

6G Communications Thermal Materials for Infrastructure and Client Devices: Opportunities, Markets, Technology 2025-2045

出版日期: | 出版商: Zhar Research | 英文 485 Pages | 商品交期: 最快1-2个工作天内




每一代新一代无线通讯都会产生更多热量,6G也不例外。 6G的散热要求几乎完全与冷却有关。随着热要求变得越来越严格,新技术变得越来越重要。


6G基地台产生的热量是原来的两倍,可能会增加太阳能电池板,这也需要冷却。在所需的较高频率下较弱的光束有望为资料处理带来巨大的飞跃。这需要主动且可重新配置的智慧表面 RIS 透过广泛部署的PV 来增强传播路径,所有这些都需要冷却。随着客户端设备变得越来越小、功能越来越多,它们的热管理必须现代化。此外,6G基础设施和设备必须应对全球暖化和印度等炎热地区的新兴市场。


越来越多的情况是,6G市场只能透过尚未适应 6G市场的技术来解决,例如大气窗口的被动冷却和电热(强态)冷却。哪些离子凝胶或超材料可以帮助?什么是含有无机颗粒的有机主体提供热传导?



第1章 执行摘要与结论

  • 本报告的目的与假设
  • 调查方法
  • 6G通讯热材料机会:SWOT评估
  • 为什么冷却需求增加
  • 散热工具套件,多功能趋势,最佳固态散热工具
  • 固态冷却的性质以及为什么它是 6G和一般情况下的首选
  • 主要结论:6G散热要求
  • 主要结论:6G基础设施和客户端设备的冷却材料
  • 主要结论:透过传导和对流散热的材料
  • 6G材料和硬体以及离散冷却路线图
  • 市场预测
  • 背景预测

第2章 简介

  • 摘要
  • 6G的关键热管理机会的位置
  • 适用于 6G的冷却、热障和先进热支援技术
  • 范例
  • 透过10个功能比较固态冷却的12种工作原理
  • 冷冻与热控技术关注度与成熟度的三条曲线
  • 传统冷冻技术与新兴冷冻技术对比
  • 广泛使用和提议的不良材料:这是个机会

第3章 PDRC (Passive Daytime Radiative Cooling)

  • 摘要
  • PDRC 基础知识
  • 基于结构和成分的辐射冷却材料
  • 潜在优势与应用
  • 2024年和2023年的其他重要进展
  • PDRC 商业化的公司
    • 3M USA
    • BASF Germany
    • i2Cool USA
    • LifeLabs USA
    • Plasmonics USA
    • Radicool Japan, Malaysia etc.
    • SkyCool Systems USA
    • SolCold Israel
    • Spinoff from University of Massachusetts Amherst USA
    • SRI USA
  • PDRC SWOT 报告

第4章 自适应、切换、可调、Janus型、Anti-Stokes固态冷却

  • 整体概况/SWOT
  • 辐射冷却技术成熟度曲线
  • 自适应且可切换的辐射冷却
  • 使用两侧调整辐射冷却:SWOT 评估
  • Anti-Stokes萤光冷却:SWOT 评估

第5章 相变,尤其是热量冷却

  • 结构和铁磁相变冷却模式和材料
  • 固态相变冷却:在特定应用中可能与其他形式竞争
  • 与热量冷却相关的物理原理
  • 热量冷却的工作原理
  • 热电冷却和热冷却的比较以及优越热冷却技术的鑑定
  • 促进热量冷却使用的研究提案
  • 电热冷却
  • 磁热冷却:SWOT 评估
  • 机械热冷却(弹性、压力、扭转)
  • 多热量冷却

第6章 使能技术:超材料和其他先进光学冷却:新兴材料和装置

  • 超材料
  • 先进的光子冷却和加热预防

第7章 未来热电冷却和热电发电与其他固体冷却用户和电力供应商

  • 基础知识
  • 热电材料
  • 广泛且灵活的热电冷却:有待解决的市场空白
  • 建筑物的辐射冷却:2024年热电发电带来的多功能性
  • TEC 和 TEG 散热问题 - 不断发展的解决方案
  • 热电冷却和冷却发电方面的20 项进展
  • 82 家 Peltier 热电模组和产品製造商

第8章 未来蒸发、熔化和流动冷却:包括用于 6G智慧型手机、其他 6G用户端设备和 6G基础设施的热管和水凝胶

  • 概述:6G智慧型手机的蒸汽冷却和 6G的水凝胶冷却
  • 相变冷却的背景
  • 热管和均热板
  • 用于6G通讯的水凝胶

第9章 导热材料和其他用于导热冷却的新兴材料和装置

  • 摘要:导热混凝土用热黏合剂
  • 解决导电材料的热挑战时需要考虑的要点
  • 导热材料(TIM)
  • 聚合物选择:硅基或碳基
  • 导热碳基聚合物:目标功能与应用

第10章 6G的先进隔热罩、绝缘材料与离子凝胶

  • 摘要
  • 6G无机/有机/复合绝缘材料
  • 隔热膜与多用途隔热窗
  • 散热器和其他被动冷却的绝缘
  • 适用于 6G应用的离子凝胶,包括导电绝缘体


Your opportunity in thermal materials and structures for 6G Communications will become over $6 billion yearly if it succeeds. So says the new Zhar Research report, "6G Communications Thermal Materials for Infrastructure and Client Devices: Opportunities, Markets, Technology 2025-2045".

The primary purpose of this report is to aid you to make and use the largest growth opportunity. That is solid-state materials and systems for the rapidly-growing thermal materials market as it adds large 6G demand but other 6G options are covered as well.

The focus is on unbiassed facts-based analysis revealing, quantifying and timing the 6G commercial opportunities arising. To this end, it mainly embraces reduction of temperature, holding of a chosen temperature and prevention of heating because heating alone becomes unimportant.

Your next big opportunities

Learn the most promising materials, devices, systems and market sectors. Find gaps in the market. Understand your emerging competition, potential acquisitions, challenges and market sectors. See all that on the necessary 20-year view.

Thermal issues once again escalate

Each new generation of wireless communications has generated more heat, and 6G is no exception. 6G thermal requirements will be almost entirely about cooling. They become so demanding that, increasingly, new technologies become essential. Enjoy some premium pricing, if you can keep up with the radical changes ahead.

Perfect storm of cooling challenges means new opportunity

For example, 6G base stations may generate twice as much heat and add photovoltaic panels that also need cooling. Feebler beams at the required higher frequencies will provide the promised leap in data handling. They will need enhancement of the propagation path by widely-deployed active reconfigurable intelligent surfaces RIS, with photovoltaics, all needing cooling. Extra market. Once again, client devices get smaller and do much more so their thermal management must be reinvented. 6G infrastructure and devices must cope with global warming and emerging markets such as India being in hotter places. You get the perfect storm of cooling challenges.

Essential technologies unfamiliar in telecommunications

Increasingly, this can only be met by technologies not yet fit for 6G markets, such as passive cooling into the atmospheric window and powered caloric (ferroic state) cooling. Which planned ionogels and metamaterials might assist? Which organic hosts containing which inorganic particulates conferring thermal conduction and why?

Exceptionally thorough analysis

The commercially-oriented 485-page report, "6G Communications Thermal Materials for Infrastructure and Client Devices: Opportunities, Markets, Technology 2025-2045" has 10 chapters, 11 SWOT appraisals, 33 new infograms, 36 forecast lines. Very importantly, the flood of impactful research advances in 2024 are deeply examined. See author commentary and comparisons throughout revealing negatives and positives.

Ten chapters

The Executive Summary and Conclusions is sufficient in itself. Its 47 pages present key SWOT appraisals, pie charts, comparison tables and 2024 company and research progress to meet the latest, changing views of what is needed for 6G. See roadmaps and 36 forecast lines 2025-2045.

The Introduction (37 pages) puts it in context, explaining how the need for cooling now becomes much larger and often different in nature, with examples to 2045. See infograms of how 6G Communications from 2030 brings new cooling requirements including severe new microchip cooling requirements. See new maturity curves for everything from thermal graphene to electrocaloric cooling for 2025, 2035 and 2045. Understand the trend to smart materials but also see examples of competition for solid state cooling announced in 2024. What is your opportunity for replacing which undesirable materials?

Chapter 3. "Passive daytime radiative cooling (PDRC)" (98 pages) clarifies latest advances with this combination of radiative cooling into the atmospheric window and reflection of heat. Not used in 5G, potentially it can assist in cooling 6G buildings, large base station batteries, the hot side of 6G thermoelectric coolers, maybe active RIS. Ten companies commercialising it are analysed, none yet focussing on 6G.

Chapter 4. "Self-adaptive, switchable, tuned, Janus and Anti-Stokes solid state cooling" (29 pages) widens this to embrace such things as solid state cooling from both sides and smart versions providing opportunities for your expertise in vanadium oxides and liquid crystals.

Chapter 5. "Phase change and particularly caloric cooling" (69 pages) introduces all phase change cooling options showing why some are useless for 6G. Evaporative cooling is covered in Chapter 8 because this chapter focuses mainly on a newcomer - powered change of ferroic state called caloric cooling.

Dr. Peter Harrop, CEO of Zhar Research advises, "Although not used for 5G, caloric cooling is likely to be very important for 6G as those involved seek to use it to at least partially replace vapor compression cooling, cooling 6G buildings and, at the smaller scale, thermoelectric cooler hot sides. It may even improve on thermoelectric cooling of those planned 6G 1kW chips by being theoretically twice as efficient but nothing is certain."

Why are magnetocaloric, twistocaloric, barocaloric and wet versions appraised as unattractive for 6G and why are electrocaloric and elastocaloric versions candidates for 6G? See the author's new parameter forecasts. It ends by addressing multicaloric options, part of the megatrend to multifunctional smart materials.

Chapter 6 "Enabling technology: Metamaterial and other advanced photonic cooling: emerging materials and devices" takes 16 pages to explain how these can constitute both direct 6G thermal management options and act as an aid to other forms of cooling, prevention of heating and even providing electricity.

Chapter 7 is "Future thermoelectric cooling and thermoelectric harvesting as a user of and power provider for other solid-state cooling" takes a full 51 pages, because, no, it is not a fully matured niche product going nowhere. It is essential for precise, fast major cooling of the expected hotter 6G chips. Additionally, wide area versions are intensely studied now. Understand 20 key advances in 2024.

Chapter 8, " Future evaporative, melting and flow cooling including heat pipes, thermal hydrogels for 6G smartphones, other 6G client devices, 6G infrastructure" takes 27 pages, critically appraising the materials you need to offer and their latest improvement.

Chapter 9. "Thermal Interface Materials and other emerging materials for 6G conductive cooling challenges" mostly concerns existing 5G thermal technologies being incrementally improved for 6G. Its 53 pages include covering the needs of 6G smartphones, for example. 10 research advances in 2024 are presented, relevant to 6G transistors up to 6G buildings. Learn activities of over 20 companies involved. What can be done about transistors to amplify 5G and future 6G signals that are struggling to handle thermal load, causing a bottleneck in development? Why are certain 5G TIM less useful for 6G? What is the place of thermal porous carbon foam, graphene, pyrolytic graphite, phase change materials and much-researched diamond TIM in 6G?

Chapter 10 "Advanced heat shielding, thermal insulation and ionogels for 6G" shows where silica aerogels and other options are headed and how the emerging ionogels may contribute to 6G, this being more speculative.

The new report, "6G Communications Thermal Materials for Infrastructure and Client Devices: Opportunities, Markets, Technology 2025-2045" therefore details both the incremental improvements and the radically new needs and potential solutions. It is a roadmap to creating a one-billion-dollar business out of the large thermal materials and systems market that will arrive if 6G succeeds.

CAPTION: Thermally conducting polymer composites: prevalence of recent research advances in their particulates by formulation. Source, Zhar Research report, "6G Communications Thermal Materials for Infrastructure and Client Devices: Opportunities, Markets, Technology 2025-2045".

Table of Contents

1. Executive summary and conclusions

  • 1.1. Purpose of this report and assumptions
  • 1.2. Methodology of this analysis
  • 1.3. SWOT appraisal of 6G Communications thermal material opportunities
  • 1.4. Some reasons for the escalating need for cooling
  • 1.5. Cooling toolkit, trend to multifunctionality with best solid-state cooling tools shown red
  • 1.6. The nature of solid-state cooling and why it is now a priority for 6G and generally
  • 1.7. Primary conclusions: 6G thermal requirements
  • 1.8. Primary conclusions: Materials for making cold in 6G infrastructure and client devices
    • 1.8.1. General situation
    • 1.8.2. Leading candidate materials and structures compared
    • 1.8.3. Leading materials in number of latest research advances on solid state cooling
    • 1.8.4. Research pipeline of solid-state cooling by topic vs technology readiness level
    • 1.8.5. Typical best reported temperature drop achieved by technology 2000-2045 extrapolated
    • 1.8.6. SWOT appraisal of Passive Daytime Radiative Cooling PDRC and pie chart of leading materials
    • 1.8.7. SWOT appraisal of electrocaloric cooling and pie chart of leading materials
    • 1.8.8. SWOT appraisal of elastocaloric cooling and leading materials
    • 1.8.10. SWOT appraisal of thermoelectric cooling and pie chart of leading materials
  • 1.9. Primary conclusions: Materials for removing heat by conduction and convection
  • 1.10. Roadmaps of 6G materials and hardware and separately cooling 2025-2045
  • 1.11. Market forecasts 2025-2045
    • 1.11.1. Thermal management material and structure for 6G infrastructure and client devices $ billion 2025-2045
    • 1.11.2. Dielectric and thermal materials for 6G value market % by location 2029-2045
    • 1.11.3. 5G vs 6G thermal interface material market $ billion 2024-2045
  • 1.12. Background forecasts 2025-2045
    • 1.12.1. Cooling module global market by seven technologies $ billion 2025-2045
    • 1.12.2. Terrestrial radiative cooling performance in commercial products W/sq. m 2025-2045
    • 1.12.3. Market for 6G vs 5G base stations units millions yearly 2024-2045
    • 1.12.4. Market for 6G base stations market value $bn if successful 2025-2045
    • 1.12.5. 6G RIS value market $ billion: active and three semi-passive categories 2029-2045
    • 1.12.6. 6G fully passive transparent metamaterial reflect-array market $ billion 2029-2045
    • 1.12.7. Smartphone billion units sold globally 2023-2045 if 6G is successful
    • 1.12.8. Air conditioner value market $ billion 2025-2045 and by region
    • 1.12.9. Global market for HVAC, refrigerators, freezers, other cooling $ billion 2025-2045
    • 1.12.10. Refrigerator and freezer value market $ billion 2025-2045
    • 1.12.11. Stationary battery market $ billion and cooling needs 2025-2045

2. Introduction

  • 2.1. Overview
    • 2.1.1. Why 6G brings a much bigger opportunity for thermal management and it is mainly cooling
    • 2.1.2. 6G cooling challenge in context of evolution of other cooling increasingly becoming laminar and solid state
    • 2.1.3. Need for cooling in general becomes much larger and often different in nature; the 6G smartphone example
    • 2.1.4. Some of the reasons for much greater need for thermal materials in 6G
    • 2.1.5. How cooling technology will trend to smart materials 2025-2045
  • 2.2. Location of the primary 6G thermal management opportunities
    • 2.2.1. Situation with primary 6G infrastructure and client devices
    • 2.2.2. Example RIS for massive MIMO base station: Tsinghua University, Emerson
  • 2.3. Cooling, heat barrier and advanced thermally supportive technologies for 6G covered in this report
  • 2.4. Examples
    • 2.4.1. Severe new microchip cooling requirements arriving
    • 2.4.2. Cooling 6G electronic components and smartphones
    • 2.4.3. Cooling 6G base stations including their energy harvesting and storage
    • 2.4.4. Cooling solar panels and photovoltaic cladding for 6G infrastructure
    • 2.4.5. Large battery thermal management for 6G infrastructure
    • 2.4.6. Examples of advances in 2024
  • 2.5. Twelve solid-state cooling operating principles compared by 10 capabilities
  • 2.6. Attention vs maturity of cooling and thermal control technologies 3 curves 2025, 2035, 2045
  • 2.7. Comparison of traditional and emerging refrigeration technologies
  • 2.8. Undesirable materials widely used and proposed: this is an opportunity for you

3. Passive daytime radiative cooling (PDRC)

  • 3.1. Overview
  • 3.2. PDRC basics
  • 3.3. Radiative cooling materials by structure and formulation with research analysis
  • 3.4. Potential benefits and applications
    • 3.4.1. Overall opportunity and progress
    • 3.4.2. Transparent PDRC for facades, solar panels and windows including 8 advances in 2024
    • 3.4.3. Wearable PDRC, textile and fabric with 7 advances in 2024 and SWOT
    • 3.4.4. PDRC cold side boosting power of thermoelectric generators
    • 3.4.5. Color without compromise including advances in 2024
    • 3.4.6. Aerogel and porous material approaches
    • 3.4.7. Environmental and inexpensive PDRC materials development
  • 3.5. Other important advances in 2024 and 2023
    • 3.5.1. 24 important advances in 2024
    • 3.5.2. Advances in 2023
  • 3.6. Companies commercialising PDRC
    • 3.6.1. 3M USA
    • 3.6.2. BASF Germany
    • 3.6.3. i2Cool USA
    • 3.6.4. LifeLabs USA
    • 3.6.5. Plasmonics USA
    • 3.6.6. Radicool Japan, Malaysia etc.
    • 3.6.7. SkyCool Systems USA
    • 3.6.8. SolCold Israel
    • 3.6.9. Spinoff from University of Massachusetts Amherst USA
    • 3.6.10. SRI USA
  • 3.7. PDRC SWOT report

4. Self-adaptive, switchable, tuned, Janus and Anti-Stokes solid state cooling

  • 4.1. Overview of the bigger picture with SWOT
  • 4.2. Maturity curve of radiative cooling technologies
  • 4.3. Self-adaptive and switchable radiative cooling
    • 4.3.1. The vanadium phase change approaches in 2024
    • 4.3.2. Alternative using liquid crystal
  • 4.4. Tuned radiative cooling using both sides: Janus emitter JET advances in 2024, 2023 and SWOT
  • 4.5. Anti-Stokes fluorescence cooling with SWOT appraisal

5. Phase change and particularly caloric cooling

  • 5.1. Structural and ferroic phase change cooling modes and materials
  • 5.2. Solid-state phase-change cooling potentially competing with other forms in named applications
  • 5.3. The physical principles adjoining caloric cooling
  • 5.4. Operating principles for caloric cooling
  • 5.5. Caloric compared to thermoelectric cooling and winning caloric technologies identified
  • 5.6. Some proposals for work to advance the use of caloric cooling
  • 5.7. Electrocaloric cooling
    • 5.7.1. Overview and SWOT appraisal
    • 5.7.2. Operating principles, device construction, successful materials and form factors
    • 5.7.3. Electrocaloric material popularity in latest research with explanation
    • 5.7.4. Giant electrocaloric effect
    • 5.7.5. Electrocaloric cooling: issues to address
    • 5.7.6. Six important advances and a review in 2024
    • 5.7.7. 17 other advances in 2023
    • 5.7.8. Notable earlier electrocaloric research
  • 5.8. Magnetocaloric cooling with SWOT appraisal
  • 5.9. Mechanocaloric cooling (elastocaloric, barocaloric, twistocaloric) cooling
    • 5.9.1. Elastocaloric cooling overview: operating principle, system design, applications, SWOT
    • 5.9.2. 19 elastocaloric advances in 2024
    • 5.9.3. Barocaloric cooling
  • 5.10. Multicaloric cooling

6. Enabling technology: Metamaterial and other advanced photonic cooling: emerging materials and devices

  • 6.1. Metamaterials
    • 6.1.1. Metamaterial and metasurface basics
    • 6.1.2. The meta-atom, patterning and functional options
    • 6.1.3. SWOT assessment for metamaterials and metasurfaces generally
    • 6.1.4. Metamaterial energy harvesting may power metamaterial active cooling
    • 6.1.5. Thermal metamaterial with 11 advances in 2024
  • 6.4. Advanced photonic cooling and prevention of heating

7. Future thermoelectric cooling and thermoelectric harvesting as a user of and power provider for other solid-state cooling

  • 7.1. Basics
    • 7.1.1. Operation, examples
    • 7.1.2. Thermoelectric cooling and temperature control applications 2025 and 2045
    • 7.1.3. SWOT appraisal of thermoelectric cooling, temperature control and harvesting
  • 7.2. Thermoelectric materials
    • 7.2.1. Requirements
    • 7.2.2. Useful and misleading metrics
    • 7.2.3. Quest for better zT performance which is often the wrong approach
    • 7.2.4. Some alternatives to bismuth telluride being considered
    • 7.2.5. Non-toxic and less toxic thermoelectric materials, some lower cost
    • 7.2.6. Ferron and spin driven thermoelectrics
  • 7.3. Wide area and flexible thermoelectric cooling is a gap in the market for you to address
    • 7.3.1. The need and general approaches
    • 7.3.2. Advances in flexible and wide area thermoelectric cooling in 2024 and 2023
    • 7.3.3. Wide area or flexible TEG research 40 examples from 2024 that may lead to similar TEC
  • 7.4. Radiation cooling of buildings: multifunctional with thermoelectric harvesting in 2024
  • 7.5. The heat removal problem of TEC and TEG - evolving solutions
  • 7.6. 20 advances in thermoelectric cooling and harvesting involving cooling and a review in 2024
  • 7.7. Advances in 2023
  • 7.8. 82 Manufactures of Peltier thermoelectric modules and products

8. Future evaporative, melting and flow cooling including heat pipes, thermal hydrogels for 6G smartphones, other 6G client devices, 6G infrastructure

  • 8.1. Overview: 6G smartphone vapor cooling and hydrogel cooling for 6G
  • 8.2. Background to phase change cooling
  • 8.3. Heat pipes and vapor chambers
    • 8.3.1. Definitions and relevance to 6G infrastructure and client devices
    • 8.3.2. Focus of vapor chamber research relevant to 6G success
    • 8.3.3. Research on relevant heat pipes, vapor chambers and allied: 39 advances in 2024
    • 8.3.4. Thermal storage heat pipes: nano-enhanced phase change material (NEPCM) for device thermal management
  • 8.4. Hydrogels for 6G Communications
    • 8.4.1. Thermal hydrogels: context, ambitions and limitations
    • 8.4.2. Hydrogels cooling suitable for 6G microelectronics and solar panels: Five advances in 2024
    • 8.4.3. Thermogalvanic hydrogel for synchronous evaporative cooling
    • 8.4.4. Hydrogels in architectural cooling that can involve 6G functions: advances in 2024
    • 8.4.5. Aerogel and hydrogel together for cooling
    • 8.4.6. Other emerging cooling hydrogels for 6G microchips, power electronics, data centers, large batteries, cell towers and buildings

9. Thermal Interface Materials and other emerging materials and devices for conductive cooling

  • 9.1. Overview: thermal adhesives to thermally conductive concrete
    • 9.1.1. TIM, heat spreaders from micro to heavy industrial
    • 9.1.2. Thermal conduction cooling geometries for electronics and electric vehicles
    • 9.1.3. Trending: annealed pyrolytic graphite APG for semiconductor cooling: Boyd
    • 9.1.4. Thermally conductive graphite polyamide concrete
  • 9.2. Important considerations when solving thermal challenges with conductive materials
    • 9.2.1. Bonding or non-bonding
    • 9.2.2. Varying heat
    • 9.2.3. Electrically conductive or not
    • 9.2.4. Placement
    • 9.2.5. Environmental attack
    • 9.2.6. Choosing a thermal structure
    • 9.2.7. Research on embedded cooling
  • 9.3. Thermal Interface Material TIM
    • 9.3.1. General
    • 9.3.2. Seven current options compared against nine parameters
    • 9.3.3. Thermal pastes compared
    • 9.3.4. TIM and other examples today: Henkel, Momentive, ShinEtsu, Sekisui, Fujitsu, Suzhou Dasen
    • 9.3.5. 37 examples of TIM manufacturers
    • 9.3.6. Thermal interface material trends as needs change: graphene, liquid metals etc.
    • 9.3.7. Lessons from recent patents
  • 9.4. Polymer choices: silicones or carbon-based
    • 9.4.1. Comparison
    • 9.4.2. Silicone parameters, ShinEtsu, patents
    • 9.4.3. SWOT appraisal for silicone thermal conduction materials
  • 9.5. Thermally conductive carbon-based polymers: targetted features and applications
    • 9.5.1. Overview
    • 9.5.2. Examples of companies making thermally conductive additives
    • 9.5.3. Carbon-based polymers: host materials and particulates prioritised in research

10. Advanced heat shielding, thermal insulation and ionogels for 6G

  • 10.1. Overview
  • 10.2. Inorganic, organic and composite thermal insulation for 6G
  • 10.3. Heat shield film and multipurpose thermally insulating windows
  • 10.4. Thermal insulation for heat spreaders and other passive cooling
    • 10.4.1. W.L.Gore enhancing graphite heat spreader performance
    • 10.4.2. Protecting smartphones from heat
    • 10.4.3. 20 companies involved in silica aerogel thermal insulation of devices
  • 10.5. Ionogels for 6G applications including electrically conductive thermal insulation
    • 10.5.1. Basics
    • 10.5.2. Eight ionogel advances in 2024