采出水处理市场:现况分析与预测(2023-2030)Produced Water Treatment Market: Current Analysis and Forecast (2023-2030) |
这主要是由于政府要求减少工业废弃物以及全球石油和天然气消耗量的增加。 对工业废弃物日益增长的环境担忧正在成为预测期内采出水处理市场成长的催化剂。 全球采出水处理市场的主要市场驱动因素是严格的采出水处理规则和法规。 采出水必须经过处理才能用于非饮用水用途。 各国对石油和天然气的需求不断增加、下游活动的成长以及页岩气的经济利用预计将对采出水处理市场产生正面影响。 由于油价低迷和波动,石油和天然气投资大幅下降。 这是水处理市场的主要限制因素。
随着对石油工业产生的废水处理的环境问题日益关注,这些趋势为采出水处理市场的公司带来了更多的商机。 英国废水处理解决方案供应商 SEM 开发了溶解气浮 (DAF) 技术,这是一种替代澄清工艺,非常适合处理含有藻类和致色有机物等轻质颗粒的原水。 一推出就受到人们的欢迎。 溶气气浮是一种众所周知的泥浆浓缩工艺,可用于去除产水中的脂肪和油。 越来越多的公司采用 DAF,因为它可以实现比沉淀更低的废水浊度。
市场区隔依位置分为陆上和海上。 海上业务在采出水处理市场中占有大部分份额,预计在预测期内将呈现显着的成长速度。 美国的海上石油勘探和开采活动正在增加。 美国有许多老旧油井需要翻新、现代化和升级。 在预测期内,世界海上石油活动的增加正在对采出水处理市场产生正面影响。
根据技术,采出水处理市场分为物理处理、生物处理、膜处理、化学处理和其他处理领域。 物理处理领域预计将占据采出水处理市场的最大市场份额,而薄膜处理领域预计将在预测期内成长最快。 随着公司使用薄膜生物反应器有效去除采出水中的总石油烃,从而显着改善废水质量,薄膜处理领域正在兴起。
为了更了解采出水处理的市场介绍,市场有北美(美国、加拿大等北美地区)、欧洲(德国、义大利、英国、荷兰、法国等欧洲地区)、亚洲太平洋地区(中国、日本、澳洲、韩国等亚太地区)以及世界其他地区。 北美在采出水处理市场中占有最高的市场份额,预计在预测期内将出现显着的复合年增长率。 这主要是由于美国和加拿大正在进行的石油和天然气项目的扩张和升级。 此外,有利的政府政策、法规和政策以及各国对石油和天然气产业的投资正在推动市场。 例如,2023 年 2 月 10 日,美国能源部化石能源和碳管理办公室宣布了一项研发计划,重点是与石油和天然气开发和生产相关的采出水(废水)的表征、处理和管理。宣布为该项目提供超过1800 万美元的资金。
参与市场的主要公司有:Siemens AG、Aker Solutions、Alderly Plc、Schlumberger Limited、CETCO Energy Services、Veolia Water Technologies、Aquatech International L.L.C、Evoqua Water Technologies LLC、Dow Water赛莱默公司流程解决方案
Produced water is a term used in the petroleum industry to describe water produced as a by-product of oil and gas production or used as a heat recovery medium. Produced water is a type of brackish and saltwater brought to the surface from subterranean formations. Oil and gas reservoirs often contain both water and hydrocarbons, either in zones below the hydrocarbons or in the same zones as the oil and gas. Treatment requirements vary around the world. In the United States, these standards are issued by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for underground injection and discharges to surface waters. Gravity separators, plate coalescers, hydrocyclones, nutshell filters, and dissolved gas flotation are some of the technologies used in treating wastes from produced water.
It is mainly owing to the government requirements to reduce industrial waste and increasing consumption of Oil & Gas globally. Increasing environmental concerns regarding industrial waste is acting as a catalyst for the growth of the produced water treatment market during the projected period. The major market driver of the global produced water treatment market is the strict rules and regulations governing produced water treatment. The water produced must be treated so that it can be used for non-potable purposes. Rising demand for oil and gas in different countries, growth in downstream activities, and economic utilization of shale gas are expected to have a positive impact on the produced water treatment market. Low and volatile oil prices have significantly reduced oil and gas investment. This is a significant constraint for the water treatment market.
As environmental concerns regarding the treatment of wastewater generated from the petroleum industry grow, such trends are leading to increased opportunities for companies in the produced water treatment market. SEM, a UK company providing wastewater treatment solutions, has developed DAF (Dissolved Air Flotation) technology, an alternative clarification process ideal for treating raw water containing light particles such as algae and color-causing organics. It gained popularity after its introduction. Dissolved air flotation is a well-known mud-thickening process that can be used to remove oil and grease from product water. More and more companies are turning to DAF because it helps to achieve low effluent turbidity than settling.
Based on Location, The Produced Water Treatment market is divided into Onshore, and Offshore segments. The Offshore segment acquired a majority share in the Produced Water Treatment market and is expected to showcase a substantial growth rate during the forecast period. Offshore oil exploration and extraction activities are rising in the USA. The USA has numerous old oil wells that need refurbishment, modernization, and upgradation. The increasing offshore oil activities in the world are positively affecting the produced water treatment market during the forecast period.
Based on Technology, the Produced Water Treatment market is segmented into Physical, Biological, Membrane, Chemical, and other treatment segments. The Physical Treatment segment captured the biggest market share in the Produced Water Treatment market and the Membrane Treatment segment is expected to showcase the fastest growth during the forecast period. The membrane Treatment segment is increasing as companies are using membrane bioreactors to effectively remove the total petroleum hydrocarbons from produced water, resulting in a significant improvement in effluent quality.
For a better understanding of the market adoption of Produced Water Treatment, the market is analyzed based on its worldwide presence in the countries such as North America (U.S.A, Canada, and the Rest of North America), Europe (Germany, Italy, United Kingdom, Netherlands, France, and Rest of Europe), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Australia, South Korea, and Rest of Asia-Pacific) and Rest of World. North America registered the highest market share in the Produced Water Treatment market and is expected to register a substantial CAGR in the forecasted period. It is mainly owing to the expansion and upgradation of oil & gas projects taking place in the USA and Canada. Moreover, favorable government policies, regulations, and investments in the oil and gas sector set by various countries are driving the market. For Instance, On February 10, 2023, the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management announced more than $18 million in funding for research and development projects that focus on the characterization, treatment, and management of produced water, or wastewater associated with oil & natural gas development and production.
Some of the major players operating in the market are: Siemens AG, Aker Solutions, Alderly Plc, Schlumberger Limited, CETCO Energy Services, Veolia Water Technologies, Aquatech International L.L.C, Evoqua Water Technologies LLC, Dow Water & Process Solutions, and Xylem Inc.