全球 500 个最大蜂窝物联网专案 - 第 8 版

全球 500 个最大蜂窝物联网专案 - 第 8 版

The 500 Largest Cellular IoT Projects Worldwide - 8th Edition

出版日期: | 出版商: Berg Insight | 英文 | 商品交期: 最快1-2个工作天内


本报告研究了世界各地的蜂窝物联网项目,并提供了 Excel 格式的数据列表,包括每个项目的公司名称和位置、项目名称和类型以及每个地区的连接数量(包括五年预测)。到 2023 年底,这 500 个专案将代表 6.32 亿个订阅量,约占全球蜂巢式物联网连线总量的 19%。




第1章 世界最大的蜂巢式IoT计划500件

  • 简介
  • 调查手法
  • 调查结果的摘要
    • 展开的分析:垂直各市场
    • 未来的垂直市场发展的分析
    • 分析:地理各市场
  • 结论与未来预测

Berg Insight has compiled a list of the 500 largest cellular IoT projects worldwide. The information included about each of these is mainly the company name and location, project name and type, website address, IoT vertical, the number of connections by region (including 5-year forecasts) and operators involved. These 500 projects represented 632 million subscriptions at the end of 2023, which is at the same time about 19 percent of the total cellular IoT connections worldwide. The list is delivered in Excel format.

Highlights from the database:

  • Detailed data in Excel format on the 500 largest M2M/IoT deployments identified globally.
  • Practical information including the involved companies, HQ location and website for every deployment.
  • Categorisation of each project by the main M2M/IoT vertical.
  • Geographical breakdown detailing the number of active cellular IoT connections by region per project.
  • Forecasts on the future developments for each deployment until 2028.
  • Analyst commentary on the methodology and summary of key findings.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

List of Figures

Executive Summary

1. The 500 Largest Cellular IoT Projects Worldwide

  • 1.1. Introduction
  • 1.2. Methodology
  • 1.3. Summary of the findings
    • 1.3.1. Analysis of the deployments by vertical market
    • 1.3.2. Analysis of the future vertical market developments
    • 1.3.3. Analysis by geographical market
  • 1.4. Concluding remarks and future outlook

List of Figures

  • Figure 1.1: Overview of the deployments by M2M/IoT vertical (2023)
  • Figure 1.2: Active M2M/IoT units by vertical (2023-2028)
  • Figure 1.3: Active M2M/IoT units by vertical and geographical market (2023)