

Sidestepping Mercurial Economic Headwinds to Innovate in the North American Retail Contact Center Sector

出版日期: | 出版商: Frost & Sullivan | 英文 51 Pages | 商品交期: 最快1-2个工作天内



与医疗保健一样,零售业也是受 COVID-19 大流行影响最严重的行业之一。零售产品和服务必须迅速改变和创新,因为它们往往对人们的生活至关重要,而不是像旅游和酒店业那样「有好有坏」。在其中一些行业中,客户投资放缓或完全停止。相较之下,在零售领域,客户参与因通路类型而异。顾客离开商店转向网路购物。商店员工必须适应新的规则和规定,以确保消费者的安全。

在对疫情的担忧有所缓解的同时,零售业面临着不利的经济状况,包括美国联邦升息、可能出现景气衰退的征兆以及多重地缘政治干扰(幻灯片 9)。然而,强劲的经济报告、股市上涨和就业率上升抵消了这些挑战,引发了消费者信心和购买行为的浪潮。这些综合因素改变了该行业传统上使用消费者偏好、支出资料和预测模型来做出决策的方式。

Frost & Sullivan 于 2024 年 1 月对 758 个客服中心相关人员进行的 2024 年全球联络中心调查发现,91% 的受访者认为永续性「极为重要」。安全也变得更加重要。 95% 的受访者表示增加安全投资很重要、非常重要或极为重要。




  • 研究目的和调查方法
  • 调查目标概况


  • 零售顾客关怀状况:2021-2028
  • 北美洲


  • 裁员、关闭商店和转向价值零售正在改变零售格局
  • 零售客服中心的成长环境

2024 年全球联络中心调查结果:零售业

  • 主要发现
  • 零售决策者的优先事项
  • 当前和未来的通路投资
  • 改善自助服务是重中之重
  • 优先考虑员工培训的参与倡议
  • 按类型分類的零售成长机会
  • 餐厅
  • 时尚
  • 量贩店/百货公司
  • 杂货店、药妆店、便利商店
  • 对永续性的承诺
  • 加强安全保障的重要性
  • 有助于驾驭消费者信心指数海洋的趋势

Frost & Sullivan 2024 年联络中心奖


  • 为什么成长如此困难?
  • The Strategic Imperative 8(TM)


  • 成长机会 1:合併店内和线上体验
  • 成长机会2:发展专业代理商
  • 成长机会3:加强人工智慧监管合规性




Product Code: KA16-76

Contact Center Growth Opportunities in North American Retail

Along with healthcare, retail was one of the industries most impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, which forced rapid change and innovation because retail goods and services are often necessities in peoples' lives, not nice-to-haves as seen in the travel and hospitality sectors, for example. In some of these verticals, customers slowed down or stopped investing entirely. In contrast, the retail sector saw big swings in customer engagement, depending on channel type. Customers abandoned in-store for online shopping. In-store personnel had to accommodate new rules and regulations to keep shoppers safe.

As pandemic fears lessened, the retail sector faced poor economic conditions (slide 9), including Federal rate hikes, glimmers of a possible recession, and multiple geopolitical upheavals. Solid economic reports, a rise in the stock market, and higher employment rates offset the challenges, creating swings in consumer sentiment and purchasing behavior. These combined factors changed how the industry uses traditional consumer preferences, spending data, and forecasting models to make decisions.

Frost & Sullivan's 2024 Global Contact Center Survey of 758 contact center stakeholders, conducted in January 2024, finds that 91% of respondents consider sustainability "very important to crucial." Security has also risen in priority. A resounding 95% of survey respondents answer that it is "important, very important, or crucial" to increase investments in security.

The primary goals of this research are to establish the size of corporate budgets for purchasing channels, applications, and solutions in the contact center environment and to understand purchase trends. It also investigates the factors that influence product selection.

Frost & Sullivan surveyed decision-makers and purchase decision influencers of contact centers across business functions including chief experience officers (CXOs), managing directors, owners, senior management, and middle management, among others.

Countries include Australia/New Zealand, Brazil, Germany, India, Mexico, the Philippines, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

Table of Contents

Research Objectives and Methodology

  • Research Objectives and Methodology
  • Respondent Profile for Total Survey

Executive Summary

  • The State of Retail Customer Care: 2021-2028
  • North America

Growth Opportunity Analysis

  • Layoffs, Store Closures, and Shift to Value Retailing Illustrate the Shifting Retail Landscape
  • Retail Contact Center Growth Environment

2024 Global Contact Center Survey Results: Retail

  • Key Findings
  • Retail Decision-maker Priorities
  • Current and Future Channel Investment
  • Self-service Improvements are Top of Mind
  • Employee Training is the Top Engagement Initiative
  • Retail Growth Opportunity by Type
  • Restaurants
  • Fashion
  • Mass Merchants and Department Stores
  • Grocery, Drug, and Convenience Stores
  • Leaning into Sustainability
  • The Importance of Increasing Security
  • Trends Enabling Navigation through the Seas of Consumer Sentiment

Frost & Sullivan 2024 Contact Center Award

  • Agent Engagement: ezCater Wins the "Good Vibrations" Award
  • AI & Automation: British Columbia Lottery Corporation (BCLC) - Finalist for the "Mr. Roboto" Award


  • Why Is It Increasingly Difficult to Grow?
  • The Strategic Imperative 8™

Growth Opportunity Universe

  • Growth Opportunity 1: Blend the In-store and Online Experience
  • Growth Opportunity 2: Create Professional Agents
  • Growth Opportunity 3: Bolster Regulatory Compliance for AI

Best Practices Recognition

  • Best Practices Recognition

Frost Radar

  • Frost Radar

Next Steps

  • Benefits and Impacts of Growth Opportunities
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