Dedalus Consulting's intelligence coverage offers a comprehensive analysis of growing wind energy industry. Our Published Intelligence Report and the new UlyssesTM database both build on our wealth of accumulated knowledge.
The 2024 wind energy dataset provides quantitative data and qualitative analysis on the global market by country, end-user industry, equipment type, application, and competitors. Expanded coverage includes additional producer profiles, and pivot table capabilities within the UlyssesTM platform.
Data and analysis is available for the years 2023 to 2040.
Our published research has been industry proven as a consistently reliable source of market intelligence for many years. Through our work publishing research reports and consulting on energy equipment markets, we have been able to offer clients valuable insights into new and existing markets.
The report contains over 150 pages and over 125 charts/graphs.
Scope of Coverage
The following categories present how the data was developed, organized and is presented. Breaking the data into specific categories is essential to analyze and draw meaningful insights. The breakdowns are designed to highlight key patterns and trends in the data, as well as to facilitate comparisons between different groups or segments.
Each section contains quantitative market data including market by consumption value (US$Millions), volume (UnitsMillions) and average selling price (US$/Unit). Data tables and visualizations include breakdowns by country, end-user industry & applications, operating frequencies, packaging and connector types, and supplier sales & market share. Data and analysis is available for the years 2023 to 2040 with actuals through 2023 and forecasts to 2040.
Research Objectives
The primary objectives in this analysis are:
- to provide clients with the tools they need to accurately assess their market opportunities and potential;
- to determine regional wind energy production capacity by year through 2024, 2030, and 2040;
- to determine the size of total market for wind energy consumption and production equipment by country, end-user industry, and application;
- to forecast future growth in each product by geographic and end-use market; and
- to assess the competitive environment within the market including supplier sales and market share by year.
Equipment Types Covered
Type of Equipment Analyzed
- Turbines
- Type
- Size
- Location
- Rotors
- Turbine Blades
- Hubs
- Pitch Control
- Mechanical Brakes
- Other
- Nacelle/Controls
- Rotor Shaft
- Brakes
- Generators
- Gearboxes
- Pitch Control
- Yaw Systems
- Other
- Towers
- Tubular Steel
- Lattice
- Guyed Pole
- Other
- Electrical and Control Systems
- Generators
- Converters
- Transformers
- Other
- Balance of Station
Geographic Coverage
- Africa
- Australia
- Brazil
- Canada
- China
- France
- Germany
- India
- Italy
- Japan
- Korea
- Mexico
- Middle East
- Russia
- Singapore
- Spain
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- Taiwan
- United Kingdom
- United States
- Other Asia/Pacific
- Other CIS
- Other EU
- Other Europe
- Other Latin America
- Rest of World
End-User Industries
- Aerospace
- Automotive
- Chemical Processing
- Communications
- Commercial
- Construction
- Defense/Military/Government
- Electronics
- Food Processing
- Machining
- Medical/Research
- Oil, Gas & Mining
- Paper & Pulp Industry
- Power Generation
- Residential
- Transportation
- Other
Table of Contents
Section One: Technology Overview
Types of Energy Defined
- Coal
- Oil
- Natural Gas
- Nuclear
- Renewable Energy
- Solar
- Wind
- Biofuels
- Hydro-electric
- Geothermal
Comparison of Types
Process of Energy Generation Using Wind Technology
- Materials
- Equipment
- Energy Generation
- Transmission & Distribution
Wind Energy Equipment Defined
- Turbines
- Type
- Horizontal Axis (HAWT)
- Upwind
- Downwind
- Shrouded
- Vertical Axis (VAWTS)
- Darrieus
- Savonius
- Flapping Panel
- Giromill
- Rotors
- Turbine Blades
- Hubs
- Pitch Control
- Mechanical Brakes
- Other
- Nacelle/Control
- Rotor Shaft
- Brakes
- Generators
- Gearboxes
- Pitch Control
- Yaw Systems
- Other
- Towers
- Tubular Steel
- Lattice
- Guyed pole
- Other
- Electrical Systems
- Generators
- Converters
- Transformers
- Other
- Balance of Station
Cost of the Wind Turbine
- Advanced Materials Used
- Lightweight/Durable Materials
- Core material
- Skin material
- Root material
- Fibers
- Other Materials
Transmission and Distribution
Technology Advancements/Research and Development
- Off-Shore R&D
- Next Generation
- Mechanical Components
- Blades
- Drive Train
Section Two: Market Overview
Executive Summary
- Factors Affecting the Demand for Wind Energy
- Trends by Product Type
- Trends by Region
- Trends by Technology
- Future Outlook: 2018-2030
Production of Wind Energy by Country (GW): 2023-2040
Global Consumption of Wind Energy by Country ($MM): 2023-2040
Global Wind Energy Added Capacity by Region, Difference in Projections- Low, Medium, High Projections (GW): 2023-2040
Global Wind Energy Added Capacity by Country - Low, Medium, High Projections (GW): 2023-2040
Global Wind Energy Cumulative Capacity by Region - Low, Medium, High Projections (GW): 2023-2040
Global Wind Energy Cumulative Capacity by Country - Low, Medium, High Projections (GW): 2015-2021
Global Wind Energy Equipment Market by Region - Low, Medium, High Projections ($MM): 2023-2040
Global Wind Energy Equipment Market by Country - Low, Medium, High Projections ($MM): 2023-2040
Global Consumption of Wind Energy by Equipment Type ($MM): 2023-2040
- Electrical Systems
- Turbines
- Mechanical Systems
- Control Systems/Nacelle
Global Wind Energy Added Capacity by End-User - Low, Medium, High Projections (GW): 2023-2040
- Industrial
- Residential
- Commercial
Global Consumption of Wind Energy by End-User (GW): 2023-2040
Global Wind Energy Equipment Market by End-User - Low, Medium, High Projections ($MM): 2023-2040
Global Wind Energy Added Capacity by Application - Low, Medium, High Projections (GW): 2023-2040
Global Wind Energy Equipment Market by Application - Low, Medium, High Projections ($MM): 2023-2040
Competitive Environment
- Competitive Market Factors (e.g., pricing, product development...)
- Major Equipment Supplier Sales and Market Share ($MM): 2017-2018
- Marketing Strategies
- Competitive Landscape Moving Forward
Future Outlook for Wind Energy
- Demand Trends: 2018-2030
- Technological Advancement/R&D
- Social/Political Factor
Section Three: Turbines
Global Demand of Wind Turbines by Region
Global Demand of Wind Turbines by Country
Turbine Market by Construction Location
Turbine Market by End-User
- Industrial
- Residential
- Commercial
Turbine Companies and Market Share
Future Outlook
Section Four: Turbines
Global Demand of Wind Turbines by Region
Global Demand of Wind Turbines by Country
Turbine Market by Construction Location
Turbine Market by End-User
- Industrial
- Residential
- Commercial
Turbine Companies and Market Share
Future Outlook
Section Five: Mechanical Systems
Global Demand of Mechanical Systems by Region
Mechanical Systems Market by Type of Product
- Hubs
- Gearboxes
- Mechanical Brakes
- Other
Mechanical Systems Market by End-User
- Industrial
- Residential
- Commercial
Mechanical Systems Market by Construction Location
Mechanical Systems Sales and Market Share
Future Outlook
Section Six: Control Systems
Global Demand of Control Systems by Country
Control Systems by Type of Product
- Rotor Shaft
- Brakes
- Generators
- Pitch Control
- Yaw Systems
- Other
Control Systems Market by End-User
- Industrial
- Residential
- Commercial
Sales and Market Share
Future Outlook
Section Seven: Towers
Global Demand of Towers by Region
Towers by Type Product
- Tubular Steel
- Lattice
- Guyed pole
- Other
Tower Market by End-User
- Industrial
- Residential
- Commercial
Sales and Market Share
Future Outlook
Section Eight: Balance of Systems (BOS)
Global Demand of BOS by Country
BOS by Type of Product
- Foundation
- Electrical
- Transmission Lines
- Operations and Maintenance facilities
- Shipping logistics
- Permits/Legal
- Engineering and Construction
- Other
BOS Market by End-User
- Industrial
- Residential
- Commercial
Sales and Market Share
Future Outlook