
GMIPulse - 半导体和电子市场情报订阅

GMIPulse - Semiconductors & Electronics Market Intelligence Subscription

出版日期: 年间契约型资讯服务 | 出版商: Global Market Insights Inc. | 英文


Global Market Insights Inc. 提供 GMIPulse,这是一个支援商业智慧 (BI) 的尖端平台,旨在提供最佳的策略价值。 GMIPulse 提供适应性强的订阅服务,可根据您的独特需求进行客製化,提供全面而细緻的市场资料、竞争格局洞察以及对行业生态系统的深入了解。该平台是满足所有市场研究需求的首选解决方案,确保您保持领先地位,并了解最新趋势和技术进步。


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半导体和电子产业处于技术创新的前沿,推动着各个领域的进步。 GMIPulse 提供对半导体和电子产业以下关键集群的深入见解:


在製造和工业流程中越来越多地采用机器人、人工智慧和物联网的推动下,自动化市场预计从 2023 年到 2030 年将以 9.8% 的复合年增长率成长。主要市场包括工业自动化、製程自动化和工厂自动化。智慧製造和工业4.0的趋势正在对该行业产生重大影响。


在云端运算、巨量资料分析和超大规模资料中心兴起的推动下,资料中心市场预计从 2023 年到 2030 年将以 11.5% 的复合年增长率扩张。关键领域包括託管、超大规模和边缘资料中心。对节能和永续资料中心的需求是一个突出的趋势。


在 OLED、microLED 和柔性显示器技术进步的推动下,显示器市场预计从 2023 年到 2030 年将以 8.7% 的复合年增长率成长。主要市场包括消费性电子产品、汽车显示器和数位看板。对高解析度和节能显示器不断增长的需求正在塑造市场动态。


在智慧型装置、穿戴式科技和连网家庭激增的推动下,电子市场预计从 2023 年到 2030 年将以 7.5% 的复合年增长率扩张。主要细分领域包括消费性电子、医疗电子和汽车电子。小型化和能源效率方面的创新是该领域的主要趋势。


在对先进微处理器、储存晶片和专用积体电路 (ASIC) 的需求不断增长的推动下,IC 市场预计从 2023 年到 2030 年将以 6.9% 的复合年增长率成长。主要市场包括智慧型手机、资料中心和汽车电子。人工智慧和机器学习整合的趋势正在显着影响 IC 设计和开发。


在医学影像、安全监控和工业检测技术进步的推动下,影像市场预计从 2023 年到 2030 年将以 7.3% 的复合年增长率成长。主要领域包括数位相机、医学影像设备和机器视觉系统。越来越多地采用人工智慧进行影像分析和诊断是一个主要趋势。


在向 LED 和智慧照明解决方案过渡的推动下,照明市场预计从 2023 年到 2030 年将以 5.4% 的复合年增长率扩张。主要市场包括住宅照明、商业照明和汽车照明。能源效率和智慧照明控制是影响市场的主要趋势。


由于电信、医疗设备和工业应用对光学元件的需求不断增长,预计 2023 年至 2030 年光学市场将以 6.5% 的复合年增长率成长。关键领域包括透镜、光纤和光子装置。光纤和雷射技术的创新是该领域的重要趋势。


在消费性电子、汽车电子和物联网设备激增的推动下,2023 年至 2030 年半导体市场预计复合年增长率为 7.1%。主要市场包括微处理器、记忆体晶片和功率半导体。推动更小的节点和更高的效能是塑造产业的主要趋势。


在汽车、医疗保健和工业应用中越来越多地采用感测器的推动下,感测器市场预计从 2023 年到 2030 年将以 9.2% 的复合年增长率扩张。关键领域包括 MEMS 感测器、影像感测器和生物感测器。智慧感测器和与人工智慧整合的趋势正在对市场产生重大影响。


在 5G 网路、光纤和先进网路解决方案部署的推动下,电信和网路市场预计从 2023 年到 2030 年将以 6.8% 的复合年增长率成长。主要市场包括无线通讯、网路基础设施和宽频服务。物联网和智慧城市的扩张是推动市场的关键趋势。

Global Market Insights Inc. 的 GMIPulse 透过其支援 BI 的平台提供无与伦比的策略价值。凭藉其可自订的互动式介面、准确的资料和全面的市场洞察,GMIPulse 是您在竞争激烈的半导体和电子市场领域中保持领先地位的重要工具。立即订阅,释放您的市场研究和策略规划能力的全部潜力。


Global Market Insights Inc. offers GMIPulse, a cutting-edge, Business Intelligence (BI)-enabled platform designed to deliver the finest strategic value. GMIPulse offers an adaptable subscription service, customizable to meet your unique needs, providing comprehensive and granular market data, competitive landscape insights, and an in-depth understanding of industry ecosystems. This platform is your go-to solution for all market research needs, ensuring you stay ahead with the latest trends and technological advancements.

Advantages of GMIPulse

  • 1. Easy Access to Accurate Market Data: GMIPulse provides instant access to granular and authentic market data, empowering you with precise and up-to-date information for strategic decision-making.
  • 2. Comprehensive Market Research Solution: As your all-encompassing market research tool, GMIPulse covers a wide array of industries, offering detailed analyses and forecasts to help you navigate market dynamics effectively.
  • 3. In-Depth Competitive Landscape: The platform offers comprehensive insights into competitive landscapes and company profiles, enabling you to understand your competitors and industry benchmarks thoroughly.
  • 4. Understanding Industry Ecosystems: GMIPulse allows you to gain a profound understanding of industry ecosystems, tracking technological advancements and their impact on industry trends.
  • 5. Customized Client Profiles: Tailor-made client profiles help you identify the latest growth opportunities and understand specific market needs, enhancing your strategic planning.
  • 6. Technology Tracking Stay informed about the latest technological trends and their implications on the market, ensuring you are well-prepared for future developments.
  • 7. Access to Latest Reports: Subscribers receive access to previously published reports and upcoming releases, keeping you updated with the most recent market intelligence.
  • 8. Interactive and User-Friendly Interface: The platform's interactive interface ensures a seamless user experience, allowing you to navigate through data effortlessly and derive meaningful insights efficiently.
  • 9. Enhanced Analyst Hours: Benefit from improved access to analysts for strategic assistance and in-depth explanations, ensuring you make well-informed decisions.
  • 10. Secure Login: Enjoy password-protected access to all reports, ensuring your data security and confidentiality.

Exceptional Benefits of GMIPulse

  • 1. Instant Report Access GMIPulse offers clients direct access to comprehensive market reports instantly, facilitating timely and informed decision-making.
  • 2. Tailor-Made Reports Access customized reports detailing market trends, technological developments, and innovations by industry leaders, tailored to your specific needs.
  • 3. Priority Sales Support Receive best-in-class sales support and assistance promptly, enhancing your customer service experience.
  • 4. Market Tracker Stay updated with streamlined access to all market trends and happenings, aiding in strategic planning and decision-making.
  • 5. Pricing Benefits Obtain reports that are not only comprehensive but also cost-effective, tailored to fit your budget and needs.

Industry Focus: Semiconductor & Electronics

The semiconductor and electronics industry is at the forefront of technological innovation, driving advancements in various sectors. GMIPulse provides in-depth insights into the following key clusters within the semiconductor and electronics industry:


The Automation market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 9.8% from 2023 to 2030, driven by the increasing adoption of robotics, AI, and IoT in manufacturing and industrial processes. Major markets include industrial automation, process automation, and factory automation. The trend towards smart manufacturing and Industry 4.0 is significantly influencing this sector.

Data Center

The Data Center market is expected to expand at a CAGR of 11.5% from 2023 to 2030, fueled by the surge in cloud computing, big data analytics, and the rise of hyperscale data centers. Key segments include colocation, hyperscale, and edge data centers. The demand for energy-efficient and sustainable data centers is a prominent trend.


The Displays market is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 8.7% from 2023 to 2030, driven by advancements in OLED, microLED, and flexible display technologies. Major markets include consumer electronics, automotive displays, and digital signage. The increasing demand for high-resolution and energy-efficient displays is shaping the market dynamics.


The Electronics market is projected to expand at a CAGR of 7.5% from 2023 to 2030, driven by the proliferation of smart devices, wearable technology, and connected homes. Key segments include consumer electronics, medical electronics, and automotive electronics. Innovations in miniaturization and power efficiency are key trends in this sector.

Integrated Circuits (IC)

The IC market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 6.9% from 2023 to 2030, fueled by the increasing demand for advanced microprocessors, memory chips, and application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs). Major markets include smartphones, data centers, and automotive electronics. The trend towards AI and machine learning integration is significantly impacting IC design and development.


The Imaging market is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 7.3% from 2023 to 2030, driven by advancements in medical imaging, security surveillance, and industrial inspection technologies. Key segments include digital cameras, medical imaging devices, and machine vision systems. The increasing adoption of AI for image analysis and diagnostics is a major trend.


The Lighting market is projected to expand at a CAGR of 5.4% from 2023 to 2030, driven by the transition to LED and smart lighting solutions. Major markets include residential lighting, commercial lighting, and automotive lighting. Energy efficiency and smart lighting controls are key trends influencing the market.


The Optics market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 6.5% from 2023 to 2030, fueled by the increasing demand for optical components in telecommunications, medical devices, and industrial applications. Key segments include lenses, optical fibers, and photonic devices. Innovations in fiber optics and laser technologies are significant trends in this sector.


The Semiconductor market is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 7.1% from 2023 to 2030, driven by the proliferation of consumer electronics, automotive electronics, and IoT devices. Major markets include microprocessors, memory chips, and power semiconductors. The push towards smaller nodes and increased performance is a major trend shaping the industry.


The Sensors market is projected to expand at a CAGR of 9.2% from 2023 to 2030, driven by the increasing adoption of sensors in automotive, healthcare, and industrial applications. Key segments include MEMS sensors, image sensors, and biosensors. The trend towards smart sensors and integration with AI is significantly influencing the market.

Telecom and Networking

The Telecom and Networking market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 6.8% from 2023 to 2030, fueled by the deployment of 5G networks, fiber optics, and advanced networking solutions. Major markets include wireless communication, network infrastructure, and broadband services. The expansion of IoT and smart cities is a key trend driving the market.

GMIPulse by Global Market Insights Inc. offers unparalleled strategic value through its BI-enabled platform. With its customizable and interactive interface, accurate data, and comprehensive market insights, GMIPulse is your essential tool for staying ahead in the competitive semiconductor and electronics market landscape. Subscribe today to unlock the full potential of your market research and strategic planning capabilities.