中国的公共事业规模的能源储存的展望2024China Utility-scale Energy Storage Outlook 2024 |
Wood Mackenzie 的中国公用事业规模储能展望包括 30 个图表和图表,对中国公用事业规模储能市场进行了深入分析 b> A。超过一页的报告。本报告涵盖了主要市场趋势,并调查了中国电网规模储能市场的主要推动因素和障碍,重点关注国内和区域市场。分析重点关注宏观条件、技术动态、监管框架、市场政策、供应链动态、专案获利能力以及国家和地区10年市场前景。
Wood Mackenzie's "China utility-scale energy storage outlook" is a 30+ page report containing charts, tables and graphs providing an in-depth analysis of the Chinese utility-scale energy storage market. The report covers the key market trends and studies the key drivers and barriers for the grid-scale energy storage market in China, focusing on national and regional markets. The analysis focuses on macro conditions, technology dynamics, regulatory frameworks, market policies, supply chain dynamics, project profitability, and a 10-year market outlook nationally and regionally.