成服务的需求快速增长支持新无线电(NR)波。由于整合企业网路基础设施和资料中心网路硬体的需求健康成长,IT和电信领域对5G系统整合服务的需求预计将大幅成长。此外,由于更重视在虚拟会议期间提供一致的连接以减少专家或顾问的整体旅行时间,预计 5G 网路服务在预测期内将得到大量企业采用。
到2022 年,家庭和办公室宽频市场的市场份额将超过25.0%,预计在2023 年至2030 年间将大幅增长。这是因为对5G 系统整合服务的需求不断增加,这些服务最初透过增强型行动宽频连接消费者和企业(eMBB)。此外,由于全球快速发展的智慧城市中物联网设备显着增加,预计对 5G 系统整合服务的需求将扩大,以使这些设备与下一代网路服务相容。从2023年到2030年,此因素预计将显着加速智慧城市应用类别的扩张。
北美地区已成为全球5G系统整合市场的领导者,2022年营收份额显着。北美地区2022年营收份额超过35.0%,在全球市场占据主导地位。这与主要 IT 和电信企业的存在有关,包括思科系统公司、IBM 公司和微软公司。由于 AT&T Inc. 和Verizon Communications Inc.预计这一因素将加速该地区市场的整体成长。
The Global 5G System Integration Market, with a valuation of USD 8.5 Billion in 2022, is poised for significant growth in the forecast period, projected to maintain a robust Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 24.71% through 2028. This market encompasses the industry segment specialized in the integration and deployment of 5G technology solutions across various businesses, industries, and organizations.
System integration within the context of 5G involves the harmonious amalgamation of different hardware and software components into a unified and functional system, ensuring their seamless collaboration to achieve specific objectives or deliver services. This integration covers several key areas:
Market Overview | |
Forecast Period | 2024-2028 |
Market Size 2022 | USD 8.5 Billion |
Market Size 2028 | USD 33.57 Billion |
CAGR 2023-2028 | 24.71% |
Fastest Growing Segment | Infrastructure |
Largest Market | North America |
In summary, the Global 5G System Integration Market is characterized by the integration and deployment of 5G technology solutions across diverse sectors, facilitating seamless connectivity, advanced applications, IoT management, security, and custom services within the burgeoning 5G landscape.
Key Market Drivers
The global 5G System Integration market is experiencing remarkable growth, driven by several factors that are reshaping the telecommunications and technology landscape. In this comprehensive analysis, we will delve into the critical drivers behind the expansion of the 5G System Integration market and provide in-depth explanations for each of these drivers.
IoT Revolution and Massive Machine Connectivity
The ever-increasing demand for mobile data and bandwidth-hungry applications is a significant driver for 5G system integration. In this section, we'll explore the reasons behind the surge in mobile data usage, including video streaming, gaming, and the IoT, and how 5G addresses these demands. The Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the most promising domains for 5G. This section will explain how the IoT revolution is driving the need for 5G system integration, with a focus on the sheer number of connected devices, low-latency requirements, and the role of 5G in enabling IoT applications.
Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing
The Fourth Industrial Revolution, often referred to as Industry 4.0, relies heavily on advanced connectivity and automation. We'll explore how 5G System Integration is a catalyst for smart manufacturing, explaining concepts like network slicing and edge computing and their role in this transformation. Telemedicine and Healthcare Transformation. Telemedicine and remote healthcare services have gained momentum, especially in the wake of global health crises. This section will detail how 5G System Integration supports telemedicine, remote surgery, and other healthcare innovations, enhancing patient care worldwide. The automotive industry is on the cusp of a transformation with the advent of autonomous vehicles. We'll explain how 5G's low latency and high reliability are essential for connected and autonomous vehicles, along with the role of system integrators in this ecosystem.
Smart Cities and Urban Development
As cities become more populated and interconnected, the need for smart city solutions becomes paramount. This section will discuss how 5G System Integration contributes to smart city development, including applications in transportation, public safety, and environmental monitoring. 5G offers significantly faster download and upload speeds, improving the user experience for consumers. This section will delve into how 5G System Integration enhances mobile broadband services, enabling augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and other immersive experiences. Edge computing, enabled by 5G, brings computing resources closer to the data source, reducing latency and improving processing capabilities. We'll explain how this drives the need for 5G System Integration and its impact on various industries. With the increasing complexity of 5G networks and the proliferation of connected devices, security and privacy concerns have become paramount. In this section, we'll explore the role of system integrators in addressing these challenges and ensuring the security of 5G networks. Government policies and regulations play a significant role in shaping the 5G landscape. We'll discuss how government initiatives and regulatory support influence the deployment of 5G networks and the role of system integrators in compliance. In the conclusion section, we'll summarize the key drivers of the global 5G System Integration market and their implications. We'll also provide insights into the outlook of the market and the challenges that system integrators may face in the evolving 5G ecosystem.
Key Market Challenges
Infrastructure Deployment and Costs
One of the foremost challenges in 5G System Integration is the massive infrastructure deployment required. In this section, we'll explain the intricacies of building a 5G infrastructure, including the need for new cell towers, small cells, and fiber optics, along with the substantial costs involved. Spectrum Allocation and Regulatory Hurdles The allocation of spectrum and regulatory approvals are critical for 5G deployment. We'll explore the challenges associated with spectrum availability, auctions, and regulatory compliance, and their impact on the system integration market. As 5G networks become more complex and interconnected, security and privacy concerns intensify. In this section, we'll delve into the evolving threats, vulnerabilities, and the need for robust security measures, including encryption, authentication, and threat detection. Ensuring that various components and devices from different manufacturers can work seamlessly together is a significant challenge. We'll explain the importance of interoperability and the role of international standards bodies in addressing this issue.
Talent Shortage and Skill Gap
The deployment and maintenance of 5G networks require a highly skilled workforce. We'll discuss the talent shortage and skill gap in the 5G System Integration market and explore potential solutions and training initiatives. The energy consumption of 5G infrastructure is a concern, especially in the context of environmental sustainability. This section will delve into the environmental impact of 5G and discuss strategies for mitigating its carbon footprint. Ensuring that 5G networks reach rural and remote areas is a challenge. We'll explore the digital divide, the economic challenges of deploying 5G in less populated areas, and potential solutions such as government initiatives. As more devices connect to 5G networks, network congestion and quality of service become critical issues. We'll explain how these challenges can affect user experience and the role of system integrators in optimizing network performance. The collection and processing of massive amounts of data in 5G networks raise concerns about data privacy and ethics. Including data ownership, consent, and the responsible use of data. The global nature of 5G technology has led to international competition and geopolitical tensions. We'll explore the role of various countries and companies in the 5G race and the implications for system integrators. In the conclusion section, we'll summarize the key challenges facing the global 5G System Integration market and their potential impact on the market's growth and development. We'll also provide insights into strategies and solutions that can help address these challenges.
Key Market Trends
Expansion of 5G Network Coverage
One of the most prominent trends in the 5G System Integration market is the ongoing expansion of 5G network coverage. Telecommunication companies and service providers are aggressively deploying 5G infrastructure to cover more geographical areas. This expansion aims to bring high-speed connectivity to urban, suburban, and rural regions alike, opening up new opportunities for system integrators to support network deployment. As 5G coverage extends, system integrators are tasked with seamlessly integrating 5G infrastructure components, such as base stations and small cells, into existing networks. This trend contributes to market growth as system integrators play a crucial role in ensuring efficient network expansion. The demand for customized 5G network solutions is on the rise. Different industries, from manufacturing to healthcare, have unique connectivity requirements. System integrators are responding by tailoring 5G networks to meet specific needs.
For example, in manufacturing, private 5G networks are being deployed to support industrial automation and IoT applications.
One of the most significant trends in the 5G System Integration market is the widespread expansion of 5G infrastructure. Telecommunication companies are rolling out 5G networks in urban and rural areas, creating new opportunities for system integrators. The deployment of 5G infrastructure involves integrating various elements, including hardware, software, and network components, to ensure seamless network operations. Edge computing is gaining prominence as it allows for faster data processing and reduced latency. In the context of 5G, edge computing integration is becoming a crucial trend. System integrators are working to seamlessly integrate edge computing solutions into 5G networks to support real-time applications such as autonomous vehicles, IoT devices, and augmented reality/virtual reality (AR/VR) experiences. Network slicing is another trend that is reshaping the 5G landscape. It involves creating multiple virtual networks within a single physical network infrastructure, each tailored to specific use cases. System integrators play a vital role in developing and managing these network slices, catering to the diverse needs of industries like healthcare, manufacturing, and entertainment.
AI and Automation
With the proliferation of sensitive data being transmitted over 5G networks, security and privacy have become paramount concerns. System integrators are focusing on implementing robust security measures, including encryption, authentication, and intrusion detection systems, to protect data and ensure privacy compliance. The integration of secure 5G systems is critical for businesses and consumers alike. Artificial intelligence (AI) and automation are transforming the 5G System Integration landscape. AI-powered tools are used to optimize network performance, predict and prevent network failures, and enhance the quality of service. System integrators are incorporating AI-driven solutions to streamline the integration process and provide proactive maintenance. The Internet of Things (IoT) is driving a surge in data traffic, and 5G networks are the backbone of IoT connectivity. System integrators are working on integrating IoT devices seamlessly into 5G networks, creating opportunities for smart cities, industrial automation, and connected healthcare solutions. This trend is poised to accelerate as IoT adoption continues to grow.
Segmental Insights
Services Insights
With a revenue share of more than 39.0% in 2022, the infrastructure integration segment led the 5G System Integration market. From 2023 to 2030, it is anticipated to see the fastest CAGR of 30%. The increasing desire for the fusion of current network infrastructure with next-generation network infrastructure is to blame for this. Therefore, integrating legacy infrastructure enables users to access the same gear with improved functionalities, lowering the cost of hardware as a result. Additionally, network integration, building management, and data center infrastructure management (DCIM) are all included in the infrastructure system integration services. During the projection period, the consultancy segment is expected to expand at a considerable CAGR. Business businesses first turn to system integrators to design upgraded network architecture for their organizations due to the rapidly increasing need for 5G technology, such as network equipment. With the use of this design, businesses may increase operational output overall more quickly. Additionally, it is predicted that throughout the course of the forecast period, the necessity for application integration services would increase due to the increasing demand for multi-vendor cloud-based applications across companies.
Vertical Insights
With a market share of more than 29% in 2022, the IT and telecom sector is expected to grow at a rapid rate between 2023 and 2030. This can be due to the rapidly growing need for 5G integration services among different IT and telecom firms to support new radio (NR) waves. The demand for 5G System Integration services in the IT and telecom sector is expected to expand significantly due to a healthy increase in demand for integrating enterprise network infrastructure and data center network hardware. In addition, 5G network services are anticipated to have significant enterprise adoption over the projection period as a result of a greater emphasis on delivering consistent connectivity during a virtual conference to cut down on a specialist or consultant's overall trip time.
Application Insights
With a market share of more than 25.0% in 2022, the home and office broadband segment is anticipated to grow significantly between 2023 and 2030. This is explained by the increased demand for 5G System Integration services to initially connect consumers and businesses via enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB). Additionally, the demand for 5G System Integration services to make these devices compatible with next-generation network services is anticipated to expand due to the notable increase in IoT devices throughout fast growing smart cities around the world. From 2023 to 2030, this factor is predicted to significantly accelerate the expansion of the smart city application category.
Regional Insights
The North America region has established itself as the leader in the Global 5G System Integration Market with a significant revenue share in 2022. With a revenue share of more than 35.0% in 2022, North America dominated the global market. This is linked to the presence of major IT and telecom businesses including Cisco Systems, Inc., IBM Corporation, and Microsoft Corporation. A significant need to integrate overall infrastructure and applications across numerous verticals, such as IT and telecom, energy & utilities, and healthcare, is also anticipated as a result of growing investments in the deployment of 5G infrastructure by major market players like AT&T Inc. and Verizon Communications Inc. This element is predicted to accelerate the regional market's overall growth.