

PET Bottles

出版日期: | 出版商: Global Industry Analysts, Inc. | 英文 382 Pages | 商品交期: 最快1-2个工作天内





2023年全球宝特瓶市场预计为420亿美元,预计到2030年将达到513亿美元,2023年至2030年复合年增长率为2.9%。中容量宝特瓶是本报告分析的细分市场之一,预计复合年增长率为 3.5%,到分析期结束时将达到 238 亿美元。在分析期间,大容量宝特瓶细分市场的复合年增长率预计为 2.5%。


预计 2023 年美国宝特瓶市场规模将达 115 亿美元。中国作为世界第二大经济体,预计2030年市场规模将达104亿美元,2023-2030年分析期间复合年增长率为5.8%。其他值得注意的地理市场包括日本和加拿大,在分析期间预计复合年增长率分别为 0.8% 和 2.2%。在欧洲,德国的复合年增长率预计约为 1.5%。



聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯 (PET) 瓶因其独特的物理特性、成本效率和多功能性的结合,已成为各行业包装的首选。宝特瓶的兴起是因为它们重量轻、耐用且耐衝击和耐压。这使得它们非常适合运输碳酸饮料、水和家用化学品等液体,并且可以在运输和配送过程中承受重型搬运而不会破裂或洩漏。此外,宝特瓶具有出色的阻挡性能,可阻挡气体、湿气和污染物,有助于保持产品新鲜。这在食品和饮料行业尤其重要,因为产品完整性直接影响保质期和消费者满意度。与玻璃和铝等其他材料相比,PET 的成本效益在其广泛采用方面也发挥关键作用,使製造商能够在保持品质和性能的同时降低成本,从而能够生产大量包装。


宝特瓶製造过程高效,依赖先进技术,确保速度和精度。 PET 由石油製成,聚合成长锁状塑料,然后模製成预成型件。然后将瓶坯重新加热并吹入模具中以形成最终的瓶子形状,这个过程称为吹塑成型。这种方法的多功能性使製造商能够生产各种形状、尺寸和厚度的宝特瓶,满足从饮料到药品等行业的多样化需求。此外,与其他包装材料相比,生产宝特瓶所需的能源相对较低,这不仅降低了成本,而且最大限度地减少了对环境的影响。 宝特瓶製造的另一个关键特征是其扩充性,使製造商能够轻鬆提高产量以满足需求高峰,而无需对基础设施进行重大改变。这对于消费者需求波动的行业尤其有利,例如瓶装水和软性饮料,这些行业需要能够快速大量生产的包装解决方案。此外,吹塑成型技术的进步使宝特瓶设计具有更大的灵活性,使品牌能够利用材料的固有优势,同时创新其包装的美观和功能。


近年来,永续性议题日益影响宝特瓶产业,敦促製造商采取更环保的做法。 PET本质上是可回收的,这项特性是减少塑胶废弃物和促进循环经济的重点。许多公司正在投资建造促进宝特瓶收集和回收的系统,将其转化为新瓶子和其他塑胶产品。利用 100% 再生 PET (rPET) 製造瓶子的技术开发越来越受欢迎,进一步减少了对原生塑胶的需求并节省了资源。此外,许多製造商正在努力减轻宝特瓶的整体重量。这是一个称为轻量化的过程,可最大限度地减少生产所需的原料数量,同时保持瓶子的结构完整性。这不仅降低了成本,还减少了运输和物流的碳排放,因为更轻的瓶子需要更少的能源来运输。此外,一些公司正在探索传统 PET 的生物分解性或植物来源的替代品,在不牺牲 PET 所提供的功能优势的情况下减少对环境的影响。儘管这些创新仍处于发展的早期阶段,但它们表明了该行业对应对世界塑胶废弃物挑战的日益坚定的承诺。


宝特瓶市场的成长是由反映技术、消费者偏好和行业惯例变化的多种因素所推动的。特别是食品和饮料行业受到对方便、便携式包装解决方案不断增长的需求的推动。随着消费者过着忙碌的生活方式,对可重新密封、轻巧且易于携带的容器的需求正在推动对宝特瓶的需求,尤其是瓶装水、果汁和即饮饮料等产品。随着消费者健康意识的增强,瓶装水的消费量超过含糖饮料,进一步强化了这个趋势。此外,宝特瓶在个人护理、家居用品和药品等非食品行业的使用不断增加,也推动了市场的成长。在这些领域,PET 因其耐化学性、安全性和透明度而受到重视,使其成为存放从洗髮精、清洗产品到药品等各种物品的理想选择。技术进步也在宝特瓶市场的成长中发挥至关重要的作用。材料科学的创新导致了更耐用、更美观的瓶子的开发,而吹塑成型技术的改进则带来了更大的设计灵活性和更快的生产时间。此外,对永续性的关注正在推动对由回收材料製成的宝特瓶的需求,因为消费者和企业都优先考虑环保包装。特别是在欧洲和北美,政府法规鼓励在塑胶包装中使用回收材料,进一步刺激了PET回收技术的市场。最后,由于与玻璃和铝等替代品相比,PET 的生产成本较低,因此仍然是寻求平衡性能和盈利的公司的首选。这些因素的综合作用将使宝特瓶保持在全球包装行业的前沿,预计未来几年将实现稳定成长。


  • Alpla Werke Alwin Lehner GmbH & Co., KG
  • Amcor PLC
  • Berry Global, Inc.
  • Bulk Apothecary
  • Esterform Packaging Ltd.
  • Frapak Packaging BV
  • Gerresheimer AG
  • Graham Packaging Company
  • Petainer
  • Pretium Packaging



第 2 章执行摘要

  • 市场概况
  • 主要企业
  • 市场趋势和驱动因素
  • 全球市场展望


  • 美国
  • 加拿大
  • 日本
  • 中国
  • 欧洲
  • 法国
  • 德国
  • 义大利
  • 英国
  • 西班牙
  • 俄罗斯
  • 其他欧洲国家
  • 亚太地区
  • 澳洲
  • 印度
  • 韩国
  • 其他亚太地区
  • 拉丁美洲
  • 阿根廷
  • 巴西
  • 墨西哥
  • 其他拉丁美洲
  • 中东
  • 伊朗
  • 以色列
  • 沙乌地阿拉伯
  • 阿拉伯聯合大公国
  • 其他中东地区
  • 非洲

第四章 比赛

Product Code: MCP24014

Global PET Bottles Market to Reach US$51.3 Billion by 2030

The global market for PET Bottles estimated at US$42.0 Billion in the year 2023, is expected to reach US$51.3 Billion by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 2.9% over the analysis period 2023-2030. Medium Capacity PET Bottles, one of the segments analyzed in the report, is expected to record a 3.5% CAGR and reach US$23.8 Billion by the end of the analysis period. Growth in the High Capacity PET Bottles segment is estimated at 2.5% CAGR over the analysis period.

The U.S. Market is Estimated at US$11.5 Billion While China is Forecast to Grow at 5.8% CAGR

The PET Bottles market in the U.S. is estimated at US$11.5 Billion in the year 2023. China, the world's second largest economy, is forecast to reach a projected market size of US$10.4 Billion by the year 2030 trailing a CAGR of 5.8% over the analysis period 2023-2030. Among the other noteworthy geographic markets are Japan and Canada, each forecast to grow at a CAGR of 0.8% and 2.2% respectively over the analysis period. Within Europe, Germany is forecast to grow at approximately 1.5% CAGR.

Global PET Bottles Market - Key Trends and Drivers Summarized

Why Have PET Bottles Become So Pervasive in Packaging Solutions?

Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) bottles have become the dominant choice for packaging across various industries due to their unique combination of physical properties, cost-effectiveness, and versatility. The rise of PET bottles can be attributed to their lightweight nature, durability, and the fact that they are highly resistant to impact and pressure. This makes them ideal for transporting liquids, including carbonated beverages, water, and even household chemicals, as they can withstand significant handling during shipping and distribution without breaking or leaking. Additionally, PET bottles offer excellent barrier properties, meaning they can preserve the freshness of products by preventing the infiltration of gases, moisture, or contaminants. This is particularly crucial in the food and beverage industry, where product integrity directly impacts shelf life and consumer satisfaction. The cost-efficiency of PET compared to other materials like glass and aluminum has also played a critical role in its widespread adoption, allowing manufacturers to produce large quantities of packaging at a lower cost while maintaining quality and performance.

How Does the Manufacturing Process of PET Bottles Enhance Their Appeal in a Competitive Market?

The manufacturing process of PET bottles is highly efficient and relies on advanced technologies that ensure both speed and precision in production. PET is derived from petroleum-based raw materials and undergoes polymerization to form long chains of plastic, which are then molded into preforms. These preforms are later reheated and blown into molds to create the final bottle shape, a process known as blow molding. The versatility of this method allows manufacturers to produce PET bottles in a wide range of shapes, sizes, and thicknesses, meeting the diverse needs of industries from beverages to pharmaceuticals. Furthermore, the energy requirements for PET production are relatively low compared to other packaging materials, which not only reduce costs but also minimize environmental impact. Another key feature of PET bottle production is its scalability—manufacturers can easily ramp up production to meet surges in demand without significant changes to their infrastructure. This has been particularly advantageous in sectors such as bottled water and soft drinks, where fluctuating consumer demand necessitates a packaging solution that can be produced rapidly and in large volumes. Moreover, advancements in blow-molding technology have further enhanced the design flexibility of PET bottles, allowing brands to innovate with packaging aesthetics and functionality while still benefiting from the material's inherent strengths.

How Is Sustainability Reshaping the PET Bottle Industry?

In recent years, sustainability concerns have increasingly influenced the PET bottle industry, pushing manufacturers to adopt more environmentally friendly practices. PET is inherently recyclable, and this attribute has made it a focal point in efforts to reduce plastic waste and promote a circular economy. Many companies are investing in systems that facilitate the collection and recycling of PET bottles, turning them into new bottles or other plastic products. The development of technologies that allow for the production of bottles made from 100% recycled PET (rPET) is gaining traction, further reducing the need for virgin plastic and conserving resources. Additionally, many manufacturers are working to reduce the overall weight of PET bottles, a process known as lightweighting, which minimizes the amount of raw material needed for production while still maintaining the structural integrity of the bottle. This not only reduces costs but also lowers the carbon footprint of transportation and logistics, as lighter bottles require less energy to transport. Moreover, several companies are exploring biodegradable or plant-based alternatives to traditional PET, aiming to create bottles that have a reduced environmental impact without sacrificing the functional benefits that PET provides. Although these innovations are still in the early stages of development, they signal a growing commitment within the industry to address the global challenge of plastic waste.

What Factors Are Driving the Growth of the PET Bottle Market?

The growth in the PET bottle market is driven by several factors, reflecting shifts in technology, consumer preferences, and industry practices. A significant driver is the increasing demand for convenient, portable packaging solutions, particularly in the food and beverage industry. As consumers lead busier lifestyles, the need for lightweight, easy-to-carry containers that can be resealed has fueled the demand for PET bottles, especially for products like bottled water, juices, and ready-to-drink beverages. This trend is further amplified by the growing health consciousness among consumers, leading to a surge in the consumption of bottled water over sugary beverages. In addition, the expanding use of PET bottles in non-food industries, such as personal care, household products, and pharmaceuticals, is bolstering market growth. These sectors value PET for its chemical resistance, safety, and clarity, making it ideal for storing everything from shampoos to cleaning agents and medicines. Advancements are also playing a pivotal role in the growth of the PET bottle market. Innovations in material science have led to the development of more durable and aesthetically appealing bottles, while improvements in blow-molding techniques allow for greater design flexibility and faster production times. Additionally, the focus on sustainability is driving demand for PET bottles made from recycled materials, as consumers and businesses alike prioritize environmentally responsible packaging. Government regulations, particularly in Europe and North America, are encouraging the use of recycled content in plastic packaging, further stimulating the market for PET recycling technologies. Finally, the lower production costs associated with PET, compared to alternatives like glass and aluminum, continue to make it the preferred choice for companies looking to balance performance with profitability. The convergence of these factors ensures that PET bottles remain at the forefront of the global packaging industry, with steady growth expected in the coming years.

Select Competitors (Total 49 Featured) -

  • Alpla Werke Alwin Lehner GmbH & Co., KG
  • Amcor PLC
  • Berry Global, Inc.
  • Bulk Apothecary
  • Esterform Packaging Ltd.
  • Frapak Packaging B.V.
  • Gerresheimer AG
  • Graham Packaging Company
  • Petainer
  • Pretium Packaging




    • Influencer Market Insights
    • PET Bottles - Global Key Competitors Percentage Market Share in 2024 (E)
    • Competitive Market Presence - Strong/Active/Niche/Trivial for Players Worldwide in 2024 (E)
    • Rising Consumer Demand for Packaged Beverages Propels Growth in PET Bottles Market
    • Increasing Focus on Recycling and Sustainability Expands Addressable Market for Recyclable PET Bottles
    • Technological Advancements in Lightweighting Drive Innovation in PET Bottle Manufacturing
    • Growing Demand for Convenient and Portable Packaging Strengthens the Business Case for PET Bottles
    • Rising Use of PET Bottles in Non-Beverage Sectors Spurs Market Growth
    • Shift Toward Bio-based and Plant-based PET Bottles Throws the Spotlight on Sustainable Packaging Solutions
    • Growing Awareness of Single-Use Plastics Reduction Generates Demand for Recycled PET (rPET) Bottles
    • Innovations in PET Bottles for Enhanced Barrier Properties Drive Market Expansion
    • Here's How the Growth of E-commerce and Food Delivery Services Accelerates Demand for PET Bottles in Packaging
    • Surging Demand for Bottled Water in Emerging Markets Drives Growth in PET Bottle Manufacturing
    • Increasing Consumer Preference for Transparent and Clear Packaging Sustains Demand for PET Bottles
    • TABLE 1: World PET Bottles Market Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2030
    • TABLE 2: World Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 3: World Historic Review for PET Bottles by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 4: World 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets for Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 5: World Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Medium Capacity by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 6: World Historic Review for Medium Capacity by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 7: World 16-Year Perspective for Medium Capacity by Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa for Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 8: World Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for High Capacity by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 9: World Historic Review for High Capacity by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 10: World 16-Year Perspective for High Capacity by Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa for Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 11: World Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Low Capacity by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 12: World Historic Review for Low Capacity by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 13: World 16-Year Perspective for Low Capacity by Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa for Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 14: World Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Transparent PET Bottles by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 15: World Historic Review for Transparent PET Bottles by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 16: World 16-Year Perspective for Transparent PET Bottles by Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa for Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 17: World Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Colored PET Bottles by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 18: World Historic Review for Colored PET Bottles by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 19: World 16-Year Perspective for Colored PET Bottles by Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa for Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 20: World Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Food & Beverages End-Use by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 21: World Historic Review for Food & Beverages End-Use by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 22: World 16-Year Perspective for Food & Beverages End-Use by Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa for Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 23: World Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Personal Care Products End-Use by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 24: World Historic Review for Personal Care Products End-Use by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 25: World 16-Year Perspective for Personal Care Products End-Use by Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa for Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 26: World Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Household Care Products End-Use by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 27: World Historic Review for Household Care Products End-Use by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 28: World 16-Year Perspective for Household Care Products End-Use by Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa for Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 29: World Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Other End-Uses by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 30: World Historic Review for Other End-Uses by Geographic Region - USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 31: World 16-Year Perspective for Other End-Uses by Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for USA, Canada, Japan, China, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa for Years 2014, 2024 & 2030


    • PET Bottles Market Presence - Strong/Active/Niche/Trivial - Key Competitors in the United States for 2024 (E)
    • TABLE 32: USA Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 33: USA Historic Review for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 34: USA 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 35: USA Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 36: USA Historic Review for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 37: USA 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 38: USA Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by End-Use - Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 39: USA Historic Review for PET Bottles by End-Use - Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 40: USA 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by End-Use - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 41: Canada Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 42: Canada Historic Review for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 43: Canada 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 44: Canada Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 45: Canada Historic Review for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 46: Canada 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 47: Canada Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by End-Use - Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 48: Canada Historic Review for PET Bottles by End-Use - Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 49: Canada 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by End-Use - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • PET Bottles Market Presence - Strong/Active/Niche/Trivial - Key Competitors in Japan for 2024 (E)
    • TABLE 50: Japan Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 51: Japan Historic Review for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 52: Japan 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 53: Japan Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 54: Japan Historic Review for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 55: Japan 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 56: Japan Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by End-Use - Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 57: Japan Historic Review for PET Bottles by End-Use - Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 58: Japan 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by End-Use - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • PET Bottles Market Presence - Strong/Active/Niche/Trivial - Key Competitors in China for 2024 (E)
    • TABLE 59: China Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 60: China Historic Review for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 61: China 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 62: China Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 63: China Historic Review for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 64: China 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 65: China Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by End-Use - Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 66: China Historic Review for PET Bottles by End-Use - Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 67: China 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by End-Use - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • PET Bottles Market Presence - Strong/Active/Niche/Trivial - Key Competitors in Europe for 2024 (E)
    • TABLE 68: Europe Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by Geographic Region - France, Germany, Italy, UK, Spain, Russia and Rest of Europe Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 69: Europe Historic Review for PET Bottles by Geographic Region - France, Germany, Italy, UK, Spain, Russia and Rest of Europe Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 70: Europe 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for France, Germany, Italy, UK, Spain, Russia and Rest of Europe Markets for Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 71: Europe Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 72: Europe Historic Review for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 73: Europe 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 74: Europe Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 75: Europe Historic Review for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 76: Europe 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 77: Europe Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by End-Use - Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 78: Europe Historic Review for PET Bottles by End-Use - Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 79: Europe 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by End-Use - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • PET Bottles Market Presence - Strong/Active/Niche/Trivial - Key Competitors in France for 2024 (E)
    • TABLE 80: France Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 81: France Historic Review for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 82: France 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 83: France Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 84: France Historic Review for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 85: France 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 86: France Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by End-Use - Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 87: France Historic Review for PET Bottles by End-Use - Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 88: France 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by End-Use - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • PET Bottles Market Presence - Strong/Active/Niche/Trivial - Key Competitors in Germany for 2024 (E)
    • TABLE 89: Germany Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 90: Germany Historic Review for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 91: Germany 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 92: Germany Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 93: Germany Historic Review for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 94: Germany 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 95: Germany Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by End-Use - Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 96: Germany Historic Review for PET Bottles by End-Use - Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 97: Germany 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by End-Use - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 98: Italy Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 99: Italy Historic Review for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 100: Italy 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 101: Italy Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 102: Italy Historic Review for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 103: Italy 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 104: Italy Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by End-Use - Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 105: Italy Historic Review for PET Bottles by End-Use - Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 106: Italy 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by End-Use - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • PET Bottles Market Presence - Strong/Active/Niche/Trivial - Key Competitors in the United Kingdom for 2024 (E)
    • TABLE 107: UK Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 108: UK Historic Review for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 109: UK 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 110: UK Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 111: UK Historic Review for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 112: UK 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 113: UK Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by End-Use - Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 114: UK Historic Review for PET Bottles by End-Use - Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 115: UK 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by End-Use - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 116: Spain Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 117: Spain Historic Review for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 118: Spain 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 119: Spain Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 120: Spain Historic Review for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 121: Spain 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 122: Spain Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by End-Use - Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 123: Spain Historic Review for PET Bottles by End-Use - Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 124: Spain 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by End-Use - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 125: Russia Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 126: Russia Historic Review for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 127: Russia 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 128: Russia Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 129: Russia Historic Review for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 130: Russia 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 131: Russia Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by End-Use - Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 132: Russia Historic Review for PET Bottles by End-Use - Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 133: Russia 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by End-Use - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 134: Rest of Europe Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 135: Rest of Europe Historic Review for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 136: Rest of Europe 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 137: Rest of Europe Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 138: Rest of Europe Historic Review for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 139: Rest of Europe 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 140: Rest of Europe Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by End-Use - Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 141: Rest of Europe Historic Review for PET Bottles by End-Use - Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 142: Rest of Europe 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by End-Use - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • PET Bottles Market Presence - Strong/Active/Niche/Trivial - Key Competitors in Asia-Pacific for 2024 (E)
    • TABLE 143: Asia-Pacific Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by Geographic Region - Australia, India, South Korea and Rest of Asia-Pacific Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 144: Asia-Pacific Historic Review for PET Bottles by Geographic Region - Australia, India, South Korea and Rest of Asia-Pacific Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 145: Asia-Pacific 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Australia, India, South Korea and Rest of Asia-Pacific Markets for Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 146: Asia-Pacific Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 147: Asia-Pacific Historic Review for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 148: Asia-Pacific 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 149: Asia-Pacific Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 150: Asia-Pacific Historic Review for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 151: Asia-Pacific 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 152: Asia-Pacific Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by End-Use - Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 153: Asia-Pacific Historic Review for PET Bottles by End-Use - Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 154: Asia-Pacific 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by End-Use - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • PET Bottles Market Presence - Strong/Active/Niche/Trivial - Key Competitors in Australia for 2024 (E)
    • TABLE 155: Australia Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 156: Australia Historic Review for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 157: Australia 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 158: Australia Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 159: Australia Historic Review for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 160: Australia 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 161: Australia Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by End-Use - Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 162: Australia Historic Review for PET Bottles by End-Use - Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 163: Australia 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by End-Use - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • PET Bottles Market Presence - Strong/Active/Niche/Trivial - Key Competitors in India for 2024 (E)
    • TABLE 164: India Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 165: India Historic Review for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 166: India 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 167: India Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 168: India Historic Review for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 169: India 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 170: India Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by End-Use - Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 171: India Historic Review for PET Bottles by End-Use - Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 172: India 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by End-Use - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 173: South Korea Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 174: South Korea Historic Review for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 175: South Korea 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 176: South Korea Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 177: South Korea Historic Review for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 178: South Korea 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 179: South Korea Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by End-Use - Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 180: South Korea Historic Review for PET Bottles by End-Use - Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 181: South Korea 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by End-Use - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 182: Rest of Asia-Pacific Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 183: Rest of Asia-Pacific Historic Review for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 184: Rest of Asia-Pacific 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 185: Rest of Asia-Pacific Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 186: Rest of Asia-Pacific Historic Review for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 187: Rest of Asia-Pacific 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 188: Rest of Asia-Pacific Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by End-Use - Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 189: Rest of Asia-Pacific Historic Review for PET Bottles by End-Use - Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 190: Rest of Asia-Pacific 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by End-Use - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • PET Bottles Market Presence - Strong/Active/Niche/Trivial - Key Competitors in Latin America for 2024 (E)
    • TABLE 191: Latin America Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by Geographic Region - Argentina, Brazil, Mexico and Rest of Latin America Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 192: Latin America Historic Review for PET Bottles by Geographic Region - Argentina, Brazil, Mexico and Rest of Latin America Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 193: Latin America 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Argentina, Brazil, Mexico and Rest of Latin America Markets for Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 194: Latin America Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 195: Latin America Historic Review for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 196: Latin America 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 197: Latin America Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 198: Latin America Historic Review for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 199: Latin America 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 200: Latin America Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by End-Use - Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 201: Latin America Historic Review for PET Bottles by End-Use - Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 202: Latin America 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by End-Use - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 203: Argentina Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 204: Argentina Historic Review for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 205: Argentina 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 206: Argentina Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 207: Argentina Historic Review for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 208: Argentina 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 209: Argentina Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by End-Use - Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 210: Argentina Historic Review for PET Bottles by End-Use - Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 211: Argentina 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by End-Use - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 212: Brazil Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 213: Brazil Historic Review for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 214: Brazil 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 215: Brazil Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 216: Brazil Historic Review for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 217: Brazil 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 218: Brazil Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by End-Use - Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 219: Brazil Historic Review for PET Bottles by End-Use - Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 220: Brazil 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by End-Use - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 221: Mexico Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 222: Mexico Historic Review for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 223: Mexico 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 224: Mexico Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 225: Mexico Historic Review for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 226: Mexico 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 227: Mexico Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by End-Use - Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 228: Mexico Historic Review for PET Bottles by End-Use - Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 229: Mexico 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by End-Use - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 230: Rest of Latin America Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 231: Rest of Latin America Historic Review for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 232: Rest of Latin America 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 233: Rest of Latin America Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 234: Rest of Latin America Historic Review for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 235: Rest of Latin America 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 236: Rest of Latin America Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by End-Use - Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 237: Rest of Latin America Historic Review for PET Bottles by End-Use - Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 238: Rest of Latin America 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by End-Use - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • PET Bottles Market Presence - Strong/Active/Niche/Trivial - Key Competitors in Middle East for 2024 (E)
    • TABLE 239: Middle East Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by Geographic Region - Iran, Israel, Saudi Arabia, UAE and Rest of Middle East Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 240: Middle East Historic Review for PET Bottles by Geographic Region - Iran, Israel, Saudi Arabia, UAE and Rest of Middle East Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 241: Middle East 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by Geographic Region - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Iran, Israel, Saudi Arabia, UAE and Rest of Middle East Markets for Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 242: Middle East Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 243: Middle East Historic Review for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 244: Middle East 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 245: Middle East Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 246: Middle East Historic Review for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 247: Middle East 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 248: Middle East Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by End-Use - Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 249: Middle East Historic Review for PET Bottles by End-Use - Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 250: Middle East 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by End-Use - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
  • IRAN
    • TABLE 251: Iran Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 252: Iran Historic Review for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 253: Iran 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 254: Iran Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 255: Iran Historic Review for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 256: Iran 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 257: Iran Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by End-Use - Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 258: Iran Historic Review for PET Bottles by End-Use - Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 259: Iran 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by End-Use - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 260: Israel Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 261: Israel Historic Review for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 262: Israel 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 263: Israel Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 264: Israel Historic Review for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 265: Israel 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 266: Israel Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by End-Use - Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 267: Israel Historic Review for PET Bottles by End-Use - Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 268: Israel 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by End-Use - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 269: Saudi Arabia Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 270: Saudi Arabia Historic Review for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 271: Saudi Arabia 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 272: Saudi Arabia Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 273: Saudi Arabia Historic Review for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 274: Saudi Arabia 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 275: Saudi Arabia Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by End-Use - Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 276: Saudi Arabia Historic Review for PET Bottles by End-Use - Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 277: Saudi Arabia 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by End-Use - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 278: UAE Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 279: UAE Historic Review for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 280: UAE 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 281: UAE Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 282: UAE Historic Review for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 283: UAE 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 284: UAE Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by End-Use - Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 285: UAE Historic Review for PET Bottles by End-Use - Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 286: UAE 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by End-Use - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 287: Rest of Middle East Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 288: Rest of Middle East Historic Review for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 289: Rest of Middle East 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 290: Rest of Middle East Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 291: Rest of Middle East Historic Review for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 292: Rest of Middle East 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 293: Rest of Middle East Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by End-Use - Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 294: Rest of Middle East Historic Review for PET Bottles by End-Use - Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 295: Rest of Middle East 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by End-Use - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • PET Bottles Market Presence - Strong/Active/Niche/Trivial - Key Competitors in Africa for 2024 (E)
    • TABLE 296: Africa Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 297: Africa Historic Review for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 298: Africa 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by Bottle Capacity - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Medium Capacity, High Capacity and Low Capacity for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 299: Africa Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 300: Africa Historic Review for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 301: Africa 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by Bottle Color - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Transparent PET Bottles and Colored PET Bottles for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030
    • TABLE 302: Africa Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for PET Bottles by End-Use - Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for the Years 2023 through 2030 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 303: Africa Historic Review for PET Bottles by End-Use - Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses Markets - Independent Analysis of Annual Sales in US$ Million for Years 2014 through 2022 and % CAGR
    • TABLE 304: Africa 16-Year Perspective for PET Bottles by End-Use - Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Food & Beverages End-Use, Personal Care Products End-Use, Household Care Products End-Use and Other End-Uses for the Years 2014, 2024 & 2030