

Discovery Stage Partnering Terms and Agreements in Pharma and Biotech 2019-2024

出版日期: | 出版商: Current Partnering | 英文 2500+ Pages | 商品交期: 最快1-2个工作天内







本报告包含自2019年以来宣布的所有药物发现阶段合作的完整列表,并包括交易各方披露的实际药物发现合作的线上交易记录,还包括超过 3,900个链接。此外,如果有的话,会记录公司及其附属公司向美国证券交易委员会提交的合约文件。

本报告包括数百家生命科学公司宣布的交易,包括Takeda、AstraZeneca、Eli Lilly、Sanofi、Boehringer Ingelheim、Merck、Roche、Bristol-Myers Squibb、Astellas、Twist Bioscienc等主要製药公司。






  • 有关药物发现阶段合约趋势的详细资讯(自2019年起)
  • 存取交易总额、预付款、里程碑和忠诚度资料
  • 利用大量真实案例研究分析药物发现阶段的合约结构
  • 实践中的条款范例以及对药物发现阶段合约中包含的条款的深入了解
  • 公司在过往交易中商定的主要交易条款的识别
  • 进行实质审查:评估向合作伙伴公司提出的合约条款的适用性


  • 本报告目的是让读者深入了解和了解全球领先公司签订的药物发现阶段协议的趋势和结构。


  • 生物製药产业药物发现阶段的交易趋势(2019年起)
  • 药物发现阶段的交易结构分析
  • 存取交易总额、预付款、里程碑和忠诚度资料
  • 实际药物发现阶段计画的案例研究
  • 参与药物发现阶段的案件(超过 2,900个)
  • 药物发现阶段的主要案件(依据金额,2019年起)
  • 药物发现阶段最活跃的交易撮合者(2019年起)
  • 药物发现阶段的主要联盟(2019)


  • 公司名称(A-Z)
  • 总交易金额
  • 合约签订时的开发阶段
  • 合约类型
  • 具体治疗标靶
  • 每笔交易的标题都透过网路连结连结到交易记录的线上版本以及合约文件(如果有),可以轻鬆按需存取每份合约文件。

此报告提供了对 2,900 多个药物发现阶段交易的可用交易和合约文件的全面存取。分析实际合约协议能够评估:

  • 授予或选择的具体权利是什么?
  • 合约实际上赋予了合作伙伴公司什么?
  • 授予哪些类型的专有权?
  • 合约的付款结构是怎样的?
  • 如何审核销售和付款?
  • 条款和条件是什么?
  • 合约的主要条款是如何定义的?
  • 智慧财产权的处理和所有权如何?
  • 谁负责商业化?
  • 谁负责开发、供应和製造?
  • 如何管理保密和发布?
  • 如何解决争议?
  • 什么情况下可以取消合约?
  • 如果所有者发生变化会怎样?
  • 已就何种类型的再授权或分包契约达成协议?
  • 公司主张哪些样板条款?
  • 根据合作伙伴关係或交易的类型,哪些样板条款看起来有所不同?
  • 公司对契约法主张哪一个管辖权?



第1章 简介

第2章 公司在药物发现阶段合作的原因

  • 简介
  • 伙伴关係在药物发现阶段的作用
    • 药物发现阶段的许可引进
    • 药物发现阶段的许可
  • 药物发现、临床前和临床阶段交易的差异
  • 在药物发现阶段签订合作协议的原因
    • 为什么许可方(许可方)在药物发现阶段签订合约
    • 为什么被许可人(被许可人)在药物发现阶段签订合约
  • 药物发现阶段协作交易的未来

第3章 药物发现阶段的交易策略与结构

  • 简介
  • 公司在什么阶段结盟?
    • 製药/生技领域的早期合作
    • 製药/生技领域的后期合作
  • 早期与后期联盟:比较风险/成本
  • 公司在药物发现、临床前和临床阶段花了多少钱?
  • 纯/复合组件合作协议
  • 纯粹授权协议的结构
    • 纯许可协议范例
    • a.个案研究(9)
    • b.个案研究(10)
  • 复杂成分和药物发现阶段的合作协议
    • a. 多个组成部分/开头子句的范例
    • a.个案研究(11)
    • b.个案研究(12)

第4章 药物发现阶段合作的支付策略

  • 简介
  • 药物发现阶段的支付策略
  • 付款方式
    • 总交易金额
    • 预付款
    • 贷款
    • 可转换贷款
    • 股权
    • 研发资金
    • 许可费
    • 里程碑付款
    • 特许权使用费
    • QUIDS
    • Option payments

第5章 药物发现阶段的交易趋势

  • 简介
  • 近期在药物发现阶段的合作
    • 药物发现交易的属性
  • 药物发现阶段的合作关係:依交易类型划分
  • 药物发现阶段的合作关係:依疾病类型划分
  • 药物发现阶段的合作:依技术类型
  • 与最活跃的公司在药物发现阶段建立合作关係(2019-2024年)

第6章 药物发现阶段合作的付款条件

  • 简介
  • 有关药物发现阶段付款条件的指南
    • 预付款
    • 里程碑付款
    • 特许权使用费
  • 药物发现阶段的支付条件:交易资料分析
    • 公开资料
    • 调查资料
  • 付款条件分析
    • 药物发现阶段的交易总额
    • 药物发现阶段的交易:预付款
    • 药物发现阶段交易:里程碑付款
    • 药物发现阶段的特许权使用费

第7章 药物发现阶段的重大交易

  • 简介
  • 药物发现阶段的主要交易:依交易金额

第8章 药物发现阶段的交易撮合者:前 25 家公司

  • 简介
  • 最活跃的药物发现阶段交易撮合者:前 25 名公司

第9章 药物发现阶段合作协议清单

  • 简介
  • 药物发现阶段的合约交易(2019-2024)

第10章 药物发现阶段的交易:依开发阶段划分

  • 简介
  • 依药物发现阶段划分的交易


Product Code: CP2056

The Discovery Stage Partnering Terms and Agreements in Pharma and Biotech 2019-2024 report provides a detailed understanding and analysis of how, why and on what terms companies enter discovery stage partnering deals. These deals are discovery stage whereby the licensee obtains a right or an option right to license the licensors product or technology. These deals tend to be multicomponent, starting with collaborative R&D, and commercialization of outcomes.

This report provides details of the latest discovery agreements announced in the healthcare sector.

Understanding the flexibility of a prospective partner's negotiated deals terms provides critical insight into the negotiation process in terms of what you can expect to achieve during the negotiation of terms. Whilst many smaller companies will be seeking details of the payments clauses, the devil is in the detail in terms of how payments are triggered - contract documents provide this insight where press releases and databases do not.

This report contains a comprehensive listing of all discovery stage partnering deals announced since 2019 including financial terms where available including over 3,900 links to online deal records of actual discovery partnering deals as disclosed by the deal parties. In addition, where available, records include contract documents as submitted to the Securities Exchange Commission by companies and their partners.

Contract documents provide the answers to numerous questions about a prospective partner's flexibility on a wide range of important issues, many of which will have a significant impact on each party's ability to derive value from the deal.

The initial chapters of this report provide an orientation of discovery stage deal making and business activities. Chapter 1 provides an introduction to the report, whilst chapter 2 provides an overview of why companies partner discovery stage compounds/products.

Chapter 3 provides an overview of discovery stage deals strategy and deal structure including numerous case studies. Chapter 4 provides an overview of the various payment strategies used in discovery stage deals.

Chapter 5 provides a review of discovery stage deal making since 2019. Deals activity is reviewed by year, therapeutic area, technology type, as well as most active dealmakers.

Chapter 6 provides a detailed analysis of discovery stage payment terms including headline, upfront, milestone and royalty rates.

Chapter 7 provides a review of the leading discovery stage deal by headline value. Each deal title links via Current Agreements deals and alliances database to an online version of the full deal record, and where available, the actual contract document, providing easy access to each deal record on demand.

Chapter 8 provides a comprehensive listing of the top 25 most active discovery stage dealmaker companies. Each deal title links via Current Agreements deals and alliances database to an online version of the full deal record, and where available, the actual contract document, providing easy access to each deal record on demand.

Chapter 9 provides a comprehensive and detailed review of discovery stage partnering deals signed and announced since 2019, where a contract document is available in the public domain.

Chapter 10 provides a comprehensive directory of discovery stage partnering deals since 2019.

The report includes deals announced by hundreds of life science companies including big pharma such as Takeda, AstraZeneca, Eli Lilly, Sanofi, Boehringer Ingelheim, Merck, Roche, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Astellas, Twist Bioscience and many more.

The report also includes numerous tables and figures that illustrate the trends and activities in discovery stage partnering and deal making since 2019.

In addition, a comprehensive appendix of all discovery deals since 2019 is provided organized by partnering company A-Z, deal type, therapy focus and technology type. Each deal title links via Weblink to an online version of the deal record and where available, the contract document, providing easy access to each contract document on demand.

In conclusion, this report provides everything a prospective dealmaker needs to know about partnering in the research, development and commercialization of discovery stage products and compounds.

Key benefits

Global Discovery Stage Partnering Terms and Agreements in Pharma and Biotech 2019-2024 provide the reader with the following key benefits:

  • In-depth understanding of discovery stage deal trends since 2019
  • Access to headline, upfront, milestone and royalty data
  • Analysis of the structure of discovery stage agreements with numerous real life case studies
  • Insight into the terms included in a discovery stage agreement, together with real world clause examples
  • Understand the key deal terms companies have agreed in previous deals
  • Undertake due diligence to assess suitability of your proposed deal terms for partner companies

Report scope

  • Global Discovery Stage Partnering Terms and Agreements in Pharma and Biotech 2019-2024 is intended to provide the reader with an in-depth understanding and access to discovery stage deal trends and structure of deals entered into by leading companies worldwide.

Global Discovery Stage Partnering Terms and Agreements in Pharma and Biotech 2019-2024 include:

  • Trends in discovery stage dealmaking in the biopharma industry since 2019
  • Analysis of discovery stage deal structure
  • Access to headline, upfront, milestone and royalty data
  • Case studies of real-life discovery stage deals
  • Access to over 2,900 discovery stage deals
  • The leading discovery stage deals by value since 2019
  • Most active discovery stage dealmakers since 2019
  • The leading discovery stage partnering 2019

In Global Discovery Stage Partnering Terms and Agreements in Pharma and Biotech 2019-2024, the available contracts are listed by:

  • Company A-Z
  • Headline value
  • Stage of development at signing
  • Deal type
  • Specific therapy target
  • Each deal title links via Weblink to an online version of the deal record and where available, the contract document, providing easy access to each contract document on demand.

The Global Discovery Stage Partnering Terms and Agreements in Pharma and Biotech 2019-2024 report provides comprehensive access to available deals and contract documents for over 2,900 discovery stage deals. Analyzing actual contract agreements allows assessment of the following:

  • What are the precise rights granted or optioned?
  • What is actually granted by the agreement to the partner company?
  • What exclusivity is granted?
  • What is the payment structure for the deal?
  • How are sales and payments audited?
  • What is the deal term?
  • How are the key terms of the agreement defined?
  • How are IPRs handled and owned?
  • Who is responsible for commercialization?
  • Who is responsible for development, supply, and manufacture?
  • How is confidentiality and publication managed?
  • How are disputes to be resolved?
  • Under what conditions can the deal be terminated?
  • What happens when there is a change of ownership?
  • What sublicensing and subcontracting provisions have been agreed?
  • Which boilerplate clauses does the company insist upon?
  • Which boilerplate clauses appear to differ from partner to partner or deal type to deal type?
  • Which jurisdiction does the company insist upon for agreement law?

Table of Contents

Executive Summary

Chapter 1 - Introduction

Chapter 2 - Why do companies partner at discovery stage?

  • 2.1. Introduction
  • 2.2. The role of discovery stage partnering
    • 2.2.1. In-licensing at discovery stage
    • 2.2.2. Out-licensing at discovery stage
  • 2.3. Difference between discovery, preclinical and clinical stage deals
  • 2.4. Reasons for entering into discovery stage partnering deals
    • 2.4.1. Licensors reasons for entering discovery stage deals
    • 2.4.2. Licensees reasons for entering discovery stage deals
  • 2.5. The future of discovery stage partnering deals

Chapter 3 - Discovery stage deal strategies and structure

  • 3.1. Introduction
  • 3.2. At what stage do companies partner?
    • 3.2.1. Partnering early in pharmaceutical/biotech
    • Discovery and preclinical stage partnering case studies
    • Case study 1
    • Case study 2
    • Case study 3
    • Case study 4
    • 3.2.2. Partnering later in pharmaceutical/biotech
    • Clinical stage partnering case studies
    • Case study 5
    • Case study 6
    • Case study 7
    • Case study 8
  • 3.3. Early and later stage partnering - a risk/cost comparison
  • 3.4. What do companies spend on discovery, preclinical and clinical stage partnering?
  • 3.5. Pure versus multi-component partnering deals
  • 3.6. Pure licensing agreement structure
    • 3.6.1. Example pure licensing agreements
    • 3.6.1.a. Case study 9
    • 3.6.1.b. Case study 10
  • 3.7. Multicomponent discovery stage partnering agreements
    • 3.7.1.a. Example multicomponent early stage clauses
    • 3.7.1.a. Case study 11
    • 3.7.1.b. Case study 12

Chapter 4 - Discovery stage partnering payment strategies

  • 4.1. Introduction
  • 4.2. Discovery stage payment strategies
  • 4.3. Payment options
    • 4.3.1. Headline values
    • 4.3.2. Upfront payments
    • Conditionality of upfront payments
    • 4.3.3. Loans
    • 4.3.4. Convertible loans
    • 4.3.5. Equity
    • 4.3.6. R&D funding
    • 4.3.7. Licensing fees
    • 4.3.8. Milestone payments
    • 4.3.9. Royalty payments
    • Issues affecting royalty rates
    • Royalties on combination products
    • Case study 13
    • Guaranteed minimum/maximum annual payments
    • Royalty stacking
    • Royalties and supply/purchase contracts
    • 4.3.10. Quids
    • 4.3.11. Option payments

Chapter 5 - Trends in discovery stage deal making

  • 5.1. Introduction
  • 5.2. Discovery stage partnering over the years
    • 5.2.1. Attributes of discovery deals
  • 5.3. Discovery stage partnering by deal type
  • 5.4. Discovery stage partnering by disease type
  • 5.5. Partnering by discovery stage technology type
  • 5.6. Discovery stage partnering by most active company, 2019 to 2024

Chapter 6 - Payment terms for discovery stage partnering

  • 6.1. Introduction
  • 6.2. Guidelines for discovery stage payment terms
    • 6.2.1. Upfront payments
    • 6.2.2. Milestone payments
    • 6.2.3. Royalty payments
  • 6.3. Discovery stage payment terms - deal data analysis
    • 6.3.1. Public data
    • 6.3.2. Survey data
  • 6.4. Payment terms analysis
    • 6.4.1. Discovery stage headline values
    • 6.4.2. Discovery stage deal upfront payments
    • 6.4.3. Discovery stage deal milestone payments
    • 6.4.4. Discovery stage royalty rates

Chapter 7 - Leading discovery stage deals

  • 7.1. Introduction
  • 7.2. Top discovery stage deals by value

Chapter 8 - Top 25 most active discovery stage dealmakers

  • 8.1. Introduction
  • 8.2. Top 25 most active discovery stage dealmakers

Chapter 9 - Discovery stage partnering contracts directory

  • 9.1. Introduction
  • 9.2. Discovery stage deals with contracts 2019 to 2024

Chapter 10 - Discovery stage deal making by development stage

  • 10.1. Introduction
  • 10.2. Deals by discovery stage


  • Appendix 1 - Discovery stage dealmaking by companies A-Z
  • Appendix 2 - Discovery stage dealmaking by industry sector
  • Appendix 3 - Discovery stage dealmaking by stage of development
  • Appendix 4 - Discovery stage dealmaking by therapy area
  • Appendix 5 - Discovery stage dealmaking by technology type
  • About Biopharma Research Ltd
  • Current Partnering
  • Current Agreements
  • Recent report titles from Current Partnering

Table of figures

  • Figure 1: Definition of discovery, preclinical and clinical phases in dealmaking
  • Figure 3: Components of the pure licensing deal structure
  • Figure 4: Payment options for discovery stage partnering deals
  • Figure 5: Issues affecting royalty rates
  • Figure 6: Discovery stage partnering frequency 2019 - 2024
  • Figure 7: Discovery stage partnering by deal type since 2019
  • Figure 8: Discovery stage partnering by disease type since 2019
  • Figure 9: Discovery stage partnering by technology type since 2019
  • Figure 10: Top 25 most active discovery stage dealmakers, 2019 to 2024
  • Figure 11: Review of median upfront payments for discovery stage deals
  • Figure 12: Review of median milestone payments for discovery stage deals
  • Figure 13: Review of median royalty payments for discovery stage deals
  • Figure 14: Discovery stage deals with a headline value
  • Figure 15: Discovery stage deals with an upfront value
  • Figure 16: Discovery stage deals with a milestone value
  • Figure 17: Discovery stage deals with a royalty rate value
  • Figure 18: Top discovery stage deals by deal value since 2019
  • Figure 19: Most active discovery stage dealmakers 2019 to 2024