
糖尿病胃轻瘫治疗市场 - 2018-2028 年全球行业规模、份额、趋势、机会和预测,按类型(2 级、3 级)、按药物类别、按给药途径、按配销通路按地区和竞争细分

Diabetic Gastroparesis Treatment Market - Global Industry Size, Share, Trends, Opportunity, and Forecast, 2018-2028 Segmented By Type (Grade 2, Grade 3), By Drug Class, By Route of Administration, By Distribution Channel By Region and Competition

出版日期: | 出版商: TechSci Research | 英文 189 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3个工作天内


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2022 年,全球糖尿病胃轻瘫治疗市场价值为 28.9 亿美元,预计在预测期内将强劲增长,到 2028 年CAGR为3.23%。全球糖尿病胃轻瘫治疗市场是一个充满活力且快速发展的医疗保健产业,专注于解决称为糖尿病性胃轻瘫的复杂疾病。该市场涵盖各种旨在控制和减轻胃轻瘫症状的药物、医疗设备和治疗方法,胃轻瘫是一种以糖尿病患者胃排空延迟为特征的疾病。



预测期 2024-2028
2022 年市场规模 28.9亿美元
2028 年市场规模 34.7亿美元
2023-2028 年CAGR 3.23%
成长最快的细分市场 网路药局
最大的市场 北美洲



由于全球糖尿病盛行率不断上升,全球糖尿病性胃轻瘫治疗市场正经历大幅成长。 1 型和 2 型糖尿病已达到流行病的程度,影响着全球数百万人。在这个糖尿病族群中,有相当一部分人(大约 20%)经历了称为胃轻瘫的挑战性併发症,其特征是胃排空延迟。不断成长的糖尿病患者族群是糖尿病胃轻瘫治疗市场扩大的主要催化剂。


医疗设备的技术进步在推动全球糖尿病胃轻瘫治疗市场方面发挥关键作用。具体来说,这些创新透过提供更有效率、微创和患者友善的治疗方案,正在改变胃轻瘫治疗的模式。该领域最突出的技术发展之一是胃电刺激器 (GES) 的出现和改进。 GES 设备旨在调节胃的电活动,从而改善胃蠕动并减轻与糖尿病性胃轻瘫相关的痛苦症状,例如噁心、呕吐和腹痛。近年来,这些设备得到了显着增强,对患者和医疗保健提供者都更具吸引力。

现代 GES 设备更小、更隐蔽,确保患者更舒适。它们还配备了先进的程式功能,可以根据患者的个别需求制定个人化的治疗方案。此外,延长的电池寿命和无线通讯功能使 GES 设备更方便长期使用和监测,进一步增加了其作为治疗选择的吸引力。此外,技术进步导致了补充传统疗法的其他创新医疗设备的开发。例如,配备感测器的智慧药丸技术可以提供胃肠道传输的即时资料,帮助医疗保健提供者就治疗计划做出明智的决定。这些设备提供了一种非侵入性且患者友善的方法来监测和管理胃轻瘫。

除了 GES 和智慧药丸外,机器人辅助手术技术也正在探索作为严重胃轻瘫病例的潜在治疗选择。这些机器人系统可以在手术过程中提供更高的精确度,降低併发症的风险并改善患者的治疗效果。将远距医疗和远端监控整合到胃轻瘫管理中是另一个值得一提的技术进步。患者现在可以在舒适的家中联繫医疗保健提供者并及时获得治疗计划的指导和调整。这不仅提高了患者的便利性,而且还确保了对胃轻瘫患者的持续护理,特别是在需要频繁追踪的情况下。


















此外,个人化医疗延伸到治疗方式的选择。胃电刺激器 (GES) 是一种可以根据患者特定需求进行客製化的治疗方法的范例。这些设备可以进行编程和调整,以提供适当程度的刺激,解决患者的独特症状和胃动力模式。营养支持和饮食调整是胃轻瘫治疗的重要组成部分。营养师和营养师在製定个人化饮食计划方面发挥着至关重要的作用,以确保患者获得足够的营养,同时最大限度地减少症状。根据个人耐受性和偏好量身定制饮食建议可以增强依从性并改善患者的生活品质。







根据药物类别,促胃动力药物将成为 2022 年全球糖尿病胃轻瘫治疗市场的主导部分。促胃动力药物是治疗糖尿病胃轻瘫的主要药物,因为它们直接解决胃排空延迟的根本问题。这些药物的作用是增强胃肠道的蠕动,促进协调收缩,并促进食物从胃进入小肠。这个动作有助于缓解胃轻瘫的核心症状,包括噁心、呕吐和腹部不适,这些症状显着影响患者的生活品质。


根据配销通路,零售药房细分市场将成为 2022 年全球糖尿病胃轻瘫治疗市场的主导者。零售药房可供一般大众广泛使用,使患者可以轻鬆获得处方药。它们通常位于城市和郊区,允许患者无需长途旅行即可配药。





第 1 章:产品概述

  • 市场定义
  • 市场范围
    • 涵盖的市场
    • 考虑学习的年份
    • 主要市场区隔

第 2 章:研究方法

  • 研究目的
  • 基线方法
  • 主要产业伙伴
  • 主要协会和二手资料来源
  • 预测方法
  • 数据三角测量与验证
  • 假设和限制

第 3 章:执行摘要

  • 市场概况
  • 主要市场细分概述
  • 主要市场参与者概述
  • 重点地区/国家概况
  • 市场驱动因素、挑战、趋势概述

第 4 章:全球糖尿病胃轻瘫治疗市场展望

  • 市场规模及预测
    • 按价值
  • 市占率及预测
    • 依类型(2级(代偿性胃轻瘫)、3级(胃衰竭))
    • 依药物类别(促胃动力药、止吐药、抗组织胺、其他)
    • 依给药途径(口服、肠胃外、鼻腔)
    • 按配销通路(医院药房、零售药房、网路药房)
    • 按地区
    • 按公司划分 (2022)
  • 市场地图
    • 按类型
    • 按药物类别
    • 依给药途径
    • 按配销通路
    • 按地区

第 5 章:亚太地区糖尿病胃轻瘫治疗市场展望

  • 市场规模及预测
    • 按价值
  • 市占率及预测
    • 按类型
    • 按药物类别
    • 依给药途径
    • 按配销通路
    • 按国家/地区
  • 亚太地区:国家分析
    • 中国糖尿病胃轻瘫治疗
    • 印度糖尿病胃轻瘫治疗
    • 澳洲糖尿病胃轻瘫治疗
    • 日本糖尿病胃轻瘫治疗
    • 韩国糖尿病胃轻瘫治疗

第 6 章:欧洲糖尿病胃轻瘫治疗市场展望

  • 市场规模及预测
    • 按价值
  • 市占率及预测
    • 按类型
    • 按药物类别
    • 依给药途径
    • 按配销通路
    • 按国家/地区
  • 欧洲:国家分析
    • 法国
    • 德国
    • 西班牙
    • 义大利
    • 英国

第 7 章:北美糖尿病胃轻瘫治疗市场展望

  • 市场规模及预测
    • 按价值
  • 市占率及预测
    • 按药物类别
    • 按类型
    • 按配销通路
    • 依给药途径
    • 按国家/地区
  • 北美:国家分析
    • 美国
    • 墨西哥
    • 加拿大

第 8 章:南美洲糖尿病胃轻瘫治疗市场展望

  • 市场规模及预测
    • 按价值
  • 市占率及预测
    • 按类型
    • 按药物类别
    • 按配销通路
    • 按国家/地区
  • 南美洲:国家分析
    • 巴西
    • 阿根廷
    • 哥伦比亚

第 9 章:中东和非洲糖尿病胃轻瘫治疗市场展望

  • 市场规模及预测
    • 按价值
  • 市占率及预测
    • 按类型
    • 依药物类型
    • 依给药途径
    • 按配销通路
    • 按国家/地区
  • MEA:国家分析
    • 南非糖尿病胃轻瘫治疗
    • 沙乌地阿拉伯糖尿病胃轻瘫治疗
    • 阿联酋糖尿病胃轻瘫治疗
    • 埃及糖尿病胃轻瘫治疗

第 10 章:市场动态

  • 司机
  • 挑战

第 11 章:市场趋势与发展

  • 最近的发展
  • 产品发布
  • 併购

第 12 章:全球缺铁性贫血:SWOT 分析

第 13 章:波特的五力分析

  • 产业竞争
  • 新进入者的潜力
  • 供应商的力量
  • 客户的力量
  • 替代产品的威胁


  • ANI 製药公司
    • Business Overview
    • Company Snapshot
    • Products & Services
    • Current Capacity Analysis
    • Financials (In case of listed)
    • Recent Developments
    • SWOT Analysis
  • 埃沃克製药公司
  • 杨森製药公司
  • 梯瓦製药公司
  • 辉瑞公司
  • Salix 製药公司
  • 艾尔建
  • 诺华公司
  • 施维兹生物科技
  • 威罗纳製药公司

第 15 章:策略建议

第 16 章:关于我们与免责声明

Product Code: 17285

Global Diabetic Gastroparesis Treatment Market has valued at USD 2.89 billion in 2022 and is anticipated to project robust growth in the forecast period with a CAGR of 3.23% through 2028. The Global Diabetic Gastroparesis Treatment Market is a dynamic and rapidly evolving healthcare sector focused on addressing the complex medical condition known as diabetic gastroparesis. This market encompasses a wide range of pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and therapeutic approaches aimed at managing and alleviating the symptoms of gastroparesis, a condition characterized by delayed stomach emptying in individuals with diabetes.

One of the key drivers of this market is the increasing prevalence of diabetes worldwide. As diabetes continues to rise, so does the incidence of diabetic gastroparesis, making it a significant global health concern. Consequently, the demand for effective treatments to manage gastroparesis symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and delayed digestion is on the rise. The Global Diabetic Gastroparesis Treatment Market comprises various treatment modalities, including medications, dietary modifications, and medical devices. Medications such as prokinetic agents, antiemetics, and pain relievers play a crucial role in symptom management. Additionally, dietary adjustments and nutritional support are essential components of gastroparesis management, as they help regulate food intake and improve digestive function.

Medical devices, such as gastric electrical stimulators, have gained prominence in the market, offering alternative treatment options for individuals with severe gastroparesis who do not respond well to medications. These devices work by modulating the electrical activity of the stomach to enhance gastric motility and alleviate symptoms.The market is characterized by a competitive landscape with several pharmaceutical companies and medical device manufacturers vying for market share. Ongoing research and development efforts are focused on improving treatment efficacy, patient compliance, and overall quality of life for those living with diabetic gastroparesis.

Market Overview
Forecast Period2024-2028
Market Size 2022USD 2.89 Billion
Market Size 2028USD 3.47 Billion
CAGR 2023-20283.23%
Fastest Growing SegmentOnline Pharmacies
Largest MarketNorth America

Key Market Drivers

Rising Prevalence of Diabetes

The Global Diabetic Gastroparesis Treatment Market is experiencing a substantial boost driven by the increasing prevalence of diabetes worldwide. Diabetes, both type 1 and type 2, has reached epidemic proportions, affecting millions of individuals across the globe. Within this diabetic population, a significant subset, approximately 20%, experiences the challenging complication known as gastroparesis, characterized by delayed stomach emptying. This growing pool of diabetic patients is a primary catalyst for the expansion of the diabetic gastroparesis treatment market.

As diabetes becomes more pervasive, the incidence of diabetic gastroparesis naturally rises in tandem. This is due to the intricate relationship between diabetes and gastroparesis, wherein high blood sugar levels can damage the nerves responsible for regulating stomach motility. Consequently, diabetic individuals are at a higher risk of developing gastroparesis, making it an increasingly prevalent co-morbidity.

The implications of this trend are significant. The surge in gastroparesis cases within the diabetic population has intensified the demand for effective treatments and management strategies. Patients experiencing symptoms like nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and delayed digestion are now more likely to seek medical attention, creating a substantial market for gastroparesis treatment options. Healthcare providers are witnessing a greater need to address this condition comprehensively, further driving research, innovation, and investment in the development of therapies that can alleviate gastroparesis symptoms and enhance the quality of life for diabetic patients. In conclusion, the rising prevalence of diabetes is a key driver behind the growth of the Global Diabetic Gastroparesis Treatment Market. As diabetes continues to affect an ever-expanding portion of the population, the incidence of gastroparesis among these individuals is on the rise, leading to an increased demand for effective treatments.

Technological Advancements in Medical Devices

Technological advancements in medical devices are playing a pivotal role in boosting the Global Diabetic Gastroparesis Treatment Market. Specifically, these innovations are transforming the landscape of gastroparesis management by offering more efficient, minimally invasive, and patient-friendly treatment options. One of the standout technological developments in this field is the emergence and refinement of gastric electrical stimulators (GES). GES devices are designed to modulate the electrical activity of the stomach, thereby improving gastric motility and alleviating the distressing symptoms associated with diabetic gastroparesis, such as nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. These devices have seen substantial enhancements in recent years, making them more appealing to both patients and healthcare providers.

Modern GES devices are smaller and more discreet, ensuring greater patient comfort. They are also equipped with advanced programming capabilities that allow for personalized treatment regimens tailored to individual patient needs. Additionally, improved battery life and wireless communication capabilities make GES devices more convenient for long-term use and monitoring, further increasing their attractiveness as a treatment option.Furthermore, technological advancements have led to the development of other innovative medical devices that complement traditional therapies. For instance, smart pill technologies equipped with sensors can provide real-time data on gastrointestinal transit, helping healthcare providers make informed decisions about treatment plans. These devices offer a non-invasive and patient-friendly approach to monitoring and managing gastroparesis.

In addition to GES and smart pills, robotic-assisted surgical techniques are also being explored as potential treatment options for severe cases of gastroparesis. These robotic systems can offer greater precision during surgical procedures, reducing the risk of complications and enhancing patient outcomes. The integration of telemedicine and remote monitoring into gastroparesis management is another technological advancement that deserves mention. Patients can now access healthcare providers and receive timely guidance and adjustments to their treatment plans from the comfort of their homes. This not only improves patient convenience but also ensures ongoing care for individuals with gastroparesis, particularly in cases where frequent follow-ups are necessary.

Expanding Pharmaceutical Pipeline

The Global Diabetic Gastroparesis Treatment Market is experiencing a remarkable surge in growth, thanks to the expanding pharmaceutical pipeline dedicated to addressing this challenging condition. Diabetic gastroparesis, characterized by delayed stomach emptying in individuals with diabetes, has historically posed significant treatment challenges. However, recent developments in pharmaceutical research and development have breathed new life into the market. Pharmaceutical companies are increasingly investing in the discovery and development of novel medications tailored specifically for diabetic gastroparesis. Prokinetic agents, which enhance stomach motility, and antiemetics, which control symptoms like nausea and vomiting, are at the forefront of this research. These medications aim to provide patients with more effective and targeted relief from the often-debilitating symptoms associated with gastroparesis.

One of the key advantages of an expanding pharmaceutical pipeline is the potential for a broader array of treatment options. As multiple drug candidates progress through various stages of clinical trials, patients and healthcare providers gain access to a range of therapies with varying mechanisms of action. This not only improves the chances of finding a suitable treatment for each patient but also promotes competition among pharmaceutical companies, potentially leading to more cost-effective and accessible treatment options.

Moreover, research efforts are focused on understanding the underlying mechanisms of diabetic gastroparesis at a molecular level. This deeper insight into the condition's pathophysiology is enabling the development of targeted therapies that address the root causes of gastroparesis rather than merely alleviating symptoms. By targeting specific pathways involved in stomach motility regulation, these innovative medications hold the promise of offering more durable and comprehensive treatment solutions. Clinical trials play a crucial role in advancing these pharmaceutical developments. As promising drug candidates progress through rigorous testing, they undergo evaluation for safety, efficacy, and tolerability in real-world patient populations. The successful completion of clinical trials not only paves the way for regulatory approvals but also instills confidence in both healthcare providers and patients regarding the effectiveness of these new treatments.

Key Market Challenges

Limited Treatment Options

The Global Diabetic Gastroparesis Treatment Market has made significant strides in recent years, but it still faces a significant hurdle - the limited range of treatment options available for this complex and debilitating condition. Diabetic gastroparesis, characterized by delayed stomach emptying in individuals with diabetes, presents unique challenges, and the lack of diverse and effective treatments poses a substantial barrier to improving the quality of life for those affected.

One of the primary challenges stems from the fact that the pharmaceutical arsenal available to manage diabetic gastroparesis is relatively small. Prokinetic agents, which enhance stomach motility, and antiemetics, which control nausea and vomiting, are the primary classes of drugs prescribed for this condition. While these medications can be effective for some patients, they are not universally successful. As a result, a significant portion of individuals with diabetic gastroparesis may find themselves without suitable treatment options.

This limitation can be frustrating for both patients and healthcare providers. Patients with gastroparesis often experience a range of distressing symptoms, including persistent nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and bloating, which significantly impact their quality of life. When standard treatments fail to provide relief, it can lead to ongoing suffering and a sense of hopelessness. Healthcare providers, too, face challenges in managing a condition that lacks a reliable and diverse array of treatment options.

Safety Concerns and Side Effects

While there is no doubt that advancements in medical research have brought hope and relief to individuals suffering from diabetic gastroparesis, safety concerns and side effects associated with available treatments remain a significant challenge in the Global Diabetic Gastroparesis Treatment Market.

Many of the medications used to manage diabetic gastroparesis, such as prokinetic agents and antiemetics, come with a range of safety concerns and side effects that can impact patient adherence and overall treatment efficacy. Prokinetic agents, which are designed to enhance stomach motility, have been linked to cardiovascular issues, including irregular heart rhythms. This poses a particular risk for patients with pre-existing heart conditions, necessitating careful consideration and monitoring. Furthermore, antiemetic medications, which are crucial in controlling the persistent nausea and vomiting associated with gastroparesis, often come with unwanted side effects like drowsiness and dizziness. These side effects can hinder a patient's ability to carry out daily activities, potentially leading to a reduced quality of life.

The presence of safety concerns and side effects can create a dilemma for healthcare providers. Balancing the potential benefits of treatment against the risks and discomfort caused by side effects can be challenging. Some patients may be hesitant to continue their treatment regimen due to these issues, resulting in incomplete or inadequate management of their gastroparesis symptoms.

Key Market Trends

Personalized Medicine

Personalized medicine is emerging as a transformative trend in the Global Diabetic Gastroparesis Treatment Market, offering tailored and precise solutions for individuals grappling with this challenging condition. Diabetic gastroparesis, characterized by delayed stomach emptying in diabetes patients, often manifests differently from one person to another, making personalized approaches increasingly essential.

Healthcare providers are increasingly recognizing the importance of customizing treatment plans to cater to each patient's unique needs and circumstances. Personalized medicine in the context of gastroparesis encompasses a multifaceted approach that takes into account factors such as the patient's specific symptoms, disease severity, medical history, and response to therapy. For instance, some patients may respond effectively to traditional medications like prokinetic agents or antiemetics, while others may experience limited relief or undesirable side effects. Personalization allows healthcare providers to select the most appropriate medication for each patient, optimizing therapeutic outcomes and minimizing adverse effects.

Furthermore, personalized medicine extends to the choice of treatment modalities. Gastric electrical stimulators (GES) are an example of a treatment that can be tailored to a patient's specific needs. These devices can be programmed and adjusted to deliver the right level of stimulation, addressing the patient's unique symptoms and gastric motility patterns. Nutritional support and dietary modifications are integral components of gastroparesis management. Dietitians and nutritionists play a crucial role in developing personalized meal plans that ensure patients receive adequate nutrition while minimizing symptoms. Tailoring dietary recommendations to individual tolerances and preferences enhances compliance and improves patients' quality of life.

Multidisciplinary Approach to Care

The Global Diabetic Gastroparesis Treatment Market is experiencing a transformative shift towards a multidisciplinary approach to care, and this trend is significantly boosting the effectiveness of treatment strategies for individuals with diabetic gastroparesis. This condition, characterized by delayed stomach emptying in diabetes patients, presents complex challenges that require a holistic and collaborative approach involving various healthcare specialists. Gastroparesis management now encompasses a team of healthcare providers, including gastroenterologists, nutritionists, dietitians, endocrinologists, and sometimes even psychologists or mental health professionals. This multidisciplinary team collaborates to address the diverse aspects of the condition comprehensively.

Gastroenterologists, as specialists in digestive health, play a central role in diagnosing and managing gastroparesis. They use their expertise to determine the most appropriate treatment modalities and monitor patients' progress. Gastroenterologists may prescribe medications, recommend dietary modifications, or consider surgical interventions when necessary. Nutritionists and dietitians are integral members of the team, focusing on dietary management. They work closely with patients to develop individualized meal plans that ensure adequate nutrition while minimizing symptoms. Tailoring dietary recommendations to each patient's tolerances and preferences enhances compliance and improves overall quality of life.

Endocrinologists are often involved due to the strong link between gastroparesis and diabetes. They play a crucial role in optimizing diabetes control, which can in turn help manage gastroparesis symptoms. Coordination between the endocrinologist and the gastroenterologist is essential to strike the right balance between blood sugar management and gastroparesis symptom control.

Segmental Insights

Drug Class Insights

Based on the Drug Class, the Gastroprokinetic agents emerged as the dominant segment in the global market for Global Diabetic Gastroparesis Treatment Market in 2022., Gastroprokinetic agents are the primary medications prescribed for diabetic gastroparesis because they directly address the underlying issue of delayed stomach emptying. These agents work by enhancing the motility of the gastrointestinal tract, promoting coordinated contractions, and facilitating the passage of food from the stomach into the small intestine. This action helps alleviate the core symptoms of gastroparesis, including nausea, vomiting, and abdominal discomfort, which significantly affect patients' quality of life.

Distribution Channel Insights

Based on the Distribution Channel, the Retail Pharmacies segment emerged as the dominant player in the global market for Global Diabetic Gastroparesis Treatment Market in 2022. Retail pharmacies are widely accessible to the general population, making it convenient for patients to obtain their prescribed medications. They are typically located in urban and suburban areas, allowing patients to fill their prescriptions without the need for extensive travel.

Patients are often familiar with their local retail pharmacies, which builds trust and confidence in the products and services provided. Many individuals have established relationships with pharmacists and staff at these locations, enhancing the overall patient experience.

Regional Insights

North America emerged as the dominant player in the global Diabetic Gastroparesis Treatment Market in 2022, holding the largest market share. the region has a high prevalence of diabetes, which naturally leads to a larger population at risk of developing diabetic gastroparesis. Secondly, North America is home to advanced healthcare infrastructure, including well-established pharmaceutical and medical device industries, facilitating research, development, and access to innovative treatments.

Key Market Players

  • ANI Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
  • Evoke Pharma
  • Janssen Pharmaceutica N.V
  • Teva Pharmaceuticals Inc.
  • Pfizer Inc.
  • Salix Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
  • Allergan
  • Novartis AG
  • Wellona Pharma

Report Scope:

In this report, the Global Diabetic Gastroparesis Treatment Market has been segmented into the following categories, in addition to the industry trends which have also been detailed below:

Global Diabetic Gastroparesis Treatment Market, By Type:

  • Grade 2(Compensated Gastroparesis)
  • Grade 3(Gastric Failure)

Global Diabetic Gastroparesis Treatment Market, By Route of Administration:

  • Oral
  • Parenteral
  • Nasal

Global Diabetic Gastroparesis Treatment Market, By Drug Class:

  • Gastroprokinetic Agents
  • Antiemetic Agents
  • Antihistamines
  • Others

Global Diabetic Gastroparesis Treatment Market, By Distribution Channel:

  • Hospital Pharmacies
  • Retail Pharmacies
  • Online Pharmacies

Global Diabetic Gastroparesis Treatment Market, By Region:

  • North America
  • United States
  • Canada
  • Mexico
  • Europe
  • France
  • United Kingdom
  • Italy
  • Germany
  • Spain
  • Asia-Pacific
  • China
  • India
  • Japan
  • Australia
  • South Korea
  • South America
  • Brazil
  • Argentina
  • Colombia
  • Middle East & Africa
  • South Africa
  • Saudi Arabia
  • UAE
  • Kuwait
  • Turkey
  • Egypt

Competitive Landscape

  • Company Profiles: Detailed analysis of the major companies present in the Global Diabetic Gastroparesis Treatment Market.

Available Customizations:

  • Global Diabetic Gastroparesis Treatment Market report with the given market data, Tech Sci Research offers customizations according to a company's specific needs. The following customization options are available for the report:

Company Information

  • Detailed analysis and profiling of additional market players (up to five).

Table of Contents

1. Product Overview

  • 1.1. Market Definition
  • 1.2. Scope of the Market
    • 1.2.1. Markets Covered
    • 1.2.2. Years Considered for Study
    • 1.2.3. Key Market Segmentations

2. Research Methodology

  • 2.1. Objective of the Study
  • 2.2. Baseline Methodology
  • 2.3. Key Industry Partners
  • 2.4. Major Association and Secondary Sources
  • 2.5. Forecasting Methodology
  • 2.6. Data Triangulation & Validation
  • 2.7. Assumptions and Limitations

3. Executive Summary

  • 3.1. Overview of the Market
  • 3.2. Overview of Key Market Segmentations
  • 3.3. Overview of Key Market Players
  • 3.4. Overview of Key Regions/Countries
  • 3.5. Overview of Market Drivers, Challenges, Trends

4. Global Diabetic Gastroparesis Treatment Market Outlook

  • 4.1. Market Size & Forecast
    • 4.1.1. By Value
  • 4.2. Market Share & Forecast
    • 4.2.1. By Type (Grade 2(Compensated Gastroparesis), Grade 3(Gastric Failure))
    • 4.2.2. By Drug Class (Gastroprokinetic Agents, Antiemetic Agents, Antihistamines, Others)
    • 4.2.3. By Route of Administration (Oral, Parenteral, Nasal)
    • 4.2.4. By Distribution Channel (Hospital Pharmacies, Retail Pharmacies, Online Pharmacies)
    • 4.2.5. By Region
    • 4.2.6. By Company (2022)
  • 4.3. Market Map
    • 4.3.1. By Type
    • 4.3.2. By Drug Class
    • 4.3.3. By Route of Administration
    • 4.3.4. By Distribution Channel
    • 4.3.5. By Region

5. Asia Pacific Diabetic Gastroparesis Treatment Market Outlook

  • 5.1. Market Size & Forecast
    • 5.1.1. By Value
  • 5.2. Market Share & Forecast
    • 5.2.1. By Type
    • 5.2.2. By Drug Class
    • 5.2.3. By Route of Administration
    • 5.2.4. By Distribution Channel
    • 5.2.5. By Country
  • 5.3. Asia Pacific: Country Analysis
    • 5.3.1. China Diabetic Gastroparesis Treatment Market Outlook
      • Market Size & Forecast
        • By Value
      • Market Share & Forecast
        • By Type
        • By Drug Class
        • By Route of Administration
        • By Distribution Channel
    • 5.3.2. India Diabetic Gastroparesis Treatment Market Outlook
      • Market Size & Forecast
        • By Value
      • Market Share & Forecast
        • By Type
        • By Drug Class
        • By Route of Administration
        • By Distribution Channel
    • 5.3.3. Australia Diabetic Gastroparesis Treatment Market Outlook
      • Market Size & Forecast
        • By Value
      • Market Share & Forecast
        • By Type
        • By Drug Class
        • By Route of Administration
        • By Distribution Channel
    • 5.3.4. Japan Diabetic Gastroparesis Treatment Market Outlook
      • Market Size & Forecast
        • By Value
      • Market Share & Forecast
        • By Type
        • By Drug Class
        • By Route of Administration
        • By Distribution Channel
    • 5.3.5. South Korea Diabetic Gastroparesis Treatment Market Outlook
      • Market Size & Forecast
        • By Value
      • Market Share & Forecast
        • By Type
        • By Drug Class
        • By Route of Administration
        • By Distribution Channel

6. Europe Diabetic Gastroparesis Treatment Market Outlook

  • 6.1. Market Size & Forecast
    • 6.1.1. By Value
  • 6.2. Market Share & Forecast
    • 6.2.1. By Type
    • 6.2.2. By Drug Class
    • 6.2.3. By Route of Administration
    • 6.2.4. By Distribution Channel
    • 6.2.5. By Country
  • 6.3. Europe: Country Analysis
    • 6.3.1. France Diabetic Gastroparesis Treatment Market Outlook
      • Market Size & Forecast
        • By Value
      • Market Share & Forecast
        • By Type
        • By Drug Class
        • By Route of Administration
        • By Distribution Channel
    • 6.3.2. Germany Diabetic Gastroparesis Treatment Market Outlook
      • Market Size & Forecast
        • By Value
      • Market Share & Forecast
        • By Type
        • By Drug Class
        • By Route of Administration
        • By Distribution Channel
    • 6.3.3. Spain Diabetic Gastroparesis Treatment Market Outlook
      • Market Size & Forecast
        • By Value
      • Market Share & Forecast
        • By Type
        • By Drug Class
        • By Route of Administration
        • By Distribution Channel
    • 6.3.4. Italy Diabetic Gastroparesis Treatment Market Outlook
      • Market Size & Forecast
        • By Value
      • Market Share & Forecast
        • By Type
        • By Drug Class
        • By Route of Administration
        • By Distribution Channel
    • 6.3.5. United Kingdom Diabetic Gastroparesis Treatment Market Outlook
      • Market Size & Forecast
        • By Value
      • Market Share & Forecast
        • By Type
        • By Drug Class
        • By Route of Administration
        • By Distribution Channel

7. North America Diabetic Gastroparesis Treatment Market Outlook

  • 7.1. Market Size & Forecast
    • 7.1.1. By Value
  • 7.2. Market Share & Forecast
    • 7.2.1. By Drug Class
    • 7.2.2. By Type
    • 7.2.3. By Distribution Channel
    • 7.2.4. By Route of Administration
    • 7.2.5. By Country
  • 7.3. North America: Country Analysis
    • 7.3.1. United States Diabetic Gastroparesis Treatment Market Outlook
      • Market Size & Forecast
        • By Value
      • Market Share & Forecast
        • By Type
        • By Drug Class
        • By Route of Administration
        • By Distribution Channel
    • 7.3.2. Mexico Diabetic Gastroparesis Treatment Market Outlook
      • Market Size & Forecast
        • By Value
      • Market Share & Forecast
        • By Type
        • By Drug Class
        • By Route of Administration
        • By Distribution Channel
    • 7.3.3. Canada Diabetic Gastroparesis Treatment Market Outlook
      • Market Size & Forecast
        • By Value
      • Market Share & Forecast
        • By Type
        • By Drug Class
        • By Route of Administration
        • By Distribution Channel

8. South America Diabetic Gastroparesis Treatment Market Outlook

  • 8.1. Market Size & Forecast
    • 8.1.1. By Value
  • 8.2. Market Share & Forecast
    • 8.2.1. By Type
    • 8.2.2. By Drug Class
    • 8.2.3. By Distribution Channel
    • 8.2.4. By Country
  • 8.3. South America: Country Analysis
    • 8.3.1. Brazil Diabetic Gastroparesis Treatment Market Outlook
      • Market Size & Forecast
        • By Value
      • Market Share & Forecast
        • By Type
        • By Drug Class
        • By Route of Administration
        • By Distribution Channel
    • 8.3.2. Argentina Diabetic Gastroparesis Treatment Market Outlook
      • Market Size & Forecast
        • By Value
      • Market Share & Forecast
        • By Type
        • By Drug Class
        • By Route of Administration
        • By Distribution Channel
    • 8.3.3. Colombia Diabetic Gastroparesis Treatment Market Outlook
      • Market Size & Forecast
        • By Value
      • Market Share & Forecast
        • By Type
        • By Drug Class
        • By Route of Administration
        • By Distribution Channel

9. Middle East and Africa Diabetic Gastroparesis Treatment Market Outlook

  • 9.1. Market Size & Forecast
    • 9.1.1. By Value
  • 9.2. Market Share & Forecast
    • 9.2.1. By Type
    • 9.2.2. By Drug Type
    • 9.2.3. By Route of Administration
    • 9.2.4. By Distribution Channel
    • 9.2.5. By Country
  • 9.3. MEA: Country Analysis
    • 9.3.1. South Africa Diabetic Gastroparesis Treatment Market Outlook
      • Market Size & Forecast
        • By Value
      • Market Share & Forecast
        • By Type
        • By Drug Class
        • By Route of Administration
        • By Distribution Channel
    • 9.3.2. Saudi Arabia Diabetic Gastroparesis Treatment Market Outlook
      • Market Size & Forecast
        • By Value
      • Market Share & Forecast
        • By Type
        • By Drug Type
        • By Route of Administration
        • By Distribution Channel
    • 9.3.3. UAE Diabetic Gastroparesis Treatment Market Outlook
      • Market Size & Forecast
        • By Value
      • Market Share & Forecast
        • By Type
        • By Drug Class
        • By Route of Administration
        • By Distribution Channel
    • 9.3.4. Egypt Diabetic Gastroparesis Treatment Market Outlook
      • Market Size & Forecast
        • By Value
      • Market Share & Forecast
        • By Type
        • By Drug Class
        • By Route of Administration
        • By Distribution Channel

10. Market Dynamics

  • 10.1. Drivers
  • 10.2. Challenges

11. Market Trends & Developments

  • 11.1. Recent Developments
  • 11.2. Product Launches
  • 11.3. Mergers & Acquisitions

12. Global Iron Deficiency Anemia: SWOT Analysis

13. Porter's Five Forces Analysis

  • 13.1. Competition in the Industry
  • 13.2. Potential of New Entrants
  • 13.3. Power of Suppliers
  • 13.4. Power of Customers
  • 13.5. Threat of Substitute Product

14. Competitive Landscape

  • 14.1. ANI Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
    • 14.1.1. Business Overview
    • 14.1.2. Company Snapshot
    • 14.1.3. Products & Services
    • 14.1.4. Current Capacity Analysis
    • 14.1.5. Financials (In case of listed)
    • 14.1.6. Recent Developments
    • 14.1.7. SWOT Analysis
  • 14.2. Evoke Pharma
  • 14.3. Janssen Pharmaceutica N.V
  • 14.4. Teva Pharmaceuticals Inc.
  • 14.5. Pfizer Inc.
  • 14.6. Salix Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
  • 14.7. Allergan
  • 14.8. Novartis AG
  • 14.10. Wellona Pharma

15. Strategic Recommendations

16. About Us & Disclaimer