

Fiber Optic Sensors Global Market Forecast & Analysis 2023-2033

出版日期: | 出版商: ElectroniCast | 英文 719 Page PDF plus Excel File | 订单完成后即时交付


本报告分析了全球光纤感测器市场,并调查了估计和预测的全球消费趋势(2023-2033 年)以及依细分市场和地区划分的详细趋势:


  • 点型(局部)光纤感测器:完整单元
  • 分散式(连续/半连续)光纤感测器:系统通道线


在本报告中,系统中分散式光纤感测器的功能由多个组件定义(光电收发器、连接器、光纤、电缆(光纤护套)、其他被动组件和直接外壳;准连续系统依各个通道链路(或线路)进行计数,包括嵌入感测光纤中的FBG 感测器元件(不包括软体)。



准连续分散式感测(系统中使用的光纤线路)利用光纤布拉格光栅 (FBG)。 FBG 被用作需要密集(紧密间隔)测试点的测试元件,并且 FBG 以各种方式重复使用。


本报告中显示的数字是透过将单一已完成的通道相乘而获得的。此通道包含一条光纤线路(或连结)以及该线路的相关组件:光电收发器、连接器、光纤、电缆(光纤护套)、其他被动组件以及直接外壳和基于分级的系统。元件(FBG) 包含在每个单独通道的元件清单中。



该报告还包含 200 多家光纤感测器製造商和附属公司的详细列表,以及感测器技术类型的详细资讯。它还包括接受调查的公司的市场占有率预测(2023 年)。


Microsoft Excel 电子錶格:光纤感测器的市场预测资料(依细分市场划分):

  • 消费金额(单位:百万美元)
  • 消费金额(单位:千件)
  • 平均售价(单位:美元/件)

Excel 文件内容

  • 光纤感测器公司/产品矩阵
  • 市场预测数据表
  • 分散式光纤感测器市场预测
    • 世界
    • 美国
    • 欧洲、中东和非洲 (EMEA)
    • 亚太地区 (APAC)
  • 点型光纤感测器市场预测
    • 世界
    • 美国
    • 欧洲
    • 亚太地区


第 1 章执行摘要:概述


  • 摘要
  • 点型光纤感测器市场预测:应变
  • 点型光纤感测器市场预测:温度
  • 点型光纤感测器市场预测:压力
  • 点式光纤感测器市场预测:化学/气体/液体
  • 点式光纤感测器市场预测:振动、声学、地震
  • 点式光纤感测器市场预测:位移、加速度、接近度
  • 点式光纤感测器市场预测:电场/磁场

第 3 章分散式光纤感测器系统:依通道线划分的市场预测

  • 摘要
  • 分散式光纤感测器通道系列:製造/工厂市场预测
  • 分散式光纤感测器通道系列:土木工程/施工预测
  • 分散式光纤感测器通道系列:军事/航空航天/安全预测
  • 分散式光纤感测器通道系列:石化/能源/公用事业预测
  • 分散式光纤感测器通道线:生物医学/科学预测


  • 摘要
  • 干涉式光纤感测器
  • 强度型光纤感测器
  • 偏振光纤感测器
  • FBG(光纤布拉格光栅)型光纤感测器
  • 拉曼散射光纤感测器
  • 萤光光纤感测器
  • 布里渊散射光纤感测器
  • 多普勒风速计
  • 光谱学
  • 波导光纤感测器
  • 光极

第 5 章竞争对手的市占率、预期(2023 年)及选定供应商名单

  • 摘要
  • 光纤感测器及附属公司列表(附网路位址)
  • FO感测器及相关企业列表及机器数量矩阵(共216家企业)




Announcing the ElectroniCast forecast of global market consumption of Fiber Optic Sensors. The 2023-2033 quantitative market review and forecast data, presented in this study report, are segmented into the following geographic regions, plus a Global summary:

  • The Americas (North America, Central and South America)
  • EMEA (Europe, Middle Eastern countries, plus Africa)
  • APAC (Asia Pacific)

The market forecast data is presented and segmented in two main sections:

  • Fiber Optic Point (Local) Sensor: Complete Unit
  • Distributed Fiber Optic Sensor (Continuous and Quasi-continuous): System Channel Line

Fiber Optic Point Sensor: Sensing/Measuring Quantity:

The Point Sensor Forecast further segmented by the following sensing/measuring quantity (measurand) types:

  • Mechanical Strain
  • Temperature
  • Pressure
  • Chemical, Gas, Liquid
  • Vibration, Acoustic, Seismic
  • Displacement, Acceleration, Proximity
  • Electric, Current and Magnetic Field - Fiber Optic Sensors

Fiber Optic Point Sensors: Applications

The market forecast of the Fiber Optic Point Sensors is segmented by the following end-user applications:

  • Manufacturing Process/Factory
  • Civil Engineering/Construction
  • Military/Aerospace/Security
  • Test & Measurement used in Telecommunication, CATV, Enterprise
  • Biomedical/Science
  • Petrochemical/Energy/Utilities/Natural Resources
  • Automotive/Vehicle

Distributed Fiber Optic Sensor System Links (Lines)

In this ElectroniCast study, the Distributed Fiber Optic Sensor function in systems is counted by individual channel link (or line), which include several components (optoelectronic transmitter/receiver, connectors, optical fiber, cable (fiber jacket), other passive components, and immediate enclosures; the quasi-continuous system also includes the FBG sensor elements, which are embedded into the sensing fiber (software is not included). Types of Distributed Fiber Optic System Channel Lines:

Continuous Distributed sensing (optical fiber line used in a system) provides continuous, real-time measurements along the entire length of a fiber optic cable; continuous distributed sensing does not rely upon manufactured sensors but utilizes the optical fiber.

Quasi-Continuous Distributed sensing (optical fiber line used in a system) utilizes Fiber Bragg Gratings (FBGs), which have been employed as sensing elements where dense (closely spaced) sensing points are required, and the FBGs are multiplexed with various methods.

Distributed Fiber Optic Sensor Systems typically have several channel links (fiber lines).

The values shown in this ElectroniCast study report are obtained by multiplying an (one) individual completed channel, which includes one fiber optic line (or link) and associated components for that one line (optoelectronic transmitter/receiver, connectors, optical fiber, cable (fiber jacket), other passive components, and immediate enclosures; and with Grading-Based systems, sensing elements (FBGs) are included in the list of components for each individual channel.

Therefore, the quantities (volume) and average selling prices are represented for the one system channel link (also known as a line or string). Not all systems are filled to channel capacity; therefore, customers add more channel lines or replace old lines with new lines as required over months or over years ("grow as you go").

Distributed Sensors Market Forecast Application and Technology Categories:

  • Manufacturing Process/Factory
    • Continuous - Interferometric
    • Continuous - Raman scattering (Raman effect)
    • Continuous - Brillouin Scattering
    • Quasi-Continuous (Grating-Based)
  • Civil Engineering/Construction (buildings, bridges, tunnels, etc.)
    • Continuous - Interferometric
    • Continuous - Raman scattering (Raman effect)
    • Continuous - Brillouin Scattering
    • Quasi-Continuous (Grating-Based)
  • Military/Aerospace/Security
    • Continuous - Interferometric
    • Continuous - Raman scattering (Raman effect)
    • Continuous - Brillouin Scattering
    • Quasi-Continuous (Grating-Based)
  • Petrochemical/Energy/Utilities/Natural Resources
    • Continuous - Interferometric
    • Continuous - Raman scattering (Raman effect)
    • Continuous - Brillouin Scattering
    • Quasi-Continuous (Grating-Based)
  • Biomedical/Science
    • Continuous - Interferometric
    • Continuous - Raman scattering (Raman effect)
    • Continuous - Brillouin Scattering
    • Quasi-Continuous (Grating-Based)

Distributed Sensors System Lines, by Sensing/Measuring Principal or Function

For the first time, in an ElectroniCast multiple-client report, the Distributed Sensor Forecast is further segmented by the following sensing/measuring quantity (mechanical measurand) types:

  • Mechanical Strain
  • Temperature
  • Pressure
  • Chemical, Gas, Liquid
  • Vibration, Acoustic, Seismic
  • Displacement, Acceleration, Proximity
  • Electric, Current and Magnetic Field - Fiber Optic Sensors

Technology Review

This study report provides a review of applicable technologies, including:

  • Interferometry
  • Intensity
  • Polarization
  • Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG)
  • Raman back-scattering
  • Fluorescence
  • Brillouin waves
  • Doppler Anemometry
  • Spectroscopy
  • Waveguides/ Specialty Optical Fiber
  • Optrode


Also included in this report from ElectroniCast is an extensive list of over 200-fiber optic sensor manufacturers and related companies, along with a matrix table classifying the types of sensors technologies. Market share estimates (2023) for the selected leading competitors are also provided.

Market Forecast Data Base

Microsoft Excel Spreadsheets: The market forecast data are presented for fiber optic sensors, segmented by the following functions:

  • Consumption Value (US$, million)
  • Quantity (number/units in Thousands)
  • Average Selling Prices (ASP $, each)

Excel File Contents:

  • Fiber Optic Sensor Company / Product Matrix
  • Market Forecast Data Table
  • Distributed Fiber Optic Sensor Market Forecast
    • Global
    • America
    • Europe, Middle East, Africa (EMEA)
    • Asia Pacific (APAC)
  • Point Fiber Optic Sensor Market Forecast
    • Global
    • America
    • EMEA
    • APAC

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary - Overview

2. Point Fiber Optic Sensor Measurand and Application Market Forecast

  • 2.1. Overview
  • 2.2. Point Fiber Optics Sensors Market Forecast: Strain
  • 2.3. Point Fiber Optics Sensors Market Forecast: Temperature
  • 2.4. Point Fiber Optics Sensors Market Forecast: Pressure
  • 2.5. Point Fiber Optics Sensors Market Forecast: Chemical, Gas and Liquid
  • 2.6. Point Fiber Optics Sensors Market Forecast: Vibration, Acoustic and Seismic
  • 2.7. Point Fiber Optics Sensors Market Forecast: Displacement, Acceleration and Proximity
  • 2.8. Point Fiber Optics Sensors Market Forecast: Electric and Magnetic Field

3. Distributed Fiber Optic Sensor System Channel Lines Market Forecast

  • 3.1. Overview
  • 3.2. Distributed Fiber Optic Sensor Channel Lines: Manufacturing/Factory Market Forecast
  • 3.3. Distributed Fiber Optic Sensor Channel Lines: Civil Engineering/Construction Forecast
  • 3.4. Distributed Fiber Optic Sensor Channel Lines: Military/Aerospace/Security Forecast
  • 3.5. Distributed Fiber Optic Sensor Channel Lines: Petrochemical/Energy/Utilities Forecast
  • 3.6. Distributed Fiber Optic Sensor Channel Lines: Biomedical/Science Forecast

4. Fiber Optic Sensor Technology

  • 4.1. Overview
  • 4.2. Interferometric Fiber Optic Sensors
  • 4.3. Intensity Fiber Optic Sensors
  • 4.4. Polarization Fiber Optic Sensors
  • 4.5. Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) Fiber Optic Sensors
  • 4.6. Raman Scattering Fiber Optic Sensors
  • 4.7. Fluorescence Fiber Optic Sensors
  • 4.8. Brillouin Scattering Fiber Optic Sensors
  • 4.9. Doppler Anemometry
  • 4.10. Spectroscopy
  • 4.11. Waveguides Fiber Optic Sensors
  • 4.12. Optrode

5. Competitive Market Share Estimates (Year 2023) and List of Selected Vendors

  • 5.1. Overview
  • 5.2. List of Fiber Optic Sensor and Related Companies; with Internet address
  • 5.3. List and Mechanical Quantities Matrix of FO Sensor & Related Companies (216 Total)

6. ElectroniCast Research Methodology

7. Market Forecast and Analysis Database Introduction/Explanation of Excel File

Addendum - Excel File (Market Forecast Data and Tables)

List of Tables

  • 1.1. Point Fiber Sensor Global Forecast, By Region (Value Basis, $Million)
  • 1.2. Point Fiber Sensor Global Forecast, By Application (Value $Million)
  • 1.3. Point Fiber Sensor Global Forecast, By Measurand Function Type (Value $Million)
  • 1.4. Distributed Fiber Sensor System Lines Global Forecast, (Regional Value Basis, $Million)
  • 1.5. Distributed Fiber Sensor System Lines Global Forecast, By Application (Value $Million)
  • 1.6. Distributed Fiber Sensor System Lines Global Forecast, Measurand Function ($Million)
  • 2.1.1. Point Fiber Optic Sensor Global Forecast, By Application ($Million)
  • 2.1.2. Point Fiber Optic Sensor Global Forecast, By Application (Quantity)
  • 2.1.3. Point Fiber Optic Sensor Global Forecast, By Application (Avg. Selling Price)
  • 2.1.4. Point Fiber Optic Sensor America Forecast, By Application ($Million)
  • 2.1.5. Point Fiber Optic Sensor America Forecast, By Application (Quantity)
  • 2.1.6. Point Fiber Optic Sensor America Forecast, By Application (Avg. Selling Price)
  • 2.1.7. Point Fiber Optic Sensor EMEA Forecast, By Application ($Million)
  • 2.1.8. Point Fiber Optic Sensor EMEA Forecast, By Application (Quantity)
  • 2.1.9. Point Fiber Optic Sensor EMEA Forecast, By Application (Avg. Selling Price)
  • 2.1.10. Point Fiber Optic Sensor APAC Forecast, By Application ($Million)
  • 2.1.11. Point Fiber Optic Sensor APAC Forecast, By Application (Quantity)
  • 2.1.12. Point Fiber Optic Sensor APAC Forecast, By Application (Avg. Selling Price)
  • 2.2.1. Point Fiber Optic Strain Sensor Global Forecast, By Application ($Million)
  • 2.2.2. Point Fiber Optic Strain Sensor Global Forecast, By Application (Quantity)
  • 2.2.3. Point Fiber Optic Strain Sensor Global Forecast, By Application (Avg. Selling Price)
  • 2.2.4. Point Fiber Optic Strain Sensor America Forecast, By Application ($Million)
  • 2.2.5. Point Fiber Optic Strain Sensor America Forecast, By Application (Quantity)
  • 2.2.6. Point Fiber Optic Strain Sensor America Forecast, By Application (Avg. Selling Price)
  • 2.2.7. Point Fiber Optic Strain Sensor EMEA Forecast, By Application ($Million)
  • 2.2.8. Point Fiber Optic Strain Sensor EMEA Forecast, By Application (Quantity)
  • 2.2.9. Point Fiber Optic Strain Sensor EMEA Forecast, By Application (Avg. Selling Price)
  • 2.2.10. Point Fiber Optic Strain Sensor APAC Forecast, By Application ($Million)
  • 2.2.11. Point Fiber Optic Strain Sensor APAC Forecast, By Application (Quantity)
  • 2.2.12. Point Fiber Optic Strain Sensor APAC Forecast, By Application (Avg. Selling Price/ASP)
  • 2.3.1. Point Fiber Optic Temperature Sensor Global Forecast, By Application ($Million)
  • 2.3.2. Point Fiber Optic Temperature Sensor Global Forecast, By Application (Quantity)
  • 2.3.3. Point Fiber Optic Temperature Sensor Global Forecast, By Application (ASP)
  • 2.3.4. Point Fiber Optic Temperature Sensor America Forecast, By Application ($Million)
  • 2.3.5. Point Fiber Optic Temperature Sensor America Forecast, By Application (Quantity)
  • 2.3.6. Point Fiber Optic Temperature Sensor America Forecast, By Application (ASP)
  • 2.3.7. Point Fiber Optic Temperature Sensor EMEA Forecast, By Application ($Million)
  • 2.3.8. Point Fiber Optic Temperature Sensor EMEA Forecast, By Application (Quantity)
  • 2.3.9. Point Fiber Optic Temperature Sensor EMEA Forecast, By Application (ASP)
  • 2.3.10. Point Fiber Optic Temperature Sensor APAC Forecast, By Application ($Million)
  • 2.3.11. Point Fiber Optic Temperature Sensor APAC Forecast, By Application (Quantity)
  • 2.3.12. Point Fiber Optic Temperature Sensor APAC Forecast, By Application (ASP)
  • 2.4.1. Point Fiber Optic Pressure Sensor Global Forecast, By Application ($Million)
  • 2.4.2. Point Fiber Optic Pressure Sensor Global Forecast, By Application (Quantity)
  • 2.4.3. Point Fiber Optic Pressure Sensor Global Forecast, By Application (ASP)
  • 2.4.4. Point Fiber Optic Pressure Sensor America Forecast, By Application ($Million)
  • 2.4.5. Point Fiber Optic Pressure Sensor America Forecast, By Application (Quantity)
  • 2.4.6. Point Fiber Optic Pressure Sensor America Forecast, By Application (ASP)
  • 2.4.7. Point Fiber Optic Pressure Sensor EMEA Forecast, By Application ($Million)
  • 2.4.8. Point Fiber Optic Pressure Sensor EMEA Forecast, By Application (Quantity)
  • 2.4.9. Point Fiber Optic Pressure Sensor EMEA Forecast, By Application (ASP)
  • 2.4.10. Point Fiber Optic Pressure Sensor APAC Forecast, By Application ($Million)
  • 2.4.11. Point Fiber Optic Pressure Sensor APAC Forecast, By Application (Quantity)
  • 2.4.12. Point Fiber Optic Pressure Sensor APAC Forecast, By Application (ASP)
  • 2.5.1. Point Fiber Optic Chemical, Gas, Liquid Sensor Global Forecast, Application ($Million)
  • 2.5.2. Point Fiber Optic Chemical, Gas, Liquid Sensor Global Forecast, Application (Quantity)
  • 2.5.3. Point Fiber Optic Chemical, Gas, Liquid Sensor Global Forecast, Application (ASP)
  • 2.5.4. Point Fiber Optic Chemical, Gas, Liquid Sensor America Forecast, Application ($Million)
  • 2.5.5. Point Fiber Optic Chemical, Gas, Liquid Sensor America Forecast, Application (Quantity)
  • 2.5.6. Point Fiber Optic Chemical, Gas, Liquid Sensor America Forecast, Application (ASP)
  • 2.5.7. Point Fiber Optic Chemical, Gas, Liquid Sensor EMEA Forecast, Application ($Million)
  • 2.5.8. Point Fiber Optic Chemical, Gas, Liquid Sensor EMEA Forecast, Application (Quantity)
  • 2.5.9. Point Fiber Optic Chemical, Gas, Liquid Sensor EMEA Forecast, Application (ASP)
  • 2.5.10. Point Fiber Optic Chemical, Gas, Liquid Sensor APAC Forecast, Application ($Million)
  • 2.5.11. Point Fiber Optic Chemical, Gas, Liquid Sensor APAC Forecast, Application (Quantity)
  • 2.5.12. Point Fiber Optic Chemical, Gas, Liquid Sensor APAC Forecast, Application (ASP)
  • 2.6.1. Point Fiber Optic Vibration, Acoustic, Seismic Sensor Global Forecast, By App ($Million)
  • 2.6.2. Point Fiber Optic Vibration, Acoustic, Seismic Sensor Global Forecast, By App (Quantity)
  • 2.6.3. Point Fiber Optic Vibration, Acoustic, Seismic Sensor Global Forecast, By App (ASP)
  • 2.6.4. Point Fiber Optic Vibration, Acoustic, Seismic Sensor America Forecast, App ($Million)
  • 2.6.5. Point Fiber Optic Vibration, Acoustic, Seismic Sensor America Forecast, App (Quantity)
  • 2.6.6. Point Fiber Optic Vibration, Acoustic, Seismic Sensor America Forecast, By App (ASP)
  • 2.6.7. Point Fiber Optic Vibration, Acoustic, Seismic Sensor EMEA Forecast, By App ($Million)
  • 2.6.8. Point Fiber Optic Vibration, Acoustic, Seismic Sensor EMEA Forecast, By App (Quantity)
  • 2.6.9. Point Fiber Optic Vibration, Acoustic, Seismic Sensor EMEA Forecast, By App (ASP)
  • 2.6.10. Point Fiber Optic Vibration, Acoustic, Seismic Sensor APAC Forecast, By App ($Million)
  • 2.6.11. Point Fiber Optic Vibration, Acoustic, Seismic Sensor APAC Forecast, By App (Quantity)
  • 2.6.12. Point Fiber Optic Vibration, Acoustic, Seismic Sensor APAC Forecast, By App (ASP)
  • 2.7.1. Point Fiber Optic Displacement, Acceleration Proximity Sensor Global, By App ($Million)
  • 2.7.2. Point Fiber Optic Displacement, Acceleration Proximity Sensor Global, By App (Quantity)
  • 2.7.3. Point Fiber Optic Displacement, Acceleration Proximity Sensor Global, By App (ASP)
  • 2.7.4. Point Fiber Optic Displacement, Acceleration Proximity Sensor America, App ($Million)
  • 2.7.5. Point Fiber Optic Displacement, Acceleration Proximity Sensor America App (Quantity)
  • 2.7.6. Point Fiber Optic Displacement, Acceleration Proximity Sensor America, By App (ASP)
  • 2.7.7. Point Fiber Optic Displacement, Acceleration Proximity Sensor EMEA, By App ($Million)
  • 2.7.8. Point Fiber Optic Displacement, Acceleration Proximity Sensor EMEA By App (Quantity)
  • 2.7.9. Point Fiber Optic Displacement, Acceleration Proximity Sensor EMEA, By App (ASP)
  • 2.7.10. Point Fiber Optic Displacement, Acceleration Proximity Sensor APAC By App ($Million)
  • 2.7.11. Point Fiber Optic Displacement, Acceleration Proximity Sensor APAC, By App (Quantity)
  • 2.7.12. Point Fiber Optic Displacement, Acceleration Proximity Sensor APAC, By App (ASP)
  • 2.8.1. Point Fiber Optic Electric & Magnetic Field Sensor Global, By Application ($Million)
  • 2.8.2. Point Fiber Optic Electric & Magnetic Field Sensor Global, By Application (Quantity)
  • 2.8.3. Point Fiber Optic Electric & Magnetic Field Sensor Global, By Application (ASP)
  • 2.8.4. Point Fiber Optic Electric & Magnetic Field Sensor America, By Application ($Million)
  • 2.8.5. Point Fiber Optic Electric & Magnetic Field Sensor America, By Application (Quantity)
  • 2.8.6. Point Fiber Optic Electric & Magnetic Field Sensor America, By Application (ASP)
  • 2.8.7. Point Fiber Optic Electric & Magnetic Field Sensor EMEA, By Application ($Million)
  • 2.8.8. Point Fiber Optic Electric & Magnetic Field Sensor EMEA, By Application (Quantity)
  • 2.8.9. Point Fiber Optic Electric & Magnetic Field Sensor EMEA, By Application (ASP)
  • 2.8.10. Point Fiber Optic Electric & Magnetic Field Sensor APAC, By Application ($Million)
  • 2.8.11. Point Fiber Optic Electric & Magnetic Field Sensor APAC, By Application (Quantity)
  • 2.8.12. Point Fiber Optic Electric & Magnetic Field Sensor APAC, By Application (ASP)
  • 3.1.1Distributed Fiber Sensor System Channel Lines Global Forecast, By Application ($Million)
  • 3.1.2Distributed Fiber Sensor System Channel Lines Global Forecast, By Application (QTY)
  • 3.1.3. Distributed FO Sensor System Lines - Global Forecast, By Measurand Function ($Million)
  • 3.1.4. Distributed FO Sensor System Lines - Global Forecast, By Measurand Function (QTY)
  • 3.1.5. Distributed Fiber Sensor System Channel Lines Global Forecast, By Region ($Million)
  • 3.2.1. Distributed FO Sensors-Manufacturing/Factory, By Technology, Global Forecast ($M)
  • 3.2.2. Distributed FO Sensors-Manufacturing/Factory, By Technology, Global Forecast (QTY)
  • 3.2.3. Distributed FO Sensors-Manufacturing/Factory, By Technology, Global Forecast (ASP)
  • 3.2.4. Distributed FO Sensors-Manufacturing/Factory, By Technology, America Forecast ($M)
  • 3.2.5. Distributed FO Sensors-Manufacturing/Factory, By Technology, America Forecast (QTY)
  • 3.2.6. Distributed FO Sensors-Manufacturing/Factory, By Technology, America Forecast (ASP)
  • 3.2.7. Distributed FO Sensors-Manufacturing/Factory, By Technology, EMEA Forecast ($M)
  • 3.2.8. Distributed FO Sensors-Manufacturing/Factory, By Technology, EMEA Forecast (QTY)
  • 3.2.9. Distributed FO Sensors-Manufacturing/Factory, By Technology, EMEA Forecast (ASP)
  • 3.2.10. Distributed FO Sensors-Manufacturing/Factory, By Technology, APAC Forecast ($M)
  • 3.2.11. Distributed FO Sensors-Manufacturing/Factory, By Technology, APAC Forecast (QTY)
  • 3.2.12. Distributed FO Sensors-Manufacturing/Factory, By Technology, APAC Forecast (ASP)
  • 3.3.1. Distributed FO Sensors-Engineering/Construction, By Technology, Global Forecast ($M)
  • 3.3.2. Distributed FO Sensors-Engineering/Construction, By Technology, Global Forecast (QTY)
  • 3.3.3. Distributed FO Sensors-Engineering/Construction, By Technology, Global Forecast (ASP)
  • 3.3.4. Distributed FO Sensors-Engineering/Construction, By Tech., America Forecast ($M)
  • 3.3.5. Distributed FO Sensors-Engineering/Construction, By Tech., America Forecast (QTY)
  • 3.3.6. Distributed FO Sensors-Engineering/Construction, By Tech., America Forecast (ASP)
  • 3.3.7. Distributed FO Sensors-Engineering/Construction, By Technology, EMEA Forecast ($M)
  • 3.3.8. Distributed FO Sensors-Engineering/Construction, By Technology, EMEA Forecast (QTY)
  • 3.3.9. Distributed FO Sensors-Engineering/Construction, By Technology, EMEA Forecast (ASP)
  • 3.3.10. Distributed FO Sensors-Engineering/Construction, By Technology, APAC Forecast ($M)
  • 3.3.11. Distributed FO Sensors-Engineering/Construction, By Technology, APAC Forecast (QTY)
  • 3.3.12. Distributed FO Sensors-Engineering/Construction, By Technology, APAC Forecast (ASP)
  • 3.4.1. Distributed FO Sensors-Military/Aerospace, Security, By Tech., Global Forecast ($M)
  • 3.4.2. Distributed FO Sensors-Military/Aerospace, Security, By Tech., Global Forecast (QTY)
  • 3.4.3. Distributed FO Sensors-Military/Aerospace, Security, By Tech., Global Forecast (ASP)
  • 3.4.4. Distributed FO Sensors-Military/Aerospace, Security, By Tech., America Forecast ($M)
  • 3.4.5. Distributed FO Sensors-Military/Aerospace, Security, By Tech., America Forecast (QTY)
  • 3.4.6. Distributed FO Sensors-Military/Aerospace, Security, By Tech., America Forecast (ASP)
  • 3.4.7. Distributed FO Sensors-Military/Aerospace, Security, By Tech., EMEA Forecast ($M)
  • 3.4.8. Distributed FO Sensors-Military/Aerospace, Security, By Tech., EMEA Forecast (QTY)
  • 3.4.9. Distributed FO Sensors-Military/Aerospace, Security, By Tech., EMEA Forecast (ASP)
  • 3.4.10. Distributed FO Sensors-Military/Aerospace, Security, By Tech., APAC Forecast ($M)
  • 3.4.11. Distributed FO Sensors-Military/Aerospace, Security, By Tech., APAC Forecast (QTY)
  • 3.4.12. Distributed FO Sensors-Military/Aerospace, Security, By Tech., APAC Forecast (ASP)
  • 3.5.1. Distributed FO Sensors-Petro/Energy/Natural Res/Utilities, By Tech., Global Forecast ($M)
  • 3.5.2. Distributed FO Sensors-Petro/Energy/Natural Res/Utilities, By Tech., Global Forecast (QTY)
  • 3.5.3. Distributed FO Sensors-Petro/Energy/Natural Res/Utilities, By Tech., Global Forecast (ASP)
  • 3.5.4. Distributed FO Sensors-Petro/Energy/Natural Res/Utilities, By Tech., America Forecast ($M)
  • 3.5.5. Distributed FO Sensors-Petro/Energy/Natural Res/Utilities, By Tech., America Forecast (QTY)
  • 3.5.6. Distributed FO Sensors-Petro/Energy/Natural Res/Utilities, By Tech., America Forecast (ASP)
  • 3.5.7. Distributed FO Sensors-Petro/Energy/Natural Res/Utilities, By Tech., EMEA Forecast ($M)
  • 3.5.8. Distributed FO Sensors-Petro/Energy/Natural Res/Utilities, By Tech., EMEA Forecast (QTY)
  • 3.5.9. Distributed FO Sensors-Petro/Energy/Natural Res/Utilities, By Tech., EMEA Forecast (ASP)
  • 3.5.10. Distributed FO Sensors-Petro/Energy/Natural Res/Utilities, By Tech., APAC Forecast ($M)
  • 3.5.11. Distributed FO Sensors-Petro/Energy/Natural Res/Utilities, By Tech., APAC Forecast (QTY)
  • 3.5.12. Distributed FO Sensors-Petro/Energy/Natural Res/Utilities, By Tech., APAC Forecast (ASP)
  • 3.6.1. Wearable Fiber Optic Technology Applications in Healthcare Monitoring
  • 3.6.2. Distributed FO Sensors in Bio-Medical/Science, By Tech., Global Forecast ($Million)
  • 3.6.3. Distributed FO Sensors in Bio-Medical/Science, By Tech., Global Forecast (QTY)
  • 3.6.4. Distributed FO Sensors in Bio-Medical/Science, By Tech., Global Forecast (ASP)
  • 3.6.5. Distributed FO Sensors in Bio-Medical/Science, By Tech., America Forecast ($M)
  • 3.6.6. Distributed FO Sensors in Bio-Medical/Science, By Tech., America Forecast (QTY)
  • 3.6.7. Distributed FO Sensors in Bio-Medical/Science, By Tech., America Forecast (ASP)
  • 3.6.8. Distributed FO Sensors in Bio-Medical/Science, By Tech., EMEA Forecast ($M)
  • 3.6.9. Distributed FO Sensors in Bio-Medical/Science, By Tech., EMEA Forecast (QTY)
  • 3.6.10. Distributed FO Sensors in Bio-Medical/Science, By Tech., EMEA Forecast (ASP)
  • 3.6.11. Distributed FO Sensors in Bio-Medical/Science, By Tech., APAC Forecast ($M)
  • 3.6.12. Distributed FO Sensors in Bio-Medical/Science, By Tech., APAC Forecast (QTY)
  • 3.6.13. Distributed FO Sensors in Bio-Medical/Science, By Tech., APAC Forecast (ASP)
  • 5.1.1. Market Share Estimates of Selected Leading Competitors - Fiber Optic Sensors (2023)
  • 5.3. Fiber Optic Sensor Company / Mechanical Quantities Matrix (200+ Companies/9-pages)

List of Figures

  • 1.1. Global Forecast, Fiber Optic Point Sensors ($Billion)
  • 1.2. Global Forecast, Fiber Optic Distributed Sensor System Channel Lines ($Billion)
  • 1.3. Global Forecast, Continuous vs. Quasi Distributed System Channel Lines ($Billion)
  • 1.4. Fiber Bragg Grating Technology Illustration
  • 1.5. Twisted Photonic Crystal Fiber
  • 1.6. Fiber Optic Temperature Sensors in Electric Vehicle Temperature Testing
  • 1.7. Schematic: Laser Ultrasonic Inspection System
  • 1.8. Detection Fiber Optic Point Sensor - Complete Units
  • 1.9. Fiber Optic Cable Installed Along Side of an Underground Pipeline
  • 1.10. Embedded fiber optic monitoring and communication system on pipe
  • 1.11. Underground Metro Tunnel
  • 1.12. Offshore Wind Farm with Turbines
  • 1.13. Application Examples of Fiber Optic Sensors in Spacecraft
  • 1.14. Roadway Fiber Optic Cable Monitoring System - Architecture
  • 1.15. Roadway Fiber Optic Cable Monitoring System - Application Examples
  • 1.16. Fiber Optic Sensors (FOS): Operating Principles, type of Measurands and Applications
  • 2.2.1. Expanded View of an FBG
  • 2.2.2. PM Photonic Crystal Fiber
  • 2.2.3. Single-mode Photonic Crystal Fiber
  • 2.2.4. Embedded Multi-Parameter Fiber Optic Sensor
  • 2.2.5. Fiber Optic Strain Sensor
  • 2.2.6. Strain Gage
  • 2.2.7. Strain Sensor Installed
  • 2.2.8. Smart Rod Used to Install FBG Sensors on Concrete Structures
  • 2.2.9. Assorted Single-Type Fiber Optic Strain Sensors
  • 2.2.10. Optical Displacement Sensor for Linear Variation of Position
  • 2.2.11. Optical Strain Gage; Qualified for Harsh Environments
  • 2.2.12. Optical Strain Gage; Qualified for Harsh Environments
  • 2.2.13. Non-Metallic Optical, Epoxy-Mounted Strain Gage
  • 2.3.1. Fabry-Perot Fiber-Optic Temperature-Sensor
  • 2.3.2. One Circuit Board Holding Four (4) Fiber Optic Temperature Sensing Channels
  • 2.3.3. Digital, Two-Color Infrared Thermometers, 700 to 3000-degree C (Fiber Optic Non-Contact)
  • 2.3.4. White Light Polarization Interferometry (WLPI) Technology
  • 2.3.5. Fiber Optic Cable with Temperature Sensor
  • 2.3.6. Examples: Material Used in Fiber Optic Point Sensor Packaging
  • 2.3.7. Flat Flame Burner
  • 2.3.8. Prototype Photonic Thermometer with Optical Fiber
  • 2.3.9. Assorted Temperature Fiber Optic Sensors
  • 2.3.10. FBG Temperature Sensor, Reinforced Plastic Cover, Stainless-Steel Sheath
  • 2.4.1. Experimental Pressure Measurement System
  • 2.4.2. Pre-Clinical Transducer with Fiber Coating
  • 2.4.3. Sealed-Gauge Fiber Optic Pressure Sensors
  • 2.4.4. Pressure Fiber Optic Sensor Used in Automotive/Vehicle
  • 2.4.5. Sensors: Single Helix and Double Helix
  • 2.4.6. FBG Pressure Sensor
  • 2.4.7. High Pressure/High Temperature Fiber Optic Pressure Gauge
  • 2.4.8. Piezometer Fiber Optic Pressure Sensor for Harsh Environments
  • 2.5.1. Ultra-Violet Optical Screening Tool system deployed with the CPT
  • 2.5.2. Fiber Optic Sensor would be implanted through the skin
  • 2.5.3. Optical Fibers Bundled with a Capillary Tube
  • 2.5.4. Glucose Sensor Embedded in an Aqueous Hydrogel
  • 2.5.5. Fiber Sensor (sensing range of the thin reflective type fiber)
  • 2.5.6. Fiber Optic Gas Sensor Applications
  • 2.6.1. Vibration optical fiber sensors classification
  • 2.6.2. Fabry-Perot Cavity - Optical Fiber Sensing Probe
  • 2.6.3. Fiber-Optic Acoustic Sensors (FOAS)
  • 2.6.4. Fiber optic partial discharge monitoring system
  • 2.7.1. Non-Contact Displacement-, Vibration- Fiber Optic Sensors
  • 2.7.2. Fiber-optic Vibration & Displacement Sensor
  • 2.7.3. Optical Extender for Fiber Optic Sensor
  • 2.7.4. Optical Displacement Measurement (OBDI)
  • 2.7.5. Fiber Optic Position Sensor
  • 2.7.6. Fabry Perot Accelerometer
  • 2.7.7. Fiber Optic Sensor-based Microsurgical Tool
  • 2.7.8. Sensor Head for Interferometer, which contains a beam splitter
  • 2.8.1. Mini-sensor measures magnetic activity in human brain
  • 2.8.2. FOCS - Fiber-Optic Current Sensor
  • 2.8.3. Microfiber Knot Resonator
  • 3.1.1. Distributed Sensor System Channel Lines, Global Forecast ($Billion)
  • 3.1.2. Distributed Sensor System Channel Lines, Continuous vs. Quasi-Continuous ($Billion)
  • 3.1.3. Distributed Sensor System Channel Lines, Global Forecast, by Region ($Billion)
  • 3.1.4. Distributed FO Sensor System; Utilizing Quasi-Distributed: FBG-Based Optical Fiber
  • 3.1.5. Fiber-Based Distributed Acoustic Sensor System (advanced optoelectronics interrogator)
  • 3.1.6. Direct Writing FBGs through Coating and Cladding
  • 3.1.7. FGBs - Integrate a Precise Lens Function
  • 3.1.8. Optical Fiber Distributed Temperature Sensor at Extreme Temperature
  • 3.1.9. Scattering Phenomena in Distributed Optical Sensors (DOFS)
  • 3.1.10. Sagnac Interferometer Distributed Vibration Sensor
  • 3.1.11. Monitoring Dams with DTS Environmental Monitoring
  • 3.1.12. Schematic Diagram of Typical Raman DTS System Based on OTDR Technique
  • 3.1.13. Distributed Temperature Sensing System Controller (DTS)
  • 3.1.14. Illustration Example - Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS)
  • 3.1.15. Fiber Optic Monitoring (Temperature/Pressure/Acoustics)
  • 3.1.16. Wavelength of Transmission Dip of a Chiral Fiber versus Temperature
  • 3.1.17. Fiber Optic Sensor Installation in Aircraft
  • 3.1.18. Distributed Fiber Optic Sensing System
  • 3.1.19. Security Fence - Fiber Optic Sensor Installation (Attached onto Fence)
  • 3.1.20. Assorted Distributed Fiber Optic Sensor Systems
  • 3.1.21. Continuous Sensing Along the Entire Length of the Pipeline
  • 3.1.22. Testing Optical Fiber
  • 3.1.23. Fiber Optic Sensing System (4-Channels)
  • 3.1.24. Fiber Optic Sensing System (8-Channels)
  • 3.2.1. Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS), using the Raman Scatter Principle
  • 3.3.1. Austria - Distributed Fiber Optic Sensing - Monitoring in Tunneling Applications
  • 3.3.2. Austria - Distributed Fiber Optic Sensing - Monitoring in Tunneling Applications
  • 3.3.3. Austria - Monitoring of Railway Tracks and Vehicles with Distributed Fiber Optic Sensing
  • 3.3.4. Line Type Heat Detection System (Distributed Fiber Optic Sensing)
  • 3.4.1. Fiber Optic Sensor Cable Installed in Security Fence
  • 3.4.2. Fiber Optic Sensor Cable Installed in Security Fence
  • 3.4.3. Fiber Optic Cable for a Fiber Sensing Fence
  • 3.4.4. Distributed Acoustic Sensing with Coherent Optical Time Domain Reflectometry (COTDR)
  • 3.4.5. US Customs and Border Protection (CBP)
  • 3.4.6. Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) system
  • 3.4.7. The principle of a Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG)
  • 3.4.8. Fiber-Optic Acoustic Sensors for Submarine
  • 3.5.1. Monitoring of Utilities with Distributed Fiber Optic Sensing
  • 3.5.2. Distributed Fiber Optic Sensor System Component Example
  • 3.5.3. Illustration of Fiber Optic Sensors in Oil & Gas Applications
  • 3.5.4. Distributed Temperature Sensor System and Example
  • 3.5.5. Load Monitoring for Wind Turbines Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) Sensor Lines Example
  • 3.5.6. Direct Fracture Monitoring Service, Single-Use Optical Fiber Sensor System
  • 3.5.7. Weighted Probe - 'Active' internal sensors and miniature data acquisition box
  • 3.5.8. Using Trans-Ocean Optical Fiber for Sensing
  • 3.5.9. Multi-Functional Distributed Fiber Sensors for Pipeline Monitoring and Methane
  • 3.6.1. Schematic/Real-Time Identical Weak FBG Interrogation/Resonance Frequency Mapping
  • 3.6.2. Fiber Optic cable: 900 meters Groundwater Monitoring
  • 3.6.3. Optical Fibers Embedded into Wearable Fabric for Medical Sensing Applications
  • 4.2.1. Schematic Diagram of an Integrated Optic Probe
  • 4.2.2. Fiber Optic Sensor for Humidity Monitoring
  • 4.2.3. Interferometric Principles: Utilizing Angled Optical Fiber
  • 4.2.4. Schematic Drawing: Fiber-optic Fabry-Perot Interferometers
  • 4.2.5. Schematic Drawing: Fiber-optic Fabry-Perot Interferometers
  • 4.2.6. All-Fiber Michelson interferometer
  • 4.2.7. Measurement of Micron-Scale Deflections
  • 4.2.8. Michelson Type-Interferometer with Improvements
  • 4.2.9. Traditional Fourier-Transform Spectrometer
  • 4.2.10. Electro-Optical Imaging Fourier-Transform Spectrometer
  • 4.2.11. Fiber-Optic Fabry-Perot Interferometric Gas Pressure Sensor Operation
  • 4.2.12. Temperature and RI Sensor
  • 4.2.13 All-silica RI-Temperature Sensor
  • 4.3.1. Schematic Illustration Structure of Step-index (SI) Multimode POF
  • 4.3.2. Sensor requirements in the Oil and Gas Industry
  • 4.4.1. Fusion Splicers Target Specialty Optical Fiber Splicing
  • 4.5.1. Structure of a Fiber Bragg Grating
  • 4.5.2. Fiber Bragg Gratings
  • 4.5.3. Fabry-Perot Sensor Fabricated by Micro-machining
  • 4.5.4. FBG Sensor (Smart FBG)
  • 4.5.5. Weldable FBG Strain Sensor
  • 4.5.6. Hydrostatic Pressure and Temperature Measurements FBG Sensor
  • 4.5.7. Flexible Optical Sensing
  • 4.5.8. Real-Time Train Wheel Condition Monitoring Scheme
  • 4.5.9. Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) Sensors Used in Sailing
  • 4.5.10. FBG in a 2 m length of polyimide coated optical fiber
  • 4.5.11. FBG interrogation based on resonance frequency mapping
  • 4.5.12. Interferometrical setup for FBG writing
  • 4.5.13. Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) Manufacturing Tool
  • 4.6.1. Hand-Held Raman Scanner
  • 4.6.2. Raman Distributed Temperature Sensor Fiber Layout in Tunnel
  • 4.7.1. Sensor System Layout
  • 4.7.2. Fluorescent Long-Line Fiber Optic Position Sensors
  • 4.7.3. Fluorescent Long-Line Fiber Optic Position Sensors with LED
  • 4.7.4. Integrated Micro Volume Fiber Optic Sensor
  • 4.8.1. Brillouin optical time-domain analysis (BOTDA) Schematic Drawing
  • 4.9.1. Laser Doppler Flowmetry
  • 4.9.2. Schematic Representation of Zeta Potential
  • 4.10.1. Schematic of a Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) system
  • 4.11.1. Surface Plasmon Sensors(3-pages)
  • 4.11.2. Polariton fiber sensor configurations
  • 4.11.3. Side-polished Polariton fiber sensor
  • 4.11.4. Tapered fiber structure with uniform waist (2-Figures)
  • 4.11.5. Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensing Structure
  • 4.11.6. Hollow core sensing structure with Bragg grating (2 Figures)
  • 4.11.7. Planar SPP sensor with Bragg grating imprinted in waveguide layer (2 Figures)
  • 4.11.8. Planar SPP sensor with LPG imprinted into the waveguide layer (2 Figures)
  • 4.11.9. MZI branch with the Bragg grating
  • 4.11.10. Dependence between the refractive index
  • 4.11.11. A dual LPG-based SPR sensor
  • 4.11.12. Tilted grating assisted SPR sensor
  • 4.11.13. Changes in the Intensities
  • 4.11.14. PVDF Coated Teflon Fiber SPR Gas Sensor
  • 4.11.15. Hybrid Mode SPR Sensor
  • 4.11.16. Thin SPP Waveguide
  • 4.11.17. Gemini Fiber
  • 4.11.18. Specialty Optical Fibers with Holes for sensors, lasers and components
  • 4.11.19. Fiber Sensor: LPG and HiBi Fiber
  • 4.12.1. Principle of Wet Etching
  • 4.12.2. Optical Fiber on Probe Shank Using UV light-Curable Glue
  • 4.12.3. Silicon Probe and Non-Fiberoptic Waveguide
  • 4.12.4. Example: Use of an Optrode
  • 4.12.5. Designed and Manufactured Simplified Optrode Devices
  • 6.1. ElectroniCast Market Research & Forecasting Methodology


Market Forecast Data Base - Excel Spreadsheets:

  • Market Forecast Data Table
  • Point Fiber Optic Sensors - Global
  • Point Fiber Optic Sensors - America
  • Point Fiber Optic Sensors - EMEA
  • Point Fiber Optic Sensors - APAC
  • Distributed Continuous and Quasi-Continuous Fiber Optic Sensor System Channel Lines
  • Global
  • America
  • Europe, Middle East, Africa (EMEA)
  • Asia Pacific (APAC)
  • Fiber Optic Sensor Company / Product Matrix
  • Company Tables for Text
  • Extra Table for Text

Sample list of the companies mentioned in the report:

  • ABB Power, Sweden (Asea Brown Boveri)
  • Acreo, Sweden (RISE - Research Inst. of Sweden)
  • Adelos, Inc./S&K (US Navy BLUEROSE patents)
  • Advanced Energy Industries Inc. (LumaSense; Luxtron)
  • Advanced Navigation
  • Aerodyne Research, Inc. (ARI)
  • AFL - Fujikura Ltd Japan (Verrillon -R)
  • Agilent Technologies
  • Agiltron -R (Photonwares)
  • AIMEN Centro Tecnologico
  • AKusense
  • Al Cielo Inertial Solutions (ACIS)
  • Alstom
  • Althen Sensors & Controls (Altheris - The Netherlands)
  • Alxenses Company Limited
  • Anritsu (light sources/devices for fiber sensors)
  • Applied Analytics, Inc
  • Applied Optoelectronics, Inc
  • AP Sensing GmbH
  • Arizona State University (NCE - SMART Innovations)
  • Armadillo SIA
  • Asahi Kasei Microdevices
  • Autonics Corporation
  • Avantes B.V.
  • Azbil Europe NV
  • Babcock & Wilcox
  • Balluff GmbH
  • Bandweaver
  • Banner Engineering Corporation
  • Baumer Electric AG
  • Biolitec group
  • Biometrics Ltd
  • Boston Scientific (GreenLight(TM))
  • Cardiogenesis (CryoLife)
  • Carlo Gavazzi Automation Company
  • Chiral Photonics
  • CiDRA
  • Coherent-Rofin-Sinar / Nufern / ii-vi
  • Colibrys Ltd. (Safran Colibrys SA)
  • Conax Technologies
  • Core Laboratories
  • Corning Inc. / 3M
  • CVI Laser Optics (IDEX Optical Technologies / IDEX)
  • Davidson Instruments
  • Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT)
  • Department of Electronic Science, University of Pune
  • Draper Laboratories
  • Echopoint Medical Ltd (University College London)
  • Eickmann Elektronik
  • Elbit Systems - ELSEC (Israel)
  • Element Materials Technology (acq. FOSTA Pte Ltd)
  • engionic Fiber Optics
  • Evanescent Optics Inc.
  • EXFO Inc.
  • Expro International Group Ltd.
  • EyeSense GmbH
  • Fabrisonic LLC
  • F&C Sensing Technology (Hunan) Co. Ltd
  • FBG Korea
  • FBGS
  • Femto Sensing International (Georgia, USA)
  • FFPI Industries, Inc.
  • Fibercore (Humanetics)
  • FiberHome Telecommunication Technologies Co., Ltd.
  • Fibernetics LLC
  • Fiber SenSys (OPTEX CO., LTD)
  • Fiberware GmbH
  • FIBOS (Canada)
  • FiSens GmbH
  • Flanders Center of Postharvest Technology
  • Fluke Process Instruments (Ircon, Raytek)
  • FOSTA Pte Ltd (Singapore)
  • Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute
  • Fuji Electric
  • Furukawa/OFS Fitel
  • Future Fibre Technologies (FFT) (Ava Group)
  • Gooch & Housego (acquired Gould Fiber Optics)
  • Gregg Drilling & Testing, Inc.
  • Halliburton / SensorTran / Smart Fibres Ltd. (U.K.)
  • Hamamatsu Corporation
  • HBM (Hottinger Bruel & Kjaer)
  • Hecho Technology (Nanjing Hecho Technology)
  • Hengtong Group Company, Ltd.
  • Heraeus Holding / Heraeus Quarzglas GmbH & Co. KG
  • Honeywell
  • Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • Hoya Corporation
  • IDEC
  • Ibsen Photonics
  • ifm efector inc. (PA, USA)
  • imc Test & Measurement GmbH (Axiometrix Solutions)
  • Infrared Fiber Sensors
  • Innovative Environmental Scientific Pty Ltd. (IES)
  • Integrated Photonics Technology, Inc. (IPITEK)
  • Intelligent Fiber Optic Systems (IFOS)
  • Intelligent Optical Systems, Inc. (IOS)
  • Inversion Sensor Co. Ltd.
  • ION Geophysical
  • ITF Technologies (O-Net Group )
  • Jet Propulsion Laboratory (NASA)
  • Johnson Controls International plc (Tyco)
  • Keyence
  • Keystone Automation Incorporated
  • Lake Shore Cryotronics, Inc
  • Leuze electronic GmbH + Co. KG
  • Lockheed Martin Corporation
  • LS Cable & System Ltd.
  • Lumentum Operations LLC (acquired NeoPhotonics)
  • Luna Innovations / Micron Optics / OptaSense-R / LIOS
  • Makai Ocean Engineering, Inc.
  • Marmota Engineering AG (Switzerland)
  • M.D. Micro Detectors SpA (Datalogic Group)
  • Measurand, Inc., Canada
  • Memsic Corporation
  • Micronor Sensors
  • Mitsubishi Precision Co., Ltd. (MPC)
  • Molex, LLC (Fiberguide)
  • MTI Instruments, Inc.
  • NASA
  • National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
  • National Instruments Corporation (NI)
  • NBG Holding GmbH (Austria)
  • Neoptix, Incorporated
  • NewPion Photonics Technology CO., Ltd
  • Newport / New Focus (MKS Instruments)
  • Ningbo Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Company Limited
  • NGK Insulator
  • NKT Photonics A/S
  • Northrup Grumman
  • Nova Ventures Group (Roctest/Sherborne/Others)
  • NVIDIA Corporation (acquired Mellanox)
  • Ocean Insight
  • O/E Land Incororated
  • Omega Engineering Inc. (Spectris plc)
  • OmniSens S.A.
  • Omron
  • Opsens
  • Optek Technology (TT Electronics)
  • OPTEX FA CO.,LTD. (OPTEX Group Ltd.)
  • Optics11
  • OptiEnz Sensors, LLC
  • Optocon (Weidmann Technologies)
  • Optolink Scientific LTD.
  • Optrand Inc.
  • Optromix, Inc.
  • Orbray Co., Ltd (Adamant Namiki Precision Jewel Co., Ltd)
  • Oxsensis Ltd.
  • OZ Optics
  • Panasonic / Ramco (Sunx)
  • Paroscientific, Inc.
  • Patria Netherlands Components B.V. (acquired NEDAERO)
  • Pepperl+Fuchs
  • PerkinElmer Inc.
  • Philtec
  • Photonics Laboratories, Incorporated
  • Physik Instrumente
  • PreSens Precision Sensing (Germany)
  • Prime Photonics, LC
  • Prisma Photonics, Ltd.
  • Profotech
  • Proterial, Ltd (previously - Hitachi Metals, Ltd.)
  • Proximion AB (Hexatronic Group)
  • Prysmian S.p.A.
  • QinetiQ Group PLC
  • Qingdao APT
  • Radboud University
  • Raysung Photonics
  • Reflectronics, Inc.
  • Rockwell Automation (Allen-Bradley)
  • RODIX, Inc.
  • ROGA-Instruments
  • Rugged Monitoring (Canada)
  • Sabeus Incorporated
  • Scaime (France)
  • Scantron Industrial Products Ltd.
  • Schlumberger Limited, SENSA (France)
  • SCHOTT Glass/Fiber Optics
  • SensoPart Industriesensorik GmbH
  • Sensor Line (Germany) / IRD
  • Sensornet Ltd.
  • Senstar Corporation (acquired Optellios)
  • Sensuron
  • Sentea
  • Sichuan Huiyuan Plastic Optical Fiber Co., Ltd.
  • Siemens AG
  • Silixa Ltd
  • Sintela (ONYX (TM))
  • SlingShot Assembly (Acquired BEI Electronics LLC)
  • SmarAct GmbH
  • Smartec SA (FISO Technologies Inc, Roctest Group)
  • Smartpipe Technologies
  • Soka University
  • Solifos AG, GmbH
  • Spectranetics-R (Acquired by Philips)
  • Sumita Optical Glass
  • Sumitomo Electric
  • Taihan Fiberoptics
  • Takenaka Sensor Group (TAKEX / PULNiX)
  • Technica Optical Components, LLC
  • Technobis tft-fos (The Netherlands)
  • Tektronix
  • Teledyne FLIR LLC
  • Telemecanique Sensors (OsiSense XU)
  • TeraXion
  • TGS-NOPEC Geophysical Company ASA (TGS)
  • Thorlabs, Inc.
  • TIPD, LLC (California, USA)
  • Trimedyne, Incorporated
  • Tri-Tronics Co., Inc.
  • Ultra Communications
  • University of Texas El Paso
  • U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
  • VIAVI Solutions Inc.
  • Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
  • VSB-Technical University of Ostrava
  • Weatherford International Ltd.
  • Well-SENSE (Aberdeen, Scotland)
  • Westinghouse
  • Williamson Corporation
  • Wuhan Raycus Fiber Laser Technologies Co., Ltd.
  • Xiamen Xi-BTR Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
  • YOFC (Yangtze Optical Fibre and Cable)
  • Yokogawa Electric Corporation
  • Zhejiang University of Technology
  • Ziebel AS