2024-2032 年按操作类型、玻璃类型、组件、最终用途和地区分類的节能窗户市场报告Energy Efficient Windows Market Report by Operating Type, Glazing Type, Component, End Use, and Region 2024-2032 |
IMARC Group年,全球节能窗市场规模达到212.186亿美元。该市场正在经历显着成长,主要受到各种技术进步、消费者意识不断提高和政府激励措施的推动。对永续建筑材料的需求不断增长以及严格的能源效率标准的广泛采用进一步推动了市场的成长。
竞争格局:节能窗产业的一些主要市场参与者包括 Andersen Corporation、Builders Firstsource Inc.、Deceuninck NV、JELD-WEN Inc.、Marvin、Masco Corporation、PGT Innovations Inc.、Ply Gem Residential Solutions(Cornerstone Building) Brands Inc .)、Schott AG、瑞好集团、VKR Holding A/S 和YKK Corporation 等。
绿色建筑认证的需求不断增长正在推动节能窗户的采用,这在实现永续发展目标方面发挥着至关重要的作用。这些认证鼓励使用可透过提高热性能显着降低能耗的窗户,从而降低暖气和冷气需求。增强的热性能有助于减少碳足迹,因为建筑物需要更少的能源(通常来自化石燃料)。这种向永续建筑实践的转变支持环境保护,并为全球应对气候变迁的努力做出贡献。例如,田纳西州一家工厂的工人正在生产智慧窗户以应对气候变迁。窗户会自动着色以调节光和热,从而减少 20% 的能源需求。 《通货膨胀减少法案》提供税收抵免来推广这项技术。智慧窗户已安装在机场和办公大楼等不同地点,提供凉爽的环境并节省能源。
政府法规透过实施严格的建筑规范和能源效率标准来推动节能窗户市场的发展,这些标准和标准强制要求在新建和翻新工程中使用此类窗户。例如,2024 年 4 月,拜登政府为新的联邦经济适用房屋建设引入了更新的能源效率标准,旨在每年为低收入租户和房主节省数百万美元。新标准每年影响估计 15 万个新单元,预计每个家庭每年平均节省 963 美元,总计节省 7,300 万美元。一些部门的反对表明了对建筑成本增加的担忧。此外,税收抵免、回扣和其他经济激励措施的提供鼓励房主和建筑商投资节能窗户。这些激励措施使初始成本更易于管理,并促进长期节能,与减少能源消耗和尽量减少环境影响的更广泛目标保持一致。这种监管支持对于广泛采用和市场成长至关重要。
IMARC Group提供了每个细分市场的主要趋势分析,以及 2024-2032 年全球、区域和国家层面的预测。我们的报告根据操作类型、玻璃类型、组件和最终用途对市场进行了分类。
遮阳窗因其卓越的隔热和通风能力而在节能窗市场份额中占据主导地位。这些窗户位于顶部并向外打开,可提供良好的气流,同时保持能源效率。例如,遮阳篷有助于减少太阳得热,朝南的窗户可减少高达 65% 的太阳热量,朝西的窗户可减少高达 75% 的太阳热量,从而使夏季空调使用量减少 20%。精心打造的可伸缩遮阳篷还可以透过允许免费的太阳能加热进入空间来在冬季节省能源。它们的设计可防止打开时雨水进入,使其成为各种天气条件的理想选择。遮阳篷样式透过降低暖气和冷气成本,显着节省能源。它们的受欢迎程度源于美学吸引力、功能优势以及对永续建筑实践的贡献,使它们成为住宅和商业应用的首选。
由于其卓越的隔热性能,双层玻璃占据了最大的节能窗户市场。双层玻璃窗由两块以空气或充气空间隔开的玻璃板组成,可显着减少热传递,进而提高建筑物的能源效率。这种设计最大限度地减少了冬季的热量损失,并在夏季保持室内凉爽,从而大大节省了供暖和冷却成本。日益增强的环保意识、严格的建筑规范以及对永续建筑实践的需求推动了双层玻璃的广泛采用,使其成为节能窗户解决方案的首选。例如,英国政府提供多项拨款和计划,帮助房主和租户升级到节能双层玻璃窗。英格兰的住房升级计划 (HUG2)、苏格兰家庭能源补助和贷款计划以及北爱尔兰的平价取暖计划为低收入家庭提供资金。虽然威尔斯没有特定的双层玻璃补助金,但 Nest 计划为其他节能家居改善提供支援。房主还可以探索绿色交易贷款、巴克莱绿色家居奖励以及窗户安装商融资等选项,以降低新窗户的成本。
由于框架在整体窗户性能中发挥关键作用,因此它代表了节能窗户市场的主导部分。由 uPVC、玻璃纤维和复合材料等材料製成的高品质框架可提供卓越的隔热性能,减少热桥并提高能源效率。先进的框架设计结合了多个腔室和隔热装置,以提高其绝缘性能。对永续建筑解决方案和更严格的能源规范的需求不断增长,推动了节能框架的采用,使其成为最大限度提高窗户热性能和节能的关键组成部分。
北美在节能窗户市场上处于领先地位,由于多种因素,占据了最大的市场份额。该地区严格的能源效率法规和建筑规范推动了节能窗户的采用。例如,2023 年 5 月,拜登政府宣布了联邦资助住宅的新建筑能源标准,为家庭节省 35% 以上的能源。该计划包括更新的建筑规范和 8.3 亿美元的清洁能源建筑改造基金。白宫希望这些措施能减少碳排放并降低能源成本。政府也鼓励州政府和金融机构支持这些措施的采用和融资。此外,消费者对永续建筑实践的高度认识和需求也有助于市场成长。政府对节能家居改善的诱因和回扣进一步推动了这一趋势。主要市场参与者的存在和窗户技术的进步对于维持北美在节能窗户领域的市场领先地位也发挥着重要作用。
市场研究报告也对市场竞争格局进行了全面分析。也提供了所有主要公司的详细资料。节能窗户产业的一些主要市场参与者包括 Andersen Corporation、Builders Firstsource Inc.、Deceuninck NV、JELD-WEN Inc.、Marvin、Masco Corporation、PGT Innovations Inc.、Ply Gem Residential Solutions (Cornerstone Building Brands Inc.) )、 Schott AG、瑞好集团、VKR Holding A/S 和YKK Corporation。
节能门窗市场竞争激烈,Andersen Corporation、JELD-WEN、Pella Corporation 和 Marvin Windows and Doors 等主要参与者处于行业领先地位。这些公司专注于创新,提供智慧窗户和低辐射玻璃等先进产品。较小的区域参与者也透过满足特定的市场需求和偏好做出贡献。竞争策略包括扩大产品组合、增强分销网络以及利用政府对永续产品的激励措施。市场不断投资研发以提高能源效率和永续性,旨在满足严格的建筑规范和消费者对环保解决方案的需求。
2024 年 6 月,Andersen Global 透过与 Celen Corporate Property Valuation & Counseling Inc. 达成合作协议,在土耳其进行扩张。 Celen 拥有 50 年的经验,为土耳其和全球客户提供全面的评估服务。 Andersen Global 董事长 Mark L. Vorsatz 对这项合作表达了热情,强调了 Celen 致力于在估值领域提供一流的客户服务和专业知识。
2023年4月,全球建筑产品製造商JELD-WEN最终以约6.88亿澳元的价格将其澳洲业务出售给Platinum Equity。此举符合 JELD-WEN 优化股东价值和简化营运的策略。该交易预计将于 2023 年第三季完成,将使 JELD-WEN 能够专注于债务削减。 Platinum Equity 在企业分拆方面拥有丰富的经验,并看到了澳洲业务的广阔前景。欲了解更多信息,请访问 JELD-WEN 网站。
The global energy efficient windows market size reached US$ 21,218.6 Million in 2023. Looking forward, IMARC Group expects the market to reach US$ 40,640.3 Million by 2032, exhibiting a growth rate (CAGR) of 7.3% during 2024-2032. The market is experiencing significant growth mainly driven by the various technological advancements, the rising consumer awareness and government incentives. The rising demand for sustainable building materials and the widespread adoption of strict energy efficiency standards further propel the market growth.
Major Market Drivers: Key market drivers include the rising consumer awareness of energy savings and environmental benefits which propels the demand for sustainable building materials. Government regulations and incentives like stringent building codes and tax rebates further encourages the adoption of energy efficient windows. Technological advancements like smart windows and enhanced glazing techniques improves the overall performance an appeal of energy efficient windows. Furthermore, the rising trend of green building certification and the emphasis on reducing carbon footprints is also contributing positively to the energy efficient windows market growth.
Key Market Trends: Key market trends include the technological advancements such as windows with electrochromic and thermochromic features. There is also a growing emphasis on sustainability with increased demand for green building certifications and ecofriendly construction practices. Government incentives and strict building codes further promote the adoption of energy efficient windows across the world. Enhanced glazing techniques and improved materials contribute to better insulation and energy savings while rising the consumer awareness of environmental benefits further boosts the energy efficient windows demand across the world.
Geographical Trends: North America leading the market mainly due to its strict building codes and high consumer awareness. Europe follows by closely with a strong demand driven by sustainability initiatives and government incentives. The Asia Pacific region is also experiencing the rapid growth, mainly driven by the rapid urbanization and infrastructure development across the region. Emerging economies in Latin America and the Middle East are also witnessing rising adoption due to economic growth and evolving construction standards. These regional trends highlight diverse growth drivers and market dynamics across different parts of the world.
Competitive Landscape: Some of the major market players in the energy efficient windows industry include Andersen Corporation, Builders Firstsource Inc., Deceuninck NV, JELD-WEN Inc., Marvin, Masco Corporation, PGT Innovations Inc., Ply Gem Residential Solutions (Cornerstone Building Brands Inc.), Schott AG, The REHAU Group, VKR Holding A/S and YKK Corporation, among many others.
Challenges and Opportunities: The market faces various challenges like high initial costs and lack of consumer awareness in some regions. However, there are some significant opportunities as well which includes the government incentives, rising consumer demand for sustainable building materials and technological advancements in smart window technologies. Nowadays as regulatory standards become stricter and urbanization is on the rise across emerging economies, the market is set to experience a significant growth. Rising focus on reducing carbon footprints and energy consumption further propels the adoption of energy efficient windows thereby creating a positive outlook for the energy efficient windows market growth.
Technological Advancements
Technological advancements in energy-efficient windows include the development of smart windows with electrochromic and thermochromic technologies, which adjust their tint in response to light and temperature, respectively, enhancing indoor comfort and energy efficiency. Enhanced glazing techniques, such as double or triple glazing with low-emissivity coatings, improve insulation by minimizing heat transfer. For instance, low-e glass is energy-efficient glazing designed to minimize heat transfer while maximizing natural light. It reflects heat back into buildings during winter and deflects it in summer, contributing to reduced energy costs. Ideal for various Australian climates, it maintains balanced thermal performance, reducing heating and cooling expenses while preserving natural light. Additionally, the use of advanced materials like argon or krypton gas fills between glass panes and improved thermal spacers further boosts energy savings, reducing heating and cooling costs for buildings.
Rising Focus on Sustainability and Environmental Impact
The rising demand for green building certifications is driving the adoption of energy-efficient windows, which play a crucial role in achieving sustainability goals. These certifications encourage the use of windows that significantly reduce energy consumption by improving thermal performance, thereby lowering heating and cooling needs. Enhanced thermal performance helps in reducing carbon footprints, as buildings require less energy, often derived from fossil fuels. This shift towards sustainable construction practices supports environmental conservation and contributes to the global effort to combat climate change. For instance, workers in a Tennessee factory are producing smart windows to combat climate change. The windows automatically tint to regulate light and heat, cutting energy needs by 20%. The Inflation Reduction Act provides tax credits to promote this technology. Smart windows have been installed in various locations, including airports and office buildings, offering cooler environments and energy savings.
Favorable Government Regulations and Incentives
Government regulations are driving the energy-efficient windows market through the implementation of stringent building codes and energy efficiency standards that mandate the use of such windows in new constructions and renovations. For instance, in April 2024, the Biden administration introduced updated energy efficiency standards for new federal affordable housing construction, aiming to save lower-income renters and homeowners millions of dollars annually. The new standards, impacting an estimated 150,000 new units each year, are expected to result in average annual savings of $963 per household and a total savings of $73 million. Opposition from some sectors suggests concerns about increased construction costs. Additionally, the availability of tax credits, rebates, and other financial incentives encourages homeowners and builders to invest in energy-efficient windows. These incentives make the initial costs more manageable and promote long-term energy savings, aligning with broader goals of reducing energy consumption and minimizing environmental impact. This regulatory support is crucial for widespread adoption and market growth.
IMARC Group provides an analysis of the key trends in each segment of the market, along with forecasts at the global, regional, and country levels for 2024-2032. Our report has categorized the market based on operating type, glazing type, component and end use.
Awning accounts for the majority of the market share
The report has provided a detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the operating type. This includes awning, casement, double-hung, fixed, hopper and sliding. According to the report, awning represented the largest segment.
Awning windows dominate the energy efficient windows market share due to their superior insulation and ventilation capabilities. These windows, hinged at the top and opening outward, provide excellent airflow while maintaining energy efficiency. For instance, window awnings help reduce solar heat gain with up to 65% for south-facing windows and up to 75% for west-facing windows, resulting in a 20% decrease in air-conditioner usage during summer months. Well-built retractable awnings can also provide energy savings in winter by allowing free solar heating to enter the space. Their design prevents rain from entering while open, making them ideal for various weather conditions. The awning style contributes significantly to energy savings by reducing heating and cooling costs. Their popularity is driven by the combination of aesthetic appeal, functional advantages, and contribution to sustainable building practices, making them a preferred choice in both residential and commercial applications.
Double Glazing
Triple Glazing
Double Glazing holds the largest share of the industry
A detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the glazing type have also been provided in the report. This includes double glazing, triple glazing and others. According to the report, double glazing accounted for the largest market share.
Double glazing holds the largest energy efficient windows market share due to its superior thermal insulation properties. Consisting of two glass panes separated by an air or gas-filled space, double-glazed windows significantly reduce heat transfer, enhancing energy efficiency in buildings. This design minimizes heat loss in winter and keeps interiors cooler in summer, leading to substantial energy savings on heating and cooling costs. The widespread adoption of double glazing is driven by growing environmental awareness, stringent building codes, and the demand for sustainable construction practices, making it the preferred choice for energy-efficient window solutions. For Instance, the UK government offers several grants and schemes to help homeowners and tenants upgrade to energy-efficient double glazed windows. The Home Upgrade Scheme (HUG2) in England, the Home Energy Scotland Grant and Loan scheme, and the Affordable Warmth Scheme in Northern Ireland provide funding for low-income households. While there are no specific double glazing grants in Wales, the Nest scheme offers support for other energy-efficient home improvements. Homeowners can also explore options like the Green Deal Loan, Barclays Greener Home Reward, and financing from window installers to reduce the cost of new windows.
Frame represents the leading market segment
The report has provided a detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the component. This includes frame, glass and hardware. According to the report, frame represented the largest segment.
Frames represent the leading segment in the energy-efficient windows market due to their critical role in overall window performance. High-quality frames made from materials such as uPVC, fiberglass, and composite materials provide superior insulation, reducing thermal bridging and enhancing energy efficiency. Advanced frame designs incorporate multiple chambers and thermal breaks to improve their insulating properties. The increasing demand for sustainable building solutions and stricter energy codes drive the adoption of energy-efficient frames, making them a pivotal component in maximizing the thermal performance and energy savings of windows.
Residential exhibits a clear dominance in the market
A detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the end use have also been provided in the report. This includes residential and non-residential. According to the report, residential accounted for the largest market share.
The residential sector exhibits clear dominance in the energy-efficient windows market, driven by growing homeowner awareness of energy savings and environmental benefits. With rising energy costs, homeowners are increasingly adopting energy-efficient windows to reduce heating and cooling expenses. Government incentives and rebates for energy-efficient home improvements further boost this trend. Additionally, the emphasis on sustainable living and green building practices has led to higher demand for such windows in new constructions and renovations. The residential sector's focus on enhancing home comfort and reducing energy consumption significantly propels its market leadership.
North America
United States
South Korea
United Kingdom
Latin America
Middle East and Africa
North America leads the market, accounting for the largest energy efficient windows market share
The report has also provided a comprehensive analysis of all the major regional markets, which include North America (the United States and Canada); Europe (Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Russia, and others); Asia Pacific (China, Japan, India, South Korea, Australia, Indonesia, and others); Latin America (Brazil, Mexico, and others); and the Middle East and Africa. According to the report, North America represents the largest regional market for energy efficient windows.
North America leads the energy-efficient windows market, accounting for the largest market share due to several factors. The region's stringent energy efficiency regulations and building codes drive the adoption of energy-efficient windows. For instance, in May 2023, the Biden administration announced new building energy standards for federally financed homes, aiming for over 35% energy savings for families. This plan includes updated building codes and an $830 million fund for clean-energy building retrofits. The White House expects these measures to reduce carbon emissions and lower energy costs. The administration is also encouraging state governments and financial institutions to support the adoption and financing of these initiatives. Additionally, high consumer awareness and demand for sustainable building practices contribute to market growth. Government incentives and rebates for energy-efficient home improvements further boost this trend. The presence of key market players and advancements in window technology also play significant roles in maintaining North America's market leadership in the energy-efficient windows sector.
The market research report has also provided a comprehensive analysis of the competitive landscape in the market. Detailed profiles of all major companies have also been provided. Some of the major market players in the energy efficient windows industry include Andersen Corporation, Builders Firstsource Inc., Deceuninck NV, JELD-WEN Inc., Marvin, Masco Corporation, PGT Innovations Inc., Ply Gem Residential Solutions (Cornerstone Building Brands Inc.), Schott AG, The REHAU Group, VKR Holding A/S and YKK Corporation.
(Please note that this is only a partial list of the key players, and the complete list is provided in the report.)
The energy-efficient windows market is highly competitive, with major players like Andersen Corporation, JELD-WEN, Pella Corporation, and Marvin Windows and Doors leading the industry. These companies focus on innovation, offering advanced products like smart windows and low-emissivity glazing. Smaller regional players also contribute by addressing specific market needs and preferences. Competitive strategies include expanding product portfolios, enhancing distribution networks, and leveraging government incentives for sustainable products. The market sees continuous investment in research and development to improve energy efficiency and sustainability, aiming to meet stringent building codes and consumer demand for eco-friendly solutions.
In June 2024, Andersen Global expanded in Turkey through a collaboration agreement with Celen Corporate Property Valuation & Counseling Inc. The partnership adds valuation resources to the organization's existing tax and legal capabilities. With 50 years of experience, Celen offers comprehensive valuation services to Turkish and global clients. Andersen Global's Chairman, Mark L. Vorsatz, expresses enthusiasm about the collaboration, highlighting Celen's commitment to providing top-notch client service and expertise in the valuation sector.
In April 2023, JELD-WEN, a global building products manufacturer, finalized the sale of its Australasia business to Platinum Equity for approximately AU$ 688 million. This move is in line with JELD-WEN's strategy to optimize shareholder value and streamline its operations. The transaction, expected to close in Q3 2023, will allow JELD-WEN to focus on debt reduction. Platinum Equity, with extensive experience in corporate carve-outs, sees promising opportunities in the Australasia business. For more information, visit JELD-WEN's website.