

Gear Motors Market: Current Analysis and Forecast (2024-2032)

出版日期: | 出版商: UnivDatos Market Insights Pvt Ltd | 英文 155 Pages | 商品交期: 最快1-2个工作天内


在预测期(2024-2032年),齿轮马达市场预计将出现约6.91%的显着成长。市场的主要参与者正在采取合作伙伴关係和投资等策略来进一步扩大市场。 2024 年,罗克韦尔自动化宣布在印度金奈开设新工厂,以加强其区域运作并支持其在该地区不断增长的客户群。新工厂将专注于先进製造、工程和技术服务,以推动创新并为自动化和数位转型提供基于本地的解决方案。对钦奈的投资突显了罗克韦尔自动化致力于扩大其在印度的业务并加强其在快速增长的工业自动化市场的地位。为了实现全球齿轮马达市场的进一步成长,参与者应专注于物联网和人工智慧等智慧技术。透过将这些技术融入齿轮马达解决方案中,公司可以提供具有以前不可能实现的性能、监控和预测性维护的改进产品。除了增强齿轮马达的实用性和可靠性之外,这也吸引了需要低价新解决方案的产业。此外,合作伙伴关係和联盟的国际化程度和全球化程度的提高可以增强组织在全球营运中接触新市场和客户的能力。


市场按最终用户细分为食品和饮料、汽车、金属和采矿、物料搬运、石油和天然气等。汽车领域在过去一年中占据了市场主导地位,预计在预测期内也将继续占据主导地位。目前,由于当今汽车的功能係统日益复杂和增强,汽车行业比以往任何时候都更常采用齿轮马达。齿轮马达对于汽车中的几乎所有自动化系统都至关重要,包括电动车窗、座椅、雨刷和 ADAS 等现代汽车安全功能。对更高舒适度、保护和更智慧车辆操作的需求不断增长,促使汽车製造商越来越多地采用基于齿轮马达的系统。此外,由于传统汽车向电动和混合动力汽车的转变,齿轮马达的使用预计未来将大幅增加。电动车有许多需要稳定控制的功能,例如电池管理系统和再生製动,所有这些都必须由齿轮马达驱动。对这一趋势的认识预计将推动汽车市场齿轮马达产业的创新和成长。

依额定输出,市场分为7.5KW及以下、7.5KW至75kW、75kW以上。 7.5kW 至 75kW 细分市场在额定功率细分市场中占据了很大占有率,并对市场成长做出了重大贡献。这些中檔齿轮马达也因其扭力和功率能力而受到重视,使其适合需要高力的功能,例如采矿、物料搬运和建筑。这些领域需要长寿命且可靠的齿轮电机,以便在高负载、高衝击和连续运行等恶劣条件下运行机器。工业部门将继续发展,增加系统负载,从而升级所使用的设备。这意味着这些定义的强大齿轮马达的使用将继续在多种重型应用中从一种应用增加到另一种应用。

为了更了解齿轮马达市场的采用情况,将市场分为北美(美国、加拿大、北美其他地区)、欧洲(德国、法国、英国、西班牙、义大利、欧洲其他地区)、亚太地区(根据其他地区(中国、日本、印度、亚太其他地区)和世界其他地区的全球影响力进行分析。由于工业化和整个地区对自动化系统的日益关注,亚太地区齿轮马达市场正处于成长阶段。中国、印度和日本由于其强大的製造业以及对提高生产力日益增长的兴趣而在市场上处于领先地位。汽车、电子和机械是该地区使用齿轮马达的一些行业。除此之外,对节能解决方案日益增长的需求正在推动先进齿轮马达系统的使用。物联网和人工智慧在预测性维护和营运中的使用正在进一步推动市场向前发展。例如,中国汽车製造商比亚迪在泰国罗勇正式开设东南亚第一家电动车(EV)製造工厂。该厂于 2024 年 7 月 4 日开业,投资额约为 4.9 亿美元,是比亚迪扩大在该地区快速成长的电动车市场的策略的一部分。

参与市场的主要公司包括伊顿、西门子、ABB、SEW-EURODRIVE、Flender、WEG Gear Systems GmbH、Altra Industrial Motion Corp、Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Ltd、Emerson Electric Co、Elecon Engineering Company Limited等。


第1章 市场简介

  • 市场定义
  • 主要目的
  • 相关利益者
  • 限制事项

第2章 调查手法或前提条件

  • 调查流程
  • 调查手法
  • 受访者简介

第3章 摘要整理

  • 产业摘要
  • 各市场区隔预测
    • 市场成长的强度
  • 地区展望

第4章 市场动态

  • 促进因素
  • 机会
  • 阻碍因素
  • 趋势
  • PESTEL分析
  • 需求面分析
  • 供给面分析
    • 产品销售
    • 投资Scenario
    • 产业洞察:主要新创公司及其独特策略

第5章 价格分析

  • 价格的影响因素

第6章 全球齿轮马达市场收益,2022-2032年

第7章 市场分析:齿轮各类型

  • 螺旋状
  • 行星
  • 螺旋状斜齿轮
  • 蠕虫
  • 其他

第8章 市场分析:各终端用户

  • 食品·饮料
  • 汽车
  • 金属·矿业
  • 物料输送
  • 石油、天然气
  • 其他

第9章 市场分析:额定输出

  • 7.5kW以下
  • 7.5kW~75kW
  • 75kW多

第10章 市场分析:各地区

  • 北美
    • 美国
    • 加拿大
    • 其他北美地区
  • 欧洲
    • 德国
    • 英国
    • 法国
    • 义大利
    • 西班牙
    • 其他欧洲地区
  • 亚太地区
    • 中国
    • 印度
    • 日本
    • 其他亚太地区
  • 全球其他地区

第11章 价值链分析

  • 限制分析
  • 市场参与企业一览

第12章 竞争情形

  • 竞争仪表板
  • 竞争市场定位分析
  • 波特的五力分析

第13章 企业简介

  • Eaton
  • Siemens
  • ABB
  • Flender
  • WEG Gear Systems GmbH
  • Altra Industrial Motion Corp.
  • Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Ltd.
  • Emerson Electric Co.
  • Elecon Engineering Company Limited

第14章 缩写与前提条件

第15章 附录

Product Code: UMEP212995

The global gear motors market is on the rise and has decent growth momentum due to the rising trends in automation across the industrial sectors and the rising focus on energy conservation. Automotive and food and beverage, material handling, and packaging are some of the industries that play a significant role in deploying gear motors for various uses as conveyor gear motors and robotic assembly gear motors. Furthermore, the demand for renewable energy sources is rising globally, which in turn is expanding the usage of gear motors in wind turbines and solar tracking systems. Other drivers that have buoyed the market include the sustaining industrialization process in emerging nations and the advancement of production plants in developed areas.

The Gear Motors Market is expected to grow at a significant rate of around 6.91 % during the forecast period (2024-2032). Market key players are adopting strategies like partnership, and investment to gain more growth in the market. In 2024, Rockwell Automation announced the opening of a new facility in Chennai, India, to enhance its regional operations and support its growing customer base in the area. This new facility will focus on advanced manufacturing, engineering, and technology services, aimed at driving innovation and providing localized solutions for automation and digital transformation. The investment in Chennai underscores Rockwell Automation's commitment to expanding its footprint in India and strengthening its presence in the rapidly growing industrial automation market. To achieve further growth in the global gear motors market, players should emphasize smart technologies such as IoT and AI. These technologies, when integrated into gear motor solutions, allow companies to provide products with improved performance, monitoring, and previously impossible predictive maintenance. Besides enhancing the helpful and dependable aspects of gear motors, this also draws industries that require new solutions at reduced prices. Further, an increase in internationalization and globalization of partnerships and affiliations can enhance an organization's reach to new markets and customers for global business advancement.

Based on gear type, the market is bifurcated into helical, planetary, helical-bevel gear, worm, and others. The helical segment has significantly contributed to the market's growth by capturing a substantial share within its gear-type segment. Helical gears are widely used in a gear motor due to their operational characteristics that are continually improving, this is one of the driving forces in the industry. As compared to spur gears, helical gears have teeth that are inclined, and this means that the two gears engage smoothly and gradually. This design, in turn, provides the capability of minimizing noise and vibrations during operation, which is a noteworthy factor for applications that call for accurate work and low noise in any way possible, for example, in medical applications, robotics, and automation. Two main factors have imposed the use of helical gears in gear motors: increasing precision in the manufacturing of machines and the rising need for quiet working in industrial sections. Thus, manufacturers are paying more heed to procuring better and superior Helical gear motors to deal with the intensifying demands of these complex applications.

Based on end-users, the market is segmented into food & beverage, automotive, metal & mining, material handling, oil & gas, and others. The automotive segment dominated the market in the historic year and is expected to dominate in the forecast period. Currently, the automotive industry is adopting gear motors more than ever before due to the complexity and the enhancement of functional systems in the current automobiles. Gear motors are essential in almost all automated systems in the automobile, including power windows, seats, wipers, and modern automotive safety features like ADAS. The rising need for improved comfort, protection, and smart operation in automobiles is leading automakers to use more gear motor-based systems. Also, due to shifting from conventional vehicles to electric and hybrid cars, the use of gear motors is anticipated to rise in the future significantly. Electric vehicles have many functions that need stable control, including battery management systems, regenerative brakes, and so on, all of which must be driven by gear motors. The perception of this trend is expected to fuel innovation and growth in the gear motor segment in the automotive market.

Based on rated power, the market is bifurcated into up to 7.5 Kw, 7.5 Kw-75kW, and above 75kW. The 7.5kW-75kW segment has significantly contributed to the market's growth by capturing a substantial share within its rated power segment. These mid-range gear motors are also valued for their capacity of torsional force and power that are ok for functions that require much force such as mining, material handling, and construction. These sectors make the machinery operate under extreme conditions such as high loads, high impact, and continuous operations, this requires long-lasting and reliable gear motors. Industrial sectors will continue to develop and increase their systems' load, which in turn will result in the upgrading of the equipment used; this means that the usage of these defined powerful gear motors will continue to rise from one use to another in several heavy-duty applications.

For a better understanding of the market adoption of gear motors market, the market is analyzed based on its worldwide presence in countries such as North America (U.S., Canada, and the Rest of North America), Europe (Germany, France, U.K., Spain, Italy, Rest of Europe), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, India, Rest of Asia-Pacific), Rest of World. The Asia Pacific gear motors market is in a growth phase due to industrialization across the region and more focus on automation systems. Market leaders are China, India, and Japan due to their high manufacturing industries and increased concern towards increased productivity. Cars, electronics, and machinery are some of the industries that use gear motors in this part of the world. Besides this, the escalating need for energy-efficient solutions is promoting the use of sophisticated gear motor systems. The use of IoT and AI in predictive maintenance and operations is still advancing the market even higher. For instance, Chinese automotive manufacturer BYD has officially opened its first electric vehicle (EV) manufacturing plant in Southeast Asia, located in Rayong, Thailand. The factory, inaugurated on July 4, 2024, represents a significant investment of approximately USD 490 million and is part of BYD's strategy to expand its presence in the rapidly growing EV market in the region.

Some of the major players operating in the market include Eaton, Siemens, ABB, SEW-EURODRIVE, Flender, WEG Gear Systems GmbH, Altra Industrial Motion Corp, Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Ltd, Emerson Electric Co and Elecon Engineering Company Limited.



  • 1.1. Market Definitions
  • 1.2. Main Objective
  • 1.3. Stakeholders
  • 1.4. Limitation


  • 2.1. Research Process of the Global Gear Motors Market
  • 2.2. Research Methodology of the Global Gear Motors Market
  • 2.3. Respondent Profile


  • 3.1. Industry Synopsis
  • 3.2. Segmental Outlook
    • 3.2.1. Market Growth Intensity
  • 3.3. Regional Outlook


  • 4.1. Drivers
  • 4.2. Opportunity
  • 4.3. Restraints
  • 4.4. Trends
  • 4.5. PESTEL Analysis
  • 4.6. Demand Side Analysis
  • 4.7. Supply Side Analysis
    • 4.7.1. Product Launch
    • 4.7.2. Investment Scenario
    • 4.7.3. Industry Insights: Leading Startups and Their Unique Strategies


  • 5.1. Price Influencing Factors



  • 7.1. Helical
  • 7.2. Planetary
  • 7.3. Helical-Bevel Gear
  • 7.4. Worm
  • 7.5. Others


  • 8.1. Food & Beverages
  • 8.2. Automotive
  • 8.3. Metal & Mining
  • 8.4. Material Handling
  • 8.5. Oil & Gas
  • 8.6. Others


  • 9.1. Up to 7.5 kW
  • 9.2. 7.5 kW-75 kW
  • 9.3. Above 75 kW


  • 10.1. North America
    • 10.1.1. U.S.
    • 10.1.2. Canada
    • 10.1.3. Rest of North America
  • 10.2. Europe
    • 10.2.1. Germany
    • 10.2.2. U.K.
    • 10.2.3. France
    • 10.2.4. Italy
    • 10.2.5. Spain
    • 10.2.6. Rest of Europe
  • 10.3. Asia-Pacific
    • 10.3.1. China
    • 10.3.2. India
    • 10.3.3. Japan
    • 10.3.4. Rest of APAC
  • 10.4. Rest of World


  • 11.1. Marginal Analysis
  • 11.2. List of Market Participants


  • 12.1. Competition Dashboard
  • 12.2. Competitor Market Positioning Analysis
  • 12.3. Porter Five Forces Analysis


  • 13.1. Eaton
    • 13.1.1. Company Overview
    • 13.1.2. Key Financials
    • 13.1.3. SWOT Analysis
    • 13.1.4. Product Portfolio
    • 13.1.5. Recent Developments
  • 13.2. Siemens
  • 13.3. ABB
  • 13.5. Flender
  • 13.6. WEG Gear Systems GmbH
  • 13.7. Altra Industrial Motion Corp.
  • 13.8. Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Ltd.
  • 13.9. Emerson Electric Co.
  • 13.10. Elecon Engineering Company Limited