Frost Radar:云会议和团队协作服务,2023 年

Frost Radar:云会议和团队协作服务,2023 年

Frost Radar: Cloud Meetings and Team Collaboration Services, 2023

出版日期: | 出版商: Frost & Sullivan | 英文 22 Pages | 商品交期: 最快1-2个工作天内


推动公司采取行动的基准测试系统 - 推动新交易流和增长渠道的创新


随着全球云会议和团队协作市场的成熟和竞争的加剧,对于参与企业来说,加速创新和製定可持续增长战略变得越来越重要。 Frost Radar(TM) 分析提供了市场趋势展望以及对 17 位增长和创新领导者的评估。

Frost & Sullivan 分析了统一通信和协作行业的众多公司。根据云会议和团队协作市场的领导地位和其他特征,选择进行进一步分析的公司将根据 10 项增长和创新标准进行基准测试,以揭示其 Frost Radar(TM) 地位。本书介绍了竞争概况,考虑了每个公司的优势以及最适合这些优势的商业机会。


Frost Radar(TM):云会议和团队协作服务,2023 年,Frost Radar(TM)

  • 云会议和团队协作服务,2023 年


Product Code: K850-64

A Benchmarking System to Spark Companies to Action - Innovation that Fuels New Deal Flow and Growth Pipelines

Cloud meetings enable multi-party audio and video conferencing along with content sharing over the internet in real time. Cloud-based team collaboration software allows communications using real-time messaging, group chat, file sharing, shared calendaring, project coordination, and audio-video communications for one-on-one and group interactions.

As the global cloud meetings and team collaboration market matures and competition intensifies, it is becoming increasingly important for market participants to accelerate innovation and develop sustainable growth strategies. This Frost Radar™ analysis provides a perspective on market trends and an assessment of 17 growth and innovation leaders.

Frost & Sullivan analyzes numerous companies in the unified communications and collaboration industry. Those selected for further analysis, based on their leadership or other distinctions in the cloud meetings and team collaboration market, are benchmarked across 10 Growth and Innovation criteria to reveal their position on the Frost Radar™. This publication presents competitive profiles of each company considering their strengths and the opportunities that best fit those strengths.

Table of Contents

Frost Radar™: Cloud Meetings and Team Collaboration Services, 2023, Frost Radar™

  • Cloud Meetings and Team Collaboration Services 2023

Cloud Meetings and Team Collaboration Services