LubesNet 资料库(基准年:2023年)

LubesNet 资料库(基准年:2023年)

LubesNet Database - Base Year 2023

出版日期: 年间契约型资讯服务 | 出版商: Kline & Company, Inc. | 英文



LubesNet 是全球、区域和独立润滑剂和添加剂供应商识别和量化行业趋势和机会的权威来源。


  • LubesNet 涵盖 68 个国家的市场,并估算200 多家成品润滑油供应商的市场占有率。
  • LubesNet 回答以下问题:
    • 与美国相比,电动车的普及何时会开始对中国的 PCMO 需求产生负面影响?
    • 2023年,哪个市场的合成润滑油在工业油和液体中的渗透率最高?
    • 如何追踪低黏度级 HDMO 在新兴市场的发展?


LubesNet 易于使用,只需一个使用者识别码和密码即可从世界任何地方存取。组织中的使用者数量没有限制。年度订阅是销售、管理和行销专业人员获取其所在领域或特定区域的最新资料的绝佳工具。它也是策略规划过程中的宝贵工具。

  • FutureView 让使用者可以取得最新的成长率资料并运行自己的 "假设" 情境。
  • 趋势视图提供了2018年至2033年润滑油需求的完整情况,显示了市场如何从低利润产品演变为高利润产品。
  • 供应商的市占率预测(市场层级)有助于制定进入策略,以确定主要竞争对手,例如全球大型企业、国家石油公司、公共部门单位(PSU)、区域和独立供应商。

LubesNet 资料库内容

LubesNet 研究并彙整所有主要润滑油消费市场对成品润滑油的需求。需求预测按五个主要区域进行细分,也包括全球摘要。每个区域细分市场提供了每个市场成品润滑油需求的详细分类,以及 "其他" 类别。



北美:加拿大、墨西哥、美国(3 个国家)


非洲/中东:巴林、埃及、加纳、肯亚、科威特、摩洛哥、奈及利亚、阿曼、卡达、沙乌地阿拉伯、南非、阿拉伯联合大公国(12 个国家)

南美洲:阿根廷、玻利维亚、巴西、智利、哥伦比亚、哥斯大黎加、多明尼加共和国、厄瓜多、萨尔瓦多、瓜地马拉、宏都拉斯、牙买加、巴拿马、秘鲁、波多黎各、千里达及托巴哥、委内瑞拉(17 个国家)

  • 趋势分析:汽车及工业成品润滑油的需求:实际值(2018-2022年)、基准年(2023年)、预测值(2028年、2033年)
  • 润滑油供应商市场占有率:预计汽车和工业润滑油
  • 合成润滑剂渗透率:依产品类型:汽车/工业
  • 汽车保有量:依汽车种类/类别
  • 机油服务类别:PCMO/HDMO 的需求,依 API 服务类别/ACEA 油品标准
Product Code: Y634Q

Regional Coverage: Asia-Pacific, North America, Europe, Africa and the Middle East, South America, Global.

LubesNet helps assess finished lubricants demand at the global, regional, market, market segment, product type, and viscosity grade levels.

LubesNet is the definitive source of identifying and quantifying industry trends and opportunities for global, regional, and independent lubricant and additive suppliers.


  • LubesNet features the coverage of 68 markets and market share estimates for over 200 finished lubricants suppliers
  • LubesNet answers questions such as:
    • When will EV penetration begin to negatively impact volumetric PCMO demand in China compared to the United States?
    • In 2023, which markets have the highest synthetics penetration in industrial oils and fluids?
    • How can I track the evolution of low-viscosity grade HDMO in developing markets?

Subscriber Benefits

LubesNet is easy to use and accessible globally through a single-user identification code and password. There are no limitations on the number of users in your organization. An annual subscription is an excellent tool to empower sales, management, and marketing personnel to utilize the most up-to-date data in their areas of responsibility and specific geographies. It will also serve as an invaluable tool in the strategic planning process.

  • FutureView forecasting enables users to override Kline's per-annum growth rates to run their own "what if" scenarios.
  • Trend View provides a complete view of lubricants demand from 2018 to 2033 to show how a market is evolving from low-margin to high-margin products.
  • Market-level supplier market share estimates help with entry strategies to identify key competitors such as global majors, national oil companies, public sector undertakings, and regional and independent suppliers.


LubesNet captures finished lubricants demand in every important lubricantconsuming market. Demand estimates are segmented as per five core regions, plus a global summary. Each regional segment provides a detailed breakdown of finished lubricants demand in each market, along with an "All other" category.


Asia-Pacific: Australia, Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Myanmar, New Zealand, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Region of Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam (18)

North America: Canada, Mexico, United States (3)

Europe: Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom (18)

Africa and the Middle East: Bahrain, Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, Kuwait, Morocco, Nigeria, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, United Arab Emirates (12)

South America: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Panama, Peru, Puerto Rico, Trinidad & Tobago, Venezuela (17)

  • Trend view: Automotive and industrial finished lubricant demand: Historical 2018-2022, base year 2023, FutureView 2028 and 2033
  • Lubricant supplier market share: Estimated automotive and industrial lubricants
  • Synthetic penetration: Automotive and industrial by product type
  • Vehicle population: By vehicle type/category
  • Engine oil service categories: PCMO and HDMO demand by API service category and ACEA oil sequences