云端资料库和 DBaaS 市场 - 全球产业规模、份额、趋势、机会和预测,按资料库类型、元件、最终用途产业、企业规模、部署、地区、竞争细分,2018-2028 年Cloud Database and DBaaS Market - Global Industry Size, Share, Trends, Opportunity, and Forecast, Segmented By Database Type, By Component, By End-use Industry, By Enterprise Size, By Deployment, By Region, By Competition, 2018-2028 |
2022 年全球云端资料库和 DBaaS 市场价值为 145 亿美元,预计到 2028 年预测期内将实现强劲增长,复合CAGR为 15.8%。全球云端资料库和资料库即服务 (DBaaS) 市场目前正在经历变革对灵活、可扩展的资料管理解决方案不断增长的需求推动了这一非凡的转变。世界各地的组织正在认识到将资料操作迁移到云端的优势,因为它使他们能够简化资料库管理、降低基础设施成本并提高可存取性。基于云端的资料库和 DBaaS 供应商提供一系列服务,包括资料储存、处理和分析,所有服务都託管在云端平台上。这种转变使企业能够专注于核心运营,同时将复杂的资料库管理工作留给专家服务提供者。
市场概况 | |
预测期 | 2024-2028 |
2022 年市场规模 | 145亿美元 |
2028 年市场规模 | 367.1亿美元 |
2023-2028 年CAGR | 15.8% |
成长最快的细分市场 | NoSQL 资料库 |
最大的市场 | 北美洲 |
由于云端运算的快速采用,全球云端资料库和 DBaaS 市场正在经历显着成长。与传统的本地资料库相比,云端资料库具有许多优势,例如可扩展性、灵活性和成本效益。组织越来越多地将资料迁移到云端,以利用这些优势并提高营运效率。云端资料库消除了组织投资昂贵的硬体和基础设施的需要,因为他们可以根据自己的需求轻鬆扩展或缩减资料库资源。这种可扩展性使组织能够处理大量资料并适应波动的工作负载而不会造成任何中断。此外,云端资料库提供增强的资料安全和灾难復原功能,确保组织的资料始终受到保护和可存取。随着越来越多的组织认识到云端资料库的优势,对DBaaS等云端资料库服务的需求预计将大幅成长。
组织产生的资料呈指数级增长,迫切需要高效的资料管理和分析解决方案。云端资料库和 DBaaS 平台为组织提供了有效储存、管理和分析资料的工具和基础设施。这些解决方案提供先进的资料管理功能,例如资料整合、资料清理和资料治理,使组织能够在其营运中保持资料品质和一致性。此外,云端资料库提供内建分析功能,使组织能够从资料中获得有价值的见解并做出资料驱动的决策。对大型资料集执行即时分析的能力对于金融、医疗保健和电子商务等行业的组织尤其有价值,这些行业的及时洞察可以推动竞争优势。随着组织越来越认识到资料管理和分析的重要性,对云端资料库和 DBaaS 解决方案的需求预计将激增。
成本优化是采用云端资料库和 DBaaS 解决方案的关键驱动力。传统的本地资料库需要在硬体、软体许可证和 IT 基础架构方面进行大量前期投资。相较之下,云端资料库和 DBaaS 平台提供按需付费的定价模式,允许组织只需为其消耗的资源付费。这消除了大量前期投资的需要,并为组织提供了更大的灵活性和成本控制。此外,云端资料库消除了与维护和升级硬体和软体相关的成本,因为这些责任由云端服务供应商负责。组织还可以从规模经济中受益,因为云端服务供应商可以跨多个客户端利用其基础设施和资源,从而降低各个组织的成本。与云端资料库和 DBaaS 解决方案相关的成本节省使其成为寻求优化 IT 预算和降低营运费用的组织的有吸引力的选择。
资料安全性和合规性是组织选择资料库解决方案时的关键考虑因素。云端资料库和 DBaaS 平台提供强大的安全功能和合规性认证,确保组织的资料受到保护并满足监管要求。云端服务供应商在加密、存取控制和威胁侦测等安全措施上投入巨资,以保护客户的资料。此外,云端资料库提供内建的备份和灾难復原功能,最大限度地降低资料遗失的风险并确保业务连续性。云端服务供应商也会定期接受审核和认证,以证明其符合行业标准和法规,例如 GDPR 和 HIPAA。对资料安全性和合规性的关注正在推动组织采用云端资料库和 DBaaS 解决方案,因为它们为其资料提供了安全且合规的环境。
大资料和物联网技术的出现推动了对云端资料库和 DBaaS 解决方案的需求。大资料分析要求组织处理和分析来自社群媒体、感测器和交易系统等各种来源的大量资料。云端资料库提供有效处理大资料工作负载所需的可扩充性和处理能力。此外,物联网设备会产生大量需要即时收集、储存和分析的资料。云端资料库和 DBaaS 平台提供了必要的基础架构和工具来有效管理物联网资料并获得可行的见解。处理大资料和物联网工作负载的能力是组织采用云端资料库和 DBaaS 解决方案的关键驱动力,因为它们使组织能够利用这些技术的力量并释放其全部潜力。
全球云端资料库和资料库即服务 (DBaaS) 市场中的组织面临的一个重大挑战是将本地资料库迁移到云端的复杂性。迁移大量敏感资料,同时确保资料完整性和安全性可能是一项艰鉅的任务。成功的迁移需要仔细的规划、专业知识和协调。组织经常努力做出选择正确的迁移策略的决定,例如重新託管、重构或重建资料库,这可能会产生成本和时间影响。克服这些迁移挑战需要全面了解组织的资料环境以及由强大的工具和资源支援的明确的迁移策略。
确保资料安全并符合法规是云端资料库和 DBaaS 市场中持续存在的挑战。在云端储存资料会引发对资料外洩、未经授权的存取以及遵守 GDPR 和 HIPAA 等资料保护法律的担忧。组织需要实施严格的安全措施、加密协定和存取控制来保护其资料。遵守特定行业法规会增加复杂性,因为不同行业有独特的资料处理要求。应对这些挑战需要采取全面的资料安全方法,包括定期审核、监控和主动威胁侦测,以降低风险并维持合规性。
虽然可扩展性是云端资料库和 DBaaS 的关键优势,但它也带来了与成本管理相关的挑战。组织需要在根据需求增加或减少资源和优化成本之间取得平衡。过度配置可能会导致不必要的开支,而配置不足可能会导致效能问题。有效的成本管理涉及持续监控资源利用率、采用自动扩展机制以及利用云端服务供应商提供的成本优化工具。组织还必须注意隐性成本,例如资料传输和出口费用,这些成本可能会显着影响总拥有成本。
全球云端资料库和 DBaaS 市场的关键驱动力之一是这些解决方案提供的可扩展性和灵活性。云端资料库可以根据组织不断变化的需求轻鬆扩展或缩小,使它们能够处理不同的工作负载并适应资料成长。这种可扩展性确保组织可以有效地管理其资料库,而无需担心容量限制。
此外,云端资料库解决方案可让组织根据其特定要求选择最合适的资料库管理系统(DBMS),从而提供灵活性。无论是关联式资料库、NoSQL 资料库或专用资料库,组织都可以利用云端资料库的灵活性来选择符合其资料管理需求的正确解决方案。
安全性和合规性是组织在管理资料库时的关键考虑因素。云端 DBaaS 供应商提供强大的安全措施和合规框架,以确保敏感资料的保护和隐私。这些提供者在先进的安全技术、加密、存取控制和定期安全审核方面投入巨资,以降低资料外洩和未经授权的存取的风险。
透过利用 AI 和 ML 功能,云端资料库和 DBaaS 供应商可以提供自动效能调整、预测分析和异常检测等智慧功能。这些先进技术提高了资料库操作的效率和可靠性,使组织能够做出数据驱动的决策并优化其整体业务绩效。
在组件方面,市场进一步细分为解决方案和服务。此解决方案部分进一步分为资料库管理和储存。 2022 年,解决方案领域的收入份额最大,为 54.3%,预计在预测期内将继续主导该产业。解决方案部分是指云端资料库和 DBaaS 供应商为其客户提供的一系列产品,以满足他们的特定资料库需求。解决方案部分包括许多服务,例如资料迁移、备份和復原、效能调整、安全性和可扩展性。这些服务可协助企业优化其资料库基础架构、降低成本并提高效率。
云端资料库和 DBaaS 供应商为其客户提供各种解决方案,从主资料库託管到进阶分析和资料管理服务。预计服务领域在预测期内将出现 17.3% 的最高成长率。服务部分分为专业服务和託管服务。市场是指帮助组织实施、管理和优化其云端资料库的供应商产品。这些服务还包括咨询、支援、培训、迁移以及持续维护和监控。
咨询服务可以帮助组织确定哪种类型的云端资料库或 DBaaS 解决方案最适合其需求,并提供有关实施并将其与现有系统整合的指导。支援服务对于确保快速有效地解决资料库的任何问题至关重要。培训服务可以帮助组织加快使用和优化其云端资料库的速度,而迁移服务可以帮助他们将现有资料迁移到云端。
根据部署,全球市场分为公共、私有和混合。到 2022 年,混合细分市场将占据最大的收入份额,达到 47.8%。混合云资料库的采用变得越来越流行,因为它为企业提供了使用本地资料库和基于云端的资料库的灵活性。这种混合方法使公司能够利用基于云端的资料库的优势,例如可扩展性和成本节约,同时仍保持对其敏感资料的控制并遵守资料主权法规。此外,混合云资料库为希望保持对其敏感资料的控制同时又利用基于云端的资料库的优势的企业提供了灵活且经济高效的解决方案。
随着混合云资料库的日益普及,预计将在预测期内推动市场发展。另一方面,私有云领域预计在预测期内CAGR最高,达到 19.2%。私有云基础架构为储存、处理和管理资料提供了专用且隔离的环境。可以客製化和优化私有云资料库,以满足组织的特定需求和要求,例如效能、可扩展性、可用性和灾难復原。因此,预计这些因素将在预测期内推动该细分市场的成长。
根据企业规模,全球市场分为中小企业(SME)和大型企业。 2022 年,大型企业细分市场占据最大收入份额,达到 53.0%,预计在预测期内将维持此地位。由于数位化的快速加速,大型企业正在透过迁移到云端资料库解决方案来获得显着的竞争优势。大型组织通常有复杂多样的资料需求,这对于使用传统的本地资料库进行管理可能具有挑战性。云端资料库提供几乎无限的可扩展性,使组织能够随着资料需求随着时间的推移而增加,快速、有效率、轻鬆地添加更多储存容量或处理能力。这意味着他们可以避免维护本地基础设施的成本和复杂性。
2022 年 12 月,云端原生分散式 SQL 资料库公司 Cockroach Labs 与独立技术和服务供应商 Computacenter plc 合作,以增强和促进云端原生技术的广泛利用。这种协作使大型企业能够简化迁移、自动化手动任务并提高有效性和效率。另一方面,中小企业领域预计在预测期内CAGR最高,达 17.2%。中小企业越来越多地采用云端资料库和资料库即服务 (DBaaS) 解决方案。云端资料库和 DBaaS 解决方案可以为中小企业提供一种经济高效、可扩展且可靠的资料管理方式,而无需昂贵的本地基础设施。云端资料库和 DBaaS 对中小企业的主要好处之一是它可以提供一种更具成本效益的方式来管理资料。
2022 年,北美以 35.1% 的份额主导市场,预计在预测期内将占据主导地位。近年来,北美地区对云端资料库的需求大幅成长。这种成长是由多种因素推动的,包括各行业越来越多地采用基于云端的技术以及大资料和分析的兴起。此外,云端运算的扩展是推动该地区云端资料库成长的主要因素之一。随着越来越多的企业迁移到云端,对基于云端的资料储存解决方案的需求不断增长。
该地区的组织正在推出其云端资料库解决方案的最新更新,以获得相对于竞争对手的竞争优势。例如,2022年10月,Nutanix宣布推出其Nutanix Cloud Cluster混合云元件的最新更新,该元件允许组织在Microsoft Azure上运行Nutanix云端平台软体。 NC2 是一个混合多云系统,同时支援 AWS 和 Azure 云端。它使运行企业应用程式的消费者 VNet 能够快速利用 Azure 服务。预计亚太地区在预测期内将以 19.3% 的最高CAGR成长。
该区域市场受到云端运算公司投资增加的推动。例如,2022年9月,阿里巴巴云端运算子公司阿里云宣布计画投资10亿美元,帮助客户采用云端运算解决方案,重振成长并巩固公司的市场地位。这项投资特别着重于为各行业的客户提供云端运算服务,包括资料储存、人工智慧 (AI) 和分析功能。此举正值中国和全球云端运算市场竞争激烈之际,腾讯、华为科技有限公司和亚马逊网路服务公司等科技巨头争夺市场份额。
Global Cloud Database and DBaaS Market has valued at USD 14.5 Billion in 2022 and is anticipated to project robust growth in the forecast period with a CAGR of 15.8% through 2028. The Global Cloud Database and Database as a Service (DBaaS) Market is currently undergoing a remarkable transformation, driven by the escalating demand for flexible and scalable data management solutions. Organizations around the world are recognizing the advantages of migrating their data operations to the cloud, as it enables them to streamline their database management, reduce infrastructure costs, and improve accessibility. Cloud-based databases and DBaaS providers offer a range of services, including data storage, processing, and analytics, all hosted on cloud platforms. This shift allows businesses to focus on their core operations while leaving the intricacies of database management to expert service providers.
Furthermore, the global proliferation of data, fueled by the Internet of Things (IoT) and Big Data analytics, has led to an exponential growth in data storage needs. Cloud databases offer the scalability required to accommodate this data deluge. They also provide real-time data access from anywhere with an internet connection, facilitating remote work and enhancing collaboration. Additionally, the market is witnessing increased adoption in sectors such as finance, healthcare, e-commerce, and manufacturing, as they leverage cloud databases to streamline their operations, enhance customer experiences, and gain data-driven insights. With the continuous evolution of cloud technology and a growing recognition of its benefits, the Global Cloud Database and DBaaS Market is expected to sustain its upward trajectory in the coming years, promising improved data management and operational efficiency for businesses worldwide.
Market Overview | |
Forecast Period | 2024-2028 |
Market Size 2022 | USD 14.5 Billion |
Market Size 2028 | USD 36.71 Billion |
CAGR 2023-2028 | 15.8% |
Fastest Growing Segment | NoSQL databases |
Largest Market | North America |
The global cloud database and DBaaS market is experiencing significant growth due to the rapid adoption of cloud computing. Cloud databases offer numerous advantages over traditional on-premises databases, such as scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness. Organizations are increasingly migrating their data to the cloud to leverage these benefits and improve their operational efficiency. Cloud databases eliminate the need for organizations to invest in expensive hardware and infrastructure, as they can easily scale their database resources up or down based on their requirements. This scalability allows organizations to handle large volumes of data and accommodate fluctuating workloads without any disruptions. Additionally, cloud databases offer enhanced data security and disaster recovery capabilities, ensuring that organizations' data is always protected and accessible. As more organizations recognize the advantages of cloud databases, the demand for cloud database services, such as DBaaS, is expected to grow significantly.
The exponential growth of data generated by organizations has created a pressing need for efficient data management and analytics solutions. Cloud databases and DBaaS platforms provide organizations with the tools and infrastructure to store, manage, and analyze their data effectively. These solutions offer advanced data management features, such as data integration, data cleansing, and data governance, which enable organizations to maintain data quality and consistency across their operations. Moreover, cloud databases provide built-in analytics capabilities, allowing organizations to derive valuable insights from their data and make data-driven decisions. The ability to perform real-time analytics on large datasets is particularly valuable for organizations in industries such as finance, healthcare, and e-commerce, where timely insights can drive competitive advantage. As organizations increasingly recognize the importance of data management and analytics, the demand for cloud database and DBaaS solutions is expected to surge.
Cost optimization is a key driver for the adoption of cloud database and DBaaS solutions. Traditional on-premises databases require significant upfront investments in hardware, software licenses, and IT infrastructure. In contrast, cloud databases and DBaaS platforms offer a pay-as-you-go pricing model, allowing organizations to pay only for the resources they consume. This eliminates the need for large upfront investments and provides organizations with greater flexibility and cost control. Additionally, cloud databases eliminate the costs associated with maintaining and upgrading hardware and software, as these responsibilities are handled by the cloud service provider. Organizations can also benefit from economies of scale, as cloud service providers can leverage their infrastructure and resources across multiple clients, resulting in lower costs for individual organizations. The cost savings associated with cloud databases and DBaaS solutions make them an attractive option for organizations looking to optimize their IT budgets and reduce operational expenses.
Data security and compliance are critical considerations for organizations when choosing a database solution. Cloud databases and DBaaS platforms offer robust security features and compliance certifications, ensuring that organizations' data is protected and meets regulatory requirements. Cloud service providers invest heavily in security measures, such as encryption, access controls, and threat detection, to safeguard their clients' data. Additionally, cloud databases provide built-in backup and disaster recovery capabilities, minimizing the risk of data loss and ensuring business continuity. Cloud service providers also undergo regular audits and certifications to demonstrate their compliance with industry standards and regulations, such as GDPR and HIPAA. The focus on data security and compliance is driving organizations to adopt cloud database and DBaaS solutions, as they provide a secure and compliant environment for their data.
The emergence of big data and IoT technologies is fueling the demand for cloud database and DBaaS solutions. Big data analytics requires organizations to process and analyze massive volumes of data from various sources, such as social media, sensors, and transactional systems. Cloud databases provide the scalability and processing power required to handle big data workloads efficiently. Additionally, IoT devices generate vast amounts of data that need to be collected, stored, and analyzed in real-time. Cloud databases and DBaaS platforms offer the necessary infrastructure and tools to manage IoT data effectively and derive actionable insights. The ability to handle big data and IoT workloads is a key driver for organizations to adopt cloud database and DBaaS solutions, as they enable organizations to harness the power of these technologies and unlock their full potential.
A significant challenge faced by organizations in the Global Cloud Database and Database as a Service (DBaaS) Market is the complexity associated with migrating their on-premises databases to the cloud. Migrating large volumes of sensitive data while ensuring data integrity and security can be a daunting task. It requires careful planning, expertise, and coordination to execute a successful migration. Organizations often grapple with the decision of choosing the right migration strategy, such as rehosting, refactoring, or rebuilding their databases, which can have cost and time implications. Overcoming these migration challenges necessitates a thorough understanding of the organization's data landscape and a well-defined migration strategy supported by robust tools and resources.
Ensuring data security and compliance with regulations is a persistent challenge in the cloud database and DBaaS market. Storing data in the cloud introduces concerns about data breaches, unauthorized access, and compliance with data protection laws like GDPR and HIPAA. Organizations need to implement stringent security measures, encryption protocols, and access controls to safeguard their data. Achieving compliance with industry-specific regulations adds complexity, as different sectors have unique data handling requirements. Navigating these challenges requires a comprehensive approach to data security, including regular audits, monitoring, and proactive threat detection to mitigate risks and maintain compliance.
While scalability is a key advantage of cloud databases and DBaaS, it also presents challenges related to cost management. Organizations need to strike a balance between scaling resources up or down based on demand and optimizing costs. Overprovisioning can lead to unnecessary expenses, while underprovisioning can result in performance issues. Effective cost management involves continuous monitoring of resource utilization, employing auto-scaling mechanisms, and leveraging cost-optimization tools provided by cloud service providers. Organizations must also be mindful of hidden costs, such as data transfer and egress fees, which can significantly impact the total cost of ownership.
Vendor lock-in is a concern for organizations using cloud database services. Once data is migrated to a specific cloud provider's ecosystem, transitioning to another provider can be challenging and costly. Organizations may feel restricted in their choice of services and pricing models, limiting flexibility. Mitigating vendor lock-in involves adopting a multi-cloud or hybrid cloud strategy, where data and applications are distributed across multiple cloud providers, reducing dependency on a single vendor. Additionally, leveraging open standards and containerization technologies can facilitate smoother transitions between cloud providers if needed.
One of the key drivers of the global cloud database and DBaaS market is the scalability and flexibility offered by these solutions. Cloud databases can easily scale up or down based on the changing needs of organizations, allowing them to handle varying workloads and accommodate data growth. This scalability ensures that organizations can efficiently manage their databases without worrying about capacity constraints.
Furthermore, cloud database solutions provide flexibility by allowing organizations to choose the most suitable database management system (DBMS) for their specific requirements. Whether it's a relational database, NoSQL database, or a specialized database, organizations can leverage the flexibility of cloud databases to select the right solution that aligns with their data management needs.
Security and compliance are critical considerations for organizations when it comes to managing their databases. Cloud DBaaS providers offer robust security measures and compliance frameworks to ensure the protection and privacy of sensitive data. These providers invest heavily in advanced security technologies, encryption, access controls, and regular security audits to mitigate the risk of data breaches and unauthorized access.
Additionally, cloud DBaaS solutions offer built-in data replication and backup capabilities, ensuring data durability and disaster recovery. This feature provides organizations with peace of mind, knowing that their data is securely stored and can be easily recovered in the event of any unforeseen incidents.
Similar to the Cloud Database and DBaaS (WAF) market, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies into cloud database and DBaaS solutions is a significant trend. AI and ML algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data, identify patterns, and provide valuable insights for optimizing database performance, improving query execution, and automating routine database management tasks.
By leveraging AI and ML capabilities, cloud database and DBaaS providers can offer intelligent features such as automated performance tuning, predictive analytics, and anomaly detection. These advanced technologies enhance the efficiency and reliability of database operations, enabling organizations to make data-driven decisions and optimize their overall business performance.
In terms of components, the market is further segmented into solutions and services. The solution segment is further bifurcated into database management and storage. The solution segment accounted for the largest revenue share of 54.3% in 2022 and is expected to continue to dominate the industry over the forecast period. The solution segment refers to the range of offerings cloud databases and DBaaS providers provide their customers to meet their specific database needs. The solution segment includes many services, such as data migration, backup & recovery, performance tuning, security, and scalability. These services help businesses optimize their database infrastructure, reduce costs, and improve their efficiency.
Cloud database and DBaaS providers offer a variety of solutions to their customers, ranging from primary database hosting to advanced analytics and data management services. The service segment is anticipated to witness the highest growth rate of 17.3% during the forecast period. The service segment is bifurcated into professional services and managed services. The market refers to vendor offerings help organizations implement, manage, and optimize their cloud databases. These services further encompass consultation, support, training, migration, and ongoing maintenance and monitoring.
Consultation services can help organizations determine which type of cloud database or DBaaS solution is best suited for their needs and provide guidance on implementing and integrating it with their existing systems. Support services are essential for ensuring that any issues or problems with the database are addressed quickly and effectively. Training services can help organizations get up to speed on using and optimizing their cloud database, while migration services can help them move their existing data to the cloud.
Based on the deployment, the global market is sub-segmented into public, private, and hybrid. The hybrid segment held the largest revenue share of 47.8% in 2022. The adoption of hybrid cloud databases has become increasingly popular as it provides businesses with the flexibility to use both on-premises and cloud-based databases. The hybrid approach allows companies to leverage the benefits of cloud-based databases, such as scalability and cost savings, while still maintaining control over their sensitive data and complying with data sovereignty regulations. In addition, a hybrid cloud database offers a flexible and cost-effective solution for businesses that want to maintain control over their sensitive data while also leveraging the benefits of cloud-based databases.
With the increasing adoption of hybrid cloud databases, it is anticipated to drive the market during the forecast period. On the other hand, the private cloud segment is expected to witness the highest CAGR of 19.2% during the forecast period. Private cloud infrastructure provides a dedicated and isolated environment for storing, processing, and managing data. Private cloud databases can be customized and optimized to meet the specific needs and requirements of the organization, such as performance, scalability, availability, and disaster recovery. Hence, such factors are expected to drive the segment growth during the forecast period.
Based on enterprise size, the global market is segmented into Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) and large-sized enterprises. The large-sized enterprise segment held the largest revenue share of 53.0% in 2022 and is expected to maintain its position over the forecast period. Large enterprises are gaining a significant competitive edge by migrating to cloud database solutions due to rapid digital acceleration. Large-size organizations often have complex and diverse data requirements, which can be challenging to manage with traditional on-premises databases. Cloud databases offer virtually limitless scalability, allowing organizations to add more storage capacity or processing power quickly and efficiently quickly and easily as their data needs increase over time. This means they can avoid the costs and complexities of maintaining on-premises infrastructure.
In December 2022, Cockroach Labs, a cloud-native distributed SQL database company, partnered with Computacenter plc, independent technology, and services provider to enhance and boost the widespread utilization of cloud-native technology. This collaboration enables large enterprises to streamline migrations, automate manual tasks, and boost effectiveness and efficiency. On the other hand, the SMEs segment is anticipated to witness the highest CAGR of 17.2% during the forecast period. SMEs are increasingly adopting cloud database and Database-as-a-Service (DBaaS) solutions. Cloud databases and DBaaS solutions can offer SMEs a cost-effective, scalable, and reliable way to manage their data without needing expensive on-premises infrastructure. One of the key benefits of cloud databases and DBaaS for SMEs is that it can provide a more cost-effective way to manage their data.
North America dominated the market with a share of 35.1% in 2022 and is anticipated to dominate over the forecast period. There has been a significant increase in the demand for cloud databases in North America in recent years. This growth is driven by several factors, including the increased adoption of cloud-based technologies across various industries and the rise of big data & analytics. Also, the expansion of cloud computing is one of the main factors driving the growth of cloud databases in the region. As more businesses move to the cloud, the demand for cloud-based data storage solutions is rising.
Organizations in the region are launching the latest updates to their cloud database solutions to gain a competitive edge over their competitors. For instance, in October 2022, Nutanix announced the launch of the latest update to its Nutanix Cloud Cluster hybrid cloud component, which allows organizations to operate the Nutanix Cloud Platform software on Microsoft Azure. NC2 is a hybrid multi-cloud system, supporting both the AWS and Azure clouds. It enables consumers' VNets running enterprise applications to utilize Azure services rapidly.Asia Pacific is anticipated to grow at the highest CAGR of 19.3% during the forecast period.
The regional market is driven by the rise in investments by cloud computing companies. For instance, in September 2022, Alibaba Cloud, the cloud computing subsidiary of Alibaba.com, announced its plans to invest USD 1 billion to help customers adopt cloud computing solutions, reignite growth, and bolster the company's market position. The investment is specifically focused on offering cloud computing services, including data storage, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and analytics capabilities, to customers across various industries. The move comes amid fierce competition in the cloud computing market in China and globally, with tech giants like Tencent, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., and Amazon Web Services, Inc. competing over gaining market share.
In this report, the Global Cloud Database and DBaaS Market has been segmented into the following categories, in addition to the industry trends which have also been detailed below: