

Industrials OT Cybersecurity Industry Analysis 2024-2030

出版日期: | 出版商: Westlands Advisory Ltd | 英文 | 商品交期: 最快1-2个工作天内





最大的支出领域是加速主要产业和大型跨国公司的OT网路安全专案。边缘资料处理的增加和云端服务的使用将继续需要 CISO 的关注。从长远来看,随着安全领导者致力于营运弹性(无论是在本地、边缘还是在云端运行),OT 和 IIoT 将变得越来越难以区分。

然而,不仅关键产业和大型跨国公司,而且占世界工业基础很大一部分的中小企业的网路安全成熟度仍然面临重大挑战。这些组织缺乏管理 OT网路安全计画所需的资源和人才,而该计画需要加强对法规和当地法律的遵守。

最大的支出领域仍然是网路保护和分段。因此,NGFW 供应商经历了显着的成长,并为 OT 环境开发的新产品进行了相应的投资。2016年至2023年,OT网路威胁侦测和漏洞管理的支出快速成长,但现在已开始成熟。供应商转向为客户提供针对多种用例的解决方案的平台方法。託管安全服务是一项高速成长的需求,可满足 2级和 3级 SOC 分析师的客户需求。

到2031年,领先的製造商将实现以资产为中心、自动化并建立在零信任原则的基础上。虽然这将成为绿地工厂的标准,但随着 OT网路安全概念的成熟、预算的到位以及维护窗口允许更新,棕地工厂将逐渐转向这些模型。

工业 OT网路安全的定义

普渡模型于20 世纪80年代开发,至今仍广泛用作组织和分区工业网路系统的标准方法,以提高安全性、可靠性和可管理性。说明OT网路安全用例。

  • 第0级:物理过程。实体资料采集和製程控制(温度感测器、压力表、控制阀等)。
  • 第1级:控制器 LAN。包括直接负责製程控制(PLC/RTU)的硬体和软体。这主要是对物理过程的即时控制和监视、控制逻辑的执行以及来自0级设备的资料收集。
  • 第2级:本地 HMI LAN。监督、控制和资料收集系统,负责监督和协调 1级设备、即时监控、资料记录和基本警报功能。操作员作业系统来管理和监督流程。
  • 第3级:控制中心或营运管理,使生产流程与企业目标保持一致(包括製造执行系统(MES)、批量控制和生产调度)。
  • 第3.5级:工厂 DMZ 是原始模型中未包含的附加层,用于描述 IT(公司)等级和 OT 等级之间的安全控制。典型的元件包括防火墙、IT/OT 安全策略实施以及传入流量的监视和控制、IDS/IPS、中介客户端对其他伺服器资源的请求的代理伺服器、资料二极体、远端存取伺服器等,仅允许要传送的流量。

除了使用者错误之外,OT 的网路安全威胁主要源自于管理不善的凭证对系统进行未经授权的存取、透过 DMZ 的恶意软体或透过 USB 连接埠插入的恶意软体。企业面临的风险是多种因素的集合,例如威胁、漏洞和资产的重要性。




  • 投资驱动因素摘要
  • 经济概况
  • 数位转型概述
  • 监理概述
  • 主要监理趋势概览
  • 攻击区域
  • 威胁
  • 风险意识
  • 趋势与经济指标(2008-2023)
  • 趋势与经济指标(2024-2031)

工业 OT 架构与网路安全控制

  • 参考架构
  • 普渡大学模型
  • OT系统风险
  • 网路安全技术与管理控制
  • 行政控制
  • OT网路安全参考架构
  • 工业控制系统的安全控制


  • 摘要
  • 预测趋势与市场支出
  • 工业物联网安全参考架构
  • 生态系统


  • 摘要
  • 人员和流程
  • 领导力
  • 人力资源与文化成熟度
  • 流程成熟度
  • 技术成熟度
  • 工业 OT网路安全成熟度
  • 产业组成:微型企业、中小企业、大型企业
  • 各行业的成熟度


  • 摘要
  • 网路保护趋势
  • OT网路保护
  • OT网路保护(续)
  • 工业网路
  • 侦测/威胁侦测趋势
  • 侦测/威胁侦测解决方案
  • 侦测/威胁侦测解决方案(续)
  • 资产脆弱性与风险管理的趋势
  • 资产漏洞/风险管理解决方案
  • 端点保护的趋势
  • 端点保护解决方案
  • 安全远端存取管理的趋势
  • 安全的远端存取管理解决方案
  • 安全营运趋势
  • 安全营运解决方案
  • 其他技术解决方案
  • 进阶威胁预防与保护
  • 专业保全服务的定义
  • 专业保全服务的趋势
  • 託管安全服务定义
  • 託管安全服务的趋势
  • 技术成熟度生命週期
  • 技术市场规模与预测


  • 摘要
  • 技术供应商
  • 服务供应商


  • 北美市场预测:依产业细分(2023-2031年)
  • 北美支出/年复合成长率:依产业细分(2023年)
  • 北美市场预测:依国家划分(2023-2031年)
  • 亚太市场预测:依产业细分(2023-2031年)
  • 亚太地区支出/年复合成长率:依产业细分(2023年)
  • 亚太市场预测:依国家分类(2023-2031年)
  • 欧洲市场预测:依产业细分(2023-2031年)
  • 欧洲支出/年复合成长率:依产业细分(2023年)
  • 欧洲市场预测:依国家划分(2023-2031年)
  • 中东市场预测:依产业细分(2023-2031年)
  • 中东支出/年复合成长率:依产业细分(2023年)
  • 中东市场预测:依国家划分(2023-2031年)
  • 非洲市场预测:依产业细分(2023-2031年)
  • 非洲支出/年复合成长率:依产业细分(2023年)
  • 非洲市场预测:依国家分类(2023-2031年)
  • 拉丁美洲市场预测:依产业细分(2023-2031年)
  • 拉丁美洲支出/年复合成长率:依产业细分(2023年)
  • 拉丁美洲市场预测:依国家分类(2023-2031年)
  • 中亚市场预测:依产业细分(2023-2031年)
  • 中亚支出/年复合成长率:依产业细分(2023年)
  • 中亚市场预测:依国家分类(2023-2031年)


  • 食品和饮料市场趋势和预测:依地区(2023-2031年)
  • 汽车市场趋势与预测:依地区(2023-2031年)
  • 医药市场趋势与预测:依地区(2023-2031年)
  • 製造业的趋势
  • 纺织与皮革市场预测:依地区(2023-2031年)
  • 木製品市场预测:依地区(2023-2031年)
  • 纸製品市场预测:依地区(2023-2031年)
  • 橡胶和塑胶市场预测:依地区(2023-2031年)
  • 其他有色金属市场预测:依地区(2023-2031年)
  • 机械市场预测:依地区(2023-2031年)
  • 电气设备製造市场预测:依地区(2023-2031年)
  • 其他运输设备市场预测:依地区(2023-2031年)
  • 其他离散产业市场预测:依地区(2023-2031年)
  • 电脑与电子设备市场预测:依地区(2023-2031年)
  • 半导体製造业市场预测:依地区(2023-2031年)
  • 铁路市场预测:依地区(2023-2031年)
  • 港口与航运市场预测:依地区(2023-2031年)
  • 航空运输市场预测:依地区(2023-2031年)
  • 发电市场预测:依地区(2023-2031年)
  • 输配电市场预测:依地区(2023-2031年)
  • 自来水公司的市场预测:依地区(2023-2031年)
  • 石油和天然气市场预测:依地区(2023-2031年)
  • 炼油厂市场预测:依地区(2023-2031年)
  • 化学品市场预测:依地区(2023-2031年)
  • 矿业市场预测:依地区(2023-2031年)
  • 基本金属市场预测:依地区(2023-2031年)
  • 金属加工市场预测:依地区(2023-2031年)


OT cybersecurity expenditure has increased significantly in recent years reaching an estimated $8.4B in 2023. The United States is the largest market and will remain so over the forecast period.

Increased cybersecurity investment is strongly correlated with the ongoing digital transformation of manufacturing industries and the increasing attack surface. The growing number of cyber incidents impacting industrial operations, current geopolitics, and the large number of vulnerabilities, has encouraged asset owners to invest in asset protection and monitoring. Trends are expected to strengthen to 2031 leading to additional cybersecurity investment though the rate of increase is likely to lag behind digital transformation and the number of cyber incidents.

The largest area of expenditure is on accelerating OT cybersecurity programs in critical industries and large multinational businesses. Growing data processing at the edge, and use of cloud services, will continue to demand the attention of the CISO. In the longer-term OT and IIoT will slowly become indistinguishable as security leaders focus on resilience of operations irrespective of on-prem, edge or cloud operations.

However, beyond critical industries and large multinationals, a significant challenge remains regarding the cybersecurity maturity of the large base of SME/Bs which comprise a large percentage of the global industrial base. Increasingly these organisations will be required to comply with regulations and local laws whilst having neither the resources or talent required to manage OT cybersecurity programs.

The largest area of expenditure remains network protection and segmentation. This has resulted in significant growth for NGFW vendors and corresponding investments in new products developed for OT environments. Expenditure on OT network threat detection and vulnerability management has grown rapidly over the period from 2016-2023 but is now beginning to mature. Vendors are shifting to a platform approach, offering customers solutions to multiple use-cases. Managed Security Services is a high growth requirement and addresses the customer need for Level 2 and 3 SOC analysts.

By 2031 leading manufacturers will be asset focussed, automated, and built on zero trust principles. This will become standardised in greenfield plants whilst brownfield operations will slowly migrate towards these models as OT cybersecurity concepts mature, budgets become available, and maintenance windows allow upgrades.

Industrial OT Cybersecurity Definitions

The Purdue Model, developed in the 1980's, is still widely used as a standardised approach to organising and segmenting industrial network systems to improve security, reliability and manageability and is used throughout the analysis to describe OT cybersecurity use cases.

  • Level 0 – Physical Process. Physical data acquisition and process control, such as temperature sensors, pressure gauges, and control valves.
  • Level 1 – Controller LAN. Includes the hardware and software directly responsible for the control of the processes (PLCs and RTUs). This is principally the real-time control and monitoring of physical processes, execution of control logic, and data acquisition from Level 0 devices.
  • Level 2 – Local HMI LAN. Supervisory control and data acquisition systems that oversee and coordinate Level 1 devices, real-time monitoring, data logging, and basic alarming functions. This is where operators interact with the system to manage and supervise processes.
  • Level 3 – Control Centre or Operations Management which includes Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES), batch-control and production scheduling, ensuring that production processes align with enterprise goals.
  • Level 3.5 – Plant DMZ is an additional layer that was not part of the original model and is used to describe the security controls between the IT (Enterprise) and OT levels. Typical components includes firewalls and enforce security policy between IT and OT and to monitor and control incoming traffic, IDS/IPS, proxy servers that act as an intermediary for requests from clients seeking resources from other servers, data diodes to only allow traffic out, and remote access servers

The cybersecurity threat to OT, beyond user error, is primarily from unauthorised access to systems due to poorly managed credentials, malware passing through the DMZ or inserted via USB ports. The risk to the business is the sum or several factors – the threat, the vulnerabilities, and the criticality of the asset.

Table of Contents

Executive Summary

  • Executive Summary (1)
  • Executive Summary (2)

Cybersecurity Investment Drivers

  • Summary of Investment Drivers
  • Economics Summary
  • Digital Transformation Summary
  • Regulatory Summary
  • Summary of Major Regulatory Developments
  • Attack Surface
  • Threats
  • Perceptions of Risk
  • Trends and economic indicators (2008-2023)
  • Trends and economic indicators (2024-2031)

Industrial OT Architectures and Cybersecurity Controls

  • Reference Architecture
  • Purdue Model
  • OT System Risk
  • Technical & Administrative Cybersecurity Controls
  • Administrative Controls
  • OT Cybersecurity Reference Architecture
  • Industrial Control System Security Controls

IIoT Cybersecurity

  • Summary
  • Trends and Market Expenditure Forecast
  • IIoT Security Reference Architecture
  • Ecosystem

OT Cybersecurity Industry Maturity

  • Summary
  • People and Process
  • Leadership
  • People & Culture Maturity
  • Process Maturity
  • Technology Maturity
  • Industrial OT Cybersecurity Maturity
  • Industry mix by Micro, Small, Medium and Large Business
  • Maturity by industry

Technology Lifecycle & Use Cases

  • Summary
  • Network Protection Trends
  • OT Network Protection
  • OT Network Protection Contd.
  • Industrial Networking
  • Discovery & Threat Detection Trends
  • Discovery & Threat Detection Solutions
  • Discovery & Threat Detection Solutions Contd.
  • Asset Vulnerability & Risk Management Trends
  • Asset Vulnerability & Risk Management Solutions
  • Endpoint Protection Trends
  • Endpoint Protection Solutions
  • Secure Remote Access Management Trends
  • Secure Remote Access Management Solutions
  • Security Operations Trends
  • Security Operations Solutions
  • Other Technology Solutions
  • Advanced Threat Prevention & Protection
  • Professional Security Services Definition
  • Professional Security Services Trends
  • Managed Security Services Definition
  • Managed Security Services Trends
  • Technology Maturity Lifecycle
  • Technology Market Size and Forecast


  • Summary
  • Technology Vendors
  • Service Vendors

Market Expenditure & Outlook

  • North America Market Forecast by Industry Segment 2023-2031
  • North America Expenditure 2023 and CAGR by Industry Segment
  • North America Market Forecast by Country 2023-2031
  • APAC Market Forecast by Industry Segment 2023-2031
  • APAC Expenditure 2023 and CAGR by Industry Segment
  • APAC Market Forecast by Country 2023-2031
  • Europe Market Forecast by Industry Segment 2023-2031
  • Europe Expenditure 2023 and CAGR by Industry Segment
  • Europe Market Forecast by Country 2023-2031
  • Middle East Market Forecast by Industry Segment 2023-2031
  • Middle East Expenditure 2023 and CAGR by Industry Segment
  • Middle East Market Forecast by Country 2023-2031
  • Africa Market Forecast by Industry Segment 2023-2031
  • Africa Expenditure 2023 and CAGR by Industry Segment
  • Africa Market Forecast by Country 2023-2031
  • Latin America Market Forecast by Industry Segment 2023-2031
  • Latin America Expenditure 2023 and CAGR by Industry Segment
  • Latin America Market Forecast by Country 2023-2031
  • Central Asia Market Forecast by Industry Segment 2023-2031
  • Central Asia Expenditure 2023 and CAGR by Industry Segment
  • Central Asia Market Forecast by Country 2023-2031

Vertical Market Trends

  • Food & Beverage Trends & Market Forecasts by Region 2023-2031
  • Automotive Trends & Market Forecasts by Region 2023-2031
  • Pharmaceutical Trends & Market Forecasts by Region 2023-2031
  • Manufacturing Trends
  • Textile & Leather Market Forecasts by Region 2023-2031
  • Wood Product Market Forecasts by Region 2023-2031
  • Paper Product Market Forecasts by Region 2023-2031
  • Rubber & Plastics Market Forecasts by Region 2023-2031
  • Other Non-Metallic Market Forecasts by Region 2023-2031
  • Machinery Market Forecasts by Region 2023-2031
  • Electrical Manufacturing Market Forecasts by Region 2023-2031
  • Other Transport Market Forecasts by Region 2023-2031
  • Other Discrete Market Forecasts by Region 2023-2031
  • Computing & Electronics Trends & Market Forecasts by Region 2023-2031
  • Semiconductor Manufacturing Market Forecasts by Region 2023-2031
  • Rail Trends Market Forecasts by Region 2023-2031
  • Ports & Maritime Trends & Market Forecasts by Region 2023-2031
  • Air Transportation Market Forecasts by Region 2023-2031
  • Power Generation Trends & Market Forecasts by Region 2023-2031
  • Transmission & Distribution Trends & Market Forecasts by Region 2023-2031
  • Water Utilities Trends & Market Forecasts by Region 2023-2031
  • Oil & Gas Trends & Market Forecasts by Region 2023-2031
  • Refineries Market Forecasts by Region 2023-2031
  • Chemical Trends & Market Forecasts by Region 2023-2031
  • Mining Trends & Market Forecasts by Region 2023-2031
  • Basic Metals Trends & Market Forecasts by Region 2023-2031
  • Fabricated Metals Market Forecasts by Region 2023-2031