治疗性卡介苗疫苗市场 - 2018-2028 年全球产业规模、份额、趋势、机会和预测,按类型(免疫卡介苗、治疗卡介苗)、人口统计(成人、儿科)、最终用户(诊所、医院)细分地区、竞争Therapeutic BCG Vaccine Market - Global Industry Size, Share, Trends, Opportunity, & Forecast, 2018-2028 Segmented by Type (Immune BCG, Therapy BCG), by Demographics (Adults, Pediatrics), by End User (Clinics, Hospitals), by region, & Competition |
2022 年,全球治疗性卡介苗疫苗市场价值为 1.2854 亿美元,预计到 2028 年,复合CAGR将达到 6.37%,预测期内将出现令人印象深刻的增长。卡介苗 (BCG) 疫苗简称为 BCG 疫苗。它是市面上唯一有助于预防结核病的疫苗。在结核病流行的国家,新生儿在分娩后不久会服用单剂。在结核病罕见的国家,结核病只针对高危险新生儿进行。卡介苗疫苗用于治疗结核病。虽然它主要影响肺部,但这种被称为结核病的严重疾病也可以扩散到身体的其他部位。出生后,应接种疫苗的健康婴儿会接种一剂,因为他们的风险较高,并建议接种年龄。卡介苗疫苗是目前最受欢迎的疫苗之一。国家儿童免疫规划包括它。目前正在研究卡介苗疫苗对膀胱癌以外的各种疾病(如结核病、自体免疫疾病和某些癌症)的潜在治疗用途,扩大了市场的潜力。
市场概况 | |
预测期 | 2024-2028 |
2022 年市场规模 | 1.2854亿美元 |
2028 年市场规模 | 1.8503亿美元 |
2023-2028 年CAGR | 6.37% |
成长最快的细分市场 | 医院 |
最大的市场 | 北美洲 |
生物技术进步是指生物技术领域的进步和创新,即应用生物学原理和技术开发产品和技术,改善和增强人类生活的各个方面,包括医疗保健、农业、工业和环境永续性。生物技术涵盖广泛的科学学科和技术,该领域的进步具有深远的影响。基因工程的进步使得能够操纵和修改生物体的遗传物质。 CRISPR-Cas9 等技术彻底改变了基因编辑,可以对多种生物体(包括人类、动物和植物)进行精确且有针对性的基因修饰。生物技术促进了生物製药的发展,生物製药是利用生物技术製程生产的治疗药物。这包括单株抗体、疫苗、基因疗法和其他针对各种疾病的先进疗法。人类基因组定序和基因组学的进步为个人化医疗铺平了道路。现在可以根据个人的基因组成来客製化医疗保健,从而实现更有效和客製化的治疗。干细胞研究的进展为再生医学、组织工程和退化性疾病的治疗带来了希望。干细胞可以分化成各种细胞类型,为组织和器官修復提供潜在的解决方案。合成生物学涉及出于有用目的而设计和建造生物部件、装置和系统。它可用于製造生物燃料、设计生物感测器以及为各种工业製程设计微生物。
生物技术的进步使得基因改造(GM)作物具有抗病虫害、耐除草剂和改善营养成分等特性。这些创新旨在提高作物产量和粮食安全。生物技术用于环境目的,例如生物修復,利用微生物来清除土壤和水中的污染物和污染物。生物技术在疫苗开发中发挥着至关重要的作用,包括创建 mRNA 疫苗,例如针对 COVID-19 开发的疫苗。免疫疗法利用免疫系统来对抗癌症等疾病,也是一项重大的生物技术进步。发酵等生物加工技术用于生产多种产品,包括药品、生物燃料和工业酵素。生物加工的进步提高了生产效率和产品品质。生物资讯学领域将生物学与电脑科学结合来分析和解释生物资料,例如基因组序列。这对于基因组学研究、药物发现和个人化医疗至关重要。奈米技术和生物技术的融合导致了奈米生物技术的发展,其中涉及在奈米尺度上操纵生物分子。它在药物传输、诊断和成像方面有应用。生物技术被用来应对环境挑战,包括开发可生物降解塑胶、废水处理技术以及可持续生物燃料的生产。这项因素将有助于全球治疗性卡介苗疫苗市场的发展。
卡介苗疫苗最初是为了预防结核病而开发的。在结核病负担较高的国家,卡介苗疫苗接种通常是常规儿童免疫计画的一部分。随着结核病控制工作的继续,对预防性卡介苗疫苗的需求持续存在,从而推动了需求。结核病高发生率地区,如亚洲部分地区、非洲和部分东欧国家,对治疗性卡介苗疫苗有大量需求。这项需求源自于治疗结核病感染和防止疾病在社区内传播的需要。世界卫生组织 (WHO) 等组织制定了消灭和控制结核病的雄心勃勃的目标。这些目标包括提高结核病病例的发现率和治疗率。治疗性卡介苗疫苗可用作结核病患者的辅助治疗,其给药符合这些目标。多重抗药性结核病 (MDR-TB) 和广泛抗药性结核病 (XDR-TB) 等抗药性结核菌株的出现,产生了对替代治疗的需求。人们正在探索治疗性卡介苗疫苗作为潜在的辅助疗法,以改善抗药性结核病的治疗效果。
卡介苗疫苗的生产是一个复杂的过程,涉及在受控条件下培养活细菌。生产过程中的任何中断,例如污染或品质控制问题,都可能导致短缺。 BCG 疫苗的生产仅限于全球相对少数的製造商。如果任何一家製造商面临生产挑战,供应链缺乏多样性可能会使市场容易出现短缺。确保卡介苗疫苗的品质和安全至关重要。严格的品质控制措施可能会导致生产延误或不符合品质标准的批次被丢弃。满足疫苗生产的监管要求至关重要。监管指南的变更或批准的延迟可能会影响卡介苗疫苗的生产和分销。治疗性 BCG 疫苗的需求可能会根据疾病流行情况、临床试验需求和新兴治疗应用而波动。製造商在准确预测和满足需求方面可能面临挑战。需求和分配的地区差异可能会加剧疫苗短缺。一些对治疗性卡介苗需求量大的地区可能会因分配不均而面临短缺。如果需求突然增加,例如在疾病爆发或临床试验招募期间,现有疫苗库存可能会迅速耗尽,导致短缺。
全球生产用于治疗目的的卡介苗疫苗的製造商数量相对较少。有限数量的参与者可能会导致激烈的竞争,因为他们争夺市场份额。一些製造商可能因其声誉、历史或产品品质而确立了市场主导地位。对于新进业者或规模较小的公司来说,与主导企业竞争可能具有挑战性。卡介苗疫苗市场的价格竞争可能非常激烈,特别是在医疗保健预算有限的地区。製造商可能会采取使竞争对手难以进入市场或维持获利能力的定价策略。开发和测试针对新适应症的治疗性 BCG 疫苗可能既昂贵又耗时。公司需要大量资源来资助研究和管理监管流程,这可以阻止潜在的竞争对手。对新适应症的治疗性卡介苗疫苗的监管批准通常是一个复杂而漫长的过程。满足监管机构的严格要求可能会成为一些公司的进入障碍。确保卡介苗疫苗的安全和品质至关重要。竞争製造商必须投资强大的品质控制和保证流程,以满足监管标准并赢得医疗保健专业人员和患者的信任。竞争製造商必须进行广泛的临床试验并产生强有力的科学证据来支持其用于治疗用途的卡介苗疫苗的功效和安全性。建立这个证据库可能非常耗时且成本高昂。
传统用途:卡介苗疫苗用于预防结核病有着悠久的历史,特别是在结核病负担较高的地区。它们通常在儿童时期对个体进行给药,以降低结核病感染和严重疾病的风险。膀胱癌的治疗:BCG 免疫疗法是一种成熟的非肌肉浸润性膀胱癌 (NMIBC) 治疗方法。它直接注入膀胱,可以刺激免疫系统攻击癌细胞。卡介苗的这种应用被认为是癌症治疗的一种辅助疗法。正在进行的研究正在探索卡介苗疫苗对结核病和膀胱癌以外的各种疾病和病症的治疗潜力。这包括对自体免疫疾病、传染病和膀胱癌以外的癌症类型的研究。抗药性菌株:抗药性结核菌株的出现,例如多重抗药性结核病(MDR-TB)和广泛抗药性结核病(XDR-TB),对全球健康构成威胁。治疗性卡介苗疫苗正在被研究作为潜在的辅助疗法,以改善抗药性结核病的治疗结果。
2022 年,全球治疗性 BCG 疫苗市场最大份额由免疫 BCG 细分市场占据,预计未来几年将继续扩大。卡介苗免疫疗法已广泛用于治疗膀胱癌,特别是非肌肉层浸润性膀胱癌(NMIBC)。它在预防这一特定适应症的肿瘤復发和进展方面具有悠久的有效性。这种既定用途可能对免疫卡介苗领域的主导地位做出了重大贡献。卡介苗疫苗刺激免疫系统针对癌细胞的反应的治疗功效已得到临床试验和研究的支持。这些研究证明了卡介苗能够活化免疫系统并诱导抗肿瘤反应。在某些膀胱癌病例中,卡介苗治疗一直是标准治疗方法,并且可能有有限的替代疗法来提供类似的效果。缺乏可行的替代品可能会推动对免疫卡介苗的需求。卡介苗治疗膀胱癌已获得许多国家监管部门的批准,进一步巩固了其市场地位。
2022年,全球治疗性卡介苗疫苗市场最大份额由医院部门在预测期内占据,预计未来几年将继续扩大。当用于治疗目的时,卡介苗疫苗通常在临床或医院环境中施用。这是因为卡介苗疫苗的接种需要医学专业知识,以确保适当的剂量并最大限度地减少不良反应的风险。将卡介苗疫苗用于治疗应用(例如膀胱癌治疗)涉及复杂的治疗方案。通常需要多次给药并仔细监测患者的病情。医院设备齐全,可以处理如此复杂的治疗方案。医院拥有专门的医务人员,包括泌尿科医生和肿瘤科医生,他们接受过针对膀胱癌等疾病进行卡介苗免疫治疗的培训。这些专家在确定治疗方法和确保患者安全方面发挥关键作用。接受 BCG 免疫治疗的患者通常需要密切监测,以评估治疗反应并管理潜在的副作用。医院有能力提供这种程度的病患照护和监测。
Global Therapeutic BCG Vaccine Market has valued at USD 128.54 million in 2022 and is anticipated to witness an impressive growth in the forecast period with a CAGR of 6.37% through 2028. Bacillus Calmette-Gurin (BCG) vaccine is referred to by the acronym BCG vaccine. It is the only vaccination on the market that can aid in TB prevention. A single dosage is administered to a newborn in nations where TB is common shortly after delivery. In nations where it is rare, TB is only administered to high-risk newborns. The BCG vaccination is used to treat tuberculosis. Although it mostly affects the lungs, the serious illness known as tuberculosis can also spread to other regions of the body. After birth, healthy infants who should receive a vaccination dose are given one because of their high risk and recommended age for immunization. The Bacille Calmette-Guerin vaccination is one of the most popular ones currently available. The national childhood immunization program includes it. Ongoing research into the potential therapeutic uses of BCG vaccines for various diseases beyond bladder cancer, such as tuberculosis, autoimmune diseases, and certain cancers, has expanded the market's potential.
Clinical trials exploring the efficacy of BCG vaccines for different therapeutic applications have generated promising results. Positive clinical outcomes have driven interest and investment in BCG vaccine development. BCG vaccines continue to be an essential tool in the global effort to control tuberculosis (TB). Initiatives and programs aimed at TB prevention and treatment drive the production and distribution of BCG vaccines. Advances in biotechnology have improved the manufacturing and quality control processes for BCG vaccines, making them more reliable and accessible. Healthcare professionals' awareness of the therapeutic potential of BCG vaccines and patient education about treatment options have driven the adoption of BCG immunotherapy.
Market Overview | |
Forecast Period | 2024-2028 |
Market Size 2022 | USD 128.54 Million |
Market Size 2028 | USD 185.03 Million |
CAGR 2023-2028 | 6.37% |
Fastest Growing Segment | Hospitals |
Largest Market | North America |
Biotechnology advancements refer to the progress and innovations in the field of biotechnology, which is the application of biological principles and techniques to develop products and technologies that improve and enhance various aspects of human life, including healthcare, agriculture, industry, and environmental sustainability. Biotechnology encompasses a wide range of scientific disciplines and technologies, and advancements in this field have far-reaching implications. Advances in genetic engineering have enabled the manipulation and modification of the genetic material of organisms. Techniques such as CRISPR-Cas9 have revolutionized gene editing, allowing for precise and targeted genetic modifications in a variety of organisms, including humans, animals, and plants. Biotechnology has led to the development of biopharmaceuticals, which are therapeutic drugs produced using biotechnological processes. This includes monoclonal antibodies, vaccines, gene therapies, and other advanced treatments for various diseases. The sequencing of the human genome and advancements in genomics have paved the way for personalized medicine. Healthcare can now be tailored to an individual's genetic makeup, allowing for more effective and customized treatments. Progress in stem cell research holds promise for regenerative medicine, tissue engineering, and the treatment of degenerative diseases. Stem cells can differentiate into various cell types, offering potential solutions for tissue and organ repair. Synthetic biology involves the design and construction of biological parts, devices, and systems for useful purposes. It has applications in creating biofuels, designing biosensors, and engineering microorganisms for various industrial processes.
Advancements in biotechnology have led to genetically modified (GM) crops with traits such as resistance to pests and diseases, tolerance to herbicides, and improved nutritional content. These innovations aim to enhance crop yields and food security. Biotechnology is used for environmental purposes, such as bioremediation, where microorganisms are employed to clean up pollutants and contaminants in soil and water. Biotechnology plays a crucial role in vaccine development, including the creation of mRNA vaccines like those developed for COVID-19. Immunotherapies, which harness the immune system to combat diseases like cancer, are also a significant biotechnological advancement. Bioprocessing techniques, such as fermentation, are used to produce a wide range of products, including pharmaceuticals, biofuels, and industrial enzymes. Advances in bioprocessing have improved production efficiency and product quality. The field of bioinformatics combines biology with computer science to analyze and interpret biological data, such as genomic sequences. This is essential for genomics research, drug discovery, and personalized medicine. The convergence of nanotechnology and biotechnology has led to the development of nanobiotechnology, which involves the manipulation of biological molecules at the nanoscale. It has applications in drug delivery, diagnostics, and imaging. Biotechnology is being used to address environmental challenges, including the development of biodegradable plastics, wastewater treatment technologies, and the production of sustainable biofuels. This factor will help in the development of the Global Therapeutic BCG Vaccine Market.
BCG vaccines were originally developed for the prevention of tuberculosis. In countries with a high burden of TB, BCG vaccination is often part of routine childhood immunization programs. As TB control efforts continue, the need for preventive BCG vaccines persists, driving demand. Regions with a high incidence of TB, such as parts of Asia, Africa, and some Eastern European countries, have a substantial demand for therapeutic BCG vaccines. This demand arises from the need to treat TB infections and prevent disease from spreading within communities. Organizations like the World Health Organization (WHO) have set ambitious goals for TB eradication and control. These goals include increasing TB case detection and treatment rates. Therapeutic BCG vaccines can be used as an adjunct therapy for TB patients, and their administration aligns with these goals. The emergence of drug-resistant TB strains, such as multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) and extensively drug-resistant TB (XDR-TB), has created a need for alternative treatments. Therapeutic BCG vaccines are being explored as potential adjunct therapies to improve the outcomes of drug-resistant TB treatment.
BCG vaccines have immunomodulatory properties, meaning they can enhance the body's immune response. This property makes them valuable in the context of TB control, as they can boost the immune system's ability to combat TB infections. Ongoing research and clinical trials are investigating the potential therapeutic applications of BCG vaccines beyond TB prevention. These studies explore the vaccine's efficacy in treating other diseases, such as certain cancers and autoimmune conditions, which can increase demand if positive outcomes are demonstrated. BCG vaccines are relatively affordable compared to some other TB treatments, making them a viable option for resource-constrained regions where TB is prevalent. This affordability supports their use in TB control efforts. Many TB control programs and initiatives are integrated into broader community health programs. BCG vaccination and therapeutic use are often part of these comprehensive efforts to combat TB and improve public health. International organizations, governments, and NGOs collaborate on TB control initiatives and share resources to ensure access to TB treatments, including BCG vaccines, in regions where they are needed most. This factor will pace up the demand of the Global Therapeutic BCG Vaccine Market.
Research efforts have expanded the potential applications of BCG vaccines beyond TB prevention. They are being investigated as treatments for various diseases, including certain cancers, autoimmune disorders, and infectious diseases. This diversification broadens the market for therapeutic BCG vaccines. When research studies demonstrate positive clinical outcomes and efficacy in treating specific conditions, it generates interest from healthcare professionals and patients. Positive results can lead to increased adoption of BCG immunotherapy for those indications. In cases where conventional treatments may have limitations or side effects, therapeutic BCG vaccines may offer an alternative or complementary therapeutic option. Patients and healthcare providers seek alternative treatments, which can drive demand. Clinical trials are essential for assessing the safety and efficacy of therapeutic BCG vaccines in new indications. The participation of patients in these trials can create demand as individuals seek access to experimental therapies that show promise. When regulatory agencies approve the use of BCG vaccines for specific therapeutic indications based on robust clinical data, it legitimizes their use and can lead to increased demand for these vaccines in clinical practice. As patients become more informed about the potential benefits of therapeutic BCG vaccines for their specific conditions, they may request these treatments from their healthcare providers. Patient demand can drive increased prescription and use of BCG vaccines.
When medical associations and organizations update treatment guidelines to include therapeutic BCG vaccines for certain diseases, it encourages healthcare professionals to consider these vaccines as part of the standard of care, contributing to increased demand. Research collaborations between institutions and healthcare organizations worldwide promote the sharing of knowledge and best practices in using BCG vaccines for new indications, fostering global demand. Funding and resources allocated to research on new indications for therapeutic BCG vaccines contribute to the development of evidence-based therapies and can encourage their adoption. Innovations in the production, formulation, and delivery methods of BCG vaccines for therapeutic use can lead to the development of patented or proprietary products, which may drive demand. Disease-specific awareness campaigns and advocacy groups can raise awareness about therapeutic BCG vaccines as potential treatments, increasing demand from affected patient populations. Educating healthcare providers about the latest research findings and clinical applications of therapeutic BCG vaccines can lead to more informed treatment decisions and increased utilization. This factor will accelerate the demand of the Global Therapeutic BCG Vaccine Market.
BCG vaccine production is a complex process that involves growing live bacteria cultures under controlled conditions. Any disruptions in the production process, such as contamination or quality control issues, can lead to shortages. The production of BCG vaccines is limited to a relatively small number of manufacturers worldwide. A lack of diversity in the supply chain can make the market vulnerable to shortages if any single manufacturer faces production challenges. Ensuring the quality and safety of BCG vaccines is paramount. Stringent quality control measures may lead to delays in production or batches being discarded if they do not meet quality standards. Meeting regulatory requirements for vaccine production is essential. Changes in regulatory guidelines or delays in approvals can impact the production and distribution of BCG vaccines. Demand for therapeutic BCG vaccines can fluctuate based on disease prevalence, clinical trial needs, and emerging therapeutic applications. Manufacturers may face challenges in accurately predicting and meeting demand. Vaccine shortages can be exacerbated by regional disparities in demand and distribution. Some regions with a high demand for therapeutic BCG vaccines may face shortages due to uneven distribution. In the event of a sudden increase in demand, such as during a disease outbreak or clinical trial enrollment, existing vaccine stockpiles may be quickly depleted, leading to shortages.
There are a relatively small number of manufacturers worldwide that produce BCG vaccines for therapeutic purposes. This limited number of players can lead to intense competition as they vie for market share. Some manufacturers may have established market dominance due to their reputation, history, or the quality of their products. Competing against dominant players can be challenging for newer entrants or smaller companies. Price competition can be fierce in the BCG vaccine market, particularly in regions where healthcare budgets are constrained. Manufacturers may engage in pricing strategies that can make it difficult for competitors to enter the market or maintain profitability. Developing and testing therapeutic BCG vaccines for new indications can be costly and time-consuming. Companies need substantial resources to fund research and navigate regulatory processes, which can deter potential competitors. Regulatory approval for therapeutic BCG vaccines in new indications is often a complex and lengthy process. Meeting the stringent requirements of regulatory agencies can be a barrier to entry for some companies. Ensuring the safety and quality of BCG vaccines is of utmost importance. Competing manufacturers must invest in robust quality control and assurance processes to meet regulatory standards and gain the trust of healthcare professionals and patients. Competing manufacturers must conduct extensive clinical trials and generate strong scientific evidence to support the efficacy and safety of their BCG vaccines for therapeutic use. Building this evidence base can be time-consuming and costly.
Traditional Use: BCG vaccines have a long history of use for the prevention of TB, particularly in regions with a high TB burden. They are administered to individuals, typically in childhood, to reduce the risk of TB infection and severe forms of the disease. Treatment of Bladder Cancer: BCG immunotherapy is a well-established treatment for non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC). It is administered directly into the bladder and can stimulate the immune system to attack cancer cells. This application of BCG is considered a form of adjunct therapy for cancer treatment. Ongoing research is exploring the therapeutic potential of BCG vaccines for various diseases and conditions beyond TB and bladder cancer. This includes research into autoimmune diseases, infectious diseases, and cancer types other than bladder cancer. Drug-Resistant Strains: The emergence of drug-resistant TB strains, such as multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) and extensively drug-resistant TB (XDR-TB), poses a global health threat. Therapeutic BCG vaccines are being investigated as potential adjunct therapies to improve the outcomes of drug-resistant TB treatment.
In 2022, the Global Therapeutic BCG Vaccine Market largest share was held by Immune BCG segment and is predicted to continue expanding over the coming years. BCG immunotherapy has been widely used for the treatment of bladder cancer, particularly non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC). It has a long history of effectiveness in preventing tumour recurrence and progression in this specific indication. This established use may have contributed significantly to the dominance of the Immune BCG segment. The therapeutic efficacy of BCG vaccines in stimulating the immune system's response against cancer cells has been supported by clinical trials and research. These studies have demonstrated BCG's ability to activate the immune system and induce an anti-tumour response. In certain cases of bladder cancer, BCG therapy has been the standard of care, and there may be limited alternative treatments that offer comparable effectiveness. This lack of viable alternatives can drive the demand for Immune BCG. BCG therapy for bladder cancer has received regulatory approval in many countries, further solidifying its position in the market.
In 2022, the Global Therapeutic BCG Vaccine Market largest share was held by Hospitals segment in the forecast period and is predicted to continue expanding over the coming years. BCG vaccines, when used for therapeutic purposes, are typically administered in a clinical or hospital setting. This is because the administration of BCG vaccines requires medical expertise to ensure proper dosage and minimize the risk of adverse reactions. The use of BCG vaccines for therapeutic applications, such as bladder cancer treatment, involves a complex treatment regimen. It often requires multiple doses and careful monitoring of the patient's condition. Hospitals are well-equipped to handle such complex treatment protocols. Hospitals have specialized medical personnel, including urologists and oncologists, who are trained to administer and manage BCG immunotherapy for conditions like bladder cancer. These specialists play a critical role in determining the treatment approach and ensuring patient safety. Patients receiving BCG immunotherapy often require close monitoring to assess treatment response and manage potential side effects. Hospitals are equipped to provide this level of patient care and monitoring.
The North America region dominates the Global Therapeutic BCG Vaccine Market in 2022. North America, particularly the United States and Canada, has a relatively high incidence of bladder cancer. Bladder cancer is one of the primary therapeutic indications for BCG vaccines. The higher prevalence of bladder cancer patients in this region increases the demand for BCG immunotherapy. North America boasts advanced healthcare infrastructure with well-equipped hospitals, specialized cancer treatment centers, and a network of healthcare professionals who are experienced in administering BCG immunotherapy. This infrastructure supports the effective delivery of BCG vaccines for therapeutic purposes. North America is a hub for medical research and clinical trials. There has been ongoing research into the use of BCG vaccines for various therapeutic applications beyond bladder cancer. The region's robust research ecosystem has contributed to advancements in the field and the development of new therapeutic approaches using BCG vaccines. North America is home to several pharmaceutical companies and biotechnology firms that specialize in the production and distribution of BCG vaccines for therapeutic purposes. These companies play a crucial role in supplying the vaccines to healthcare facilities and patients.
In this report, the Global Therapeutic BCG Vaccine Market has been segmented into the following categories, in addition to the industry trends which have also been detailed below: